The Harvey Genealogist - Canada
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Canadian Coat of Arms
If you have research in Alberta, Canada be sure to take a look at the Genealogy Alberta pages from Traces. They are new and information will be added as time permits. At the moment you will find a partial index to the 1891 Census of the Alberta District, NWT and names with Military Connections from war memorials. Apart from the Census Index, all other material provided will relate to Calgary and the area south of that city. Plenty more is to follow, including: Indexes for cemeteries, funeral homes, obituaries etc. Full references may be obtained for a small lookup fee.


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Neither The Harvey Genealogist nor Ann Harvey Lahtinen may be held liable for incorrect or misleading information found on this website, nor for any consequences resulting from the use of any information found on The Harvey Genealogist site.

It is the responsibility of the user of this site to verify information against primary source documents before accepting as actual fact. The material contained in this website is obtained in a cooperative effort, and contain the merging of many contributors' data which often results in conflicting information. The law of averages dictates that there will be errors and ommissions.

We have made every effort to protect the privacy of living persons by attempting to eliminate the latest generations (primarily those born after 1930). Again, the law of averages dictate that, given the sheer bulk of information contained on this site, we will have missed some individuals.

The Harvey Genealogist Name and logo, including the cascade of Coats of Arms, may not be reproduced or edited by any means mechanical or electronic, in any form, without the express written permission of Ann Harvey Lahtinen.
Copyright 1996-1999, Ann Harvey Lahtinen

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