Duncan research files of |
1790 Fairfield Co. SC Census, Camden Dist. Pg. 20 Duncan, Robert 101xx Dunklin, Sarah 023xx 1800 Fairfield Co. SC Census Pg.208 John Duncan 34101 - 10110 1810 Fairfield Co. SC Census No Duncan indexed 1820 Fairfield Co. SC Census Pg.155 John Dunkin 010001 - 00001 Saml. Morgin Fleming Dunkin 100010 - 10010 1830 Fairfield Co. SC Census Pg.391 Mary Dunkin 1111 - 0001,001 404 John Dunkin 0000,0000,01 - 0 405 Dabney Duncan 0010,01 - 0101,001 1840 Fairfield Co. SC Census No Duncan indexed
1850 Fairfield Co. SC Census (and from Vivian Biddle 7/1983)
Pg.263, #930-931, James DUNCAN 56 York SC planter $600
Elvira 20, Mary 19 York SC
(MAD: Wife Ellen in 1850 Chester Co. SC census)
1860 Fairfield Co. SC Census
P.O. Winnsboro
Pg.251, #888, J.A. DUNCAN (m) 32 SC overseer $0-$1200
Eliza F. 32 SC $29,500-$40,500; mar. in year
(MAD: John A. Duncan, 1850 Chester Co. SC census, son of James & Eleanor Duncan; 1870 Henderson Co. TN census)
Pg.253, #919, J.D. GRAFTON (m) 40 SC planter $21,000-$5,525
Eliza 38 SC
Henry 9, Jane 7 SC
Mary DUNCAN 25 SC teacher CS $0-$150
Pg.281, #1420, James DUNCAN 77 SC overseer $0-$250 (alone)
Fairfield Co. SC Probate Court, Will index 1785-1865 and wills (FHL film 24,008)
1830: Duncan, Flem., admin. etc. - Mary Duncan. Vol.45 (column for page number in center binding, not visible)
Fairfield Co. SC (Probate) Court of Ordinary, Journals, 1801-1869 (FHL film 1,294,220)
Vol.2, 1801-1837, 1841-1843: Pg.221, Fleming Duncan decd, admin. granted Mary Duncan, his widow, on 12 May 1830; warrant of appraisement issued and order to sell personal estate for all items above $2. Robert McCreight and (blank) securities on bond of $400. May 12, 1830, recorded in Book K, pages 132, 439
Fairfield Co. SC (Probate) Court of Ordinary, Estate Records
Vol.1, 1787-1792 - no index (FHL film 1,294,204)
Vol.2, 1790-1799, 1800 - no Duncan
Vol.3, 1800 - no index
Vol.4, Book B, 1801-1803 - no Duncan
Vol.5, Book C, 1803-1812 - no Duncan
Vol.6, Book D, 1811-1815 - no Duncan
Vol.7, Book E, 1815-1819 - no Duncan (FHL film 1,294,205)
Vol.8, Book F, 1819-1824 - no Duncan
Vol.9, Book G, 1821-1825 - no Duncan
Fairfield Co. SC Estate Records
Vol.10, 1820-1829 - no Duncan (FHL film 1,294,206)
Vol.11, 1826-1837 - no Duncan
Vol.12, 1821-1832:
12-132: 12 May 1830, Admr. bond of Mary Duncan, admx. of Fleming Duncan decd, sec. Mary (+) Duncan, Robert McCreight. Wit. John R. Buchanan, ordinary.
12-133: 12 May 1830, letters of adm. issued, inv. to be returned 12 July. Order to appraise estate issued.
12-134: 10 July 1830, memo, Robert McCreight, James Sloan and R.McCreight Jr., appraisers of Fleming Duncan, appeared.
12-134: 12 May 1830, order to allow Mary Duncan to sell personal property of estate.
12-439: 10 July 1830, inventory of Fleming Duncan included two beds, pots, grey horse, etc. Mary bought all items.
Vol.13, 1823-1835 - no Duncan (FHL film 1,294,207)
Vol.14, 1823-1836 - no Duncan
(no Vol.15 or 16)
Vol.17, 1824-1846 - no Duncan
Vol.18, 1833-1847 - no index
Fairfield Co. SC Inventories, appraisals, sales, etc.
