Descendants of John Davidson Return

Descendants of
John Davidson

Prefix - written by Robert Kenneth Davidson [1906-1945]

who died in Ireland about 1787

Chart showing relationship of the �double DAVIDSONs�

	John Davidson
Died in Ireland about 1787		
Son of 1st wife.		Andrew
Son of 2nd wife	
1792-1880		Sarah
1828-1913		Rachel
18..-1861		Mary Crawford
1823-1908		John Jr.
1830-1888		Robert
1828-1908		Andrew Crawford
1871-19..		Edna Crawford



     The purpose of this record is not to trace the family far back into 
the Middle Ages to Discover ancestors from royalty or nobility.  It deals 
only with the American history of the family, from the time it came to 
this country, shortly after 1790, down to the present.

     The first we know of our ancestors they were a Scotch-Irish family 
living in County Down, Ireland, A northern county near Belfast.  They were 
Protestants, probably Presbyterians.  Aside from this we know nothing of 
them and never will, unless some member of the family becomes ambitious 
enough to go to Ireland and Trace them there.

     A brief history of the Scotch-Irish may be of interest, as it will 
show what the old DAVIDSONs probably did, or might have done, before the 
time that we really know what they did.

     At the dawn of Scotch History there was a Clan Davidson living in the 
Highlands of Scotland, sufficiently important to have its own plaid, or 
tartan, that is a peculiar pattern of colors woven into the cloth out of 
which the members of the family made certain of they clothing.  A member of
the DAVIDSON Clan was distinguished from the members of other clan by the 
color and pattern of his tartan.  The Clan Book, which can be found in any 
large library, contains illustrations of the DAVIDSON tartan.

     The Scotch-Highlands is a very poor country and in very early days it 
was bothered by bloody clan wars, in which many whole families sometimes 
were wiped out.  About 1400 there is said to have been a bloody battle 
between the Davidsons and the McPhersons, in which the Davidsons were the 
losers.  Living conditions in the Highlands were very harsh and poor, and 
for that reason there has always been a heavy emigration from the Highlands 
to Northern Ireland, a more fertile if not a more peaceful country.

     Between 1620 and 1680 the emigration from Scotland to Ireland was 
unusually heavy.  This was the time when the Stuarts were the rulers of 
all Great Britain, but were struggling with the Puritans and Oliver 
Cromwell. The Stuarts persecuted the Presbyterians of Scotland, especially 
the Covananters, who were very strict Presbyterians, and many fled to 
Ireland to escape this persecution.  Cromwell then came to power.  He 
favored the Presbyterians but encouraged them to settle in Ireland because 
they would support his party better than the Catholic natives.  Then
Cromwell's party fell and the Stuarts returned.  During all this period 
of civil war and revolution, thousands of the Scotch moved to Ireland, 
especially Ulster, the northern part, which today is more Scotch than Irish, 
but about 1700 new laws were passed which injured them almost as much
as the native Irish.  The Irish-Catholics were too poor and too harshly 
held down by the law to help themselves, but the Scotch-Irish still 
possessed a little money and property which they had acquired during the 
earlier laws favoring them, and they could leave the country.  thousands of
them came to America during this early depression, beginning to come about 
1720, and many went to the colony of Pennsylvania.

     English law at that time provided that when a man died all of his land 
should go to his "nearest male relative."  if he had sons, this land went 
to the oldest son.  The youngest sons and the daughters divided the money 
and what was left of the personal property after the debts were paid.  Most 
people were farmers at that time.  Farmers seldom possess a large amount of 
money and at that time they were too poor to have much live stock or other 
personal property.  Moreover, the debts of the estate were paid very largely 
out of the personal property.  The oldest son was thus a very favored 
individual, and the younger sons and the daughters were left out in the cold.  
The daughters remedied this by marrying.  The plight of the younger son was 

     A younger son could remain at home and become a dependent on his oldest brother.  Not a
very attractive prospect for a young man of ambition.  He could enter a trade, but in Ireland there
was very little trade and such as there was almost all in the hands of English, who were
determined to keep it there.  There were factories.  linen weaving was about the only form of
manufacturing in Northern Ireland, and that trade was crowded.  Only a few young men could
afford the education to become ministers, doctors, or lawyers.  There were the Army and Navy,
but during the 18th Century no self-respecting young man would willingly serve as a private in
either, and commissions for officers had to be bought.  The buck private and the common sailor
had a pretty hard life.  Recruits had to be obtained by various semi-legal forms of kidnapping. 
About all that the average younger son could do was to emigrate.  It is interesting to notice that in
the Davidson family it was only the younger sons and the daughter who left Ireland to come to

     The passage across the sea was frightful.  It took weeks, sometimes months, to cross the
Atlantic.  There were no laws protecting immigrates, and grasping ship owners overcrowded the
ships so that privacy was impossible.  The food was often condemned army stores, and when the
British Army in the 18th Century condemned food as unfit for its soldiers, the food was terrible. 
If the voyage was delayed by storms the food often ran out and the immigrants starved.  Sanitary
measures were extremely primitive.  Disease often broke out on the ships; in a few instances as
many as three-fourths of the passengers died on the ocean.  It was indeed a brave soul who came
to America as an immigrant in 1793, and we must admire Mary Dunlap Davidson, who came to
America then with at least four children, the youngest eleven years old.  When the immigrant
landed he was desperately poor.  He probably had little enough to start with, for after the fortunate
oldest son, who seldom emigrated, had taken all his father's land, there was little enough for the
younger sons and the daughters.  The fares to America were exorbitant, and then a few ship owners
hired swindlers and blackguards to fleece the passengers out of the little money they had left.

     In 1793, when the Davidsons first came to America, George Washington was president of the
United States.  The Revolutionary War had been over only ten years.  The United States consisted
only of the country between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mississippi River, excluding Florida.  The
settled part of the country was between the ocean and the mountains.  West of the mountains was
a howling wilderness of dense forests, but Western Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Ohio, and Tennessee
were filling up rapidly.  Pittsburgh was a tiny backwoods trading post.  There were no other towns
for hundreds of miles.

     Yet, because he had so little money the Scotch-Irish immigrant seldom stayed near the East
Coast, where prices were fairly high, but pushed across the mountains where there were few
settlements and land could be bought on a very long-term contracts.  The Andrew Davidson farm
was bought on contract February 23, 1797, from the Pennsylvania population Company.  He
received the deed September 27, 1836, nearly 40 years later.  Even with the cheap land and the
long period for making payments, many settlers failed and lost their land.  During hard times the
Pennsylvania population Company brought suits to forfeit many contracts, and when the cases
came to trial the neighbors gathered in the Court Room and booed, threatening to riot.  So far as
we know, none of the Davidsons lost his farm in those early days, but doubtless they all had their
difficulties and sympathized with their less fortunate neighbors.

     When the Davidsons settled was then in Beaver County, thought it is now Lawrence county. 
Bears and rattlesnakes are said to have been seen there for many years after 1800, though there
were probably no Indians by that time.  The country is hilly and was heavily timbered then.  Every
farm had to be cleared before it was tillable, a slow, backbreaking process without dynamite or
tractors.  Often it was years before an entire farm had been brought to plow.

     A low standard of living had to be adopted because the settlers had no money and were
generally in debt for their farms.  The roads were very poor and the freight charges on luxuries
prohibitive.  The quickest means of travel was by water.  There were no churches or schools, and
these had to be created with very little money to pay for them and for salaries of ministers and
teachers.  Compulsory education paid for by the taxpayers did not exist in Pennsylvania for years,
and children of the pioneers, especially the older ones, received little schooling.  The Scotch-Irish
were usually Presbyterians or Methodist.  The Davidsons divided between the two churches.

     A new country always contains a large rough, lawless element, and Western Pennsylvania was
no exception.  Drunkenness, gambling and brawling were frequent in the settlements, and the
whole frontier had a bad reputation for crimes of violence.  The Whiskey Rebellion occurred in
1797, a series of small riots by the farmers about Pittsburgh to prevent the Federal Government
from taxing their private stills.  The law-abiding people, to protect themselves and to prevent their
children from mingling with the lawless crowd, adopted very strict Puritanic views on religion and
morals, and the strict upbringing which the older members of the Davidson Family received was
due to this cause.

     This historical background may assist in understanding the known facts of the early family


     John Davidson is the first ancestor whose name we know.  He lived in County Down, Ireland,
was married twice, and died when his youngest son was five years old.  This would be about 1787.

     The first John Davidson was survived by his second wife, Mary Dunlap Davidson, and at least
nine children.  There were three sons by the first wife (we don�t know her name): William,
George, and Thomas.  Thomas was the only one of the first wife�s children to come to America,
and on one side of our family we are descended from him.  By the second wife, Mary Dunlop,
there were six children, Robert, John, Charles, James, Elizabeth, and Andrew, the youngest, born
in 1782.  On the other side of our family we are descended from Andrew.

     The family tradition is that this first John Davidson was a landowner in Ireland, but we do not
know whether he was rich or poor, whether his reputed land holdings were large or small, a
farmer of some size or only a few poor acres.  He was not rich.  His third son, Thomas, left home
early and became a linenweaver in Belfast.  in some way Mary Dunlap Davidson, his widow, and
her six children found the means to pay their passage to America.  As a guess, she may have sold
her dower interest in her husband�s estate to the oldest son, who would naturally want to own his
land free of the interest which the law gave his stepmother.  These are the only hints we have as to
the financial and social condition of our first known ancestor, John Davidson.

     The unreliable History of Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, states that in 1791, Robert and John
Davidson, the two oldest sons of the second wife, Mary Dunlap Davidson, left Ireland and came to
America.  They must have been in their early twenties at that time.  They drifted through the west. 
Robert perhaps going as far as Cincinnati, Ohio, but do not seem to have settled down
permanently.  Mr. Fred Davidson, who has done some independent research on the Family
History, says that Robert and John Davidson came to this country in 1793 with their mother.

    Fred Davidson and the History of Lawrence County agree that in 1793 Mary Dunlap Davidson
came to this country, bringing with her all of her children who were then in Ireland.  She stopped
temporarily in Eastern Pennsylvania.  if John and Robert had come earlier, they learned of their
mother's arrival, joined her, and in 1796 the whole family moved westward to the new, unsettled
country along the Big Beaver River.  On February 23, 1798 Mary Dunlap Davidson made a
contract with the Pennsylvania Population Company, a corporation organized to sell western land,
to buy a farm in Beaver county (now Lawrence County), and to this farm she and her children
removed.  In the family this farm is know as the Robert James Davidson Farm.  It was in the
possession of descendants of Andrew Davidson for over 100 years, being sold some time since

     It is said that the Davidsons were the first settlers in Big Beaver Township, and that the
settlement which grew up near their farms was called Irish Ripple, because the Davidsons and
their neighbors all came from Ireland.  Irish Ripple has disappeared; its place was taken by
Wampum.  The country was still unsettled that as the older boys left home they could take up
farms close to their mother's place, so that there grew up a little string of Davidson farms on the
west side of Big Beaver River.

     Thomas Davidson, youngest son of the first John Davidson by his first wife, came to America a
little later.  He was born probably about 1765, left his father's home before the others, went to
Belfast and became a linen weaver.  He married in Ireland and had two children, both born there:
Nancy, about 1790, and John, born in 1792.  Some time later Thomas Davidson determined to
come to America also.  He went to Cincinnati and bought a farm which, according to family
tradition, was located in what is now downtown Cincinnati.  But Thomas became desperately
homesick and, learning by chance that his step mother and her children were in Western
Pennsylvania, he abandoned his farm and came to join them, buying a farm near theirs, which is
known in the family as the Hoyt Farm, a few miles southwest of Wampum.  We know that
Thomas Davidson was in Beaver County before 1803, as his name is given in a list of taxpayers of
that county.

     The names of two other Davidsons are found in that name list of taxpayers, William Davidson
and Robert William Davidson.  They apparently did not belong to our family, although they might
have been cousins whose relationship is now forgotten.  William Davidson's father was a James
Davidson, who died in Ireland some time after 1780, and his mother was 

Mary Ramsey Davidson, who came to this country when a widow like our ancestor, Mary Dunlap

     The members of our family who came to this country were: Mary Dunlap Davidson: her six
children Robert, John, Charles, Elizabeth, and Andrew; her stepson, Thomas Davidson, and his
two children, Nancy and John.  We do not know whether Mrs. Thomas Davidson died in Ireland
or whether she came also.

		Note:  Since this copy of the Family Record is intended for persons
descended from both Thomas and Andrew Davidson, the "Double-
Davidson," I shall take up first the descendants of Thomas
Davidson, the oldest brother who came to America.  The second half
of this record deals with the descendants of Mary Dunlap Davidson,
particularly with her son Andrew and his descendants.

Particularly his son John.

     Thomas Davidson was the oldest of the six brothers who come to America and a half-brother
of the other five, the youngest of the three sons of their father and his first wife.  I have given
almost all the facts that we know of Thomas Davidson.  Indeed we know very little about him.  He
probably spend the remainder of his life on his farm, known now as the Hoyt Farm, southwest of
Wampum.  Older that the other Davidson brothers he apparently died before they did and there is
no one living now who ever saw him.  We do not know his wife's name; there is some reason to
think it was Elizabeth.  The next time I am in Pennsylvania I want to search the cemeteries at
Rocky Springs and Clinton to try and find the graves of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Davidson.

    Of Thomas Davidson's two children, Nancy was the oldest.  She was born about 1790, married
Charles Wilson, and had no children.  She died at home on her nephew, James Davidson, near
Wampum, Pennsylvania about 1875.  In the family she is remembered as Auntie Wilson.  Her
picture shows a determined little old lady in old-fashioned dress, with a bonnet and lace mitts.

     Thomas Davidson's second child was John Davidson, who was born May 20, 1792, in Belfast,
Ireland, came to America with his father, and grew up on the Hoyt Farm near Wampum.  In the
list of soldiers in the War of 1812 from Beaver County is the name of John Davidson in the
company of Captain Thomas Henry.  This may our ancestor, John, who would then be 21 or 22
years old.  I never heard that he did participate in that war and further proof should be had before
we say that he did or did not.

     About 1820 John Davidson married Mary Ann Thompson of Butler County, Pennsylvania, who
was then 18 years old.  After the death of Thomas Davidson, John Davidson and his wife lived on
the Hoyt Farm and their fourteen children were born there.  The John Davidsons were charter
members of the Old Clinton M. E. Church founded in 1823, Clinton being a town somewhat
nearer the Hoyt Farm than Wampum, and I presume that Charles Wesley, Their little boy who
died very young, is buried in Clinton Cemetery.

     I have a picture of John Davidson, taken when he was quite old.  It is now badly faded, but it
shows a long-faced, white-haired old gentleman who wore chin-whiskers.  His forehead was high,
his eyes deep-set; his head held high.  I have been told that his hair, when young, was a light
brown and his eyes pale blue (characteristic features in the older Davidsons).  He had a long nose
and determined-looking mouth.  He is said to have spoken with a distinct Irish brogue, which
earned him the nickname about Wampum of 'Irish Johnny."

     His education must have been very limited, but he seems to have made the most of his
opportunities.  At the age of 85 he wrote a letter to his son, James, and even at that advanced age
his writing is quite legible, the spelling and grammar fairly good, and the letter is newsy and
intelligent, a surprising feat for a man of his years.  Although he was very feeble and confined to
his room in the home of his son Robert, he was aware of what was going on about him and formed
his own conclusions as to people and events.  The last years of his life he wrote constantly, but
what he wrote, whether sermons or reminiscences of his rather interesting life, we shall never
know, for after his death all of his papers were destroyed.

     He was a very religious man and a devout Methodist.  The letter I mentioned contains a strong
religious strain, quoting, "Bring up your children in the admonition of the Lord," a piece of advice
hardly necessary to give to James Davidson to whom the letter was written.  He mentioned a local
"protracted meeting," i.e., revival meeting.  A note to his grandson, William Henry Davidson then
in normal school, urges the boy to "get religion."

     John Davidson was afflicted with what we sometimes call the Davidson Temper, that is, he
was irritable and quick-tempered, generally over trifles.  When provoked his rages are said to have
been almost insane.  I have been told that he was not a very good farmer, and it is possible that he
would have been happier and less irritable had his education permitted him some occupation in
which he could have utilized his fondness for reading, writing and talking.  As it was he quarreled
violently with all his children and they all left home as soon as they could, the boys going out to
make their own way, and girls marrying.  However, there was no ill feeling between him and any
of his children which lasted very long, and we know the he visited with all of the ones who lived
in Iowa and attempted to keep in touch with them all up to his last days.  The stories of his rages
have probably been exaggerated for now there is no one living who knew him except as a lonely,
dissatisfied old man.

     John Davidson and his wife stayed in Pennsylvania until about 1855.  The six oldest children
were married by that time and at least three of them were in Iowa:  Andrew in Lee County; Robert
and John in Iowa County.  

Poweshiek County, Iowa, was booming at that time.  In `850 it had only 615 inhabitants; in 1854
less than 2,000; in 1856, 4,460.  About 1855 Mr. and Mrs. John Davidson came to Bear Creek
Township, Poweshiek County, and bought a farm a mile north of Brooklyn.  Their seven youngest
children came with them, Charles Wesley having died before 1855.  Mrs. Davidson's brother and
sister, John Thompson and Jane Newkirk, and their families, came to Poweshiek County about the
same time.  In 1855 Andrew Davidson, who was living in Lee County, bought a farm in
Poweshiek County and moved on it in 1856.  By 1864 John and Robert moved over from Iowa
County, Robert in that year, John perhaps earlier.  By 1864 Thomas Davidson and Abner Braden,
Elizabeth's husband, had bought farms in Poweshiek County.  The only member of the family who
did not come to Iowa was the second son, James, who spend all his days on his farm near
Wampum, Pennsylvania.

     Mary Ann Thompson Davidson died in 1860, 58 years old, of "inflammation of the bowels," a
much dreaded disease at that time, now called appendicitis.  With modern surgery it is seldom
fatal and not even considered especially serious.  Mary Ann Thompson Davidson was popular
with her husband's relatives, and even in those days of overwork and huge families it was thought
that she had had a very hard life.  Her father was James Thompson of Cherry Township, Butler
County, Pennsylvania (the next county east of Lawrence County), born 1778, died
February 14, 1861.  her mother's name was Sarah, born 1785, died January 10, 1862.  Mary Ann
was the oldest of 13 children.  A brother James was killed at the siege of Richmond.  Another
brother, John, and a sister, Jane Newkirk, came to Iowa with their families.  A third brother,
Moses, remained in Pennsylvania.  He visited now and then at the James Davidson home, a very
old man with a long white beard.  Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Tinker, sisters of Mary Ann, also came to

     John Davidson remarried two or three years after Mary Ann's death.  He and his second wife
soon separated and very little is known of her.  There is a tombstone standing by itself in the
cemetery at Brooklyn, on which is the name "Rachel Davidson," and I presume, though I do not
know, that marks her grave.  There were no children by the second wife.

     After the separation and on June 23, 1864, John Davidson sold his farm to his son, Robert, with
whom he made his home from that time until his death in 1880.  He made short visits to the
children who lived in the vicinity, but as the years went on he spent more and more of his time in
his own room, writing incessantly.  he died April 10, 1880, nearly 88 years old.

