Company B

Company B
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"The Cow Cavalry"

Company B, 1st Battalion Florida Special Cavalry, C.S.A.

"History of "The Cow Cavalry"

Please submit all additions and corrections to me with proper sources and and documentation with the FLORIDA MILITARY RECORDS in the title line.



Colonel C.J. Munnerlyn's Battalion

Captain John T. Lesley (wounded at Bayport)

1st Lieutenant W.B. Henderson

2nd Lieutenant Milton Johnson

3rd Lieutenant Thomas W. Wilder

1st Sergeant A.P. Hampton

2nd Sergeant E.E. Mizell

3rd Sergeant S.L. Hancock

4th Sergeant E.G. Wilder


Mathew Alderman

John Mooney

Timothy Alderman

T.D. Moore

Benjamin Alderman

W.J. Miley

William Alderman

James Miley

Weseley Brandon

Frank Mathis

John Brandon

Henry Mathis

Frank Brandon

William Mathis

J.W. Bryant

Abel Miranda

Stephen Blocker

Benjamin Moody

John F. Brown

William Moody

William C. Brown

James Moody

B.J. Burnett

J.L. McLelland (McClelland)

A.J. Buffon

John A. McKay

Joseph Brownam

Isaac Nettles

Hardy Collins

Creete Nettles

John Collins

Peter Platt

William Collins

Berry Platt

D.J. Collins

William Platt

Enoch Collins, Jr.

J.E. Prine

Joseph Casey

Henry Prine (wounded)

John Campbell

John Pollock

Emory Campbell (Killed at Bayport)

James Robertson

Stephen R. Clark

Carrol Robertson

John W. Costine

Alonzo Robertson

Irvin Davis

Jackson Robertson

Riley Douglas

John Rabon

A.D. Douglas

W.H. Raulerson

Thomas Duffield

William Rawls

David Ferrell

Joshua Riggs

Robert Fletcher

Joseph Robles

George Franklin

John G. Robles

W.K. Franklin

R.H. Sylvester

James Futch

John Sylvester

W. Futch

Alfred Sloan

William Frier

Owen Sloan

Harmon Gaskins

Elbert Sloan

D.W. Gillett

Orvil Sloan

D.K. Gillett

M.V. Simmons

Henry Gaskins

C.G. Simmons

John Gomes

Henry Sistrunk

Enoch E. Giles (Chaplain)

El Shannon

J.L. Hancock

Riley Summerall

D.L. Hancock

Robert Summerall

S.L. Hancock

Henry Summerall

Shad Hancock

Thomas K. Spencer

A.J. Hopkins

David Syllcox

John W. Hawkins

J. Symms

George Hailton

William Starling

Rubin Hagne

William Sermons

William Hughes (Killed)

E.B. Sparkman

Thomas Howell

W.H. Sheppard

Joseph W. Howell

J.H. Thomas

Timothy Hollingsworth

L.R. Thomas

W.R. Hollingsworth

John Thomas

Enoch Johnson

James Thomas

Daniel W. Jamerson (sent home, underage)

Charles Turner

Henry Jordan

Benjamin Tyne

Mitchell Jones

David Terrell

Reding Jones

R.M. Wilson

J.D. Jones

Antonia Wordehoof

Benjamin Johnson

Herman Weissbroad

J.L. Keen

R.M. Wells (assistant surgeon)

Britton Keen

John W. Wells

James Lanier (killed at Bowlegs Creek)

George W. Wells

John Lanier

H.M. Wilder

J.S. Lanier

T.H. Wilder

H.M. Lanier

William Wiggins

R.W. Lanier

James L. Whidden

James Lanier, Jr.

Salome Watson

W.A. Lively

Special thanks go out to Pola Lanier Kelly for the use of her article "Florida Fragments and the Cow Cavalry" UDC Magazine January 1991




Christopher G. Tanner

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