Historical Hanly/Handley data

Timeline for Hanly/Handley

  • Ballintobber Barony, Parish of Roscomon
    Hugh Hanley
    103..0..00 acres
    Disposed to Lord Rannelagh

    ffarragh mc. Hugh Carragh Hanley
    Murtagh mc : Connor Hanly
    Teige mc: ffarraghan Hanley
    220..0..00 acres
    Disposed to Edward Dowell, Sr. Thomas Newcomen,
    Lord Rannelagh, Sr. Charles Coote.

  • Ballintobber Barony, Parish of Clontouskert
    Bryan mc : Gillernow Hanley
    021..0..00 acres
    Disposed to Wm. Dellamare

    mc : ffergus Hanly (and others)
    179..0..00 acres
    Disposed to Wm. Dellamare, Dominick
    Meade, Nicholas Mahon.

    Gillernow mc : Dermot Hanley
    Rory Ballow mc : Teig Hanley
    028..0..00 acres
    Disposed to Wm. Dellamare.

    Tumultogh Boy Hanly
    029..0..00 acres
    Disposed to Wm. Dellamare.

  • Ballintobber Barony, Parish of Clontousker
    Dwaltagh mc : Bryen Hanley
    Hugh Oge Connor of ffeaghbegg
    Rory mc: Ballow mc: Teige Hanley
    Gillernow mc : Dermot Hanly
    142..0..00 acres
    (Coolegarry, Feaghmore, Feaghbegg,
    Carrow Imuchan, Curragh)
    Disposed to Wm. Dellamare.

    Rory Ballow mc : Teige Hanly
    048..0..00 acres
    Disposed to Wm. Dellamare.

  • Ballintobber Barony, Parish of Killglasse
    Connor Oge mc : Ferdragh Hanly,
    Hugh Hanly
    059..0..00 acres
    Disposed to Sr. George St. George.

  • Ballintobber Barony, Parish of Killglas
    ffarraghan mc : Hugh mc :
    fforga Hanley
    189..0..00 acres
    Disposed to George Germon (Gernon).

  • Ballintobber Barony, Parish of Killglass
    Dwaltagh mc : Farragh o Hanly
    073..0..00 acres
    Disposed to Andrew ffallon.

    Dwaltagh mc Dermot Hanley
    060..0..00 acres
    (Killtullyvaner in Bally)
    Disposed to Nicholas Mahon.

    Dwaltagh mc Dermot Hanley
    for Rory mc : ffergana Hanly
    011..0..00 acres
    Disposed to Irrell ffarrell.

    Dwaltagh mc Dermot,
    Hugh mc : Donell Hanley
    015..0..00 acres
    (Millecont, Trilly, Killeleene).
    Disposed to Earle West Meath.

  • Ballintobber Barony, Parish of Kilglas
    Wm. mc : Rory o Hanley
    203..0..00 acres
    (Killcleene, Lehessiogh, Gonlagh,
    Dromniarless, Carrowkile, Caldragh).
    Disposed to Earle of West Meath.

    Donnogh mc Teig Hanly
    055..0..00 acres
    (Lehessiogh, Drommorleast, Cooleada)
    Disposed to Earle West Meath.

    Teige mc Gillernow Hanly
    140..0..00 acres
    (Moher in Ballymoylan, Dooaghan,
    Disposed to Earle of West Meath.

    Donnell mc : Gillernow Hanly
    030..0..00 acres
    (Killmeanagh, Ballymoylan).
    Disposed to Earle of West Meath.

    Bryen mc. Dermot boy Hanly
    200..0..00 acres
    Derrycanell). Disposed to
    Wm. Dellamare, Edmund Kelly.

    Bryan mc. Dermot Duffe Hanley
    200..0..00 acres
    (Seeghie, Mogher, Ballymoylan).
    Edmund Kelly.

