previous - go to surnames
Wilkins, Tiny (1856 - 1940)
b. 11 Sep 1856
d. 11 May 1940
father: Wilkins, Drury Smith(1830 - 1907)
mother: Lovelace, Eunice L(1832 - 1897)
spouse: Champion, C Mills (1856 - 1929)
----------child: Champion, Lloyd (1898 - 1903)
Wilkins, Zerviah "Sis" (*1864 - )
father: Wilkins, Drury Smith(1830 - 1907)
mother: Lovelace, Eunice L(1832 - 1897)
spouse: Huntley, George (*1860 - )
Williama, Anna (*1896 - )
spouse: Hamrick, Seymour Keith (1891 - 1974)
----------child: Hamrick, Fred O (1914 - )
----------child: Hamrick, Collett E "Chuck" (1917 - )
----------child: private
Williams, Alanson (*1855 - )
spouse: Blanton, Malinda (1859 - )
Williams, Amanda D (*1859 - )
spouse: Hamrick, Thomas Jefferson (1855 - 1946)
- m. 10 Jul 1883 in ,Jefferson,MO
----------child: Hamrick, Male (~1884 - )
----------child: Hamrick, Lutie (~1885 - )
----------child: Hamrick, Francis (1886 - )
Williams, Annie E (*1861 - )
spouse: Blanton, Junius (1858 - 1937)
----------child: Blanton, Blanche Elizabeth (1889 - 1943)
----------child: Blanton, Dolly M (1891 - )
----------child: Blanton, Alvin Lucian (1893 - )
----------child: Blanton, Leonard F (1895 - )
Williams, Beckie (*1838 - )
spouse: Fitzwater, Jilson John Wesley (1834 - 1895)
Williams, Branty (*1876 - )
spouse: Shaver, Nettie (1880 - )
Williams, Charles Pinkerton (1829 - 1899)
b. 14 Sep 1829 in ,Clinton,OH
d. 29 Oct 1899 in Keokuk,Lee,IA
father: Williams, Fountaine(*1789 - 1812)
mother: Hamrick, Nancy(1789 - )
Williams, David (1828 - )
b. 23 Jun 1828 in ,Grant,IN
father: Williams, Fountaine(*1789 - 1812)
mother: Hamrick, Nancy(1789 - )
spouse: Bradford, Mary Carolyn (*1830 - )
- m. 1849 in ,Grant,IN
Williams, Earl (*1918 - )
spouse: Hamrick, Mary Ethel (1922 - 1993)
Williams, Earl Hamrick (1907 - 1939)
b. 26 Dec 1907 in ,Winston,MS
d. 1 Mar 1939 in ,Jones,MS
father: Williams, Henry Louis(1883 - 1940)
mother: Hamrick, Martha Louise "Mattie"(1877 - 1957)
Williams, Elisa (*1923 - )
spouse: Hamrick, Searcy Louis (1919 - 1955)
Williams, Erma (*1923 - )
spouse: Hamrick, Kenneth Ray (1919 - )
Williams, Ester (*1876 - )
spouse: Bridges, Summey (*1872 - )
Williams, Fountaine (*1789 - 1812)
b. in ,,GA
d. 1812 in ,Pittsylvania,VA
spouse: Hamrick, Nancy (1789 - )
- m. 24 Dec 1812 in ,Pittsylvania,VA
----------child: Williams, Name (1813 - )
----------child: Williams, Sarah Ann (1817 - 1891)
----------child: Williams, John David (1819 - 1865)
----------child: Williams, Name (1822 - )
----------child: Willims, Name (1825 - )
----------child: Williams, David (1828 - )
----------child: Williams, Charles Pinkerton (1829 - 1899)
----------child: Williams, Margaret (1851 - )
Williams, Frank (~1859 - )
b. Abt 1859 in ,,TX
spouse: Hamrick, Alice (1863 - )
----------child: Williams, Lannie (1885 - )
----------child: Williams, Mattie (1888 - 1965)
----------child: Williams, Frankie (1892 - )
Williams, Frank Young (1883 - 1968)
b. 11 Mar 1883 in ,,NC
d. 16 Dec 1968
spouse: Hamrick, Maude Edwina (1888 - 1978)
- m. 1 Mar 1910 in ,,NC
Williams, Frankie (1892 - )
b. Jun 1892
father: Williams, Frank(~1859 - )
mother: Hamrick, Alice(1863 - )
Williams, Grace (~1894 - )
b. Abt 1894
spouse: Hamrick, James (1890 - )
Williams, Henry Louis (1883 - 1940)
b. 23 May 1883 in ,Carroll,GA
d. 8 Jan 1940 in ,Jones,MS
spouse: Hamrick, Martha Louise "Mattie" (1877 - 1957)
- m. 17 Dec 1905 in ,Winston,AL
----------child: Williams, Susie Lou Low (1906 - 1995)
----------child: Williams, Earl Hamrick (1907 - 1939)
----------child: Williams, Louis Alvis (1909 - 1991)
----------child: Williams, Ottie Beatrice (1910 - )
----------child: Williams, Travis Albert (1913 - )
Williams, Hubert Scott (~1920 - )
b. Est 1920
spouse: Dawson, Pearl Lorraine (1921 - )
- m. 27 Nov 1943
Williams, James Leander (1859 - )
b. 31 Jan 1859 in ,Lewis,KY
father: Williams, Thomas(*1815 - )
mother: Hamrick, Catherine(1818 - 1844)
Williams, Jess Dial (*1888 - )
spouse: Camplain, Grace Agness "Granny Grace" (1892 - 1895)
- m. 30 Jun 1912 in ,San Saba,TX
Williams, John David (1819 - 1865)
b. 1819 in ,,VA
d. 10 Jun 1865 in ,Clinton,OH
father: Williams, Fountaine(*1789 - 1812)
mother: Hamrick, Nancy(1789 - )
Williams, John H (*1848 - )
spouse: Cook, Jennie (1853 - )
- m. Aft 1870
Williams, Julietta (1856 - )
b. 24 Jul 1856 in ,Lewis,KY
father: Williams, Thomas(*1815 - )
mother: Hamrick, Catherine(1818 - 1844)
Williams, Lannie (1885 - )
b. Jun 1885
father: Williams, Frank(~1859 - )
mother: Hamrick, Alice(1863 - )
Williams, Lawson (*1903 - )
spouse: Hamrick, Viola (1907 - 1983)
----------child: private
----------child: private
Williams, Lenna (*1893 - )
spouse: King, Robus (*1889 - )
Williams, Lonnie Cecil (1907 - )
b. 11 May 1907
spouse: Hamrick, Abendith (1909 - )
- m. 24 Mar 1928
Williams, Lorenzo (~1849 - )
b. Abt 1849 in ,Lewis,KY
father: Williams, Thomas(*1815 - )
mother: Hamrick, Catherine(1818 - 1844)
Williams, Louis Alvis (1909 - 1991)
b. 10 Mar 1909 in Addison,Winston,AL
d. 5 Apr 1991 in Laurel,Jones,MS
