Duncan research files of |
Index to SC Land Grants, Class 2 (FHL film 22,531)
Index 1822-1824, Vol.77-86:
Jesse Duncan, 13a Union, 26 Nov. 1834, 81-279
SC Land Grants
30-248: 5 March 1792, to William Duncan for 13 shillings 7 pence, 290 acres surveyed 6 Jan. 1791 in Dist 96, Little Beaver Dam, waters of Saludy River, bounded by line running SW on William Woods land, NW on Laffertey's land, NE by land laid out for Tavaner Beal, other sides vacant. (FHL film 22,556) (MAD: Newberry Co. SC?; one Beaverdam Creek in ? Edgefield Co. SC, off little Saluda River; indexed Pinckney (Union & York) Dist. SC)
81-279: 26 Nov. 1834, grant to Jesse Duncan, 13 acres surveyed for him 4 Jan. 1834 in Union Dist. on a small branch of Fair Forest Creek, waters of Tygar River. (FHL film 25,576)
Union Co. SC Plat Books; index A-G 1803-1974 (FHL film 1,025,404)
AB-494: 1833, Jesse Duncan on branches of Fairforest Creek
Next Duncan was 1870, not copied
Union Co. SC Plat Books volume AB 1803-1860 (FHL film 1,025,406)
AB-494: Pursuant to warrant 27 Dec. 1833, I have laid out for Jesse Duncan, 13 acres on a small branch of Fairforest Creek, waters of Tuger River, adj. said Jesse Duncan's land, all other sides adj. by land of estate of Hon. Abraham Mott decd; surveyed 4 Jan. 1834, /s/ Richd. Thomson D.S. Recorded 5 March 1834. Chain carriers Moses & Thos. White.
Union Co. SC Deed Index (FHL film 255,052 grantor; FHL film 255,055 grantee)
(grantor pages very faint)
A-195/8: Elizabeth Duncan from Ambrose Ray & wife, 1785
B-427: Jas. Duncan from Lewis Bobo & wife, 1787
E-89: James Duncan (son Alexr) (with/to) Robert White, Bird Murphy, Samuel Simpson, 1797 (not indexed)
E-96: James Duncan from Drury Murrell, 1797
E-98: James Duncan from John Bailey, 1797
E-100: James Duncan from Tabitha Pearson, 1797
E-231: James Duncan (son Alexr) and Sarah Murphy widow of Bird, 1795
F-222: Robert Duncan to Perry Evans, 1799
I-13: James Duncan to William Smith, 1806
I-212: James Duncan from William Johnson, 1806
I-477: James Dugan from Thos. Addington, 1806
L-36: James Duncan (son Alexr) from William Bond, 1811
L-38: James Duncan from Sion Lawson, 1811
N-41: James Duncan (son Alexr) to James Richardson, 1815
N-51: Jas. Duncan (son Alexr) from Wm. Skelton & wife, 1815
N-54: James Duncan (son Alex) to Wm. B. Murphy et al, 1815
N-274: Robert Duncan from Ignatius Stoke, 1815
O-152: James Duncan (son Alexr) from Robert Marlin, 1817
O-154: James Duncan (son Alexr) from Kindred Bobo, 1817
P-545: James Duncan (son Alexr) to Wm. B. Murphy, 1819
P-547: Elizabeth Duncan to Jesse Murphy, 1819
Q-104: James Duncan (son of Alex) to Wm. Ray, 1820
S-275: Susannah Duncan to Carry Woodson's ch., 1826
S-522: Susannah Duncan from William Steen, 1824
T-1: James Duncan (son Alexr) to E.M. Bobo & wife, 1828
T-296: James Duncan (son Alexr), to ????, 1828
T-400: Elizabeth Duncan to James Duncan (son Alexr), 1828
V-248: James Duncan (son Alexr) from J.D. Murphy, 1836
V-382: James Duncan (son of Alex) to E. & E.M. Bobo, 1828
V-384: James Duncan (son of Alex) to E.M. Bobo, 1828
V-386: James Duncan from E. & E.M. Bobo, 1831
V-402, Elizabeth Duncan to E. Murphy, 1833
Y-34: John Duncan from Simpson Cromer, 1835
Y-101: Dabney Duncan from John Keisler, 1835
Y-248: Jesse Duncan from Moses White, 1835
Y-287: James Duncan (son of Alexr) to F.Q. Murphy, 1835
U/14-294: Dabney Duncan to David & J.A. Fant?, 1846
U/14-563: Jesse Duncan from Morris A. Moore, 1849
W/16-88: Rev. D. Duncan from Rebecca Fant, 1852
Z/18-105: Martha Duncan to W.J.T. Glenn, 1852
B/20-91: W.W. Duncan et al from B.H. Rice, 1867
B/20-396: D.P. Duncan from William Malone, 1867
C/21-156: P.J. Duncan et al to T.J. Green, P.J., 1868
C/21-157: P.A. Duncan from J. Rice Rodgers (Sheriff), 1868
C/21-258: D.P. Duncan from William Malone, 1868
C/21-389: D.P. Duncan from Jasper Fant, 1868
C/21-618: D.P. Duncan from Jasper Fant, 1868