Book A, Vol.3, 1801-1805; index in back of Book B, Vol.4 of wills; no Duncan (FHL film 1,294,213)
Vol.15/N, 1835-1838 - no Duncan
Vol.20/S, 1840-1844 - no Duncan
Vol.25, 1843-1850 - no Duncan (FHL film 1,294,214)
Vol.28, 1850-1854 - no Duncan
Vol.19, 1853-1858 - no index
Vol.24/W, 1836-1869, real estate - D index page not filmed (FHL film 1,294,216)
Vol.21/T, 1840-1845, annual returns - no Duncan (FHL film 1,294,217)
Vol.26, 1845-1850, annual returns - no Duncan
Vol.27, 1849-1855, annual returns - no Duncan
Fairfield Co. SC (Probate) Court of Ordinary, Misc. probate records 1780-1868
Box (file) 22, pkg. 592, recorded Book L, pg.28; William Lyles decd. (FHL film 292,444)
William Lyles decd, sale bill 25 and 26 March 1802, purchasers include widow Elisabeth Liles, John Duncan, George Duncan, Washington Lyles, Samuel Dawson, Micajah Asford, Amonanos Lyles (sic), James Webb, O. Lyles & others. (frames 47-49)
Fairfield Dist. SC, Order by John Buchanan, Ordinary; whereas Elisabeth Lyles and Ephram Lyles made suit to me to grant them letters of administration of the estate and effects of William Lyles late of this district, decd; these are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said William Lyles decd, that they be and appear before me in the court of Ordinary to be held at Winnsborough on Tuesday next after publication hereof, to show cause, if any they have, why the said administration should not be granted. 16 Feb. 1802. (frames 50-52)
Bond of Elizabeth (X) Lyles, Ephraim Lile, Arramanos Liles, and John Morris; £4,000, 2 March 1802; Elisabeth Lyles and Ephraim Lyles administrators of estate of William Lyles.
Receipt by Silas W. Lyles of Washington Lyles for $711.22, being the amount of the divident of William Lyles estate real & personal to which I am entitled as an heir, which said Washington Lyles recd as my guardian in law and has paid the same to me in full, 20 March 1816; wit. William Lyles.
Receipt by William Lyles of Washington & Arramanes Lyles as my guardians, $819, being the full amt. of my part of the estate of William Lyles decd, Dec. 31, 1818; wit. Celia Ann Lyles.
Jan. 12, 1803, The administrators (/s/ Ephraim Liles, Elisabeth (X) Lyles) of the estate of William Lyles decd, annual return of the estate, cash paid to various for fees and expenses.
Washington Lyles, receipt Dec. 26, 1812, in account with Silas W. Liles an orphan; received of Ephraim Liles by the hands of James? Ashford as part of this orphan distributive share of his father's estate, $50.00; returned to the office 12th July 1812.
Account of estate of William Liles decd; (first page of debits and credits almost too faint to read); received payment March 5?, 1803, from many people, including John Duncan $25.12; 1806, July 2, paid George Duncan $27.77, paid Washington Liles $27.77, paid (several others varying amounts, no explanation given); received $46.80 July 6, 1806, by Geo. Duncan's note for rent with the interest due thereon (& notes from others, including Washington Liles' notes and Ephm. Liles); account filed 14 April 1807 by Ephraim Liles. (frames 54-57)
Major Ephraim Liles, administrator of William Liles decd, an account of the estate, including interest from 25 March 1803 to 25 March 1807, to cash of George Duncan rent of land including interest, to do. of Esau Dobson do. do. do., to do. of Washington Liles do. do. do., to do. of George Duncan do. do. do. $120.00, to do. of Samuel Dawson do. .... Amount subject to distribution, $2023.25. Payments to Widow 3rds $676.22, payments of $225.42 each to Washington Liles, Patty Duncan, Arramanias? Liles, Elizabeth Liles, Sylas Liles, William Liles. (frames 58-59)
Box (file) 35, pkg. 568, Will recorded Book 8, pg.11. Estate of James Webb. (FHL film 292,448)
Will of James Webb of Fairfield Dist. SC, 10 Dec. 1819, somewhat indisposed in body; to my dau. Susanna Anderson & heirs of her body the profits and earnings of Negroe woman Patty & her increase and girl named Cresy all now in her possession, also man Curvidemer & his wife Dilly & her increase and a boy Parrum, all to be under care of my executors and the profits and earnings be applied for the benefit and support of my dau. Susanna and her children for her life, then they be equally divided between all her children then living. To my dau. Lucy Roberson & heirs of her body the profits and earnings of Negroes women Jane and Beck, Easter & her increase except a girl named Mima, Jane, Beck & Siller now in her possession, also woman Brister Nan and man Jerry, the whole under care of my executors (etc.) for her life, then to her children. To my dau. Mourning Dieson & heirs of her body Negroes men George, Dave & Isaac, woman Nance, girl Fanny, woman Patt, girl Mima dau. of Easters, the whole under care of my executors for sole use of my dau. Mourning and her children for life, and her present