     I am copying into this record the letter written by John Davidson to his son James, when he
was 85 years old.  It was commenced March 29, 1877 but not finished for about two weeks.  I
have punctuated the paragraphed it, and have put in parentheses certain explanations which may
serve to make the large amount of family news it contains more clear to us.  

"  Thursday March 29th.  This day is very nice and shows appearances of spring.  We
have had pretty (bad?) weather through this month.  Now I think we are going to have
nice weather.
  We had Abner and Elizabeth (Braden) today.  They were going to William B.
Crawford's to the infare.  He was married last evening (to Gertrude Happy, his second
wife).  I was not able to go.
  Our protracted meeting is about closing.  There has been a great revival in our midst. 
Something over 200 joined our church (Methodist) and many have joined other churches.
Saturday (March) the 31st.  I now sit down to add a little more to my epistle.  I cannot
write much at a sitting as I feel very feeble, have been so for some weeks.
    John Harper (Nancy Davidson's husband) died last night, is to be buried tomorrow,
Sunday at ten o'clock.  He has been ailing for a long time in consumption.  Little Robie
(Harper) was to go to Thomas's to live last Monday but he did not go, not expecting his
father to live many days.  Robie has been living with your brother John most, paying
$1.50 per week for board and going to school.  Thomas offers to keep him free of charge. 
Harper has 80 acres of land well improved which was bought with Nancy's money, which
he deeded to Robie before his last marriage (to phoebe Parnham).  They have a renter on
it who gives the third of what he raises.
  I cannot write much at present as I feel very feeble.  Times here is pretty hard on some. 
Those who are in debt, many of them, will have a hard time getting through.
  Lydia Crawford has been living on keeping house for William since Mary Ann
(Davidson Crawford) died.  She same the day before Mary Ann died, is going home on
next Tuesday.  She has been a good, faithful housekeeper to William and good to the
children.  (Lydia was a sister of William Crawford.)
  April 6, 1877.  Bring up your children in the admiration of the Lord.  (Then follows a
list of names and dates of birth of his 14 children, evidently sent in answer to an inquiry
from James.)  Your mother was born October, 1802; died December 16, 1860.  Your
father born May 1792.  Your brother William died one year and a few days after your
mother.  Nancy died December (November), 1866.  I cannot mind the time of the others'
deaths as I kept no record.  There are three of your brothers (Thompson, William, and
Charles Wesley) and three of your sisters (Sarah Jane Marshall, Mary Ann Crawford, and
Nancy Harper) gone before us and I hope are happy.  Let us who are left behind try to be
prepared to follow.
  April, Wednesday 11.  I have had to quit writing for some time.  I think I must try and
finish my letter to you.  our farmers is very busy this week putting in their wheat, oats and
barley.  The next will be preparing for corn.
  Robert's Maggie is at home this week on vacation.  She will be going to her school (an
Episcopal College at Clinton, Iowa) next week.  John's Andrew and Jennie is at Mt.
Pleasant (Iowa Wesleyan College).  They will have vacation next June.
  I do not gain fast.  I am generally very poorly in the after part of the day.  I can mostly
help myself.  I am waiting till my change comes in.  I still feel resigned to the will of the
Lord and if we never meet here on earth I hope we may meet in that better world where
parting shall be no more.  Remember my love to all inquiring friends.  your ever loving
father, John Davidson.  Write soon."

     From this letter we get some idea of John Davidson's character and mental ability, keeping in
mind his great age and the time he wrote it.  In this letter he mentions all of the children who lived
in Iowa except Moses and Andrew (he gives the dates of their birth, of course, but they lived eight
or nine miles distance and he probably not seen them recently.

     I have been told that after this letter was written James Davidson visited his father in Iowa.

Born 20May1792
Died 10Apr1880	and
Married _________ 1820	MARY ANN THOMPSON
Born:  9Oct1802
Died: 16Dec1860	
	Name	Date of Birth	Date of Death	Age	Married	Spouse	Date of Birth	Date of Death	
1	Thomas	28 Apr 1822	1 May 1903	81	1846
24Nov1892	Margaret Stanton
Elizabeth Lyter	-
-	20 Aug 1892
2	James	18 Oct 1823	4 May 1908	84	17 May 1849	Sarah Davidson	15 Mar 1828
	12 Mar 1931	
3	Andrew	15 Feb 1826	23 Feb 1908	82	4 May 1848	Almira Ferrel	1831
	29 Jan 1885	
4	Elizabeth	 2 Jun 1827	7 Nov 1909	82	10 Aug 1850	Abner Braden
	1 Apr 1823	4 May 1908	
5	Robert	17 Nov 1828	21 Aug 1808	80	3 Mar 1853	Nancy Jane Crawford
	23Mar1832	1Oct1903	
6	John	15 Aug 1830	22 Sep 1888	58	27 Mar 1853
15 Mar 1862	Rachel Davidson
Lavina Higgins	15 Jul 1829
-	11 Jun 1861
19 Aug 1895	
7	Sarah Jane	6 Apr 1832	1864	32	4 Jun 1857	Edward Marshall			
8	Thompson	26 Jan 1834	1859	25	Never Married				
9	Wilson	2 Jun 1836	3 Jul 1907	71	Never Married				
10	Moses	20 May 1837	28 May 1918	61	Aug 1859
22 Aug 1875	Eva M. Rogers
Elizabeth Jane Perry	8 Jan 1854
6 Apr 1840	27 May 1874
22 Feb 1905	
11	William	28 Aug 1839	30 Dec 1861	22	Never Married				
12	Mary Ann	13 Dec 1841	20 May 1876	34	11 Apr 1861	William. B. Crawford
	22 Feb 1837	28 May 1904	
13	Charles W.	31 Oct 1844	1845	1	Never Married				
14	Nancy E. 	2 Apr 1846	14 Nov 1866	20	1 Feb 1866	John S Harper
	18 Jun 1841	20 Mar 1877	


     Above is a table of the dates of the birth, death, marriages and names of the spouses of each of
the 14 children of John Davidson and Mary Ann Thompson so far as I have been able to learn
them.  A complete history of each would be out of place here; in addition to this table I shall give
a few of the more important facts about the life of each one.  It is interesting that of the 14
children, six lived to be 80; one over 70; another died when 58; the other six before they were 35. 
The six who died were younger children.  The five oldest all lived to be 80.  Three of the four girls
died young; the other, Elizabeth, was over 82 when she died.  Complete details can be added by
the members of each family for their own ancestor.

1.  THOMAS DAVIDSON.  We do not know where he lived between the time he left his father's
home and October 28, 1864, when he received the deed to his farm in Poweshiek County1,  His
farm was several miles southeast of Brooklyn, near the Braden farm, but some distance from
where the other members of the family lived.

     He was married probably about 1845 or 1846 to Margaret STANTON, by whom he had three
children: David, who died when he was 18 unmarried; John, who married and died before he was
35, leaving descendants who live near Marengo, Iowa; and Margaret Jane, who married Andrew
HALL, had several children, and died before she was fifty.

     We do not know very much of the Thomas Davidsons because their children died so long ago. 
After the death of Margaret Stanton he married Elizabeth LYTER, by whom he had no children. 
She survived him.  He lived to be 81 and is buried in the cemetery at Brooklyn beside his first wife
and son, David.

2.  JAMES DAVIDSON remained in Pennsylvania all his life, living on a farm south and west of
the town of Wampum a mile or two.

     In 1849 he married SARAH DAVIDSON, who was a half-cousin of James' father.  Her family
will be described in the later part of this record.  James and Sarah had four sons: 

	ANDREW, who died unmarried when 20; 

	ROBERT JAMES, who never married but lived at home with his parents, dying a few days after
his mother in 1913; 

	JOHN WESLEY, who farmed in Pennsylvania for many years, went to _____ California about
1918 and died in Long Beach January 31, 1933, survived by his second wife, Mrs. Ida
Davidson, and the four children of his first wife Nancy 'Nannie' WILKINSON; and 

	WILLIAM WILSON, a flour and feed merchant of Ellwood City, Pennsylvania, still living there,
who has three children.

     Especially in later years, James Davidson was better known to his wife's relatives that to his
own.  in Pennsylvania it is said that if any Davidson were sick, destitute and alone in the world he
went to Uncle James's.  He and his wife visited in Iowa once or twice, and whenever any of the
Iowa Davidsons went to Pennsylvania they made his home their headquarters.  He and his wife
both lived to be nearly 85.  At their golden Wedding Anniversary a paper was read which
described their wedding and gave many details which would be of interest today, but which
unfortunately seems to be lost.  Aunt Sarah was very fond of telling the old Family History and
many facts given in this record come indirectly from her.  James and Sarah Davidson are buried in
the cemetery at Clinton, Pennsylvania.  

3.  ANDREW DAVIDSON apparently the first of the boys to leave home.  In 1844 when he was
18, he came west, settling near Fort Madison in Lee County, Iowa, where he married ALMIRA
FERREL in 1848.  December 12, 1855 he bought a farm in Poweshiek County2.  Five or six years
later he traded this farm for a quarter section in Scott Township, same county, which was about
twelve miles southwest of Brooklyn.  After his wife's death in 1885, Andrew moved to Palo Alto
County, Iowa, where he stayed several years; then went to North Dakota with his son, Wesley,
where he died 82 years of age.  He is buried at Doyer, North Dakota; his wife at Brooklyn, Iowa.

     Andrew Davidson had five children: 

	CURTIS, the youngest, died a baby; 

	JOHN P. moved to northwest Iowa in the late 1880's, farmed in Palo Alto County for many
years, and is now the oldest living member of the family.  

	WESLEY came to northwest Iowa a little earlier than his brother, was sheriff of and died in
Melta, Manitoba about a year ago, when he was 80.  He is survived by his wife, Mrs.
Jennie Davidson, and four children;

	WILLIAM H. farmed in Poweshiek County near Guernsey for many years, then lived in the town
of Grinnell until his death some years ago; his widow, Mrs. Margaret Davidson survived
him until January, 1933, and five of his nine children are still living; and Mary Ann, who
married GEORGE GORDON and lived in Omaha, Nebraska, until her death a few years
ago.  She is survived by one daughter.

4.  ELIZABETH DAVIDSON BRADEN married ABNER BRADEN in 1850 and they lived on a
farm in Chippewa Township, Beaver County, Pennsylvania, for some time.  March 26, 1864
Abner Braden received deed to their farm in Poweshiek County3.  The Braden farm was near
Thomas Davidson's southeast of Brooklyn several miles.  Mr. and Mrs. Abner Braden lived on this
farm the rest of their lives, both living to be over eighty.  They are buried in the cemetery at

     Abner Braden was an uncle of Mrs. Robert Davidson and William B. Crawford.  He and his
wife had seven children: 

	WILLIAM H., who farmed near Brooklyn all his life and whose sons live near Deep River,

	RUFFUS P. went to Nebraska in 1879 but lived mostly in South Dakota, dying some years ago
and is survived by his wife, Mary E. Braden, and several children;

	JOHN DAVIDSON went to Nebraska in 1879 also, later moved to South Dakota and died there;
his wife, Mrs. Henrietta Braden, and four children survive;

	THOMAS JEFFERSON (Jeff) lived at home with his parents, married late, and had no children;

	MARY ANN died unmarried many years ago;

	Gilbert went to California about 1890 and still lives there, unmarried; and

	ELIZABETH, who married J.J. HESTER and lives in Chicago, Ill.

5.  ROBERT DAVIDSON.  About 1852 he met NANCY JANE CRAWFORD of Gallion, Ohio,
who was visiting relatives in Beaver County, Pennsylvania, probably the Bradens.  They were
married in Ohio in March of 1853.  The same year Robert and his brother John, with their young
brides, came out to Iowa County, Iowa, buying farms near the town of Marengo.  Since the rest of
the family later settled at Brooklyn, 25 miles west of Marengo, Robert and John sold their farms
and joined them.  Robert purchased his father's farm about a mile north of Brooklyn, receiving the
deed June 23, 18644.  His father, John Davidson Senior, spent his last years at Robert's home,
making short visits to the other children in the vicinity.

     Robert Davidson remained on this farm until 1887.  Because of the health of their daughter,
Celia, they sold the farm and went to California.  After her death the next year, they returned to
Iowa, moved to New Virginia in Warren County in the 1890's, and in 1894 Robert founded a bank,
which was closed in 1931 because of the Depression.  He died in 1908 when nearly 80, his wife
had died five years earlier.  Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davidson are buried at Brooklyn with their
children, Margaret and Wilson.

     There were seven Children, only one of whom, Freeman C. is now living.

	MARY LYDIA married OWEN CAIN, died when 34 in California leaving 3 small sons.

	MARGARET (the Maggie mentioned in her grandfather's letter) died when she was 35;

	JOHN WILSON died unmarried when 32;

	CELIA, also unmarried, died when 25;

	WESLEY GRANT farmed all his life and died in 1919, survived by his wife, Mrs. Mary S.
Davidson and one son;

	WILLIAM JAMES operated his father's bank for many years, dying in 1929 survived by his
wife, Mrs. Lesta Davidson, one son, and several grandchildren; and

	FREEMAN CRAWFORD, who practiced law at Emmetsburg in Palo Alto County, Iowa, and is
now Judge of the 14th Judicial District of Iowa.

		NOTE:  The farm of Robert Davidson was one mile north of Brooklyn just north
of Bear Creek; adjoining it on the west was the farm of William Crawford,
which was vut by Stoney Creek; west of Crawfords' was the farm of John
Davidson Jr.
6.  JOHN DAVIDSON JUNIOR.  In March, 1853, he married RACHEL DAVIDSON, a sister of
Mrs. James Davidson and a daughter of the Andrew Davidson who came to this country in 1793. 
The same year, 1853, John and Robert, went to Iowa County, Iowa and bought farms.  In 1861
Rachel Davidson died leaving five small children.  In 1862 John Davidson Married LAVINA
HIGGINS, by whom he had one son.

     July 9, 1855 John Davidson Jr. bought a farm near Brooklyn5, but I understand that he
remained in Iowa County several years after that.  However, by 1864 he had moved to Brooklyn
and was living in the farm I have described in the above note.  He was a large landowner, buying,
selling and trading a great deal.  He died when 58 years old and is buried at Brooklyn beside his
first wife.  Mrs. Lavina Davidson survived him by several years and is buried at Brooklyn also.

     John Davidson had six children, five by his first wife, one by his second:

	ALBERT was a farmer and banker at Brooklyn for many years; his widow, Mrs. Kate Davidson
and two sons still live there;

	ANDREW J., farmed near Brooklyn all his life and is survived by his widow, Mrs. Emma
Davidson, and seven children;

	WILLIAM J., died before he was thirty, survived by his widow but no children;

	MARY JANE MORRIS operated a millinery store at Brooklyn and is still living;

	RACHEL DUNLAP lived in Oregon after her marriage but is now at Brooklyn; and

	HERBERT W., the youngest, farmed near Brooklyn for many years, later was in business there,
and is now in the real estate business at Des Moines.

7.  SARAH JANE DAVIDSON MARSHALL came to Brooklyn in 1855 with her parents.  In 1857
she married EDWARD MARSHALL, a cabinet-maker.  They moved to Ohio, where Sara died in
her early thirty's, leaving two small children.  The oldest JOSEPHINE, was born about 1859 and
died about 1874 at the home of William Crawford near Brooklyn.  The youngest, FLORA, was
born about 1861, married FRANKLIN D. DEMING, and had no children.  At one time Flora
visited her relatives quite frequently but no one has heard from her for twenty years and it is
uncertain whether she is living now.  Her address is unknown.

8. and 9. THOMPSON DAVIDSON  and WILSON DAVIDSON came to Iowa with their parents
in 1855.  In 1858 they joined a group of young men from Brooklyn who were going to California
to seek their fortunes.  In the party was their cousin, Eldridge Newkirk.  The next year, 1859,
Thompson was killed by a falling tree and is buried in California.  Wilson remained in California
the rest of is life, engaging in various occupations.  Neither Thompson or Wilson ever married. 
Wilson visited in Iowa and went on to Pennsylvania about 1880, and whenever any Davidson went
to California he visited with Uncle Wilson.  Wilson Davidson died when 71 in California and is
buried there.

10.  MOSES DAVIDSON came to Brooklyn with his parents in 1855.  September 20, 1861, he
bought a farm several miles north of Brooklyn6.  He fought in the Civil War, at the lose of which
he returned to his farm.

     In 1869 he married EVA M. ROGERS, then 15 years old, who died when she was 20, leaving a
little girl who died young, and a son, CARL A. DAVIDSON, who died a few years ago in
California, leaving four children.

     In 1875 Moses married ELIZABETH JANE PERRY.  They had four children, two little boys
who died when babies;

	MABEL, who married J.R. WEISENBERGER and lives at Porterville, California, and 

	ALICE, un married, who lives at Santa Ann, California, and has engages in welfare work among

11.  WILLIAM DAVIDSON came to Iowa with his parents, enlisted in the Civil War and died at
Mt. Pleasant, Iowa at the age of 22.  He never married.  his grave is in the lot of his parents in the
cemetery at Brooklyn, Iowa.  

12.  MARY ANN DAVIDSON CRAWFORD came to Iowa with her parents, where she met
WILLIAM B. CRAWFORD, a brother of Mrs. Robert Davidson and a nephew of Abner Braden,
who came to Iowa from Ohio in 1858, taught school and was boarding with the Robert Davidsons. 
November 15, 1859, William Crawford bought land in Poweshiek County7, and in 1861 he and
Mary Ann Davidson were married.  William Crawford fought in the Civil War, while his wife and
child remained with her people.  At the close of the War he returned to Brooklyn and the
Crawfords moved to his farm, which was between the farms of Robert and John Davidson.  The
four younger children were born there.  Mary Ann died in 1876 when she was 34, and William
Crowford's sister, Lydia, Came out from Ohio and kept house for him until his second marriage in
1877.  Later William Crawford traded farms with Moses Davidson, moving eight or nine miles
north of Brooklyn.  After he retired he lived in Brooklyn until his death.  He is buried by his first
wife at Brooklyn.

     Mary Ann Davidson and William Crawford had five children.  

	ELDA CRAWFORD ROGERS, the oldest, born during the Civil War (May 20, 1862), died
November 22, 1906.  Her descendants live in Kansas and Texas.  
	JOHN DAVIDSON CRAWFORD farmed near Brooklyn all his life.  He married Elizabeth
Montgomery on March 12, 1890, and had three children.

	MARY CRAWFORD MONTGOMERY (1869-19__) married a brother of Mrs. John Crawford
and she and her husband lived on a farm near Brooklyn for many years but moved in town. 
Most of their children live in the vicinity.

	WESLEY CRAWFORD has farmed near Brooklyn for many years.

	OLIVE CRAWFORD KENSINGER, who died on June 3, 1908, a year or two after her oldest
sister, leaving six children, who live in Dakota, Minnesota, and Iowa.