D/22-320: D.P. Duncan to A.?P? Clem???, Clerk, 1870
D/22-560: W.H. Duncan to ??? trustee, 1870
F/24-187: Permelia A. Duncan to J.K. Jeffries, 1875
Union Co. SC Deeds
A-195/8: 10 Jan. 1785, Ambrose Ray and wife Elizabeth, planter, of Dist. 96, to Elizabeth Duncan of same, £72, 200 acres, part of grant to Emanuel Stevens of 350 acres on SS Tygar River, 200 acres of which was conveyed to Ambrose Ray. Wit. James Harrison, William Young. (FHL film 255,059)
B-427: 13 Dec. 1790, Lewis Bobo and wife Sarah of Union Co. SC to James Duncan, son of Alexander, of same; 700 acres granted 13 July 1770 to Lewis Bobo in then Berkeley Co. between Broad and Saludy Rivers on small branches of Tyger River called Woffords and Barnet's Branches, adj. NE by land sold to Emanuel Stevens, E. on land of Ralph Jackson and part vacant, other two sides vacant, reg. in Grant Book FFF pg.27; now for £15, deed 15 acres of above beginning where Stephens line crosses the 96 road; wit. Jes. Dodd, Kindred? Bobo. (FHL film 255,059)
D-430, rec. 1797: 3 May 1794, William (W) Addington of Newberry Co. SC to Isaac Darnell of Union Co. SC, for £40 sterling, 250 acres in Union Co. on Enoree River between Frenchman's Creek and John's Creek, bounded on all sides by vacant land at the time of the surveying, orig. grant to Henry Addington 11 Aug. 1774, recorded in Grant Book RRR pg. 534; Henry Addington died and his son William Addington became heir. Wit. George Combs, Thomas Gore. Recorded on oaths of witnesses 5 Sept. 1796. (FHL film 255,060; and from Martha Eastis 6/1986)
E-89: 7 Sept. 1797, James Duncan (son of Alexr) to Robert White of Union Co. SC; to Samuel Simpson, James Duncan (son of Alexr), Bird Murphy & Robert White, Simpson to erect bridges on Tygar River at Bobo's Ford, our land on either side (apparently an easement). Wit. Drury Murrell, John (I with line across center) Bailey. (FHL film 255,060)
E-96: 14 Nov. 1797, Drury Murrell of Union Co. SC, planter, to James Duncan, son of Alexr., of same, £5, 6-1/2 acres on waters of Tygar River adj. corner on 96 Road, Stephen's line; wit. David Murrell, Archer Howard; release by wife Darky Murrell. (FHL film 255,060)
E-98: 12 Sept. 1797, John (X) Baily and wife Mary (X) Baily of Union Co. SC, planter, to James Duncan, son of Alexander Duncan, of Union Co. SC, £15, 1-1/2 acres granted Jeremiah Yarborough, corner Tygar River; wit. Robert White, Drury Murrell. (FHL film 255,060)
E-100: 11 March 1796, Tabitha Pearson of Union Co. SC to James Duncan son of Alexr, of same, $260 in silver, my negro man Bob which I bought of David Adams; wit. Isaac Pearson, Greenberry (X) Jacke. (FHL film 255,060)
E-231: 2 May 1795, arbitrators chosen between James Duncan son of Alexander, atty for Bird Murphy and Sarah Murphy (widow) to settle dispute - Sarah Murphy to keep the mill until the first of August next, and profits, and then go to James Duncan. James Duncan to pay Sarah Murphy an allowance (wheat, corn, etc.) during her life. Each to pay their own costs. Agreement signed "James Duncan (son of A)" and Sarah (+) Murphy. (FHL film 255,060)
F-222,3: 9 March 1799, Robert Duncan Senior of Newberry Co. SC, to Perry Evans, for 60 pounds, plantation or tract of land containing 200 acres in Union County, state aforesaid, between Tyar and Enaril? Rivers, ..., which will more fully appear reference to be had to the original Grant, which was granted to Margaret Dickson. /s/ Robert Duncan, seal; Wit. William Selby, Edmd. Cobb, Philip Selby. Recorded 31 May 1799 on oath of William Selby. (FHL film 255,061; from Lenox Baker 7/1980)
I-13: 19 April 1806, James Duncan, son of Alexander, to William Smith, blacksmith, $550, negro. (FHL film 255,062)