  • Ballintobber Barony, Parish of Killglass
    Connor Carragh mc : ffarganna o Hanly
    280..0..00 acres
    (Coile Igan in Ballymoylan).
    Disposed to Wm. Dellamare,Edmund Kelly.

    Hugh mc. Laughlin Hanly
    206..0..00 acres
    (Coile Igan, Cart in Slattagh).
    Disposed to Wm. Dellamare,Edmund Kelly.

    Mlaughlin mc. Hugh o Hanly,
    Connor Cairagh mc. Fergan Hanly
    031..0..00 acres
    (Ballymoylan, Tully).
    Disposed to Nicholas Mahon.

    Connor mc Ferdoragh Hanly
    240..0..00 acres
    (Mylcona, Cullegurtin, Ballymoylan).
    Disposed to Wm. Dellamare,Edmund Kelly.

    Connor mc Ferdoragh Hanly
    022..0..00 acres
    (Milcona, Cullegurtin, Treelyneskin,
    Mellcoony). Disposed to Irrell ffarrell.

    Conor Oge mc : Ferder Hanley
    088..0..00 acres
    Disposed to Earle West Meath,
    Nicholas Mahon, Dominick Meade,
    Countiss ffingall.

    Connor mc. Teige oge o Hanley
    044..0..00 acres
    Disposed to Dominick Meade.

    Connor Oge mc. Connor Grane Hanly
    018..0..00 acres
    Disposed to Plus

    Kedagh mc : Bryen Hanly
    030..0..00 acres
    Disposed to Wm. Dellamare.

  • Ballintobber Barony, Parish of Killfegin
    Tumultagh Boy Hanley
    100..0..00 acres
    (Cloncashellmore, Cloncashellbeg).
    Disposed to Nicholas Mahon.
    Murtogh Moyle Hanly
    044..0..00 acres
    (Aghafadd, Clonshea).
    Disposed to Lawrence Beatagh,
    John Hanley, Bryan mccLoughlin o Hanly,
    Nicholas Mahon.

    Connor oge mc : Ferderagh Hanly
    William Hanly mcLaughlin (and others)
    119..0..00 acres
    Disposed to Lawrence Beatagh,
    Garrett Dillon, Daniell Hanly,
    Nicco: Mahon.

    Murtagh Moyle Hanley
    045..0..00 acres
    Disposed to Nicholas Mahon.

    Murtagh Boy Hanly
    047..0..00 acres
    Disposed to Tumultagh Boy Hanly.

  • Ballintober Barony, Parish of Killgefin
    Murtagh Moyle Hanly (and others)
    412..2..39 acres
    (Carrowclogher, Treely in Clogher).
    Disposed to John Newgent,
    Thomas Lovelace, Lord Rannelagh,
    Earle Mountrath.

    Dwaltagh mc : Bryen Hanley
    103..0..00 acres
    Disposed to Gillernow o Hanly,
    Edmund Mallone.
    Rory Boy Hanly, Hubert mcfferganan Hanly
    (and others)
    116..0..00 acres
    Disposed to Patrick Everrard.

    Gillernow mc : Farragh Hanly
    and Donogh (his brother)
    045..0..00 acres
    (Coolruskah, Clonresalgeese).
    Disposed to Patrick Everrard.
    Connor Oge mc Ferdr Hanly
    049..0..00 acres
    (Garrycam in Clonresalyes, Gainvy).
    Disposed to Patrick Everrard.
    Wm. mc Laughlin Hanly (and others)
    070..0..00 acres
    (Killrooskagh, Clonresalgesse).
    Disposed to Gillernew o Hanly,
    Patrick Everrard.

    ffaragh mc Hugh mc fferg Hanly
    086..0..00 acres
    (Tuam Iverbegg).
    Disposed to Christopher Tirrell.

    Dwaltagh mc. Bryen Hanly
    082..0..00 acres
    Disposed to Christopher Tirrell.

    Murtagh Moyle Hanly,
    Edmund mc Laughlin Hanley (and others)
    202..0..00 acres
    (Kill mc Cough, Carrowreagh).
    Disposed to Nicholas Mahon.