13.  CHARLES WESLEY DAVIDSON (1844-184_) died in Pennsylvania while a child.

14.  Nancy E. Davidson Harper (1846-1866) came to Iowa with her parents.  Sometime after her
mother's death she visited her brother James in Pennsylvania.  When 19 she married John S.
Harper (1866) and died nine months later, leaving one son Robert H. (the Robie mentioned in her
father's letter).  The Harper 80 acres mentioned in the letter was purchased March 6, 1866, deed
recorded in Book L Page 462, and was a short distance north of the farm of John DAVIDSON, Jr. 
The History of the Harper's from Nancy's death until 1877 is given in the letter written by Nancy's
father and quoted elsewhere in this record.  Until Robert Harper was 21 his guardian was John
Davidson, Jr.  After he became of age he went West and is now living in Pueblo, Colorado; his
only daughter, Mrs. Frantz lives in Colorado Springs.


  I have a record of 46 grandchildren of John Davidson and Mary Ann Thompson.  There may
have been one or two others who died when babies so long ago that they are now forgotten.  The
oldest grandchild was born about 1847; the youngest 1802.  Of the 46 there are now living the
following 13, with the possible addition of Flora Marshall Deming:

John P. Davidson	son of Andrew	b. 1849	Cylinder, Iowa	
William Wilson Davidson	son of James	b. 1859	Ellwood City, Penna.	
Gilbert Braden	son of Elizabeth	b. 1861	Sanger, Calif.	
Elizabeth Braden Hester	daughter of Elizabeth	b. 1864	Chicago, Ill.	
Freeman C. Davidson	son of Robert	b. 1871	Emmetsburg, Iowa	
Jane Davidson Morris	daughter of John	b. 1858	Brooklyn, Iowa	
Rachel Davidson Dunlap	daughter of John	b. 1861	Brooklyn, Iowa	
Herbert W. Davidson	son of John	b. 1866	Des Moines, Iowa	
Mable Davidson Weisenberger	daughter of Moses	b. 1878	Porterville, Calif.	
Alice Edith Davidson	daughter of Moses	b. 1882	Santa Ana, Calif.	
Mary Crawford Montgomery	daughter of Mary Ann	b. 1869	Brooklyn, Iowa	
Wesley Crawford	son of Mary Ann	b. 1871	Brooklyn, Iowa	
Robert H. Harper	son of Nancy	b. 1866	Pueblo, Colorado	

   There are great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren widely scattered over the country. 
In the families of James and Andrew there are great-great-great-grandchildren.  Altogether there
were about 350 descendants of John Davidson Senior up to this time, and about 250 are living.

   The record of the birth, death, and marriage of each one, so far as I have been able to obtain it,
appears in the following tables.


(Update 1933)

1 Thomas Davidson b. 28-Apr-1822 d. 1-May-1903 m. 1846 Margaret Stanton d. 20-Aug-1892   
    m. 24-Nov-1892 Elizabeth Lyter 
  2 John Davidson b. 1847 d. 1881 m. 1872 Martha Evangeline Byers 
    3 Robert Davidson b. 15-Jun-1874 d. 19-Oct-1893 
    3 Thomas Jefferson Davidson b. 24-Sep-1876 d. 19__ m. 7-Apr-1897 Charlotte Childress b. [187_] d.
aft 1920 
      4 Linn E. Davidson b. 15-Dec-1898 d. aftr 1930 m. 29-Oct-1929 Ann Hogan b. abt 1900 
        5 Thomas Linn Davidson 
      4 Mildred M. Davidson b. 27-Aug-1900 d. after 1982 m. 5-Dec-1926 John K. Fry 
      4 Harold G. Davidson b. 25-Jul-1902 
      4 Betty Jean Davidson b. 25-Mar-1919 m. Herman M. Wainwright 
  2 David Davidson b. 27-May-1850 d. 19-Nov-1868 
  2 Margaret Jane Davidson b. 22-Mar-1862 d. bfr 1909 m. abt 1883 Andrew Hall d.. 9-Oct-1932 
    3 Edith Hall b. 4-Feb-1884 m. 1-May-1920 Charles Hoffman 
    3 Leonard Davidson Hall b. 29-Jul-1886 
      4 Lloyd Hall
      4 Mildred Hall m. Tracy Long 
      4 Francis Hall
      4 Dorthy Hall
      4 Gerald Hall 
    3 Orange Freeman Hall b. 6-Sep-1888 
    3 Clarence Andrew Hall b. 3-Aug-1890 
      4 Edward Charles Hall b. 29-Sep-1912 
      4 Vera Ruth Hall b. 15-Dec-1915 
      4 Freeman Monroe Hall b. 16-Jul-1918 
      4 Esther Lucile Hall b. 19-May-1924 
      4 Marjorie Louise Hall b. 7-Jan-1928 
    3 Russell Clyde Hall b. 2-Mar-1893 d. 19__ 
    3 Earl Thomas Hall b. 30-Mar-1896 
      4 Earl Thomas Hall, Jr. b. 10-Jul-1929 
      4 Wilma Fern Hall b. Aug-1930 
    3 Lawrence Leo Hall b. 14-Jul-1900 
      4 Lawrence Leo Hall, Jr. b. 27-Jun-1925 
      4 Barbara Jean Hall b. 20-Apr-1931 

   Thomas Davidson was married November 24, 1982 to Elizabeth Lyter.  He and his second wife had no
children.  She survived him.
   Some of the information as to the family of Uncle Thomas Davidson is still missing.  T.J. Davidson is
attempting to secure the rest of it for his father's family;  Mrs. Edith Hall Hoffman for the Halls.
   John Davidson, beside the two boys listed, had three little girls who died in infancy and for whom we
have no dates.
   Mr. T.J. Davidson and his family live at Marengo, Iowa; the Hoffmans at Buchanan, Mich; Lenard Halls
at Brooklyn, Iowa; do not know the addresses of the others.


1 James Davidson b. 18-Oct-1823 d. 4-May-1908 m. 17-May-1849 Sarah Davidson b. 15-Mar-1828 d. 12-Mar-1913 
  2 Andrew Davidson b. 25-Mar-1850 d. 25-Oct-1872 
  2 John Wesley Davidson b. 7-Apr-1854 d. 31-Jan-1933 m. 22-Jan-1880 Nancy 'Nannie' Wilkinson b. 5-Sep-1858 d.
        m. 15-Nov-1920 Ida Johnson b. 18__ d. aft 1922 
    3 Cora May Davidson b. 7-Jul-1882 d. 18-Oct-1981 m. 2-Jan-1931 L. Herbert Kight 
      4 Lois Kight b. 15-Sep-1922 m Donald Robbins Tipton b. 8-Nov-1918 
        5 Donald Robbins Tipton, Jr. b. 4-Jan-1949 m. abt 1969 Billie Jean Nill and div.b. 195_ 
                    m. bfr 1972 Pam _ b. 195_ 
          6 Shane Tipton b. 1970 
          6 Thomas Tipton b. 1972 
          6 Jennifer Tipton b. 1975 
        5 Barbara Jane Tipton b. 8-Jan-1951 m. 197_ Mark Thomas b. 194_ 
          6 Nathan William Thomas b. 1978 
          6 Joshua Thomas b. 1980 
        5 Donna May Tipton b. 24-Nov-1953 m. 197_ William Shore b. 195_ 
          6 Lois Jean Shore b. 14-Apr-1982 
        5 Fred J. Tipton b. 14-Dec-1955 
    3 Harry Wilson Davidson b. 22-Jan-1884 d. 1-Nov-1977 m. 30-Dec-1911 Jessie Adeline Taylor b. 3-Oct-1888 d. 6-
      4 Phyllis Davidson b. 11-Nov-1912 m. 27-Jun-1937 Herbert Wayne Carr b. 30-Oct-1908 
        5 Roger Allan Carr b. 193_ d. 17-Jan-1966 m. 2-Sep-1962 Karen Ann Nelson b. 194_ 
          6 Craig Wayne Carr b. 4-Aug-1965 
        5 Stephen Bruce Carr b. [1940] m. abt 1960 Jo Anne Maklebust b. 3-Apr-1943 
                    m. 2-Jun-1979 Diane Barr Mark b. 19__ 
          6 Cheron Lyn Carr b. 10-Dec-1962 
        5 Donald Freeman Carr b. 194_ m. 1-Jul-1965 Beverly Miller b. 194_ 
                    m. 25-Aug-1968 Beverly Miller b. 194_ 
                    m. 22-Dec-1973 Kaarre Bothum b. 194_ 
                    m. -Dec-1980 Teresa Lacey b. 194_ 
          6 Marcus Paul Carr b. 19-Feb-1975 
        5 Philip Wayne Carr b. 1946? m. 20-Aug-1966 Jean Louise Willenburg b. 27-May-1946 
          6 Tracy Lynn Carr b. 12-Aug-1969 
          6 Roger Wayne Carr b. 19-Aug-1974 
      4 Rose Davidson b. 10-Dec-1914 
      4 John Taylor Davidson b. 14-Sep-1916 m. 4-Oct-1941 Marjorie Elaine McConnell b. 191_ 
    3 Edna Mary Davidson b. 5-Aug-1886 d. 30-Oct-1968 m. 18-Oct-1905 Alexander McKim b. 16-Dec-1882 d. 25-
      4 Mae Davidson McKim b. 24-Oct-1906 d. 29-Dec-1983 m. 27-Feb-1926 Oliver Charles Strohecker b. 17-Mar-
1903 d. 8-Mar-1933 
        5 Ralph Alexander Strohecker b. 9 Apr 1927 d. 18 Nov 1995 m. 9 Oct 1947 Elizabeth (Betty) Helen Watt b. 15-
          6 Linda Diana Strohecker b. 29 Jul 1948 m. 13 Feb 1971 Thomas Murtha b. 30-Dec-1948 
                        m. aftr 1982 _ Herron 
            7 Jason Thomas Murtha b. 30-Nov-1976 
          6 Nancy Helen Strohecker b. 10 Sep 1949 m. 5 Sep 1968 Tyrone Petrick b. 23-Jul-1943 
            7 Sheri Lynn Petrick b. 22-Apr-1969 
            7 Brit Petrick b. 25-Aug-1974 
            7 Daniel James Petrick b. 26-Dec-1979 
          6 Gerald Ralph Strohecker b. 16 Feb 1953 m. 26 Dec 1980 Lynn Krecek b. 5-Jun-1957 
            7 Leah Marie Strohecker b. 20-Jun-1981 
        5 Russell Charles Strohecker b. 9-Apr-1927 d. 26-Jan-1994 m. 10-Jun-1948 Martha Ellen Curry b. 29-Apr-1929
d. 19-Dec-1983 
          6 Dennis Allen Strohecker b. 9-Jun-1949 m. 4-Sep-1971 Linda Jean Borcher b. 7-Jun-1949 
            7 Marcia Strohecker b. 11-Mar-1972 
            7 Janice Nicolia Strohecker b. 30-Nov-1973 
          6 Brenda Lee Strohecker b. 30-Nov-1952 m. 5-Aug-1972 David Spellick b. 10-May-1948 
            7 Christopher Lee Spellick b. 19-Jan-1976 
            7 Michael David Spellick b. 6-Jun-1978 
            7 Mathew Allan Spellick b. 15-Oct-1980 d. 26-May-1987 
          6 Barbara Jo Strohecker b. 25-Aug-1956 m. 24-Sep-1977 Thomas Allan Durst b. 7-Sep-1956 
            7 Jennifer Ellen Durst b. 21-Jan-1980 
          6 Bruce Russell Strohecker b. 17-Feb-1966 
          6 Kimberly Ellen Strohecker b. 16-Mar-1967 m. abt 198_ Robert Sheldon b. 19__ 
            7 _ Sheldon b. 19-Jul-1989 
          6 Phillip Wayne Strohecker b. 11-May-1969 
        5 Dorothy Mae Strohecker b. 20-Apr-1928 m. 20-Oct-1950 Harry Myers, Jr. b. 5-Jul-1925 
          6 Barry Lynn Myers b. 30-Oct-1954 m. Jun-1981 Lydia Anna Brandt b. 195_ 
          6 Allen Thomas Myers b. 27-Feb-1960 
        5 Donald Lewis Strohecker b. 9-Apr-1930 
        5 Glen Oliver Strohecker b. 20-Apr-1932 m. 18-Oct-1956 Marjory Jane Roher b. 3-Feb-1928 
          6 Mark Allen Strohecker b. 30-Nov-1958 
          6 David Glenn Strohecker b. 24-Nov-1962 
      4 Edna Helen McKim b. 10-May-1909 d. 19-May-1910 
      4 Robert Alexander McKim b. 18-Apr-1911 d. 3-Feb-1983 m. 26-May-1935 Anna Francis Duncan b. 21 Jun 1914
d. 27 Dec 1995 
        5 Charlotte Mae McKim b. 26-Jun-1936 m. 19-Apr-1954 Daniel Palkovich b. 15-May-1936 
          6 Thomas Daniel Palkovich b. 19-Dec-1954 m. 13-Jul-1974 Jo Ann LeFever b. 15-May-1954 
            7 David James Palkovich b. 19-Nov-1979 
          6 Cinthia Lou Palkovich b. 25-Sep-1957 m. 22-Oct-1982 Donald Dickinson b. abt 195_ 
            7 McKenzie Mae Dickinson b. 1-Jan-1991 
        5 Bette Louise McKim b. 19-Dec-1938 m. 19-Nov-1957 Fred Thomas Puglia b. 19__ 
                    m. 198_ Jonathan Certalich b. abt 193_ 
          6 Fred Thomas Pugila,  Jr. b. 6-Jul-1960 m. abt 1986 Patricia Panzich b. 19__ 
            7 Joni Louis Puglia b. 30-Jan-1988 
          6 Tracy Puglia b. 19-Mar-1963 m. 20-Aug-1983 Wesley Morris b. abt 196_ 
            7 John Morris b. abt 1988 
            7 Maressa Morris b. 3-Jun-1990 
          6 James David Puglia b. 29-May-1964 m. 24-May-1986 Lisa Ann Proctor b. 19__ 
            7 Ashley Marie Puglia b. 15-Sep-1987 
            7 Amber Puglia b. 14-Jul-1989 
        5 Bradley Robert McKim b. 7-Oct-1946 m. 15-Jun-1974 Burnita Irene Musitano b. 26-Sep-1946 
          6 Krista Irene McKim b. 31-May-1977 
          6 Jason Bradley McKim b. 3-Sep-1980 
      4 Harold Wilkinson McKim b. 7-Feb-1915 d. 5-Feb-1981 m. 12 Nov 1944 Lucy Lee Messerlie b. 191_ d. 30-Apr-
        5 Ann Elizabeth McKim b. 14-Sep-1946 
      4 John Wayne McKim b. 10-Dec-1917 d. 25-May-1990 m. 19-Apr-1937 Shasta Garside 
        5 Shelby Kathleen McKim b. 16-Dec-1937 m. abt 195_ Louis Jones b. abt 193_ 
          6 Eric L. Jones b. 196_ 
                        m. 1984 Julie Lynn McKinney b. 196. 
            7 Jordan Symore Jones b. 24-Jun-1990 
          6 Keli I. Jones b. 196_ m. abt 1987 Donald Sapp b. abt 196_ 
            7 Jessica Sapp b. 198_ 
            7 Shasta Dawn Sapp b. 24-Feb-1990 
        5 Shirley Jean McKim b. 4-Sep-1939 
        5 Mary Lou McKim b. 19-Jan-1941 m. abt 196_ Thomas Chalmers b. 193_ 
          6 Jona J. Chalmers b. 196_ m. 12-Aug-1989 David W. Richardson b. 196_ 
          6 Troy Thomas Chalmers b. 8-Sep-1966 
        5 John "Jack" Wayne McKim, Jr. b. 10-Jan-1943 m. 5-Aug-1967 Delta Stearns b. 194_ 
          6 Craig McKim b. 197_ 
          6 Christopher McKim b. 1-Dec-1972 
        5 Gregory Garth McKim b. 9-Sep-1952 m. 29-Dec-1973 Debbie Cerrutti b. 195_ 
          6 Amy McKim b. 197_ 
          6 Alexander McKim b. 197_ 
          6 Emily McKim b. 197_ 
        5 Marla Colleen McKim b. 26-Oct-1955 m. 19-Sep-1981 Parke Wilson b. abt 196_ 
          6 Parke Wilson Jr b. 198_ 
          6 Jeremy Charles Wilson b. 8-Jun-1988 
          6 John Wayne Wilson b. 1-Dec-1989 
      4 Glen Dale McKim b. 1-Nov-1920 d. 8-Jan-1985 m. 23-Oct-1944 Helen Marie Huston b. 23-Oct-1919 
                m. Ann _ b. 19__ 
        5 baby girl McKim b. 2-Oct-1944 d. 2-Oct-1944 
        5 Glen Dale McKim b. 22-Feb-1946 m. 21-Aug-1967 Betty Witherspoon b. 15 Jan 1948 
          6 Marcie McKim b. 15 May 1969 
          6 Michell McKim b. 15 May 1969 
          6 Linda McKim b. 26 Sep 1973 
        5 Larry Duane McKim b. 6-Aug-1948 m. 2 Aug 1968 Deloren Puz b. 9 May 1949 
          6 Sherry McKim b. 4 Dec 1968 
          6 Patricia McKim b. 4 Sep 1971 
          6 Rachel Marie McKim b. 19 Jan 1978 
        5 Timothy Charles McKim b. 16-Feb-1953 
        5 Thomas Lee McKim b. 26-Feb-1955 
      4 Mary Belle McKim b. 3-Dec-1923 m. 17-May-1947 Edward Joseph Burns b. 25-Aug-1918 
        5 Raymond Edward Burns b. 6-Oct-1948 m. 15-Apr-1972 Patricia Ann DiThomas b. 24-Sep-1950 
          6 Brian Raymond Burns b. 6-Apr-1973 
          6 David Vincent Burns b. 31-Aug-1977 
          6 Margaret Patricia Burns b. 30-Dec-1980 
          6 Renee Marie Burns b. 28-Jul-1989 
        5 Karen Mary Burns b. 14-Mar-1954 m. 14-Apr-1984 Robert Louis Bianchi b. 10-Jun-1954 
          6 Nicholas Santino Bianchi b. 3-Nov-1990 
    3 Clarence Addison Davidson b. 1-Oct-1888 d. 21-Feb-1974 m. Edna Maxwell b. 18__ 
  2 Robert James Davidson b. 9-Nov-1855 d. 20-Mar-1913 
  2 William Wilson Davidson b. 3-Jun-1859 d. 3-May-1952 m. 9-Oct-1879 Matilda Carson b. 18__ d. 20-Jan-1932 
    3 Elva S. Davidson b. 20-Jul-1880 d. 19__ m. 5-Jul-1899 William Joseph Baxter b. 18__ d. 19__ 
      4 Alpha Arlene Baxter b. 8-Sep-1902 d. 10-Apr-1981 m. 19-Feb-1924 Henry Scotton b. 190_ d. 9-Jul-1924 
    3 Carlon Carson Davidson b. 23-Mar-1885 d. 15-Apr-1967 m. 22-Sep-1915 Amalia Ifft b. 1887 d. 3-Sep-1963 
      4 Charlotte Christene Davidson b. 27-Oct-1916 d. 1980 m. 19__ _ Summers b. 19__ d. 19__ 
      4 Jane Elizabeth Davidson b. 1924 d. 21-Mar-1926 
    3 Martha Mabel Davidson b. 17-May-1886 d. 27-Mar-1969 m. 14-Jun-1906 Loren Ellsworth Springer b. 1876 d.