husband John Dieson forever excluded, after her decease, then to be equally divided between her four children Luesa Webb, Bazzie McKnight, William W. McKnight and Henry Dickson. To my dau. Polley Duncan and her two children John Hancock and Lucy Hancock the profits and earnings of Negro woman Dilsey and her increase, to remain under the care of my executors and the profits and earnings be applied for support of my dau. Polley and her children for her life and then between her two children above named. To my dau. Elizabeth Ederington & heirs of her body Negroes woman Lucy & her increase now in her possession, woman Sally & 5 children Edmon, Bill, Lihu, Martin, & Juner, also man Tumbler, to be under care of executors (etc.) for life & then to be equally divided between all her children then living. My plantation where I now reside and another tract in Union Dist. of 140 acres, together with stock, plantation tools, & residue of estate, be sold to highest bidder, money be equally divided between Susanna Anderson, Lucy Roberson, Mourning Dickson and Elisabeth Ederington. Appoint Abner Fant Esq. and Jonathan Davis execs. Wit. James Lyles, Volentine L. Fant, James Andrews. Proved 28 Jan. 1820. (frames 32, 33 typed will; original will on frames 34-35)
Appeared Volentine D. Fant in Court of Ordinary for Dist. of Fairfield, SC, on 28 Jan. 1820, who saw the within James Webb decd sign the will, and was of sound mind to be best of his knowledge, that James Lyles & James Andrews with him did subscribe their names as witnesses. (frame 36)
Ex Parte petition, Fleming Duncan & Mary his wife, no date; that petitioners have understood that a paper purporting to be the last will & testament of James Webb decd has been produced to Court of Ordinary for Fairfield District by Abner Fant Esq. and Jonathan Davis who are named as executors in the said supposed will, and proved in common form, and that letters testamentary have thereupon been issued and granted by the court to Abner Fant and Jonathan Davis; petitioners alledge and charge that the said James Webb at the time of execution of the paper aforesaid was not of sound mind and disposing memory and was legally incompetent to make a will and moreover that the same was obtained by undue influence; petitioners ask that the said Abner Fant Esq. and Jonathan Davis and all persons interested in the said alledged will may be cited to appear before the Court on some day to be fixed by same, to prove the will by witnesses in solemn form, or to show cause if any they can why the probate heretofore made should not be set aside and cancelled and the letters testamentary revoked and annulled. /s/ Blanding & DeSaupurs?, for petitioners. (frames 57, 58)
On 28 Jan. 1820 the will of James Webb decd. was produced in court by Abner? Fant and Jonathan Davis executors, and duly proven by oath of Volentine Fant one of the witnesses. On 1 Feb. 1820 Flemming Dunken on behalf of his wife Mary one of the heirs of said decd petitioned the court to have the will -??- form, charging that the testator was not of sound mind when he executed the will, and therefore asks that the proceedings on such will should be revoked?. Whereupon the kindred of the said decd. were ordered to appear in court on 17 Feb. ... On the 17th ... James Lyles one of the subscribing witnesses said he has been acquainted ??. 20 years, ... was otherwise reputed to be ?? of sound mind excepting at times that ... that at the time he signed and executed the above will he was perfectly sober, that he was then in perfect sound and disposing mind and memory to the best of the knowledge ... Volentine Fant says that ... 7 years, ... was subject to fits of intoxication but believed him to be of sound mind and memory when he signed the will ... James Anderson says he was acquainted with decd for 4 years (similar). Testimony by L.C.? Shelton, Edmond? Jefferson, independent deponents, that Webb was subject to fits of intoxication but if sober was of sound mind; similar testimony by James a negro, knew decd. 5 years; and by Robert? Coleman. Court adjourned until Saturday next ... Flemming Duncan nor any of his witnesses appearing, the court closed the proceedings; court was of opinion that the will was in ?? form. /s/ Jno. Buchanan, Ordinary. (frames 37, 38, handwriting small and difficult to read)
Account of Abner Fant and Jonathan Davis, exrs. of estate of James Webb decd; sale of land etc. and payment of debts, $5,399.42 subject to distribution, $1,349.931 to Susanah Anderson, Mary Robertson, Mourning Dickson, Elizabeth Edington. Filed 14 April 1823. (frames 52, 53)
Fairfield Co. SC Equity Court Records; Index to decrees (Bills) 1807-1870 (FHL film 292,393; no direct index)
Index: 1817, Bill #5, Jeremiah Duncan and Margaret his wife and Oliver Bee ads. Jesse Hunter and Louisa his wife, bill for partition.
