![]() Germany |
![]() |
![]() America |
Amburger Amberger
Aylor Ailor Ailer �hler Oehler
Bach Back
Beyerback Byerback
Blankenbaker Blankenb�hler Blankenbuhler Blankenbeckler Plankenb�hler Plankenbeckler Blankenpickler Blanken Beckler Blank Pickler
Bartles Bottles Bortles Bortle
Bowman Bauman Baumann
Brown Braun
Broyles Briles Bryles Brile Breil Briel Broil Broiles Br�yhel Breuel Brohl Bruel Broyhill DeBruhl DeBreul DeBrohl
Carpenter Zimmerman
Castler Gessler
Christler Kreistler Crisler Cristele Christele Chrysler Khrysler Cristler
Click Glick Gl�ck Gleuck Klick Clicke
Clore Glore Cloer Claar Klaar
Cook Koch
Copp Cupp Kupp
Critselous Critselious Cretselous Cretselious Crecelius Crecelious Cretzelious Cretzelous
Dieter Teter
Everhart Everheart
Fender Finder Fenter Finter
Fishback Fischbach
Fisher Fischer
Fleshman Fleishman Fleischman Fleischmann
Frady Frada Wrede Vrede Vorete
Freshower Froschaur
Garr Gaar Gar Gahr
Graybill Krebil Grebil
Haeger Hager
Hitt Heite Hite Heit
Hoffman Huffman Hofman Hofmann Hufman Hoofman Hopfman
Holtzclaw Holsclaw Holesclaw Holzklau Holtsclaw Holtzklau
Kabler Cobler Cabler Kiebler Keibler Keebler Kibler K�bler Kaebler
Kafer Kaifer
Kemper Camper
Krim Crim Crimm Crum Grimm
Kuntze Kuntz Cuntze Cuntz Coons Coontz Coonts Coonz Koontz
Layman Lehman
Long Lang
Mauk Mauck Mawk Mock
Milker Milcher Muhlecker
Miller Muller Mueller M�ller
Motz M�tz Mertz
Moyer Mayer Moyers Myers Meyers Meir Myer
Niceley Nicely Nicley Kneisley
N�h Nay Ney Noeh
Otterbach Utterback
Painter Bender Pender Benter Penter Paynter
Parlur Barlow
Paulitz Paultisch
Railsback R�hlsbach
Rasor Resor Racer R�user R�ser Reasor Riser Risser Reaser Reiser Rieser Raysor
Rector Richter Rictor Ricker
Reiner Riner Ryner Rhyner Rhynor Rhinor Rhiner Ronner
Rush Rausch Rouse Rousch
Schluchter Schlucter Sluter Slucter Sluchter Sluder Souther
Sheible Shible Scheible
Shuster Schuster
Sluchter Schluchter Souther
Smith Schmidt
Snyder Snider Schneider
Souther Sluchter Schluchter
Spade Spath
Spilmann Spillmann Spilman Spillman Spielmann Speilmann Spielman Speilman
Stoltz Stolts Stultz Stults VonStoltz
Stonecipher Steinseiffer Stonecypher Stonesipher Stinesipher Stinecypher Stonesifer
Stover Stoever St�ver
Tanner Gerber
Teter Dieter
Utz �tz Otes Oats Oates
Vaught Vogt Focht Vought Faught Fought
Volk Folg Folk
Waddell Waddel Waddle Wadell Wadel Wattle Wedel Weddle Weedle
Wayland Wieland Weiland Wyland
Wayman Weidmann Weiman
Weaver Weber Webber
Wilhite Willhite Wilheit Willheit Wilhoit Willhoit Wilhoite Willhoite Willhight
Yager Yeager Jager J�ger Jaeger
Young Jung
Yowell Yowel �hl
Ziegler Zeigler Ziglar
Zimmerman Carpenter(We should try to add ALL the Germanna families here, as in the example above, with alternate spellings. Please help by sending me similar lists of Germanna family names, with ALL known spellings. Also send any other spelling variants for the above names. I'll list them in alphabetical order, and I hope that we can get all the families listed here, to include all those that John Blankenbaker includes in his definition of "Germanna" families. Thanks. GWD)
[GERMANNA COLONIES Family History Home Page]