History of GIUFFRE family name


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In the Kingdom of Spain and in the Provinces of Italy we found the famous and wealthy Giuffre family ... in Valencia in the Spanish dialect named "Joffre". It comprised many illustrious men of which one was Don Petro Joffre, Lord of the Villa of Pardina in the State of Candia and which flourished in 1630. Gioimo Joffre was a Magistrate of the city of Valencia and in the same year 1395 so also was his son of the same name (Gioimo). Nicholo Joffre held a very responsible position, all the before mentioned were given the title Knights of the Kingdom for honourable service to Gaspare Elcolano during the rise of the realm to be found in the council records of the City of Valencia 1360, 1373, 1376.

A report in the Italian press quotes the Giuffre family of Milano originated from Alfonso Joffre, Cavalier of Valencia who was appointed Military Governor of Milano in the time when Milano was occupied in the reign of Emperor Carlo V. of Spain and where Alfonso had a son, Carlo Giuffre, an excellent legislator and supreme Councilor of the Duchy of Milano. Carlo's descendants became eminent Cavaliers, in turn his heirs still upholding the high standard of tradition.

In Pisa the family name appeared amongst the most important that flourished in that Republic.

Guido Giuffre on the occasion of the crowning of Carlo III represented the Republic with two others (Pietro Gambacorta and Giovanni Di Benedetto), as Ambassador.

A report by a Roberto Pisanelli states that the Giuffre family associated with the House of Ripastratta, one of the seven major houses of Pisa, in the realm of Emperor Ottone I. The other Houses were Houses of Visconti, Gaetani, Orlandi, Lasraghi, Duodi, Viorchionetti. Giovanni and Nicolo Giuffre held many high positions and had acquired wealth from their uncle Nicolo Tripaldi. Giovanni had married the daughter of Leone Sardo, a distinguised gentlemen from Pisa, their two children were Nicolo and Leone who were the forefathers of many who became eminent citizens, one of whom Giovanni Giuffre went to live in Sicily taking his riches with him. He settled in Palermo. From this point the Giuffre name became established in Sicily. His son Argistro had three sons Fabio, Giocomo and Argistro Jnr. Both Argistro Jnr and his father died in a fire in prison in Castellamare. Giovanni died without issue, Fabio married a Donna Antonia D'Affitto and had two children, Don Carlo and Don Pietro, both became Captains in the Italian Army. This is one branch of the family which spread as many others in parts of Italy and Sicily.

Extract from "Famiglie Nobili di Sicilia" by Abbot D. Filadelfo Mugnos, as received by Dennis Giuffre, TX

Dennis says "The Giuffre name, in my perception, must be very old in Sicily. It probably dates from the Norman conquest of Sicily and southern Italy in about the year 1080. The name is believed to be of Norman origin, and was, in the old Norman French (Germanic) tongue, "Godefrei," meaning the "peace of God." After the Normans defeated the Moslems in Sicily, and re-established Christianity, the name became "Italianized" to an early form, "Gofreddo," and eventually to the form "Giuffre," with other variations of Gioffre, Giuffrida, and Giuffri.  However, by far, the most common is "Giuffre'."

I believe that the name in the form "Giuffre" is very old, possibly dating back some 500 to 800 years. The number of Giuffre's in Termini is quire large, even in the 1700's. So we may have to chase our ancestors back quite a few generations before we find common grandparents. Then we will know exactly what degree of cousins we are."

This page was last updated on 06/01/02.

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