REMARKS:  Sarah Davidson was a daughter of Andrew Davidson, the Immigrant, who was a half-brother of Thomas
Davidson, the grandfather of James.  James and Sarah were thus half-cousins-once-removed.  Sarah was a sister of
Rachel Davidson, who married James' brother John, and a great-aunt of Edna Crawford, who married Freeman
Davidson, James' nephew.
   Nancy Wilkinson Davidson (Mrs. J.W. Davidson) was a daughter of Amos Wilkinson by his second wife, Mary Jane
Fisher.  His first wife was Nancy Davidson, a sister of Sarah and Rachel Davidson.
  Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Davidson live in Long Beach, CA.  The Knights in St. Paul, MN.  H.W. Davidson in Boone, IA. 
The McKims near New Galilee, PA.  Clarance Davidson in Columbiana, OH.
   Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Davidson, the C.C. Davidsons, and the Springers all live in Ellwood City, PA, and the Baxters in
Wellsville, OH.

Update 1982 - Cora May Davidson Kight died in Norristown, PA, October 18, 1981, buried Clinton Cemetery.
J.W. Davidson died in Long Beach, CA and is buried there.
Harry W. Davidson and Jessie (wife) died in Oregon and buried there in Portland.
Clarance A. Davidson, married and died in CA, died in San Jose, buried in Santa Cruz.
Mary Edna Davidson McKim died October 30, 1968 in Bordman, Ohio
Alex McKim died October 25, 1948; Alex and Edna buried in Bethel Cemetery, U.P. Church, Enon Valley
W.W. Davidson buried locus Grove, Ellwood City, PA.
CC Davidson died April 15, 1967, interred Locus Grove Cemetery.
Springers buried Beaver Cemetery, Beaver, PA
Baxters -
Jane Elizabeth Davidson buried Locus Grove, Ellwood City, PA

Descendants of Andrew Davidson and Almira Ferrel

1 Andrew Davidson b. 15-Feb-1826 d. 23-Feb-1908 m. 4-May-1848 Almira Ferrel b. 1830 d. 29-Jan-1885 
  2 John P. Davidson b. 27-Nov-1849 d. 19__ m. 29-Sep-1875 Ursula Francisco b. 22-Aug-1856 d. 18-Jan-1922 
    3 Ethel Davidson b. 13-Aug-1876 d. 19__ m. 29-Sep-1922 John Gilles b. 18__ d. 19__ 
    3 Delbert J. Davidson b. 12-May-1878 d. 19__ 
    3 Edith Maud Davidson b. 24-Nov-1879 d. 19__ m. 3-Aug-1899 John Miller b. 18__ d. 19__ 
      4 Carol Miller b. 9-May-1902 d. 1-Dec-1929 
      4 Merrill Dean Miller b. 27-May-1912 m. 28-Aug-1931 Dorothy Harden b. 19__ 
        5 A. Dean Harden Miller b. 17-Jun-1932 
    3 Charles Eugene Davidson b. 2-May-1884 d. 19__ 
    3 Wesley Otto Davidson b. 12-Dec-1885 d. 6-Sep-1886 
    3 Raymond Author Davidson b. 10-Nov-1887 d. 19__ m. 12-Jan-1910 Elsie Beatrice McClelland b. 18__ d. 19__ 
      4 Merle Eugene Davidson b. 8-Jan-1911 
      4 Estella Ursula Davidson b. 26-Oct-1915 
    3 Harold Clare Davidson b. 12-Aug-1894 d. 19__ m. 21-Mar-1918 Mary Bean d. 19__ 
      4 Myrna Adelle Davidson b. 17-Feb-1919 
      4 Dorothy Rosalie Davidson b. 26-Mar-1921 
      4 John Clair Davidson b. 17-Apr-1928 
  2 Wesley Davidson b. 19-Aug-1851 d. 27-Dec-1931 m. 24-Mar-1875 Luella Jane Gerard b. 6-Apr-1855 d. 19__ 
        m. Jennie _ d. aft 1933 
    3 Katie Almira Davidson b. 24-May-1876 d. 19__ m. 3-Feb-1895 Justus Francis Durant b. 18__ d. 19__ 
      4 Glenn Wesley Durant b. 24-Jul-1896 d. 19__ m. 27-Jun-1926 Hellen Roberson d. 19__ 
      4 Luella A. Durant b. 24-Jul-1898 m. 20-Jun-1916 Peter L. Dyrness 
        5 Edith Katherine Dyrness b. 27-Nov-1916 
        5 Palmer Lawrence Dyrness b. 2-Apr-1918 
        5 Opal Leone Dyrness b. 12-Oct-1919 
        5 Gilbert Owen Dyrness b. 9-Apr-1922 
        5 Earl Richard Dyrness b. 27-Jul-1931 
      4 Pearl Leone Durant b. 3-Jul-1900 m. 28-Dec-1920 John Elmer Moe 
        5 Leona Rosalind Moe b. 28-Sep-1921 
        5 Kathern Louise Moe b. 6-Dec-1922 
        5 Marion Arline Moe b. 6-Mar-1924 
        5 Elma Pearl Moe b. 24-Sep-1925 
      4 Katie Violet Durant b. 19-Aug-1903 m. 6-Oct-1920 Kurt Carl Wendt 
        5 Helen Marie Wendt b. 7-Apr-1922 
        5 Carl Wesley Wendt b. 20-Jan-1924 
        5 Luella Violet Wendt b. 24-May-1926 
      4 William Francis Durant b. 11-Dec-1905 
      4 Lewis Elmer Durant b. 25-Sep-1908 m. 29-Aug-1929 Margaret Anna Kippes 
        5 Glenn Lewis Durant b. 25-Jun-1930 
      4 Lawrence Leroy Durant b. 15-Aug-1910 
      4 Florance Harriet Durant b. 15-Aug-1910 
      4 Robert Gerard Durant b. 4-May-1912 
    3 Curtis C. Davidson b. 24-Jun-1881 d. 9-Dec-1882 
    3 Lewis Wesley Davidson b. 26-Jul-1884 d. 19__ m. 16-Jul-1918 Ruby Theresa Farrell b. 18__ d. 16-Jul-1918 
      4 May Millicent Davidson b. 4-May-1907 m. 12-Aug-1931 Robert Borden Dobbyn 
      4 Kenneth Allen Davidson b. 6-Jun-1910 
      4 Raymond Wesley Davidson b. 16-Oct-1913 
    3 Roy Edwin Davidson b. 22-Aug-1887 d. 19__ m. 24-Dec-1908 Marie Edwardson b. 18-Apr-1885 
      4 Raymond Edward Davidson b. 9-Feb-1910 d. 17-Mar-1910 
      4 Clinton Garland Davidson b. 25-Apr-1911 
      4 Wesley Lyan Davidson b. 19-Jan-1913 
      4 Ruth Pauline Davidson b. 1-Nov-1914 m. 9-Aug-1932 Erwin Ellis 
      4 Grace Jeannette Davidson b. 19-Jan-1917 m. 19__ _ Schroeder b. 19__ 
      4 John Edwin Davidson b. 12-Nov-1918 
      4 Agnes Marie Davidson b. 23-Dec-1920 m. 19__ _ Snyder b. 19_- 
      4 Dora May Davidson b. 25-May-1923 m. 19__ _ Jolly b. 191_ 
    3 Harry Allen Davidson b. 22-Jun-1891 m. 9-Dec-1915 Lena Telenga b. 19-Jun-1897 
      4 Cleo Isabelle Davidson b. 3-Jan-1917 
      4 Vera Ilene Davidson b. 11-Sep-1918 
      4 Harry Allen Davidson b. 28-Aug-1925 
      4 Ross Curtis Davidson b. 23-Feb-1928 
  2 William Henry Davidson b. 1-Aug-1853 d. 16-Sep-1916 m. 10-Apr-1884 Margaret M. McKinnie b. 18-Oct-1856 d.
    3 Lillie Alberta Davidson b. 16-Mar-1885 d. 19__ m. 20-Sep-1905 Roscoe C. Hutson 
      4 Margaret Elva Hutson b. 19-Feb-1908 
      4 Lawrence Roscoe Hutson b. 7-Sep-1910 
      4 Ruth Elizabeth Hutson b. 11-Dec-1916 
    3 Mary Althea Davidson b. 13-May-1886 d. 19__ m. 20-Oct-1907 Theodore H. Risse b. 18__ d. 19__ 
      4 Delmar Willard Risse b. 26-Mar-1909 
      4 Mable Marie Risse b. 3-Feb-1912 m. 5-Jul-1931 Walter L. Adkins 
        5 Donald Gene Adkins b. 24-Oct-1932 
      4 Walter Myron Risse b. 7-Jul-1915 
      4 Theodore Horace Risse b. 26-Jan-1919 
      4 Richard Author Risse b. 26-Jun-1927 
    3 Mabel Estella Davidson b. 23-Jul-1887 d. 19__ m. 19-Jan-1907 Fay L. Matteson 
    3 Edna Eliza Davidson b. 28-Oct-1888 d. 3-Apr-1889 
    3 William Given Davidson b. 11-Jun-1890 d. 12-Jan-1891 
    3 Alice Irene Davidson b. 6-Jul-1892 d. 19__ m. 31-Dec-1919 Norman A. Rasch 
      4 Norman A. Rasch, Jr. b. 1-Jan-1920 
      4 Horace Edward Rasch b. 18-Dec-1921 
      4 Irene M. Rasch b. 27-May-1923 
    3 Anna Dale Davidson b. 20-Dec-1894 d. 6-Oct-1897 
    3 Horace Mann Davidson b. 12-Mar-1896 d. 27-Aug-1929 
    3 Bessie Rebecca Davidson b. 21-Nov-1897 m. 29-Nov-1928 David R. Bolander 
  2 Mary Ann Davidson b. 12-Jul-1855 d. 19-Feb-1927 m. 13-Sep-1876 George Gordon b. 10-Jun-1849 d. 17-Jul-1914 
    3 Harry Wilson Gordon b. 22-May-1877 d. 26-Jun-1890 
    3 Mabel Clare Gordon b. 12-Feb-1879 m. 15-Jun-1904 David MacLeod b. 18__ d. 17-Nov-1915 
            m. 26-Nov-1922 E. J. S. Moore 
      4 Edger Birge MacLeod b. 14-Apr-1905 
      4 Robert Duncan MacLeod b. 9-Apr-1907 d. 13-Mar-1918 
      4 Donald Radbourne MacLeod b. 17-Feb-1910 d. 27-Jan-1911 
      4 Dean James Moore b. 6-Apr-1926 
  2 Curtis Davidson b. abt 1858 d. abt 1859 

REMARKS:  No one seems to have the exact date of the birth of Almira Farrel.  There is also a conflict 
in the spelling of her last name.  I have adopted what seems to be the majority view, also the more common 
way of spelling the name. 
But I should say that on the sheets returned by Mrs. Gilles and Mrs. Moore they have carefully indicated 
that it is "Ferrel."
    John P. Davidson spends part of his time with his daughter Mrs. Gilles in Buffalo Center, Iowa, and part 
with his son, R.A. Davidson, at Cylinder, Iowa.  He is the oldest living member of the entire Davidson clan.  
The Millers live in Augusta, Wis., and H.C. Davidson in Englewood, Colo.
  Mrs. Wesley Davidson lives with her son, L.W. Davidson, at Melita, Manitoba.  The Durants at Holly, Colo.  
Roy Davidsons at Lakota, N.Dak. and the H.A. Davidson in Butte, Mont.
  Mrs. Moore lives at Bozeman, Mont.
  Hutson's live in Laramie, Wyo.  Risses in Grinnell, Iowa; Rasches in Fraser, Mich; Bolanders and Mattesons 
in Long Beach, Calif.


1 Elizabeth Davidson b. 2-Jun-1827 d. 7-Nov-1909 m. 10-Aug-1850 Abner Braden b. 1-Apr-1823 d. 4-May-1908 
  2 William H. Braden b. 2-Apr-1853 d. 7-Jan-1918 m. 5-Apr-1886 Mary Coughlin b. 18__ d. 19__ 
    3 Everett Braden b. 19-Jan-1887 d. 19__ m. 18-Feb-1918 Bertha Tollefson b. 18__ d. 19__ 
      4 Howard Ross Braden b. 2-Apr-1920 
      4 Eugene Russell Braden b. 23-Sep-1921 
      4 Opal Montana Braden b. 12-Nov-1923 
      4 Vivian Lucille Braden b. 31-Jan-1925 
      4 Donna Fae Braden b. 31-Jul-1928 
      4 Carol Ann Braden b. 3-Jan-1932 
    3 Earl Freeman Braden b. 8-Feb-1889 d. aft 1933 
    3 Herbert Braden b. 3-Sep-1891 d. 19__ 
  2 Rufus Putnam Braden b. 31-Mar-1854 d. 12-Apr-1911 m. Mary Elizabeth Arnold b. 18__ d. 19__ 
    3 Archibald A. Braden b. 16-Oct-1889 
    3 Orza Braden b. 4-Dec-1891 m. 16-Jun-1913 Joseph Oliver Leveille 
      4 Sylvia Ellen Leveille b. 25-Jun-1914 
      4 Rachel Bessie Leveille b. 15-Aug-1915 
      4 Joseph Kenneth Leveille b. 27-Jul-1918 
      4 Melvin Putnam Leveille b. 4-Mar-1920 
      4 James William Leveille b. 13-Jun-1922 
      4 Charles Reuben Leveille b. 20-Mar-1924 
      4 Cakvub George Leveille b. 25-Dec-1925 
      4 Emi__ Mae Leveille b. 31-Jul-1928 
      4 Evelin Fae Leveille b. 13-May-1930 
      4 ___on Milton Leveille b. 5-May-1932 
    3 Sadie Braden b. 2-Feb-1896 m. 1-Jul-1915 M. R. Clark 
      4 Davis Rufas Clark b. 20-Apr-1916 
      4 Grace Elizabeth Clark b. 21-Apr-1917 
      4 Edwin Lawrence Clark b. 18-Jul-1922 
    3 Rachel B. Braden b. 28-Jul-1898 m. 15-May-1919 William M. Busk 
      4 Goldie E. Busk b. 28-Mar-1920 
      4 Marvin Busk b. 4-Jul-1922 
      4 Berniece Busk b. 29-Apr-1927 
      4 William Busk, Jr. b. 16-Jan-1929 
    3 Wesley Braden b. 21-Jul-1901 m. 17-Nov-1923 Oma Krider 
      4 Donald Ray Braden b. 6-Feb-1923 
      4 Ruby Elizabeth Braden b. 14-Dec-1924 
      4 Evelyn Ione Braden b. 16-Oct-1926 
      4 Kenneth Cilbert Braden b. 23-Nov-1928 
    3 Ralph Braden b. 23-May-1904 m. 31-May-1924 Ellen McCain 
      4 William Ralph Braden b. 13-Jul-1926 
      4 Robert Carl Braden b. 19-Jan-1929 
    3 Clara Braden b. 15-Sep-1907 m. 20-Jun-1925 Harvy W. Oliver 
    3 Carl Braden b. 10-Jun-1910 d. 4-Dec-1922 
  2 John Davidson Braden b. 23-Nov-1854 d. 25-Oct-1922 m. 22-Aug-1882 Henrietta Ann Burdick b. 18__ d. 19__ 
    3 Walter Leroy Braden b. 28-Oct-1883 
    3 Elizabeth Edna Braden b. 8-Sep-1885 
    3 Arthur Elton Braden b. 22-Mar-1888 m. 22-Aug-1910 Jeannie Margaret Houston 
      4 Leola Mae Braden b. 28-Jun-1911 m. 28-Jun-1929 Raymond Elliott 
      4 Roberta Irene Braden b. 3-Dec-1912 
      4 Margaret Braden b. 7-Oct-1918 
    3 Robert Irvinc Braden b. 11-Jan-1891 
    3 Frances Leola Braden b. 19-Apr-1896 d. 23-Feb-1897 
  2 Thomas Jefferson Braden b. 23-Aug-1856 d. 30-Aug-1929 m. 30-Jun-1900 Elizabeth Varnum b. abt 185_ d. 19__ 
  2 Mary Ann Braden b. 10-Sep-1859 d. 5-Sep-1894 
  2 Gilbert Braden b. 11-Aug-1861 d. 19__ 
  2 Elizabeth Braden b. 27-Aug-1864 d. 19__ m. 19-Apr-1913 James McFarland Hester b. 18__ d. 19__ 

   Abner Braden was the son of John Braden and Nancy McIntyre.  He was an uncle of Nancy Jane Crawford and
William B. Crawford, who married Elizabeth Davidson�s brother and sister, Robert and Mary Ann Davidson
   Mrs. Gilbert Braden lives at Sanger, Calf.  Mrs. Hester in Chicago, Ill.  Mr. Everett Braden lives near Deep River,
Iowa.  Mrs. Rufus Braden lives at Sanger, Calif. with her daughter, Mrs. Oliver.  Mrs. John Braden, Walter, Elizabeth
and Robert Braden live at Keyapaha, South Dakota;  Arther Bradens at Gold River, Oregon, and the Elliotts at Timber,


1 Robert Davidson b. 17-Dec-1828 d. 21-Aug-1908 m. 3-Mar-1853 Nancy Jane Crawford b. 23-Mar-1832 d. 1-Oct-
  2 Mary Lydia Davidson b. 7-May-1857 d. 10-Jan-1891 m. 29-Jan-1878 Owen F. Cain  
    3 Fred L. Cain b. 10-Jun-1879  m. 23-Jan-1908 Sarah E. Steuart 
      4 Max Keneshaw Cain b. 16-Oct-1910 
      4 Maxine Elizabeth Cain b. 12-Mar-1914 
    3 Eugene Ora Cain b. 3-Sep-1881 m. 22-Jun-1904 Lulu Mae Eddy 
      4 Evelyn Margaret Cain b. 9-Apr-1911 
      4 Marjorie Mabel Cain b. 13-Nov-1916 
    3 Freeman R. Cain b. 2-Dec-1883 m. 25-Feb-1922 Iva Allison 
      4 Dorothy Mae Cain b. 14-Dec-1923 
      4 Kenneth Allison Cain b. 4-Aug-1925 
  2 Margaret Davidson b. 30-Jan-1859 d. 18-Jun-1894 
  2 John Wilson Davidson b. 29-Dec-1860 d. 19-Jan-1892 
  2 Celia Emma Davidson b. 24-Jan-1863 d. 5-Apr-1888 
  2 Wesley Grand Davidson b. 15-Mar-1865 d. 19-Oct-1910 m. 28-Sep-1893 Mary Strock 
    3 Hugh Clifton Davidson b. 5-Oct-1894 
  2 William James Davidson b. 11-Jul-1868 d. 3-Nov-1929 m. 10-May-1894 Celestia E. Thomas 
    3 Lucille Helen Davidson b. 6-Jun-1895 d. 30-May-1924 m. 6-May-1919 Forest Allen 
      4 William Thomas Allen b. 30-May-1920 
      4 Donald Forest Allen b. 15-Oct-1921 
      4 Kenneth Wayne Allen b. 23-May-1924 
    3 Leland William Davidson b. 1-Jul-1900 d. 16-Jan-1932 m. 12-Aug-1922 Nettie L. Reed 
      4 James Ronald Davidson b. 19-Oct-1929 
      4 Ruth Ann Davidson b. 29-Jan-1931 
    3 Wayne Robert Davidson b. 12-May-1903 m. 2-Aug-1928 Lillian May Cooper 
  2 Freeman Crawford Davidson b. 3-Mar-1871 d. 9-Apr-1949 m. 25-Sep-1900 Edna Crawford b. 25-Sep-1872 d. 2-
    3 Myrna Margaret Davidson b. 21-Oct-1901 m. 15-Jul-1931 Harold D. Stetson 
    3 Frances Anita Davidson b. 13-Mar-1903 m. 7-Feb-1944 David M. Amspoker b. 25-Jun-1908 
    3 Robert Kenneth Davidson b. 10-Jul-1906 d. 9-Mar-1945 
    3 Maurice Crawford Davidson b. 8-Feb-1910 d. 2-Jul-1979 m. 16-Jun-1937 Carolyn Witt b. 19__ d. 19__ 
    3 Carolyn Virginia Davidson b. 12-Aug-1913 d. 12-Jan-1921 

REMARKS-- Nancy Jane Crawford was a sister of William B. Crawford, who married Robert Davidson�s 
sister, Mary Ann.  She was also a niece of Abner Braden, who married Robert Davidson�s sister, Elizabeth.
   Edna Crawford was a descendant of john Davidson of Ireland by his youngest son, Andrew Davidson, a 
half-brother of Thomas D. the immigrant.  So Freeman Davidson and Edna Crawford were third-half-cousins.  
Edna Crawford was a great-niece of Sara and Rachel Davidson, who married Robert�s brother James and 
John Davidson, respectively.  She is also related to the family of freeman Davidson�s mother, but the relationship 
has not been traced.
   Fred and Freeman Cain live in Shenandoah, Iowa; Ora Cain in Twin Falls, Idaho; Mrs. Wesley Davidson
 and Hugh at Cantril, Iowa; Mrs. W.J. Davidson and family at New Virginia, Iowa; and F.C. Davidson at 
Emmetsburgh, Iowa. 