    Farragh mc. ffergannan Hanly
    (and others)
    107..0..00 acres
    Disposed to Christopoher Tirrell,
    Sr. Charles Coote.

    Hubert mc : ffergavin Hanly,
    Murtagh Moyle Hanley,
    ffarriagh Hanly (and others)
    187..0..00 acres
    Disposed to Henry Dodwell.
    Hugh Curragh father to ffaragh
    mc : Hugh Carrogh o Hanley
    (and 0thers)
    091..0..00 acres
    (Carroward, Gortenechorchoige).
    Disposed to Christopher Tirrell.

  • Ballintobber Barony, Parish of Killtivan
    Bryan mc : Teige Hanly
    114..0..00 acres
    (Coolenegorr in Cloonkeene).
    Disposed to Dominick Meade,
    Coll John Kelly.

  • Ballintobber Barony, Tarmonbarry Parish
    Dwoaltagh mc Dermott o Hanley
    018..0..00 acres
    (Knockan, Knockan Bally mc : kimack & Ballagh,bog between Termonbary and
    Ballymoyland, Creve).
    Disposed to Sr Thomas Viner.
    Teige Reogh mc : Bryen o Hanley
    018..0..00 acres
    Disposed to Sr. Thomas Viner.

  • Roscomon Barony, Parish of Clonfinlogh
    Murtagh Moyle Mc Wm : Curragh Hanly, Conor Oge
    mc Feodoragh Hanley, Hubert o Hanley (and others)
    385..0..00 acres
    (Lacken/ Muskan or Laneglenan,Corhannagh).
    Disposed to Patrick Verdon, Hugh Hanly
    et als, George Ormesby, Redmond Dillon,
    Capt. Nicholas Mahon.

  • Roscomon Barony, Bumlin Parish
    Dwaltagh McFerragh Hanly (and others)
    135..0..00 acres
    (Clonfinyne in Cloneredoone).
    Disposed to George Begg, Hugh Montgomery et als.

    Farragh mc : Hugh o Hanley,Connor Oge Hanley
    057..0..00 acres
    (Clonferedowne, Ballymully).
    Disposed to Michaell & Robt.Sarsfeilde.

  • Roscomon Barony, Killukin Parish
    Gillernow Hanley
    027..0..00 acres
    Disposed to Sr Edward Ormesby.

    (Book of Survey and Distribution County of Roscommon)

    A.D. 1654 - 1658 The Transplation to Connacht; Hanleys dispossessed of their hereditary homelands for having participated in the 'Rebellion' against the crown in 1641.

    County of Roscommon, Barony of Ballintober. Hanlys dispossessed of thier homelands within the Barony of Ballintober, Co. Roscommon and transplanted within the Barony of Ballintober.

    Parish Transplanted Orig. address Irish Acres

    Kilgefin Tumultagh Boy Clooncashel 52 acres O'Hanly
    Deran & Kilbride Una O'Hanly Carrowcromine 66 acres Widow of Rory (Carrowcrin)
    Kilgefin Laughlin McTumultagh Clooncashel 52 acres O'Hanly
    Kilgefin Daniel O'Hanly Clonegeragh 62 acres Cloonageeragh
    Kilgefin Gillernew O'Hanly Corry 139 acres
    Kilgefin Teig McGillerneeve Classgany, Clash- 57 acres aganny, par. Killukin
    Kilgefin Mortagh Moyle Carrowreagh 119 acres O'Hanly
    Kilglass Finola ny, alias Ballymoylin 24 acres Carrilly Hanly
    Kilglass Mary ny, and Ballymaly 35 acres Dwaltagh, her son

    County of Roscommon, Barony of Roscommon. Hanlys dispossessed of their hereditary homelands in the Barony of Roscommon, Co. Roscommon and translanted within the Barony of Roscommon.

