Porterdale Mill on the Yellow River NAMED for

Lomg Live  Porterdale!!!

Porterdale Mill on the Yellow River
NAMED for: Oliver S. Porter, Mill Owner




 Hall of Fame




Roll of Honor



Memories of Prentis

Reunions Friends of Porterdale Inc.

Who Am I



First, let me say what a fantastic job you have done on this web site.  You have such devotion to the town of Porterdale!  Kay Coggin, my sister, forwarded the info on to me, and I hope you can use some of my info.
Nadia Ann Shaw Coody  1940 - 1958     Currently in Coto de Caza, California
I have my old report cards from Porterdale School, so I can fill in some of the information on teachers at that time:
1st Grade  Ruby Lane   *prior to 1946 -at least until l954        Principal :  Miss King
2nd Grade  Mrs. M. R. Ellington ( Mary)   *prior to l947 until at least l954     Principal:  Miss King
3rd Grade   Ruby Jordan    *prior to 1948 until at least l954    Principal:  Miss King
4th Grade  Velma Acree   *prior to l949 until at least l954     Principal:  Miss King
5th Grade  Mary Trippe  *prior to l950 until at least l954   *  This is where I'm not sure who was principal because somewhere along the line, Miss Tanner became principal.
6th Grade   Pauline Hardman   *prior to l951 until at least l954
7th Grade    Mrs. J. B. Weaver   *prior to l952 until at least l954
8th Grade   Miss Jordye Tanner   *prior to l953 until at least the end of school year l954.  I do not know if she was principal during this time or not.  Seems to me Miss King was the principal all during my grammar school years; however, I have a "picture" in my mind of Miss Tanner sitting in the principal's office.
I was on the Honor Roll all 8 grades, but had many marks for "whispers to much" and "capable of doing better".  My grandchildren use me as an excuse when they are marked for "socializing too much"!
Keep up the good work.  I am sure there are others that enjoy the website as well!
Best Wishes,
Nadia Coody