Duncan research files of |
1830 McMinn Co. TN Census
No Duncan indexed
1840 McMinn Co. TN Census
Pg.133 Rebecca Duncan 0200,01 - 0000,01
1850 McMinn Co. TN Census
Page number without parens is stamped page number, within parens is handwritten number
23rd Subdiv.
Pg.367 (733), #2911-2020, Coleman DUNCAN 45 TN laborer $0
Rebecca 40 TN
(MAD: no children in household)
1860 McMinn Co. TN Census
2nd District
Pg.217 (25), #181-173, J.F. DUNCAN (m) 58 NC farmer $150-$500
Elizabeth M. 55 NC
Henry C. 18, James W. 15 GA
Samuel T. JONES 26 GA miner $150-$0
Elinora E. 21 GA
James S. 3 TN
(MAD: James F. Duncan mar. Elizabeth Lumpkin 10/31/1833 Jackson Co. GA; 1850 Union Co. GA census age 38; ? James b.1845 GA in 1870 Meigs Co. TN census age 25)
5th District
Pg.240 (72), #514-492, John DUNCAN 43 KY farmer $0-$700
Valaria 45 TN
Sarah 18, Joseph 16 TN
Rhoda A. 14, William 12 TN
Samuel 9, George 2 TN
(MAD: 1870 Roane Co. TN census)
1870 McMinn Co. TN Census
4th District, P.O. Athens
Pg. 33, #86-90, SNIDER, Robert 61 TN (white) blacksmith $2000-$750
Bettie? (f) 59 TN keeping house
Sallie 25, Martha 22 TN
Margaret 21, Moses 18 TN
Charles 16 TN
DUNKIN, John 19 TN (white) laborer
10th District, P.O. Athens
Pg.114, #134-138, DURHAM, David 28 GA BLACK laborer $0-$0
Martha 20 GA BLACK housekeeper
DUNCAN, John 16 AL (white) laborer
McMinn Co. TN Deeds (index 1820-71, Books A-P, by WPA, FHL film 464,123)
E-307: 7 May 1838, Charles Duncan to James Thomas and J.H. Fyffe; Duncan owes Fyffe $199.21, mortgage to James Thomas a grey mare age about 9 years and a sorrell colt age about 12 months; note due 1 Jan. 1839. Wit. James Parkinson?, Joseph Ray. (FHL film 830,199)
K-436: 3 Dec. 1853, Joseph McCully of McMinn Co. TN to John B. Duncan of Bradley Co. TN, $1,500, tract in McMinn Co., 2nd Range W of Meridian, 3rd Twp., 29 Sec., and SE 1/4 of said section, in Hiwasee Dist., being 160 acres; wit. John H. Smith, George McCully. (FHL film 830,202)
M-35: 10 Feb. 1858, John M. Crow of Bradley Co. TN to Mary Duncan of McMinn Co. TN, $400, lot #50 in Athens. Wit. M.W. Legg, J.W. Huck. (FHL film 830,202)
No others through 1871
McMinn Co. TN tax books 1829-32, 1872, 1875 (FHL film 830,219)
1829: Capt. Little's Co., pg.14: Hiram Duncan, 80a, 0 WP (pg.31)
1830: No Duncan
1831: No Duncan
1832: No Duncan
No list until 1872, then 1875; did not look for Duncan
McMinn Co. TN Records, typed by Hist. Records Project (WPA) (FHL film 24,746)
Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions, 1819-1829 - no Duncan
Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions, cont., 1819-1829 - no Duncan
Loose Marriage Bonds, 1821-1838 - no Duncan
Marriage Records 1848-1859 - no Duncan bride or groom
Inmates of the Tennessee State Penitentiary 1831-1850 (online database of TN State Library and Archives 8/10/2000)
The Tennessee State Penitentiary opened in 1831. Prior to that offenders were held in county jails. Surviving records of the Penitentiary are housed at the State Library and Archives as Record Group 25.
The list of inmates is found in ledger volume 86 of those records. The ledger also includes the date received in the Penitentiary, the prisoner's state of birth, and the date discharged. Copies of entries are available upon request by mail (listed under "State Penitentiary and Record Groups").