Decree, 1817, #5, Jesse Hunter & wife Louisa vs. Jeremiah Duncan & wife Margret and Oliver Bee, Bill for partition, filed 25 Oct. 1817. Orator and oratrix, Jesse Hunter & Luvisa Hunter late Luvisa Bee of Newberry Dist. SC; that Thomas Bee the father of oratrix late of Dist. of Lexington SC was in his lifetime seized in fee of a certain plantation or tract of land of 200 acres originally granted said Thomas Bee, on Grim's? Creek, Craven Co., in that part of the former Dist. of Orangeburgh, now called Lexington Dist. SC; that Thomas Bee being so seized died intestate (date blank), leaving at the time of his death Margaret Bee widow of said Thomas Bee who has since intermarried with one Jeremiah Duncan, Luvisa Bee since intermarried with your orator, and Oliver Bee, children and heirs of the said Thomas Bee, who now hold the plantation or tract of land as tenants in common but cannot conveniently enjoy it. Your orator & oratrix are desirous to hold their part of the said land in severalty or to have it sold & to receive their part of the proceeds of such sale. Orator & oratrix are remediless without the aid of the Court, to the end that Jeremiah Duncan and Margaret his wife, and Oliver Bee (should answer the court whether or not the facts are true) that a partition may be made of the lands among the owners thereof as each may be entitled, or if impractical, that the land may be sold and the proceeds divided. Petition to issue a subpoena to Jeremiah Duncan and wife Margaret and to Oliver Bee to appear in court. (FHL film 292,394) (MAD: see 1843 Lexington Co. SC deed P-24)
"McCord's Law Reports" Vol.1, or "Reports of Cases Determined in the Constitutional Court of South Carolina" by D.J. McCord, Volume 1, Annotated Edition, West Publishing Company, St. Paul, 1920; pgs.139 to 140 reprint of pgs.213 to 215 (CA State Law Library, Sacramento)
DAVIS and FANT, Executors of WEBB, vs. FLEMMING DUNCAN; Constitutional Court of South Carolina, Winnsborough; 1 McCord L. 213; May term, 1821.
It is not necessary in order to maintain an action in trover that a demand and refusal should be proved where the taking has been tortious. Lending a negro to a son-in-law, and permitting it to go home with a daughter when she goes to house-keeping, will not be construed into a gift when it has not been accepted and kept by him.
This was an action of Trover for a negro woman, tried at Winnsborough, Spring Term, 1821.
(MAD's extract) It appeared that the defendant's wife was the daughter of the plaintiff's testator. She had been married to a former husband, and when she first went to keeping house, her father lent her this negro girl; but the husband sent her back, and refused to accept of her upon such terms. He sent her a second time, and the husband returned her again. The father then kept her until his daughter had a child. He then sent her to attend upon her during her confinement. Her husband died shortly after, when she returned to her father's house, and continued to live with him as one of his family, until her marriage with the defendant. He still continued to live with his father-in-law three or four months before he went to house-keeping. He left the house of his father-in-law when he was from home, and took this negro woman with him. The overseer, under whose charge she was, forbid him to take her. He nevertheless, tied her, and took her away. The father-in-law died within a few weeks afterwards, leaving the plaintiffs his executors. They made a demand of the negro, and the defendant refusing to deliver her up, this action was commenced. The witness who proved the demand was unable to ascertain the day so that it was left doubtful whether it was before or after the commencement of the action. Counsel for defendant moved for nonsuit on grounds that the plaintiffs had not proven any demand before they commenced the action; motion overruled, jury found for the plaintiffs. Motion now made for nonsuit on above grounds and that the verdict was contrary to the evidence.
Court opinion: a demand is not necessary when the taking is tortious and unlawful, the manner of taking the property in this case furnished sufficient evidence of a conversion. Motion for nonsuit cannot prevail.
The decisions which have so long prevailed in this state are not to be controverted, that the permitting of property to go into the possession of a son or daughter upon their marriage and continue with them, should be construed as a gift. Even when it is originally expressed as a loan, by lapse of time it may have ripened into an absolute gift. But there must be continued possession and continued acts of ownership. If the first husband had accepted the property and kept it during his life, this might be the case, but he refused it and the present defendant never pretended to any right in himself; motion for a new trial refused.
