1858 Hillandale Road
Suite 400
Durham, NC 27705
Telephone: (919) 688-0900
Fax: (866) 276-9570
E-mail: www.tomfulghumlaw.com
2551 Corte Tela
Camarillo, CA 93010-2219
Telephone: (805) 444-9839
E-mail: [email protected]
4842 Doe Run Road
Evans, GA 30809
Telephone: (706) 825-5653
E-mail: [email protected]
13007 Still Meadow Road
Smithsburg, MD 21783-1322
The Fulgham-Fulghum National Family Foundation, Inc. (FFNFF) is a non-profit Foundation. It is incorporated in the State of Florida. The FFNFF is tax-exempt under US IRS Internal Revenue Code, paragraph 501 (c)(3). The stated objectives of the FFNFF are: 1) to establish a scholarship program for graduating high school students to attend college and complete their programs of study, and 2) establish a library of documents of the descendants of Captain Anthony Fulgham in the Library of Virginia. These objectives are found in the Articles of Incorporation and in the By-Laws of the FFNFF. These documents state that the FFNFF shall not engage in any activities not permitted by an organization exempt from Federal Income Tax under section 501 (c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. This means that all donations in funds and "in kind" (such as books, documents, artifacts, useful items, etc.) to the FFNFF are tax exempt and are deductible on the donor's tax return. Donors should make checks payable to the foundation using the full name of the foundation: Fulgham-Fulghum National Family Foundation, Inc. Donations in funds should be addressed to the FFNFF Treasurer. Before sending "in kind" items, please contact for information and shipping instructions. Items to be donated at the death of an individual should be listed with the FFNFF in advance and instructions should be left with wills and estate disposition instructions.
In 2017, The Fulgham-Fulghum Family National Association, Inc. (FFFNA) voted to combine with the Foundation. The Foundation met August 2018 in Richmond VA and August 2019 in Rolesville NC. Annual meetings for 2020, 2021 and 2022 were held by Zoom.
The FFNFF publishes a newsletter, FULGHAM-FULGHUM FAMILY FACTS, available to Fulgh*ms and Fulgh*m kin at no cost and to others for $5.00 (the small cost of printing, postage, etc.) per year. Please contact our Treasurer for subscription information and our Editor for submitting manuscripts or suggestions.
FULGHAM-FULGHUM FAMILY FACTS is also available FREE on-line as an E-mail attachment. If you desire to receive the newsletter by E-mail, please request this by contacting our Secretary and furnishing your E-mail address.
Back issues of the newsletter are available on-line.
The Foljambe family is an ancient family. We trace its origins to the Viking ancestors of the inhabitants of the Normandy area of France. The de Foleschampes migrated to England during and following the conquest of England by William the Conqueror. In England, the name changed to Foljambe. See the Foljambe Arms (sidebar). This family was significant at the Royal Court, in other aspects of English history. Fulghams had important roles in American Colonial history and in early U.S. History.
The Fulgham-Fulghum family was established in America by Captain Anthony Foljambe ca. 1643 when he and his family emigrated from England to Virginia and patented land in the Smithfield, Virginia area. The diligence of the citizens of Isle of Wight County, Virginia in preserving their courthouse records, plus the fact that only one family of this name established families in America (so far as is documented), as well as the unusual name, has made it possible for family genealogists to work out most of the lines of descent of present Fulgham and Fulghum families from Captain Anthony Foljambe. Not all American Fulgh*m lineages have been proven with documentation at this time. Presently, Fulgh*m's reside in nearly every state in the United States.
The name is properly pronounced as in the French, Foljambe (FOL' jam with the "j" pronounced like the "z" in azure). Most American Fulgh*ms now pronounce it (FUL' jum or FUL' jam) with a hard "j" like the "j" in jug.
We are striving to maintain libraries and archives of family information. Currently we have over 20,000 names with genealogical information and lineages in our Family Database. Not all of our data is proven or documented from primary sources at this time. We actively seek new information. We appreciate receiving documented corrections, new data, and references to primary documentation. The Master Copy of the new GEDCOM FFNFF Database, maintained by the Family Historian, is the only officially sanctioned FFNFF database. RIN numbers may differ in the new, FFNFF Database from those in older FFNFF databases and other databases on the Internet.
