Duncan research files of |
1790-1820 Montgomery Co. PA Census
No Duncan indexed
1830 Montgomery Co. PA Census
Pg.212 Alex. J.H. Duncan 0010,1 - 0001,1
(MAD: see will of John Duncan of Charleston Co. SC filed in Bucks Co. PA 1831)
1840 Montgomery Co. PA Census
No Duncan indexed
1850 Montgomery Co. PA Census
Lower Merion
Pg.184, #520, James DUNCAN 45 IRE milkman
Nancy 30 IRE
Margaret 33 PA
David SONILY 70 IRE, John 40 IRE
Joanna DUNCAN 22 IRE
Joseph STOSHERS? 32 IRE dyer?
Upper Merion
Pg.417, #401, Joshua DUNCAN 40 PA boatman $1,700
Catora 30 NJ
William 8 PA
Susanna 6, George 4 DE
Mary 1 PA
(MAD: Quakers; see Talbot Co. MD; 1860 Kent Co. DE census)
1860 Montgomery Co. PA Census
Horsham Twp.
Pg.254, #501-501, Wm. M. CLEAN 38 PA farmer $12000-$1000
Elizh. (f) 39 PA
Mary 15, John 13 PA
Chas. H. 8, Anna 2 PA
Jas. DUNCAN 27 IRE laborer
Jos. J?. HOGAN 19 PA laboer
Moreland Twp.
Pg.436, #335-335, Jacob PROPERT 48 PA farmer $6000-$2000
Sarah 43 PA
Mary 23, Geo. 20 PA
Benj. 18, Wm. 16 PA
Martha J. 9, Susanna 7 PA
Frank 1 PA
Lower Marion Twp.
Pg.207-8, #35-37, George DUNCAN 50 PA butcher $7000-$2000
Elizabeth 41 PA
Elizabeth 24, George 22 PA
Philip 20, William 16 PA
Samuel 14, Mary 12 PA
Jemoree (f) 10, Hannah 9 PA
Thomas 7 PA
Fannie BEBEE (f) 16 PA
Samuel DUNCAN 42 PA butcher
Jacob MYERS 55 PA (blank)
Pg.264, #433-437, Nancy DUNCAN 50 IRE (blank) $0-$50
Margaret 12, James 10 PA
Pg.277, #508-515, Samuel SAUNDERS 65 PA farmer $16000-$1000
Hannah 63 PA (blank) $0-$300
Patty (f) 37, Guellma (f) 34 PA
Charles FRITZ 21 PRUSSIA farm laborer
Robert BROWN 35 PA farm laborer
George W. DUNCAN 12 PA farm app.
1870 Montgomery Co. PA Census
Cheltenham Twp., 281st Dist.
Pg.280, #105-102, DUNCAN, John 38 IRE laborer $0-$0, parents of foreign birth
Eliza 38 IRE keeping house, parents of foreign birth
Pg.303, #436-434, DUNCAN, William 31 IRE gardiner $0-$0, parents of foreign birth
Jane 34 IRE keeping house, parents of foreign birth
Annie 5 PA at home, parents of foreign birth
William 1 PA at home, parents of foreign birth
Lower Merion Twp., 278 Dist.
Pg.491, #152-153, DUNCAN, Ann 54 PA (sic) keeps house $0-$0
Margaret 22 PA works in cotton m., parents of foreign birth
Wm. 20 PA works in cotton m., parents of foreign birth
Pg.498, #255-257, DUNCAN, Phil. 30 PA butcher $0-$0
Elizabeth 26 PA keeps house
Thomas 4 PA home
Geo. 3/12 PA b. Mar. home
Pg.499, #269-271, RHODS, David "6" PA farmer $0-$1600
Margaret 39 PA
Sallie 14, Jno. 13 PA at home
Geo. 12, Albert 9 PA home
Walter 1 PA at home
DUNCAN, Thos. 27 ENG farm hand, parents of foreign birth
Pg.502, #324-332, DUNCAN, Wm. 29 PA butcher $0-$250
Ellen 29 PA keeps house
Thressa (f) 3 PA home
Mary 9/12 PA home b.Aug.
Pg.502, #325-333, DUNCAN, Sam 21 PA butcher $0-$0
Emma 23 PA keeps house
Blanch (f) 1 PA home
Pg.503, #326-334, DUNCAN, Eliza 52 PA keeps house $20,000-$1,000
Mary 22 PA home
Han (f) 19, Mark 15 PA home
Moreland Twp.