Fairfield Co. SC Deed Index
Grantor index 1842-1867 - no Duncan until 1905 (FHL film 1,294,126)
Grantee index 1842-1867 - no Duncan until 1904 (FHL film 1,294,136)
Grantor/grantee index 1785-1842 (FHL film 23,990)
N-431: Duncan, John from Liles, William, 1802
S-99: Duncan, John Sr. to Dodson, Edward Saw?, 1809
V-124: Duncan, Benja. from Loner, Jacob, 1812
V-288: Duncan, Benja. from Morgan, Christopher, 1813
W-1: Duncan, Benjamin to Ashford, Wm. & Simon, 1813
X-282: Duncan, John from Poole, Frederick, 1816
Z-187: Duncan, John from Gandy, Uriah, 1818
EE-274: Dunkin, Jno. & wife to Perry, Danl., 1824
GG-242: Duncan, Dabney to Coleman, Francis, 1826, mortgage
HH-14: Duncan, Dabney from Coleman, Francis, 1826
LL-206: Duncan, Dabney to Mobley, Micajah, 1834
Fairfield Co. SC Deeds
N-431: 21 July 1801, William Liles of Fairfield Co. SC, planter, to John Dunnan (sic) of same, planter, $400, 129 acres on Broad River, Robert Hancock's line, George Martin's line, William Liles' line, it being land conveyed from Robert Hancock to William Liles, part of 200 acre tract divided. Wit. David Anderson, Joseph Bunch, Thomas (X) Cockrell. Wife Elizabeth relinquished dower. (FHL film 23,993)
S-99: 20 Dec. 1805, John Duncan Senr. to Esau Dodson, both Fairfield Dist., $500, 129 acres on Broad River, corner Wm. Liles, Robert Hancock, Martin's land Wit. Jacob Dansby, Michael (M) Loner. Wife Fanny Duncan relinquished dower. (FHL film 23,995)
V-124: 7 Jan. 1812, Jacob (x) Loaner and Benjamin Duncan, both Fairfield Dist., for $200 paid by Benjamin Duncan, deed to Chrispin Morgin Sr. 45 acres on N. side Broad River on head waters of Rockey Creek, adj. Camond? Lowan, John Pair, Thos. Means & Jacob Loner. Wit. Washing. Lyles, Mary (X) Lyles. Release by wife Mary Loaner. (FHL film 23,996)
V-288: 4 Jan. 1812, Chrispin Morgen Sr., planter, to Benjamin Duncan, both Fairfield Dist., $350, 150 acres on south side of Alaen? branch, now in possession of Charnal Jones, on north side Broad River, adj. orig. grant to Robert Hancock, lands of David James, Leavin Ashford, James Ashford, John Carington, Washington Lyles. Wit. Armanes Lyles, Washington Lyles. No wife.
W-1: 12 Dec. 1812, Benjamin Duncan to William and Tisnon? Ashford, $350, 150 acres, one part was orig. grant to Robert Hancock in 1772 on south side of branch, sold by Hancock to Jones (or?) Newton in 1782, by Newton to Crispin Morgan in 1795 and by Morgan to Benjamin Duncan in 1812; the other 50 acres part of 575 acre grant to Robert Hancock 1785, sold to William Lyles, to Crispin Morgin 1796, to Benjamin Duncan 1812. Wit. Charnal James (sic), Thomas Rogers. Release by Elizabeth (X) Duncan. (FHL film 23,996)
X-282: 29 Dec. 1815, Frederick Pool to John Duncan, $90, 38 acres on Fenible? Creek, branch of Broad River, part of a grant to George James. Wit. David Duncan, James Andrews, Isaac Dansby. Plat shows neighbors Thomas Larke, George James, D. James, Tapley Pool, P. Poreter?. No wife. Reg. on oath of David Duncan. (FHL film 23,997)
Z-187: 19 Jan. 1818, Uriah Yancey to John Duncan Sr., both Fairfield Dist., $110, 38 acres adj. Thomas Means, P. Perhay?, John Duncan. Wit. Washington Lyles, William Lyles, Aeramanns? Lyles. No wife. (FHL film 23,997)
EE-274: 21 Oct. 1823, John (X) Dunkin and Susanah (X) Dunkin of Kershaw Dist. to Daniel Perry of Kershaw Dist., $120, land which fell to us by the death of my wife Susannah Dunkin's former husband William Willson decd, being 1/3 grant to Benjamin Mitchell, to James Seal, to Wm. Wells (sic) now decd, the former husband of the present Susanah Dunkin, in Fairfield Dist., on both sides Bear Creek, line of John Wilson's land. Wit. Archabald Watkins, Richard L. Whitaker. John and Susannah Dunkin appeared in Fairfield Co. 30 Oct. 1823. (FHL film 23,999)
GG-242: 16 Sept. 1826, Dabney Duncan of Fairfield Dist. owes Francis Coleman $1180 in 4 notes; mortgage land on WNW side of McClure's Creek, 150 acres according to plat made by David R. Coleman, Deputy Surveyor, on 2 Jan. 1818, plat contains 315 acres, attached to deed from Frances Coleman to Dabney Duncan 28 Aug. 1826. Wit. John Duncan, D.R. Coleman. Reg. on oath of John Duncan. (FHL film 24,000)