I-212: "Extract from Joseph Barns last Will." & It is my will that my negro Boy be sold, to wit, Syrus to serve until he serves 10 years after my decease and Peter to be sold to serve the term of time of 12 years after my decease and then the said Negro Boys to be manumitted by my execs. 5 Feb. 1806. Above will proven in common form March 10, 1806, Cecil Co. MD. That I bought above named negro Syrus of James Sims exec. of Joseph Barns and now have sold him to James Duncan for term of 8 years and 9 months, then James Duncan to set him at liberty. 30 May 1807. /s/ William Johnson. (FHL film 255,062)
I-477: 3 Nov. 1807, Thomas Addington of Union Co. SC to James Dugan of same, $135, 133 acres, part of larger tract granted to his father James Addington on S.side Tygar River adj. Henry Thickpenny, James O. Herson?; refer to orig. plat and plat of division; wit. Robt. Crenshaw Jr., Theophes. Tpenny, Nathl. Davis. No wife. (MAD: DUGAN, not Duncan) (FHL film 255,062)
K-37/8: 27 day Tenth month 1778, David Smith of Padgets Creek in province of SC to Arriel Fincher, John Clark, Ralph Hunt, John Neadirman?, trustees appointed by the People called Quakers, members of the Meeting on Padgets Creek; for 50 pounds currency paid by the members of the meeting, convey to the trustees & to their successors, 10 acres on Padgetts Creek, corner said David Smith's land, part of 250 acre grant to said David Smith by patent dated 17 (blank month) 1775. Wit. Hy.? Clark, Jno. McClain, Margaret Smith. Newberry Dist. Court 28 Aug. 1809, personally appeared Margaret Duncan whose maiden name was Margaret Smith; she was present and saw David Smith sign within deed to trustees, and signed as subscribing witness, and saw Henry Clark and John McClain subscribing witnesses with herself. (signed Margaret Duncan; not by mark.) (FHL film 255,062)
L-36: 9 March 1811, William (X) Bond of Union Dist. SC to James Duncan, son of Alexr, of same, $420, 2 small pieces of land on both sides Tyger River, including grist and saw mills formerly called Wrights Mills, the piece on N.side of river of 4 acres including grist mill, the other on S.side of 6 acres, being upper corner of grant to William Wofford on 9 May 1770, where the saw mill stands; release by Margret Bond; wit. Robt. Martin, Edward Wesson. (FHL film 255,062)
L-38: 19 April 1811, Sion Lawson of Union Dist. SC to James Duncan, son of Alexr, £15, 50 acres on S.side Tyger River, part of survey for Ambrose Yarborough on 18 Feb. 1785, corner to grant to Luis Bobo, grant to Wm. Worford 10 May 1770, grant to Emmanuel Stevens; release by Prissilla Lawson; wit. Bird Murphy, Elizabeth Murphy. (FHL film 255,062)
N-41: 14 Jan. 1814, James Duncan, son of Alexr., planter, of Union Dist. SC, to James Richason, planter, of same, $450, 170 acres on waters of Enoree River called John Creek, grant to William Shelton, adj. Charleston waggon road; wit. Hosea Ray, W.B?(Z?) Murphy; release by Elizabeth Duncan. (FHL film 255,063)
N-51: 10 Oct. 1788, William (X) Shelton and wife Sarah (X), planter, of Union Co. SC to James Duncan son of Alexr. of same, £100, per grant 20 Oct. 1770 to William Shelton for 200 acres in Craven Co. on branch of Enoree called Johns Creek, adj. James Ottison, all other sides vacant, recorded Grant Book MMM pg. 333 or 323; wit. John Howard, Archer Smith, Nehemiah Howard. (FHL film 255,063)
N-54: 2 July 1815, James Duncan son of Alexander of Union Co. SC for love and affection to my grandsons William B. Murphy, Thomas Fincher Murphy, and James N?. Gist Murphy, sons of Bird Murphy Esq. of same dist., and for diverse other causes, give to said grandson William B. Murphy the use for his life of all the following lands with the improvements thereon: 10 acres which I bought of William Bond, 117 acres I bought of Robert Martin and 13 acres I bought of Kindred Bobo, making together 140 acres, with the grist and saw mills on the tract of 10 acres and apple orchard on the tract of 13 acres which joins the 10 acre tract, beg. on S.side