Duncan research files of |
1820-1850 Brooke Co. VA Census
No Duncan indexed
1860 Brooke Co. VA Census
Middle Ferry P.O.
Pg.605, #659-634, Robt. H. DUNCAN 31 CAN civil engineer $0-$100
Mary 29 PA
Josephine 7, Thomas M. 5 PA
Mary 3, Andrew J. 1 PA
John C. McDOWELL 31 DE carpenter $0-$0
(MAD: 1870 Indiana Co. PA census)
Hollidays Cove
Pg.606, #665-639, Saml. N. ORR 38 VA farmer $10,400-$3,187
Elizth. 34 PA
Lucy 13, Thomas 7 VA
Wm. 4, Mary J. 2 VA
Sarah J. DUNCAN 23 PA
(MAD: see Beaver Co. PA)
1870 Brooke Co. WV Census
Buffalo Twp.
Pg.475, #91-92, PALMER, James 71 PA (white) farmer $21,000-$30,000
Eliza 63 VA housewife
WAUGH, Eliza 28 VA house keeper $12,000-$0
PEOPLES, Anna 16 OH (white) (blank occupation)
WAUGH, C.P. (m) 15 VA
DUNCAN, Charles 14 VA (white)
1850-1860 Hancock Co. VA Census
No Duncan indexed
1870-1880 Hancock Co. WV Census
No Duncan indexed
Brooke Co. WV Marriage records 1797-1971 (index, grooms A-G p.87 on FHL film 869,839; brides A-D on FHL film 869,842; SLC 2/23/1993)
Marriage licenses vol.1A-3A 1797-1866 (FHL film 869,845)
James Duncan to Mary McKown, lic. 4/29/1841, married same date by Robt. M. White, 2A-83
Next groom 1872, brides start 1899
Brooke Co. WV Will index 1797-1971 (FHL film 869,805; SLC 2/23/1993)
No Duncan until Book 10, 1900+
2-3 (sic) to 3: Will of Nicholas P. Tillinghast of Charlestown, Brooke Co. VA, (blank) June 1809; to my dau. Patience Vilette the farm I purchased from Alexander Wells on Crows Creek in Washington Co. PA with the saw mill and other appertanances, also a lot of about 79 acres joining said farm which I bought from Robert Welsh, also 20 acres joining the parcel last mentioned purchased from David Templeton, also a tract of land in Washington Co. afsd near Isaac Manchester's farm which I purchased from said Manchester, also my dwelling house in Charlestown afsd, the new brick building adj and the lot and piece or parcel of ground thereto belonging, also all my other houses and lotts and parts of lotts in said town also three lots in the town of Smithfield [Jefferson Co.] in the State of OH laid out by James Carr. Also to the said Patience all my household furniture, all my part of the store good on hand at the time of my decease, all the debts due me or the firm of Nicholas P. Tillinghast & Co., my interest in the Brigg Recovery now in the harbour of New York; I charge these devisees and bequests with the payment of all the debts of the said firm and the private debts which I may owe, and also with the payment of her daughter Eliza Vilette's part of her father Captain John Vilette's estate of which I have had the management. I give to my daughter Sarah C. Hammond a tract of land of 3,272-1/2 acres in Mason Co. KY, also all my land in the Ohio Company's purchase which shall be unsold at the time of my decease. I exonerate my son-in-law Charles Hammond from a compliance with a bond for $5,000 given by him to me dated 11 Feb. last. I likewise bequeath to the said Sarah my large silver soop spoon, and to my son Charles Hammond my silver watch and the urn in which the[y] stand. To my said daughter Patience Vilette and her heirs I give the residue of my estate both real and personal. Appoint my said daughter Patience Villette (sic) and my son-in-law Charles Hammond execs. /s/ Nic. P. Tillinghast. Wit. A. Caldwell, Daniel Jones, John Brown. Executors do not take an inventory ... exonerate my executors from giving security. June (blank) 1809. Wit. A. Caldwell, John Brown. July 1809, foregoing is a true copy produced in court at this term, ordered recorded. (FHL film 869,805) (MAD: his grandaughter Eliza Vilette married James Duncan of Stark Co. OH)
Brooke Co. WV Deeds (Indexes 1797-1948; grantors C-D on FHL film 860,887; grantees C-D on FHL film 860,893; next deeds 1900)
