Costen, Elizabeth

Costen, Elizabeth


From Genealogy by Belvah Perkins, located at Jennings County, IN, library


Will of Elizabeth Townsend

In the Name of God Amen I Elizabeth Townsend of the County of Sussex upon Delaware widow being This Twenty first Day of September in the year of Our Lord God one Thousand Seven hundred & Forth five of Sick & weak Disposition of body but of Sound & perfect mind & memory thanks be given to Almighty God therefore and calling to mind ye mortality of this transitory life & that all flesh must yield unto Death whensoever it shall please God to call I do therefore make This my last will and testament in manner following

First and principally I bequeath my soul unto Almighty God that gave it hope thro the merits of Jesus Christ my Saviour to receive full renumeration for all my sins past and my body I bequeath unto the Earth to be buried in such Christian and descent like manner as my Exectrs hereafter named to appoint and as touching such worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased Almighty God to bless me with I give and dispose of as follows.

First I will and desire that all those just debts and duties which I owe in right or conscience to any person or persons together truly paid or discharged as after my death.

Item I give and bequeath my son Steaven Townsend ten shillings.

Item I give and bequeath unto my son Costin Townsend ten shillings.

Item I give unto my son Solomon Townsend a cow and calf and my sorrel mare

Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth Deputy the use and service of a Negro girl called Dinah during my daughter's natural life but at my daughters death I give the aforesaid Negro Dinah unto my Granddaughter Betty Deputy to her in the heirs of her body lawfully begotten and the increase of the Negro girl I do likewise give to my a fore named granddaughter Betty Deputy.

Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Abigail Clandaniel the sum of five pound in cash.

Item I give unto my grandson William son of Steaven Townsend a cow and calf.

Item I give unto my granddaughter Sarah Townsend, daughter of Steaven Townsend my wooling wheat.

Item I give unto my grandson Costen Townsend a yearling mare.

Item I give unto my grandson Charles Townsend a yearling Heffer.

Item I give unto my granddaughter Bety Townsend Daughter of Solomon Townsend my Great Chist

Item I give unto my granddaughter Sarah Deputy my great iron pot and my linning wheat and my gray two year old mare.

Item I give unto my granddaughter Mary Deputy my best featherbed and furniture.

Item I give unto my Mary Clandaniel my iron kettle and my old lining wheel and old little iron pot.

Item I give unto my granddaughter Elizabeth Townsend daughter of Steaven Townsend my yearling mare.

Item as for the residue of my Estate in this county or elsewhere my will and desire is that it shall be equally divided between all my children sons and daughters after my debts is paid.

Item my will is that my loving ? shall be my Exetr and I do hereby nominate him the aforesaid and testament and I do hereby ratify and confirm this and no other to be my last will and testament revoking disanuling and making void all former wills and testaments by me herefore made by and ordained either by word or writing and this one lay to be taking for my last will and testament and none other in testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affix my seal the day and year first above writing.

Signed sealed publist pronounced and clared by the said Elizabeth Townsend or her last will and in the presence to subscribers.


Vol A102 Page 51 Probate Records, Sussex County, Delaware.