Duncan research files of |
Scott Co. TN Deeds (SLC 9/29-30/2011 and 3/26/2012; wanted deeds to/from Craven, G.B., or Ewell Duncan, and Duncan to Duncan)
Deeds, v. C-E 1859-1875 (FHL film 926,297)
C-135/137: 4 Feb. 1861, Joshua Duncan Sr. sell to Oliver Duncan for $1,000 paid four tracts or parcels of land containing by estimation 218 acres more or less on the waters of Buffalow Creek in Scott Co. TN and District No.6, bounded beg. on a white oak on the point of a ridge, then ... crossing the creek, then crossing the road; the second tract corner to Robert Standley, then to ... near the bank of a small drain?, then ... near the side of the road Richard Sharps corner; the third tract, side of the road bank, then ... crossing Buffalow Creek; the forth tract on the north side of the creek near J. Sharps corner, then ... near the line of Acres? Witt, to ... beach at Duncan's orchard; warrant title. /s/ J. Duncan. Wit. J.J. Duncan, Henry Duncan. 4 Feb. 1861, Joshua Duncain appeared before Richard Penberton, Clerk of County Court. Recorded 26 Feb. 1861, Book C, pg.135&136. Transcribed from the original Book C, pg.147.
C-137/138: 4 April 1837, Joel Chitwood sold to Joshua Duncan Jr. for $70 paid, a tract of land in District No.8, Scott Co. TN, containing by estimation 100 acres more or less, bound ... on Joel Chitwood's N? line and fence?, then ... with the old line, warrant title. /s/ Joel Chitwood. Wit. Jeremiah McPeters, Henry H. Chitwood. Joel Chitwood appeared 22 July 1857 before R. Chambers, Dept. Clerk of the Scott Co. Court. Recorded Feb. 26, 1861. Transcribed from the original Book C pgs.148 & 149.
C-143/144: 2 Oct. 1860, James S. Duncan of Morgan Co. TN to David? A. Duncan and John M. Foster of Wayne Co. KY, for $110 paid, sell a certain tract of land in Scott Co. on the east side of Black Creek, beg. on the side of said creek, on Joseph Burnett's corner and line; containing 110 acres more or less, it being part of two grants No.22344 and 22325, warrant title. /s/ James S. Duncan, Wit. G.W. Duncan, John H. Byrd. James S. Duncan appeared 8 Oct. 1860 before R. Pemberton, Clerk of the County Court, Scott Co. TN. Recorded 27 Feb. 1861, noted in note book A on pg.5, and registered in Book C pg.152&3.
E-249: 6 Oct. 1864, Joshua Duncain to Granville C. Duncain for $600 paid, a tract of land in Scott Co. TN on the Trace Fork of Buffalo Creek containing by estimation 250 acres more or less, bounded on the line of a 500 acre survey at a small branch on the south side of said creek, then down the creek to the conditional line made by the parties, then crossing the creek at the lower line of what is called the Crane place, ... top of the ridge; warrant title. /s/ Joshua Duncain. Wit. Joel Chitwood, J.G?. Chitwood. The bargainer appeared 3 March 1864 before C.C. Reed, Clerk of Scott Co. TN. Recorded March 4, 1864, noted in note book A pg.16 & 17 and registered in Book 6 on pg.249.
E-259/260: 3 Feb. 1866, E.R. Duncan and C. Duncan admrs of James S. Duncan decd of Morgan Co. TN appoint Sam Long of Clinton Co. KY our attorney for three months to sell the parcels or tracts of land in Morgan Co. TN, described as one tract conveyed by E.R. Duncan to James? S. ?? by review?? dated 11 Jan. 1861, one tract conveyed by G.H. Girobsky? to said Duncan 500 acres 11 Jan. 1861, grant to said Duncan 500 acres 11 Jan. 1861, grant to said Duncan No. 25149 Entry 2232, 34 March 1851? (1853?) for 200 acres, also grant to same of No. 28759 of entry 2210 dated 17th 1851? for 100 acres, also grant to said J.S. Duncan of No.27730 entry 3110 dated 10 May 1851 for 640 acres, also deed from Prostan? Haman dated 15th March 1849 for 400 acres, deed from Wm? Sumuns & Sam also dated 27 March 1852 for 5040? acres, deed from Joseph Shandwell dated 21 Nov. 1864 for 50 acres, deed from W. Todd 31 Jan. 1847 for 200 acres, deed from Valantine Uling? 18 June 1853 for 104-3/4 acres, also the following tracts belonging to the estate of said James S. Duncan decd laying in Scott Co. TN, to wit, grant to Duncan & Hrun? ces? 1/2 of which is 2000 acres no.29722 Entry 3200? dated 15 Sept? 1851, deed from H. Gerallin? for 1000 acres dated 4 March 1842, deed from R.M. Bennett dated 12 Sept. 1854 for 30 acres, [part?] of No.29147? entry No.47 dated 2 Sept. 1854 for 200 acres, containing forty eight thousand six hundred ninety and ? acres, together with the tenements, ... and appurtenances, and deliver such deeds (etc.). /s/ E.R. Duncain, C. Duncan, admrs. of James S. Duncan. Wit. Isaac Risden, James? C. Jasker?. E.R. Duncain and Craven Duncain appeared 3 Feb. 1860 before C.C. Reed, Clerk of Scott Co. TN. Recorded March 10, 1861. Foregoing power of attorney was filed in my office, note book A, pg.111, 8 March 1866, Morgan Co. TN. Filed in Scott Co. TN March 10, 1866. Next document is power of attorney from John F. Scott of Morgan Co. TN to Sam Long of Clinton? Co. KY attorney to sell land in Scott Co. TN (not copied). (FHL film 926,297 item 3; cannot read handwriting)
E-294/296: 27 April 1866, E.R. Duncan & C. Duncan, Admrs. of James S. Duncan deceased of Morgan Co. TN, appoint Sam Long of Clinton Co. KY attorney for us for 3 months to sell certain pieces or grants of land in Morgan Co. TN, one tract conveyed by E.R. Duncan to Jas. S. Duncan on 1 Nov. 1854 for 5000 acres, one tract conveyed by G.F. Girding? to J.S. Duncan on 11 June 1861 for 500 acres, one grant to J.S. Duncan No.29154 Entry No.2232 dated 3 March 1853 for 200 acres, one grant to same No.28758 of Entry No.3211 dated 17 Nov. 1857 for 100 acres, one grant to J.S. Duncan No.27730 of Entry No.3146? (blotted) dated 30 May 1850 for 640 acres, one tract conveyed to same by Preston Hunan 5 March 1859 for 800 acres, one tract conveyed to same by W. Survers? & Samuel Hall 27 March 1852 for 5000 acres, tract conveyed to same by Joseph Hudfall 21 Nov. 1854 for 50 acres, tract conveyed by Wm. Todd 31 Jan. 1857 for 200 acres, tract conveyed by Valentine Ulian 18 June 1853 for 105-1/2 acres, also following tracts of land belonging to estate of said James S. Duncan deceased in Scott Co. TN, one grant to (faded left margin) Duncan & Francis Duncans part of which 2500 acres No.27722 Entry containing acres together with the tenaments {*see back of this sheet for calsuel?} appurtenances [etc.], /s/ E.R. Duncan, Craven Duncan Jr. Wit. J?.F. Scott, S?.F. Scott. Enock R. Duncan and Craven Duncan Jr. appeared 27 April 1866 before John S. Scott, Clerk of Morgan Co. Court.
