Duncan research files of |
1840 Marshall Co. VA Census
No Duncan indexed
1850 Marshall Co. VA Census
Pg.261, #297, Joseph DUNCAN 59 PA farmer
Catherine 49 PA
Eliza 31 PA idiotic
James 18, Anne 16 PA
Thos. S.D. 14, Joseph 12 PA
Catherine 10, Charlotte P. 8 PA
Benjn. F. LOGSDON 54 VA farmer $1000
(MAD: 1830-1840 Bedford Co. PA census; 1860 Marshall Co. IL census)
Pg.287, #658, Robert H. DUNCAN 28 O (Ohio?) tailor
Rebecca 28 VA
John 4, Elizabeth 2 VA
Pg.353, #1593, Job DUNCAN 27 PA laborer
Emeline 26 PA
John T. 2 VA
(MAD: 1860 Marshall Co. IL census)
1860 Marshall Co. VA Census
Dallas P.O.
Pg.364, #1791-1771, Hiram ELLIOTT 33 VA farmer $3000-$500
Mary 76 VA (blank) $3000-$0
Rebecca DUNCAN 40 VA
John 12, Jane 8 VA
Amanda 6 VA
(MAD: 1870 Ohio Co. WV census)
1870 Marshall Co. WV Census
Washington Twp.
Pg.207, #100-99, ROGERSON, James 30 VA (white) Supt. of poor farm $2000-$650
& family, and paupers, including
DUNCAN, Elisa 53 WV pauper
Pg.211, #154-154, DUNCAN, James 37 PA (white) farm laborer $0-$100
Nancy 36 WV keeping house
Lizzie 8, Adda Bell 6 WV at home
Josaphine (f) 4, Nellie G. 2 WV at home
(MAD: 1860 Marshall Co. IL census)
Liberty Twp.
Pg.360, #16-16, DUNCAN, William 23 PA (white) laborer $0-$0
Elizabeth 25 PA keeping house
Cameron Twp.
Pg.421, #241-241, DUNCAN, John M. 43 WV (white) farmer $0-$1200
Eliza 44 WV keeping house
Amos P. 17, Elizabeth 15 WV
Joshua 13, Ella M. 11 WV
Robert G. 9, Jennie M. (f) 7 WV
Rebecca 5 WV
Marshall Co. WV Index to wills 1835-1971 (FHL film 853,855)
John Duncan, 1906, 4-360 (none earlier)
"Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian [JHW: Old School] Church in the U.S." Vol.XV, 1857 (University of TX Library; from Jean Walker 7/1984 with permission to share with others)
Ministers & Licentiates:
John R. Duncan, Moundsville, VA: Synod of Wheeling, Presby. of Washington: John R. Duncan, P. P.O. Moundsville, VA; churches: Elizabethtown, P., 92 communicants, 60 children in SS & BC, etc. Allen Grove, P., 71 comm., 60 children in SS ... (pg.129; Marshall Co. WV)
"EVENING DEMOCRAT" WARREN, PA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1895. (from Kathy D. Cawley 1/2006; Moundsville, Marshall Co. WV)
At Moundsville, W. Va., in the case of JAMES DUNCAN, charged with the murder of FRANK STROSNIDER, the jury returned a verdict of murder in second degree.
1879 "History of the Pan-Handle, Historical Collections of Ohio, Brooke, Marshall & Hancock Cos. WV" compiled and edited by J.H. Newton, G.G. Nichols and A.G. Sprankel; edited by J.H. Newton (FHL film 202,847)
No index to Biographies; no Duncan biography in page-by-page scan
1890 "History Upper Ohio Valley" by Gibson L. Cranmer; pub. by Brant & Fuller (FHL films 496,598 item 3 & 496,599 item 1, see Belmont Co. OH)
Includes. Hist. Upper OH Valley, Ohio Co. VA; "Pan-Handle"; Medical Hist. Pan-Handle: Biog. Sketches Brooke, Hancock & Marshall Cos. WV; History of Logan the Mingo chief; Bench & Bar of Jefferson Co.; Biog. Sketches, Education & Religion; Medical Hist. Jefferson Co.; Hist. Belmont Co.; Agricultural Resources.