6-407: 24 June 1817, James Duncan and wife Eliza of Stark Co. OH to William Fowler of Brooke Co. VA, $1800, lots in Wellsburgh; S 1/2 lot #404 and S 1/2 of surplus adj. on west bounded on east by Watter Street, north by dividing line from Watter Street parallel with Queen Street to Ohio River and down the same to the line of lot #403, being the lot conveyed to Nicholas P. Tillinghurt decd. by James W. Miller on 25 April 1793 recorded in Deed Book A; also lots 407 and 417 in same, adj. on east by Watter Street, south by an ally, west by the Ohio River and north by lots #408 and #418? subject to stipulations in the orig. deed from Charles Prather the original proprietor of the town for those 8 other lots in said town; the above lots #407 and #417 were conveyed by Charles Prather to Wm. Cougleton and by him to Nicholas P. Tillinghurt now decd by deed 23 Jan. 1799 now of record on page 415 of Deed Book A; and the said Nicholas P. Tillinghurt decd by will dated (blank) June 1809 now of record on page one &c of Will Book B of Brooke Co. amongst other bequests devised to his daughter Patience T. Vilatte amongst other things the described property hereby conveyed; that said Patience T. Vilette since that time died intestate, leaving the above named Eliza Duncan (then Eliza T. Vilette) her sole and only heir to whom the estate whereof she died seized could rightfully descend; and the said James Duncan and Eliza his wife hereby covenant ... that they have good right to sell the land. /s/ James Duncan, E.T. Duncan. Wit. N. Dike, Wm. Raynolds. Ack. in Stark Co. OH 24 June 1817, Rec. 28 June 1819. (FHL film 869,815)
6-419: (blank date) James Duncan and wife Eliza T. of Stark Co. OH to Jesse Edgington of Brooke Co. VA, $200, lot in Wellsburgh #182 conveyed by Andrew Snider to N.P. Tillinghurt & Co. /s/ James Duncan, E.T. Duncan. Wit. S. Dike, Wm. Reynolds. Ack. in Stark Co. OH on 24 June 1817. (FHL film 869,815)
7-190: 26 Sept. 1822, James Duncan and wife Elizabeth to Josiah Reeves (no localities), $366.24, lot #408 in Wellsburgh on Water Street, Prospect Street, alley, adj. lots 407 and 417. No wit. Ack. in Stark Co. OH. (FHL film 869,815)
8-338: 28 March 1818, James Duncan and wife Eliza of Stark Co. OH to John Scott of Washington Co. PA, $1100, lot in Wellsburgh on Water Street adj. Wm. Towler's frame house, Queen Street, Ohio River, Philip Doddridge's brick building on Water Street, conveyed by Dodderidge and wife to Nicholas P. Tillinghust by two deeds, 10 Nov. 1804 and 25 Feb. 1810, which he willed to his dau. Patience Villette and her heirs; title descended to Eliza T. Villette the daughter and only heir of said Patience, who has married James Duncan above. Wit. John McCoy, Sally Collins. Ack. in Stark Co. OH. (FHL film 869,816)
9-331: 20 Dec. 1827, James Duncan and wife Eliza T. of Stark Co. OH to Jesse Edgington of Brooke Co. VA, $200, lot #222 in Wellsburgh formerly Charlestown, adj. lot 221, which Andrew Snider & wife Elizabeth conveyed to Nicholas P. Tillinghust and Patience T. Vilette, 3 March 1802. Wit. Mehitable H. McClary, James Williams. Ack. in Stark Co. OH. (FHL film 869,816)
17-405: 12 April 1853, James Duncan and wife Mary to George G. Orr, $1,166.66-2/3, our one undivided sixth of land on Hammonds Creek in Holliday's Cove, Brooke Co. VA, which said Thomas Orr died owning, adj. E. bank of said creek, corner to George G. Orr, Samuel N. Orr. Wit. Mary A. Clendening, J.D. Clendening. Ack. Beaver Co. PA, 12 April 1853. (FHL film 869,820)