father: Williams, Henry Louis(1883 - 1940)
mother: Hamrick, Martha Louise "Mattie"(1877 - 1957)
Williams, Louisa (~1852 - )
b. Abt 1852 in ,Lewis,KY
father: Williams, Thomas(*1815 - )
mother: Hamrick, Catherine(1818 - 1844)
Williams, Margaret (1851 - )
b. 1851 in ,,OH
father: Williams, Fountaine(*1789 - 1812)
mother: Hamrick, Nancy(1789 - )
Williams, Martha J "Mattie" (*1866 - )
spouse: Blanton, William Rufus (~1857 - )
- m. 1887 in ,Lincoln,NC
Williams, Mary Ann (*1849 - )
spouse: Cook, James Jefferson (1846 - 1897)
- m. 19 Dec 1867 in ,Pike,GA
----------child: Cook, Ira Greenlee (*1881 - )
Williams, Mary F (~1842 - )
b. Abt 1842 in ,Lewis,KY
father: Williams, Thomas(*1815 - )
mother: Hamrick, Catherine(1818 - 1844)
Williams, Mattie (1888 - 1965)
b. 11 Aug 1888
d. 20 Mar 1965
father: Williams, Frank(~1859 - )
mother: Hamrick, Alice(1863 - )
Williams, Mavis Frances (1918 - )
b. 1 Jan 1918 in ,Jasper,MS
spouse: Williams, Travis Albert (1913 - )
- m. 26 Feb 1936 in ,Jones,MS
Williams, May Mildred (1875 - )
b. Sep 1875 in ,,TX
spouse: Jolley, James Featherston William Asbury (1869 - 1949)
Williams, Murdock (*1898 - )
spouse: Hamrick, Bessie Lanore (1902 - 1952)
Williams, Name (1813 - )
b. 1813 in ,,VA
father: Williams, Fountaine(*1789 - 1812)
mother: Hamrick, Nancy(1789 - )
Williams, Name (*1817 - )
spouse: Jones, Wilson McKinney (1813 - 1854)
Williams, Name (1822 - )
b. 1822 in ,Clinton,OH
father: Williams, Fountaine(*1789 - 1812)
mother: Hamrick, Nancy(1789 - )
Williams, Name (*1900 - )
spouse: Hogan, Lydia Portia "Lyda" (1904 - )
Williams, Ottie Beatrice (1910 - )
b. 26 Dec 1910
father: Williams, Henry Louis(1883 - 1940)
mother: Hamrick, Martha Louise "Mattie"(1877 - 1957)
Williams, Richard (*1778 - )
spouse: Hamrick, Nancy (1781 - )
- m. 25 Jun 1803 in ,Mason,KY
Williams, Richard Washington (1838 - )
b. 1838
spouse: Terrell, Amanda (1838 - ~1906)
- m. 1858 in ,Pike,GA
Williams, Rosa (~1893 - )
b. Est 1893
spouse: Hamrick, Oscar Newton "Shorty" (1891 - 1964)
- m. 19 Jan 1913
----------child: Hamrick, Dolly Macel (1914 - )
----------child: Hamrick, Clifford Roscoe (1916 - ~1960)
----------child: Hamrick, Opal Virginia (1919 - )
----------child: Hamrick, Clarence Burl (1921 - )
----------child: Hamrick, Clifton E (1923 - 1954)
----------child: Hamrick, Cecil G (1924 - ~1974)
----------child: private
Williams, Samuel (~1842 - )
b. Abt 1842 in ,,VA
spouse: Hamrick, Mary Virginia (1842 - 1926)
Williams, Sarah (*1843 - )
spouse: Hamrick, Charles Jackson (1843 - 1862)
- m. 27 Feb 1862 in ,Calhoun,AL
Williams, Sarah (1924 - 1970)
b. 19 May 1924
d. 24 Sep 1970
spouse: Putnam, Ezra Lee (1917 - )
Williams, Sarah Ann (1817 - 1891)
b. 1817 in ,Pittyslvania,VA
d. 29 Dec 1891 in ,Keokuk,VA
father: Williams, Fountaine(*1789 - 1812)
mother: Hamrick, Nancy(1789 - )
spouse: Achor, George (*1827 - )
- m. 13 Nov 1864 in ,Highland,OH
Williams, Sarah E (~1844 - )
b. Abt 1844 in ,Lewis,KY
father: Williams, Thomas(*1815 - )
mother: Hamrick, Catherine(1818 - 1844)
Williams, Susanna (*1866 - )
spouse: McSwain, Lenard (*1862 - )
Williams, Susie Lou Low (1906 - 1995)
b. 30 Sep 1906 in ,Winston,AL
d. 12 May 1995 in ,Jones,MS
father: Williams, Henry Louis(1883 - 1940)
mother: Hamrick, Martha Louise "Mattie"(1877 - 1957)
Williams, Thomas (*1815 - )
spouse: Hamrick, Catherine (1818 - 1844)
- m. 5 Feb 1840 in ,Lewis,KY
----------child: Williams, Thomas R (~1841 - )
----------child: Williams, Mary F (~1842 - )
----------child: Williams, Sarah E (~1844 - )
----------child: Wiilliams, Martha A (1846 - )
----------child: Williams, Lorenzo (~1849 - )
----------child: Williams, Louisa (~1852 - )
----------child: Williams, Julietta (1856 - )
----------child: Williams, James Leander (1859 - )
Williams, Thomas R (~1841 - )
b. Abt 1841 in ,Lewis,KY
father: Williams, Thomas(*1815 - )
mother: Hamrick, Catherine(1818 - 1844)
Williams, Thomas Virgil (*1908 - )
spouse: Hamrick, Goldie Allice "Golda" (1912 - 1966)
Williams, Travis Albert (1913 - )
b. 7 Feb 1913 in ,Winston,AL
father: Williams, Henry Louis(1883 - 1940)
mother: Hamrick, Martha Louise "Mattie"(1877 - 1957)
spouse: Williams, Mavis Frances (1918 - )
- m. 26 Feb 1936 in ,Jones,MS
Williams, William (*1874 - )
spouse: Wright, Hannah Margaret (*1878 - )
Williams, William Washington (~1830 - )
b. Est 1830
spouse: Terrell, Amanda (1838 - ~1906)
- m. Est 1858 in ,Pike,GA
Williamson, Benjamin Franklin (*1865 - )
spouse: Bridges, Rebecca Aria (1869 - )
Williamson, Clementine "Tiny" (1853 - 1933)
b. 4 Oct 1853 in ,Lauderdale,MS
d. 1 Apr 1933 in ,Lauderdale,MS
spouse: Hamrick, James Madison "Jim" (1845 - 1929)
- m. 26 Oct 1868 in ,Lauderdale,MS
----------child: Hamrick, Minnie (~1871 - )
----------child: Hamrick, Joseph Thomas (~1873 - ~1907)
----------child: Hamrick, John (~1875 - ~1900)
----------child: Hamrick, Benjamin (~1877 - ~1900)
----------child: Hamrick, Clementine (~1879 - ~1900)
----------child: Hamrick, Ollie (~1883 - ~1900)
----------child: Hamrick, William Lee (~1885 - )
----------child: Hamrick, Maude (~1887 - )
