Duncan research files of |
Land records, North Carolina and Tennessee; indexes, 1600-1959; by NC Secretary of State, Land Grant Office (SLC 5/30/2011 copied by CVD)
Land warrants are documents issued at local land offices to purchasers of public lands. When these warrants are surrendered, the buyers are issued conveyances (deeds). The land warrants (and other miscellaneous records) are organized by file numbers in alphabetical sequences of counties. Some of the counties are now Tennessee counties. These records are in packets. On each packet cover are spaces for the following information: file number, county, purchaser's name(s), number of acres, grant number, date issued, entry number, date entered, book number, page number & location. ... The key to finding the related packets are the file numbers.
Index cards to grants made in western lands, now Tennessee, prior to the cession of the lands to the U.S. government in 1789; including grants made on military warrants, patents issued after the cession date; includes WESTERN, MIDDLE AND EASTERN DISTRICTS, ca. 1778-1800 ---- "A" - David Ginn (to be cont.) (FHL Film 1,942,646)
Duncan, George*, File No.407, Tenn. Co., 228 acres, Grant No.2433 issued 18 Mar. 1794, Entry No.1542 entered 12 Feby 1785, Book No.81, page no.421, Location: On waters of Beaver Creek. *Assigned to Thomas Persons (Parsons?).
Duncan, Martin: Ass., File No.588, Tenn. Co., 640 acres, Grant No.3056 issued 19 July 1797, Entry No.---- entered ----, Book No.90, page no.372, Location: About a mile below John Grimeses, heirs of Isaac McCubbins.
Duncan, Martin, File No.013, Robertson Co., 640 acres, Grant No.---- issued ----, Entry No.1664 entered 30 Dec. 1794, Book No.--, page no.--, Location: About a mile below John Grimes, Wm. Cubbins.
Tennessee Land Grants Index (FHL film 1,002,730)
Copied all Duncan, Dunkin, etc. (no Duncomb) through 1849; did not copy later index. Film consists of small index cards for each grant; some grants are repeated if they appear in two books.
Name, Grant #, Acres, Date, County, Book & Page, District (Actual grant books are in series by District, then book volume & page)
John Duncan, 3603, 100a, 7/19/1826, Robertson, 5-58, Middle
Mark P. Duncan, 5454, 60a, 3/15/1827, Robertson, 6-976, Middle
Mark P. Duncan, 5455, 50a, 3/15/1827, Robertson, 6-977, Middle
Martin Duncan, 3056, 640a, 7/19/1797, Tennessee, D4-132, NC; Warrant 1664, asse. of the heirs of Isaac McCubbins
Martin Duncan, 3577, 50a, 6/28/1826, Robertson, 5-33, Middle
Martin Duncan, 3583, 50a, 7/18/1826, Robertson, 5-39, Middle
Martin Duncan, 9623, 50a, 8/5/1829, Robertson, 11-868, Middle
NC Land Grants in TN (FHL film 1,013,306; see Robertson Co. TN)
D4-132 (2nd): 19 July 1797, Grant #3056 to Martin Duncan assignee of heirs of Isaac McCubbins a private in Continental Line of said state, 640 acres in Tennessee Co. about a mile below John Grimes, east of Barkas old road, opposite a walnut grove of timber, to Jesse Cobbs corner & line; Warrant #1664, Tho. Johnston D.S., Sampson Trammel, John Grimes Clk.
