Duncans in Anderson Co. TN


Duncan research files of
Mary Ann (Duncan) Dobson
the Genealogy Bug

Last revised September 24, 2013



Isaac L. Duncan Bible Record (copy of Bible pages from R.C. Duncan 8/1992; owner's name not given; Anderson Co. TN)
      Certificate of Marriage, Isaac L. Duncan of Frost, Tenn, and Susan O. Long of Marlow, Tenn., on August 28th, 1884 at Poplar Creek, the home of her father, by W.R. Dail, Esq. Witness S.D. Sinert, C.C. Andrews.
Isaac L. Duncan, Oct. 15th. 1859.
Susan O. Long, Nov. 8th. 1867.
      Persia C. Duncan, Aug. 24th. 1885.
      Oscar W. Duncan, Feb. 21st. 1887.
      Bonnie Duncan, Jan. 20th. 1889.
      Bertha Duncan, Jan. 7th, 1891.
      Maisy Duncan, Feb. 1st. 1896.
      Adelbert C. Duncan, Dec. 13th. 1899.
      Mattie Jenie Duncan, Sept. 26th. 1903.
      Spurgeon B. Duncan, Oct. 22nd. 1906.
Bonnie Duncan and Milton Barnes, October (blank) 1911 at Spokana, Wash.
Oscar Duncan and Minnie Kalner at Fort Benton, Mont.
Bertha Duncan and Garfield Cheek at Great Falls, Mont.
Maisy Duncan and Noah S. Warner, March 29th. 1917. at Great Falls, Mont.
Delbert C. Duncan and Jessie DetWine?, July 16th 1927 at Fort Benlon, Mont.
Mattie Jane Duncan & Lester J. Davis Feb. 2, 1951 at Santa Ana, Calif.
Persia C. Duncan, Oct. 11th. 1926.
Spurgeon B. Duncan, June 27 - '29
Susan O. Duncan, Oct. 3 - 1938 7 A:M:
Bonnie York, April 10 1940
Isaac L. Duncan, July 15, 1947
Maisy E. Warner - Wiggins Dec. 6, 1973
Delbert C. Duncan, April 15, 1961

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Scott Co. TN Transcribed Deeds (FHL film 926,296)
      A-272 (originally A-503): 10 March 1852, Samuel C. Young of Anderson Co. TN to Thomas Duncan of same, $10 (MAD: sic), (acres not given), land on Smokey fork of New River where William Overton now lives, near Michael Lows, Cane branch; wit. James (X) McGee, John (X) Duncain.  

Scott Co. TN Deed (FHL film 926,301; SLC 9/29/2011)
      M-578/579: 13 Jan. 1873, Thomas Duncain of Anderson? Co. TN to Ezekiel Hembree of Scott Co. TN, for $50 paid, sell tract of land in 5th District of Scott Co. containing 120 acres more or less, beg. ... Little Brimstone Creek above Rucker Sock?, then with a conditional line between Joel Lewallen & Meshack Hembree ... dividing mountain between Brimstone and Dry Creek, then ... to Demsy Massingale line, then ... to the beg., warrant title. /s/ Thomas (X) Duncain. Wit. Wm. A. Hembree, Michael Low. A. Henry and Michel Low, witnesses, appeared 28 July 1874 before John Pemberton, Clerk of Scott County Court. Recorded 30 July 1879. (FHL film 926,301; SLC 9/29/2011)