Williamson, Everett William (*1885 - )
father: Williamson, Unknown(*1850 - )
mother: Houston, Margaret F "Maggie"(1854 - 1940)
Williamson, George P (*1892 - )
spouse: Oliver, Eunice (1895 - )
- m. 28 Oct 1916 in Childress,Childress,TX
Williamson, John W (~1818 - )
b. Est 1818 in ,Rankin,MS
spouse: Hamrick, Mary Ann "Polly Ann" (~1822 - )
Williamson, June (*1921 - )
spouse: Hamrick, Robert D (1917 - )
- m. 31 May 1942
Williamson, June (*1922 - )
spouse: Hamrick, Robert D (1917 - 1974)
- m. 31 May 1942 in Williamsburg,Jefferson,IL
Williamson, Kate (*1900 - )
spouse: Oliver, Charles Spurgeon (1897 - 1975)
- m. 6 Dec 1919 in ,,TX
Williamson, Samuel (*1905 - )
spouse: Hamrick, Velna M (1910 - 1990)
- m. 21 Jan 1929
Williamson, Sarah Emily (*1846 - )
spouse: Shipley, Lewis Francis (1844 - 1898)
- m. 9 Sep 1869
----------child: Shipley, Frances Marion (1871 - 1893)
----------child: Shipley, Jay Williamson (1872 - 1941)
----------child: Shipley, Charlotte (1880 - 1960)
Williamson, Sarah George "Georgia" (*1878 - )
b. in Providence,Lexington,SC
d. in Sumter,Sumter,SC
spouse: Wray, Chevas Linton (1868 - 1916)
- m. 1 Aug 1900
Williamson, Unknown (*1850 - )
spouse: Houston, Margaret F "Maggie" (1854 - 1940)
----------child: Williamson, Everett William (*1885 - )
Williamson, Wade (*1862 - )
spouse: Hamrick, Mary (~1866 - )
Williamson, Wilburn Worth (*1915 - )
spouse: Hamrick, Sadie Moore (*1919 - )
Willims, Name (1825 - )
b. 1825 in ,Clinton,OH
father: Williams, Fountaine(*1789 - 1812)
mother: Hamrick, Nancy(1789 - )
Willingham, Mary (*1878 - )
spouse: Hamrick, Will "Dock" (1874 - )
----------child: Hamrick, Essie (*1909 - )
----------child: Hamrick, Charles (*1909 - )
----------child: Hamrick, T A (*1909 - )
----------child: Amrick, Beatrice (*1909 - )
----------child: Hamrick, Ruth (*1909 - )
----------child: Hamrick, Ola (*1909 - )
----------child: Hamrick, Tommy (*1909 - )
----------child: Hamrick, Billy (*1909 - )
----------child: Hamrick, Mary (*1909 - )
Willis, C Allis T (~1853 - )
b. Est 1853
spouse: Landrum, Francis Christopher (*1856 - 1935)
- m. 7 Dec 1873 in ,Fulton,GA
Willis, Cora (*1881 - )
spouse: McMurry, Avery Winslow (*1877 - )
Willis, Eunice (*1879 - )
spouse: Conner, James (*1875 - )
Willis, James H (~1845 - )
b. Abt 1845 in ,Caswell,NC
father: Willis, Thomas H(~1823 - )
mother: Mitchell, Harriet R(~1826 - )
Willis, Miriam (~1827 - )
b. Est 1827 in ,,VA
spouse: Hamrick, Eli (~1828 - )
- m. 18 May 1847 in ,,VA
Willis, Thomas H (~1823 - )
b. Abt 1823 in ,Caswell,NC
spouse: Mitchell, Harriet R (~1826 - )
- m. 26 Sep 1844 in ,Caswell,NC
----------child: Willis, James H (~1845 - )
----------child: Willis, Thomas J (~1847 - )
----------child: Sillis, John K (~1848 - )
Willis, Thomas J (~1847 - )
b. Abt 1847 in ,Caswell,NC
father: Willis, Thomas H(~1823 - )
mother: Mitchell, Harriet R(~1826 - )
Willis, W R (*1848 - )
spouse: Hughes, Arena Craton (1852 - )
Wilmoth, Ann (1915 - )
b. 27 May 1915 in ,Clay,WV
father: Wilmoth, Ewell Henry(1863 - 1928)
mother: Boggs, Mary Elizabeth(1878 - 1965)
Wilmoth, Dayton (1910 - )
b. 11 Sep 1910 in ,Clay,WV
father: Wilmoth, Ewell Henry(1863 - 1928)
mother: Boggs, Mary Elizabeth(1878 - 1965)
spouse: Bragg, Elsie Hatie (1912 - )
Wilmoth, Edna (1917 - 1918)
b. 3 Aug 1917 in ,Clay,WV
d. 22 Apr 1918 in ,Clay,WV
father: Wilmoth, Ewell Henry(1863 - 1928)
mother: Boggs, Mary Elizabeth(1878 - 1965)
Wilmoth, Ewell Henry (1863 - 1928)
b. 10 Apr 1863 in ,Randolph,WV
d. 12 Dec 1928 in ,Clay,WV
spouse: Boggs, Mary Elizabeth (1878 - 1965)
----------child: Wilmoth, William Walter (1899 - 1947)
----------child: Wilmoth, Lee (1902 - 1981)
----------child: Wilmoth, Goldie Edith (1903 - )
----------child: Wilmoth, Ira (1905 - )
----------child: Wilmoth, Ray (1907 - 1966)
----------child: Wilmoth, Dayton (1910 - )
----------child: Wilmoth, Jesse (1913 - )
----------child: Wilmoth, Ann (1915 - )
----------child: Wilmoth, Edna (1917 - 1918)
----------child: Wilmoth, Juanita (1922 - )
Wilmoth, Goldie Edith (1903 - )
b. 11 Jul 1903 in Ivydale,Clay,WV
father: Wilmoth, Ewell Henry(1863 - 1928)
mother: Boggs, Mary Elizabeth(1878 - 1965)
spouse: Frame, Carlton (1897 - 1972)
----------child: private
----------child: private
Wilmoth, Ira (1905 - )
b. 18 Oct 1905 in ,Clay,WV
father: Wilmoth, Ewell Henry(1863 - 1928)
mother: Boggs, Mary Elizabeth(1878 - 1965)
Wilmoth, Jesse (1913 - )
b. 11 Mar 1913 in ,Clay,WV
father: Wilmoth, Ewell Henry(1863 - 1928)
mother: Boggs, Mary Elizabeth(1878 - 1965)
Wilmoth, Juanita (1922 - )
b. 2 Apr 1922 in ,Clay,WV
father: Wilmoth, Ewell Henry(1863 - 1928)
mother: Boggs, Mary Elizabeth(1878 - 1965)
spouse: Bragg, Thomas Woodrow (1914 - )
Wilmoth, Lee (1902 - 1981)
b. 31 Mar 1902 in ,Clay,WV
d. 26 Jan 1981
father: Wilmoth, Ewell Henry(1863 - 1928)
mother: Boggs, Mary Elizabeth(1878 - 1965)
Wilmoth, Ray (1907 - 1966)
b. 2 Apr 1907 in ,Clay,WV
d. 28 Jun 1966
father: Wilmoth, Ewell Henry(1863 - 1928)
mother: Boggs, Mary Elizabeth(1878 - 1965)