Middle TN Land Grants (some from Estelle Horn to Evelyn Sigler to MAD 12/1985)
5-33: Grant #3577, 28 June 1826, to Martin Duncan, entry 18 Aug. 1824 #240, 50 acres in Robertson Co., surveyed 26 July 1825, on waters of Sycamore Creek. (FHL film 1,012,989)
5-39: Grant #3583, 18 July 1826, to Martin Duncan, 50 acres in Robertson Co. on waters of Brushy Fork of Sycamore Creek, corner land in Grant #3577. (FHL film 1,012,989)
6-976: Grant #5454 to Mark P. Duncan, assignee of James Tucker, of Robertson Co., TN, 15 March 1827, 12-1/2 cents per acre, entered 24 May 1825 #316, 60 acres surveyed 13 Jan. 1826 on head waters of Karrs Creek and on the Wolf Spring Branch, beg. ... east boundary of said Tucker's 50 acre survey, near Whitney's west boundary, crossing the road leading from Betty? to Kentucky by Springfield, James Sangers (EDS: James Sawyer) Senr. south boundary of his 150 acre survey, Thomas Pike's corner. (FHL film 1,012,990)
6-977: Grant #5455 to Mark P. Duncan, assignee of James Tucker, of Robertson Co., TN, 15 March 1827, 12-1/2 cents per acre, entered 28 Oct. 1824 #274, 50 acres surveyed 13 Jan. 1826 on head waters of Karrs Creek beg. ... north side of Thomas Pike's spring branch near said Pike's southwest corner of his 50 acre survey, Peter Hibdons north boundary line of his 50 acre survey, said Hibdons northeast corner. (FHL film 1,012,990)
Robertson Co. TN Deed Indexes (FHL film 422,467; index 1796-1837, index 1838-1879)
A-43: 1796, Charles Wheaton to John Duncan, 150a Sulpher fork
B-4: 1797, William Duncan to William Johnson, 70a Phillips Pond
B-42: 1797, Grant to Martin Duncan, 640a
B-46: 1796, Jonathan Price to Martin Duncan, 28a Sulphur Fork
B-82: 1797, Martin Duncan to Thos. Johnson, 50a Sulphur Fork incl. where William Duncan now lives
B-121: 1797, John Duncan to William Edwards, 150a Sulphur Fork
B-154: 1798, William Duncan to William Johnson, 30a Phillips Pond
B-259: 1799, John Duncan to son Martin Duncan, 80a Karrs Creek
B-306: 1798, William Betts to Martin Duncan, lot #61 in Fayattville
B-313: 1800, John Duncan to Isaac Weakley, lot #110 in Fayattville.
F-131: 1805, Martin Duncan to James Irwin, 113a Karr's Creek
F-139: 1805, Martin Duncan to Alexander Chestnut, 427a Red River
F-223: 1801, Sheriff to William Duncan, 640a
F-224: 1801, Sheriff to William Duncan, 640a
F-238: 1801, William Duncan of Logan Co. KY to Benjamin McNow 213a Red River
F-241: 1800, Martin Duncan to William Duncan of Logan Co. KY, 213a Red River
F-264: 1800, Robert Nelson? to Martin Duncan 116a Carrs Creek
F-276: 1800, William Edward to John Duncan, 150a
F-285: 1798, Meredith Walton to John Duncan, 80a Karrs Creek
F-289: 1798, William Bells to John Duncan, lot #110 in Fayettville
F-349: 1801, Sheriff to William Duncan, 640a
F-350: 1801, Sheriff to William Duncan, 75a Red River
F-351: 1801, Sheriff to William Duncan, 600+a Wilson's Creek
G-120: 1808, John Boren to Martin Duncan, b/s
G-251: 1808, Bazel Boran to Martin Duncan, b/s
H-129: 1807, Martain Duncan to Nancy Pankney to John B. Cheatham, lot #17
H-135: 1810, Martain Duncan to John B. Cheatham, 77 square poles, lot in Springfield.