(pg.296) *No.3200 date of Entry, 15 Sept. 1851, one tract conveyed by H. Lewallan for 1000 acres dated 31st March 1852, tract conveyed by R.M. Bennet dated 12th Sept. 1854 for 30? acres and grant No.29157 of Entry No.51 dated 2nd Sept. 1851 for 200 acres, Grant No.27047 Entry No.50 date of entry Sept. 2, 1851 for 5000 acres and grant No.27641 of Entry No. (blank) date 3 Sept. 1849 for 5000 acres, one deed from C.H. Saffle dated 22nd Oct. 1854 for 500 acres, one deed from J.H.S. Scott dated 22nd July 1857 for 150 acres, one deed from Mathew Davis dated 8th of January 1856 for 25 acres, one deed from said Davis dated 8th Jan. 1856 for 51 acres and one deed from said Davis dated 15th August 1855 for 140 acres, one deed from J.F. Scott dated 30th day of March 1855 for 4000 acres, one deed from J.F. Scott dated 14th December 1859 for 3000 acres, one deed from Bailey Butram Shff of Scott County Tennessee of date 22nd Sept. 1857 for 10000 acres. State of TN, Scott Co., the foregoing power of attorney was filed in my office and noted in note book A page 112, 27 April 1866, registered the same day with the certificate therein in Book N, page 441. (FHL film 926,297 item 3)
Deeds, v. F-G 1866-1872 (FHL film 926,298)
F-67/68: 11 March 1866, Joshua Duncain sell to David Acres for $500 paid, tract or parcel of land in Scott Co. TN on Buffalo Creek, District No.6, containing by estimation 200 acres more or less, adj. a hundred acre survey, side of a ridge, a ridge near a steep bluff, with the creek, side of the mountain, corner of Jackson Luckstom?s land, Wm. Sharp's line, conditional line made by Joshua Duncain and David Acres, the road; warrant title. /s/ Joshua Duncain. Wit. Joel? Kirkwood???, Francis Chitwood. Joshua Duncain appeared 5 August 1866 before C.C. Reil, Clerk. Recorded Oct. 1?, 1866.
F-68/70: 1 July 1866, Joshua Duncaine Sr. to Henry Duncaine, both Scott Co. TN, for $200 paid, sell to said Henry Duncain a tract, piece or parcel of land containing 100 acres, known as the Elliswick tract, in Scott Co. TN on Paint Rock Creek, the waters of New River, ... on the north side of the creek, foot of the mountain, ... together with appurtenances etc., warrant title. /s/ J. Duncaine. Wit. Grancille C. Duncaine, Champion (X) Duncaine. Joshua Duncaine appeared 20 Aug. 1866 before C.C. Read, Clerk of Scott Co. Court. Recorded 1? Oct. 1866.
F-314: 24 July 1865, Joel Lewallen of Scott Co. TN to Craven Duncain of same, for $600 paid, sell real estate, certain tract or parcel of land in Scott Co. TN on both sides of Wolf Creek containing 100 acres more or less including the Adair plantation, warrant title. /s/ Joel (X) Lewallen. Wit. W. M. Redman, Mathew F. Duke?. J.M. Cardill and James McDonald appeared 14 April 1868 before Harrison Reed, Clerk of Scott Co. Court, who were familiar with the handwriting of W.H. Redman, subscribing witness, also personally appeared John Daughty who was acquainted with the handwriting of Mathew F. Davis?. Recorded (14 April 1868).
F-383/386: Craven Duncan and E.R. Duncan administrators of James S. Duncan vs. Emma Duncan widow et al heirs and creditors of James S. Duncan deceased. Orig. & Insolvent, Bill. The cause coming on to be further heard ... Chancery Court at Montgomery for Morgan Co. 21 March 1867 upon the original Bill, Exhibits, Judgement pro confesso answer of the guardian at litem and the report of the Clerk & Master made at the present term of this court, which said report being unaccepted to, is by the court in all things confirmed. It appearing to the Court that the intestate James S. Duncan was at the time of his death seized in fee and possession of all the lands hereinafter described and that a good title has descended to his widow and children, and it appearing from the report afsd that the debts and liabilities against said estate cannot be paid without a sale of the real estate belonging to said estate, the Court orders the following tracts be sold for cash in hand or upon time as in the opinion of the special Commissioner to be hereafter appointed will be best, 1st Tract, 2nd Tract, (3rd through 10th Tract) 11th Tract, 12th Tract Recorded in Registers Office of Morgan Co. Book O, pg.41. 9th Tract, 200 acres in Scott Co. TN on waters of middle fork of Wolf Creek conveyed by James S. Duncan to William Todd by deed Nov. 7, 1855 and by Todd conveyed to said Duncan by deed Jany. 31, 1857 recorded in Morgan Co. in Book N pg.392. 13th Tract, 5,000 acres of land in Scott Co. TN on waters of New River & Brimstone Creek granted by TN to James S. Duncan Dec. 15, 1849, by Grant No.27641, Entered Sept. 3, 18(blot), recorded in office of Register of East TN at Knoxville. 14th Tract, 200 acres in Scott Co. TN on waters of Black Creek a tributary of the Clear Fork of the Cumberland River granted by TN to James S. Duncain July 12, 1854 by Grant No.29157, Entered Sept. 5, 1851? by Entry No.51 recorded ... Vol.29 Pg.1056. 15th Tract, 5,000 acres of land in Scott Co. TN on waters of Brimstone Creek a tributary? of New River granted by TN to James S. Duncain Sept. 20? 1851 by grant No.27047 entered Sept. 2? 1841 by Entry No.50 recorded ... 16th Tract, (one word)? 500 acres in Scott Co. TN on waters of Wolf White Creek, being the undivided 1/2 of a 5,000 acre tract granted by TN to James S. Duncain in ??? Oct? 8?, 1856 by Grant No.29,724 entered Sept.? 12, 18?? and recorded in Vol.?? page 476? 17th Tract 5,000 acres in Scott Co. TN on the waters of Black Wolf Creek granted by TN to Julin A?. Scott Dec. 31, 1838 by grant No.344 entered June 12? 1835 by Entry No.1725 recorded in Vol.20 pg.795 and by said Scott conveyed to Thomas McMassie? by deed June 23? 1842 recorded in Morgan Co. in Book E pg.39, 38 & 39? and by Sheriff and collector of Scott Co. to James S. Duncain by deed Sept? 22 1847 recorded in Scott Co. in Book D? pg.215 & 16 & 17. 18th Tract of 5,000 acres in Scott Co. TN on both sides of New River granted by TN to Gulin F. Scott Dec. 28, 18?? by grant No.206? entered Oct. 8 1825? by Entry No. ??? recorded Vol.26? page 195? and by said Scott conveyed to Thomas M.M... by deed June 25, 1842, recorded in Morgan Co. in Book E pgs. 31,35 & 38, and by Sheriff & Collector of Scott Co. to Jas. S. Duncain by deed Sept. 22, 1857 recorded in Scott Co. in Book L? pg.215 & 16 & 17. 19th Tract of 5,000 acres of land in Scott Co. TN on waters of Clear Fork of the Cumberland, being part of two separate tracts of land granted by State of TN to Julin F. Scott and by said Scott conveyed to James S. Duncain by deed Dec. 14, 1847 recorded in Scott Co. in Book B page 232. 20th Tract, 5,000 acres in Scott Co. TN on both sides of New River being a tract of 5,000 acres granted by TN to Julin F. Scott Dec. 31, 1838 by Grant 22,243 entered Jany. ? 