(Search this Site with the PicoSearch Search Engine.)
(If you're searching for data in the "Germanna History Notes", in the
(This search engine makes things a little easier for you. You can type
(Archived Weekly.)
"Search box" below, choose "John's Germanna Notes".)
(Choosing "This Entire Site" will search through every page on this web site.)
in names or search phrases and choose to Find ANY Word, or Find ALL
Words, or Find EXACT Phrase. If you want to search for John Yager,
you would type in that name and choose Find EXACT Phrase. That
would find ONLY that exact name. It would NOT find "John B. Yager,
or "John Christian Yager. If you type in John Yager, and choose
Find ALL Words, that would find all pages that contain both the words
"John" and "Yager". For example, it would find pages with "JOHN
Smith"and "Hans YAGER".
If you type in John Yager, and choose Find
ANY Word, you will get all pages that contain just the word "John", and
all pages that contain just the word "Yager". You don't need to put
your search words or phrases in quotes, or use a + symbol between
words as you do in some search engines.)
Search ALL of Rootsweb, with the Rootsweb Search Engine: Here you may search the contents of EVERY registered page of the Rootsweb Genealogical Data Cooperative. This includes ALL Web Pages at Rootsweb, Mailing Lists, all Genealogy Resources on the Internet, Message Boards, State Genealogical Society Journals (SGS), Census Records, etc. If your search name, date, phrase, etc., is on the Rootsweb servers, or is linked to from Rootsweb, you will find it here!
GERMANNA COLONIES Related Message Boards at rootsweb.com. (Or, click on "Browse" for the one you want and you will be taken directly to that Message Board to see ALL of the Messages there.)
(Keep in mind that these "Message Boards" are different from "Mailing Lists". Mailing List posts are sent to each subscriber when they are posted; Message Board posts are not automatically sent to researchers, unless they configure their access within each "Board". And then, the researcher has to click on the included link, which will open his/her web browser and take him/her to the Board. Replies will have to be generated on the Board. With Mailing Lists, researchers are able to "reply" immediately to posts, via email.)
Search Germanna-Related Mailing Lists for NAMES, WORDS, or PHRASES, by YEAR (click on "Search"). (A "Search" lets you pick a YEAR and then allows you to search ALL the List emails for a name, word, phrase, location, date, etc., for that year.)
Browse Germanna-Related Mailing Lists for ALL posts, by YEAR & MONTH (click on "Browse"). You may this utility to see all the emails for a particular YEAR/MONTH for an Archived Mailing List. You cannot search for specific names, dates, places., etc., but you will see a list of months/years for the particular Archive, e.g. GERMANNA_COLONIES-L for JULY, 2000, and you will see that there were 203 emails for that month. When you click on "JULY, 2000", you will go to a page that lists ALL the emails for that month, in an Archived format, and that groups together all emails with an identical Subject line. This is why it is so very important to type in appropriate Subject lines in your email, AND to change the Subject line when the subject of the email changes.
(IMPORTANT: Using the Rootsweb Search, there are some things you need to know. In the box where you type your search word or phrase, if you type in, for example, John and Yeager, when you are looking for John Yeager, you will get "hits" on all messages on a Mailing List that contains BOTH these words, but not necessarily TOGETHER. In other words, you might get a "hit" on an message that contains John Brown and Adam Yeager. That message DOES contain both the words you are searching for. To search ONLY for John Yeager, you need to type in the search this way: John+Yeager (case is not important). The meager instructions tell you to use the format John and Yeager, which is NOT satisfactory in many cases, causing too many "hits". Keep in mind that there MAY be times when you SHOULD use the John and Yeager format. Suppose you are looking for Elizabeth Yeager. If you type in Elizabeth+Yeager, you will get "hits" ONLY for that EXACT name, i.e. Elizabeth Yeager. But, Elizabeth Yeager may show up in messages as Elizabeth A. Yeager, Elizabeth B. Yeager, etc. Unfortunately, Rootsweb doesn't use a very "smart" Search Engine, so you will have to play around with the format which gets the best results. Until Rootsweb switches to a Search Engine that offers true boolean searches, we're going to be stuck with what we have.)
Click to Find a Board
(If anyone wants to add a Message Board to this search, just send me an email and I'll add it.)
Click to Find a Mailing List
(If anyone wants to add a Mailing List to this search, just send me an email and I'll add it.)
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