Vol.I - Ohio, Brooke, Hancock & Marshall Co. WV - no Duncan biography
1902 "History of Wheeling City & Ohio Co. WV & Representative Citizens" by Gibson L. Cranmer (FHL film 1,000,650 item 3, book 18)
Pg.709-10: J.C. DUNCAN, well-known resident of Elm Grove, Ohio Co. WV, engaged in well drilling & pump business, which he has followed for many years. Lifelong Republican, elected JP, and in Jan. 1900 was elected to the town council and served on the committee on streets and alleys. He was born in Marshall Co. WV on October 11?, 1846, and is a son of Robert Duncan. John Duncan, grandfather of J.C., was born in OH of Scotch ancestry and was one of the noted Presbyterians of his day; he lived to reach the advanced age of 90 years. Robert Duncan, father of J.C., was born at Fairview [Guernsey Co.], OH, and learned the trade of a tailer which he followed until his death at the early age of 30 years. J.C. Duncan attended the subscription schools ... and was nine years of age when his father died, and he was obliged to partially support himself. He remained with his mother and at the age of 19 years took charge of the old farm and his mother's interests, there being three sisters to rear and educate. In 1883 he moved to Elm Grove, Ohio Co. WV and conducted a general store ... well-drilling & pump business under the firm name of Woods, Duncan & Atkinson?. In 1872 Mr. Duncan was united in marriage with Ellen J?. Kimmins, a daughter of William and Jane (Little) Kimmins. Her father was a farmer ... lived to age 70 years. Her grandfather Samuel Kimmins was born in Ohio, died age 85. Mrs. Jane (Little) Kimmins, mother of Mrs. Duncan, native PA, died age 70 years. Three children: Wilbert T. born 1873 a painter by trade & town recorder for 4 years; Elbridge Roy b. 25 Feb. 1890, and Lurline B., born Dec. 27, 1891.
1889 "Biographical and Portrait Cyclopedia of Fayette County Pennsylvania" ed. by John M. Gresham, assisted in the compilation by Samuel T. Wiley, pub. by John M. Gresham & Co. (FHL film 1,000,555 item 2; book 78)
Pg.264-6, Brownsville & Bridgeport. DR. WILLIAM STEVENS DUNCAN, of Bridgeport, a widely known and highly esteemed physician and surgeon, was born in Brownsville, May 24, 1834. He is a son of Judge Thomas and Priscilla (Stevens) Duncan.
Dr. Duncan's great-grandfather, Thomas Duncan, and his wife, emigrated from Scotland to County Donegal, Ireland, in 1775. They had four children (all born in Scotland): George, John, Arthur and a daughter, whose name there is no doubt whether it was Jane or Nancy. Arthur Duncan, when 20 years of age, engaged in the Irish Rebellion of 1792, and immediately after its suppression sought safety in flight from the English authorities. He was placed in a cask which was filled with straw, the head replaced, thus was smuggled on board a vessel bound for the United States, and landed at Philadelphia, January 10, 1793. In 1795 he joined Washington's troops that were sent out from the Capital to suppress the Whiskey Insurrection. After his discharge, he settled near "Plumsock," (now Upper Middletown) in September, 1802, and took out his naturalization papers. He married Sophia Wharton, a dau. of Arthur Wharton, of Franklin township. Arthur Duncan died at Moundsville, VA, in 1850, and his wife, in Pittsburgh, PA, in 1845. They had ten children, namely: Thomas, George, Arthur, James, Benjamin, Enos, Mary Ann, Jane, Elizabeth and Nancy. (MAD: Moundsville, Marshall Co. WV; Pittsburgh, Allegheny Co. PA)
Judge Thomas Duncan was born in Franklin township, Aug. 22, 1807, and received his early education in the Thorn Bottom School. He engaged in the Plumsock Rolling Mill for a time, but at 18 years of age made arrangements to learn the trade of a cabinet-maker. He engaged with an expert mechanic, Thomas Hatfield, with whom he remained 3 years as an apprentice, and afterwards 3 years more as a partner. He then removed to Bridgeport, and has continued successfully in the same business. Judge Duncan was married in May, 1829, to Miss Priscilla, dau. of Dr. Benjamin Stevens of Uniontown. Her father, Dr. Benjamin Stevens, was born in Maryland, Feb. 20, 1737, read medicine with his father, Dr. Benjamin Stevens, and grad. at Annapolis Medical School, MD. He came to "Plumsock" ... until his death in 1813.