HH-14: 28 Aug. 1826, Frances Coleman to Dabney Duncan, 315 acres incl. 100 acres grant to Mary Faust and part of a grant to Alexr. Shawbia, and tract of land to Andrew Feaster for 54 acres, and part of grant to Conrad Lowrey, total 275 acres; also 40 acres purchased of Wm. Davis; total 315 acres on McClure's Creek, a branch of Beaver Creek. Wit. Daniel Mobley, Thos. Lyles. Release by Margaret (X) Coleman. (FHL film 24,000) (definitely Mary Faust, not Mary Fant)
LL-206: 29 July 1833, Dabney Duncan of Fairfield Dist. to Micajah Mobley, $1,880, 315 acres (above). Wit. William D. Seymore, Thos. Mobley. Release by Barbary (X) Duncan. (FHL film 24,002)
Newberry Co. SC Deed (FHL film 24,236)
J-661: 27 April 1811, Nicholas Bundrick (X) of Newberry Dist. SC to Absolum Duncan of Fairfield Dist. SC, $200, 53 acres on S.side Broad River adj. SW by Conrad Zubin's land, W. by Crawford Cockselly?, S. by Jacob Felker, E. by Henry Rich; wit. A. Cromer Jr., John Buzard; release of dower by Katharine Bundrick. (indexed p.561)
Lexington Co. SC Deed (FHL film 24,105)
P-24: 19 Sept. 1843, Jeremiah (+) Dunkin and Mary Margaret (+) his wife of Lexington Dist. to George Bundrick of same, $650, 62 acres, being 1/3 part of lands of Thos. Bee decd and a part of 200 acres tract orig. granted to Thos. Bee on 12 April 1772, on Grims Creek, on line running NE on Michael Stocks land, SW on Mayes land, NW by remaining part of said tract laid off for Oliver Bee, SE on land laid off for Jesse & Luvisa Hunter. Wit. Geo. Eigleberger, Adam Counts, Andrew Son/Sun. Release by Mary Margaret Dunkin. (MAD: see Fairfield Co. SC Equity Court Record 1817)
MAD: 1820 Charleston Co. SC, pg.30, Thomas Bee 000001 - 00000; 1830 indexed Thomas Bee pg.16 Charleston Co. SC. No Thomas Bee 1840 SC or NC; 1830-1850, no Oliver Bee or Jesse Hunter in SC, although some in MS.
MAD: 1860 Giles Co. TN, Oliver Bee, age 50 alone; Jesse W. Hunter, 1850 Thomas Co. GA p.23, wife Elizabeth; Jesse Hunter, 1850 Holmes Co. MS p.264, wife Chloe; Jesse B. Hunter, Monroe Co. MS p.8, wife Malinda C. Other Jesse Hunters elsewhere. 1850 DeSoto Co. MS, pg.393, #368 Oliver C. Bee 49 SC farmer, Jane H. 48 VA; Wm. M. 17, Nancy 15, John T. 11, Mary E. 9 AL.
Camden Dist. SC Commr. of Locations, Plat Books, 1781-1841 (FHL film 1,294,176)
B2-97: Fairfield Dist., pursuant to warrant 10 Feb. 1824, I have surveyed for John Duncan on waters of Broad River, 49 acres adj. Thos. McKeowns, Wm. Kincaids, and Presha (no 2nd name); surveyed 10 March 1824; /s/ Thos. Lyles D.S.; rec. April 6, 1824.
Big Creek Baptist Church minutes, near Carrollton, Pickens Co. AL (from Gene Harper 10/2002)
GH: The original transcription was made by Mr. J.T. Turnipseed of Lindale, Texas from the original church records. At that time, the records were in the possession of Mrs. J.H. (Lola) Curry of Carrollton. Mr. Turnipseed gave permission (to MAD through Gene Harper's conversation with him) to use the record.
Page 219 of the July 1873 Church Conference: Received Brother Dabney Duncan and wife Sister Delilah S. Duncan by letter.
Pages 243. 244 and 245 from the July 1879 Conference: Whereas God has been pleased to remove from us, our esteemed brother and father in Israel Elder Dabney Duncan, we as a church feel called upon to express our regard as to the worth of our esteemed and venerable brother, a tribute to his memory.
Therefore be it resolved that in the death of Eld. Dabney Duncan, Big Creek Church has lost one whose place can never be filled. One who was ever conspicuous in advocating what he believed to be right. His life was a long and useful one in the service of his master. Very soon after professing a hope in Jesus Christ he was impressed with the onerous duty of preaching the gospel and consulted not the flesh, but took up his cross and ever after, amidst all the vicissitudes of life, he was zealous and faithful in warning sinners to flee the wrath to come and accept mercy. And when age produced such infirmities of the body as to make it obligatory to cease serving the church as Pastor. Yet he upon every opportunity failed not to preach Christ and the riches of His grace. In truth his zeal seemed to increase with age, for some of his last appeals were the most earnest of his life. We deem it expedient to add the following short biography of his life.