1 John Davidson b. 15-Aug-1830 d. 22-Oct-1888 m. 27-Mar-1853 Rachel Davidson b. 15-Jul-1829 d. 11-Jun-1861 
  2 Albert Davidson b. 15-Jun-1854 d. 10-Apr-1913 m. 19-Dec-1878 Katherine Dunlap b. 1-Mar-1856  
    3 William A. Davidson b. 25-Mar-1885 m. 5-Jan-1909 Nina Johnson 
      4 Horace A. Davidson b. 10-Feb-1912 
      4 Ruth Davidson b. 1-Nov-1914 
      4 Margaret Davidson b. 24-Nov-1919 
      4 Miriam Davidson b. 24-Nov-1919 
    3 Ernest LaVern Davidson b. 30-Mar-1887 m. 8-Apr-1908 Ethel Belle Ormiston 
      4 Thelma Katherin Davidson b. 12-Dec-1908 m. 6-Aug-1930 Harold B. McMullin 
      4 Lloyd Ernest Davidson b. 1-Jun-1912 
  2 Andrew J. Davidson b. 14-May-1856 d. 5-Jan-1916 m. 23-Mar-1881 Elma E. Blanchard 
    3 Floy Edith Davidson b. 3-Mar-1883 m. 10-Jan-1907 Walker C. Lineweaver 
      4 Kenneth Lineweaver b. 12-Oct-1909 
      4 Viva Ruth Lineweaver b. 27-Mar-1914 
      4 Beulah Lineweaver b. Sep-1919 d. Mar-1920 
    3 Rexford John Davidson b. 5-Feb-1886 m. 15-May-1913 Cornelia Vetter 
      4 Frances Dean Davidson b. 17-Feb-1914 d. 1-Oct-1917 
      4 John Max Davidson b. 14-Aug-1915 d. 11-Oct-1917 
      4 Carlton Andrew Davidson b. 1-Jan-1917 
      4 Stanly Vetter Davidson b. 12-Aug-1918 
      4 John Eldon Davidson b. 12-Sep-1925 
      4 Richard Rexford Davidson b. 9-Aug-1927 
      4 Robert Even Davidson b. 29-Apr-1930 
    3 Ada Mary Davidson b. 20-May-1888 m. 30-Jan-1911 William F. Drury 
      4 Mary Lucile Drury b. 7-Jan-1912 
      4 William Davidson Drury b. 27-Jun-1914 
    3 Lilla Rachel Davidson b. 15-Aug-1890 
    3 Nellie Blanchard Davidson b. 8-Oct-1892 m. 19-Mar-1921 Ralph H. White 
      4 Lawrence White b. 10-Feb-1923 
      4 Ralph H. White, Jr. b. 4-Mar-1926 
      4 Betty Marie White b. 29-Dec-1929 
    3 Lawrence Andrew Davidson b. 10-Apr-1897 m. 22-Jan-1924 Doris Frisoie 
      4 Doris Mae Davidson b. 28-Oct-1924 
      4 Betty Jane Davidson b. 28-Dec-1929 
    3 Edna Verna Davidson b. 17-Apr-1899 m. 16-Jun-1925 Author D. Oxley 
      4 Helen Frances Oxley b. 17-Mar-1930 
  2 William J. Davidson b. 20-Jul-1857 d. 29-Jul-1884 m. 21-Mar-1883 Addie Dunlap 
  2 Mary Jane Davidson b. 5-Dec-1858 m. 15-Oct-1879 William L. Morris
    3 Walter Morris b. 15-Jun-1880 d. 14-Feb-1881 
    3 Honora Morris b. 12-Jul-1882 m. 21-Jun-1911 Fred Thomspon 
      4 Verna Jane Thompson b. 26-Dec-1915 
    3 Vera Morris b. 29-Mar-1888 
  2 Rachel Davidson b. 30-Apr-1861 m. 17-Jul-1901 Will Dunlap 

   John Davidson was remarried.  For his descendants by his second wife see�DESCENDANTS OF JOHN DAVIDSON
   Rachel Davidson was a sister of Sarah Davidson, who married John�s older brother, James.  She was a 
great-aunt of Edna Crawford, who married John�s nephew, Freeman Davidson.  Rachel Davidson was a 
daughter of the andrew Davidson who came to this country from Ireland, who was a half-brother of John�s 
   Katherne Dunlap and Will Dunlap, who maried Albert and Rachel Davidson respectively, were sister 
and brother. 
Addie Dunlap, who married William J . Davidson, was their niece.
   Mrs. Rachel Dunalp, Mrs. Jennie Morris, and Verna Morris live in Brooklyn, Iowa, and the Thompsons 
in Rockwell City, Iowa.
   Mrs. Albert Davidson Lives in Brooklyn and her sons on farms near there.  Mrs. J.H. Roberson Lives 
in Corvallis, Oregon.
   Mrs. Andrew Davidson lives in Charles City, Iowa, with her daughter, Dr. Lilla Davidson.  The Lineweavers 
live near Brooklyn;  R.J. Davidson near Red Oak, Iowa;  The Drurys in New York; the Whits near State Center, Iowa; L.A.
Davidsons in Riverdale, Ill; and the Oxleys in Jackson, Tenn.


1 John Davidson b. 15-Aug-1830 d. 22-Oct-1888 m. 15-Mar-1862 Lavina Higgins b. 18__ d. 19-Aug-1895 
  2 Herbert W. Davidson b. 1-Jul-1866 d. 19__ m. 23-Mar-1892 Lillian B. Newkerk b. 18__ d. 8-Jul-1920 
        m. 31-Jan-1922 Bessie N. Howard 
    3 Helen Davidson b. 25-Jul-1897 d. 19__ m. 5-Jul-1917 Cecil Creps 
      4 Hazel Creps b. 23-Aug-1918 m. _ Williams b. 191_ 
        5 Joan Williams b. 19__ m. George McConnell b. 19__ 
          6 Kim McConnell b. 19__ 
          6 William C. McConnell b. 196_ 
          6 Marcia McConnell b. 196_ 
        5 Ronald Williams b. 19__ m. Josephine _ b. 19__ 
          6 Wendy Williams b. 19_- 
          6 Nicole Williams b. 19__ 
      4 Clovis Creps b. 9-May-1921 m. Ralph Smith b. 19__ 
        5 Marcella Smith b. 19__ 
        5 Judy Smith b. 19__ m. John VanBuren b. 19_ 
        5 Gary Smith b. 19__ 
        5 Kevin Smith b. 19__ 
      4 Frances Creps b. 27-Feb-1927 
    3 Wallace Davidson b. 15-Jul-1900 m. 16-Aug-1924 Irene Ellis 
      4 Richard Davidson b. 7-Nov-1927 

   Lavine Higgins was the second wife of John Davidson.  For his descendants by his first wife, Rachal Davidson, 
see the preceding pages.
   The date of the marriage of John Davidson and Lavina Higgins is uncertain.  The Clerk�s office at Marengo, 
Iowa, shows that their marriage license was issued March 14, 1862.  The date March 15, 1862 is used in this 
record, as the date it was returned has been lost and we are therefore uncertain how long it was after the issuance 
of the license.
   Lillian B. Newkirk was a second cousin of Herbert W. Davidson.  Her grandmother was Jane Thompson 
Newkirk, a younger sister of H.W. Davidson�s grandmother, Mary Ann Thompson Davidson.
   Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Davidson live in Des Moines, Iowa;  the Creps near Brooklyn, Iowa.  I do not have the
address of the Wallace Davidsons.

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.... PLUS MORE.....

 (b) Children of Mary Dunlap Davidson

   Having traced completely the descendents of Thomas Davidson, the oldent of the brothers, who
came to America, we turn now to Thomas's stepmother, Mary Dunlap Davidson, and her six
children who had come to America by 1795 and were in Big Bever Township of what is now
Lawrence County in 1797.  We do not know when Mary Dunlap Davidson died, but at her death
all of ther children had left home and started up for themselves except Andrew, who took over the
contract on his mother's farm, completed the payments, and received deed on October 27, 1836. 
He probably made some sort of a settlement with his older brothers and sister.  We are mainly
interested in the fortunes of our ancestors houses and Andrew, but we might notice briefly as to
their brothers and sister.

   Robert Davidson, the oldest of the second wife's children, was very properous, the wealthiest of
the family.  From the History of Lawrence Country we learn that for a short time he was agent for
Benjamin Chow, a famous trador for Pennsylvania, for whom the town of Chowton was named. 
Robert is said to have been the first postmaster at the old settlement of Irish Ripple.  Later he
build a mill at Wampum and lived in the old red brick house which still stands in the town,
dellopidated enought now buat one time the finest place in town.  He died .... .. ... yhr ..... ... hid
mill until 1850.  His wife was Margaret McCord, ... .....  They had at least four children: Margaret,
who never married; ..., who married Judge Cunningham and had no children; another daughtor,
who ...... ...ary Wilson; and William, who died in 1867.  William married Metilda ... and their
seven children are well known to the older Davidsons: Robert, James , Joseph, Samuel, Alice and
Christiana.  James married Emma Willson, who still lives in New Castle.  Samuel studeied
medicine.  Alice Married Philo ......  Christiana married Harlan Witherspoon in 1867 and died in
1887, leaving a daughter, matilda, now Mrs john B. Gilmore of Mars, Pennsylvania.

   John, the second son of Mary Dunlap Davidson, never married.

   Charles married Sarah McCreary, the daughter of a banker.  They lived  ///cant read - bottem
page 42/// several miles from the others, and also prospered.  There were four children: Ann (Mrs.
Isaac Williams); Mary (Mrs. Jesse Williams); James *** Margaret Grove; and Elisabeth (Mrs.
Milo Groscost).  A grandson of ****, harper McGoffick of Beaver, tole me that several of the

  James Davidson married Elizabeth Somerville, Aunt Betsy, in 1805.  He and his wife were
among the charter members of the Clinton Methodist Episcopal Church which was organized
about 1823 by Rev. John Somerville, who became the first pastor.  A fram church was build in
1834 on lind donated by James Davidson.  Most of the James Davidsons later moved to Indiana. 
One son, Uncel Bobby, remained around Wampum, and the Andrew Davidsons were acquanted
with his naghbor, Effie (Mrs. Matt Dixon), and her daughters, Maggie Dixon Smith and *** or
Rachel Dixon.

  Elizabeth Davidson married Billy Woods.  They lived near Mt. Jackson.  We know very little of
the Woods Family, although they were known to some of the neighbors of the Andrew Davidson

(c) Andrew Davidson And Janet Whan

   Andrew Davidson was the youngest son of John Davidson of Ireland and to his second wife,
Mary Dunlap.  He was born May 8, 1782, died October 29, 1866, at the age of 84.  His father is
said to have died when Andrew was 5 years old.  Andrew was brought to America when 11, and
the family farm was bought by his mother shortly before he was 15.  November 18, 1813 he
married Janet Whan, born August 25. 1793, died September 10, 1862, when 69.  Janet Whan is
better known by her descendants as Jane Whan.   I know very little of the Whans.  A brother, John
Whan, lived near Wampum and his wife, Aunt Mary Whan, Lived to be over 90.  Their son,
Thomas, is remembered by many of the Davidsons, also his children Willie, Maggie Thompson,
Villa (Cross) Hopper, Samuel, Robert, and Will.  Will was a doctor.  Some of the Whans used to
come to the Davidson Reunions.

    Andrew Davidson was a soldier in the War of 1812.  The History of Beaver County shows that
he was a member of the company of which Wilson Caldoo was captain.  In the same company
were a Patrick Davidson and an Ephraim Whan.  The history of Beaver County does not throw any
light upon his actual service in the War.  According to Andrew�s daughter, Sarah, her father�s part
in the war was very slight and rather amusing.  An alarm spread through the backwoods country
that the British were marching from Canada to seize Pittsburgh.  The ***** of Western
Pennsylvania organized themselves into companies, armed themselves as best they could, and
marched to Lake Erie.  The alarm was false, and the embattled farmers, after reaching Erie, turned
about and marched home again.  Andrew Davidson was on of these volunteers. whether the

is correct or not, it bears the earmarks of truth, for family traditions do not, as a general rule,
minimize the war service of an ancestor.

    After his touch of military life, Andrew Davidson settled down to the serious business of
marriage and farming.  After the death of Mary Dunlap Davidson, Andrew took over her farm,
completed the payment�s on it, received the deed in 1836, and later bought two others, the squire
John Davidson farm and the Wom*y Wilson farm.  It seems fare to assume that Andrew Davidson
prospered in his new home.  Certainly the emigration form Ireland was most advantageous for
him, for it is very doubtful if he could ever have been a landowner there.  He lived out his long life
on the old family farm bought by his mother when he was 15, and he and his wife were buried in
the cemetery at Clinton nearby.

    I have pictures of Andrew Davidson and his wife.  He was a large man, with an appearance of
geniality and easy-goining-ness about him.  There grandchildren whose memories go back to his
day recall his kindness to them.  He seems to have been a man of considerable business ability,
from all accounts.  Janet Whans pictures show her as a harsh, severe woman, but the photograph
of her that day was anything but flattering and further she was very old when the pictures were
taken.  Her grandchildren recall her mainly for her strictness, ***** they all add that her children
adored her.  Such of her �crossness� as was ******* ***ary was doubtless due to old age and a
life of very hard work.  She was an extremely religious woman and brought up her children very
strictly.  The daughters were not permitted to attend church gatherings, spelling-bees, etc. unless
accompanied by one or more brothers both to and fro, and when young men called the girls were
closely chaperoned.  This was not unusual and, remembering what that country contained a rough,
hard-drinking, gambling, brawling element, her strict rules were probably necessary.

    Whiteout attempting to glorify our ancestors, we may yet admire Mary Dunlop Davidson, the
widow who had energy and determination enough to leave the comparative security of her home
in Ireland to make the dangerous journey across the sea with her children, to build for them a new
home on the frontier, where her children would have the chance to acquire property and social
position, probably denied them in Ireland.  Her son, Andrew, lived to see Western Pennsylvania
change from a wilderness to a peaceful, prosperous, farming community, already showing signs of

//Page 45///
Desendendt of Andrew Davidson and Jane Whan..
////Page 46///

    Page 45 is a chart of the 11 children of Andrew Davidson and Janet Whan with the dates of
their birth, death, marriage, and the names and similar dates for person each married.  At the end
of this history is a complete table of the descendants of each of the nine children who married,
with the same information for each descendant.  I would like to give a detailed history of each of
those 11 children, but do have the information necessary to do so.  Instead I shall give only a few
of the more important facts of the later family history.


     Miss Sue Irwin in a casual conversation made a statement which to me vividly illustrates the
situation of the farms of several of Andrew Davidson�s children.  Jane and Nathaniel Irwin lived
about a mile south of Wampum on the road which runs west of the Big Beaver River to Beaver
Falls.  Miss Irwin told me that as a girl she learned her directions by remembering that John
Marshalls farm was just east across the river; that Uncle James and Uncle Will lived over the hills
to the west; that north was Uncle John�s farm, and to the South was Uncle Rob�s, the old Andrew
Davidson homestead.  These farms were all within a few miles of each other.

     Aunt Margaret and Uncle David Marshall lived on the east side of the river about three miles
from Wampum.  Crawfords lived in the vicinity of New Galilee and Mt. Jackson.  Wilkinsons
lived near Darlington.  Both were several miles from the rest of the family.  Uncle John Davidson,
Aunt Rachel�s husband, lived at Brooklyn, Iowa, on a farm about a mile north and mile west of
that town.  Aunt Elizabeth Davidson never married but liver at home with her father and mother,
taking care of them in their old age.  After they died she stayed on with her youngest brother,
Robert James, who had inherited the old homestead, keeping home for him until his marriage in
1869.  After that time she and her half-cousin, Nancy Davidson Wilson (Auntie Wilson), who was
James Davidson�s aunt, ***  ** *** ** * of Uncle James and Aunt Sarah, where they lived until
their prospective deaths. 

     All the children of Andrew Davidson and Janet Whan, also their wives ******, are buried in
Pennsylvania near where they had lived during their lives *** **** ** **** **** ***  buried ***
*** brooklyn beside her

////Page 47////

husband, and Jane Irwin, who died and is buried in Minneapolis, Kansas.  However. Nathaniel
Irwin is buried at Wampum.


     Before 1840 Pennsylvania was very backward in educational matters, and the children of
Andrew Davidson, especially the older ones, received very little schooling.  Sarah Davidson has
recalled that she and her brothers and sisters attended school about four months in the year; that
the course consisted only of the 3 R�s; and that the punishment meted out to pupils were barbarous
and would never be permitted today.  �Lickin� and Larnin�� went together in these days.  The boys
received a little more schooling than their sisters, and through their business and political interests
became better informed men than their education would suggest.  John Davidson, the oldest of the
children, was a Justice of the Peace (hence his nickname, Squire John).  William and Robert
James married school teachers.  James Davidson was a studious man, who spent many evenings
reading the textbooks which his children brought home from school, a habit which he kept up for

     Andrew Davidson�s grandchildren received very much better education than was possible for
any of his children.  During the (18)70�s a few of the ***** grandchildren began to attend nearby
academies and colleges.  This was *** in the families of Jane, William, Rachel and Robert James. 
It was a great event, planned and discussed in the family councils for weeks and months.  Today
several of Andrew Davidson�s descendants hold degrees for postgraduate work.