Tyger River, ... to corner on the old line of a grant to William Wofford on 10 May 1770 for 300 acres, then to the River, to a corner made between my land and Gabriel Ray's land on a line run by James K. Hanson? on 22 June 1815; to said William B. Murphy for life, and then his lawful issue if any, but if he dies without lawful issue, then to my grandson Thomas Fincher Murphy for life and then his lawfull issue, of if he dies without lawful issue, then to my grandson James N. Gist Murphy; wit. W.C. Pearson, Robert White, Peter Jackson; release of dower by Elizabeth Duncan (X), wife of James Duncan son of Alexander, 2 Oct. 1815 to Bird Murphy, JP. (FHL film 255,063)
N-274/5: 15 Feb. 18-- (illeg.), Ignatious Stokes and wife Rebekah of Union Dist. to Robert Duncan of Newberry Dist., $2,000, 346 acres in Union Dist. on Fairforest Creek(?). Wit. John Sanders?, John Stokes? Jr, John Stokes. Rec. on oath of John Stokes Jr. 4 Nov. 1816; release by Rebekah Stokes 15 Feb. 1816. (FHL film 255,063)
O-152: 24 June 1815, Robert Martin Sr. to James Duncan son of Alexander, $366, 152 acres, part of two tracts conveyed to Robert Martin Sr. by Andrew George, adj. grant to William Wofford on 10 May 1770, to Tygar River, branch in old field; release of dower by Elizabeth Martin wife of Robert; wit. Danl. Wilbanks, B. Bobo. (FHL film 255,063)
O-154: 21 May 1813, Kindred Bobo of Union Co. SC to James Duncan, son of Alexander, $350, two pieces of land on Tuger River; one of 142 acres, part of grant to William Wofford of 300 acres on 10 May 1770 beg. at mouth of small branch of Tygar River below my saw mill, adj. grant to Lewis Bobo, line between William Band and myself; and one of 2 acres more or less, on the river bank, adj. Kindred Bobo; wit. Hezekiah Ray, Green Bobo; release of dower by Mary Bobo, wife of Kindred. (FHL film 255,063)
P-545: 22 April 1819, James Duncan son of Alexr, to Wm. B. Murphy, $200, 71 acres corner made by Duncan and Martin. Wit. William Prater, Jesse D. Murphy. (FHL film 255,064)
P-547: 22 April 1819, Elizabeth (C) Duncan to Jesse D. Murphy, as his grandmother, gift of 200 acres on south side of Tygar River, part of grant to Emanuel Stephens 22 Sept. 1769, conveyed to Ambrose Ray and from him to Elizabeth Duncan. Wit. William B. Murphy, William Prater. (FHL film 255,064)
Q-104: 10 Feb. 1815; Whereas William Wilbank and Mathew Dalton? in right of his wife, admins, and Nancy Patton adminx. of Saml. Simson, decd, and Willis Bobo in right of his wife and James Richardson in right of his wife, daughters of the said Samuel and Baream? Bobo, guardian to Susannah, John & Saml. Simsan, minor children of the said Samuel, exhibitted their bill of complaint in the Court of Equity at Union Courthouse for an injunction and relief and upon the final hearing and determination thereof, it was among other things ordered and decreed that the said Nancy Patton widow of the said Saml. Simson decd. and the children of the said Saml. by their guardian should under the direction of the Commissioners of the said court, make and execute title to a certain tract of land mentioned in the said Bill to James Duncan son of Alexr; therefore we Nancy Patton wife of Mathew Patton and late widow of Saml. Pearson (MAD: first letter is not S or L) decd., Willis Bobo and James Richardson in behalf of our wives two of the children of the said Saml & Banim? (Barrim?) Bobo, guardian of Susannah, John & Saml. Simson minor children of the said Saml. Simson, deed to said James Duncan land on waters of Enoree River, being part of land known as Anchor Smith's old place, containing 80 acres more or less, adj. William Wilbanks, the Charleston road, ? line & fence; wit. Ralph Jackson, Hosea Rays. /s/ Mathew Patton, Nancy (X) Patton, B. Bobo guardian of, Willis Bobo, Delilah Bobo, Jas. Richardson, Sophia Richardson, Susannah Simson.