H-138: 1810, sheriff to Martain Duncan, lot in Springfield
H-162: 1808, Zachariah Duncan to William Faucett, 20a Sycamore Creek
J-415: 1812, Theophills Morgan to Martin Duncan, b/s
K-183: 1813, John Duncan and Martin Duncan Junr. to Jonathan Huddleston, 36a Karrs Creek
O-302: 1813, John Duncan and Martin Duncan Junr. to James Boyles, 95a Karr Creek
P-475: 1817, Garret Flippo to John Duncan, 52a Sulphur fork; wit. A. Duncan
Q-469: 1821, Patrick H. Durby to Zachariah Duncan, 100a
R-51: 1823, Zachariah Duncan to James Elliott, 50a bet. Millers & Coleby Creeks
R-58: 1823, Zachariah Duncan to William Pitzer, 70a Cobbs Creek
R-66: 1823, Zachariah Duncan and John Murphey to John Mitchell, 50a Coleby Creek
R-210: 1823, Zachariah Duncan to John Hundley, 100a Cobbs Creek
R-214: 1823, Patrick H. Darby Zachariah Duncan, land bet. Millers and Cobbs Creeks
R-305: 1823, Zachariah Duncan to Joseph Felts, 50a Calips Creek
R-414: 1824, Zachariah Duncan to David Binkley, 91-3/4a bet. Millers and Caleb's Creek
T-67: 1827, Grant to John Duncan, 100a Sulphur Fork
T-94: 1827, Grant to Martin Duncan, 50a Brushy fork of Sycamore Creek
T-120: 1826, Grant to Martin Duncan, (no acres) on Sycamore Creek
T-415: 1825, Sterling Smith to Martin Duncan, b/s
T-440: 1828, Mark P. Duncan to Darling James, 110a (2 grants)
U-276: 1829, John Duncan to Stephen Hering, 100a Sulphur Fork
V-126: 1829, Samuel Duncan to James Holeman, b/s
V-126: 1830, John Duncan to Richard Wilkerson and James McIntosh?, trust deed, slaves (securities for John Duncan & Samuel Duncan as admin. of Martin Duncan)
Y-229: 1835, John Duncan to George Cohia, 50a Sulphur Fork & 52a less 12a, total 90a
Y-252: 1835, Christopher Williams to Zachariah Duncan, 118+a Spring Creek
Z-20: 1816, Carr Johnson & William S. Brown to John Duncan, interest in 50a of Garnett Flippo
Z-78: 1830, trust deed, Samuel Duncan to Richard Wilkinson & James McIntosh, slave, Samuel and John Duncan admin. of Martin Duncan
1-175: 1839, John Duncan to David Herring, mortgage, 100a Sulphur Fork where Martin Duncan died
2-8: 1840, John Duncan to Jesse Morris, 107a Sulphur Fork, Dist. 9
2-185: 1840, John Duncan to J.B. Soneleer? trustee, mortgage for benefit of David Herring, 3 tracts total 102a
2-187: 1840, Abraham Mondy to John Duncan, 3 tracts total 102a
3-134: 1838, Samuel Duncan of KY to Malachi Krisel, land formerly owned by my father Martin Duncan on Sulphur Fork of Red River
7-73: 1851, A. Robb exec. of George C. Conrad to William Duncan, 150a Waretrice? Creek
Robertson Co. TN Deeds
Books A & B (typed) (FHL film 422,470)
A-43: 10 June 1796, Charles Wheaton to John Duncan, $100, 150 acres on Sulpher fork, Morgan Bryan's corner, Grimes line, part of NC grant March 1796, #178. Wit. Thomas Johnson, Frances Brown.
B-4: 26 Jan. 1797, William Duncan to William Johnson, $200, 70 acres at head of Phillips Pond, part of 640 acre grant to Thomas Johnson #2314, 20 May 1793, Wagon road, John T. Harrison's corner. Wit. Thomas Johnson.
B-42: 20 Oct. 1797, NC Grant #3056 to Martin Duncan, assignee of William Cabbins, 640 acres east of Barkers, Press (her) Cobbs corner, military warrant #1664 located 30 Dec. 1794, surveyed by Thos. Johnson 10 March 1797.
B-46: 29 June 1796, Jonathan Price to Martin Duncan, $50, 28 acres on Sulphur Fork of Red River, said Duncan's line, part of NC grant to Jonathan Price 20 July (no year). Wit. Jonathan Price (sic), Jacob Price.