1834? by entry No.1726 recorded in Vol.20 page 795 and by said Scott conveyed to James S. Duncain by deed March 3, 1845 recorded in Scott Co. in Book 6 pg.236 & 239. 21st Tract, 150 acres in Scott Co. TN on waters of Black Creek & Shrell? Creek being a part of Grant No.27,470 to Julin F. Scott by TN, Entry 1625, and by Scott conveyed to James S. Duncain by deed July 22, 1847 recorded in Scott Co. in Book A pg.228 & 119. 22nd Tract, 140 acres in Scott Co. TN on waters of Puscters? Branch a tiantan?? of Black Wolf Creek conveyed by Mathew P. Davis to James S. Duncain by deed Aug. 16? 1855 recorded in Scott Co. in Book E? pgs.255?&256?. 23rd Tract, 51 acres in Scott Co. TN conveyed by Mathew P?. Davis to James S. Duncain by deed Jany. 8?, 1856, recorded in Scott Co. Book E pg.235 & 36. 24th Tract, 25 acres in Scott Co. TN conveyed by Mathew F?. Davis to James S. Duncain by deed Jan. 8, 1856, recorded Scott Co. Book E, pgs.234 & 235. 25th Tract, 30 acres in Scott Co. TN adj. town of Huntsville conveyed by R.M. Bennett to James S. Duncain by deed Sept. 12, 1857, recorded Scott Co. TN in Book A pages Oct.12, 1854. (sic) 26th Tract, 5,000 acres in Scott Co. TN conveyed by TN to Thomas S. Lire? in 1838 by Entry No.2348 and conveyed by C.H?. Saffell to James S. Duncain by deed Oct. 23, 1854, recorded in Scott Co. Book C? Pgs.491 & 492. 27th Tract in Fentress Co. containing 133-1/2? acres. The court appoints Charles L. Cowan of City of New York a special commissioner to sell the lands aforesaid. Certification by John H. Brient, Clerk and Master of Chancery Court of Morgan Co. TN, about the decree at the Chancery Court at March term 1867 in case of Craven Duncan and E.R. Duncan, Administrators of the Estate of James S. Duncan deceased against Emma O?. Duncan, widow and the heirs and creditors of said James S. Duncan as the same remains of record, 23 March 1867. (FHL film 926,298)
F-386/390: Report of Charles G?. Cowan of City of New York, Special Commissioner, for $5,000 paid, convey to Richard K. Warren? of City of New York all those tracts in TN belonging to estate of late James S. Duncan deceased, 1st Tract to 9th Tract in Morgan Co. recorded in Morgan Co. Book O pg.41, 10th Tract 200 acres on the waters of the Middle Fork of Wolf Creek conveyed by James S. Duncan to William Todd by deed Nov. 7 1853 and by said Todd reconveyed to said Jas. S. Duncan by deed Jan. 31, 1857, recorded in Morgan Co. in Book N, page 392.
11th Tract & 12th Tract, recorded in Morgan Co., 13th Tract, 800 acres of land in Morgan Co. recorded Book N, pge 392. 14th Tract, 5,000 acres in Scott Co. on waters of New River & Brimstone Creek granted by State of TN to James S. Duncan Dec. 15, 1849, by grant No.27641 entered Sept. 3, 1849 by entry No. (blank) recorded in office of Register of East Tennessee at Knoxville in Vol. (blank) page (blank).
15th Tract, 200 acres in Scott Co. on waters of Black Creek a tributary of the clear fork of the Cumberland River, granted by State of TN to James S. Duncan July 12, 1854, by Grant No.29157 entered Sept. 2? 1851 by Entry No.51, recorded in office of Register of East TN at Knoxville in Vol.29 page 1016.
16th Tract - 5,000 acres of land in Scott Co. on waters of Brimstone creek, a tributary of New River, granted by TN to James S. Duncan Sept. 30, 1851 by Grant No. 27047 entered Sept. 2, 1857, by Entry No.30?, recorded in East TN at Knoxville (vol.&page blank).
17th Tract, 2500 acres of land in Scott Co. on waters of Wolf White Oak & Black Creeks being the undivided one half of a 5000 acre tract granted by TN to James S. Duncan Oct. 8, 1856, by Grant No. 29722 entered Sept. 15, 1851, by Entry No.3200 recorded East TN Vol.30 page 450.
18th Tract, 5,000 acres of land in Scott Co. on waters of Black Wolf Creek granted by TN to Julia F. Scott Dec. 31, 1838 by Grant No. 22344 entered June 13, 1835, by Entry No.1725 recorded East TN Vol.20 page 795 and by said Scott conveyed to Thomas M. Manus by deed June 25, 1842, recorded Morgan Co. Book E, pg.37, 38 & 39 and by Sheriff & Collector of Scott Co. conveyed to James S. Duncan by deed Sept. 22, 1857, recorded Scott Co. Book B pages 215, 216 & 217.
19th Tract, 5,000 acres of land in Scott Co. on both sides of New River, granted by TN to Julian F. Scott Dec. 26, 1823 by grant 22,236 entered Oct. 19, 1833? by entry No.1738 recorded E.TN Vol.20 page 793 and by said Scott conveyed to Thomas McManus by deed June 25, 1848? recorded Morgan Co. Book E, pages 37, 38 & 39, and by Scott Co. Sheriff conveyed to Jas S. Duncan by deed Sept. 22, 1857, recorded Scott Co. Book B, pages 215, 216, & 217.
20th Tract, 3,000 acres of land in Scott Co. on waters of the Clear Fork of the Cumberland River, being part of two separate tracts of land granted by TN to Julian F. Scott of Entry No.1625 & 2273 and by said Scott conveyed to James S. Duncan by deed Dec. 14, 1857?, recorded Scott Co. Book B, page 232.
21st Tract, 4,000 acres of land in Scott Co. on waters of New River, being part of tract of 5,000 acres granted by TN to Julian F. Scott Dec. 31, 1838, by Grant No. 22243? entered Jany. 13, 1835 on entry No.1726 recorded E.TN Vol.20 page 79, and by said Scott conveyed to James S. Duncan by deed March 3, 1855? recorded Scott Co. Book E, pg.236? & 237.
22nd Tract, 150 acres of land in Scott Co., a part of 3,000 acre tract on waters of Skull Creek and ?? Creek granted by TN to Julian F. Scott by Grant 27470? Entry 42?? conveyed to James S. Duncan by deed July 15? 1851? recorded Scott Co. Book U? pages 118 & 119.
23rd Tract, 150? acres of land in Scott Co. conveyed by Mathew P. Davis to James S. Duncan by deed Jany. 8, 1856, recorded Book E, pg.255 & 256.
24th Tract, 51 acres in Scott Co. conveyed by Mathew P. Davis to James S. Duncan by deed Jany. 8, 1856, recorded Scott Co. Book E, pages 255 & 256.
25th Tract, 25 acres in Scott Co. conveyed by Mathew P. Davis to James S. Duncan by deed dated Jany. 8, 1856, recorded Scott Co. Book E, page 234 & 235.
26th Tract, 30 acres in Scott Co. adj. town of Huntsville, conveyed by B.M. Bennett to James S. Duncan by deed Sept. 12, 1854, recorded Scott Co. Book (blank) page (blank) Oct. 12, 1854.
27th Tract, 5,000 acres in Scott Co. conveyed by TN to Thomas Yen? in 1836 by Entry No.22345 (or 6) and conveyed by C.H. Gaffell? to James S. Duncan by deed bearing date Oct. 23, 1854, recorded Scott Co. TN Book A, pgs. 491 & 492.
28th Tract, 133 & 1/3 acres in Fentress Co. on waters of Clear Creek, being the undivided 1/3 interest of Jas. S. Duncan to a tract of 400 acres granted by TN to Julian F. Scott, William J. Scott & James S. Duncan by Grant No. 11324 dated May 10, 1854, entered Jan. 15, 1854 by Entry No. 1057, recorded in Office of Register of Mountain District at Sparta in Book X, pages 296 & 297.
