This site is concerned with genealogies of the Gentner and related families, with a focus on descendants of the Gentner family from Wiesental, Baden, Germany. In addition, there is extensive coverage of a group of related, mostly Catholic families who came to America from Germany and France and settled in Western New York, Michigan, and Québec. The most common surnames are Amann, Bantle, Beaubien, Benz, Boardway, Boydstun, Brooks, Degenfelder, Fafard, Gentner, Gerwitz, Haberer, Johengen, Jones, Kaas, Kohn, Kunzler, La Framboise, Machauer, Mahl, Nenno, Peters, Reuter, Rolle, Rospert, Salzler, Scharf, Schmitt, Schneider, Schuhmacher, Schweickert, Seider, Smith, Vogel, Weber, Winter, and Wittmer, all of which occur at least 50 times.
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Here are some other helpful links to pages on this web site:
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The Wiesental-Springville Connection book
Gentner immigrants
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List of Wiesental-Springville emigrants
Gentner Trivia
Wiesental, Baden
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Springville, New York
Other genealogists of these families
Note: Don Gentner died on June 12, 2005. His web site will stay up for the indefinite future as a resource for genealogists interested in these families. Don felt great gratitude for the help other genealogists gave him and for their sharing over the years. Genealogy and the people he met through it were a great joy in his life. His wife, Judith Stewart, can be reached at [email protected].
Prepared by Don Gentner - 28 June, 2003