The FFNFF will provide Fulgham-Fulghum family history and individual lineage data to individual family members and related persons at no cost. The FFNFF will provide such information to all others for the small cost of printing and postage [$1.00 for the first (and up to four) sheets and $1.00 each additional four sheets mailed]. The FFNFF will answer all inquiries.
The Family has a tie to St. Luke's Church Shrine, the Nation's oldest standing brick gothic church, which was built in the 1600's near Smithfield, Virginia. Michael Fulgham, the son of Captain Anthony Fulgham, sold the land to the church vestry on 6 September, 1683, and the Family has placed a memorial stone commemorating this in the St. Luke's church yard. St. Luke's Church is a National Shrine.
The Library of Virginia is now the official library site for the FFNFF library materials. Many of the holdings of The Library of Virginia are digitized. Some Fulgh*m material is available on line. All contributions of Fulgh*m materials for the library should be addressed to:
Trenton Hizer
Sr. Manuscripts Acquisition and Digital Archivist
The Library of Virginia
800 E. Broad Street
Richmond, VA 23219
[email protected]
Dan N. Fulghum of Conroe, Texas is leading a Fulgham-Fulghum Y-DNA Project. As of this writing, ten family members have been tested, five Fulghums and five Fulghams. All ten match perfectly at the 12-marker test. Five of these men descended from Michael Fulgham, third son of Captain Anthony Fulgham, while the other five were descended from Captain John Fulgham, the eldest son of Captain Anthony Fulgham. This indicates that Captain Anthony Fulgham is the common ancestor of the Fulgh*ms. There are currently no male descendants of the other two sons of Captain Anthony Fulgham, who was born about 1610 in England.
Please consider joining the Fulgham-Fulghum Y-DNA Project!
Results from the Fulgham-Fulghum Y-DNA Project can also be included in the National Geographic Genographic Project, which is an attempt to trace migratory patterns of families through both Y-DNA (male ancestors), and Mitochondrial DNA (female ancestors).
The FFNFF is dependent upon dues paid by members, subscriptions, donations, and volunteer efforts. No funds accrue to any individual family member, other than for reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses for specified expenditures. The FFNFF is dependent upon donations to the Scholarship Fund.
The FFNFF offers one $2,000.00 scholarship annually on a competitive basis to high school seniors accepted by a college or university. Priority is given to applicants entering a program leading to a career in teaching, social services or nursing.
Applications must be made on an official FFNFF Scholarship Application form. Applicants must request a FFNFF form by U.S. Postal Service mail from:
The Rev. Peter C. Fulghum
13007 Still Meadow Road
Smithsburg, Maryland 21783-1322
Applicants must include a self-addressed envelope bearing first class postage with their request for an application form.
The deadline for requesting an application form is March 15th each year. The deadline for submitting completed applications is April 15th each year.
The completed application must contain the following information:
Applications are reviewed by the Scholarship Committee and the award is granted in June each year to the applicant deemed most deserving based on the complete application. Only the scholarship recipient will be notified.
Scholarships are separately funded by donations to the FFNFF Scholarship Fund, not by dues paid by members.
Contribute to scholarship fund here.
Membership in the FFNFF is open to any interested individual. We encourage interested persons to join. Annual dues are $40. Dues include a subscription to our newsletter, FULGHAM-FULGHUM FAMILY FACTS. Pay annual membership dues here or mail a check to our Treasurer to join.
The Fulgham-Fulghum Family National Association, Inc. (FFFNA) reunions:
The 1989 and 1996 reunions were held near Smithfield, Virginia near the site of Captain Anthony Fulgham's first land patent (ca. 1643). The first was held at Rock Ridge, North Carolina, home of many NC Fulghums.
The Fulgham-Fulghum Family is an official Virginia Community in the Jamestown 2007 Commemoration organization.
Please contact our Treasurer, for more information on future reunions and for membership information.
1205 Old Nelson Hill
Richmond, VA 23229-65242
Telephone: (804) 512-2192
E-mail: [email protected]
14809 Colony Forest Court
Midlothian, VA 23114
E-mail: [email protected]
1051 Twin Pines Circle
Greensboro, GA 30642
Telephone: (706) 347-0321
E-mail: [email protected]
1858 Hillandale Road
Suite 400
Durham, NC 27705
Telephone: (919) 688-0900
Fax: (866) 276-9570
E-mail: www.tomfulghumlaw.com