Haywood Co. NC Record of Wills & Inventories, Vol.1/2, 1829-1846 (FHL film 463,162; copy of pg.143 also from Letha Summers 7/1989)
      Pg.143: March term, 1846. John N. McGee guardian to the minor heirs of Isaac Dunkin decd, makes the following return of moneys which came into his hands belonging to Wm. B. Dunkin, Moses Dunkin, Isaak W.D. Dunkin, Maryan Dunkin, the sum of $84 received the 6th day of January 1846. /s/ J.N. McGee.
            John W. McGee charges the estate of Isaac Dunkin decd as guardian for services rendered and expenses as follows, viz, paid clerk of Haywood Co. Court for ..., paid clerk of Anderson Co. for ..., 2 trips to Anderson Co. TN 8 days ea ..., 2 days there tending to business of the estate ..., expenses of the two trips, council for B.M. Edney ... $50.80 total. The above claim allowed by court.
      Pg.149: June term, 1849, in obedience to order of Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions, commissioners examined the accounts of estate of Isaac Dunkin decd and find the amount retd by John N. McGee gdn. to be $85; said gdn. exhibited following vouchers: B.M. Edney, council fee, $15.00; for time and traveling expenses, $35.80; total $50.80; balance $34.20; /s/ Wm. W. Battle, S. Fitzgerald, Augn. Grahl, June 17, 1846.

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BENJAMIN DUNCAN, Widow Mary, Rev. Pension Application W-7052 (FHL film 970,863)
      Born ca 1755 VA, died Jan. 1803 Anderson Co. TN. He was a pvt in Co. commanded by Capt. Cowan in NC Militia for 6 mo's. Married Dec. 1776 in Wilkes Co. NC to Mary Davis, sister of Thomas Davis, age ca 82 on 12 June 1841 of Anderson Co. TN, who testified in Benjamin's behalf. Mary Davis, born 1756 (85 yrs of age on 12 June 1841 in Anderson Co. TN. She died after June 1842. Pension certificate issued to Widow, 18 June 1842, Robertsville, Anderson Co. TN. After Benj. Duncan was discharged Nov. 1781, the couple continued to reside in Wilkes Co. NC. Date not given when both removed to Anderson Co. TN. Mary said they had 12 children "the oldest will be 65 yrs of age next January", statement made 13 Sept. 1841 - children not named. Witness Elizabeth Brown, age 66 on 12 April 1842, who knew Benjamin and Mary in Wilkes Co. NC in 1778.
      Click here for more from the pension application file.

THOMAS DUNCAN, Rev. Pension Application W-1577 (FHL film 970,864; from National Archives)
      Applied 19 Sept. 1832 in Monroe Co. TN, age 68 lacking 1-2 months, where he had lived a little over a year. Born 1765 Pittsylvania Co. VA; volunteered 1781 age 17, under Capt. Wm. Dix for 3 months; witness Rev. John Selvidge of Roane Co. TN; and Charles Price, age 60, of Monroe Co. TN who knew Thomas in Caswell Co. NC and knew Wm. Dix. After war, at age 21 to Caswell Co. NC, 1803 (30 years bef. 3 June 1833) to Anderson Co. TN, then about 22 years ago to Roane Co. TN, then to Monroe Co. TN ca 1832.
      Declaration of Rhoda Duncan on 5 May 1849, age 78, in Monroe Co. TN; m. 23 July 1786 to Thomas Duncan in Pittsylvania Co. VA; statement by Beryman Duncan 5 May 1849 in Monroe Co. TN; Thomas d. 28 Dec. 1845 in Monroe Co.; declaration of Rhoda 8 March 1850, m. by Rev. Roberts, record of birth of first and only child Berriman Duncan, b. 24 Oct. 1787, made by her father George Whitten in a hymn book, Berriman's wife's age below it (illeg.); statement by Rhoda 24 Aug. 1850; Rhoda d. 31 March 1852.
      Click here for more from the pension application file.

Index to War of 1812 Pension Applications and Bounty Land Warrant Applications; National Archives Film (FHL film 840,458)
      Duncan, Moses, widow Nancy; SO 3040, SC 5684, WO 17562, WC 14971; BL 15834-80-50, 40996-80-55; Private in Capt. James Tunnell's Co. TN Mil. 9/19/1814 to 5/3/1815; sol. res. 1850, 1855, 1856 Anderson Co. TN, 1871 Anderson Co. (PO Clinton) TN; wid. res. 1878 Olivers, Anderson Co. TN; maiden name soldier's 1st wife Mary Frost, 2nd wife Elizabeth ---, widow Nancy Nolen m. Dec. 8, 1839, Haywood Co. TN; sol. d. Jan. 16, 1872, Frost Bottom, TN; wid. d. Oct. 30, 1904, Oliver Springs, Roan (MAD: sic) Co. TN.