     Originally the family seems to have been strict Presbyterian, and many of the members of the
very old family are buried in the cemetery of Rocky Springs, near New Galilee, Penna.  In 1824
the old Clinton M.E. Church was founded and many Davidsons were charter members.  Andrew
Davidson and his wife attended it frequently.  When their children married, some became
Methodists, others joined the United Presbyterian Church, which is closely associated with the old
Presbyterianism favored by the Scotch-Irish.  Andrew L. Davidson is a minister of that church at
the present time.  Today the majority of our family belongs to one or the other of these churches.

///Page 48///


     In 1849 Andrew Davidson�s eighth child, Sarah, married James Davidson.  James was a
grandson of Andrew�s half-brother, Thomas, as told in the first half of this record.  The families of
john Davidson Sr. and Andrew Davidson lived near each other and were very friendly, Andrew
being only ten years older than his nephew.  Aunt Sarah later recalled that the closeness of the
relationship was considered very carefully when James proposed, but was the relationship was to
the half-brother, both families consented.  In 1853 Jame�s younger brother, John Junior, married
Sarah�s younger sister, Rachel.  It is interesting to notice that while James Davidson remained in
Pennsylvania all his life and is closely associated with his wife�s people, John took Rachel to Iowa
shortly after their marriage, and Rachel�s children grew up with the children of John�s brothers
and sisters.  Although Rachel died when she was only 32, her children were by no means strangers
to the Pennsylvania family.  Both James and Sarah ***** in Iowa, while John visited in
Pennsylvania once or twice after his wife�s death.  Robert James Davidson, who was nearly the
same age as John was a very close friend, has also stopped at Brooklyn with his family, also ****
** Irwin, John Wesley Davidson, William Wilson Davidson, Rev. A.L. Davidson, (and his) sister. 
Reverend Davidson performed the marriage ceremony for John ************ by his second wife. 
Of the Brooklyn family, the Albert Davidsons, the Andrew J. Davidsons and Mrs. Dunlap have all
visited in Pennsylvania and have been to many of their cousins there who have not made the trip
to Iowa.

     In 1900 Edna Crawford, greatgranddaughter of Andrew Davidson and Janet Whan, married
Freeman Crawford Davidson, a greatgrandson of Andrew�s half-brother, Thomas, and a nephew of
James and John Davidson.  This is the third marriage between the two families of Davidsons.  It is
unusual that the descendants of three of Andrew Davidson�s daughters, Sarah, Rachel, and Mary,
should retain the name of Davidson.

     William Thomas Davidson, grandson of Andrew Davidson and Janet Whan, married Marietta
Davidson.  Her people came from Washington County, Penna. and their relationship, if any, is not
known.  It is probable that all the Scotch-Irish Davidsons, or whom there are many in this country,
are related in some way, if one were to go far enough back into the Irish history of the family.

///Page 49///


     A rather curious coincidence occurs in the marriage of John Wesley Davidson and Nancy
Wilkinson.  Nancy Wilkinson was a daughter of the same Amos Wilkinson whose first wife was
Nancy Davidson, a daughter of Andrew, but Mrs. Wesley Davidson was a daughter of Amos
Wilkinson by his second wife, Mary Jane Fisher.  Thus there is no relationship between Wesley
Davidson and his wife, although her half-sister and half-brothers were full cousins of her husband.

     Albert Davidson and his sister, Rachel, married Katherine Dunlap and Will Dunlap
respectively, sister and brother.  William J. Davidson, brother of Albert and Rachel, married
Addie Dunlap, a niece of Katherine and Will Dunlap.

     W.H. (Harl) Witherspoon�s first wife was Christiana Davidson, a granddaughter of Andrew
Davidson�s older brother, Robert.  W.H. Witherspoon�s second wife was Laura Davidson,
Andrew�s granddaughter.


     Andrew Davidson and his wife remained all their lives near Wampum and at the time they died
all of their descendants lived at no great distance from them except the children of Rachel, who
had died in 1861.  Rachel married John Davidson in 1853, and in the same year John, his brother
Robert (my grandfather) and their young brides set out for Iowa.  Part, if not all, of the trip was
made by covered wagon, for there were no railroads in Iowa then.  The two young men took up
adjoining farms in Iowa County, near Maroago, where Rachel died, and later moved to the
neighborhood of Brooklyn, Poweshick County.  The brothers bought farms near each other, about
a mile north of Brooklyn, and many of the descendants of Rachel still live near that town.

     Three of Andrew Davidson�s grandsons were soldiers in the Civil War, William Thomas
Davidson, Robert Lemon Crawford, and John Irwin.  R.L. Crawford was discharged from the army
in 1863 because of ill health and died some time after that.  W.T. Davidson and John Irwin
returned from the war and soon determined to go west.  W.T. Davidson went to Kansas in 1871,
settling in Abilene, then a brawling town, because of abstractor and real estate agent, and for a
time Justice of the Peace.  (His father, Squire John, had held the same office in Pennsylvania). 
John Irwin, who had been wounded in the war, went first to Brooklyn and stayed with his aunt
Rachel�s family for some time, and

///Page 50///

many of the Brooklyn Davidsons still remember him.  Later he went to Kansas also and bought a
farm near Minneapolis in that state, married, and lived there the rest of his life.

     Will Irwin went to Kansas shortly after his marriage and, I believe, died there.  His widow is
still living.  About 1890 Jane Davidson Irwin went to Minneapolis, where some of the younger
girls, as well as John�s family, were living, and there Aunt Jane died and is buried.  Her daughters
have lived in the (state) ever since.  Margaret Irwin and her husband, Frank Fee, first lived near
Oil City, Pennsylvania, but about 1880 they went to Florida, where they died some time ago. 
Their sons still live at Fort Pierce in that state.  To move from the North to Florida was considered
very unusual in those days when Horace Greeley was telling the country to go West.  Of the entire
Irwin family only the Allen girls were left in Pennsylvania.

     Sara Marshall married Irad Spangler and they moved to Iowa about 1890 (1870?), settling at
Walnut, a town near Council Bluffs.  Their son, Charles, still lives there; be working at present for
the banking department of the state.  Chaisty Spranger has lived in England and is now in Brazil. 
Levi lived at Sacramento, Calif, a number of years and died a year or so ago.  The Spangers are
*** **** **** of the Marshall Family to move about a great deal.

     In 1889 Andrew Leslie Davidson was ordained as a minister of the United Presbyterian Church
at Washington, Iowa, and he has preached in Iowa chapel ever since.  He has been Stated Clerk of
the Synod of Iowa since 1902.  He is now at Coin, Iowa, in the extreme southwestern part of the

     Darlington is not far from Wampum and had not Nancy Davidson Wilkinson died very young
(29) it is safe to say that the Davidsons would be better acquainted with their Wilkinson cousins
than they now are.  But the roads were in terrible condition so that visiting could only be done
with difficulty, and the Willikson children were babies when their mother died, so the two
families *************. After the Wilkinson children grew up they all left Darlington.  *****
****** they ****** followed the oil industry.  William T. lived in *******, ****, for many years,
then moved to Chester W.Va.  Andrew D. **** lived in ****sville, Ohio.  Benjamin J. Wilkinson
and the [Hemmils] *** **** **** Liverpool, Ohio.  The West has attracted only one of them, a
***** ***** *****

/////Page 51/////

     Since 1900 many other Davidsons have left Pennsylvania.  In that year Edna Crawford married
Freeman Davidson and they have lived at Emmetaburg, Iowa.  Cora Allen married Dr. Paul
Hunter and they have lived at Denver, Colorado, for many years.  Harry Davidson left home quite
young and has lived in the west; he is now at Boone, Iowa.  J.W. Davidson and his daughter, Cora,
left Penna. during the World War (WWI).  Mr. Davidson lived in Long Beach, Calif. until his
death this year; after his second marriage Cora came to Minnesota to the Twin Cities where she
still lives.  The children of Robert James Davidson are both in California; Fred Davidson at San
Jose; Eva at the nearby town of Cupertino.  ***at Davidson has lived in Florida for years.  These
are not all of the family *** **** left Pennsylvania, but they show the strong trend in the family to
leave home, especially to move west.

     The Davidsons have not only shown a tendency to leave Pennsylvania but also to leave the
farm for the city.  Andrew Davidson and all his children lived *****.  Nathaniel Irwin while a
carpenter was not a towndweller, as Irwing lived on a piece of land owned by Jane Irwin.  But
after 1870 the grandchildren ****** to come to town to live.  I have been told that [Hillis]
Marshall, who *** lost his arm in a harvest accident and was unable to do farm work, was the
****.  Other Davidsons soon followed his example of moving to town.  Many of ****** preferred
to earn their living there.  Some of the girls, like Mary Elizabeth (Lyde) Abdill married men who
worked in town.  Men who had farmed all their lives moved to town when they retired.  Jane
Irwin, Nancy Leslie Davidson and Mary *obbit Davidson moved to town when they were left
widows.  For one cause or another a large part of the family, which had once been firmly settled
on farms, had gone to the town, although there are many who have remained with the land. 
Besides farming the family follows numerous occupations;  There are a large number of
merchants and teachers; one or two ministers, bankers, lawyers, engineers, railroad men, doctors,
undertakers, etc.  in moving from the country *********** the Davidsons family has been a part
of a movement of nationwide **** *** *** ** has through enormous changes in the American
way of life.  *** *** *** I mention it here, along with its companion movement, the steady ****
*** Pennsylvania to the less densely populated West.

////Page 52/////


     While various conditions hastened  the work of dispersion, there were other influences and
events which bound the departing member of the family back to the old home.  Often he returns
for  visits, and among the older cousins there is carried on a voluminous correspondence, but the
strongest tie to hold the family together is the Reunion held each year on the 4th of July.

     The first reunion was held about 1885, while several of the children of Andrew Davidson were
still living--John, Margaret Marshall, Jane Irwin,(Allian), Sarah and Robert James.  It was on the
14th of August, that being the birthday of Squire John, the oldest.  Since then the reunions have
been held annually although the date was soon changed to July 4th to accommodate those who
worked in town and could only attend on a holiday.

     The purpose of the reunion was to provide a gathering of all the descendent of Andrew
Davidson and Janet Whan who could attend, no as to keep **** in the younger members of the
family that loyalty and affection which were so strong in their elders.  At one of the earlier
reunions Robert James Davidson, *** *** something of the spokesman for the family, rose and
said. �There has never been a time that I know of that every member of the Davidson Family
could not take *** *** of any other member and say to him, �I wish you well.��  Concerned ***
the hope that that would always remain true, the annual reunion has *** *** powerful influence to
hold the rapidly scattering family together, and those who are for anyway make a serious effort to
attend at least one.  A great *** of * *** is due to the Pennsylvania Davidsons, of whom the
Marshalls are now *** *** numerous group, for having kept the reunion alive, for the matter of
************* thirty or forty or fifty cousins, even for one afternoon, in something of a burden.

    In 1915 I attended a reunion at which seven of the nine families were represented, Dr. and Mrs.
Andrew J. Davidson representing Rachel�s family, ***** Davidson and Irwins, whom I believe
were absent in 1915, have attended **********.  Not only the immediate members of the family
are *ol****, but also were distant relatives and friends.  The Whans used to attend once in a
while, also some of the descendants of Andrew Davidson�s brothers.

///Page 53 ////

1.  John Davidson b. 14-Jul-1814 d. 13-Apr-1895 m. 27-Mar-1838 Mary Beatty b. 11-Jun-1814 d. 11-Oct-1868 
  2 William Thomas Davidson b. 26-Jul-1842 d. 3-Dec-1920 m. 27-Dec-1882 Marietta (May) Davidson b. 15-Sep-
1852 d. 18-Jan-1918 
    3 Ralph Clifford Davidson b. 1-Nov-1887 
    3 Frank Brady Davidson b. 11-Apr-1890 
  2 Margaret Jane Davidson b. 11-Jun-1846 d. 28-Nov-1916 
  2 Mary Elizabeth Davidson b. 9-Mar-1851 d. 1-Sep-1881 m. 2-Mar-1872 John D. Abdill 
    3 Ross D. Abdill b. 19-Dec-1872 d. 9-Jun-1882 (drowned) 
  2 John Watson Davidson b. 5-May-1856 m. 26-Oct-1881 Myra Rose b. 9-Jul-1856
    3 Ernest Davidson b. 29-Oct-1881 d. bfr 1989 m. 18-Oct-1904 Olive Grimm 
    3 Edyth Davidson b. 11-Apr-1884 d. bfr 1989 
    3 Bessie Davidson b. 25-Mar-1889 m. 30-Jun-1923 Harry Cranmer 
    3 Helen M. Davidson b. 27-May-1893 d. 8-Jun-1989 m. 10-Oct-1913 George Miles d. Dec-1952 
      4 Edith Frances Miles b. 8-Aug-1914 m.  _ Hilliard 
      4 George Author Miles b. 21-Sep-1922 m. Ruth _  

Remarks--John Davidson was generally known as Squire Davidson, or more familiarly among the family, 
as Squire John.  His daughter, Mary Elizabeth Abdill, was generally known as Bybe Abdill, even in such 
formal documents as wills.
  Marietta Davidson Davidson (Mrs. W.T. Davidson) was not a relative of the family.  Her family was from 
Washington County, PA.
  Mr. and Mrs. J ************ ****  ****
 // unreadable to the end of the page - about 4 lines of text ///

page 54-56 ///
Descendants of Margaret Davidson and David Marshall

1 Margaret Davidson b. 1-Jul-1816 d. 5-Jul-1895 m. 12-Oct-1837 David Marshall b. 20-Dec-1815 d. 15-Jan-1898 
  2 Elizabeth Jane Marshall b. 10-Mar-1839 d. 30-Sep-1899 
  2 John Marshall b. 15-Aug-1840 d. 6-Feb-1922 m. 16-Sep-1862 Margaret Jane Cole b. 23-Apr-1843 d. 29-Dec-1928 
    3 Margaret Marshall b. 17-Aug-1863  m. 5-Oct-1887 Pierce Hazen
      4 Jane Hazen b. 11-Aug-1888 d. m.Sep-1913 Fred Jones  
        5 Luella Jones b. 20-Aug-1917 
        5 Lillian Jones b. 19-Sep-1919 
    3 David Marshall b. 7-Jun-1866 m. 22-May-1889 Genevieve Cunningham d. 16-Dec-1931 
      4 Lulu Edith Marshall b. 5-Mar-1890 m. 9-May-1919 H. H. Davis 
        5 Leona Davis b. 26-May-1914 
      4 John Harold Watson Marshall b. 25-Oct-1891 m. 20-May-1914 Christina Jackson 
        5 Helen Marshall b. 31-Oct-1915 
        5 John Marshall b. 9-Mar-1918 
        5 Mary Jane Marshall b. 1-Sep-1920 
        5 Harold Marshall b. 30-Jun-1924 
        5 Phyllis Marshall b. 28-May-1928 d. 29-Aug-1929 
      4 Edna Ray Marshall b. 21-Jan-1894 m. 2-Aug-1919 Joseph McIlvenny 
        5 Joseph McIlvenny b. 15-May-1921 
        5 Genevieve McIlvenny b. 19-Nov-1925 
        5 Emily Jane McIlvenny b. 1-Mar-1928 
      4 Charles Valerus Marshall b. 21-Jun-1897 m. 23-Jun-1918 Ethel Galbreath 
        5 Ruth Marshall b. 4-May-1920 
        5 Kathryn Marshall b. 3-May-1922 
        5 David Marshall b. 21-Apr-1927 
      4 Margaret Lee Marshall b. 7-Mar-1903 m. 29-May-1923 Oscar Dahl 
    3 Mary Alice Marshall b. 22-Aug-1868 d. 21-Sep-1881 
    3 Willis Christopher Marshall b. 3-Dec-1876 d. 3-Aug-1877 
  2 Sara Margaret Marshall b. 21-Jun-1842 d. 15-Oct-1887 m. 11-Jul-1867 Irad Tice Spangler b. 16-May-1844 d. 9-
    3 Leah Spangler b. 1868 d. 1877 
    3 Christian Marcilals Spangler b. 20-Mar-1870 m. 4-Jan-1916 Gladys Marjoram 
      4 Ronald Christie Spangler b. 4-Oct-1916 
      4 Roy Marshall Spangler b. 10-Sep-1918 
      4 Catherine Gladys Spangler b. 5-Feb-1923 
      4 Charles Bruce Spangler b. 1-May-1924 
      4 Raymond Ralph Spangler b. 17-Feb-1926 
    3 Nettie Spangler b. 1873 d. 1873 
    3 Levi Irad Spangler b. 2-Oct-1874 d. 21-Sep-1931 m.Jun-1918 Alice Lillian Coleman 
      4 Norma Alice Spangler b. Jun-1919 
    3 Charles Ray Spangler b. 6-Jan-1879 m. 1-Jul-1903 Clara Hector 
  2 Andrew Davidson Marshall b. 16-Oct-1843 d. 15-Oct-1849 
  2 William Hillis Marshall b. 1-Jun-1845 d. 14-Mar-1914 m. 11-Aug-1881 Emma McMillan 
    3 Herry Everett Marshall b. 4-Jun-1882 
  2 Mary **lvina Marshall b. 31-Aug-1850 d. 24-Mar-1859 
  2 Rachel Nancy Marshall b. 17-May-1857 d. 30-Jun-1896 

  The Masens, the David Marshalls, Mrs. Hillis Marshall and Everett Marshall all live either in Wampum 
or within a short distance of it.  As a family a larger proportion of the Marshalls have remained close to the 
old family home than of any of the other families.
   Mr. C.M Spangler is at Diamantina in the state of Minas Ceracs, Brazil;  Mrs. L.I. Spangler and daughter 
are at Sacramento, Calif.; and Mr. C.R. Spangler lives in Walnut, Iowa.

//Page 57//

1 Mary Davidson b. 29-Apr-1818 d. 5-Mar-1876 m. 16-Oct-1838 Robert Crawford b. 6-Jun-1813 d. 15-Aug-1874 
  2 Jane Crawford b. 14-Sep-1839 d. 10-Jan-1861 
  2 Robert Lemon Crawford b. 17-Aug-1841 d. 24-Jul-1863 
  2 Andrew Crawford b. 6-Jul-1845 d. 20-Aug-1872 m. 10-Feb-1870 Sarah Cowan Graham b. 28-Dec-1846 d. 8-Mar-
    3 Edna Crawford b. 25-Sep-1872 d. 2-Aug-1948 m. 25-Sep-1900 Freeman Crawford Davidson b. 3-Mar-1871 d. 9-
      4 Myrna Margaret Davidson b. 21-Oct-1901 m. 15-Jul-1931 Harold D. Stetson 
      4 Frances Anita Davidson b. 13-Mar-1903 m. 7-Feb-1944 David M. Amspoker b. 25-Jun-1908 
      4 Robert Kenneth Davidson b. 10-Jul-1906 d. 9-Mar-1945 
      4 Maurice Crawford Davidson b. 8-Feb-1910 d. 2-Jul-1979 m. 16-Jun-1937 Carolyn Witt 
      4 Carolyn Virginia Davidson b. 12-Aug-1913 d. 12-Jan-1921 

REMARKS-- The dates for Robert Lemon Crawford and Jane Crawford are not known by any of the members 
of the family.  Since the family Bible of Mary Davidson Crawford has disappeared they will probably never be 
known, unless they are on their tombstones.  This is not surprising in view of the shocking series of deaths 
in the family -- Andrew Crawford on Aug. 20, 1872; his father, Robert Crawford, on August 15, 1874; his 
mother, Mary Davidson Crawford, on March 5, 1876; and his wife, Sadie Crawford, on March 8, 1877 -- which 
wiped out the entire family with the exception of his infant daughter.
  Freeman Crawford Davidson is a third-half-cousin of Edna Crawford.  He is a great-grandson of Thomas 
Davidson, the linen-weaver, who was a half-brother of Andrew Davidson, the great-grandfather of Edna 
Crawford.  Freeman Crawford Davidson is also a nephew of James Davidson, husband of Sarah Davidson 
Davidson, in hose family Edna Crawford grew up, and of John Davidson, husband of Rachel Davidson Davidson.  
here is also some relationship on the Crawford side of the family, his mother having been Nancy Jane Crawford, 
but that relationship has never been traced and probably never will be.

