Genealogy of John PEARCE from Monmouth County, NJ
Genealogy of
from Monmouth County, New Jersey

The purpose of these webpages is for all descendants of John PEARCE (and those with research interests in John PEARCE) to share information, collected, sources, transcribed records, trees, etc.

Currently, as most of you know, there are documented sources to show the wife of John PEARCE as Sarah Smith, as well as other documented sources listing Lydia Fish.

In this search for the correct wife (or if both are true) as well as researching the ancestors of John PEARCE, these pages are created. To proceed, click on the following links:

If you have information to contribute, please e-mail me Web page of Douglas R. Armstrong at and I can give you the submission requirements. This is definitely a project in deveopment and I hope, depending on the growth, to add features to make this info more useable and easier to interface.

Thanks for stopping by!

Douglas Armstrong