MOSES DUNCAN, War of 1812, W.C. 14971 by Nancy Duncan (copy of documents from National Archives to Carole Nation; from Carole 4/1989)
      Declaration 18 Oct. 1850 by Moses Duncan, age 55, resident of Anderson Co. TN; he was a private in the Company commanded by Capt. James Tunnel in Regiment commanded by Col. William Johnson of militia from TN ... 1812; drafted at Knoxville TN on 20 Sept. 1814 or about that time, for 6 months, continued in actual service for 7 and 1/2 months, honorably discharged at Knoxville about 1 May 1815; original cert. of discharge has been lost. Applies for bounty land under act 28 Sept. 1850. Statement made before David Dew, JP.
      Declaration 29 March 1856 by Moses (+) Dunkin of Anderson Co. TN, who was a private soldier in Capt. James Tunnel's Co. in Regiment commanded by Col. Johnson in War of 1812; that he served as alleged and shown by his two former declaration for bounty land; that in making out his declaration under the act of 28 Sept. 1837 he does not now recollect whether he authorized his name to be signed by his orders and in his presents in letters or by his making his mark. Neither is he certain as to how he signed his name under the act of 3 March 1855, but believes he made his mark to the declaration ... that A.Cross and Wm. G. McAdoo was his agents in obtaining his warrant under the Act of 1850, but he does not know to which of his said agents his warrent was issued; he cannot write his name but has divers times authorized his name to be signed by others, but in this case he does not recollect how the facts are; that he received a bounty land warrant under Act 28 Sept. 1850 for 80 acres, ... but no other warrant. Statement made before John Sieber, JP.
      Statement 2 April 1856 by A. Cross of Anderson Co. TN; that Moses Dunkin had employed myself and Wm. G. MacKadoo to prosecute his claim, that his warrant for 80 acres was discharged to me, that he got the benefit of the 80-acre warrant; that Moses Dunkin cannot write his name, but he (A. Cross) does not now recollect whether Mr. Dunkin made his mark or authorized his name to be signed in letters. Statement made before Saml. C. Young, JP.
      (Filled-in form) War of 1812; Declaration of Soldier for Pension, Anderson Co. TN; 6 March 1871, appeared Moses Duncan, age 79, resident of Clinton P.O., Anderson Co. TN; he is married; his wife's name was Mary Frost whom he married in Anderson Co. on the (blank) day of May, 1814; that he served the full period of 60 days in the military service in War of 1812; he was drafted in Capt. James Turner's Co. at Clinton, TN, on the (blank) day of Oct. 1814, and was honorably discharged at Knoxville, TN, on (blank) day of May 1815; that he was marched from Clinton to Lookout Mountain, then to Fort Strther (sic), then to Fort Jackson, then to Fort Claibon, then to Mobeal, Ala, where he was when pease was made, that he was granted a land warrant under act of 3 March 1855 and refers to the evidence on file that his discharge is distroyed or lost & that he cannot furnish it. Appoints William Wallace and Wallace F. Roads attorneys to prosecute his claim and obtain the pension certificate; his post office is at Clinton, Anderson Co. TN; his domicile or place of abode is 7th Civil District of Anderson Co. /s/ Moses (+) Duncan. Wit. J.C. Sloar, H.J. Davis, both Anderson Co. TN.
      (Filled-in form) Declaration for Pension of Widow of War of 1812, Anderson Co. TN; 5 April 1878, appeared Nancy (+) Duncan, age 63, resident of Oliver, Anderson Co. TN; widow of Moses Duncan; her husband served in military service in war of 1812, enlisted Knoxville, TN, 1812, in command of Capt. William Tunnell, discharged at Mobile, Ala; husband received land warrant 160 acres; she was married under name of Nancy Nolen to said Moses Duncan on 8 Dec. 1839 by Dock Howel, Esq., at North Carolina; that her husband died at Frost Bottom, TN, on 16 Jan. 1872; that she has not remarried. Appoints George E. Lemon her attorney to pursue her claim; that her husband received a pension No. 5684; that her post office address is Oliver, Anderson Co. TN. Wit. William S. Davis and B.H. Hoskins, both of Oliver, Anderson Co. TN.
      Affidavit of Samuel (+) Nolen, 5 April 1878, of Anderson Co. TN; that he was acquainted for more than 40 years with Nancy Duncan and Moses Duncan up to his death, and was present when Moses Duncan and Nancy Duncan was married under the name of Nancy Nolen on or about 8 Dec. 1839 by Dock Howel Esq. in Haywood Co. NC; that Moses Duncan and Nancy Duncan was legally and lawfully married and lived together as man and wife up to the death of Moses Duncan which occurred some time in the month of January 1872 in Anderson Co. TN, and that Nancy Duncan widow of Moses Duncan has never remarried; that he is Nancy Duncan's neighbor. Wit. W.D. Laman, R.M. Dare.
      Affidavit of William Smith and Elizabeth (+) Smith, of Olivers, Anderson Co. TN; they are 65 and 63 years of age and know from personal knowledge that Mary Duncan first wife of Moses Duncan died in the year 1825 and this his third wife Nancy Duncan now survives him and has not remarried since his death Jan. 16, 1872, and that Nancy Duncan was not married prior to her marriage with Moses Duncan. Wit. S.D. Duncan, B.H. Hoskins.
      (Small form) Pensioner Dropped, Dec. 5, 1904, Cert. No. 14971, Widow 1812 Nancy Duncan, soldier Moses Duncan; that the pensioner was last paid at $12 to 4 Aug. 1904, has been dropped because of death on Oct. 30, 1904.

