Duncan research files of |
The area covered by old Granville District SC, taken in part from "Counties in SC," typed pages from file of Leonardo Andrea, SC genealogist (FHL film 954,248, and from Louis Boone)
According to Leonardo Andrea, Granville County was a Colonial County; the records are in Charleston Co. Courthouse, and some in the Historical Commission in Columbia.
The boundaries of Granville County began with the present counties of Beaufort and Jasper and extended up along the east bank of the Savannah River to what is now Oconee County. Granville was a narrow county. These present counties were in old Granville:
Abbeville, west half
Aiken, the west half
Edgefield, west half
Anderson, west half
SC Land Plats 1688-1787 (Index on FHL film 22,598)
Name, location, No. of Acres, volume, page, date
Duncan, David, Granville, 100a, 14-485, 4 June 1768
Duncan, George, Granville, 200a, 14-490, 13 Aug. 1772
Duncan, John, Granville, 100a, 14-492, 11 Dec. 1767
SC Land Plats (FHL film 22,607; some pages have diagram of land)
14-485: Pursuant to warrant 12 Dec. 1767, I have laid out to David Duncan a tract of 100 acres in Granville Co. on a path leading from David Robeson's on Cedar Creek to John Evans' on Turkey Creek adj. all sides vacant land. Certified 4 June 1768. /s/ George Strother. (MAD: indexed Royal Land Grant 17-541, 9/1/1768, but volume 17 not on film)
14-490: Receipt 4 Aug. 1772, laid out to George Duncan, 200 acres in Granville Co. on Crosawhatchie? Swamp, bounded Mr. Fiskbairn?, Charles Wright, William Thomas. Certified 13 Aug. 1772.
14-492: Receipt 22 June 1767, laid out to John Duncan, 100 acres on waters of Long Cane Creek in Granville Co., bounded .. William Boyd. Cert. 21? (11?) Dec. 1767.
SC Memorials (Land) (Index on FHL film 23,297)
Name, location, No. of acres, volume-page, date
Duncan, David, Granville, 100a, 8-284, 16 Oct. 1765?
Duncan, George, Granville, 200a, 12-253, 21 June 1775
Duncan, John, Granville, 100a, 2-539, 11 Dec. 1767
SC Memorials
8-284: 16 Oct. 1768, Memorial to David Duncan for 100 acres in Granville Co. on a path leading from David Robeson's on Cedar Creek to John Evans' on Turkey Creek adj. all sides vacant land; survey certified 4 June 1768 and granted 1 Sept. 1768 to the memorialist at the Qt. Rt. of 3/ Sterl. or 4/ Proc. money per hundred acres; /s/ George Strother, D.S. David Duncan. (FHL film 23,302)
MAD: Edgefield Co. SC Deed 10-107, from Joseph Tucker Bell to Drury Mims, was for two tracts, including one of 450 acres granted 8 Feb. 1773 to Solomon Peters on Cedar Creek of Savannah River adj. John Snead, Thomas Ray, John Spencer's, David Duncan, Colonel Barnard; the plat was certified 19 July 1790; from pg.151-2 in "Edgefield Co. SC Abstracts of Deed Books 1-12, 1786-1796" by Ge Lee Corley Hendrix, 1985 (FHL book 975.737 R2h)
12-253: 22 Oct. 1773, Memorial to George Duncan, 200 acres in Granville Co. on Coosawhatchee Swamp adj. SW on Fishburns, NW on Charles Wrights and Wm. Thomas's, NE on Wm. Thomas & vacant, SE on vacant land; survey certified 31 Aug. 1772 and granted 11 Feb. 1773 to Memorialist. 21 June 1773, Jane Thomson DS, ded. 22 Oct. 1773, Solomon Logan Esq. (FHL film 23,304; Royal Land Grant indexed 28-273, 2/11/1773; volume 28 not on film)
Index to South Carolina Royal Land Grants, A-K (FHL film 22,581)
(Location in parentheses below was added in small handwriting near the name columns, apparently at a later date)
Duncan, David, Gran, 100a, 17-541 (sic), 1 Sept. 1768 (not found)
Duncan, George, (Eosawhatcha Swamp), Gran, 200a, 28-273 (sic), 11 Feb. 1773 (not found)
Duncan, John, (waters of Long Cane), Grv, 100a, 16-96, 8? Mar. 1768
SC Royal Land Grants (FHL film 22,589)
16-96: 8 March 1768, to John Duncan, 100 acres on Waters of Long Cane Creek in Granville Co., bounded N on lands laid out to William Boyd, all other sides vacant; plat certified 11 Dec. 1767.