With all appurtenances etc. & interest of James S. Duncan decd, and the said Charles S. Cowan covenants with Richard K. Warren that at the time of the delivery hereof, the widow and minor heirs of said James S. Duncan were the lurgent? owners of the premises above, and will warrant the said premises to said Richard K. Warren. 1 Nov. 1867, /s/ Charles S. Cowan, Special Commissioner. Wit. M.H. Berger, Edwin F. Corey Jr. Charles S. Cowan appeared 11 Nov. 1867 before Edwin F. Corey, commissioner in City of New York. Statement that deed was filed in Scott Co. office in Book B, page 20 & 21. (FHL film 926,298)
F-390/394: Deed from Richard A. Warren of City of New York to C. Gilden Call of same, for $5,000, Tracts: 10th, 11th?, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th. 13 July, 1868. (FHL film 926,298)
G-74/75: 6 Jan. 1868, Malissa Duncan to James Sexton, both of Scott Co. TN, for $20 paid, sell to said James Sexton my undivided interest or share in a tract of land in county & state afsd, District No.5, beg. at a dogwood James Sexton's corner, then on Sexton's line ... to corner of G.M. Duncan's land, then to Sexton's beginning corner, containing 120 acres more or less, warrant title. /s/ Malissa Duncan. Wit. Jefferson Pemberton, Moses T. Hurt. Melissa Duncan appeared 6 Jan. 1868 before J.C. Parker, Clerk of Scott Co. TN. Recorded Dec. 19, 1869. (MAD: wife of George W. Duncan)
G-76/77: 6 Jan. 1868, Melissa Duncan, Joel Parker and J.C. Hurt bound to James Sexton for $200, 1/2 of which is binding and collectable by law but void if the minor heirs of Melissa Duncan, to wit, John J., Alferd C., Nancy E., Milla J. shall on arriving at age 21 respectively shall assign and convey all their interest in a tract of land bought by George W. Duncan and conveyed to him by James S. Duncan, in Scott Co. on waters of Black Creek beg. at a corner of James Sextons, then ... to corner of G.W. Duncan, then ... to beginning. /s/ Melissa Duncan, Joel Parker, John C. Hurt. Wit. Jefferson Pemberton, Mosses F. Hurt. Melissa Duncan, Joel Parker and John C. Hurt appeared 6 Jany. 1868 before J.C. Parker, Clerk of Scott Co. Court. Recorded Dec. 19, 1869.
G-327/329: That on 5 Feb. 1859 James S. Duncan then of Scott Co. but now deceased executed to A.H. Griffith of same county, a title bond for 110? acres in Scott Co. on Brimstone creek for $50 ... James S. Duncan died intestate without a will, Craven Duncan was appointed administrator, ... C. Duncan and E.R. Duncan admin. ... Morgan Co. 1865 ... 5 March 1870. /s/ Craven Duncan, E.R. Duncan. (more not copied)
G-389/390: 25 Jan. 1871, Joshua Duncan and Oliver Duncan to James Sharp, for $300 paid, sell 3,000 acres in Scott Co. TN granted by said state to said Joshua & Oliver Duncan by Grant No.29558 dated 2 March 1856 and made on Entry No.5 in Scott Co. dated 15 May 1850 and surveyed 27 March 1852 by ref. to grant, together with appurtenances etc., warrant title. /s/ Oliver Duncan, Joshua (X) Duncan. Wit. R. Pemberton, Wm. H. Hinghite? Joshua Duncan and Oliver Duncan appeared 25 Feb. 1871 before W.B. Strunk?, Clk. Recorded 24 May 1871.
G-545/547: To the Hon. L.C. Houk, Judge of 17th Judicial Circuit of TN holding Chancery Court of Morgan Co. by Special Statute. The Bill of Complaint of Craven Duncan and E.R. Duncan residents of Morgan Co. TN, admin. of estate of James S. Duncan, decd, against Emmie Duncan, widow of said James S. Duncan, and Mary Ann, Lydia S., Burton M. and Elizabeth Jane Duncan, minor heirs at law of James S. Duncan, decd, who reside in Morgan Co. also, and Joel Lewallen, G.W. Keith, Baley Buttram admrs of Molton P. Davis decd who resides in Scott Co., and all other persons having claims against the estate of the deceased, complaints show that on 2 April 1863 James S. Duncan died intestate being wounded by a band of rebels, that at the June term of the Morgan Co. Court 1865 your complainants were appointed administrator of said estate and entered bond; they show there was no personal estate and the estate of deceased consisted of realty in Morgan and Scott Co. TN containing 50 or 60 thousand acres in all in various tracts, some by grants from the state to intestate and others by deed, nearly all of which are wild lands not in cultivation, some suitable for farming and others for grazing purposes, which are of considerable value and of which the widow has not been as yet endowed. The estate is greatly indebted ... exceed in value $1,000, there is nothing to pay the debt but the lands described. The complainants pray the parties named as such and all creditors be made parties defendants hereto and be required to answer so the estate [can] be wound up and adjudicated, that the land be sold in satisfaction of said debts, ... /s/ Craven Duncain, E.R. Duncain, admrs. of J.S. Duncain deceased. W.J. Scott & D.H?. Faning? Sols. [Solicitors]. E.R. Duncain and Craven Duncain ... appeared before John H. Brent, Morgan Co. TN, Sept. 3, 1866. Endorsed Sept. 1866 by L.C. Hawk, Judge &c.
Endorsed, No.64, Craven Duncain & E.R. Duncain Admrs. vs. Emmie Duncain widow et als, heirs and creditors of J.S. Duncaine decd, Filed 3 Sept. 1866. I John H. Brent. Remarks: Prosecution & Injunction Bond were given and filed, subponia were regularly issued and served upon the heirs of said estate so that they were properly before the Court. G-547/439: Thursday March 21, 1867, proceedings were had, Chancery Court at Montgomery for Morgan Co. by Special Statute 21 March 1867, it appearing to the satisfaction of the Chancellor that Mary Ann Lydra, S. Burton, M. and Elisabeth Jane Duncain, minors heirs of James S. Duncain deceased, have been served with process and said parties have no regular guardian, the Chancelor is therefore ... decree that G.W. Cuth? be appointed guardian ad litem for said minors and as such answer the bill in this cause for them.
