The second map shows the Patents that were obtained by members of the Germanna Colonies who moved to the Little Fork area.
The dimensions of the first graphics file are 670 x 913 pixels; its size is 249,830 bytes.
The dimensions of the second graphics file are 670 x 871 pixels; its size is 405,863 bytes.
(The maps you see here are reduced in size to make it easier to see the entire maps, and take less time to load. (Viewing these reduced-size graphics isn't very satisfactory.)
If you wish to view the full-size map, LEFT-click on the graphic and the full sized picture will load on a new page. (The resulting maps are quite large, so you may have to use the scroll bars to see the entire maps. The reason for such large size is to maintain the high resolution of these maps. For optimum viewing, you should download them and use your graphics viewer to resize them.)
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(Click on the "Photos Home Page" at the bottom of this page to find links to other "Germanna Photos" pages, and to find out how to submit your Germanna photos for inclusion here. Also, please read the instructions for sending the photos or graphics files to me.)
(Shows all land patents, including German and English; date of map is unknown.)
(Shows only the 12 Germanna families who settled in the Little Fork area, and who comprised the Little Fork German Church in 1748.)
The first map on this page is of Early Land Patents in The Little Fork Area, Culpeper County, VA, showing all land owners, including German and English. The red dot shows the approximate location of Jeffersonton.
Map # 1, Early Patents, Little Fork, Culpeper, Co., VA
Map # 2, The Twelve Germanna Families, Little Fork, Culpeper, Co., VA
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