Wilmoth, William Walter (1899 - 1947)
b. 13 Dec 1899 in ,Clay,WV
d. 8 Jan 1947
father: Wilmoth, Ewell Henry(1863 - 1928)
mother: Boggs, Mary Elizabeth(1878 - 1965)
Wilson, Aaron Burr (1892 - ~1899)
b. 5 Sep 1892 in ,Nicholas,WV
d. Est 1899
father: Wilson, Daniel(1859 - )
mother: Hamrick, Mary Elizabeth(1862 - 1952)
spouse: Rule, Maggie (~1893 - )
Wilson, Alecy (1815 - )
b. 1815
spouse: Hamrick, William (1823 - )
----------child: Hamrick, Susan (1834 - )
----------child: Hamrick, Nancy (1837 - )
----------child: Hamrick, Sely (1839 - )
Wilson, Alexander (*1874 - )
spouse: Conner, Martha Jane (*1878 - )
Wilson, Allie (*1859 - )
spouse: Green, Wayde Hill (*1855 - 1983)
- m. 1881 in ,Cleveland,NC
----------child: Green, Clarence S (1882 - 1897)
----------child: Green, Doctor E (1884 - 1886)
----------child: Green, Dora (1886 - )
----------child: Green, L Furman (1888 - 1961)
----------child: Green, Nola (1894 - 1988)
----------child: Green, Roy (1896 - )
Wilson, Alphas (1891 - )
b. Nov 1891 in ,Rutherford,NC
father: Wilson, Joseph Kinser "J K"(~1873 - ~1950)
mother: Hamrick, Victoria(1872 - )
spouse: Hamrick, Name (*1887 - )
Wilson, Amanda Melcena (*1878 - )
spouse: Hamrick, Reynear Milton (1878 - )
----------child: Hamrick, Fay Ellen (1904 - )
----------child: Hamrick, Winnie (*1912 - )
Wilson, Ambrose (*1883 - )
spouse: Beam, Laura (*1887 - )
Wilson, Amelia (*1896 - )
spouse: Hamrick, Jarvis Street (1892 - 1953)
Wilson, Analda (*1900 - )
spouse: Blanton, John Abram (1896 - 1980)
Wilson, Benjamin (*1856 - )
father: Wilson, Robert(*1820 - )
mother: Bridges, Malindy(*1824 - )
Wilson, Bethenia (~1822 - 1850)
b. Est 1822
d. Aug 1850 in Hambrink Sinks,Princeton,Jackson.AL
spouse: Hamrick, Joseph (~1820 - 1887)
- m. in ,Franklin,TX
----------child: Hamrick, Rachel E "Ruth" (~1841 - )
----------child: Hamrick, Alfred Green "Buck" (1843 - 1916)
----------child: Hamrick, Wilson (~1848 - ~1877)
----------child: Hamrick, Bethenia (~1849 - ~1877)
----------child: Hamrick, John W (~1850 - 1916)
Wilson, Charles (~1922 - )
b. Est 1922
spouse: Hamrick, Carrie Imogen (1923 - )
- m. Est 1943
Wilson, Charles Franklin (*1882 - )
spouse: Hamrick, Bessie Tabitha (1885 - )
- m. 30 Jun 1907 in ,Braxton,WV
Wilson, Charles Randolph (1882 - ~1935)
b. 4 Nov 1882 in ,Nicholas,WV
d. Est 1935
father: Wilson, Daniel(1859 - )
mother: Hamrick, Mary Elizabeth(1862 - 1952)
spouse: Duffield, Lydia (~1893 - )
- m. in ,,WV
Wilson, Crockett (*1846 - )
spouse: McMurry, Sarah (*1850 - )
Wilson, Curtis (*1918 - )
spouse: Barnett, Ivah (*1922 - )
Wilson, Daniel (1859 - )
b. 28 Jun 1859 in ,Clay,WV
spouse: Hamrick, Mary Elizabeth (1862 - 1952)
- m. 25 Dec 1879 in ,Clay,WV
----------child: Wilson, Norvill Allen (1880 - 1881)
----------child: Wilson, Charles Randolph (1882 - ~1935)
----------child: Wilson, Margaret Jane (1884 - )
----------child: Wilson, Johnnie M (1887 - 1888)
----------child: Wilson, Rebecca Artie (1891 - ~1968)
----------child: Wilson, Aaron Burr (1892 - ~1899)
----------child: Wilson, Dicy Elzina (1894 - 1965)
----------child: Wilson, Grizella Loraine (1898 - 1982)
----------child: Wilson, William Thomas (1899 - 1973)
----------child: Wilson, Mollie (1902 - 1902)
----------child: Wilson, Homer Holly (1904 - )
Wilson, Dicy Elzina (1894 - 1965)
b. 20 Aug 1894 in ,Nicholas,WV
d. 12 Jan 1965
father: Wilson, Daniel(1859 - )
mother: Hamrick, Mary Elizabeth(1862 - 1952)
spouse: Rule, Joseph (~1892 - )
Wilson, Eddie (*1892 - )
spouse: Hardin, Vera Linnie (1896 - )
- m. 27 Jul 1916 in Gaffney,Cherokee,SC
----------child: Wilson, Mary Katherine (~1917 - )
----------child: Wilson, Lloyd Glenn (1921 - )
----------child: private
----------child: private
Wilson, Effie (1890 - 1949)
b. 23 May 1890 in ,Knox,IN
d. 25 Nov 1949
spouse: Hobbs, Bemjamin Benton (1906 - 1944)
Wilson, Elizabeth (1781 - 1840)
b. 20 Mar 1781 in ,Lincoln,GA
d. 20 Nov 1840 in ,Chochtaw,MS
spouse: Hamrick, Peter H (1781 - 1870)
- m. Est 1803 in ,Lincoln,GA
----------child: Hamrick, John Washington (1804 - 1880)
----------child: Hamrick, W Barnett (~1808 - 1857)
----------child: Hamrick, Jeremiah (1810 - )
----------child: Hamrick, Jason (1831 - )
Wilson, Elizabeth (*1856 - )
father: Wilson, Robert(*1820 - )
mother: Bridges, Malindy(*1824 - )
spouse: Rollins, James (*1851 - )
Wilson, Ella Brune (*1872 - )
spouse: Dodrill, Samuel McClung (1868 - 1945)
Wilson, Eugene Perry (~1921 - )
b. Est 1921
spouse: private
- m. 15 Sep 1947
Wilson, Eva (*1872 - )
spouse: Barnett, Jesse (*1867 - )
Wilson, Fannie (1886 - 1960)
b. 16 Jul 1886
d. 8 Feb 1960
spouse: Patterson, John "Johnny" (1883 - 1918)
----------child: Patterson, Janie (1902 - )
----------child: Patterson, Billy (1904 - 1980)
----------child: Patterson, Fenley (1907 - 1980)
----------child: Patterson, Ruth (1908 - )
----------child: Patterson, John Lewis (1911 - )
----------child: Patterson, Margaret Francis (1917 - 1918)
Wilson, General Washington (1894 - )
b. 1894 in ,Rutherford,NC
spouse: Hamrick, Florence (1894 - 1969)