Pg.619, #99-100, LACY, Deborah 33 PA keeping house $0-$125
POTTS, John 12 PA at home
POTTS, Anna 10 PA attending school
DUNCAN, William 24 ENG laborer, parents of foreign birth
Martha 27 PA keeping house
George 1 PA, father of foreign birth
Pg.635, #339-344, PROPERT?, Jacob 59 PA farmer $7,500-$2,000
Sarah 50 PA keeping house
George 30 PA farm laborer
Martha J. 18 PA at home
Susanah (f) 16 PA at home
Frank C. 11 PA attending school
Benjamin 10 PA attending school
DUNCAN, Jane 75 NJ at home
Pottstown, 270th District
Pg.293, #391-403, DUNCAN, Nathaniel 42 PA engine builder $2500-$1000
Susan 31 PA keeping house
George 5, Sallie 3 PA
[DUNCAN,] Mary 80 PA home
YOCOM, William 29 PA laborer
Upper Providence
Pg.379, #534-584, Inmates of Montgomery Co. Alms House (starts pg.378)
DUNKIN, Susan 68 PA (blank)
Pg.380, #534-584, DUNKIN, Susan 63 PA
Montgomery Co. PA Deed Indexes 1784-1877 (SLC 9/9/2010)
"D" surnames, A first name, then B first name, then C first name; Dungan not copied
***Grantee index A-K (FHL film 21,583)
26-109: Duncan, Alexander et al (& Duncan, William et al) from John Thomson et al, location: Cheltenham, Feb. 13, 1810
104-426: Duncan, George C. from John Y. Crawford et al, Low Merion, Apr. 1, 1857
55-337: Duncan, Nathaniel S. from Magdalena Yocom, Pottstown, Mar. 26, 1868 (MAD: book 155 instead of 55 ?)
223-167: Duncan, Philip from Elizabeth Duncan, Low Merion, Feb. 16, 1875
125-67: Duncan, William Butler from Morris L. Hallowett, Cheltenham, Sept. 11, 1861
202-90: Duncan, William from Elwood Jones, Conshohocken?, July 13, 1872
202-93: Duncan, William from Evan D. Jones et al, Conshohocken?, July 13, 1872
221-216: Duncan, William from Elizabeth Duncan, Low Merion, Oct. 10, 1874
***Grantor index A-G (FHL film 21,585)
221-214: Duncan, Elizabeth to James R. Rambo, Low. Merion, Oct. 10, 1874
221-216: Duncan, Elizabeth to William Duncan, Low. Merion, Oct. 10, 1874
222-96: Duncan, Elizabeth to Thomas McDonough, Low. Merion, Nov. 28, 1874
223-167: Duncan, Elizabeth to Philip Duncan, Low. Merion, Feby. 16, 1875
228-438: Duncan, Elizabeth to John Reade, Low. Merion, Jany. 29, 1876
233-265: Duncan, Elizabeth to Michael H. Neeson, Low. Merion, Sept. 6, 1876
228-64: Duncan, Philip to Daniel Kerigan, Low Merion, Oct. 2, 1875
66-385: Duncan, William et al to Alexander Lawson, Cheltenham, July 28, 1845
81-267: Duncan, William et al to Jacob Swartley, Montgomery, Aug. 4, 1851
130-298: Duncan, William B. to Jay Cooke, Cheltenham, Nov. 12, 1863
Montgomery Co. PA Deeds (SLC 6/3/2011)
Deed Books 25-26 1808-1812 (FHL film 21,577)
26-109/111: 12 Feb. 1810, Hannah Rush of Chelkenham Twp, Montgomery Co. PA, widow, and John Thomson of same, yeoman, executors of will of Peter Rush late of same place, fuller, to William Duncan and Alexander Duncan both of Bristol Twp, Philadelphia Co. PA, weavers, and Alexander Lawson of City of Philadelphia PA, engraver; that Jacob Pener and Jane his wife by deed 21 May 1766 recorded at Philadelphia Book 1, Vol.6 page 86 &c granted a tract of 88 acres and 140 perches of land in Cheltenham Twp afsd, then in Philadelphia Co. but now in Montgomery Co., together with buildings, ... and appurtenances, to the said Peter Rush, and the said Peter Rush after he had sold and conveyed several parts or parcels thereof, remained seized in a certain residue and remainder, and died having first made his will 10 June 1809 whereby he ordered his executors to sell within 3 years from 1 April next after his decease, all his messuage or tenement fulling mill and plantation a tract of land whereon