Eld. Dabney Duncan was born in Albemarl County, Va. March 15, 1796. When quite young he with his parents removed to Fairfield County, S.C., and here in 1824 he professed faith in Jesus Christ and was received into the fellowship of Rock Creek Baptist Church and buried with Christ in baptism by Eld. Abner Fant in Rock Creek. Very soon Bro. Duncan was impressed with the duty of preaching the gospel, and it appears he removed his membership from Rock Creek to Beaver Creek, and that he was by the latter called to the full work of the gospel ministry in 1827. The Presbytery consisted of Elders Wm. McCrary, Wm. Joiner and Nicolas Roberts.
He sent 18 years in proclaiming the "good news" of salvation in the "Palmetto" State and through his labors many were enabled to believe unto righteousness. He removed to Pickens Co., Ala. in 1845 and joined the South Carolina Baptist Church. Eld. Duncan served various churches in Pickens Co., Al., and Lowndes Co., Miss., as pastor. He was for some years a member of Cross Roads Baptist Church, but finally joined Big Creek Baptist Church where he continued till his death, which occurred March 14, 1879. Thus has passed away a veteran of the Corp. His work is ended-yet his works remain as a memorial of his perseverance. He had not the advantages of an early education yet he was a close observor of men and things, and was preeminently what may be called a practical man. As Christians let us emulate his worth that we may like him be present with the Lord. Let us pray the Lord to send more laborers into the harvest, and that his mantle rest on some modern Elisha to the honor of and glory of God the Father.
Done by order of the church at Big Creek in conference, Saturday before the second Sabbath in July, 1879. G.M. Lyles, Moderator. I.M. Noland, Clerk.
Index to War of 1812 Pension Applications and Bounty Land Warrant Applications; National Archives Film (FHL film 840,458)
Duncan, Dabney, widow Delilah S.; SO 28868, SC 20877, WO 36571, WC 25397; BL 18572-80-50, 17472-80-55; Private in Capt. William Nevitt's Co. SC Mil, 10/6/1814 to 3/7/1815; Sol. res. 1850, 1855 Pickens Co. AL, 1873 Pickens Co. (PO Carrolltone) AL; widow res. 1879 Pickens Co. AL; maiden name Delilah S. (1st mar. Mullins) mar. Nov. 8, 1868, Pickens Co. AL; soldier d. March 14, 1879, Pickens Co. AL; widow d. Jan. 20, 1901.
MAD: the pension was abstracted and published on pgs.117-118 of Vol.VI, surnames D, "AL Soldiers of the Revolution, War of 1812, and Indian Wars" by Pauline Grandrud, 1979; Widow's claim, 19 May 1879, Delilah S. Duncan age 47 years, of Pickens Co. AL; formerly married to John H. Mullins who d. 28 Nov. 1864. Dabney Duncan age 52 on 16 Dec. 1850 applied for bounty land, and said he was drafted at Winn's Bridge in Fairfield Dist. SC on or about 1 Oct. 1814, served as private in Company commanded by Capt. William Nevitt in 35th Regt. of SC Militia commanded by Col. Adam McWillie; discharged at Charleston. Statement 27 April 1855, Dabney Duncan age 56, wit. Nelson F. Smith and Harrison C. Lawley, residents of Pickens Co.; statement 19 April 1873, Dabney Duncan age 71, res. Pickens Co., wit. William Burgess and William Lee. Mrs. Gandrud gives further information from other records, including his obituary stating he was born in Albemarle Co. VA Mar. 15, 1796, to Fairfield Co. SC, Baptist; 1845 to Pickens Co. AL, d. Mar. 14, 1879, and also refers to his will dated 7 May 1872 naming wife Delilah (Palmer), infant dau. Mary Jane, son John A.F. Duncan and daus. Mary J. Cockrell and Frances Gore.
Duncan, David, widow Lucy; WO 35139, WC 27754; BL 38299-40-50, 67439-120-55; Private in Capt. Stewarts Co. KY Mil. 9/1/1812 to 12/25/1812, soldier was in Battle of Tippecanoe; sol. res. 1850 Anderson Co. SC, 1855 Pickens Co. AL; widow res. 1879 Pickens Co. (PO Carrollton) AL; maiden name Lucy Eddington mar. June 10, 1813, Fairfield Co. SC; soldier d. June 8, 1862, Fayette Co. AL.