B-82: 16 Sept. 1797, Martin Duncan to Thos. Johnson, $300, 50 acres on Sulphur Fork of Red River including plantation whereon William Duncan now lives, part of 320 acre grant #12 by NC to Aaron Hampton 8 Oct. 1787. Wit. Joseph Wray.
B-121: 9 Dec. 1797, John Duncan to William Edwards, $400, 150 acres on Sulphur Fork, part of grant #178 to Charles Wheaton March 1796, Morgan Bryan's corner, Grimes line. Wit. Martin Duncan, Thomas Christman.
B-154: 14 Feb. 1798, William Duncan to William Johnson, $120, 30 acres at head of Phillips Pond, incl. improvements of John T. Harrison whereon he now lives, part of 640 acre grant #2314 by NC to Thos. Johnson 20 May 1793. Wit. Thos. Johnson, Brazel Boren.
B-175: 1 June 1797, William Johnson to Lewis Pipkin, $750, 220 acres, on Phillips Pond, part of 640 acre grant to Thomas Johnson 20 May 1793 #2314; wit. Thomas Johnson, William Benson.
B-259: 2 July 1799, John Duncan for love and affection to my son Martin Duncan, 80 acres on waters of Karrs Creek joining Daniel McKinley's line. Wit. John Price, Mary Price. (Wayne Smith note: John the father of Martin was killed by Indians in Washington Co. VA. John Jr. also had a son named Martin but this Martin was b. 1788, and only 11 years old in 1799.)
B-306: 7 June 1798, William Betts to Martin Duncan, $8, lot #61 in Fayattville. Wit. John Soyre, George Brisco.
B-313: 21 April 1800, Whereas Wm. Betts laid out town of Fayattville, John Duncan obtained a deed from Betts for lot #110, for $12, John Duncan sells same to Isaac Weakley. Wit. Thos. Johnson.
Book F (FHL film 422,471)
F-131: 6 Nov. 1805, Martin Duncan to James Irwin, $150, 113 acres on north side of Karr's Creek, Store's? line, Daniel McBundley? corner. No wit.
F-139: 3 Nov. 1805, Martin Duncan to Alexander Chestnut, $854, 427 acres on south side of Red River granted to William Cubbins, Baker's old road, Jesse Cobb's corner & line. No wit.
F-223: 26/27 April 1801, Sheriff to William Duncan, court judgement against land entered in name of Stokely Donelson, to John Love, who is registered owner, grant #2835 for 640 acres, sold for non-payment of taxes to William Duncan.
F-224: 27 April 1801, same, Grant #2838, 640 acres on Flournoy's line.
F-238: 3 Jan. 1801, William Duncan of Logan Co. KY to Benjamin McNow of Robertson Co. TN, $300, 213 acres on Waters of Red River, part of 640 acre grant #3056 by NC to Martin Duncan 18 July 1797. Wit. John Bryan, Jonathan Vanlove?.
F-241: 14? Dec. 1800, Martin Duncan of Robertson Co. TN to William Duncan of Logan Co. KY, $66-1/3, 213 acres on Red River, part of 640 acre grant #3056 by NC to Martin Duncan 18 July 1797. Wit. Thos. Johnson, Wm. Johnson.
F-261: 4 Feb. 1801, Lewis Pipkin to Jonathan Oyler, both Robertson Co. TN, $620, 218 acres on Phillips Pond, part of 640 acre grant to Thomas Johnson 20 May 1793 #2314, adj. William Benson. Wit. Wm. Benson, Wm. Johnson.
F-264: 15 Oct. 1800, Robert Nelson? of Montgomery Co. TN to Martin Duncan of Robertson Co., $125, 116 acres on north side of Carrs Creek in Robertson & granted to Nelson?, on Stores line. Wit. Daniel McKindley.