Pension Index Card File, alphabetical; of the Veterans Administrative Contact and Administration Services, Admin. Operations Services, 1861-1934; Duff to A-J Duncan (negative FHL film 540,888, some cards very faint); Joseph Duncan to Dunn (positive FHL film 540,889, some cards very dark)
      Cataloged under Civil War, 1861-1865, pensions, indexes; does not say if Confederate or Federal, but probably Federal. Negative film, some cards much too faint or dark to read, some cards blurred or faded, particularly the service unit and the dates of application. Most of the very faint or dark cards were in a slightly different format, with space for years enlisted and discharged which were sometimes filled in. Many of these were for service in later years, although one or two were for service ca 1866.
      Name of soldier, alias, name of dependent widow or minor, service (military unit or units), date of filing, class (invalid or widow or minor or other), Application #, Certificate #, state from which filed (sometimes blank), attorney (sometimes blank, MAD: did not usually copy), remarks. Sometimes the "Invalid" or "Widow" class had an "s" added to it before the application #; occasionally the area for the service information included a circled "S". The minor's name was frequently that of the guardian rather than the minor.
      The military unit was frequently the Company Letter, the Regiment Number, sometimes US Vet Vol Inf. (US Veteran Volunteer Infantry), L.A. (Light Artillery), H.A. (Heavy Artillery), US C Inf (US Colored? Infantry), Cav. (Cavalry), Mil. Guards, V.R.C. (?Volunteer Reserve Corps?), etc. Sometimes there were several service units given.
      Cards appear to be arranged by the last name, first name, middle initial if any, and state (including "US") of service.
      Duncan, Calaway H., widow Duncan, Margaret L.; M 1 Tenn. Cav.; 1889 Jan. 31, Widow Appl. #388031, no cert., Tenn.
      Duncan, Callaway H., widow Duncan, Victory; C 2 Tenn. Inf.; 1886 Oct. 22, Invalid Appl. #587880, Cert. #735599; 1900 Jan. 22, Widow Appl. #712075, no cert., Tenn. (MAD: Anderson Co. TN)
      Duncan, Elijah, minor Duncan, William R., Gdn.; D 1 Tenn. L.Art.; 1877 Nov. 7, Invalid Appl. #244353, Cert. #378727; 1879 Sept. 16, Minor Appl. #251386, Cert. #193483. (MAD: Anderson Co. TN)
      Duncan, Isaac; G 2 Tenn. Inl? & Indian War; 1893 Jan. 21, Invalid Appl. #1144339, no cert., Tenn; remarks Trans to Ind. War I. cif. 6138, Wid. cif 7254. (MAD: Anderson & Scott Co. TN)
      Duncan, Isaac M., widow Duncan, Anna; G 2 Tenn. Inf.; 1875 Sept. 4, Invalid Appl. #207899, Cert. #244166; 1887 Sept. 2, Widow Appl. #360144, Cert. #240947, Tenn. (MAD: Anderson Co. TN)
      Duncan, James F.; F 7 Tenn. Mtd. Inf.; 1889 Nov. 7, Invalid Appl. #737633, Cert. #635784, Tenn. (MAD: Anderson Co. TN)
      Duncan, John, widow Duncan, Susan J.; C 2 Tenn. Inf.; 1889 Aug. 17, Widow Appl. #402507, Cert. #273674, Tenn. (MAD: Anderson Co. TN)
      Duncan, John, widow Duncan, Nancy E.; C 4 Tenn. Inf.; 1885 Dec. 11, Invalid Appl. #557767, Cert. #395161; 1923 Nov. 30, Widow Appl. #1212644, Cert. #944171, Tenn. (MAD: Carter & Washington Co. TN; see Anderson Co. TN)
      Duncan, Thomas, widow Duncan, Rainey; G 2 Tenn. Inf.; 1885 May 15, Invalid Appl. #540050, Cert. #469405; 1894 Dec. 17, Widow Appl. #605889, Cert. #421688, Tenn. (MAD: Anderson Co. TN)
      Duncan, Thomas L., widow Duncan, Cynthia C.; I 7 Tenn. Mtd. Inf.; 1868 Oct. 14, Invalid Appl. #136282, Cert. #102993; 1906 Feb. 19, Widow Appl. #843508, Cert. #608552, Tenn. (MAD: Anderson Co. TN)
      Duncan, William C.; G 2 Tenn. Inf.; 1892 Sept. 17, Invalid Appl. #1131223, no cert., Tenn. (MAD: ? Anderson Co. TN)
      Duncan, William R., widow Duncan, Rainy J.; G 3 Tenn. Inf.; 1868 Sept. 16, Invalid Appl. #135657, Cert. #122306; 1908 Widow Appl. #892819, Cert. #682691, Tenn. (MAD: Blount Co. TN; see Anderson Co. TN)