MAD: one John Duncan witnessed Charleston Co. SC Deed W-60, 20&21 Aug. 1741, from Richard Woodward and wife Elizabeth of Beaufort to Charles Purry, gent., of Granville Co., lot #8 in Beaufort; from pg.28, Vol.2, "SC Deed Abstracts 1740-1755" by Clara A. Langley (FHL book 975.7 R2L, and from Evelyn Sigler 8/1984)
Charleston Co. SC Deed (FHL film 23,550)
T4-556: 5 Jan. 1778, Robert Dee to William Glenn and George Duncan, merchants, for £3625 current money, 500 acres in Granville Co. SC, being plat 22, bounded SE by lands of Thomas Rivers, NW on lands of William Sandys decd, NE by James Peart, SW by Robert Brailaford; wit. Rob. Johnston, Alexr. Forrester.
MAD: Deed F4-58 dated 28 & 29 April 1773, William Glen of Charles Town to Hon. Andrew Irvin, for 1500 acres in Granville Co. on Coosawhatchie and Jully Finny Swamps, was witnessed by Geo. Duncan and othrs; from pg.3, "SC Deed Abstracts 1773-1778, [Charleston Co. SC] Books F4 through X4" by Brent H. Holcomb (FHL book 975.7 R28h)
Deed V2-242, 2 Feb. 1756, lease for 6 years by William Wilkins, planter of Prince William Parish, Granville Co., to George Duncan and Mary Duncan, 1 acre, part of land on which Wilkins lives, near Pocotalego Bridge, adj. the highway leading from the bridge to Coosawhatchie, as already marked, for 6 years at 10 sh. a year, Duncan being allowed to erect houses etc.; wit. James Sterling, Joshua McPherson; from Vol.3, pg.97, "SC Deed Abstracts 1755-1768" by Clara A. Langley (FHL book 975.7 R2L, and from Evelyn Sigler 8/1984)
Washington Co. TN Deed Books (FHL film 825,523)
4-51: 10 Nov. 1784, NC Grant #482 to Joseph Duncan, 320 acres on the south branch of Boons Creek; for 50 shillings per 100 acres; adj. William Stone, William Bean, John Fuller Lean, John Russell; /s/ Alex Martin, by J. Glasgow.
4-52: 19 January 1789, Joseph Duncan of Granville (sic) County, South (sic) Carolina, to James Melvin of Washington Co., North Carolina (sic), £300, 320 acres on south branch of Boone's Creek. /s/ Joseph Duncan, Susana Duncan. Wit. John Carr Jurat, James Rice.
There are references to Duncans in old Granville Co. SC in the following:
"A Compilation of the Original Lists of Protestant Immigrants to SC 1763-1773" by Janie Revill, 1939, pgs.85-86, which includes an abstract from the Council Journal 33, pg.306-311, meeting of Dec. 12, 1767, passengers on board the ship "Pearl" lately arrived from Scotland and Ireland included David Duncan, who petitioned for a warrant for 100 acres on the bounty, in Granville Co., he being a protestant. (FHL book 975.7 W2r and FHL film 22,819, and from Evelyn Sigler and JoAnn Kline)
"Citizens and Immigrants, SC, 1768" by Mary B. Warren, pg.38 and 70, which included records of families long resident in SC as well as those just arrived from northern colonies. To be eligible for the bounty, immigrants must be Protestants and come to SC with written recommendation of his/her good character from civil or church officials from former residence; grants for 100 acres were issued in Granville Co. on 8 March 1768 to John Duncan, and (no county named) on 1 Sept. 1768 to David Duncan. Pg.237 included in the Quit Rents, Memorial Books of the Auditor General, David Duncan, 100 acres Granville Co. on a path leading from David Robesons on Cedar Cr. to John Evans on Turkey Cr., Survey Cert. 4 June 1768, granted 1 Sept. 1768; Quit Rent begins 10 years. (from Evelyn Sigler 8/1983; FHL book 975.7 N28w, 2nd ed.)
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