    Cloonfinlough Margaret O' Hanly ?Lacken 141 alias Gilgully__? Gilhooley, and Hugh, son Kiltrustan Katharine Hanly Kiltrustan 118

    County of Mayo, Barony of Costello. Hanlys dispossessed of their homelands in Ulster and transplanted to the Barony of Costello, Co. Mayo.

    Armagh Hugh oge O'Hanly-- Dowbaran 788 O'Hanlan (The Transplantation to Connacht, 1654 - 1658).

    A.D. 1652 Irishmen who served in the Spanish Netherlands. At the lines of Arras, gained by Turenne over the Spanish under Conde, the regiments of York and Dillon shared with the French the honour of that great victory: Hanly, Don Maurisco, Alferez, 1663. Haneli (Hanly), Don Dionisio, Alferez, 1661. (Irish Pedigrees, II, 769)

    . A.D. 1652-1653 Following the desolating wars, a plague swept across Ireland destroying whole counties. One might travel twenty or thirty miles and not see a living creature. (The Story of the Irish Race, 430).

    A.D. 1653 The Cromwellians dispossessed the O'Hanleys of both Roscommon and Limerick and dismantled Meadstone Castle. In 1661, Farriah O'Hanley of Slieve Bawn got his lands back. (P.G.Smith).

    A.D. 1659 A Census Of Ireland
    Roscommon County, Clunfinlagh Parish, Grahoonein Cloonefey Lenaghlaa townlands...Cormack Hanly, et al, 25 Irish acres.

    Roscommon County, Killgeffin Parish, Clunshee Tuam and Cawawebonine townlands...John Hanly, et al, 32 Irish acres.

    Roscommon County, Killgeffin Parish, Curraghe townlands...William Hanly, 15 Irish acres.

    A.D. 1666. Forty nine Catholics, from hiding places in the woods, signed a letter in 1666 in support of the Pope and protesting the loss of their "due liberties of conscience and rights." While the signers are not linked to specific townlands, the names show what families were present in the area at that time. The signers were: Myles Reyley, Hugh Reyley, Thomas Farrell, Richard Plunkett, Neile O'Neile, Faghny Farrell, Edmund Farrell, Walter Reynolds, Dudley Costellogh, Owen Brady, Edmund Nangle, Connor Hanly, Marey Farrell, Gerald Farrell, William Farrell, James Rennolds, Francis Shanly, Harry Byrne, Manus O'Donnell, Daniel McSweeny, Cormack O'Neile, James Griffin, Morogh Farrell, James Farrell, Roger Hanly, Thomas Plunckett. Also, Charles Hanly, Colonel McCawfill, Cahir Reily, Patrick Brady, Roger Phillips, Richard Flanigan, Teige Flanigan, Francis Rourke, Charles Byrne, Christopher Hill, Hugh Reyley, Charles Reyley, John Costelloe, Loghlin Donnelane, Loghlin Reignolds, Richard Reignolds, John Reyley, Garrott Farrell, Richard Farrell, Cormack McDonoghue, Dermot Hanley, Daniel O'Connor. "Papists" Named in 1666 Roscommon Letter. The Irish Genealogist, Vol. 3, No. 6, October 1961, entitled "Nicholas Mahon and 17th Century Roscommon" by Gerald Hanley. New England Historic Genealogical Society in Boston (toll-free telephone 1-888-286-3447).

    A.D. 1677 17th Century Celtic Cross in the Old Derrane churchyard: "Pray for the soul of Hugh Hanly of Carrowbane who died the last of April in the year 1677 & his wife Margaret Hanly who died in the year ____.

    A.D. 1690 James II, a Catholic, fled to Ireland and was pursued by King William of Orange who had been invited to take over his throne. William of Orange, with a 35,000 man army defeated King James' 23,000 Irish soldiers at the Battle of the Boyne. This battle, and subsequent defeats at Limerick and Augrim, mark the end of Irish resistance. Over the next forty years, 120,000 Irish leave for Europe in an emigration known as "the flight of the Wild Geese".

