RECTOR/RICTER Family History

"He alone deserves to be remembered by his children who treasures up and preserves the memory of his fathers." Edmund Burke 1729-1797

" 'Honour thy father and thy mother' stands written among the three laws of most revered righteousness."
�schylus 525-456 B. C.

"Days are scrolls: Write on them only what you want remembered."
Bachya ibn Pakuda, 11th Century

"Der Apffel fellt nicht germe weit vom Baume!"
(The apple doesn't fall far from the tree! - Old German Proverb.)

"He who lives without child knows no heartache.  He who dies without child knows no happiness."

"What has been blown away, cannot be found again."
-- Ethiopian proverb

This RECTOR/RICTER Family History Web Page is produced and maintained for the descendants of the immigrant ? RECTOR (or ? RICTER and other variations of the name) and will be devoted mainly to his descendants.

This web page has been established so that RECTOR/RICTER researchers may have a place to access contributions from other researchers, and have a place to deposit their own GEDCOM files. We would like for you to drop us an e-mail. Let us know if you find anything of value here.


   (Links to articles on this page.)

The Story.

The Researchers.

Myths and Fallacies.

GEDCOM Central.

Credits & Authors.

   (Links to other pages.)

    Information on all the GERMANNA Colonies.

Cumberland Family Tree for Windows Genealogy Program. If you're looking for
    the Premier genealogy program, look no further. It's here !!!

Links 'n Things. After you have read this Home Page, you are ready to take a tour
    of the fascinating links to the RECTOR/RICTER Family History. You will find
    such things as the Databases, the German Church Records, some Tables, showing
    the German Villages our ancestors came from, some Web Pages & E-Mail address
    of Germanna Descendants, RECTOR/RICTER Famous Folks, many links to
    Germanna and Germanna-Related information, links to other Genealogy Sites, files
    for Downloading, and many surprising and interesting pages about RECTOR/
and Germanna history.

The Story

(Story of the RECTOR/RICTER immigrants to go here, similar to the "Story" on the BROYLES/BRILES Family History web site.)

Go Back To Index.

The Researchers

(A short treatment of the researchers of the RECTOR/RICTER immigrants, again similar to the BROYLES/BRILES home page.)

Go Back To Index.

Myths and Fallacies

(Something in here about anything controversial about the RECTOR/RICTER name.)

Go Back To Index.

GEDCOM Central!

We'd like to know which branches of the RECTOR/RICTER family you are researching, and we would like to have your contributions in the form of a GEDCOM file. You may attach the GEDCOM to an e-mail to us and we will convert it to an HTML and add a link to it on this main page. Please include in your e-mail any information you would like to appear in the description for the link to your GEDCOM, e.g., your name, address, e-mail address, branch of the family, personal information, etc. For your convenience, we have provided the "Guest Book" so that you may sign-in and we may get to know you. (Any information you provide here will come directly to the person who maintains this web site, and will not appear anywhere on the Web Site without your permission. It is for our information only.)

Go Back To Index.

This page is maintained by (Fill in names of web site maintainers here). Your comments and suggestions are always welcome.

( PLEASE ! sign our Guest Book.)

(Maintainer)'s mailing address and phone number:

(Fill in address here.)

E-Mail: (Maintainer's email address.)

(Copyright © 1967 (Name of Maintainer.)

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