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HISTORIES before 1923

1887 "History of TN; East TN" by Goodspeed (FHL book 976.8 H2ha Vol.2)
      Pg.1105/1106: Anderson Co. Hon. J.A. Brown, born in Anderson Co. TN June 20, 1842, his father was William Brown of KY, his mother was Malinda Overton, of TN, the father of Scotch descent, the mother of Dutch. About the year 1828 the father immigrated to State of TN and here married mother of our subject. Unto the marriage were born 7 sons and 2 daughters, our subject is the 5th. ... When the civil war broke out, ... at the age of 20 he enlisted in the US army in Co.B 3rd TN Infantry, ... At the close of the war he went to IN and IL and farmed for nearly 3 years. In 1868 he returned to his native State, and was united in marriage with Miss Talitha Duncan, daughter of Alfred Duncan. Two sons and 3 daughters ... William A., Edgar, Ida F., Lelia G. and Sarah A. ... Farming ... elected register for Anderson Co. in 1878, after 4 years was elected sheriff, then returned to farming. In 1886 he was elected representative of Anderson and Morgan Cos. Member of Grand Army of the Republic and an ardent Republican.
      Pg.1113, Anderson Co.: William R. Hicks, the subject of this sketch, is judge of the 2nd Judicial Circuit of TN, and is one of the leading lawyers of Anderson Co. He was born in Knox Co. TN December 16, 1842, and is the son of John H. and Elizabeth (Dail) Hicks. ... He was mustered out of service ... in February, 1865, and returned to his home in Anderson Co. ... On March 19, 1868 (his wedding day), he borrowed a copy of Blackstone and began to read law. He was admitted to the bar in 1872, and at once began practicing ... He was married March 19, 1868, to Mary L. Duncan, who was born June 6, 1846, daughter of Alfred Duncan, of Anderson Co. To this union 8 children have been born, four of whom are dead. Our subject and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. On March 3, 1881, Judge Hicks met with a railroad accident, near Clinton, by which he lost his right arm.
      Pg.1117: Anderson Co. S.L. Moore, a substantial farmer of Anderson Co., was born Dec. 30, 1838, the son of Samuel and Lourania (Duncan) Moore. The father was born in Rutherford Co. N.C. in 1798 and came to TN about 1813, settling in Anderson Co. where he engaged in farming. He served as trustee of the county, and died in 1877. The mother was born in Washington Co. TN, Feb. 4, 1807, and died August 26, 1857. Our subject was reared on the farm and attended neighboring schools and Union Academy, at Clinton. ... served as magistrate and was chairman of county court for 3 years. In 1860 he married Marie J. Longmire of Anderson Co., who was born in 1840 and is the daughter of R.M. Longmire (deceased). Three of the 13 children born to them are deceased. Both our subject and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South.

