Descendants of Joseph Loomis in America

Descendants of Joseph Loomis in America

Included is the person's name, [sex], (Soundex code), and key event facts.

Page 2 of 13 pages. Go to the Surname index , Previous Page , Next Page .

Esther BIRGE [F] (B620)

Hannah BIRGE [F] (B620)

Irene BIRGE [F] (B620)

Jonathan BIRGE [M] (B620)

Sarah BIRGE [F] (B620)

Abigail BISSELL [F] (B240)

Asahel BISSELL [M] (B240)

Daniel BISSELL [M] (B240)

Eunica BISSELL [F] (B240)

Isaiah BISSELL [M] (B240)

Jerijah BISSELL [M] (B240)

Job BISSELL [M] (B240)

Josiah BISSELL [M] (B240)

Martha BISSELL [F] (B240)

Thomas BISSELL [M] (B240)

Sarah BOLTWOOD [F] (B433)

Jane BRISTOW [F] (B623)

Ann BROWN [F] (B650)

Ann BROWN [F] (B650)

Daniel BROWN [M] (B650)

Elizabeth BROWN [F] (B650)

Esther BROWN [F] (B650)

Hannah BROWN [F] (B650)

Hannah BROWN [F] (B650)

Isaac BROWN [M] (B650)

John BROWN [M] (B650)

John BROWN [M] (B650)

John BROWN [M] (B650)

John BROWN [M] (B650)

Jonathan BROWN [M] (B650)

Margaret BROWN [F] (B650)

Mary BROWN [F] (B650)

Owen BROWN [M] (B650)

Peter BROWN [M] (B650)

Peter BROWN [M] (B650)

Sarah BROWN [F] (B650)

Abigail BUEL [F] (B400)

Deborah BUEL [F] (B400)

Ebenezer BUEL [M] (B400)

Elizabeth BUEL [F] (B400)

Hannah BUEL [F] (B400)

Isaac BUEL [M] (B400)

John BUEL [M] (B400)

John BUEL [M] (B400)

Jonathan BUEL [M] (B400)

Lois BUEL [F] (B400)

Mary BUEL [F] (B400)

Mary BUEL [F] (B400)

Peter BUEL [M] (B400)

Peter BUEL [M] (B400)

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Established 9 Jan 1999. Updated 7 Feb 1999.
Copyright � 1999 Sue Baker, All rights reserved

These pages were generated using The Genealogical Companion v3.1 (30 Sep 1998)