Judge Duncan ... served as county commissioner from 1843 to 1845, in 1851 elected associate judge of Fayette Co. for 5 years, re-elected 1856, ... Methodist Episcopal church for 48 years. Judge Duncan and wife have five children, 3 of whom are living: Mrs. Elizabeth Worrell, Dr. W.S. Duncan, both of Bridgeport, and Thomas J. Duncan, a practicing attorney at Washington, PA. Judge Duncan assisted his father, Arthur Duncan, in 1822 in manufacturing ... he is now an octogenarian in years and is in good health. Mrs. Duncan died in Feb. 1873, aged 66 years. (MAD: Washington, Washington Co. PA, per 1880 census)
Dr. William Stevens Duncan received a thorough literary education in Mt.Union College, Ohio, read medicine with Dr. M.O. Jones, then of Brownsville but now a resident of Pittsburgh ... graduated from Univ. of PA in spring of 1858 with degree of M.D. In June 1858 formed copartnership with preceptor in the practice, ending in 1861 by removal of Dr. Jones to Pittsburgh. ... March 21, 1861, Dr. Duncan mar. Miss Amanda, dau. of Benjamin and Mary (Berry) Leonard; they have one child, a dau., Helen, a pupil in Lenna Female College at Pittsburgh. Member Fayette Co. Medical Assn, ... served as volunteer surgeon at the battle of Gettysburg and was taken prisoner by the Confederates.
Pg.593, Misc. JUDGE THOMAS DUNCAN, (MAD: the paragraphs all started with quote marks, apparently a direct quote from the 1882 History) ... among the venerable men of Bridgeport ... that borough and its twin sister Brownsville, by over half a century's residence ... He is of Scotch-Irish extraction. His father, Arthur Duncan, emigrated from County Donegal, Ireland, about 1793 to America and found his way into Fayette Co. as a soldier in the service of the United States ... to suppress the Whiskey Insurrection ... settled in Franklin township near Upper Middletown (then known as "Plumsock"), Menallen township, and mar. Sophia Wharton, dau. of Arthur Wharton, of Franklin township, but a native of England, who held a large tract of land in that township, and was a man of strong individuality. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Duncan passed the greater portion of their lives in Upper Middletown, but Mrs. Duncan died about 1845 in Pittsburgh [Allegheny Co.], to which place the family had removed, and Mr. Duncan about 1850, in Moundsville, VA, at the residence of one of his daus., Mrs. Nancy Rosell. (MAD: Moundsville, Marshall Co. WV)
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan were the parents of ten children, the 2nd of whom is Judge Thomas Duncan, who was born in Franklin Twp. Aug. 22, 1807, ... in 1837 Judge Duncan joined the Masonic order, ... also a member ... Methodist Episcopal church since 1834. In May 1829 he married Priscilla Stevens, dau. of Dr. Benjamin Stevens of Uniontown, whose father, Benjamin Stevens, who came to Fayette Co. from Maryland, was also a physician. Mrs. Duncan died in Feb. 1873 at the age of 66 years.
Judge and Mrs. Duncan became the parents of five children, three now living: Mrs. Elizabeth Worrell, Dr. W.S. Duncan, both of Bridgeport, and Thomas J. Duncan, a lawyer practicing his profession in Washington, PA.
1882 "History of Fayette County, Pennsylvania, with Biographical Sketches of many of its Pioneers and Prominent Men" ed. by Franklin Ellis, pub. by L.H. Everts & Co. (FHL film 1,000,555 item 1; book 77)
Brownsville Borough and Township.