- m. 23 Sep 1909 in Caroleen,Rutherford,NC
Wilson, Grizella Loraine (1898 - 1982)
b. 28 Feb 1898 in ,Nicholas,WV
d. 16 Jul 1982
father: Wilson, Daniel(1859 - )
mother: Hamrick, Mary Elizabeth(1862 - 1952)
spouse: Henson, Jim H (~1896 - )
Wilson, Hazel William (*1860 - )
spouse: Dodrill, Emma Ellen (1864 - 1934)
Wilson, Henry A (*1866 - )
spouse: Dodrill, Margaret Susan (1870 - 1893)
Wilson, Homer Holly (1904 - )
b. 13 Aug 1904 in ,Nicholas,WV
father: Wilson, Daniel(1859 - )
mother: Hamrick, Mary Elizabeth(1862 - 1952)
spouse: Myers, Madge (~1905 - )
Wilson, James (*1856 - )
father: Wilson, Robert(*1820 - )
mother: Bridges, Malindy(*1824 - )
spouse: Hawkins, Christine (*1859 - )
Wilson, James (*1858 - )
b. in ,Calhoun,WV
spouse: Hamrick, Cynthia A (1862 - )
Wilson, John (*1856 - )
father: Wilson, Robert(*1820 - )
mother: Bridges, Malindy(*1824 - )
Wilson, John (*1875 - )
spouse: Jones, Lenna Elizabeth (~1879 - )
Wilson, John Teeter (*1864 - )
spouse: Bridges, Arrie (*1868 - )
Wilson, Johnnie M (1887 - 1888)
b. 17 Feb 1887 in ,Nicholas,WV
d. 1 Jan 1888 in ,Nicholas,WV
father: Wilson, Daniel(1859 - )
mother: Hamrick, Mary Elizabeth(1862 - 1952)
Wilson, Joseph Kinser "J K" (~1873 - ~1950)
b. Est 1873
d. Est 1950 in Charlotte,,NC
spouse: Hamrick, Victoria (1872 - )
- m. 1892 in ,Rutherford,NC
----------child: Wilson, Alphas (1891 - )
----------child: Wilson, Tillman (1894 - 1978)
Wilson, Lee (*1909 - )
spouse: Seaman, Eddie Mae (1913 - 1971)
Wilson, Lillian (*1919 - )
spouse: Killian, James Roberts (1912 - )
- m. 5 Aug 1940
Wilson, Lloyd Glenn (1921 - )
b. 18 Feb 1921
father: Wilson, Eddie(*1892 - )
mother: Hardin, Vera Linnie(1896 - )
Wilson, Maggie (1861 - 1955)
b. 17 Dec 1861
d. 7 Aug 1955
spouse: Hamrick, Charles Clingman (1856 - 1931)
- m. 1884
----------child: Hamrick, Fuller (*1892 - )
----------child: Hamrick, Gertrude (*1892 - )
----------child: Hamrick, Charles Oren (1900 - 1981)
Wilson, Margaret (*1885 - )
spouse: Hamrick, Lester Olin (1881 - 1949)
Wilson, Margaret Jane (1884 - )
b. 25 Jan 1884 in ,Nicholas,WV
father: Wilson, Daniel(1859 - )
mother: Hamrick, Mary Elizabeth(1862 - 1952)
spouse: King, John (~1882 - )
Wilson, Marvin Hudson (1915 - 1990)
b. 1915
d. 1990
spouse: McSwain, Tenny Barbara (1914 - 1999)
- m. 23 Jun 1940 in Gaffney,,SC
Wilson, Mary (*1827 - )
spouse: Hardin, Asa (~1826 - ~1896)
- m. 28 Dec 1846 in ,Rutherford,NC
----------child: Hardin, George Washington (1857 - )
----------child: Hardin, James (*1858 - )
----------child: Hardin, Brison (*1859 - )
----------child: Hardin, Spencer (*1859 - )
----------child: Hardin, Nancy (*1859 - )
----------child: Hardin, Monroe (*1859 - )
----------child: Hardin, Sarah (*1859 - )
----------child: Hardin, Susanna (*1859 - )
Wilson, Mary "Sally" (~1814 - )
b. Abt 1814
spouse: Magness, Robert (1763 - 1837)
- m. 6 Feb 1834 in ,Rutherford,NC
Wilson, Mary Alma (1897 - 1977)
b. 10 May 1897 in ,Cleveland,NC
d. 10 Nov 1977 in Charlotte,Mecklenburg,NC
spouse: Hamrick, Jarvis Street (1892 - 1953)
- m. 30 Apr 1919
Wilson, Mary Cova (1890 - )
b. 30 Jul 1890
spouse: Beam, Burchel (1885 - 1964)
Wilson, Mary Jane (1825 - )
b. 1825 in ,,NC
spouse: Hamrick, Seaborn "Sebron" (1799 - )
- m. 22 Sep 1845 in ,Greene,GA
----------child: Hamrick, Thomas J (1846 - 1891)
----------child: Hamrick, William (1848 - )
----------child: Hamrick, Seborn (1851 - )
----------child: Hamrick, Martha S (1853 - 1885)
----------child: Hamrick, Sarah M E (1853 - )
----------child: Hamrick, George Marshall (1856 - 1922)
Wilson, Mary Katherine (~1917 - )
b. Abt 1917
father: Wilson, Eddie(*1892 - )
mother: Hardin, Vera Linnie(1896 - )
spouse: Batchler, Drayton S (*1911 - 1935)
- m. 1 Jun 1935
spouse: Earls, Eugene (*1914 - )
- m. Abt 1940
Wilson, Maude (*1884 - )
spouse: Hamrick, Genie (*1880 - )
Wilson, Minnie Isbelle (*1876 - )
spouse: Hamrick, Elick Lawrence (1873 - 1955)
- m. 20 Oct 1895 in ,Webster,WV
----------child: Hamrick, Leo Gustava (1896 - 1970)
----------child: Hamrick, Arlen Russell (1898 - 1977)
----------child: Hamrick, Lela Ivy (1900 - 1982)
----------child: Hamrick, Geneva (1903 - )
----------child: Hamrick, Velva Mae (1904 - 1984)
----------child: Hamrick, Orden Verden "Pipe" (1907 - )
----------child: Hamrick, Nolan Ralph (1909 - )
----------child: Hamrick, Mary M (1910 - )
----------child: Hamrick, Owen Marston (1911 - 1947)
----------child: Hamrick, Georgia Nancy (1916 - 1990)
----------child: Hamrick, Jesse D (1917 - )
Wilson, Mollie (1902 - 1902)
b. 9 Apr 1902 in ,Nicholas,WV
d. 9 Apr 1902 in ,Nicholas,WV
father: Wilson, Daniel(1859 - )
mother: Hamrick, Mary Elizabeth(1862 - 1952)
Wilson, Mortimer (*1868 - )
spouse: Hamrick, Mary E (1872 - 1956)
Wilson, Name (*1896 - )
spouse: Hobbs, Jesse Dorinda (*1900 - )
Wilson, Nancy Elizabeth (*1885 - 1931)
d. 22 Dec 1931
spouse: Roberts, Thomas Wheeler (1879 - )
- m. 15 Apr 1906
----------child: Roberts, Georgia Oveta (1907 - )
----------child: Roberts, Paul Wheeler (1909 - )
----------child: Roberts, Irene Elizabeth (1912 - )