he then dwelt in Chelkenham, together with the buildings and improvements thereon, and he appointed his daughter in law the said Hannah Rush and his friend the said John Thomson executors, NOW the said executors Hannah Rush and John Thomson for $8,000 paid, sell to William Duncan, Alexander Duncan and Alexander Lawson as tenants in common and not as "join" tenants, all that plantation or tract of land in Cheltenham Twp. beg. at a cornerstone on the side of the road leading to Oxford Church, then by land formerly of George Hopple, ... land formerly of John Thomas, then ... by Charles Shoomaker's land heretofore purchased of the said Peter Rush, being part of the above recited tract, then ... on the side of the road, then ... to the beginning, containing 70 acres and 20 perches more or less, together with privilege to dam the water of the said fulling mill dam so far and high through the land heretofore granted by said Peter Rush to the old division line between the said Peter Rush and John Shoemaker the elder and to overflow the same ... together with the fulling mill thereon and other buildings and improvements ... warrant title. /s/ Hannah Rush, John Thomson. Wit. Thomas Livezey, Danl. DeBenneville. Receipt for payment wit. by Danl. DeBennevill, Samuel Leech Junr. Hannah Rush and John Thomson appeared 12 Feb. 1810 before Thomas Livezey, JP of Montgomery Co. Recorded Feb. 13, 1810.
Deed Book 66 1845 (FHL film 852,922)
66-385/387: 19 Oct. 1811, William Duncan of Philadelphia Co. and Alexander Duncan of Montgomery Co., weavers, to Alexander Lawson of Cheltenham Twp, Montgomery Co.; that Hannah Rush of Cheltenham Twp., widow, and John Tompson of same place, yeoman, executors of will of Peter Rush decd, and by deed 12 Feb. 1810 conveyed to said William Duncan, Alexander Duncan and Alexander Lawson in fee simple as tenants in common and not as joint tenants, all that certain plantation or tract of land in Cheltenham Twp., beg. at corner stone on the side of the road leading to Oxford Church, then ... land formerly John Thomas, then ... by Charles Shoemaker's land ... on the side of the road, then to the begining, containing 70 acres and 20 perches more or less, together with the right to dam the water of the fulling mill dam so far and high through the land heretofore granted by said Peter Rush to the old division line between the said Peter Rush and John Shoemaker the elder and to overflow the same ... together with the fulling mill thereon and other buildings and improvements, recorded Montgomery Co. Deed Book 26, page 109 &c; whereas William Duncan and Alexander Duncan and Alexander Lawson by mortgage bearing even date with the indenture mortgaged the premises to said Hannah Rush and John Thomson, executors, to secure payment of $5,000 as mentioned; NOW the said William Duncan and Alexander Duncan for $5,000 mortgage money which Alexander Lawson has undertaken and agreed to pay, and the further sum of $2,000 paid by said Alexander Lawson, receipt ack., sell to said Alexander Lawson all the said William Duncan and Alexander Duncan their equal and undivided 2/3 parts ... in the fulling mill, plantation and tract of land, containing 70 acres and 20 perches, together with the privilege of dam the water of the Fulling Mill Dam ..., subject to the payment of the debt of $5,000 with interest ... warrant title. /s/ William Duncan, Alexander Duncan. Wit. William Delaney, Daniel D. Beneville. William Duncan and Alexander Duncan appeared 19 Oct. before John Geyer, JP of Philadelphia. Recorded July 28, 1845.