F-276: 9 July 1800, Whereas I, William Edward, received of John Duncan a general warrantee deed for 150 acres whereon I now live, [but] 48 acres 94 poles whereof being taken by an older entry in the name of Robert Hayes, I certify that I have received of said John Duncan full satisfaction for the above quantity of land so lost as aforesaid, and do hereby release him from all demands in consequence of said lost land; /s/ William Edwards; wit. Thomas Johnson, Wm. Johnson; rec. March 19, 1802.
F-285: 23 Nov. 1798, Meredith Walton to John Duncan, $160, 80 acres on Karrs Creek, adj. place whereon Daniel McKindly now lives, McKindley's line. Wit. Nancy Chapman.
F-289: 7 June 1798, William Bells to John Duncan, lot #110 in Fayettville. Wit. John Loyr, George Briscoe.
F-349: 28 April 1801, Sheriff to William Duncan, judgement against William Campbell for non-payment of taxes, 640 acres located 11 Oct. 1785.
F-350: Same, 75 acres in name of Benjamin Shepherd on Red River.
F-351: Same, 600+ acres, part of trust entered in name of Anthony Black, adj. Colo. Armstrong's survey, on Wilson's Creek.
Book G (FHL film 422,471)
G-120: 30 Aug. 1808, John Boren of Logan Co. KY to Martin Duncan Esq. of Robertson Co. TN, $400, negro man Ned. Wit. Thomas Woodland, William Duncan.
G-251: (blank) Dec. 1808, Bazel Boran to Martin Duncan, $225, bill of sale for negro girl Lucy. Wit. Benj. Ross, William Boteney?, Benjamin Spiller.
Books H & J & K (FHL film 422,472)
H-129: "Mr. John B. Chatham Sir you will please to make Nancy Pankey a deed to the lot No. 17 which was Reported in the name of Joseph Pankney and sold for the tax and cost to me the 28th day of July 1807 for the tax and cost who was the highest bider." /s/ Martain (sic) Duncan. Wit. Aaron Proctherton?. Order ack. in court Feb. 1810. Nancy (X) Pankny assigned order to John B. Cheatham for value received, 29 July 1807.
H-135: 12 Feb. 1810, Martain (sic) Duncan to John B. Cheatham, $100, 77 square poles, lot in Springfield, same lot conveyed to Joseph Pankney. No wit.
H-138: 12 Feb. 1810, sheriff to Martain Duncan, sale of above lot for non-payment of tax, one year having elapsed since sale without the owner having redeemed same, sale to Martain Duncan.
H-162: 13 Aug. 1808, Zachariah Duncan to William Faucett, $60, 20 acres on Sycamore Creek between the mouth of Spring Creek and Ramsey's fork, Jacob Lewis corner, formerly the property of Sarah and James Sanders. Wit. Jas. H. Bryan, Asa Bryan.
J-415: 11 Nov. 1812, Theophills Morgan to Martin Duncan, $590 ($290?), negro girl Jemima. Wit. Tho. Johnson, Wm. Woodard.
K-183: 20 April 1813, John (X) Duncan and Martin Duncan Junr. to Jonathan Huddleston, $100, 36 acres on North waters of Karrs Creek, corner William Huddleston Jun, part of grant #1382. Wit. Nicholas Young, James Boyles?.
Books O & P (FHL film 422,474)
O-302: 20 April 1813, John (X) Duncan and Martin Duncan Junr. to James Boyles, $200, 95 acres on North waters of Karr Creek, Huddleston's line, grant #1582. Wit. Jonathan Huddleston, Nicholas Young.
P-475: 4 Jan. 1817, Garret Flippo to John Duncan, $160, 52 acres on Sulphur fork of Red River, part of 640 acre grant #708 by NC to John Nuhot?, lot 6 in division of estate. Wit. Benj. Tucker, A. Duncan.
Books Q & R (FHL film 422,475)
Q-469: 10 Dec. 1821, Patrick H. Durby of Davidson Co. TN to Zachariah Duncan of Robertson Co., $100, 100 acres on Samuel Roach's courses, James H. Bryan's line. Wit. John Murphy, Geo. Minkley?.
