Keim, elizabeth

Keim, Elizabeth


Elizabeth was named in a quit claim deed on her late father's property as the wife of Christian Hoffart. Dated 29-Apr-1762, titled "Release John Kihm (Keim) to George Kihm (Keim)." It is a quit-claim deed for the 200-acre plantation in Oley Township, Berks Co., PA, formerly owned by Elizabeth's father Johannes KEIM. The opening clause of the deed follows: "This indenture, made the 29th day of April, 1762, between John Kihm, Stephen Kihm, Nicholas Kihm, John Henry Schneider and Catherine his wife (late Catherine Kihm), Christian Hoffart and Elisabeth his wife (late Elisabeth Kihm), Jacob Kihm, Conrad Kihm, Jacob Yoder and Maria his wife (late Maria Kihm), Michael Witman and Barbara his wife (late Barbara Kihm) and Frederick Hung and Susannah his wife (late Susannah Kihm), hiers and representatives of John Kihm, late of Oley, in the County of Berks and Province of Penna., deceased of the one part and George Kihm, of Oley aforesaid Yeoman, of the other part."