Duncans in Accomack Co. VA Land Records


Duncan research files of
Mary Ann (Duncan) Dobson
the Genealogy Bug

Last revised September 20, 2000

Part 2 of 3

Accomack Co. VA Deed Extracts Section 1
            Vol.3, 1757-1770 (FHL film 30,006)
      Pt.1, Pg.148: 26 May 1761, Thomas (Y) Fisher and wife Susannah (X) of Accomack Co. VA to James Dunkin of Worcester Co. MD, for £65, 100 acres in Masango Swamp, the land which George Pope the Elder purchased of Daniel of St. Thomas Tenepor (sic) by deed; George Hope and wife Annabella to Thomas Fisher. Wit. Thos. Ames, Bonland Savage and Richard Bundick; rec. 26 May 1761.
      Pt.2, Pg.427: 26 Aug. 1766, Elijah Lucas (+) of Accomack Co. VA to James Duncan of same, for £3, 4 acres in Massongos Swamp, being part of land said Lucas lives on, willed him by his father, adj. said Duncan's line, Lucas's line, new "rode" from Guilford to Massongos (Massonger?); Lucas retains right to cut down trees and underwood for 30 "yeards" from the line; wit. Henry Fletcher, Thomas Bloxom, Alexander Stockly.
      Pt.3, Pg.604: 31 Jan. 1769, John Potter of Accomack Co. VA, planter, to James Duncan, of same, for 25 shillings, part of tract of land and marsh containing 10 acres, part of tract said John Potter bought of John Michael adj. Masongo (written plainly) Creek, adj. woods of Michael's Neck; no wit.
            Vol.6, 1783-1788 (FHL film 30,047)
      6-201: 22 Feb. 1785, Shadrack Taylor and wife Keziah (X) of Accomack Parish & Co. VA to Jesse Duncan of same, for £75, land which said Shadrack bought of Edmund Custis, beg. on William Mason's and William Ross's line adj. James Staton's line, to include 50 acres; no wit.
      6-287: 16 Dec. 1785, William (X) Ross and wife Mason (X) of Accomack Parish & Co. VA to Eli Duncan of same, for £70, 100 acres which said Ross bought of Alexander Stockly, adj. lower corner of said lands on John Shay's line, William Mason's line, Jessee Duncan's line; wit. Spencer Drummond, John Mears, William (X) Wessels, William Johnson, Thomas Fletcher, George Bunting, Nathaniel Smart, Henry Fletcher Sr.; proved 31 Jan. 1786 by Henry Fletcher, William Wessels, and George Bunting, after examining said Mason Ross.
            Vol.7, 1788-1793 (FHL film 30,048)
      7-263: 3 Jan. 1789, Eli Duncan of Accomack Parish & Co. VA to Joshua Wheelton of same, for £80, messuage or tract of land by estimation 45 acres adj. on N. by Jacob Taylor, E. by Jessee Duncan and William Mason's heirs, W. by John Shays, S. by said Shay & Masson, owned in estate of inheritance; mortgage, Duncan to pay by 1 March next ensuing the sum of £8 gold or silver of VA; wit. Joseph Staton, Esther Staton, Jesse Duncan, William Conquest, Richard Conquest; proved 30 June 1789 by Richard Conquest and William Conquest and 17 Oct. 1789, by Jesse Duncan.
      7-266: 3 Jan. 1789, Eli Duncan of Accomack Parish & Co. VA to Joshua Wheelton of same, for £80, messuage or tract of land by estimation 45 acres adj. on N. by Jacob Taylor, E. by Jessee Duncan and William Mason's heirs, W. by John Shays, S. by said Shay & Masson, owned in estate of inheritance; mortgage, Duncan to pay by 1 March next ensuing the sum of £8 gold or silver of VA; wit. Joseph Staton, Esther Staton, Jesse Duncan, William Conquest, Richard Conquest; proved 30 June 1789 by Richard Conquest and William Conquest and 17 Oct. 1789, by Jesse Duncan. Margin note: "N.B. This deed recorded before." (MAD: deeds on pg.263 and 266 are identical)
      7-299: 2 Feb. 1789, Eli Duncan and wife Mary of Accomack Parish & Co. VA to Jesse Duncan of same, for £7.10, 10 acres in Massongo Swamp, part of land said Eli bought of William Ross, adj. heirs of William Mason, Jesse Duncan's line; wit. James Duncan Sr., James Duncan Jr., Meshack Duncan. (no separate examination of wife Mary)
      7-484: 23 March 1791, Isaac Warner of Accomack Parish & Co. VA to Jesse Duncan of same, Isaac Warner and wife Eliza. for for £60, 30 acres that Warner bought of George Northam, adj. Southy Lucas, Archibald Armstrader, Daniel Shae decd; wit. James Duncan Sr., John Small (X) Jr., John (X) Jester, Leah (X her) Sandford; Elizabeth Warner examined separately.
