~ Toseley ~ Family Group Sheet Notes: Thomas Toseley the Immigrant & Elizabeth 1. Cavaliers and Pioneers -- Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, Vol. 2; 1666-1695 by Nell Marion Nugent. Patent Book #7. Mr. Thomas Toseley, 594 acrs., Middlesex Co., 23 Apr 1688, p. 649. Beg. at John Furwell; by Rice Jones' path; to his own plantation; to Mr. Edward Thomas; on Jno. Furrell's line; to the maine Roade. 507 acs. granted John Richines & George Hooper; deserted, & Mr. Edward Thomas, in Nov. 1678, who sold to sd. Toseley, in Nov. 1678, who sold to sd. Toseley, 21 June 1680; 27 acs. for trans. of 2 persons. 2. Middlesex Co. VA -- Wills and Inventories 1673 - 1812 -- and Other Court Papers by William Lindsay Hopkins. Order book #1 (deeds and wills) 1673 - 1680, (p. 34) William Blase ... Feb. 1674\5 Jul 1675... Son James Blase, Marvell Moseley to bring my son up. Daughter Sarah Moseley. Wit. Thomas Hazelwood and Thomas Tesly (?). Will Book A 1698 - 1713, (p. 236) Thomas Toseley .....11 May 1701\7 Aug. 1710... Wife Elizabeth Toseley. Daughter Elizabeth Toseley. Two grandchildren vis Elizabeth Minor and Anne Minor. Exors; Two sons in law Charles Maderus and John Maderus. Wit. John Massey, Robert Clark and William Jones. (It appears from the will there is a daughter who married a Minor, Mary Toseley married Charles Maderus and another daughter married John Maderus. It is our opinion Charles Sr. and John Maderus were brothers.) 3. Parish Register of Christ Church, Middlesex Co. VA from 1653 to 1812. List Elizabeth Tosely daughter of Tho. & Eliz. borne 7th of Ap. & baptiz 4th of June. Marriage of Thomas Clarke & Eliz Toseley y 22th of May 1708. Daughter Mary (Toseley) Maderas death is also listed. 4. Va. Co. Court Records, Deed Abstracts of Old Rappahannock Co. VA. (Part 1 of 1672 - 1676 Transcript) Deed, Wills #5 by Ruth and Sam Sparacio; pp. 13 - 14, A deed of John Sanford of the County of Rappa. and the Parish of Sittingbourge to Mr. Rice Jones. Witness 23 Feb 1671 by Thomas Freshwater and Thomas (his mark) Toasley. 5. Va. Co. Court Records, Order Book Abstracts of Middlesex Co. Va. 1673 - 1678 Part 1, by the Sparacios: An Attachmt. is granted to Thomas Tozley agt. ye Estate of John Foarth for sum of Five hundred pounds of Tobaccoe & caske. 1677. 6. Va. Co. Court Records, Deed Abstracts of Middlesex Co. Va. 1679 - 1688, Deed book 2, Part 1 by the Sparacios; An Indenture made ye 20th day of Aprill 1682 Between Thomas Tozley of the County of Middlesex in Virginia Planter of the one parte & John Ffurrell of ye same county planter witnesseth that said Thomas Tozley for Six Thousand pounds of good Marchantable Tobaccoe & Caske have granted unto ye said John ffurrell his heirs all that Plantation or parcell of land in the County of Middlesex conteyneing Five hundred and Fifty acres of land bounded belonging at a White oake being George Hoopers corner tree from thence along that line N. to a Redd Oake in the said line from thence No. Wst; to a White Oake in a Valley in Rice Joanes line from thence East to a marked Hickory in William Blaze line thence East to a corner white oake of ye said Blaze from thence by a direct course to ye place first began including Five hundred and fifty acres.... Presence of us John Powell Thomas Tozley Recorded in Court Middx. 2 Aprill 1683 7. Va. C. Court Records, Deed Abstracts of Middlesex Co. Va., 1688-1694, Deed Book 2, Part 11 by the Sparacios; PP. 451 - 455, This Indenture made the first of June 1690 Between Thomas Toseley of the County of Middlesex Planter and Elizabeth his wife of the one part and John Reamon of the County aforesaid Tanner Witnesseth that Thomas Toseley and Elizabeth his wife for the sume of Three thousand five hundred pounds of good sweet scented Tobacco and Cask have granted unto John Reamon One hundred acres of land being parte of five hundred and ninty four acres of land belonging to the said Thomas Toseley and bounded beginning at a white Oake in John Furrills line on the East side of the Maine Road and by a Path and running thence North near the said Roade to a great Chesnutt by said Roade on said Hill by a Valley thence South East to John Farrells line to three small saplings in a valley and thence South to the beginning place together wth full power to fell and gett trees for Barke upon any part or parcel of the whole Devident of land conteyning Four hundred and twenty four acres timber trees fitt for Boards onely excepted and fore prized. In presence of Thomas Lee, Edward Tracker Thomas (his mark) Toseley Att a Court for Midx. County the 2nd of February 1690\1 8. Va. Co. Court Records - Deed Abstracts of Middlesex Co. Va. 1703 - 1709, deed Book 3, Part 1, by the Sparacios: p. 115 This Indenture made the 14th day of February 1705 Between Thomas Toseley and County of Middlesex of one part and Jno. Hickey of County afoesaid Witnesseth that said Thomas Toseley for the sume of Two thousand and six hundred pounds of Legall Sweet scented tobo, and caske hath sold unto Jno. Hickey his heirs forever a parcell of land in the County of Middlesex bounded Beginning at a red oak a Corner to Charles Medowes line so along till it comes to ye Division and so along that a line till it comes to a corner and so along the Swamp to a branch called Peggies Branch and so along the Branch till it comes to ye tree where began (no acres given) Test; Hen Hayes Samuel Lucus Thomas Toseley (his mark) Eliza. Toseley (her mark) At a Court held for Midx County the 3rd day of June 1706 within Deed to be his act and deed to Jno. Hickey which was admitted to record Elizabeth also the Wife of Thomas this day appeared and in open Court relinguished her Right of Dower in ye land which is Certifyed PP. 115-116 This Indenture made fifth day of Aprill 1706 Between Thomas Toseley Planter of Middlesex County of one part and Wm. Wood Planter of Essex County witnesseth that said Thomas Toseley for sum of Three thousand two hundred pounds of Legall Sweet scented Tobo already paid by said Deed doth sell unto Wm. Wood his heirs a parcell of land containing One hundred acres which is a part of my Divident of land on which I now live on in Middlesex County being bounded begining at a marked black oake nigh ye line of mine and John Masseys runing to a black oak at ye head of a branch by John Loyes and so binding upon the said Branch the aforesd One hundred acres of land I the aforesd Thomas Toseley do hereby acknowledge ourselves bound to pay unto Wm. Wood the full sume of five hundred pounds of good legall sweet scented Tobo in Caske to be paid convenient in Middx. County upon preformance of all and singular ye articles specified in the above sd Deed of Sale under my hand and Seal this 5th day of Aprill 1706 and in the fifth year of the Reign of our Sovereign. Lady Anne In Presence of us Charles Madoris (his mark) Thomas Toseley Samuel Lucus I Eliza Toseley ye wife of said abovesd Thomas Toseley do hereby relinquish my right of Dower of ye above said One hundred acres of land unto Wm. Wood given under my hand and seal ye day and date written. Elizabeth Toseley At a Court held for Middx. County ye 3rd day of June 1706 Thomas Toseley came this day into Court and acknowledged ye above to be his act and deed unto Wm. Wood wch; her hand and seale relinguished her right of Dower in ye land P. 127 Know All Men by these presents that if Tho. Toseley of Parish of Chrish Church & County of Middlesex stand indebted to John Hickey of ye County in sume of Five thousand pounds of sweet scented tobacco and caske as witness my hand and seal this ( ) 1705. The Condition of this obligation is such that if Tho. Toseley truely observe all articles and agreements mentioned in one pair of Indentures with Thomas Toseley of one part and John Hickey of other part at all times then this obligation to be voyd or else to remaine In presence of us Samuel Lucus Mary Lucus (their marks) Thomas Toseley Elizabeth Toseley At a Court held for Middlesex County the 3rd day of June 1706 Thomas Toseley came into Court and Acknoeledged this Bond unto John Hickey which as admitted to record. 9. Virginia Historical Magazine, Vol XII, Jan 1905, #3, , mentions Thomas Toseley's land and its location. 10. History of Old Rappahannock County Va. 1656 - 1692 by Thomas Hoskins Warner. PISCATAWAY CREEK: There is a large branch that flows into Piscataway from the southeast. it was by many considered to be Piscataway. It took a ruling of the court to fix the name Piscataway as that of the west branch. The other large branch became known as the southeast branch of Piscataway or King's Swamp. On this swamp there have been five water grist mills, most of which were built before 1692. The south swamp was also called Green Swamp, Beeby's Swamp, Webb's Mill Swamp, Covington's Mill Swamp, Dunn's Mill Swamp and now Essex Mill Swamp. Among the landowners was Thomas Toseley. This information was submitted by our cousin, Dolly Farrow Nicol of Dickinson, TX. Since so many of our subscribers have expressed an interest in this information it is presented here with the purpose of providing additional clues to aid in your personal research. As always, please be aware of the possibility / probability of errors. Any additional information on this family would be most welcome, contact me at [email protected] or mail to Joyce Gore Locke - P.O. Box 474 - Portales, NM 88130.
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