1982 update:
Obituary for Robert Kenneth Davidson:

Emmetsburgh Thursday Reporter
Thursday, March 29, 1945


The Secretary of War sent another grim message in a country home as judge F.C. and Mrs. Davidson
received word Saturday morning that their son, Captain Kenneth Davidson had died in France following an
acute heart attach on March 9.

The message came to A.J. Burt, a senior member of the Burt & Davidson law firm of which Capt. Davidson
was the junior partner before entering the service March 7, 1941.

Capt. Davidson was the sixth man from Emmetsburg to report for duty following the beginning of the draft
in 1940.

His parents, Judge and Mrs. F.C. Davidson are now in Phoenix, Arizona with their daughter where they
were notified of the death of their son.  The Davidson family went there following Judge Davidson�s
retiring from the bench the first of 1945.

Capt. Davidson had been overseas for 10 months at the time of his unexpected death, and was in charge of
the statistical section of the 11th Part organization, checking supplies as they arrived from the French ports
for the front line troops.

He took his training at Fort Leonard Wood, MO. and later went to Fargo, ND where he received his
commission in the army.  Following this he was stationed in Pittsburgh, PA, and also Fort Meade,

He went overseas in April and served in France following the invasion of the Normandy front.

Ed Thompson, county clerk of court, received a letter Wednesday morning of this week, written by Captain
Davidson on the day of his death, March 9th.  in Capt. Davidson�s hand-writing and written in blue ink, the
letter remarked that he had been overseas ten months, spending nine of them in France with six weeks on the
beach head.  From there he went to St. Voast which is near Cherbourgh and had been at the present post
since just before Thanksgiving.  This present posting being �somewhere in France�, ***

He wrote that his brother, LT. Col. Maurice Davidson was with a Prisoner of War Camp in France and that
he hoped to see him soon.

Capt. Kenneth Davidson was born in Emmetsburg in 1907 and was a graduate from the public schools here
and studied law at the University of Chicago.  He was a member of the honorary legal society Coif, and Phi
Kappa Sigma.  He practiced law six years before his induction into the army.

Unmarried, Capt. Davidson leaves his parents, a brother Lt. Col. Maurice Davidson, two sisters, Mrs.
Harold Stetson of Phoenix, Ariz., and Mrs. D.N. Amspoker of Texas.

///Page 58-59

1 Jane Davidson b. 6-Mar-1820 d. 18-Nov-1900 m. 2-Jul-1845 Nathaniel Irwin b. 1810 d. 21-Mar-1882 
  2 John Irwin b. 20-Jul-1846 d. 17-Mar-1900 m. 10-Jun-1883 Sarah Allie Greveling d. 8-Jul-1929 
    3 Grace Irwin b. 3-Oct-1884
    3 Ralph James Irwin b. 18-Sep-1887 d. 21-Sep-1912 
  2 Margaret Jane Irwin b. 31-Jan-1849 d. 8-Jan-1922 m. 11-Jul-1872 Frank Fee 
    3 William Irwin Fee b. 14-Apr-1873 m. 3-Sep-1911 Bess Micheltree 
      4 David M. Fee b. 16-Oct-1913 
        5 David M. Fee, Jr 
    3 Fred Fee b. 15-Feb-1880 m. 6-Sep-1907 Emma Morgan
      4 William Fee b. 30-May-1908 d. 7-Sep-1918 
      4 Mary Fee b. 14-Dec-1910 
      4 Frank H. Fee b. 6-Jun-1913 
      4 Margaret Fee b. 17-Nov-1915 
      4 Fred Fee, Jr b. 9-Mar-1919 
    3 Francis Fee
    3 Leroy Fee
  2 Mary Irwin b. 1-Jul-1851 d. 25-Mar-1881 m. 26-Sep-1872 Jacob Allen 
    3 Cora Allen b. 22-Feb-1875  m. 8-May-1908 Paull Hunter 
      4 Alline Hunter b. 10-Feb-1912 
      4 Morland Hunter b. 3-Jun-1914 
    3 Grace Allen b. 8-Apr-1878  m. 24-Oct-1906 Edward Garvin 
      4 Allen Irwin Garvin b. Sep-1912 
      4 David Nessle Garvin b. 4-Jun-1917 
  2 Wiliam Irwin b. 2-Jul-1853 d. 22-Apr-1881 m. 22-Nov-1878 Clara Lowry  
    3 Harry Irwin b. 1879 d. 1879 
  2 Agnes Irwin b. 14-Sep-1856 m. 1-May-1901 John Milton Wilder 
  2 Rachel Irwin b. 23-Jun-1859 d. 15-Dec-1924 m. 9-Jul-1891 John MacLay 
    3 Dorthy MacLay b. 18-May-1892 d. 8-Sep-1903 
  2 Susan Irwin b. 23-May-1862 

REMARKS -- Mr. and Mrs J.M. Wilder, Miss Susan Irwin and Mrs Grace Irwin all live in Baldwin City, Kansas.  
The Fees live in Florida, the hunters in Denver, Colo. and the Garvins in New Castle, Penna.

///Page 60 

Descendants of William Whan Davidson and Nancy Leslie

1 William Whan Davidson b. 22-Mar-1822 d. 9-Dec-1895 m. 27-Oct-1858 Nancy Leslie b. 9-Sep-1827 d. 12-May-
  2 Andrew Leslie Davidson b. 8-Dec-1860 d. 31-Dec-1940 
  2 Laura Hannah Jane Davidson b. 24-Sep-1863 d. 3-Mar-1954 m. 12-Mar-1889 W. Harlin Witherspoon b. 7-Jul-1845
d. 7-Mar-1913 
  2 George John Oliver Davidson b. 25-Aug-1865 d. 1-Feb-1950 m. 23-Jun-1897 Martha McElwee b. 7-Jul-1865 d.
    3 William McElwee Davidson b. 4-Nov-1903 m. 9-Jun-1939 Cora Mae Javens b. 26-Jan-1907 

REMARKS -- Andrew Leslie Davidson was ordained as a minister of the united Presbyterian
Church on June 13, 1889, and has been actively engaged in the ministry ever since.  He has been
Stated Clerk of the Synod of Iowa since 1903.
  W. Harlin Witherespoon was married twice.  his first wife was Christina Davidson, a
granddaughter of Robert Davidson of Wampum, who was a brother of Andrew Davidson. 
Christina Davidson Witherspoon had two daughters and one son, only one of them is living.  Tillie
Witherspoon was bore April 26, 1892, and married reverend John B. Gilmore on September 4,
1895.  They two sons and one daughter.

   Rev. A.L. Davidson is located at Coin, Iowa; Mrs Laura Witherspoon lives at Beaver, PA; and
George Davidson and his family live in Ellwood City, PA.

1982 update - William McElwee Davidson adds this information for his branch.  Laura
Witherspoon is buried in Beaver Cemetery, Beaver, PA; George John Oliver Davidson and wife
Martha are buried in Clinton Cemetery.
  Also he had this information on the family of W.H. Witherspoon; Father, William Witherspoon,
Mother Emily, sister, Amannda, Rhoda, Mary Samantha.  W.H. Witherspoon was for years in the
lumber business in Beaver, PA.

Obituary from Clarinda Harold, provided by rev. Ronald Swedberg of the Westminister United
Presbyterian Church in Clarinda, received December 15, 1992 by Phyllis:

Former Coin U.P. Pastor is victim of pneumonia.  Funeral is held this Thursday.  A.L
Davidson, 80, for more that a half-century as pastor in united Presbyterian churches in
Iowa.  Dr. Davidson succumbed to double pneumonia in Lenox Tuesday where he lived
after retiring in recent years from active pastoral work.  Rev. Henry O. Lieman, local
pastor, assisted in the funeral service.  The body was to be taken to Pennsylvania, the
home of Dr. Davidson�s sister for burial.
   Dr. Davidson was pastor of the Coin united   Presbyterian Church for 14 years, he also
served pastorates at Washington, Iowa for years and served at Lenox for years.  he was
clerk of the College Springs Presbytery for many years and was clerk of the Iowa Synod
for nearly 25 years.
   He at one time left a huge endowment for Tarkio College totaling nearly $20,000.


1 Nancy Davidson b. 23-May-1826 d. 15-Oct-1855 m. 12-Nov-1846 Amos Wilkinson b. 28-Jul-1821 d. 2-Sep-1890 
  2 William Thomas Wilkinson b. 3-Jul-1848 d. 8-Mar-1917 m. 3-Oct-1872 Susanah Roberson b. 24-Dec-1846 d. 24-
        m. 2-Sep-1901 Anna Mary Conkle 
    3 Addison Ruel Wilkinson b. 11-Aug-1873  m. 12-Aug-1895 Mary Alice McPherson 
      4 William Lucas Wilkinson b. 27-Jun-1896 m. 13-Sep-1917 Marie Shropshire 
        5 William Addison Wilkinson b. 23-Jun-1918 
        5 Cora Alice Wilkinson b. 17-Aug-1920 
      4 Thelma Virginia Wilkinson b. 2-Feb-1904 m. 16-Aug-1929 Perlie M. Johnson 
      4 Jocelyn Frances Wilkinson b. 26-Feb-1908 d. 26-Apr-1931 m. 13-May-1926 Herman H. Griggs 
        5 Herman J. Griggs, Jr. b. 3-Feb-1928 d. 3-Feb-1928 
      4 Esther Maye Wilkinson b. 22-Jul-1910 m. 10-Oct-1925 Roy J. Priest 
        5 Raymond Aubrey Priest b. 24-Nov-1927 
        5 Esther Bernice Priest b. 6-Mar-1932 
    3 Vesta Minerva Wilkinson b. 26-Jul-1875 d. 19-Sep-1895 
    3 William Chalmers Wilkinson b. 27-Jul-1878 d. 23-Sep-1899 
    3 Celestial Aravilla Wilkinson b. 12-Jan-1881 d. 3-Dec-1881 
    3 Oldwin Philip Wilkinson b. 13-Feb-1883 m. 4-Jan-1914 Eunice Shay 
      4 Susan Mary Wilkinson b. 19-May-1916 
      4 Wendel Phillip Wilkinson b. 14-May-1918 
      4 Melrose Wilkinson b. 17-Jan-1921 
      4 Robert Thomas Wilkinson b. 5-Apr-1923 
      4 Myra Jane Wilkinson b. 10-Oct-1926 
  2 Mary Alice Wilkinson b. 4-Mar-1850 d. 7-Jul-1879 m. 3-Nov-1868 Newton Chalmers Hammel 
    3 Amos J. Hammel b. 15-May-1870 m. 20-Dec-1889 Della May Andrews 
      4 Eugene Chalmers Hammel b. 16-Nov-1890 m. 1917 Sara Davis 
      4 Paul Andrews Hammel b. 18-Dec-1900 m. 19-Jan-1924 Vereda Hamilton 
        5 Nanerle Hammel b. 11-Apr-1931 
      4 Helen Eliza Hammel b. 10-Sep-1905 m. 19-Aug-1926 Charles Obie Rymer 
        5 Jerry Hammel Rymer b. 30-Jan-1928 
        5 Charles Obie Rymer b. 3-Aug-1929 
        5 Jean Ann Rymer b. 29-Sep-1932 
      4 Loren Amos Hammel b. 27-Feb-1914 
    3 Paul Hammel b. 1872 d. 26-Jul-1872 
    3 Mary Alice Hammel b. 28-Jan-1879 m. 27-Nov-1902 H. E. Fulman 
      4 Lloyd Chalmers Fulman b. 4-Aug-1904 
      4 Amos Earl Fulman b. 28-Mar-1907 
      4 Edith Pearl Fulman b. 24-Dec-1908 m. 31-Aug-1926 Jess D. Watkins 
        5 Howard Amos Watkins b. 21-Nov-1926 
        5 Alice Edith Watkins b. 26-Sep-1928 m. Thomas Diddle 
        5 Harvey Earl Watkins b. 7-Nov-1931 
      4 Paul Newton Fulman b. 20-Aug-1915 
  2 Andrew Davidson Wilkinson b. 3-Mar-1853 d. 3-Oct-1928 m. 13-Aug-1878 Mary Abby Herbert 
    3 Olive Myrtle Wilkinson b. 23-Apr-1879  m. 23-May-1900 George Jackson 
      4 Ruth Marie Jackson b. 11-May-1901 
      4 Carola Maxine Jackson b. 17-Jun-1905 m. Chester Smith 
    3 Florence Ruth Wilkinson b. 25-Dec-1880 m. 12-Jun-1912 William B. Watson 
      4 Mary Ruth Watson b. 15-Mar-1913 d. 18-Mar-1913 
    3 Mary Rae Wilkinson b. 13-Feb-1883 
    3 Vashti Lenora Wilkinson b. 2-Nov-1887 
  2 Benjamin James Wilkinson b. 13-Jul-1855 d. 13-Mar-1898 m. 12-Jun-1878 Malissa C. Green 
    3 Mary Alice Wilkinson b. 7-Apr-1879 m. 3-Oct-1899 George F. Mulligan 
      4 Mildred Grace Mulligan b. 21-Jul-1900 
      4 Donald Francis Mulligan b. 19-Sep-1901 
      4 Paul Frederick Mulligan b. 23-Dec-1903 m. 31-Mar-1924 Viola Mae Reed 
        5 Margaret Ann Mulligan b. 29-Oct-1925 
        5 Shirley Jean Mulligan b. 14-Feb-1928 
    3 Anne Elizabeth Wilkinson b. 3-Dec-188_ d. 23-Dec-18__ 
    3 Charles Lawrence Wilkinson b. 10-Mar-1883 m. 3-Feb-1912 Loretta McKelvey
      4 Azalea Loretta Wilkinson b. 22-Mar-1913 m. 23-May-1929 Howard McLaughlin 
      4 Mary Virginia Wilkinson b. 5-Mar-1914 m. 23-May-1929 Wilber McLaughlin 
        5 Lawrence Wilber McLaughlin b. 16-Aug-1930 
        5 Mary Lucille McLaughlin b. 3-Aug-1932 
      4 Geneva Lucille Wilkinson b. 5-Mar-1914 
    3 Margaret Wilkinson b. 12-Dec-1884 m. 7-Aug-1907 Moses Telfer 
    3 William Shaw Wilkinson b. 20-May-1888 m. 4-Jun-1917 Lillie Lois Sanders 
    3 Covlette Emily Wilkinson b. 21-Apr-1893 m. 23-Nov-1910 William T. Hindle 
      4 Ralph Thorton Hindle b. 29-Jul-1911 
      4 James Thomas Hindle b. 4-Apr-1914 d. 6-Apr-1914 
      4 Margaret Annie Hindle b. 5-Mar-1916 
      4 Olive Mae Hindle b. 12-Mar-1919 
      4 Thomas Earl Hindle b. 14-Jul-1927 

  Amos Wilkinson�s second wife was Mary Jane Fisher.  They had 11 children, of whom the oldest was Nancy
Wilkinson, who married john Wesley Davidson, a son of Sarah and James Davidson.  For their descendants 
see the next page.
   Addison Wilkinson lives at Pama, Texas; Oldwin Wilkinson at Cleveland, Ohio.  A.J. Hammel at Hannington, W.Va.; Mrs. Alice Fulman at East Liverpool, Ohio.  Mrs. Florence Watson in Pittsburgh, Penna.; her sister in Cleveland, Ohio.  Mrs. Alice Mulligan in East Liverpool, Ohio.