    A.D. 1697-1703 Penal Laws were imposed upon the Irish as a consequence of the triumph of the Williamites in 1690-1691. Having already suffered the loss of their lands and leaders, the Catholich Irish were unable to resist the legislation. At first they resricted the number of clergy allowed in the country but were expanded to prohibit education of children, ownership and inheritance of property and farm animals, admission to the professions, the ability to trade and employ, to bear arms and, finally to vote. (The Story of the Irish Race, 458/ The Macmillan Atlas of Irish History, 76).

    A.D. 1701 Irishmen who have served in the Spanish army. At the commencement of the 18th century there were eight Regiments in Commission in the Spanish service known as Dragones de Dublin. They were raised in 1701 and 1703 and disbanded in 1722. Hanly, Don Danielo, Capt. 1718, Regimento de Waterford. (Irish Pedigrees, II,).

    A.D. 1713 Prerogative Wills. Edward Hanly, Shaghtebeg, Co. Roscommon, gent. (Index, 216).

    A.D. ca. 1715 Denis O'Conor Roe married the daughter of O'Hanly of Sheehan; lived to the age of seventy, and was interred in the churchyard of Lisonuffy. Son Thadeus born 1726. (The Heart of Ireland, 339).

    A.D. 1731 Prerogative Wills. John Hanley, late of Dublin, now of Tirlicken, Co. Longford. (Index, 216).

    A.D. 1739 On the last day of 1739, Ireland awoke to find itself in the grip of what was in effect a small ice age. Rivers froze, mills seized up, and houses could not be heated above freezing point. Many were enchanted by the novelty of it all. Carnivals, dances, and sheep-roastings were held on the ice. But the euphoria proved fleeting. In its wake came an almost biblical ordeal by drought, flood, fire, famine and plague, that has few parallels in the recorded history of the island. (Arctic Ireland).

    A.D. 1753 Prerogative Wills. John Hanly, Cole-alley, Dublin. Also, John Hanly, Dublin, gent. (Index, 216).

    A.D. 1759 Prerogative Wills. Mathias Hanly, Dublin, gent. (Index, 216).

    A.D. 1773 Prerogative Wills. Bartholomew Hanly, Galway, gent. (Index, 216).

    A.D. 1774 Prerogative Wills. Thomas Hanly, Dublin, peruke maker. (Index, 216).

    A.D. 1795 Prerogative Wills. John Hanly, Silvermines, Co. Tipperary, innkeeper. (Index, 216).

    A.D. 1798 Defeat of the French invasion of Ireland by the British, capture of Tone, his trial and death. Prime Minister Pitt eliminates the Irish Parliament to destroy the power of the Anglo-Irish to rule the nation to the profit of Ireland. Land confiscation takes place and all constitutional guarantees are annulled. Torture and other foul devices are used against Irish liberty. England stations 126,000 soldiers in Ireland and declares martial law. (The Story of the Irish Race, 529)




  • Lebor Gabala Erinn, Book of Invasions

  • Annals of the Kingdom of Ireland (7 Vol.), By The Four Masters: O CLEIRIGH, Michael; O MAIL CHONAIRE, Fearfeasa; O CLEIRIGH, Cu-coigcriche; & O DUIBGENNAIN, Cu-coigrich. From The Earliest Period to the Year 1616 Edited By John O'Donovan,Hodges, Smith, and Co., Grafton Street.1856, 1990

  • The Annals of Lough Ce (2 Vol.), A Chronicle of Irish Affairs From A.D. 1014 to A.D. 1590 Edited by William M. Hennessy Longman & Co., and Trubner & Co. 1871

  • The Description of Ireland and The State thereof as it is at this present In Anno 1598 Edmund Hogan Priest of the Society of Jesus M.H. Gill & Son Dublin, 1878