1905 "Notable Men of Tennessee : personal and genealogical, with portraits" edited by John Allison; pub. Atlanta, Ga. Southern Historical Association. (text from Kathy D. Cawley 1/2005)
      Pgs.304-305: HINSON DUNCAN HICKS, M.D., a physician, of Clinton, Tenn., is a descendant of some of the oldest families of Tennessee and North Carolina. His paternal great-great-grandfather was a farmer, before the Revolution, in the neighborhood of Raleigh, N.C., and his name was RALEIGH HICKS. His son, RICHARD, the great-grandfather of the Doctor, also lived and died near Raleigh, but the grandfather, JOHN HICKS, came to Tennessee in early life. On the maternal side, the DUNCANS came from North Carolina to Tennessee over 100 years ago. DOCTOR HICKS is a son of WILLIAM R. and MARY L. (DUNCAN) HICKS, and was born in Anderson county, Tenn., Oct. 14, 1876. During the Civil war his father served in Company C, Second Tennessee infantry, from Aug. 8, 1861, until [in] February, 1865. The regiment received its baptism of fire at Wild Cat, Ky., under GEN. GEORGE H. THOMAS; was at Mill Springs, Murfreesboro, in pursuit of GEN. JOHN MORGAN, the noted raider, and was surrounded and captured at Rogersville, Tenn., Nov. 6, 1863. The captives were confined at Bell Island for a time, and then were taken to Libby prison, where they were held until September 1864, when they were taken farther south. At Augusta, Ga., MR. HICKS escaped, but was afterward recaptured and held a prisoner at the Florence prison, Charleston, S.C., remaining in prison altogether over thirteen months. When he came home, in February, 1865, he weighed less than 100 pounds. Today he weighs 190, and is in good health. After the war he taught school, borrowed law books from COL. C.J. SAWYER and equipped himself for the practice of law. Since his admission to the bar he has seved on the bench in the second judicial circuit for sixteen years, and is now next door to COLONEL SAWYER, who gave him the first encouragement to study law. He was married on March 19, 1868, and DOCTOR HICKS is the third of a family of four children. He was educated at the Clinton high school, and later took a select course in Grant Memorial university. He then entered the medical department of the University of Louisville, Louisville, Ky., and graduated in April, 1900. Since then he has been engaged in the practice of his profession at Clinton. DOCTOR HICKS represents the progressive element of the medical profession. Although a young man, he has won a high standing in his chosen calling, and commands the respect of his brother physicians and the public generally. He is a member of the Tennessee State Medical association and of the Anderson County Medical society. He is the examiner for the Equitable, Massachusetts Mutual and AEtna Life Insurance companies, in Clinton; a member of the Clinton board of examining surgeons for pensioners; is a prominent member of the Independant Order of Odd Fellows and belongs to the Methodist Episcopal church.

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