Page 65-66 


1 Sarah Davidson b. 15-Mar-1828 d. 12-Mar-1913 m. 17-May-1849 James Davidson b. 18-Oct-1823 d. 4-May-1908 
  2 Andrew Davidson b. 25-Mar-1850 d. 25-Oct-1872 
  2 John Wesley Davidson b. 7-Apr-1854 d. 31-Jan-1933 m. 22-Jan-1880 Nancy 'Nannie' Wilkinson b. 5-Sep-1858 d.
        m. 15-Nov-1920 Ida Johnson  
    3 Cora May Davidson b. 7-Jul-1882 d. 18-Oct-1981 m. 2-Jan-1931 L. Herbert Kight 
      4 Lois Kight b. 15-Sep-1922 m. bfr 1948 Donald Robbins Tipton b. 8-Nov-1918 
        5 Donald Robbins Tipton, Jr b. 4-Jan-1949 m. abt 1969 Billie Jean Nill  
                    m.Pam _ 
          6 Shane Tipton b. 1970 
          6 Thomas Tipton b. 1972 
          6 Jennifer Tipton b. 1975 
        5 Barbara Jane Tipton b. 8-Jan-1951 m. Mark Thomas 
          6 Nathan William Thomas b. 1978 
          6 Joshua Thomas b. 1980 
        5 Donna May Tipton b. 24-Nov-1953 m. William Shore 
          6 Lois Jean Shore b. 14-Apr-1982 
        5 Fred J. Tipton b. 14-Dec-1955 
    3 Harry Wilson Davidson b. 22-Jan-1884 d. 1-Nov-1977 m. 30-Dec-1911 Jessie Adeline Taylor b. 3-Oct-1888 d. 6-
      4 Phyllis Davidson b. 11-Nov-1912 m. 27-Jun-1937 Herbert Wayne Carr b. 30-Oct-1908 
        5 Roger Allan Carr b. 193_ d. 17-Jan-1966 m. 2-Sep-1962 Karen Ann Nelson 
          6 Craig Wayne Carr b. 4-Aug-1965 
        5 Stephen Bruce Carr b. [1940] m. abt 1960 Jo Anne Maklebust b. 3-Apr-1943 
                    m. 2-Jun-1979 Diane Barr Mark
          6 Cheron Lyn Carr b. 10-Dec-1962 
        5 Donald Freeman Carr m. 1-Jul-1965 Beverly Miller 
                    m. 25-Aug-1968 Beverly Miller
                    m. 22-Dec-1973 Kaarre Bothum  
                    m. -Dec-1980 Teresa Lacey 
          6 Marcus Paul Carr b. 19-Feb-1975 
        5 Philip Wayne Carr b. 1946? m. 20-Aug-1966 Jean Louise Willenburg b. 27-May-1946 
          6 Tracy Lynn Carr b. 12-Aug-1969 
          6 Roger Wayne Carr b. 19-Aug-1974 
      4 Rose Davidson b. 10-Dec-1914 
      4 John Taylor Davidson b. 14-Sep-1916 m. 4-Oct-1941 Marjorie Elaine McConnell 
    3 Edna Mary Davidson b. 5-Aug-1886 d. 30-Oct-1968 m. 18-Oct-1905 Alexander McKim b. 16-Dec-1882 d. 25-
      4 Mae Davidson McKim b. 24-Oct-1906 d. 29-Dec-1983 m. 27-Feb-1926 Oliver Charles Strohecker b. 17-Mar-
1903 d. 8-Mar-1933 
        5 Ralph Alexander Strohecker b. 9 Apr 1927 d. 18 Nov 1995 m. 9 Oct 1947 Elizabeth (Betty) Helen Watt b. 15-
          6 Linda Diana Strohecker b. 29 Jul 1948 m. 13 Feb 1971 Thomas Murtha b. 30-Dec-1948 
                        m. aftr 1982 _ Herron 
            7 Jason Thomas Murtha b. 30-Nov-1976 
          6 Nancy Helen Strohecker b. 10 Sep 1949 m. 5 Sep 1968 Tyrone Petrick b. 23-Jul-1943 
            7 Sheri Lynn Petrick b. 22-Apr-1969 
            7 Brit Petrick b. 25-Aug-1974 
            7 Daniel James Petrick b. 26-Dec-1979 
          6 Gerald Ralph Strohecker b. 16 Feb 1953 m. 26 Dec 1980 Lynn Krecek b. 5-Jun-1957 
            7 Leah Marie Strohecker b. 20-Jun-1981 
        5 Russell Charles Strohecker b. 9-Apr-1927 d. 26-Jan-1994 m. 10-Jun-1948 Martha Ellen Curry b. 29-Apr-1929
d. 19-Dec-1983 
          6 Dennis Allen Strohecker b. 9-Jun-1949 m. 4-Sep-1971 Linda Jean Borcher b. 7-Jun-1949 
            7 Marcia Strohecker b. 11-Mar-1972 
            7 Janice Nicolia Strohecker b. 30-Nov-1973 
          6 Brenda Lee Strohecker b. 30-Nov-1952 m. 5-Aug-1972 David Spellick b. 10-May-1948 
            7 Christopher Lee Spellick b. 19-Jan-1976 
            7 Michael David Spellick b. 6-Jun-1978 
            7 Mathew Allan Spellick b. 15-Oct-1980 d. 26-May-1987 
          6 Barbara Jo Strohecker b. 25-Aug-1956 m. 24-Sep-1977 Thomas Allan Durst b. 7-Sep-1956 
            7 Jennifer Ellen Durst b. 21-Jan-1980 
          6 Bruce Russell Strohecker b. 17-Feb-1966 
          6 Kimberly Ellen Strohecker b. 16-Mar-1967 m. abt 198_ Robert Sheldon 
            7 _ Sheldon b. 19-Jul-1989 
          6 Phillip Wayne Strohecker b. 11-May-1969 
        5 Dorothy Mae Strohecker b. 20-Apr-1928 m. 20-Oct-1950 Harry Myers, Jr. b. 5-Jul-1925 
          6 Barry Lynn Myers b. 30-Oct-1954 m. Jun-1981 Lydia Anna Brandt 
          6 Allen Thomas Myers b. 27-Feb-1960 
        5 Donald Lewis Strohecker b. 9-Apr-1930 
        5 Glen Oliver Strohecker b. 20-Apr-1932 m. 18-Oct-1956 Marjory Jane Roher b. 3-Feb-1928 
          6 Mark Allen Strohecker b. 30-Nov-1958 
          6 David Glenn Strohecker b. 24-Nov-1962 
      4 Edna Helen McKim b. 10-May-1909 d. 19-May-1910 
      4 Robert Alexander McKim b. 18-Apr-1911 d. 3-Feb-1983 m. 26-May-1935 Anna Francis Duncan b. 21 Jun 1914
d. 27 Dec 1995 
        5 Charlotte Mae McKim b. 26-Jun-1936 m. 19-Apr-1954 Daniel Palkovich b. 15-May-1936 
          6 Thomas Daniel Palkovich b. 19-Dec-1954 m. 13-Jul-1974 Jo Ann LeFever b. 15-May-1954 
            7 David James Palkovich b. 19-Nov-1979 
          6 Cinthia Lou Palkovich b. 25-Sep-1957 m. 22-Oct-1982 Donald Dickinson 
            7 McKenzie Mae Dickinson b. 1-Jan-1991 
        5 Bette Louise McKim b. 19-Dec-1938 m. 19-Nov-1957 Fred Thomas Puglia 
                    m. 198_ Jonathan Certalich  
          6 Fred Thomas Pugila,  Jr b. 6-Jul-1960 m. abt 1986 Patricia Panzich 
            7 Joni Louis Puglia b. 30-Jan-1988 
          6 Tracy Puglia b. 19-Mar-1963 m. 20-Aug-1983 Wesley Morris 
            7 John Morris b. abt 1988 
            7 Maressa Morris b. 3-Jun-1990 
          6 James David Puglia b. 29-May-1964 m. 24-May-1986 Lisa Ann Proctor 
            7 Ashley Marie Puglia b. 15-Sep-1987 
            7 Amber Puglia b. 14-Jul-1989 
        5 Bradley Robert McKim b. 7-Oct-1946 m. 15-Jun-1974 Burnita Irene Musitano b. 26-Sep-1946 
          6 Krista Irene McKim b. 31-May-1977 
          6 Jason Bradley McKim b. 3-Sep-1980 
      4 Harold Wilkinson McKim b. 7-Feb-1915 d. 5-Feb-1981 m. 12 Nov 1944 Lucy Lee Messerlie d. 30-Apr-1991 
        5 Ann Elizabeth McKim b. 14-Sep-1946 
      4 John Wayne McKim b. 10-Dec-1917 d. 25-May-1990 m. 19-Apr-1937 Shasta Garside 
        5 Shelby Kathleen McKim b. 16-Dec-1937 m. Louis Jones  
          6 Eric L. Jones 
                        m. 1984 Julie Lynn McKinney  
            7 Jordan Symore Jones b. 24-Jun-1990 
          6 Keli I. Jones m. abt 1987 Donald Sapp 
            7 Jessica Sapp  
            7 Shasta Dawn Sapp b. 24-Feb-1990 
        5 Shirley Jean McKim b. 4-Sep-1939 
        5 Mary Lou McKim b. 19-Jan-1941 m. Thomas Chalmers  
          6 Jona J. Chalmers m. 12-Aug-1989 David W. Richardson  
          6 Troy Thomas Chalmers b. 8-Sep-1966 
        5 John "Jack" Wayne McKim, Jr. b. 10-Jan-1943 m. 5-Aug-1967 Delta Stearns 
          6 Craig McKim
          6 Christopher McKim b. 1-Dec-1972 
        5 Gregory Garth McKim b. 9-Sep-1952 m. 29-Dec-1973 Debbie Cerrutti  
          6 Amy McKim  
          6 Alexander McKim 
          6 Emily McKim  
        5 Marla Colleen McKim b. 26-Oct-1955 m. 19-Sep-1981 Parke Wilson 
          6 Parke Wilson Jr  
          6 Jeremy Charles Wilson b. 8-Jun-1988 
          6 John Wayne Wilson b. 1-Dec-1989 
      4 Glen Dale McKim b. 1-Nov-1920 d. 8-Jan-1985 m. 23-Oct-1944 Helen Marie Huston b. 23-Oct-1919 
                m. Ann _  
        5 baby girl McKim b. 2-Oct-1944 d. 2-Oct-1944 
        5 Glen Dale McKim b. 22-Feb-1946 m. 21-Aug-1967 Betty Witherspoon b. 15 Jan 1948 
          6 Marcie McKim b. 15 May 1969 
          6 Michell McKim b. 15 May 1969 
          6 Linda McKim b. 26 Sep 1973 
        5 Larry Duane McKim b. 6-Aug-1948 m. 2 Aug 1968 Deloren Puz b. 9 May 1949 
          6 Sherry McKim b. 4 Dec 1968 
          6 Patricia McKim b. 4 Sep 1971 
          6 Rachel Marie McKim b. 19 Jan 1978 
        5 Timothy Charles McKim b. 16-Feb-1953 
        5 Thomas Lee McKim b. 26-Feb-1955 
      4 Mary Belle McKim b. 3-Dec-1923 m. 17-May-1947 Edward Joseph Burns b. 25-Aug-1918 
        5 Raymond Edward Burns b. 6-Oct-1948 m. 15-Apr-1972 Patricia Ann DiThomas b. 24-Sep-1950 
          6 Brian Raymond Burns b. 6-Apr-1973 
          6 David Vincent Burns b. 31-Aug-1977 
          6 Margaret Patricia Burns b. 30-Dec-1980 
          6 Renee Marie Burns b. 28-Jul-1989 
        5 Karen Mary Burns b. 14-Mar-1954 m. 14-Apr-1984 Robert Louis Bianchi b. 10-Jun-1954 
          6 Nicholas Santino Bianchi b. 3-Nov-1990 
    3 Clarence Addison Davidson b. 1-Oct-1888 d. 21-Feb-1974 m. Edna Maxwell  
  2 Robert James Davidson b. 9-Nov-1855 d. 20-Mar-1913 
  2 William Wilson Davidson b. 3-Jun-1859 d. 3-May-1952 m. 9-Oct-1879 Matilda Carson d. 20-Jan-1932 
    3 Elva S. Davidson b. 20-Jul-1880  m. 5-Jul-1899 William Joseph Baxter  
      4 Alpha Arlene Baxter b. 8-Sep-1902 d. 10-Apr-1981 m. 19-Feb-1924 Henry Scotton b. 190_ d. 9-Jul-1924 
    3 Carlon Carson Davidson b. 23-Mar-1885 d. 15-Apr-1967 m. 22-Sep-1915 Amalia Ifft b. 1887 d. 3-Sep-1963 
      4 Charlotte Christene Davidson b. 27-Oct-1916 d. 1980 m.  _ Summers  
      4 Jane Elizabeth Davidson b. 1924 d. 21-Mar-1926 
    3 Martha Mabel Davidson b. 17-May-1886 d. 27-Mar-1969 m. 14-Jun-1906 Loren Ellsworth Springer b. 1876 d.

Remarks -- James Davidson was a grandson of Thomas Davidson, the immigrant, who was a half-brother 
of Andrew Davidson, the father of Sarah.  James and Sarah were thus half-cousins-once-removed.  James 
was a brother of John Davidson, who married Sarah�s sister Rachel, and an uncle of Freeman Davidson, 
who married Edna Crawford, Sarah�s great-niece.
   Nancy Wilkinson Davidson (Mrs. John Wesley Davidson) was a daughter of Amos Wilkinson by his second 
wife, Mary Jane Fisher.  See Descendants of Nancy Davidson Wilkinson.
   Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Davidson live in Long Beach, Calif.  Mrs. Kight in St. Paul, Minn.  H.W. Davidson in 
Boone, Iowa.  The McKims near new Galilee, Penna.  Clarence Davidson in Columbiana , Ohio.  Mr. and 
Mrs. W.W. Davidson, the G.G. Davidsons, and the Springers live in Ellwood City, PA., and the Baxters in 
Wellsville, Ohio.

///Page 67-69 

1 Rachel Davidson b. 15-Jul-1829 d. 11-Jun-1861 
   m. 27-Mar-1853 John Davidson b. 15-Aug-1830 d. 22-Oct-1888 
  2 Albert Davidson b. 15-Jun-1854 d. 10-Apr-1913 m. 19-Dec-1878 Katherine Dunlap b. 1-Mar-1856 
    3 William A. Davidson b. 25-Mar-1885 m. 5-Jan-1909 Nina Johnson 
      4 Horace A. Davidson b. 10-Feb-1912 
      4 Ruth Davidson b. 1-Nov-1914 
      4 Margaret Davidson b. 24-Nov-1919 
      4 Miriam Davidson b. 24-Nov-1919 
    3 Ernest LaVern Davidson b. 30-Mar-1887 m. 8-Apr-1908 Ethel Belle Ormiston 
      4 Thelma Katherin Davidson b. 12-Dec-1908 m. 6-Aug-1930 Harold B. McMullin 
      4 Lloyd Ernest Davidson b. 1-Jun-1912 
  2 Andrew J. Davidson b. 14-May-1856 d. 5-Jan-1916 m. 23-Mar-1881 Elma E. Blanchard  
    3 Floy Edith Davidson b. 3-Mar-1883 m. 10-Jan-1907 Walker C. Lineweaver 
      4 Kenneth Lineweaver b. 12-Oct-1909 
      4 Viva Ruth lineweaver b. 27-Mar-1914 
      4 Beulah Lineweaver b. Sep-1919 d. Mar-1920 
    3 Rexford John Davidson b. 5-Feb-1886 m. 15-May-1913 Cornelia Vetter 
      4 Frances Dean Davidson b. 17-Feb-1914 d. 1-Oct-1917 
      4 John Max Davidson b. 14-Aug-1915 d. 11-Oct-1917 
      4 Carlton Andrew Davidson b. 1-Jan-1917 
      4 Stanly Vetter Davidson b. 12-Aug-1918 
      4 John Eldon Davidson b. 12-Sep-1925 
      4 Richard Rexford Davidson b. 9-Aug-1927 
      4 Robert Even Davidson b. 29-Apr-1930 
    3 Ada Mary Davidson b. 20-May-1888 m. 30-Jan-1911 William F. Drury 
      4 Mary Lucile Drury b. 7-Jan-1912 
      4 William Davidson Drury b. 27-Jun-1914 
    3 Lilla Rachel Davidson b. 15-Aug-1890 
    3 Nellie Blanchard Davidson b. 8-Oct-1892 m. 19-Mar-1921 Ralph H. White 
      4 Lawrence White b. 10-Feb-1923 
      4 Ralph H. White, Jr. b. 4-Mar-1926 
      4 Betty Marie White b. 29-Dec-1929 
    3 Lawrence Andrew Davidson b. 10-Apr-1897 m. 22-Jan-1924 Doris Frisoie 
      4 Doris Mae Davidson b. 28-Oct-1924 
      4 Betty Jane Davidson b. 28-Dec-1929 
    3 Edna Verna Davidson b. 17-Apr-1899 m. 16-Jun-1925 Author D. Oxley 
      4 Helen Frances Oxley b. 17-Mar-1930 
  2 William J. Davidson b. 20-Jul-1857 d. 29-Jul-1884 m. 21-Mar-1883 Addie Dunlap 
  2 Mary Jane Davidson b. 5-Dec-1858 m. 15-Oct-1879 William L. Morris 
    3 Walter Morris b. 15-Jun-1880 d. 14-Feb-1881 
    3 Honora Morris b. 12-Jul-1882 m. 21-Jun-1911 Fred Thomspon 
      4 Verna Jane Thompson b. 26-Dec-1915 
    3 Vera Morris b. 29-Mar-1888 
  2 Rachel Davidson b. 30-Apr-1861 m. 17-Jul-1901 Will Dunlap  

Remarks -- John Davidson remarried on March 15, 1862 to Lavina Higgins.  They has one son, Herbert W. 
Davidson of Des Molnes, Iowa.  H.W. Davidson has two children, Mrs. Helen D. Creps and Mr. Wallace 
Davidson, and four grandchildren.
   John Davidson was a brother of James Davidson, who was married Rachel�s sister, Sarah.  He was an uncle 
of Freeman Davidson, who married Rachel�s grear-niece, Edna Crawford.  John Davidson was a grandson of 
Thomas Davidson, the Immigrant, half-brother of Rachel�s father, Andrew Davidson.  He and his wife were 
thus half-cousins once removed.
   Katherine Dunlap and will Dunlap, who married Albert and Rachel (II) Davidson respectively, were sister 
and brother.  Adddie Dunlap, who married William J. Davidson, was their niece.
    Mrs. Albert Davidson live in Brooklyn, Iowa, and her sons live on farms near there.  Mrs. Andrew Davidson 
lives in Charles City, Iowa, with her daughter, Dr. Lilla R. Davidson.  The Lineweaver live near Brooklyn; 
R.J. Davidsons near Red Oak, Iowa; the Drurys in New York; the Oxleys in Jackson, Tenn.
   Mrs. J.H. Robson lives in Corvallis, Oregon.  Mrs. Rachel Dunlap, Mrs. Jennie Morris and Miss Verna 
Morris live in Brooklyn, Iowa, and the Thompsons live in Rockwell City, Iowa.

 Descendants of Robert James Davidson and Mary A. Pettit

1 Robert James Davidson b. 6-Jun-1833 d. 9-Mar-1893 
   m. 3-Jun-1869 Mary A. Pettit b. 19-Aug-1843 d. 25-Aug-1918 
  2 Eva Frances Davidson b. 6-Dec-1873 d. 2-May-1942 
  2 William Fredrick (Fred) Davidson b. 14-Aug-1878 d. 29-Dec-1964 
        m. 14-Jun-1906 Evelyn S. Berry d. 25-Apr-1929 
        m. 7-Jan-1933 Rebecca Hillis b. 31-Dec-1891 d. 10-Jul-1982 

The following work was compiled by Phyllis Davidson Carr.

Descendants of: Robert Alexander McKim and Anna Francis Duncan

1 Robert Alexander McKim b. 18-Apr-1911 d. 3-Feb-1983 m. 26-May-1935 Anna Francis Duncan
b. 21 Jun 1914 d. 27 Dec 1995 
  2 Charlotte Mae McKim b. 26-Jun-1936 m. 19-Apr-1954 Daniel Palkovich b. 15-May-1936 
    3 Thomas Daniel Palkovich b. 19-Dec-1954 m. 13-Jul-1974 Jo Ann LeFever b. 15-May-1954 
      4 David James Palkovich b. 19-Nov-1979 
    3 Cinthia Lou Palkovich b. 25-Sep-1957 m. 22-Oct-1982 Donald Dickinson b. abt 195_ 
      4 McKenzie Mae Dickinson b. 1-Jan-1991 
  2 Bette Louise McKim b. 19-Dec-1938 m. 19-Nov-1957 Fred Thomas Puglia b. 19__ 
        m. 198_ Jonathan Certalich b. abt 193_ 
    3 Fred Thomas Pugila,  Jr b. 6-Jul-1960 m. abt 1986 Patricia Panzich b. 19__ 
      4 Joni Louis Puglia b. 30-Jan-1988 
    3 Tracy Puglia b. 19-Mar-1963 m. 20-Aug-1983 Wesley Morris b. abt 196_ 
      4 John Morris b. abt 1988 
      4 Maressa Morris b. 3-Jun-1990 
    3 James David Puglia b. 29-May-1964 m. 24-May-1986 Lisa Ann Proctor b. 19__ 
      4 Ashley Marie Puglia b. 15-Sep-1987 
      4 Amber Puglia b. 14-Jul-1989 
  2 Bradley Robert McKim b. 7-Oct-1946 m. 15-Jun-1974 Burnita Irene Musitano b. 26-Sep-1946 
    3 Krista Irene McKim b. 31-May-1977 
    3 Jason Bradley McKim b. 3-Sep-1980 

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