            1789-1799 District Court (FHL film 30,022)
      Pg.56: 1 May 1793, James Duncan & wife Anne (X) of Accomack Co. VA to John Burton of same, for £281.10, 280 acres more or less, part of tract known as Gales Land, 200 acres of which are in Messongo Swamp, adj. Southy Lucas's line, line dividing principles from lands of John Howard, Jacob Taylor, Wm. Hinman & Wm. L. Lucas, corner formerly Hopman & Gales, lands of Hopman & John Northam; the remaining 80 acres of said Gales lands are in Cat Tail Swamp, on road from Messongo to Muddy Creek and at Robert Bayly's and James Small's corner; Anne examined separately.
      Pg.58: 19 Oct. 1793, James Duncan & wife Anne (X) of Accomack Co. VA to Dublin Drummond of same, for £25, 25 acres at side of road called Galloping Ridge Road, Litchfield's line, Burton's corner, which lands were late the property of Geo. Gale Esq. of Baltimore and sold by him to James Duncan; wife Anne examined separately.
      Pg.60: 19 March 1793, George Gale of Baltimore Town, MD, Gent., to James Duncan of Accomack Co. VA, for £900, all that lot known as Gale's tract on the heads of Messongo, Catt Tail & Muddy Creeks in Accomack Parish & Co. VA; will defend himself and his heirs and the heirs of Levin Gale and Leah Gale, both late of Somerset Co. decd; wit. John Burton, Solomon Boston, Michael Wise, John Grant, Solomon Boston, Elius Sreos; proved 17 Oct. 1793 by John Burton, 18 Oct. 1793 by John Grant, and 19 Oct. 1793 by Solomon Boston.
      Pg.62: 19 Oct. 1793, James Duncan and wife Anne (X) of Accomack Co. VA, to James Small of same, for £51.12.6, 70 acres, part of Gale's lands on road leading to Messongo bridge, Benstons & Litchfield's line; wife Anne examined separately.
      Pg.64: 19 Oct. 1793, James Duncan and wife Anne (X) of Accomack Co. VA, to Selby Bird of same, for £34.4, 31 acres, part of Gales land, corner Nathl. Bird, Jacob Bird, Bennet Mason & Solomon Boston, corner agreed upon by Ezariah Bloxon and Selby Bird; wife Anne examined separately.
      Pg.66: 5 May 1793, James Duncan and wife Anne (X) of Accomack Co. VA, to John Litchfield, for £48.15, 100 acres adj. post nearly opposite the late dwelling house of Elijah Lucas decd, the afsd lands lately purchased by said James Duncan of Geo. Gale Esq; wife Anne examined separately; wit. John Burton, Solomon Boston.
      Pg.68: 19 Oct. 1793, James Duncan and wife Anne (X) of Accomack Co. VA, to Solomon Boston of same, for £36.17.6, 50 acres part of Gale's lands adj. James Smalls corner, Bennet Mason's line, Burton's line and corner; wife Anne examined separately.
      Pg.223: 13 April 1797, James Duncan Sr. and wife Ann (X) and Solomon Johnson of Accomack Co. VA, to Zadock Johnson of same, for £90 paid by Solomon Johnson the Elder in his lifetime, sell to Zadock Johnson 122 acres more or less, which lands were lately the property of a certain George Gale of Baltimore and by him sold to said James Duncan, adj. lands of Major Bird, Solomon Johnson and James Duncan, heirs of Solomon Johnson and Henry Fletcher and Solomon Johnson; wit. John Stanford, Meshack Duncan, Bennet Mason; Anne examined separately.
      Pg.225: 12 April 1797, James Duncan Sr. and wife Ann (X), Solomon Johnson and Zadock Johnson of Accomack Co. VA, to Bennet Mason of same, for £15, 14-3/4 acres in Cat Tail Swamp more or less, lately property of George Gale Esq. of Baltimore Town who sold to James Duncan, adj. lands of heirs of Jacob Bird Sr., said Bennet Mason; wit. Meshack Duncan, John Sanford, Telitha Northam (X her); Anne examined separately.