  • A Census of Ireland, Circa 1659 Stationfery Office Dublin 1939

  • Annals of Connacht A.D. 1224-1544 A. Martin Freeman, ed.Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 1944 and 1983

  • The Transplantation to Connacht 1654 - 1658 Robert C Simington Irish University Press 1970

  • The Primary Valuation of Ireland aka: Griffith's Primary Valuation Tenement Act of 1842 Richard Griffith Published 1848-1864

  • The General History of Ireland Jeoffry Keating Two Volumes Published by James Duffy, Dublin 1841

  • Early Irish History and Mythology Thomas F. O'Rahilly Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 1964

  • Myths and Legends of Ireland Ronald Pearsall Smithmark Publishers 1966

  • The Irish Fiants of the Tudor Sovereigns (Henry VIII, Edward VI, Philip & Mary, Elizabeth I) 1521 - 1603 Eamonn de Burca, 1994

  • Miscellaneous Irish Annals Dublin Instituute for Advanced Studies (A.D. 1114 - 1437) Seamus O' hINNSE

  • Tithe Applotment Books The Composition Act of 1823 1823-1838 Valuation National Archives, Ireland

  • Irish Pedigrees (2 Vol.)The Origin and Stem of the Irish Nation John O'Hart Dublin, 1892

  • The History of Ireland (2 Vol.)Thomas Wright London Printing and Publishing Company Circa 1798

  • Landowners In Ireland, 1876 Genealogical Publishing Co. Baltimore, 1988

  • Pagan Celtic Ireland Thames and Hudson, London 1994

  • The Story of the Irish Race Seamus MacManus Devin-Adair Company Published 1991 Originally 1921

  • Topographical Dictionary of Ireland. (2 Vol.) Samuel Lewis Genealogical Publishing Co. Baltimore, 1984.Originally 1837

  • Index to the Prerogative Wills of Ireland 1536-1810 Arthur Vicars Genealogical Publishing Co. 1989, Orig. 1897

  • The Great Famine Irelands Potato Famine 1845-1851 John Percival Viewer Books, 1995

  • The Great Hunger Cecil Woodham-Smith Old Town Books, New York 1962

  • From a sketch compiled by:P.G.Smith, 1923. Obtained from John Savage, previously obtained from Fr. Michael Hanley of Chicago, formerly the Diocese of Cashel, Co. Tipperary

  • The Heart of Ireland P.A. Sharkey M.J. Ward, Princess Hotel 1927

  • Ireland K.S. Daly,Ten speed Press, 1995.

  • Illustrated History of Ireland Mary Frances Cusack Bracken Books 1868, 1995
  • Letters From Ireland During the Famine of 1847 Alexander Somerville Irish Academic Press 1994

  • Emigrants From Ireland, 1847-1852 Eilish Ellis Genealogical Publishing Co.Baltimore, 1993

  • The Peoples Of Ireland Liam De Paor University of Notre Dame Press, 1986

  • The End Of Hidden Ireland Robert Scally Oxford University Press 1995

  • Ancestral Quest Patrick Lavin Garrowen, Inc. 1997

  • History of Ireland Wallace & McCullough Appletree Press 1994

  • Arctic Ireland: The Extraordinary Story of the Great Frost and Forgotten Famine of 1740-1741. David Dickson.The Royal Irish Constabulary Jim Herlihy Four Courts Press, 1997.

  • North Roscommon Cyril Mattimoe Roscommon Herald, 1995.
  • Books of Survey County of Roscommon, Vol. I Stationery Office Dublin 1636, Reprint 1949.

  • The Macmillan Atlas of Irish History Sean Duffy, Macmillan, USA, 1997.

    Credit for sharing data goes to:

    Peter Hanley,
    1108 Basil Road,
    McLean, Virginia 22101
    e-mail:[email protected]
    website:www.pete hanley.com
    phone: 703-453-0178 day
    phone: 703-749-9533 weekends
    Copyright © March 8, 1997
    Latest Revision: March 5, 2000.

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