Deed Book 81 1851-1852 (FHL film 859,317)
81-267/273: (blank day and month) 1850, Frances Henrietta Hoff, widow and exeutrix, Philip Hoff, William Duncan, Alexander Towers? and the Reverand Morgan John Rhees, executors named in by the will of John Hoff, citizen of South Carolina late resident in the City of Philadelphia, PA, gentleman, decd, to Jacob Swartley of New Britain Twp, Bucks Co. PA, farmer; that Charles Roberts and wife Mary 29 Feb. 1828 recorded in Montgomery Co. PA Deed Book No.43 pg.430 &c, conveyed to said John Hoff a parcel of land in Township and Co. of Montgomery, PA, afsd, which according to survey made by Jacob Cassel surveyor in month of Jan. then last past was bounded beg. at a ... corner in a public road from the Springhouse and Bethleham Turnpike Road to Doylestown and in a line of land belonging to the heirs of John Jones decd, being likewise a corner of Bernard Bayley's land, then partly by said Bayley's land and partly by land of Edward Randolph ... then ... partly by land of Enos Lewis, ... Sweed's ford road, ... land belonging to heirs of Robert Iredell decd, then ... by land of George Weem?, ... middle of Horsham Road, then ... land of Edward Ambler, then ... partly by land of Levi Jenkins and partly by land of Mary Conrad, ... then land belonging to heirs of Joseph Roberts decd, then ... partly by land of Cyrus Collon? and partly by land belonging to heirs of said John Jones decd., ... to the beginning, containing 210 acres and 58 perches, together with appurtenances; and the said Mordecai Roberts by deed 29 Feb. 1828 entered on the above recited indenture and therewith recorded at Morristown afsd in Deed Book No.43 page 433, quit claimed to the said John Hoff all the above ... land, together with appurtenances exonerated and discharged of and from the aforesaid legacy of $5,000, and said John Hoff being seized as of fee to the above land died having first made his will 15 Feb. 1848 proved 9 April 1849 and registered in Philadelphia, and after giving his estate, real personal and mixed ... he appointed his wife the said Frances Henrietta Hoff executrix, his brother the said Philip Hoff and his friends the said William Duncan, Alexander Towers and the said Morgan John Rhees executors thereof, and by act of PA 6 May 1850 to provide a house for the employment and support of the poor in the Co. of Huntingdon and regulate the settlement of paupers in the Co. of Chester, to authorize the OH & PA Railroad Company to borrow money relative to the collection of taxes in the City of Pittsburg, and to the estate of John Hoff deceased, it was enacted Sec.23 that the said Frances Henrietta Hoff executrix and the said Philip Hoff, William Duncan, Alexander Towers, and Morgan John Rhees executors aforesaid were authorized to sell all the real estate of John Hoff decd in PA and deliver a deed, provided the executors should give security to be approved by the Orphans Court of the City & County of Philadelphia for the proceeds to be distributed according to law; whereas the said Frances Henrietta Hoff executrix and the said Philip Hoff, William Duncan, Alexander Towers, and Morgan John Rhees executors aforesaid on 4 June 1850 the premises to Jacob Swartley for $11,254.39, the highest and best bidder, paid, now this a deed for the land, 210 acres and 58 perches, and use of waters through a certain lot or piece of land containing 35 acres and a half of land devised to Mordecai Roberts ... by deed from Charles Roberts and Mary his wife to said Mordecai Roberts 25 Feb. 1824 recorded Deed Book 39 pg.514 &c, together with houses, ... /s/ Frances H. Hoff, P. Hoff, Wm. Duncan, Alex. Towers, M.J. Rhees; wit. for Frances Henrietta Hoff by Edw. Young Hill, J.S?.C. Clk?, Henry H. Tucker; for Phililp Hoff by R.B. Gilchrist, H.Y. Gray; for William Duncan, Alexander Toward and Morgan John Rhees by William Ogle, John K. Johnson. Receipt for money witnessed at signing by Frances Henrietta Hoff, wit. Edw. Young Hill J.S.C.C. & Henry H. Tucker; by Philip Hoff, wit. H.Y. Gray, B.C. Bresley; by William Duncan, Alex. Towar & Morgan J. Rhees, wit. William Ogle, John H. Johnson. William Duncan, Alexander Tower and Morgan John Rhees appeared 8 Oct. 1850 before William Ogle, Alderman, City of Philadelphia. Frances Henrietta Hoff appeared 24 Dec. 1850 before Edw. Young Hill, J.S.C., Troup Co. GA; certification 25 Dec. 1850 by Wm. M. Latimer, Clerk, Troup Co. GA, re Edw. Young Hill. Philip Hoff appeared 5 Dec. 1850 before Robert B. Gilchrist, judge of US for District of SC, Charleston; certification by Henry Y. Gray, Esq., Clerk of US District Court for SC, re Hon. R.B. Gilchrist Esq. Recorded Aug. 5, 1851.