      Pg.226: 13 April 1797, James Duncan Sr. and wife Ann (X) and Zadock Johnson of Accomack Co. VA, to Solomon Johnson the younger of same, for £33.11 paid by Solomon Johnson the elder in his lifetime, 45-1/2 acres late the property of a certain George Gale of Baltimore who sold to James Duncan, adj. road from Muddy Creek to Masengo, and lands of Griffin Killey and heirs of Wm. Killey; wit. John Sandford, Meshack Duncan, Bennet Mason; Anne examined separately.
            Vol.8, 1793-1797 (FHL film 30,049)
      8-54: 22 Jan. 1793, Isaac Warner and wife Elizabeth of Accomack Parish & Co. VA to Jesse Duncan of same, for £55.5, 42-1/2 acres that Warner bought of Jabez Pitt, in Mesango Swamp, adj. N. corner of my lands that I bought of Shadrach Taylor, land of heirs of Eli Duncan decd, land of Thomas Bayly; wit. Teackle Taylor, William (X) Whaley, James Taylor.
      8-86: 27 May 1793, Jesse Duncan and wife Keziah of Accomack Co. VA to Shadrack Taylor of same, for £5, 2-1/2 acres now in possession of said Taylor, being part of 50 acres bought by said Jesse of said Taylor, on easternmost side of said 50 acres; wit. Shadrack Taylor, Euphamy Taylor, Geo. Justice.
      8-89: 28 Oct. 1793, James Duncan and wife Anne of Accomack Co. VA to Jacob Bird of same, for £24.7.6, 25 acres, part of land Duncan lately purchased of George Gale Esq. of Baltimore Town, adj. road from Mesongo Bridge to Muddy Creek Mill, Nathaniel Bird's line, road, Bennet Mason's line; wife Anne examined.
      8-90: 28 Oct. 1793, James Duncan and wife Anne of Accomack Co. VA to Bennet Mason of same, for £24.7.6, 25 acres, part of Gales lands, adj. bridge on road from Messongo bridge to Muddy Creek mill; wife Anne examined.
      8-91: 28 Oct. 1793, James Duncan and wife Anne of Accomack Co. VA to Azariah Bloxom of same, for £27, 20 acres, part of Gales land in Cat Tail Swamp adj. lands of Selby Bird late George Gale Esq., Solomon Boston lately said Gale's, said Azariah Bloxom lately William Bloxom of Cat Tail; wife Anne examined.
      8-92: 28 Oct. 1793, James Duncan and wife Anne of Accomack Co. VA to William Levin Lucas of same, for £17.7.6, 25 acres, part of Gales lands, adj. late dwelling house of Elijah Lucas decd, road called Galloping Ridge, John Litchfield's line; wife Anne examined.
      8-223: 10 Dec. 1794, Jesse Duncan of Accomack Co. VA and wife Keziah to William Northam, for £50, 30 acres being the parcel Jesse bought of Isaac Warner adj. lands of Southy Lucan (Lucas?), Archibald Traders, Daniel Shay decd, Jabez Lucas's heirs; wit. George Warner, Isaac Warner, Selby Luckus; wife Keziah examined.
      8-331: 24 May 1795, James Duncan Sr. and wife Anne of Accomack Co. VA to Robert Bailey of same, 30 sh., 1 acre more or less, part of land Duncan bought from Elijah Lucas decd, adj. lands said Bailey bought of Solomon Johnson decd, adj. Massongo & Muddy Creek road; wit. Meshack Duncan, Sarah Duncan, Rachel Duncan; wife Anne examined.
            Vol.10, 1800-1804 (FHL film 30,051)
      10-217: 3 Oct. 1801, Walter Bevans of Accomack Co. VA to Caleb Duncan of same, for £224.14, 107 acres adj. James Collins, Ralph Jenkins, William Bevans, John (Ales?) (blotted), Teackle Warrington; wit. James J. Abbott, Robert Crippin, John (X) Busedick?.
      10-407: 27 June 1803, bond of Jesse Duncan, Joab Northam, and James J. Abbott? to Commissioners of VA, for $500; that Jesse Duncan was appointed Constable.