Know all men that I, James Duncan son of Alexr, have sold the above tract of land, described in the within deed of 80 acres more or less which was sold by Saml. Simson to John Limson on 11 Aug. 1796, to William Hollis and William Ray, all of Union Co. afsd, for $160, the land being already divided between them, up the spring branch to a post oak, then by a strait line to the main road to a persimmon corner, the part next William Hollis is his part, next William Rays is his part; 16 Dec. 1816, /s/ Jas. Duncan son of Alexander; wit. Martin Gamblin & William Nix; release by Elizabeth Duncan, wife of James, 6 Aug. 1819. (FHL film 255,064)
S-275: 4 Feb. 1826, Susannah (X) Duncan, for love ... do bear toward my loving connection Carry Woodson children, to Mary Woodson fiere facia executors administrators, a slave; also to Robert Woodson, John L. Woodson, Elizabeth Woodson wife of Cary Woodson - mention of anything left after Robert Duncan's just debts are paid. Wit. Thomas Willen, William Brandon. Rec. 9 May 1826. (FHL film 255,065)
S-522: By 25 Dec. 1827, I promise to pay Susanna Duncan, widow of Robert Duncan decd, or bearer, $470, mortgage negro woman Lydda and her four children Tam?, Louden, Billy & Lence, /s/ 23 Jan. 1826, William Steen; wit. William White; rec. 14 Feb. 1828. (FHL film 255,065)
T-1: 12 March 1818, James Duncan, son of Alexander, of Union Dist. SC, to Enwart? M. Bobo and Elizabeth Bobo his wife, my granddau., (no money), 100 acres on S.side Tyger River, corner William B. Murphees land, old line of grant to William Wofford on 10 May 1770, David Johnson's line, Kindred Bobo; wit. Thos. O'Neall, Richard H. Hughes, Jesse Jackson; release by Elizabeth Duncan; recorded April 21, 1828. (FHL film 255,066; dates as given in deed)
T-296: Jan. 10, 1829. In the presence of Madow Harrelson and his wife Nancy I agree to strike out the above words. /s/ Jas. Duncan son of Alexr. Wit. Meadow Harelston, Nancy (X) Harrelson. Personally appeared before me, Meadow Harrelson, and made oath he saw James Duncan (son of Alexr) erase the words "and after there death to their heirs forever", and that he and Nancy Harrelson witnessed the same. 23 Nov. 1829. James Hamm, J.Q. (MAD: no deed recorded here) (FHL film 255,066)
T-400: 22 April 1819, Elizabeth (C) Duncan wife of James Duncan son of Alexr, for and in lieu of 200 acres of land he bought of Ambros Ray which has been conveyed to me and four negroes and $400 in cash, relinquish my right of dower ... his estate. Wit. Wm. B. Murphy, Jesse D. Murphy, Wm. Prater. (FHL film 255,066)
V-248: 5 Dec. 1831, receipt by J.D. Murphy, recd. of James Duncan, son of Alexander, $115 in part for two tracts land; one tract called "Smithwick" of 200 acres in Spartanburg Co. SC; and one tract where I now live called the Duncan tract of 200 acres, which lands have been in dispute in law between James Duncan pltf. and Jesse D. Murphy deft. I release my right to said tracts. Wit. Jas. Norris, Wm. C. Pearson. No wife. (FHL film 255,066)