This cause coming on for further orders 21 March 1867 before Hon. L.C. Houk Judge & C. ... answer of the guardian ad litem and judgment for confesses, the amount of debts being unknown, the Chancelor is therefore pleased to order adjudge and decree the Clerk & Master of this Court hear proof and report instaple? if practicable, if not then the next term of this court. What are the whole amount of debts against said estate. What amount of assetts are there in the hands of Complainants or should be in their hands by reasonable care and deligence with which to pay said debt. Can the debt against said estate be paid without a sale of the real estate in pursuence the above decree I have caused to come before me. The complainants who are the administrators of the estate of Jas. S. Duncain decd. depose the whole amount of debt against the estate of your intestate Jas. S. Duncan (ans) so far as the debts have been presented or come to our knowledge, they amount exclusive of the costs of administration to about the sum of Five thousand dollars. Quest.2nd, what amount of assets have come to your hands ... Ans. Nothing has come to our hands or can come so far as we have any knowledge or information, except the sum of about eighteen hundred dollars in notes and accounts? upon different persons, most of whom are hopelessly insolvent and very little if any can be realized out of said notes and accounts. 21 March 1867, E.R. Duncan, Craven Duncan, Administrators, John H. Brent C&M. From the above testimony I report that the whole amount of debts ... (same as above) /s/ March 21, 1867, John H. Brunt, C&M (FHL film 926,298)
G-550/555: Craven Duncan, E.R. Duncan, Adms. of James S. Douncan, vs. Emmie Duncan widow et al. Original insolvent Bill. ... coming on to be further heard before L.C. Houk, Judge & c, Chancery Court at Montgomery for Morgan Co. TN, on 21 March 1867, ... that the intestate Jas. S. Duncan was at the time of his death seized in fee and possessed of all the land, and a good and indefenseble title has descended to his widow and children, and the debts cannot be paid without a sale of the real estate, the court orders a judgment and decree the following tracts be sold ... 1st Tract, 1000 acres in Morgan Co. on Black Wolf Creek, ... Morgan Co. Book I? page 239 (MAD: have condensed); 2nd Tract 5000 acres in Morgan Co. Book K, page 403; 3rd Tract 2500 acres East TN Vol.29 pg.75. 4th Tract, 640 acres, East TN Vol.(blank). 5th Tract, 100 acres, East TN. 6th Tract, 2000 acres Morgan Co. Book I, page (torn corner). 7th Tract, 1067? acres, Morgan Co. Book A, page 393. 8th Tract, 5000 acres, Morgan Co. Book N, page 14_ (in fold). 9th Tract, 200 acres, in Scott Co., Morgan Co. Book N, page 392. 10th Tract, Morgan Co. Book M, page 195. 11th Tract, 800 acres, Morgan Co. Book N, page 386. 12th Tract, 5000 acres in Scott Co. E.TN Vol.(too faint) page 1086?. 13th Tract, 200 acres in Scott Co., E. TN Vol.29 page 1086. 14th Tract, 5000 acres in Scott Co., E. TN. 15th Tract, 2500 acres in Scott Co., E. TN, vol.30 page 450. 16th Tract, 5000 acres in Scott Co. recorded Morgan Co. Book E pg.27 and Scott Co. Book B page 215, 16 & 17. 17th Tract, 5000 acres in Scott Co., Morgan Co. Book E, page 37, 38 & 39, and Scott Co. Book B pages 215, 16 & 17. 18th Tract, 3000 acres in Scott Co., Scott Co. Book B pg.239. 19th Tract, 4000 acres in Scott Co., Scott Co. Book E page 236. 20th Tract, 150 acres in Scott Co., Scott Co. Book A page 118 & 19. 21st Tract, 140 acres in Scott Co., Scott Co. Book E pages 233 & 234. 22nd Tract, 51? acres in Scott Co., Scott Co. Book E, page 235 & 36. 23rd Tract, 25 acres in Scott Co., Scott Co. Book E page 234 & 235. 24th Tract, 30 acres in Scott Co., Scott Co. Book A? (N?) page (blank), 12 Oct. 1854. [MAD: no 25th tract] 26th Tract, 133-1/3 acres in Fentress Co., Mt. District of TN, Book H, page 296 & 97. Are in order to execute this decree and sell the land aforesaid. March term 1868, no steps were taken in the foregoing cause. (FHL film 926,298)
G-556/557: Thursday, July 21, 1868, that Charles S. Cowan as Special Commissioner has failed to sell the land, the judge annulled the order appointing Charles S. Cowan Special Commissioner.
G-557/569: Tuesday, 19 Nov. 1868, proceedings held, 29 Nov. 1868 ... 500 acres in Fentress and a tract in Scott Co. and 50 acres in Morgan Co. and 5 acres in Morgan Co. ... with all other lands be sold as directed. March 17, 1869, Wednesday, proceedings; July 22, 1869, proceedings; All tracts sold to Edward N. Lum of New York for $3,197.47, $320 paid, $2877.47 due, report filed 14 July 1869. Filed Nov. 13, 1871.
G-569/577: Deed from John H. Brent to Edward N. Lum for the 26 tracts. Recorded Morgan Co. TN Nov. 22, 1870, and Scott Co. TN Nov. 22, 1870 (1871?). (FHL film 926,298; not extracted here)
Deeds, v. H-I 1871-1874 (FHL film 926,299; SLC 9/29/2011)
I-353/354: 18 Jan. 1871, John S. Duncain, an heir of George W. Duncan decd, have an interest in a tract of land described in a deed from James S. Duncan to afsd George W. Duncan decd. in 3rd Civil District of Scott Co. on waters of Black Creek containing 50 acres more or less, adj. corner of James Sexton, corner of John C. Hurst's tract, now for $50 paid, sell to James Sexton my interest in the land, warrant title. /s/ John S. Duncan. Wit. Joseph (X) Griffith, S.B. Good. Joseph Griffith and S.B. Good appeared 22 May 1872 before M.B. Strunk, Clerk of Scott Co. Court, that John S. Duncan ack. the deed. Registered 19 Nov. 1872.
Deeds, v. J-K 1870-1884 (FHL film 926,300; SLC 9/29/2011)
J-23/24: 7 Feb. 1867, Granvil C. Duncain sold to Champin Duncain for $322 paid, sell tract of land in Scott Co. TN on the Trace Fork of Buffalo Creek containing by estimation 125 acres more or less, beg. on the line of a 500 acre survey at or near Smith Marcuses? line on SS of said Creek, then crossing the creek at the lower end of what is called the Crane Place, to the top of the ridge ... marked line made by Granvil C. Duncan and Champin Duncan, then ... to the creek ..., with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Granvil C. Duncain. Wit. Granire Standley, Joseph (X) McKee. Granvil C. Duncain appeared 5 Sept. 1870 before J.C. Parker, Depty. Clerk of County Court. Recorded 2 Feb. 1874.
J-449/450: 30 Dec. 1864, Henry Duncain of Scott Co. TN to Marion Duncain (him) of afsd, for $100 paid, sell tract of land in Scott Co. District No.2 containing by estimation 50 acres more or less, beg. on SW side of Paint Rock Creek on the Jacob Branch near Abner Thomases old line, then ... to the Stone Coal branch ... down the branch, up a bluff ..., with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Henry Duncain. Wit. Joseph Sharp, Joseph Botts. Henry Duncain appeared 3 Jan. 1876 before Wm. A. Newport, Clerk of Scott Co. Court. Recorded 6 Jan. 1876.
J-461: 17 Nov. 1870, Henry Duncain of Scott Co. TN to Joshua Duncain of afsd, for $100 paid, sell parcel of land in Scott Co. District 2 containing by estimation 50 acres more or less, beg. at Emanuel Duncain's corner, then with his line ... corner between Emanuel Duncain and Joshua Duncain, then ... top of the ridge, ... to Paint Rock Creek, then with the run of the Creek to the Slew, then with the slew to Johnathan Phillip's line, and with said line to the beg., with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Henry Duncain. Wit. Joseph Botts, Joseph Sharp. Henry Duncain appeared 3 Jan. 1876 before Wm. A. Newport, Clerk of County Court. Recorded Jan. 3, 1876.
J-462/463: 17 Nov. 1870, Henry Duncain of Scott Co. TN to Joshua Duncain of afsd, for $15 paid, sell parcel of land in Scott Co. in District No.2 containing by estimation 4 acres more or less including the "bildings" and mill whereon Joshua Duncain now lives, beg. at a red elm, then ... on the bank of Paint Rock Creek, then crossing the creek in Marion Duncain's line, then to the beg., with appurtenances; warrant title. /s/ Henry Duncain. Wit. Joseph Botts, Joseph Sharp. Henry Duncain appeared 4 Jan. 1876 before Wm. A. Newport, Clerk of County Court. Recorded Jan. 4, 1876.
J-466/467: 31 Dec. 1867, Henry Duncain of Scott Co. TN to Emanuel Duncain of afsd, for $100 paid, sell parcel of land in Scott Co. in District No.2 on waters of Paint Rock Creek containing by estimation 50 acres more or less, beg. on east side of the creek, northeast with a conditional line to the top of the ridge, ... to Johnthan Phillips line, then to begin., with all appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Henry Duncain. Wit. Joseph Botts, Joseph Sharp. Henry Duncain appeared 3 Jan. 1876 before Wm. A. Newport, Clerk of County Court. Recorded Jan. 4, 1876.