            Vol.11, 1804-1807 (FHL film 30,052)
      11-354: 24 June 1805, Jesse Duncan & others to Commissioners of VA (not copied)
      11-803: 30 June 1807, Jesse Duncan & others to Commissioners of VA (not copied)
            Vol.13, 1810-1812 (FHL film 30,053)
      13-171: 18 April 1802 (indexed 1810), George Thomas to Jesse Duncan, both Accomack Co. VA, for $1100 due on a bond, to secure payment by said George Thomas, mortgage to Jesse Duncan 500 acres, part of tract devised Thomas by his father (unnamed), adj. Joseph Powell, Cuten heirs, Kens (Kess?) heirs, the sea; wit. Jacob Northam, Leven (X) Harman, Henry (X) Trador, Jesse Duncan Jr., James Northam.
      13-177: 24 Dec. 1810, James Duncan Jr. to Nicholas P. Godwin, for $250, 45 acres in neighborhood of Mosongo adj. Mary Cale, John Rue, Colo. John Cropper, Jessey Duncan, heirs of Isaac Warner and William Mason decd; wit. Jacob Wamon, Wm. S. Mathews, Riley Fisher, Levin Bloxom.
      13-239: 20 May 1811, George Warner Jr. and wife Elizabeth of Accomack Co. VA to Jesse Duncan Sr. of same, for $400, 65 acres in neighborhood of Masongo, adj. former lands of said Jesse Duncan, lands of Colo. John Cropper, Solomon Warner, heirs of Nathaniel Conquest; wife Elizabeth examined.
      13-479: 13 July 1812, Jesse Duncan to Jno. (/s/) Wharton, for $39.59, release and quit claim to mortgage that Duncan has against lands of George D. Thomas; wit. Edward Nock.
            Vol.14, 1812-1815 (FHL film 30,054)
      14-230: 16 April 1813, Southy (X) Lucas of Accomack Co. VA to Caleb Duncan of same, "one hundred cents", negro boy Levin; wit. Teackle Shay, John Parks.
      14-448: 20 Aug. 1814, Nicholas P. Godwin and wife Sarah of Accomack Co. VA to William Duncan of same, for $476, 68 acres more or less in neighbourhood of Mesongos, adj. land of Mary Hall, John Rue, Jesse Duncan Sr., heirs of Teackle Taylor, except Polly Trader's dower; wit. Edmund Godwin, Thomas Fletcher Jr., Edmund Duncan. Commissioners to examine Sarah, done 15 Sept. 1814.
            Vol.15, 1815-1817 (FHL film 30,055)
      15-50: 10 Feb. 1815, Edmund Duncan of Accomack Co. VA to Thorogood Taylor of same, for $140, negro girl Sarah; no wit.
      15-143: 26 June 1815, bond of Caleb Duncan, William Sharply, Jno. Marshall, to Commissioners of VA, for $1000, Caleb Duncan appointed Constable.
      15-241: 26 Sept. 1815, Archibald (X) Trader and wife Polly (X) of Accomack Co. VA to William Duncan of same, for $25, their right or dowery to lands formerly belonging to Eli Duncan in the neighbourhood of Mesongoes; wit. Thomas Young, Levi Dix.
      15-301: 2-th (MAD: can't read 2nd digit) day April 1800, James Duncan and wife Nanny of Accomack Co. VA to Robert Bayly Jr. of same, for £3.10, their interest to land, being part of tract said James Duncan bought of Elijah Lucas decd, 1-1/4a, adj. said Duncan's line, said Robt. Bayly's line, the road; wit. Teackle Shay, Peggy Shay, Sinah (X her) Hopman; no signature or release of Nanny Duncan; proved 27 Nov. 1811 by Teackle Shay and Peggy Shay, and 26 Feb. 1816 by Sinah Hudson late Sinah Hoffman.
      15-485: 4 July 1816, George (+) Martin of Accomack Parish & Co. VA to Jessee Duncan Sr. of same, for $46, land formerly in possession of John Riley and others, recovered by me and others of said Riley, in St.Georges Parish, Accomack Co., near the head of Anday Creek, 6 acres being my part of the land; wit. Edmund Duncan, James Duncan Sr., Zadock (+) Baley, Upshurd (+) Baley.
      15-486: 20 June 1816, Elizabeth (+) Martin of Accomack Parish & Co. VA to Jesse Duncan Sr. of same, for $40, land formerly in possession of John Riley recovered by me Elizabeth Martin & others of said Riley, in St.Georges Parish, Accomack Co., near the head of Anders? Creek, 6 acres being my part of the land; wit. Wm. Duncan, Henry Smart, Wm. Fletcher, Bennet M. Bird.