Pension Index Card File, alphabetical; of the Veterans Administrative Contact and Administration Services, Admin. Operations Services, 1861-1934; Duff to A-J Duncan (negative FHL film 540,888, some cards very faint); Joseph Duncan to Dunn (positive FHL film 540,889, some cards very dark)
Cataloged under Civil War, 1861-1865, pensions, indexes; does not say if Confederate or Federal, but probably Federal. Negative film, some cards much too faint or dark to read, some cards blurred or faded, particularly the service unit and the dates of application. Most of the very faint or dark cards were in a slightly different format, with space for years enlisted and discharged which were sometimes filled in. Many of these were for service in later years, although one or two were for service ca 1866.
Name of soldier, alias, name of dependent widow or minor, service (military unit or units), date of filing, class (invalid or widow or minor or other), Application #, Certificate #, state from which filed (sometimes blank), attorney (sometimes blank, MAD: did not usually copy), remarks. Sometimes the "Invalid" or "Widow" class had an "s" added to it before the application #; occasionally the area for the service information included a circled "S". The minor's name was frequently that of the guardian rather than the minor.
The military unit was frequently the Company Letter, the Regiment Number, sometimes US Vet Vol Inf. (US Veteran Volunteer Infantry), L.A. (Light Artillery), H.A. (Heavy Artillery), US C Inf (US Colored? Infantry), Cav. (Cavalry), Mil. Guards, V.R.C. (?Volunteer Reserve Corps?), etc. Sometimes there were several service units given.
Cards appear to be arranged by the last name, first name, middle initial if any, and state (including "US") of service.
Duncan, James W.; B 7 Tenn. Mtd. Inf.; 1896 Sept. 22, Invalid Appl. #1181185, Cert. #930641, Tenn. (MAD: McMinn Co. TN; 1890 pension in Rhea Co. TN)
TN Confederate Pension Application (FHL film 969,801)
#14,631: Henry Clay Duncan, born Jackson Co. GA in 1841; enlisted in 1861; wife is dead 10 March 1915, he living with one of his married daughters; he had 3 boys and 3 girls; has been in TN for 65 years, res. Spring City, TN (Rhea Co.). (MAD: 1850 Union Co. GA; 1860 McMinn Co. TN)
1899 "The Ministerial Directory of the Baptist Churches" by George W. Lasher, D.D.; pub. by Ministerial Directory Co., Oxford, OH (copy of pgs. 225-226 from Margo Thiel 1/1986)
(MAD: Name, city & State; Place of birth; Place and date licensed and ordained; Preached; other abbreviations: Preached; Studied; Church; Institute; College)
DUNCAN, Andrew J., Calhoun [McMinn Co.], TN - Born Obion Co. TN; Lic. June 1861, Ord. May 4, 1867, Canaday's Creek Ch. TN; P. Canaday's Creek, Short Creek, TN.
1919 "Sketches of TN Pioneer Baptist Preachers" by J.J. Burnett (TN Gen. Society Library, from Evelyn Sigler 1/1985)
Pg.144: A.J. Duncan - The venerable brother, A.J. Duncan, is an ordained preacher of intelligence and gifts. He has been a Baptist 54 years. He has not been physically able to preach for some years, but has been greatly useful in Sunday School and fifth Sunday meeting work, in fireside conversations, in his talk and walk on the streets and in the stores. He believes in "contending earnestly for the faith delivered once for all to the saintly" and he defines "saints as Baptists and the faith as the New Testament system of doctrines." ... My visit in his home in Calhoun, has been most pleasant. The infirmities of age are creeping over him. ... He has given his estate, 210 acres of land to the New Cleveland Church, reserving only $1000 out of it for his living, the rest of the proceeds to go toward building a house of worship. (notebook entry - Brother Duncan has long since gone to his reward.) (McMinn Co.)
Pg.228: Joab Hill, son of William and Hannaniah Hill, b. NC; father born in Virginia, and Baptist preacher. Grandfather William Hill Sr. was Episcopal and angry, it is believed, that his son should unite with the Baptist. The Elder Wm. Hill was a Patriot in VA, as was his son, Elder Wm. Hill, in NC. William Hill Jr., f. of Joab, was a member of the Provincial Congress at Hillsborough, NC 1775, Lt. of a Reg of NC troops ... In 1802 Joab Hill m. Elizabeth Lane, a dau of Lt. Isaac Lane and Gdau of Elder Tidence Lane of Pioneer Fame. Joab was in War of 1812 TN; lived in McMinn Co. TN, moved to MO 1841, died in Clark Co. MO 1847.
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