Deeds, v. M-N 1876-1882 (FHL film 926,301; SLC 9/29-30/2011 and 3/26/2012)
M-313/314: 29 Dec. 1865, Green Berry Duncan sold to Thomas Harness for $150 paid, a tract of land in Scott Co. TN and District No.10 containing by estimation 250 acres more or less, beg. on the waters of Indian Creek, running the conditional line between Indian Creek and Birges? Creek ... top of a mountain, ... to include the improvements where Greenberry Duncan now lives, warrant title. /s/ Greenberry Duncan. Wit. Joseph (X) Bird. Greenberry Duncain appeared 7 June 1878 before W.A. Newport, Clerk of Scott Co. Court. Recorded 7 June 1878. (FHL film 926,301; SLC 9/29/2011)
M-578/579: 13 Jan. 1873, Thomas Duncain of Anderson? Co. TN to Ezekiel Hembree of Scott Co. TN, for $50 paid, sell tract of land in 5th District of Scott Co. containing 120 acres more or less, beg. ... Little Brimstone Creek above Rucker Sock?, then with a conditional line between Joel Lewallen & Meshack Hembree ... dividing mountain between Brimstone and Dry Creek, then ... to Demsy Massingale line, then ... to the beg., warrant title. /s/ Thomas (X) Duncain. Wit. Wm. A. Hembree, Michael Low. A. Henry and Michel Low, witnesses, appeared 28 July 1874 before John Pemberton, Clerk of Scott County Court. Recorded 30 July 1879. (FHL film 926,301; SLC 9/29/2011)
M-580: 3 March 1868, Craven Duncan and E.R. Duncan of Morgan Co. TN, Admins. of estate of James Duncan decd, to Lucinda Robins of Scott Co. TN, for $50 paid, sell tract of land in Sec.?? (at bottom of page) adj. lands of Lucinda Robins and John Robins, containing 300 acre more or less, being the land that Matilda Peat? bought of Jas. S. Duncan and sold to Lucinda Robins, warrant title. /s/ Craven Duncan, E.R. Duncan, Adms. of estate of James S. Duncan decd. Craven Duncan and E.R. Duncan appeared 3 March 1868 before John S. Scott, Clerk of Morgan Co. Court. Recorded Aug. 4, 1879. (FHL film 926,301; SLC 9/30/2011)
M-672: 14 Feb. 1880, Geo. W. Strunk and wife Dillia to J.J. Duncan and D. Jeffers, all Scott Co. TN, for $200 paid, sell town lot and part of town lot in town of Huntsville, Lot No.25 containing 1/4 acre, and part of lot No.12 containing 1475 square feet, warrant title. /s/ Geo. W. Strunk, Dillia Strunk. Wit. Samuel McDonald, William Stark?. George W. Strunk and Dillie Strunk his wife appeared Feb. 14, 1880, before John Pemberton, Clerk of Scott Co. Court. Recorded Feb. 25, 1880. (FHL film 926,301; SLC 9/30/2011)
M-729/730: 8 Feb. 1880, Craven Duncan and Parthena Duncan of Scott Co. TN to G.W. Massingale of Morgan Co. TN, for $40 paid, sell tract of land in Morgan Co. on ... White Oak Creek, Flat Rock Bottom Branch, 100 acres more or less, warrant title. /s/ Craven Duncan Jr., Parthena Duncan. Wit. Parthena (X) Duncan, Lydia S. Duncan (for Parthena Duncan). Assignment of right etc. by George W. Massingale to John Massingale. Craven Duncan and wife Parathena Duncan appeared 29 March 1880 before John Pemberton, Clerk of Scott Co. Court; Recorded May 3, 1880. (FHL film 926,301; SLC 9/30/2011)
N-118/122: 30 June 1880 ... the lands which belonged to Jas. S. Duncan decd. were sold under a decree of the Chancery Court of Morgan Co. in the case of E.R. & Craven Duncan Admrs &c, vs. Emma Duncan widow on 24?? May 1864 and Edward A. Linn became purchaser... and said Edwd. H?. Linn having conveyed said lands in equal undivided ?? to George G?. Brown and Johnathan S. Christie and the said Johnathan S. Christie having afterward conveyed his undivided moiety in said lands to George F. Brown, and said George F. Brown ... to quiet his title ... to Craven Duncan and wife Parthenia, Burton M. Duncan and wife Verina, Russel S. Davis and wife Mary formerly Mary Duncan, Henry C. Dawn? and wife Lydia formerly Lydia Duncan and Jane Elizabeth Maroney, now ... conveyance from said George F. Brown of his remainder interest of the dower estate or life estate of Emma Duncan, widow of James S. Duncan, (list of 24 tracts, giving acreage and location and when James S. Duncan acquired them) /s/ Craven Duncan, Parthena (X) Duncan, Russel S. Davis, Mary (X) A. Davis, Jane E. (X) Maroney, H.C. Dawn, Lydia S. Dawn. B.M. Duncan, Vestina Duncan. Wit. E.R. Duncan, Thomas Butler, J.C. Parker. Witnesses as to Craven Duncan, Parthena Duncan, Russel S. Davis, Mary A. Davis and Jane E. Maroney. Attest John Pemberton. Craven Duncan & wife Parthena, Russel S. Davis & wife Mary A., and Jane E. Maroney appeared in Scott Co. TN. H.E. Dawn and wife Lydia S. Dawn appeared in Kenton Co. KY. B.M. Duncan and wife Vestina appeared in Scott Co. TN. Recorded Sept. 28, 1880. (FHL film 926,301; SLC 9/30/2011)
N-226/227: 12 Feb. 1879, Emanuel Duncane of Scott Co. TN to Ewel Moses Duncane of Scott Co. TN, for $100 paid, sell to said Ewel M. Duncane a piece of land in Second District, Scott Co. TN afsd, on waters of Paint Rock Creek containing by estimation 50 acres more or less, on east side of the creek, with a conditional line, top of the ridge, to Jonathan Phillips line, together with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Emanuel (X) Duncan. Wit. Beaty Cecill, Henrey Duncain. Emanuel Duncain appeared 3 March 1879 before John Pemberton, Clerk of Scott Co. Court. Recorded Feb. 5, 1881. (next deed, pg.227, was Ewell Keeton, wife Kiziah Keeton grantor) (FHL film 926,301; SLC 9/30/2011)
N-374: 4 June 1881, Winfield Brown and wife Nancy Brown to J.J. Duncan and A. Jeffers, all Scott Co. TN, for $45 paid, sell our undivided 1/8 interest as legatees of Thomas J. Lloyd decd. in the old brick court house building on the public square in town of Huntsville and also land on which said building is situated, ..., warrant title. /s/ Winfield Brown, Nancy (X) Brown. Wit. Geo. W. Strunk, James Chambers. Winfield and Nancy Brown appeared before James Lay, Deputy County Court Clerk of Scott Co., 4 June 1881. Recorded June 6, 1881. (FHL film 926,301; SLC 9/30/2011)
N-427/429: 2 July 1880, George F. Brown and Ann W. his wife of City of Trenton, Mercer Co. NJ, to Craven Duncan of Scott Co. TN, for $1 paid, sell tract of land in Scott Co. TN at McCarts and Sedgeburs corner, ... the dower of Emma Duncan widow of James S. Duncan and this instrument is intended to quit claim their interest. /s/ Geo. F. Brown, Ann W. Brown. Wit. William Holt. They appeared 24 July 1880 before William Holt, Notary Public of State of NJ. Certification ... Recorded 20 July 1881. (FHL film 926,301; SLC 9/30/2011 and 3/26/2012)
Deeds, v. O-P 1882-1885 (FHL film 926,302; SLC 9/30/2011)
O-110: Duncan, Ewell & wife to Saxton, Emmanuel, O-110; not book O, book Q not on film
O-200/201: 7 Nov. 1882, Joshua Duncan and wife Martha Duncan, Marion Duncan and wife Jane Duncan, and Aron Duncan and Ewell Duncan of Henry Duncan deced. of Scott Co. TN, sell to Rutha Duncan of Scott Co. TN for $1 and other exchange of property, the said Joshua Duncan & wife Marion Duncan and wife and Aron Duncan and Ewell Duncan all being children and heirs of said Henry Duncan decd, the said Rutha Duncan purchased the only other heir's interest in said lands being that Emanuel Duncan, the following premises in Scott Co. TN, beg. on Joshua Duncan's Red Elm corner on the North side of the Creek, then NE with Joshua Duncan's line ... to the old marked line ... to Lewis Griffith's line, to ... Lewd Griffith's line, to E.M. Duncan's line, with E.M. Duncan's line ... Williamsburg road, to Lewis Griffith line, to the creek, to Marion Duncan's corner near the ford of the creek where the Williamsburg road crosses Paint Rock, then with Marion Duncan's line to ... Joshua Duncan's corner on north side of the creek, then ... to beginning. /s/ Joshua Duncan, Marion (X) Duncan, Ewell M. (X) Duncan, Martha (X) Duncan, James (X) Duncan, Aron (X) Duncan. Wit. James Lay, J.J. Duncan. They appeared 7 Nov. 1882 before James Lay, Deputy Clerk. Recorded Nov. 8, 1882.
