Hite Family Association

Hite Family Association members share genealogical data, historical information, and research results on the Hite surname and surnames that sound similar or are of similar origin (Hight, Hyde, Hiatt, Hyatt, Height, Haight, Heidt, Heydt, Heid, Heyd, Hayde, and others). Numerous American families, not all related, bear these names. Some are of German origin and others are English.

The name of this organization is the HITE FAMILY ASSOCIATION and was formed in 1991.


The purpose of the Association is as follows:

Membership in this Association shall be open to all descendants of the family name Hite (and variant spelling such as Hight, Hites, Heydt, Heit, Heidt, Heyd). 

Regular Membership: $20.00
      (includes Hite Family Association newsletter, published twice per year)

Contributing Membership: $35.00

Sustaining Membership: $50.00

All contributions above $20.00 go toward expenses for family reunions, the maintenance of
cemeteries at Long Meadows and Harmony Hall and special projects.

  • Long Meadows was the home of Isaac Hite (1723-1795) and his wife, Eleanor (Eltinge) Hite (1724-1792)
    in Frederick County, Virginia. Isaac was a son of Jost Hite.
    The original building is no longer standing, but the cemetery remains.
    Among those buried there are Isaac, Eleanor, their son Isaac Hite, Jr.
    (builder of Belle Grove) and both of Isaac's wives.

  • Fort Bowman (aka Harmony Hall) in today's Shenandoah County, was the home of
    Mary (Hite) Bowman (born 1708), the eldest surviving child of Jost Hite,
    and the wife of George Bowman (1709-1768), the extant "Stone House" was
    constructed 1751/5 and the extant Bowman Cemetery was use by the early family for 100 years.

  • For a Application to Join the HITE FAMILY ASSOCIATION CLICK HERE

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