Eileen Kinnick Diary - 1936 - Week 49

Eileen Kinnick

1936 Diary

Week 49 – Nov 30-Dec 6

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1936 Orientation - middle of the year

Eileen was 17 on Dec. 14, 1935
Graduate, Coon Rapids (IA) High School

Leo is 1 year older
Buzzy is 10 years younger

Summertime 1936


Second anniversary!

Bill Smith says I have to ask him when I want to marry Pete.


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Monday, Nov 30

Quite cold but nice out. Late in getting home to dinner so Bussy ate in town & Dad & went home. More fun! Studied shorthand all day. At nite Dad had school board so I walked out as far as Lund 's in the dark. Part way with Lelah Mt. Came in to Globe Trotter game at nite. Surely were good. Had M.M. at Textor's with Jean, Dorothy, & Buzzy afterwards.

SEE: Sports detail: Globetrotter


Tuesday, Dec 1 [circled!]

Real nice out. Stopped at noon & got typewriter at Lund 's. Buzz stayed in town with new coat. Berneice sat hair to 5:00. Don & Norma here in pm. I had to wash separator for Shods's. Had to wait till 6:30 for Dad at Emery's. Did dishes & got ready for dance. Pete came at 8:30. “Ellis at Park.” Keen dance. Second anniversary! Swell moon. Rite Wa Man, Don A., Squeak, Harold B., Pete – Ate M.Ms at Textor's at intermission. Toots thinks I'm a darling etc. Had a little too much. Swellest time!

Eileen and Pete at Smith's - date unknown


Wednesday, Dec 2

Quite cold out. Studied typing most of morning. Mr. Vandaworker here. Bought me peanuts. I dusted & swept in pm. Charlie wishes he had a cook stove – he'd raise my salary 2 cents & let me cook for him. Would that be snazzy. Dad & I ran out of gas coming back in to town at noon. The old bich {sic} – she's the coldest devil! – Washed & darned hose & died shoes. Listened to Fred Allen. Went to sleep in pajamas on cot. Went to sleep before the Hit Parade. Dad Leo & Busy in town till late.


Thursday, Dec 3

Quite cold out. Dad & I out home for dinner. [later inserted: Jewel Clinic at Perry? (nurse)] Retta Boyden down to see me in pm. Went out home with her at five to see Leo & Mom. Listened to Maxwell House & Bob Burns. Ready for bed & slept on cot for awhile. Real cold.


Friday, Dec 4

Colder still out. Couldn't get store warm – Took big chair & lamp back to stove – Bussy & I took car out home to dinner. Marian G. came in for a minute in pm. Surely looks good. Cutest coat. Read old diary etc. Terribly cold by 5:00. Pete came about 3:30 & stayed till 4:30. He got corn money! Danced about back here. More fun. If he could only be here every afternoon. Charlie wondered if he was the [“the” was underlined] boy friend! Heard Amos & Andy first Minstrel Sho really was good. I took car home alone. Dad had sale. Heard 1 st nighters & went to bed.

SEE: Radio Show details: Amos and Andy


Saturday, Dec 5

Terribly, cold & windy, snowy. Didn't get to work ‘till 9:00. Mr Vandaworker here most of the morning. Snowed all day. Sat back by fire. Cleaned house in afternoon. Washed & set my hair. At nite Leo & I walked over to Lund 's & back in snow. The most beautiful night. Not a bit cold. Listened to the radio and went to bed early after taking bath.


Sunday, Dec 6

Up at 7:30. Coldest day you can imagine. Deep drifts of snow. Men got cars started and went to town. I straightened up the house & Mom & I did dishes & then I got ready to go to Smith's. Pete came at 11:00. Ten of us – 13 stayed at Smith's for dinner. Had a keen time. Betty & I did the chores. I ate supper there & then Pete & I came in to “Swing Time.” Out home dancing. Pete's confession's. I'm sorry he had to do that. – Bill Smith says I have to ask him when I want to marry Pete.

SEE: Movie detail: "Swing Time"








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All Rights Reserved
Created by Bill Smith
Page last updated

Feb 2005