18-450: 1 Aug. 1856, George G. Orr and wife Elizabeth of Brooke Co. VA to Mary Duncan, Margaret Brown, Samuel N. Orr, James C. Orr, and the heirs at law of Thomas S. Orr decd; that George G. Orr by his article of agreement dated 1 April 1847 bound himself for $1,168, to convey to his father Thomas Orr a parcel of land on Harmens Creek in the Counties of Brooke and Hancock, and that Thomas Orr has died intestate leaving as his heirs the said Mary Duncan, George G. Orr, Margaret Brown, Samuel A. (sic) Orr, James C. Orr and the heirs at law of Thomas S. Orr decd; and whereas the whole purchase money has been paid to George G. Orr; deed for five undivided sixth parts of the land adj. lands of Thomas Orr, east bank of Harmens Creek, Ewing Turner's line, crossing the creek, Oliver Brown's line, containing 32 acres one rood two perches excepting about 3 rods? sold to Rail Road Company. No wit. ... (FHL film 869,821)
No James Duncan grantee
Washington Co. PA Deed (SLC 2/2009)
2A-465/466: 16 Oct. 1816, James Duncan and wife Eliza in Brooke Co. VA to John Lawton of Washington Co. PA, for $12 per acre, tract of land with appurtenances in Washington Co. afsd on waters of Cross Creek, bounded by ... corner to lands of John Walker, corner to lands of Daniel Huston and James Niell, corner to Jas. Love, a road, containing 332 acres 3 rods 32 poles and is the same tract of land for which Freelove Greer and George Felter covenanted to convey to the above named John Lawton or to have the same conveyed on the behalf of Eliza Vilette now the above named Eliza Duncan, and in conformity to the bond and in discharge thereof, we the above named Jas. & Eliza do convey the said lands. /s/ James Duncan, E.T. Duncan. Ack. Brooke Co. VA by county clerk, 30 Oct. 1816. (no witnesses) Rec. 28 Nov. 1816. (FHL film 862,522)
1881 "History of Stark Co. OH" by William Henry Perrin (FHL book 977.162 H2p; other minor references not copied)
Pg.380-3: The embarrassment in all business matters, stagnation of trade, and especially the ruin of commerce upon the ocean, upon which New England subsisted, occasioned by the war of 1812, drove many shipmasters and New England people to the West, and the year 1814 was strongly marked by the increase from that quarter. Among those who came into Perry Twp. that year were Gilbertharp Earle and his family, Capt. James Duncan, a retired shipmaster from the merchant service, his residence having been at Portsmouth [Rockingham Co.], NH, and many others. .... When Mr. Duncan left Portsmouth, his objective point was the State of VA, that portion now incl. in WV, and especially Brooke and Ohio Counties. At Wheeling [Ohio Co.], he had friends, Messrs. Jacob Atkinson and Peabody Atkinson, brothers, and a Mr. Peterson. He remained in those counties for a year or two, and married Miss Eliza T. Vilette, and with the two brothers Atkinson ... to visit the "Rotch Settlement" ... to Kendal. (similar to 1925 history) ... town being called Massillon, name suggested by Mrs. Duncan, who was a fine French scholar, and a niece of Hon. Charles Hammond, one of early editors of Cincinnati "Gazette" and woman of rare education and social qualities.
1879 "History of the Pan-Handle, Historical Collections of Ohio, Brooke, Marshall & Hancock Cos. WV" compiled and edited by J.H. Newton, G.G. Nichols and A.G. Sprankel; edited by J.H. Newton (FHL film 202,847)
No index to Biographies; no Duncan biography in page-by-page scan
1890 "History Upper Ohio Valley" by Gibson L. Cranmer; pub. by Brant & Fuller (FHL films 496,598 item 3 & 496,599 item 1, see Belmont Co. OH)
Includes. Hist. Upper OH Valley, Ohio Co. VA; "Pan-Handle"; Medical Hist. Pan-Handle: Biog. Sketches Brooke, Hancock & Marshall Cos. WV; History of Logan the Mingo chief; Bench & Bar of Jefferson Co.; Biog. Sketches, Education & Religion; Medical Hist. Jefferson Co.; Hist. Belmont Co.; Agricultural Resources.
Vol. I - Ohio, Brooke, Hancock & Marshall Co. WV - no Duncan biography
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