----------child: Roberts, Janie Gertrude (1915 - )
----------child: Roberts, Donald Gray (1918 - )
----------child: Roberts, Dorothy May (1918 - 1979)
----------child: Roberts, Wilson (1925 - 1929)
----------child: private
Wilson, Nola Cordelia (*1897 - )
b. in ,Rutherford,NC
spouse: Jones, Drury Austin (1891 - 1960)
- m. 20 Jan 1918 in ,Rutherford,NC
----------child: Jones, Lena Elizabeth (1920 - )
----------child: Jones, Fred (1922 - 1924)
----------child: private
----------child: Jones, Ellen Frances (1926 - 1926)
----------child: private
----------child: private
----------child: private
----------child: private
----------child: private
Wilson, Norvill Allen (1880 - 1881)
b. 11 Sep 1880 in ,Clay,WV
d. 1 Jan 1881
father: Wilson, Daniel(1859 - )
mother: Hamrick, Mary Elizabeth(1862 - 1952)
Wilson, Rebecca Artie (1891 - ~1968)
b. 1 Oct 1891 in ,Nicholas,WV
d. Est 1968
father: Wilson, Daniel(1859 - )
mother: Hamrick, Mary Elizabeth(1862 - 1952)
spouse: Bragg, Nolan (~1890 - )
Wilson, Robert (*1820 - )
spouse: Bridges, Malindy (*1824 - )
----------child: Wilson, James (*1856 - )
----------child: Wilson, Elizabeth (*1856 - )
----------child: Wilson, Benjamin (*1856 - )
----------child: Wilson, John (*1856 - )
Wilson, Robert H (*1899 - )
spouse: Bennett, Name (*1903 - )
Wilson, Robert P (*1811 - )
spouse: Hamrick, Louisa (1815 - )
Wilson, Samuel (*1874 - )
spouse: Hamrick, Darcus Ella (1878 - 1919)
Wilson, Silvira "Vera" (1880 - 1957)
b. 4 Nov 1880
d. 19 Mar 1957
spouse: Robbins, William Patillo (1877 - 1947)
----------child: Robbins, James Franklin (1913 - 1990)
----------child: Robbins, Infant (1915 - 1915)
Wilson, Susan (1879 - 1956)
b. 28 Aug 1879
d. 27 Oct 1956
spouse: Walker, Willie E (1880 - 1953)
Wilson, Susanna (*1891 - )
spouse: Goode, Charles (*1887 - )
Wilson, Tillman (1894 - 1978)
b. 15 Dec 1894 in ,,NC
d. 1978 in Davidson,Mecklenburg,NC
father: Wilson, Joseph Kinser "J K"(~1873 - ~1950)
mother: Hamrick, Victoria(1872 - )
spouse: Wright, Effie Mae (*1898 - b1973)
Wilson, Velle (*1895 - )
spouse: Beam, Amos (1891 - )
- m. 20 Dec 1916
----------child: Beam, Name (1924 - 1924)
Wilson, Vera (*1885 - )
spouse: Robbins, William (*1881 - )
Wilson, Virginia (~1856 - )
b. Abt 1856 in ,,WV
spouse: Hamrick, James Martin (1852 - )
Wilson, Virginia P (1880 - )
b. 1880
spouse: Hamrick, James Martin (1852 - 1940)
----------child: Hamrick, Charlie (1896 - )
----------child: Hamrick, Clara (*1901 - )
----------child: private
Wilson, Walter (*1872 - )
spouse: Flack, Camey (*1876 - )
Wilson, Will (*1884 - )
spouse: Moore, Sidney (*1888 - )
Wilson, William F (*1863 - )
spouse: Harrell, Carrie (*1868 - )
Wilson, William Thomas (1899 - 1973)
b. 28 Oct 1899 in ,Nicholas,WV
d. 7 Jan 1973
father: Wilson, Daniel(1859 - )
mother: Hamrick, Mary Elizabeth(1862 - 1952)
spouse: Henshaw, Ruth (~1900 - )
Wilson, Woodrow (1914 - )
b. 1914 in Cloverlick,Pocahontas,WV
father: Hamrick, Charles Page(1893 - 1963)
mother: Chestnut, Cornelia Florence(*1888 - )
spouse: Woodell, Alice (*1918 - )
Wilt, Genevive Ellen (1912 - 1999)
b. 19 Feb 1912 in Spangler,Kanawha,WV
d. 28 Mar 1999 in Charleston,Kanawha,WV
father: Wilt, William J Weaver(1880 - 1963)
mother: Hamrick, Rosa Anna Ellen(1892 - 1975)
spouse: Isner, Donald E (*1909 - )
- m. 3 Apr 1934 in Oakland,Garret,MD
Wilt, Glenn William (1913 - )
b. 31 Oct 1913 in Elkwater,Randolph,WV
father: Wilt, William J Weaver(1880 - 1963)
mother: Hamrick, Rosa Anna Ellen(1892 - 1975)
spouse: Ward, Thelma (*1915 - )
- m. 19 Sep 1934 in Oakland,Garrett,MD
Wilt, Mona Guinivier (1918 - )
b. 18 Mar 1918 in Spangler,Kanawha,WV
father: Wilt, William J Weaver(1880 - 1963)
mother: Hamrick, Rosa Anna Ellen(1892 - 1975)
spouse: Missing, Name (*1914 - )
spouse: Harmon, Raleigh (*1920 - )
- m. 1951 in Bangor,Penobscot,ME
Wilt, Phyllis Pearl (1920 - )
b. 29 Sep 1920 in Huttonsville,Randolph.WV
father: Wilt, William J Weaver(1880 - 1963)
mother: Hamrick, Rosa Anna Ellen(1892 - 1975)
spouse: Wilhelm, James Edmund (*1916 - )
spouse: Thompson, Keith Lawrence (*1918 - )
- m. 28 Aug 1944 in Oakland,Garrett,MD
Wilt, Reba Mae (1922 - )
b. 12 Dec 1922 in Huttonsville,Randolph,WV
father: Wilt, William J Weaver(1880 - 1963)
mother: Hamrick, Rosa Anna Ellen(1892 - 1975)
spouse: Hammar, Augustine (*1917 - )
- m. 27 Jul 1939 in Oakland,Garret,MD
Wilt, Virginia Lee (1916 - 1991)
b. 3 Mar 1916 in Monterville,Randolph,WV
d. 1991 in ,,WV
father: Wilt, William J Weaver(1880 - 1963)
mother: Hamrick, Rosa Anna Ellen(1892 - 1975)
spouse: Clark, Claude Romaine (*1911 - )
- m. Abt 1931
spouse: Fischer, Paul Robert (*1914 - )
- m. 14 Nov 1940 in Washington,Washington,DC
spouse: Duggar, Joy Z (*1921 - )
- m. 29 Oct 1955 in Fairfax,Fairfax,VA
Wilt, William J Weaver (1880 - 1963)
b. 2 Nov 1880 in Weston,Lewis,WV
d. 2 Mar 1963
spouse: Hamrick, Rosa Anna Ellen (1892 - 1975)
- m. 9 Sep 1911 in ,Randolph,WV
----------child: Wilt, Genevive Ellen (1912 - 1999)
----------child: Wilt, Glenn William (1913 - )