MAD: the pension was abstracted and published on pgs.118-120 of Vol.VI, surnames D, "AL Soldiers of the Revolution, War of 1812, and Indian Wars" by Pauline Grandrud, 1979; David Duncan Sr. was age 58 on 6 Dec. 1850, was a second sergeant in the Co. commanded by Capt. Alexander Stewart in the Regt. of Inf. commanded by Colonel Miller, in the War with Great Britain - that he volunteered at the Dripping Springs in Warren Co., Kentucky on or about the 15th day of August 1812 an(d) was mustered into service on 1 Sept. 1812, for the term of six months, discharged at Vincen's in the State of Ohio; his discharge is lost. David Duncan was age 63 on 13 August 1855, had legally disposed of his land warrant for 40 acres, petitioned for additional bounty land. His widow Lucy Duncan age 83 when she applied for a pension in 1880, resides at Pickens Co., AL and has so resided for 27 yrs. She married (as Lucy Eddington) said David Duncan, in the month of June 1813 in Fairfield District, SC; he died at Fayette Co. AL on 8 June 1862; they had 11 children:
First, Betsey was born on 9 June 1814 and died on 9 June 1830, these dates were shown by a family record kept by my said husband which was destroyed by robbers, who came to my house during the late war between the states, and destroyed my family Bible and other valuable books and papers. And then the fact that her death occured (sic) on her 16th birthday has never been effaced from my memory. Second, Emeline was born in Aug. 1815 and died on 10 August 1876. Third, David Duncan born Dec. 26, 1816 and is still living. Fourth, Caroline born in Nov. 1818 and is still living. Fifth, Mary born Jan. 1823 died Dec. 12, 1879. Sixth, John born in Sept. 1825 and is still living. Seventh, William born in July 1827, died July 22, 1867. Eighth, Drucilla born in 1829 and is still living. Ninth, Jasper born June 1833 and is still living. Tenth, twins born in 1835 and died in infancy. All of said children except Betsy were born in Anderson District, SC.
She further declares that her oldest child Betsey was born on 9 June 1814 in Fairfield District, SC where they then resided and that in the fall of said year her said husband returned from the War a short time and removed her and her child to the home of his relatives in Anderson District, SC, and left us there and returned to the Army, and all our other children were born in Anderson District, SC. ... (On margin - In a former affidavid (sic) filed by applicant she may have reversed the order of the births of Drucilla and Jasper. If so it was a mistake of the draftsman and not observed by affiant (sic) at the time. This is correct.) Dated 18 May 1880.
Duncan, James, widow Ellen; WO 24486, WC 24915; BL 38834-80-50, 17738- 80-55; Private Capt. Beaty's Co. SC Mil., 10/1/1814 to 3/7/1815; Res. of soldier 1851, 1855, Fairfield Co. SC; res. of widow 1878 Chestnut Grove, Chester Co. SC; maiden name of widow Ellen Roddey, mar. June 15, 1815, Neelys Creek, York Co. SC; soldier d. April 26, 1862, Chestnut Grove, SC; widow d. June 23, 1883, Chester Co. SC.
"History of Pickens Co. AL, from its first settlement in 1817 to 1856," by Nelson F. Smith, originally pub. by "Pickens Republican" of Carrollton, AL, in 1856.
Pg.55: Tandy P. Duncan was the next, the last, and is the present Sheriff of Pickens Co., having been elected in August 1853. He was born in Fairfield District, SC, on 14 August 1816, removed to Pickens in January 1833 but the next year went to Bibb Co. where he remained until 1838 when he returned to Pickens. .... d. Dec. 1856. (MAD: see more in Pickens Co. AL) (MAD: this item was published in Vol.I of "Annals of Northwest Alabama" 3 vols., by Carl Elliott, FHL book 976.1 H2e; and pg.188-189 of "History of Pickens Co. AL 1540-1920" by James F. Clanahan, ca 1964; FHL book 976.185 H2c)
Fairfield Co. SC records have been abstracted and published:
"SC Marriages 1735-1885 Implied in SC Law Reports" Vol.2, by Barbara Langdon (FHL book 975.7 V2L)
"Fairfield Co. SC Marriages 1775-1879 implied in Probate Records" by Barbara Langdon (FHL book 975.749 V2L)
"SC Magazine of Ancestral Research" Vol.1; pg.20 includes an abstract from Fairfield Co. SC Will Book 1, pg.59, estate of John Bowdre, letters of admin. granted to Robert Duncan 9 Feb. 1790 (from Kit Smith 8/1983)
"Fairfield Co. SC Minutes of County Court 1785-1799" by Brent H. Holcomb; pg.64 includes mention of Robert Duncan admin. of John Bowdre, vs. Phillip Shaver, 1791-1792; attendance by Hugh Norrell swore to 9 days attendance living out of the county 20 miles four different courts, and by James Duncan 9 days out of the county 20 miles five different courts, and by Harris Freeman 6 days, John Robertson eight days, and George Ashford 8 days. (FHL book 975.749 P2h) (MAD: see Newberry & Union Co. SC; from Louisa Co. VA)
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