R-51: 8 March 1823, Zachariah Duncan to James Elliott, $100, 50 acres between Millers Creek and Coleby Creek, John Murphy's corner. Wit. John Mitchell, William Ayres.
R-58: 30 Jan. 1823, Zachariah Duncan to William Pitzer, $140, 70 acres on south side of Cobbs Creek, John Mitchell's & Burns? corner. Wit. Norft. Dortch, John Mitchel.
R-66: 30 Jan. 1823, Zachariah Duncan and John Murphey to John Mitchell, $50 in trade, 50 acres on south side Coleby Creek. Wit. Norft. Dortch, William Pitzer.
R-210: 10 Nov. 1823, Zachariah Duncan to John Hundley, $138, 100 acres on Cobbs Creek. Wit. Geo. Murphy, Washington Reyburne.
R-214: 15 Jan. 1823, Patrick H. Darby of Davidson Co. to Zachariah Duncan of Robertson Co., $75, land between Millers and Cobbs Creek, part of 640 acre grant to James Larriet (Laniet?), line of William Cox, Nicholas Conrad, Winton, Armstrong, except other lands already sold to others. Wit. Alfred Batch, John A. Davis, S. Teffen?, David Darden.
R-305: 6 Dec. 1823, Zachariah Duncan to Joseph Felts, $60, 50 acres, land on Calips Creek, corner George Murphy. Wit. Washington Ryburn, John Hendley.
R-414: 22 July 1824, Zachariah Duncan to David Binkley, $75, 91-3/4 acres between Millers & Caleb's Creek, corner Geo. Murphy. Wit. Narft. Dortch, H.W. Ryburn.
Books T & U & V (FHL film 422,476)
T-67: 20 April 1827, TN grant #3603 to John Duncan, 12-1/2 cents an acre, 100 acres surveyed 4 Aug. 1825 on Sulphur Fork of Red River, corner John Nichols, crossing road from Springfield to Hopkinsville.
T-94: 10 June 1827, TN Grant #3583 to Martin Duncan, 12-1/2 cents an acre, entered 5 July 1824 #115, 50 acres surveyed 26 July 1825 on Brushy fork of Sycamore Creek, NE corner of said Duncans 50 acre survey.
T-120: 28 June 1826, TN Grant #3577 to Martin Duncan, 12-1/2 cents per acre, entered 18 Aug. 1824 #240, surveyed 26 July 1825, on Sycamore Creek, white oak marked "MD", no acres.
T-415: 20 Feb. 1825, Sterling Smith to Martin Duncan, $300, negro girl Ellen. Wit. H. Fry.
T-440: 5 Feb. 1828, Mark Duncan of Robertson Co. to Darling James (Sames? Jones?) of same, $200, 110 acres in Robertson Co. known and distinguished by number 274 and 316, north side of Thomas Pikes spring branch and near said Pike's southwest corner of his 50 acre survey on the head waters of Karrs Creek, Peter Hibdens north boundary line, also another grant on east boundary of said Tucker's 50 acre survey on head waters of Karr Creek and on the wolf spring branch, crossing the road that leads from Bethesto? Kentucky by Springfield, near Thomas Pikes corner, both grants containing the aforesaid 110 acres of land. /s/ Mark P. Duncan. Wit. Wm. Gribzz?, John Hincky. (Wayne Smith note: I found no other record of Mark P. Duncan in Robertson Co. and I do not know how he came into possession of the land. It is close after the death of Martin Duncan, and Martin did own land on Karr's Creek.)
U-276: 26 Jan. 1829, John Duncan to Stephen Hering, $200, 100 acres on Sulphur Fork of Red River, grant #3603 (5605?) by TN to said John Duncan. Wit. John Hutchison.
V-126: 12 Dec. 1829, Samuel Duncan to James Holeman, $200, bill of sale for negro girl Rachel. Wit. Richard R.C?. Carvell, James Woodard.