O-201/203: 6 Nov. 1882, Rutha Duncan, Marion Duncan, Jane Duncan his wife, Ewell M. Duncan and Aron Duncan, all heirs of Henry Duncan decd of Scott Co. TN, sell to Joshua Duncan of Scott Co. TN for $1 and other exchange of property dollars, the said Rutha Duncan being the widow and the other parties named all being the children and heirs of said Henry Duncan, the said Rutha having purchased the only other heirs interest in said land being that of Emanuel Duncan, the following described premises in Scott Co. TN, District No.2 on Paint Rock Creek, being part of the Henry Duncan farm, beg. ... old ditch on north side of the creek, then with Joshua Duncan's line to Marion Duncan's line on south side of the creek, then ... to Jacks branch, then Joshua Duncan's line on the bank of the creek, containing 25 acres more or less, warrant title. /s/ Rutha (X) Duncan, Marion (X) Duncan, Jane (X) Duncan, Ewell M. Duncan, Aaron (X) Duncan. Wit. James Lay, J.J. Duncan. They appeared before James Lay, Deputy Clerk, 7 Nov. 1882. Recorded Nov. 8, 1882.
O-203/204: 6 Nov. 1882, Rutha Duncan, Marion Duncan, Jane Duncan his wife, Joshua Duncan and Aaron Duncan, all heirs of Henry Duncan decd. of Scott Co. TN sell to Ewell M. Duncan of Scott Co. TN for $1 and other exchange of property dollars, the said Rutha Duncan being the widow and all the others except Marion's wife are the children and heirs of the said Henry Duncan decd, being all the heirs except Emanuel Duncan who has sold his interest to Rutha, the following premises in Scott Co. TN, District No.2, on north side of the creek at a ditch, ... Lewis Griffith's line, containing 6 acres more or less, warrant title. /s/ Rutha (X) Duncan, Marion (X) Duncan, Joshua Duncan, Jane (X) Duncan, Marth (X) Duncan, Aaron (X) Duncan. Wit. James Lay, J.J. Duncan. Rutha Duncan, Marion Duncan and Joshua Duncan, and Jane Duncan and Martha Duncan wife of the said Marion Duncan and Joshua Duncan, appeared before James Lay, Deputy Clerk, 7 Nov. 1882. Recorded Nov. 8, 1882.
O-204/205: Joshua Duncan and Martha Duncan his wife, Ewell Duncan, Aaron Duncan and Rutha Duncan of Henry Duncan decd. of Scott Co. TN sell to Marion Duncan of Scott Co. TN for $1 and other exchange of property dollars, the said Joshua Duncan and Martha Duncan his wife, Aaron Duncan, Ewell Duncan and Rutha Duncan being children and heirs of Henry Duncan decd, the said Rutha Duncan having purchased the only other heirs interest in the lands being that of Emanuel Duncan, the following premises in Scott Co. TN, on the Jaks branch on the south side of the creek, to the top of the bluff, to Marion Duncan's corner, to Joshua Duncan's corner, to the creek, the ford of Paint Rock Creek where the Williamsburg road crosses Paint Rock Creek, Marion Duncan's line, Jakes Branch, (acreage not given), warrant title. /s/ Joshua Duncan, Ewell M. Duncan, Rutha (X) Duncan, Aaron (X) Duncan, Martha (X) Duncan. Wit. James Lay, J.J. Duncan. Joshua Duncan, Ewell Duncan, Rutha Duncan and Aaron Duncan and Martha Duncan wife of said Joshua Duncan appeared before James Lay, Deputy Clerk, 7 Nov. 1882. Recorded Nov. 8, 1882.
O-206/207: 20 Oct. 1882, William Ellis Jr. and wife Sarah Ann D. Ellis of Scott Co. TN sell to Marion Duncan of Scott Co. TN for $1, premises in Scott Co. TN, all their interest to that portion of the following tract of land lying southeast of the Huntsville and Williamsburg wagon road, described in the deed from J.J. Duncan Clerk and Master to Marion Duncan and William Ellis Jr. dated Oct. 18, 1882, warrant title. /s/ William Ellis Jr., Sarah Ann D. (X) Ellis. Wit. James Lay, Joseph Bort?. William Ellis Jr. and Sarah Ann D. Ellis wife of William Ellis Jr. appeared 20 Oct. 1882 before James Lay, Deputy Clerk. Recorded Nov. 8, 1882.
O-207/208: 18 Oct. 1882, J.J. Duncan, Clerk and Master of the Chancery Court at Huntsville, TN, to Marion Duncan and William Ellis Jr. of Scott Co. TN, that at the November 1881 term of the Chancery Court in the case of Marion Duncan and William Ellis Jr. vs. Lucy Ellis and others, a decree was made directing the Clerk and Master to sell at public auction to the highest bidder ... a parcel of land in the 2nd Civil District of Scott Co. TN on the waters of Paint Rock Creek, bounded by lands of Lewis Griffith, James Ellis Jr., Sallie Hall, and Marion Duncan and Henry Duncan, being the same tract owned and occupied by James Ellis Sen. at the time of his death and given by his will to his wife Sarah Ellis, ... sold 3 June 1882 to highest bidder, Marion Duncan and William Ellis Jr. for $800, warrant title. /s/ J.J. Duncan, Clerk and Master of Chancery Court at Huntsville. J.J. Duncan appeared 20 Oct. 1882 before James Lay, Dept. Clerk of Scott Co. TN. Recorded Nov. 8, 1882.
O-406/407: 3 March 1882, Emanuel Duncan to Rutha Duncan, both of Scott Co. TN, for $100 paid, sell his interest in the heirs lands of Henry Duncan in county afsd on waters of Paint Rock Creek in Second Civil District, bounded by Lewis Griffith, Marion Duncan, Joshua Duncan and Ewell M. Duncan, that he is a lawful heir in said lands, warrant title. /s/ Emanuel Duncan, Jane Duncan. Wit. John Pemberton, Beaty Cecill. Emanuel Duncan and Jane Duncan his wife appeared 27 March 1882 before John Pemberton, Co. Clk. Recorded March 20, 1883.