----------child: Wilt, Virginia Lee (1916 - 1991)
----------child: Wilt, Mona Guinivier (1918 - )
----------child: Wilt, Phyllis Pearl (1920 - )
----------child: Wilt, Reba Mae (1922 - )
Winkle, Austin (*1891 - )
spouse: Hobbs, Nora Dale (1895 - 1914)
Winkler, Harold Calvert (1912 - )
b. 22 May 1912 in Wallace,Calvaras,CA
father: Hamrick, Ceil Calvert(1873 - 1960)
mother: Haddock, May(1881 - 1943)
spouse: Hagquist, Ruth Caroline (1919 - )
- m. 3 Nov 1937 in ,,CA
----------child: private
----------child: private
Winkler, Ralph Clinton (1910 - )
b. 11 Nov 1910 in San Andreas,Calavaras,CA
spouse: Hamrick, Viola May (1909 - )
- m. 21 Jul 1932
----------child: private
----------child: private
Winn, Catherine (*1865 - )
father: Winn, Wallace(*1830 - )
mother: Hawkins, Jane(*1834 - )
spouse: Padgette, Thomas (*1861 - )
Winn, Elizabeth (*1827 - )
father: Winn, William(*1793 - )
mother: Blanton, Susanna "Susan"(~1801 - )
spouse: Blanton, Andy (*1823 - )
----------child: Blanton, John Franklin (*1858 - )
----------child: Blanton, Judith (*1858 - )
spouse: Pearson, Lemuel (*1821 - )
----------child: Pearson, Jesse B (1851 - 1924)
----------child: Pearson, Howell (*1856 - )
----------child: Pearson, George (*1857 - )
----------child: Pearson, William (*1857 - )
----------child: Pearson, Winbrown (*1857 - )
----------child: Pearson, Elizabeth (*1857 - )
----------child: Pearson, Mattie (*1857 - )
----------child: Pearson, Catherine (*1857 - )
----------child: Pearson, Nancy Susanna (1860 - 1926)
Winn, Elizabeth E (~1829 - ~1906)
b. Abt 1829
d. Abt 1906
spouse: Blanton, Andrew "Andy" (1811 - )
----------child: Blanton, Judith (*1850 - )
----------child: Blanton, John Franklin (~1867 - ~1886)
Winn, Emma (*1833 - )
father: Winn, William(*1793 - )
mother: Blanton, Susanna "Susan"(~1801 - )
spouse: Smith, Jacob (*1830 - )
- m. 4 Aug 1854 in ,Rutherford,NC
Winn, Eunice (~1832 - ~1863)
b. Abt 1832
d. Abt 1863
father: Winn, William(*1793 - )
mother: Blanton, Susanna "Susan"(~1801 - )
spouse: Ledbetter, William (1833 - ~1863)
----------child: Ledbetter, Clarenda (*1864 - )
----------child: Ledbetter, William (*1864 - )
----------child: Ledbetter, Hessentine (*1864 - )
Winn, Fannie (1825 - )
b. 1825 in ,,NC
father: Winn, William(*1793 - )
mother: Blanton, Susanna "Susan"(~1801 - )
spouse: Bridges, William J (1825 - )
- m. 15 Mar 1845 in ,Rutherford,NC
----------child: Bridges, Berry (1845 - )
----------child: Bridges, Jane (1847 - )
----------child: Bridges, Hill (1849 - )
----------child: Bridges, Monroe (*1858 - )
----------child: Bridges, Catherine (*1858 - )
----------child: Bridges, Lucindy (*1858 - )
----------child: Bridges, Bruce (*1858 - )
----------child: Bridges, Wade (*1858 - )
----------child: Bridges, Leah Verge (*1858 - )
----------child: Bridges, Bankstone (*1858 - )
Winn, James (*1865 - )
father: Winn, Wallace(*1830 - )
mother: Hawkins, Jane(*1834 - )
Winn, John (*1777 - )
spouse: Hamrick, Polly (*1781 - )
Winn, John Wallace (1884 - 1966)
b. 12 Jul 1884
d. 9 Jul 1966
spouse: Blanton, Charlie May (1887 - 1940)
- m. 30 Mar 1910
spouse: Oates, Lalage May (1887 - )
- m. 14 Jun 1947
Winn, Julia Ann "Win" (1837 - 1917)
b. 12 Jul 1837 in ,,NC
d. 12 Jun 1917 in ,Cleveland,NC
father: Winn, William(*1793 - )
mother: Blanton, Susanna "Susan"(~1801 - )
spouse: Hawkins, Ranson Newton (1838 - 1918)
- m. 16 Sep 1856 in ,Rutherford,NC
----------child: Hawkins, Preston P (1858 - )
----------child: Hawkins, William Thomas (1861 - )
----------child: Hawkins, Arminda Ransom (1862 - 1943)
----------child: Hawkins, Dora Emeline (1869 - 1956)
----------child: Hawkins, Permelia (*1870 - )
----------child: Hawkins, Governor Vance (*1870 - )
----------child: Hawkins, Joseph (*1870 - )
----------child: Hawkins, Callie (*1870 - )
----------child: Hawkins, Robert N (*1870 - )
----------child: Hawkins, John H (*1870 - )
----------child: Hawkins, Octavia E (*1870 - )
Winn, Leuvenia (*1865 - )
father: Winn, Wallace(*1830 - )
mother: Hawkins, Jane(*1834 - )
spouse: Wood, George (*1861 - )
Winn, Lucretia (*1828 - )
father: Winn, William(*1793 - )
mother: Blanton, Susanna "Susan"(~1801 - )
spouse: Pearson, Reuben (*1822 - )
----------child: Pearson, Kisiah Adeline (*1852 - )
----------child: Pearson, Caroline (*1858 - )
----------child: Pearson, Luke (*1858 - )
----------child: Pearson, Hannah (*1858 - )
----------child: Pearson, Nancy (*1858 - )
----------child: Pearson, James (*1858 - )
Winn, Margaret (1821 - )
b. 1821
father: Winn, William(*1793 - )
mother: Blanton, Susanna "Susan"(~1801 - )
spouse: Bridges, Thomas Stone (1820 - )
- m. Est 1842
----------child: Bridges, William "Singing Bill" (~1760 - )
----------child: Bridges, Thompson W (1844 - )
----------child: Bridges, Samuel (1845 - )
----------child: Bridges, Dial (1846 - )
----------child: Bridges, Charles B (1848 - )
----------child: Bridges, Elizabeth (1849 - )
----------child: Bridges, John (*1853 - )
----------child: Bridges, Clemintine (*1853 - )
----------child: Bridges, George (*1853 - )