V-382: 2 July 1832 (MAD: sic), James Duncan son of Alexander for love to my granddau. Elizabeth Bobo and her husband Dr. Edward M. Bobo, of Union Dist. SC, 273-1/2 acres on SW side Tyger River adj. on W side by estate of Kindred Bobo, S by land of Bailey Lawson, E by Sion and Bird Murphy, N by Tyger River; being land bought of Ambrose Ray, Lewis Bobo, Drury Murrell and Hosea Wilbank, where I now live; wit. Z.P. Herndon, D. Wallace, Eli M. Glenn; release by Elizabeth Duncan. (FHL film 255,066)
V-384: 2 June 1832 (MAD: sic), James Duncan son of Alexander to Edward M. Bobo of Union Dist. SC. $500, 200 acre "Smithwick tract" in Spartanburg Dist. SC on Tyger River on N & NW, E by Nickolls, S by Danl. White's land; wit. W. Welling, Z. Hooker, E.M. Glenn; release by Elizabeth Duncan. (FHL film 255,066)
V-386: 2 July 1832, Elizabeth Bobo and Edward M. Bobo of Unionville, SC, for love to our grandfather, James Duncan son of Alexander, (no acres) land on NW side Tyger River, being the land where Jesse D. Murphy formerly lived, which said James Duncan bought of Ambrose Ray and others, for the natural life of James Duncan; wit. Z.P. Herndon, D. Wallace, E.M. Glenn. (FHL film 255,066)
V-402: 17 July 1832, Elizabeth Duncan, wife of James Duncan son of Alexander, for love to my youngest grandson Charles T. Murphy, minor son of Bird and Charlotte Murphy, my right to dower in estate of my present husband as I am getting old and my grandson C.T. Murphy has not as yet had any part of his grandfather's estate. I make him my sole heir to the real estate I may possess at the death of his grandfather, hereby making null and void all deeds, wills or assignments by me made to the contrary; wit. Isaac P. Murphy, Jepthah M. Murphy. (FHL film 255,066)
Y-34: (blank) Feb. 1835, Simon Cromer of Union Dist. SC, lease to John Duncan of same, land where I now live, 130 acres on branch called Swift Run adj. lands of Dabney Duncan, Adam Cromer, David Harris, Joseph McJunkin Jr., Doctor Walker and Jesse L. Peter, for 7 years from 4 Feb. 1835, for $100; wit. Z.P. Herndon; both signed. (FHL film 255,067)
Y-101: 10 Sept. 1835, Lewis Fant and Dabney Duncan of Union Co. SC to George Fant of same, $250, our right to 100 acres adj. said Lewis Fant, Mill Road, Thos. Burns; wit. John Smith, John Ashley; no wives. (FHL film 255,067)
Y-248: 23 Oct. 1833, Moses White to Jesse Duncan, $300, 150 acres on "each" side of Fair Forest, adj. Wm. E. McDowal's line; wit. Hugh E. White, John Wright; release by Elizabeth White. (FHL film 255,067)
Y-287: Mr. Jas. Duncan son of Alexr, Sir, Please to pay Bird Murphy $385 & this shall be your receipt for same. Dec. 6, 1831. /s/ J.D. Murphy.