      15-507: 28 Jan. 1817, Jesse Duncan of Accomack Co. VA to Major S. Pitts, Thomas M. Bayly and Richard D. Bayly, for $4.03 per acre, the quantity of acres to be hereafter ascertained by survey, the 2/3 part of 1/3 part of undivided tract which Bezelet? Watson and others lately in Superior Court recovered from John Riley and others, in St. George Parish on head of Anders? Creek, which Duncan bought from George Martin and Elizabeth Martin; wit. Thomas Cropper, Purnel O. Tweford?, Jno. H. Bayly, John Runs??, John P. Drummond.
            Vol.16, 1817-1818 (FHL film 30,056)
      16-270: 23 Feb. 1818, Jesse Duncan of Accomack Co. VA to Bennet M. Bird, for $120, land now in his actual possession, 100 acres in neighbourhood of Muddy Creek, adj. Daniel T. Bird and heirs of Bennett Mason, Abbott Trader and William (no second name), heirs of Robert Bayly and Elijah Lucas, Zadock Bayly, Wm. L. Lucas and William Northam, Custis Northam, heirs of Edmund Duncan, Johanas Bird, Daniel T. Bird; wit. Jno. H. Bayly, Jno. W. Cropper, William Grinalds.
            Vol.17, 1818-1819 (FHL film 30,056)
      17-208: (no date), Jesse Duncan Sr. of Accomack Co. VA to William Duncan, for $500, negro girl Peggy; wit. Wm. Mason, Meshack Duncan, James Duncan; court 25 Jan. 1819, proved by all witnesses.
      17-208: 12 Oct. 1818, Jesse Duncan Sr. and wife Elizabeth of Accomack Co. VA to Meshack Duncan, for $800, 100 acres in neighbourhood of Mosengos, adj. lands of William Duncan and Genl. Jno?. Cropper, adj. lands said Jesse Duncan Sr. bought of Warner, Staton Taylor's lands; wit. John Lewis, Purnele Choper?, William Honman?; proved by oath of wit.
      17-283: 18 Nov. 1818, Jesse Duncan Sr. and wife Betsy of Accomack Co. VA to William Duncan of same, for $400, 65 acres in neighbourhood of Mosengo, adj. former lands of said Jesse Duncan, lands of Genl. John Cropper, Solomon Harner?, Thorowgood Taylor & Meshack Duncan; no signature by Betsy; wit. Southy Northam, Gillett Watson, Purnel Chesser; proved 27 April 1819 by witnesses except Gillett Watson now decd.
      17-300: 29 April 1819, William Duncan and wife Sally (X) of Accomack Co. VA to Thorowgood Taylor, for $390, 65 acres in neighbourhood of Mesongoes, adj. Meshack Duncan, Genl. John Cropper, Solomon Martin?, land said Taylor bought of Nathaniel Conquest, except the wife of Jesse Duncan Sr.'s claim to dower; wit. James W. Toiford?, Jno. Cropper, Geo. S. Fisher; Comrs. sent to examine Sally, done 6 May 1819.
            Vol.18, 1819-1820 (FHL film 30,057)
      18-234: 12 June 1819, James Duncan Sr. and Attalanta his wife of Accomack Co. VA to Thomas Teackle Taylor of same, for $1000, 150 acres by estimation adj. lands of Ephraim Watson, John Watson, William P?. Weathers? (Sen?), Ephraim Watson purchased of Levin Mathews, Elias Matthews formerly William Shiphams, George Mindes? formerly Leven Delastations, and Ephraim Watson formerly John Watson decd; wit. David Watts, P. Gillet, Wm. S. Matthews (Sr.); comrs. sent to examine Attalanta, done 19 June 1819.
      18-301: 29 July 1820, Meshack Duncan of Accomack Co. VA to William Duncan of same, for $800, 100 acres in the neighbourhood of Mesongos, adj. land said William Duncan bought of Mr. Nicholas P. Godwin, Genl. John Cropper, Captain Thorogood Taylor, Staton Taylor; wit. William Mason, Purnel Choper, John Lewis.
      18-302: 20 Nov. 1820, Solomon Warner of Accomack Co. VA to Meshack Duncan of same, for $1,000, 35 acres in neighborhood of Mesongoes, adj. land of Capt. Thorowgood Taylor, Genl. John Cropper, Richard Coke, Shadrack Taylor; wit. Jacob Warner, John Lucas, Wm. Duncan.

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