----------child: Bridges, Sarah (*1853 - )
----------child: Bridges, Martha (*1853 - )
----------child: Bridges, Landrum (*1853 - )
----------child: Bridges, Susanna (*1853 - )
----------child: Bridges, Dicey (*1853 - )
Winn, Mary (1823 - )
b. 1823
father: Winn, William(*1793 - )
mother: Blanton, Susanna "Susan"(~1801 - )
spouse: Bridges, Samuel (1823 - )
- m. Abt 1842
----------child: Bridges, Susanna (1843 - )
----------child: Bridges, Louisa (1845 - )
----------child: Bridges, Lucretia (1847 - )
----------child: Bridges, Malindy E (1850 - 1929)
----------child: Bridges, John (1850 - 1909)
----------child: Bridges, Plato (*1856 - )
----------child: Bridges, Margaret (*1856 - )
----------child: Bridges, Octavia (*1856 - 1877)
----------child: Bridges, James (*1856 - )
----------child: Bridges, Victoria (*1856 - )
----------child: Bridges, A Pinkney (*1859 - )
Winn, Mary (*1865 - )
father: Winn, Wallace(*1830 - )
mother: Hawkins, Jane(*1834 - )
spouse: Padgette, Ward (*1861 - )
Winn, Minervia (*1865 - )
father: Winn, Wallace(*1830 - )
mother: Hawkins, Jane(*1834 - )
spouse: Wilkins, John (*1861 - )
Winn, Octavia (*1830 - )
father: Winn, William(*1793 - )
mother: Blanton, Susanna "Susan"(~1801 - )
spouse: Hawkins, Jefferson (*1826 - )
spouse: Hawkins, Henderson (*1826 - )
Winn, Orvi (*1865 - )
father: Winn, Wallace(*1830 - )
mother: Hawkins, Jane(*1834 - )
spouse: Hawkins, Jane (*1869 - )
Winn, Sarah (*1830 - )
father: Winn, William(*1793 - )
mother: Blanton, Susanna "Susan"(~1801 - )
spouse: Hawkins, Jefferson (*1826 - )
Winn, Susanna (*1865 - )
father: Winn, Wallace(*1830 - )
mother: Hawkins, Jane(*1834 - )
spouse: Padgette, Achella (*1861 - )
Winn, Wallace (*1830 - )
father: Winn, William(*1793 - )
mother: Blanton, Susanna "Susan"(~1801 - )
spouse: Hawkins, Jane (*1834 - )
----------child: Winn, Orvi (*1865 - )
----------child: Winn, Catherine (*1865 - )
----------child: Winn, Susanna (*1865 - )
----------child: Winn, Mary (*1865 - )
----------child: Winn, Leuvenia (*1865 - )
----------child: Winn, Minervia (*1865 - )
----------child: Winn, James (*1865 - )
Winn, William (*1793 - )
spouse: Blanton, Susanna "Susan" (~1801 - )
----------child: Winn, Margaret (1821 - )
----------child: Winn, Mary (1823 - )
----------child: Winn, Fannie (1825 - )
----------child: Winn, Elizabeth (*1827 - )
----------child: Winn, Lucretia (*1828 - )
----------child: Winn, Wallace (*1830 - )
----------child: Winn, Octavia (*1830 - )
----------child: Winn, Sarah (*1830 - )
----------child: Winn, Eunice (~1832 - ~1863)
----------child: Winn, Emma (*1833 - )
----------child: Winn, Julia Ann "Win" (1837 - 1917)
Winthrow, Sherwood Glenn (*1907 - )
father: Withrow, James(1874 - 1945)
mother: Hamrick, Julia(~1873 - 1961)
spouse: Warlick, Anne Mckelva (*1911 - )
Wirth, Genevieve Hannah (*1900 - )
spouse: Jones, Hollis H (1896 - 1965)
----------child: private
----------child: private
----------child: private
----------child: private
Wise, Cary A (~1872 - )
b. Abt 1872 in ,,GA
father: Wise, Joseph S(~1838 - )
mother: Hamrick, Mary Missouri(1840 - )
Wise, Charley C (~1873 - )
b. Est 1873 in ,,AR
spouse: Crane, Lula Ann (1877 - )
Wise, Henry O (~1864 - )
b. Abt 1864 in ,,GA
father: Wise, Joseph S(~1838 - )
mother: Hamrick, Mary Missouri(1840 - )
Wise, Jimmery (~1874 - )
b. Abt 1874 in ,,GA
father: Wise, Joseph S(~1838 - )
mother: Hamrick, Mary Missouri(1840 - )
Wise, John P (~1868 - )
b. Abt 1868 in ,,GA
father: Wise, Joseph S(~1838 - )
mother: Hamrick, Mary Missouri(1840 - )
Wise, Joseph S (~1838 - )
b. Abt 1838 in ,,GA
spouse: Hamrick, Mary Missouri (1840 - )
----------child: Wise, Henry O (~1864 - )
----------child: Wise, Martha C (~1866 - )
----------child: Wise, John P (~1868 - )
----------child: Wise, Josiah (~1870 - )
----------child: Wise, Cary A (~1872 - )
----------child: Wise, Jimmery (~1874 - )
Wise, Josiah (~1870 - )
b. Abt 1870 in ,,GA
father: Wise, Joseph S(~1838 - )
mother: Hamrick, Mary Missouri(1840 - )
Wise, Martha C (~1866 - )
b. Abt 1866 in ,,GA
father: Wise, Joseph S(~1838 - )
mother: Hamrick, Mary Missouri(1840 - )
Wiseman, Octavia (*1861 - )
spouse: Harris, Thomas (*1857 - )
Wiston, Margaret (*1915 - )
spouse: Wolfe, John Cathey (*1911 - )
Withrow, Alice (*1871 - )
father: Withrow, Thomas(*1837 - )
mother: Harrill, Priscilla(~1840 - )
spouse: Kisler, John (*1867 - )
Withrow, Bell (*1871 - )
father: Withrow, Thomas(*1837 - )
mother: Harrill, Priscilla(~1840 - )
spouse: Hopper, Jabez (*1867 - )
Withrow, Clarence R (1916 - 1983)
b. 12 Jan 1916
d. 23 Mar 1983
father: Withrow, Thomas J(1875 - 1926)
mother: McMahan, Dollie(1883 - 1966)
Withrow, Debbie (*1871 - )
father: Withrow, Thomas(*1837 - )
mother: Harrill, Priscilla(~1840 - )
spouse: Green, Joseph (*1867 - )
Withrow, Georgie (*1871 - )
father: Withrow, Thomas(*1837 - )
mother: Harrill, Priscilla(~1840 - )
spouse: Hodge, Clarence (*1867 - )
Withrow, J P D (1867 - 1926)
b. 7 Dec 1867
d. 25 Nov 1926
spouse: Hamrick, Laura L (1868 - 1925)
next - go to surnames