Pioneer Surnames

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Florida Surnames

Due to the overwhelming number of surnames being submitted, I have decided to make a seperate page for each individual letter. Please send your surnames by e-mail and please include FLORIDA SURNAMES in your subject line.  This way it will be easy to identify in my e-mail. Please make sure that your query is prior to 1900. I have limited the surnames prior to 1900 so that I can keep up with the demand for postings. If I see that I can handle more surnames down the road I will expand the time frame gradually. I would like to hear from you all if you have any successful contacts via these surnames. Also please inform me if any links or e-mail address is no longer correct so that I can keep everything up to date. Thanks for your patience and best of luck to all of you.

Alphabetical Index
(click on a letter)

A ] B ] C ] D ] E ] F ] G ] H ] I ] J ] K ] L ] M ] N ] O ] P ] Q ] R ] S ] T ] U ] V ] W ] X ] Y ] Z ]



Christopher G. Tanner

You are the visitor to Cracker Country since November 11, 1997