Pg.459-460: JUDGE THOMAS DUNCAN. Among the venerable men of Bridgeport ... that borough and its twin sister Brownsville, by over half a century's residence ... He is of Scotch-Irish extraction. His father, Arthur Duncan, emigrated from County Donegal, Ireland, about 1793 to America and found his way into Fayette Co. as a soldier in the service of the United States ... to suppress the Whiskey Insurrection ... settled in Franklin township near Upper Middletown (then known as "Plumsock"), Menallen township, and mar. Sophia Wharton, dau. of Arthur Wharton, of Franklin township, but a native of England, who held a large tract of land in that township, and was a man of strong individuality. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Duncan passed the greater portion of their lives in Upper Middletown, but Mrs. Duncan died about 1845 in Pittsburgh, to which place the family had removed, and Mr. Duncan about 1850, in Moundsville, VA, at the residence of one of his daus., Mrs. Nancy Rosell.
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan were the parents of ten children, the 2nd of whom is Judge Thomas Duncan, who was born in Franklin Twp. Aug. 22, 1807, ... in 1837 Judge Duncan joined the Masonic order, ... also a member ... Methodist Episcopal church since 1834. In May 1829 he married Priscilla Stevens, dau. of Dr. Benjamin Stevens of Uniontown, whose father, Benjamin Stevens, who came to Fayette Co. from Maryland, was also a physician. Mrs. Duncan died in Feb. 1873 at the age of 66 years.
Judge and Mrs. Duncan became the parents of five children, three now living: Mrs. Elizabeth Worrell, Dr. W.S. Duncan, both of Bridgeport, and Thomas J. Duncan, a lawyer practicing his profession in Washington, PA.
Pg.460: WILLIAM STEVENS DUNCAN, M.D. Dr. W.S. Duncan, of Bridgeport, is the son of Judge Thomas Duncan, of the same borough, a biographical sketch of whom immediately precedes this sketch. Dr. Duncan was born May 24, 1834; and here the writer may quite as properly as anywhere else note the fact that the date of his birth is the only fact or item of the following biographical sketch which the doctor has independently furnished, he being ... adverse ... so the interviewer was advised to refer to others ... (extolls his virtues as a doctor)
For what follows, we are indebted to two books in which professional notice of Dr. Duncan is made, one of which is entitled "Physicians and Surgeons of the United States," edited by William B. Atkinson, M.D., 1878; the other a record of the "Transactions of the Rocky Mountain Medical Association," with biographies of the members, by J.M. Toner, M.D., a leading physician of Washington, D.C. (1877).
Dr. Duncan was educated at Mount Union College, Stark Co. OH ... medical studies commenced in 1855 ... Dr. Duncan was married March 21, 1861, to Miss Amanda Leonard, dau. of Benjamin and Mary Berry Leonard, of Brownsville. They have one child, a dau.
AL Confederate Pension Applications, in AL State Archives, Duke - Dunn (FHL film 1,502,781)
MAD: Did not extract all pension applications for the same person if they gave no other genealogy information. Documents were extracted in order on film. Did not usually copy reason for pension request, which was frequently old age or rheumatism or feebleness; did not always copy witnesses names, which sometimes only said they knew the applicant was of good character and in need of the pension. "Cavalry" was frequently abbreviated "Calv" and spelled "Calvary." Did not usually copy the schedule of property unless it listed land. The complete pension papers should be rechecked individually, following is very brief extract of contents.
DUNCAN, Geo. B., widow Emma R. Duncan, Colbert Co. AL, Private, Co.K, 9th Regt.; Geo. B. Duncan died July 23, 1902. Application 8 June 1903 by Emma R. (X) Duncan, Colbert Co. AL, widow of Geo. B. Duncan who died 23 July 1902; witness Robt. Mitchell (X) and E.A. Kelburn, both Colbert Co. AL. Query, Is Emma R. Duncan, widow of George B. Duncan on the pension roll of this county?; he died July 23, 1902, leaving above wife and one child very poor. Appl. 12 May 1899 by Geo. B. Duncan of Colbert Co. AL, Private, Co.K, 9th Regt., enlisted 1862 in Marshall Co. VA, discharged 10 April 1865, now age 57, wounded; witness E.B. Moore and T.B. Parkhill. Appl. 24 March 1896, Geo. B. Duncan, Private Co.K, 9th Reg. AL Inf., wounded Battle of Malvena Hill VA and at Gettesburgh, farmer. Appl. 23 March 1897, wounded 5 July 1862.
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