This page is a repository for old, historic photos from New Hampshire and Maine. Some of the pictures are identified as to location, some are not. The pictures are on post cards, but Bob thought someone might be interested in them for historical/family reasons. Anyone interested in any of them should contact Bob.
Click on the "Photos Home Page" at the bottom of this page to find links to other "Germanna Photos" pages, and to find out how to submit your Germanna photos for inclusion here. Also, please read the instructions for sending the photos or graphics files to me.
(The photos shown are "Thumbnails" of the actual photos. If you wish to see them full-sized, LEFT-CLICK
on the picture and you will see the photo full-sized. To download, RIGHT-CLICK on the full-sized photo and select "Save Image as", or whatever command your browser uses. To return to this page, click on "Back" in your Menu Bar.)
(Do not download from the "Thumbnail", as you will get the reduced-sized picture.)
The Woodbury Farm, taken 20 June, 1920. (Maybe in Candia area of New Hampshire.)
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(File size: 380 x 245; 13,041 bytes)
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The A. M. Nelson Residence, Monticello, ME.
Boy Scout Cabin, Monticello, ME.
Coles Dining Room, China Lake, China, ME.
China Lake, China, ME.
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