Recd. Dec. 20 on the within order $150.26. Recd. Jan. 25, 1832 in full of the within order. /s/ J.D. Murphy. Wit. W.B. Murphy. Rec. 5 March 1837. (FHL film 255,067)
U/14-294: 3 Nov. 1845, Dabney Duncan of Union Co. SC to David J. Fant and John A. Fant of same, $1,214, 219 acres on small branches of Brushy Creek waters of Tyger River, adj. S.side Columbia Road, Jesse L. Peters land, David J. Fant, George Fant, Mill Road, Abram McJunkins line, Col. G. Steans line, school house land; wit. Robert Beaty, B. Hawkins. Dower released by Barbary E. Duncan, wife of Dabney. (FHL film 255,069)
U/14-563: 2 July 1844, Morris A. Moore of Spartanburg Dist. SC, in consideration of a deed to me for 8 & 6/10 acres by Jesse Duncan, sell to Jesse Dunkin (MAD: sic) 8-6/10 acres on W.side Fair Forest; wit. John Wright, Angellica Nott. (FHL film 255,069)
W/16-88: Release of Interest in Estate. 21 Sept. 1852, Rebeccah Fant formerly Rebeccah Gregory, have this day agreed and bargained with Dabney Duncan of AL the former father-in-law of my decd. husband George Fant, in regard to a full settle (sic) of my claims against the estate of my decd. husband which I might claim by my marytal right; now it is to be understood by all that for and in consideration of $50 in cash to me paid by the said Duncan with a full surrender of all my goods and chattels that is now in the care of Mr. Lewis Fant, and he the said Duncan to acquit me of all debts, dues and demands against the estate of my decd. husband, I do quit claim any claims or right that I might otherwise be entitled to; wit. Isaac Gregory Lipham, Lucy (X) Gregory, T.B. (X his) Gregory. Recorded before Isaac Gregory Esq.; "Mrs. Rebecca Fant". (FHL film 255,070) (MAD: see Pickens Co. AL)
Z/18-105: 29 Oct. 1857, Martha Duncan of Union Co. SC to Col. W.J.T. Glenn, $2500, 175 acres on both sides Fairforest Creek adj. said W.J.T. Glenn, M.A. Moore, and Joseph Foster; wit. T.L?. Means, Benj. Kennedy. (FHL film 255,071)
Z/18-106: 19 Dec. 1854, William H. Lancaster of Union Co. SC to Col. W.J.T. Glenn, $3000, 197 acres on S.side Fairforest Creek on both sides McElwane's Creek, adj. Martha Duncan's line; wit. Wm. T. Dye, Benjn. Kennedy. (FHL film 255,071)
C/21-156: Mortgage. 2 Nov. 1868, T.J. Greer, Probate Judge of Union, and P.A. Duncan, John R. Jeffries, Wm. Jeffries; that the said P.A. Duncan, John R. Jeffries, and Wm. Jeffries owe the said Probate Judge by note of same date due one year for $723.75; in consideration of the debt, and to secure payment, convey land sold as the real estate of Col. James Jeffries decd under order of Probate Court for Partition, adj. James M. Byers and others lying on Hickety (Thickey) Creek, 244 acres more or less; that until default, the said P.A. Duncan shall continue to occupy the premises. /s/ P.A. Duncan, John N. Jeffries, Wm. Jeffries; wit. S.M. Rice?, A.G?. Smith. (FHL film 255,073)
C/21-157: Deed of Conveyance. 5 Nov. 1868 (sic), Whereas John R. Jefferies filed a petition in the Court of Ordinary for Union Co. to have the real estate of Col. James Jeffers partitioned or sold, and the Ordinary issued a summons requiring the representatives of Col. James Jefferies to appear on 3 Oct. to show cause why the land should not be delivered or sold, and no cause being shown, the Ordinary decreed that the Sheriff of Union Co. do sell the land containing 244 acres more or less, bounded by lands of James M. Byers, Samuel Jeffers & lying on Thickety Creek, on the first Monday in November next, or such other sales day as may be most to the advantage of the parties interested, on a credit of 12 months, the purchaser giving bond with approved security, and a mortgage of the premises to the Ordinary (if deemed necessary) to secure the payment; therefore I, J. Rice Rogers, Sheriff, did on the first Monday in November sell the tract of land to Permelia Duncan for $1834, being the highest sum that was bid; deed to Permelia Duncan; wit. W.F. Mc?Williams, Thos. J. Whitlock. (FHL film 255,073)
F/24-187: 29 Nov. 1875, Permelia A. Duncan of Union Co. SC in consideration of advances, services rendered and for what I am now indebted to J.R. Jefferies of same, sell to J.R. Jefferies land I now live on, adj. N & W by J.R. Jefferies, E by Mrs. Minerva Orr and the Byers land, S by Thockety Creek, containing 244 acres; wit. M.C. Eison, S. Eison. (FHL film 1,025,356)
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