V-126: 16 April 1830, John Duncan for $1, to Richard Wilkerson and James McIntosh?, negro woman Clarisa, & other slaves, security bond; Richard Wilkerson and James McIntosh heretofore became the securities of the said John Duncan & Samuel Duncan in the County Court of Robertson in an administrative bond taken by said court ... letters of administration on the estate of Martin Duncan decd. Wit. N.H. Allen, M.A. Martin.
Books Y & Z (FHL film 422,478)
Y-229: 11 May 1835, John Duncan to George Cohia, $250, 50 acres on Sulphur Fork of Red River, Grant #4620; also 52 acres except 12 acres to be taken of ..., NE corner of Lot 5, in all 90 acres. Wit. Jno. Hutchins Jr.
Y-252: Sept. 1835, Christopher Williams to Zachariah Duncan, $236, 118+ acres on Spring Creek, corner Samuel Weakley. Wit. John Horbes?, William Shaw.
Z-20: 16 April 1816, Carr Johnson & William S. Brown to John Duncan, $150, our interest in 50 acres adj. farm of Thomas McIntosh which was yesterday received of Garnett Flippo by Elias Cottons. Wit. Joseph Johnson, Samuel Crockett.
Z-78: 16 April 1830, trust deed, Samuel Duncan to Richard Wilkinson & James McIntosh, negro Jack age ca 20, Samuel and John Duncan, letters of administration on estate of Martin Duncan, decd. Wit. N.H. Allen, M.A. Martin.
Book 1 (FHL film 422,479)
1-175: 5 March 1839, John Duncan to David Herring, both Robertson Co., $1, 100 acres on Sulphur Fork of Red River, being the same place whereon said Martin Duncan lived and died, confirmed to the said Martin the Register Book, in trust, John Duncan owes Jesse Morris $275 by note due 15 months. Wit. W. Seal, William Woodson.
Books 2 & 3 (FHL film 422,480)
2-8: 18 Jan. 1840, John Duncan to Jesse Morris, $800, land in Dist. 9, 107 acres, beg. at John Morris corner, north bank Sulphur Fork, John Kresley's corner. Wit. Rich. W. Maritto, Wesly W. Pepper.
2-185: 11 May 1840, John Duncan to J.B. Soneleer?, trustee, for use of David Herring; Duncan owes Herring $125; mortgage 3 tracts of land in Civil Dist. 9 on waters of Sulphur Fork of Red River: (1) 20 acres corner 40 acre tract name of Robert Nelson, line of 640 acre grant to John Nelson, line of tract purchased by John B. Cheatham from Charles McIntosh, Tucker's line; (2) 30 acres; (3) 52 acres near west corner of George Browning's tract, Nimrod McIntosh' line; in all 102 acres, purchased by Duncan of A. Mandy; also a copper still. No wit.
2-187: 18 Jan. 1840, Abraham Mondy to John Duncan, $400, 3 tracts, above land, whereon said Mondy now lives. Wit. Richd. W. Mantle, G. Benton.
3-134: 7 Aug. 1838, Samuel Duncan of the county of (blank), state of KY, to Malachi Krisel of Robertson Co. TN, $110, land formerly owned by my father Martin Duncan which fell to me by heirship, adj. lands of Benjamin Porter, John Morris, the land belonging to the heirs of Archer Conts decd, and John Krisel, on Sulphur Fork of Red River. Wit. Thomas Porter, John F. England. Reg. on oath of wit. 8 Oct. 1841.
Book 7 (FHL film 422,783)
7-73: Whereas on 2 Aug. 1840, George C. Conrad made bond to convey to William Duncan the title to 150 acres on Waretrice? Creek for $520; amount has now been paid; Geo. C. Conrad died leaving a will recorded Dec. 1849, deed now made to William Duncan, 27 July 1851. /s/ A. Robb, exec. of G.C. Conrad decd; Nancy W. Conrad, executrix of G.C. Conrad.
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