O-450/452: Edward B. DUNHAM and wife Nannie R., and George H. DUNHAM and wife Fannie B. of Richmond, Wayne Co. IN, for $350 paid by C.O. Russell of "Indianappolis", Marion Co. IN, sell parcel of land containing two acres more orless in Scott Co. on waters of New River in the Second Civil District, adj. Beaty Cecill's 80 acre tract deeded from B. Bultren?, being the same premises deeded by Beaty Cecill and wife Nov. 20, 1880, recorded Book N pg.161 & 162 granted to said Edward B. and George H. DUNHAM ..., warrant title. /s/ Edward B. Dunham, Nancie R. Dunham, George H. Dunham, Fannie B. Dunham. Wit. John B. Dungan, Wm. H. Schlater. They appeared 26 March 1883 before Wm. S. Schlater, Notary Public, Wayne Co. IN. Recorded April 13, 1883, Scott Co. TN.
O-571/572: 27 Sept. 1883, Granville C. Duncan and wife Helen M. Duncan to David Duncan, both Scott Co. TN, for $1 and other valuable considerations paid, transfer and convey a tract of land in 8th Civil District of Scott Co. TN in the line of Hiram Lay, then conditional line between G.C. Duncan and H. Lay, A. Murphy's line, Rubin Taylor line, conditional line made by Wm. Lay and Dempsey Taylor, bank of a large ditch, to the creek, conditional line made by G.C. Duncan and Dempsey Taylor, David Duncan's line, containing by estimation 100 acres more or less, warrant title. /s/ G.C. Duncan, Helen M. (X) Duncan. Wit. J.J. Duncan. Granville C. Duncan and Helen M. Duncan appeared 27 Sept. 1883 before J.J. Duncan, Deputy Clerk, Scott Co. TN. Recorded Oct. 6, 1883.
O-572/573: 3 Oct. 1883, Hiram Lay and wife Ellen Lay and James Lay and wife M.M. Lay of Scott Co. TN sell to Granville C. Duncan of Chitwood, TN, for $1, tract of land in Scott Co. TN containing 180 acres more or less, bounded Hiram Lay's beginning corner, then conditional corner between David Chitwood & A. Murphy, then A. Murphy's line in his home tract, then Hiram Lay's line, G.C. Duncan's corner, David Duncan's line, James Elswick's line, D. Taylor's corner, J.D. Lay & Wm. Angel's line, the creek, Thomas Stephens, warrant title. /s/ Hiram Lay, Ellen (X) Lay, James Lay, Martha M. Lay. Wit. J.J. Duncan. They appeared 3 Oct. 1883 before J.J. Duncan, Deputy Clerk, Scott Co. TN. Recorded Oct. 6, 1883.
O-630: 7 Nov. 1883, Gideon S. Duncan and wife Lurana R. Duncan of Scott Co. TN sell to J.J. Duncan of Huntsville, Scott Co. TN, for $1 and other valuable considerations, premises in Scott Co. TN, a parcel of land in Second Civil District adj. lands of J.J. Duncan & others, bounded ... top of the mountain north of Huntsville, containing 54 and 3/4 acres. /s/ G.S. Duncan, Lurana R. (X) Duncan. Wit. James Lay. They appeared 13 Dec. 1883 before James Lay, D.Clerk. Recorded Dec. 13, 1883.
P-98/99: 4 Feb. 1861, Joshua Duncan sold to Oliver Duncan and his heirs and assigns for $1,000 paid, 4 tracts of land containing by estimation 218 acres more or less on the waters of Buffalo Creek in Scott Co. TN in District 6, the first tract beg. on point of a ridge, then ... crossing the creek, and the second tract corner to Robert Standley, Richard Sharps corner, the third tract crossing Buffalo Creek, Stanley's corner, the fourth tract on north side of the creek, warrant title. /s/ J. Duncain. Wit. J.J. Duncain, Henry Duncain, 4 Feb. 1861. Joshua Duncain appeared 4 Feb. 1861 before Richard Pemberton. Register's office, Feb. 26, 1861, certificate was filed and noted in Note Book A pg.5, and registered in Book C page 145 & 146. Register's office June 16, 1884, deed and certificate was filed in my office and noted in note book W? page 40 and registered in Book P on pages 98 & 99.
P-438: 16 May 1884, Charles Marshall and wife Elisabeth Marshall for $325 paid by Craven Duncan of Sedgmoor, Scott Co. TN, sell real estate in Scott Co. TN and town of Sedgmoor, known as part of Lot No.1?, Block A, at the intersection of southerly line of the Rugby and Sedgmoor road ... to Railway Avenue, being the premises conveyed to Charles Marshall by the Board of Aid to Land Ownership Limited by deed 3 Dec. 1881 recorded Book O pgs.108 to 110. /s/ Charles Marshall, Elisabeth Marshall. Wit. W.L. Dickson, Henry C. Davis?, Simeon H. Johnson. They appeared 16 May 1884 before Simoen N. Johnson Notary Public Hamilton Co. OH. Recorded Scott Co. TN 19 March 1885.
P-438: 16 May 1884, Charles Marshall and wife Elisabeth Marshall for $325 paid by Craven Duncan of Sedgmoor, Scott Co. TN, sell real estate in Scott Co. TN and town of Sedgmoor, known as part of Lot No.1?, Block A, at the intersection of southerly line of the Rugby and Sedgmoor road ... to Railway Avenue, being the premises conveyed to Charles Marshall by the Board of Aid to Land Ownership Limited by deed 3 Dec. 1881 recorded Book O pgs.108 to 110. /s/ Charles Marshall, Elisabeth Marshall. Wit. W.L. Dickson, Henry C. Darven?, Simeon H. Johnson. They appeared 16 May 1884 before Simoen N. Johnson Notary Public Hamilton Co. OH. Recorded Scott Co. TN 19 March 1885. (FHL film 926,302)
P-439/440: 13 Feb. 1885, Craven Duncan and wife Parthena Duncan of Helerwood, Scott Co. TN, to William Smither of Scott Co. TN, for $375 to be paid in 6, 8 & 10 months for which 3 promissory notes ... sell real estate in Town of Sedgmoor, Scott Co. TN, Lot No.1, Block A, Rugby and Sedgmoor road, Railway Avenue, being the premises conveyed to Charles Marshall by the Board of Aid to Land Ownership (Limited) by deed 3 Dec. 1881 recorded Book O, and by said Marshall & wife conveyed to party of first part by deed May 16, 1884, warrant title. /s/ Craven Duncan, Parthena (X) Duncan. Wit. J.C. Parker, H.A. Crowder. They appeared 14 Feb. 1885 before R. Pemberton, Notary Public. Recorded 19 March 1885. (FHL film 926,302)
P-448: 31 Dec. 1884, Sarah Ross, Nancy Baker formerly Nancy Duncan and her husband Calvin Baker, Joshua Duncan and Sarah Duncan his wife, Joel Duncan and Martha Duncan his wife, Rosey Farnell formerly Duncan and her husband J.M. Farnell heirs of Joshua Duncan Jr. decd. of Scott Co. TN, sold to James Sharp Jr. of Scott Co. TN for $1 and other valuable considerations, premises in Scott Co. TN in 8th Civil District on Buffalo Creek, corner of 50 acre survey in the name of John E. Wheeler, then ... corner of J. Stephens land, corner of David Acres 640 acre tract, then James Sharp's line, Jas. Dagby's 100 acre survey, containing 350 acres more or less, warrant title. /s/ Sarah Ross, Calvin (X) Baker, Nancy (X) Baker, Joel Duncan, Martha (X) Duncan, Rosa (X) Farnell, J.M. (X) Farnell. (no witnesses) Sarah Ross, Calvin Baker & wife Nancy Baker, Joel Duncan & wife Martha Duncan, J.M. Farnell & wife Rosa Farnell appeared 3 Jan. 1885 before James Lay, Deputy Clerk. Recorded 1 April 1885. (FHL film 926,302)
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