Duncan research files of |
1810-1860 Orange Co. VA Census
No Duncan indexed
1870 Orange Co. VA Census
Orange C.H. P.O.
Pg.235, #318-404, DUNCAN, William 42 VA MULATTO servant in hotel
Parmelia 30 VA MULATTO
Augustine (f) 18 VA MULATTO
Mercer (m) 16, Frank 14 VA MULATTOS
QUINTUS, Thompson 21 VA BLACK servant in hotel
Pg.295, #1220-1293, BUTTES?, William R. 25 VA farm hand $0-$0
Ellie 20 VA keeps house
Mary 1 VA at home
DICKSON, Nancy 20 VA BLACK nurse
DUNCAN, Eliza 19 VA BLACK "servant (house)"
Northern Neck (VA) Land Grants
G-51: 23 May 1747, grant to William Duncan of Orange Co., 400 acres on Gourd Vine Fork in said county, survey made by Mr. George Hume, mouth of Alins Run on south side the north fork of said Gourd Vine, corner an old tract of the said Duncans, ... corner Nathaniel Killons tract. (FHL film 29,513)
G-52: 24 May 1747, grant to William Duncan of Orange Co., 290 acres on Gourd Vine Fork in said county, survey by Mr. George Hume, beg. ... mouth of Alens Run on the south side of north fork of the Gourd Vine, ... several courses of the said run, ... at the foot of Giants Castle, ... said River. (FHL film 29,513) (MAD: see Culpeper Co. VA deed R-119; this is identical land as in H-728)
H-728: 4 Nov. 1756, grant to William Duncan of the County of Orange, 290 acres in said county, beg. ... mouth of Allens Run, south side of the north fork of Gourd Vine, up the several courses of the said Allens Run, mouth of a branch, foot of Giants Castle, hill side by the said River. (FHL film 29,514) (MAD: Culpeper Co. VA; this is identical land as in G-52)
Orange Co. VA Deed Indexes (Index to 1799, FHL film 33,009; Index 1800-1848, FHL film 33,010)
1790: Joseph Duncan to Callius?, Dillard, 19-468
1793: Same to Bunion?, Wm. S., 20-183
1771: Same from Miry, Thomas, 15-413
1778: Same from Long, Brumfield, 17-12
1736: William Duncan from Cottman, Benj. & Jos, Lease & release, 1-365, 367
No Chowning
1834: James Duncan from Martin, Thomas, 35-183
No other Duncan
Could not find deed in index to 1799 (FHL film 33,009); not Northern Neck grant 1694-1742, not survey Orange Co. 1730-1754:
John Farmer bef. 1753, 100a (Culpeper or Orange Co.) (sold Culpeper 1753 to Francis Browning, William Duncan had built mill) -- no deed in Orange Co. to John Farmer
Orange Co. VA Deeds
1-365: 16 Oct. 1736, Benjamin Cotman and Joseph Cottman (sic), of parish of Hapony? in Co. of Sumersett in MaryLand, to William Duncan of parish of Hamilton in Co. of Prince William (no state), the said Ben. Coloman (sic) and Jos. his son, 5 shillings sterling, 450 acres by estimation in Co. of Orange where James Cannon ... sold to sd. Benj. Coloman and Joseph his son, by a side of a north river of Gourdwine river and on the north side thereof, ... (later Benj. Cottman & Joseph Colman his son). /s/ Benjamin Cottman, Joseph Cottman. Wit. John Simpson, Gerrard Banks. Ack. in court 19 Oct. 1736. 1-367: Release, sum of £86 current money. /s/ Benjamin Coleman, Joseph Coleman. (FHL film 33,011)
11-82: 17 April MDCCXLVI (1748), Frances Browning to Frances Browning Jr., both Orange Co., for 2,000 lbs tobacco, moiety or part share in land taken up in partnership with John Asshley on head branches of Battle Run patent 29 June MDCCXXXV (1735), 400 acres. Wit. Pendleton (no 2nd name), Charles Dewitt, William (W) Poe, Thomas Burk. (FHL film 33,014)
15-413: 26 Sept. 1771, Thomas Murry & wife Agness, planter, to Joseph Duncan of Fauquier Co., planter, for £250, 300 acres, corner John Stevens, Malachia Charles decd, branch called Cook. Wit. Robert Thomas, Paul Williams, John Sawyer. (FHL film 33,016)
17-12: 10 March 1778, Brumfield Long and wife Lucy to Joseph Dunkin, for £50, 75 acres, corner John Stephens, said Dunkins. No wit. (FHL film 33,017)
19-468: 25 Oct. 1790, Joseph Duncan and wife Nancy (she did not sign) to Dillard Collins, for £5, 1 acre. No wit. (FHL film 33,018)
20-183: 23 Feb. 1793, Joseph Duncan and wife Nancy to William T. Burrell (Burress?), all Orange Co. VA, for £120, 299 acres, Cook's Run, John Stevens line, and 75 acres adj. John Stevens and the place where William Pollock now lives. Nancy not in court; commissioners sent to examine her to release dower; she examined 4 March 1793. (FHL film 33,018)
35-183: 30 Sept. 1834, Thomas Martin of Orange Co. VA to James Duncan of Missouri (no county), for $150, the interest of Thomas Martin to the estate of John Collins decd. late of St. Charles Co. MO which interest is in right of his wife Sarah Marten who was Sarah Collins, dau. of said John Collins decd, one child's part of estate. Wit. Richd. M. Chapman, John Woolfolk. (FHL film 33,026)
Clark Co. KY Deeds (old FHL film 25133-10; from Louis Boone 1984 with permission to share with others)
1-42: 23 Feb. 1793, William Tandy Burress and wife Matthew (sic) of Orange Co. VA to Joseph Duncan of same, for £500, 500 acres in Clarke Co. KY, corner to Thomas Burras Junior survey of 500 acres, corner to Robert W. Million preemption also corner to Thomas Burress decd 1000a survey, line of Thomas Burress 500a survey. Wit. Dillard Collins, Sally Collins, John Williams, Betsy Duncan; reg. oath of Dillard Collins, Sally Collins, John Williams in Clarke Co. KY.
1-617: 27 Oct. 1794, John Stevens and wife Sarah of Orange Co. VA, to Nancy Duncan of "sd. county & State of Kentucky" for love and affection for their daughter Nancy Duncan, 296 acres in Clarke Co. KY (by rods and poles; no waterways or neighbors given). Court in Orange Co. VA 27 Oct. 1794; Reg. Clarke Co. KY 26 April 1796.
Culpeper Co. VA Deed (FHL film 30,942)
A-1&2: 15? April 1749, David Kinkead and wife Winifred of St. James Parish, Albemarle Co., to William Duncan of St. Marks Parish, Orange Co., for 5 shillings, 660 acres in Parish of St. Marks, Orange Co., bounded ... mouth of Kinkeads Run, side of Jesse Bell Mountain, ... Wit. Saml. Scott, Rawly ("R his mark") Duncan, John Roberts Senr., Wm. (X) Duncan Junr. 17 April 1749, release for £50. Same wit. Recorded 15 June 1749.
Orange Co. VA Record (from Denzil Mauldin 1984 with permission to share with others)
Will of John Furnish, dated April 5, 1780; proved May 25, 1780, Orange Co. VA. Wife Lise; son James Furnish; daughters Mary, Franky and Saley (all children under age). Exec. Charles Walker; wit. Jacob Furnish, Thomas Walker, Charles Walker, Samuel Furnish.
MAD: The deeds and wills of Orange Co. VA have been extracted and published by others. I have not looked at the originals other than those above.
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