"History of the Forty-fifth Regiment, Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteer Infantry, 1861-1865" by The Comrads; ed. by Allen D. Albert; pub. Williamsport, Pa.: Grit Pub. Co., 1912, 589 pgs. (LH13180, HeritageQuest images 6/2007; FHL book 974.8 M2pm and film 1,421,602 item 21 and fiche 6,083,992)
Pg.332-335: My Experience in Libbey and Salisbury Prisons, by Alexander Duncan, Company C. I enlisted at Norristown, Pa., on the 30th of July, 1864, the day of the burning of Chambersburg and of the explosion of the mine at Petersburg. I joined the Forty-fifth in the latter part of August in the lines south of Petersburg ... I was attached to Company C. ... (MAD: no genealogy info, not copied) (MAD: Norristown, Montgomery Co. PA)
Pg.449: Roster of Company C. Duncan, Alexander, enlisted July 30, 1864; substitute; mustered out with company July 17, 1865; inmate Soldiers' Home, Tenn. (MAD: widow Margaret drew pension)
"Revolutionary soldiers' graves in Lower Merion Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania : and the surrounding townships of Roxborough and Blockley, in Philadelphia County, Haverford and Radnor, in Delaware County, and Upper Merion and White Marsh, in Montgomery County" by Dora Harvey Develin; pub. Bala, Pa.: Mrs. John (Dora Harvey) F. Develin, 1906, 11 pgs. (LH 866, HeritageQuest images 6/2007)
Pg.8: White Marsh: Jesse Duncan.
Pension Index Card File, alphabetical; of the Veterans Administrative Contact and Administration Services, Admin. Operations Services, 1861-1934; Duff to A-J Duncan (negative FHL film 540,888, some cards very faint); Joseph Duncan to Dunn (positive FHL film 540,889, some cards very dark)
Cataloged under Civil War, 1861-1865, pensions, indexes; does not say if Confederate or Federal, but probably Federal. Negative film, some cards much too faint or dark to read, some cards blurred or faded, particularly the service unit and the dates of application. Most of the very faint or dark cards were in a slightly different format, with space for years enlisted and discharged which were sometimes filled in. Many of these were for service in later years, although one or two were for service ca 1866.
Name of soldier, alias, name of dependent widow or minor, service (military unit or units), date of filing, class (invalid or widow or minor or other), Application #, Certificate #, state from which filed (sometimes blank), attorney (sometimes blank, MAD: did not usually copy), remarks. Sometimes the "Invalid" or "Widow" class had an "s" added to it before the application #; occasionally the area for the service information included a circled "S". The minor's name was frequently that of the guardian rather than the minor.
The military unit was frequently the Company Letter, the Regiment Number, sometimes US Vet Vol Inf. (US Veteran Volunteer Infantry), L.A. (Light Artillery), H.A. (Heavy Artillery), US C Inf (US Colored? Infantry), Cav. (Cavalry), Mil. Guards, V.R.C. (?Volunteer Reserve Corps?), etc. Sometimes there were several service units given.
Cards appear to be arranged by the last name, first name, middle initial if any, and state (including "US") of service.
Duncan, George W.; F 7 Del. Inf.; 1925 Oct. 1, Invalid Appl. #1525475, no cert., Calif; remarks C2330357. (MAD: ? 1850 Montgomery Co. PA, 1860 Kent Co. MD, 1870 Talbot Co. MD; 1910 Imperial Co. CA b.1846 DE)
"Historical collections relating to Gwynedd : a township of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, settled, 1698, by immigrants from Wales, with some data referring to the adjoining township of Montgomery, also settled by Welsh" by Howard Malcolm Jenkins; pub. Philadelphia: Jenkins, 1897, 473 pgs. (LH 843, HeritageQuest images 6/2007)
Pg.271-272: Everard Foulke Jr., of Arthur Springs, Illinois, mar. 5th mo. 11, 1825, Frances W. Watson, ... they removed from Pennsylvania to Clark county, Ohio, in 1845, and in 1857 to Arthur Springs, four miles south of Sidney, Champaign county, Ill. ... Children: (6) Lester E., b.1837, m. Lenora M. Duncan
"Biographical catalog of the matriculates of Haverford College : together with lists of the members of the college faculty and the managers, officers and recipients of honorary degrees, 1833-1922" (Delaware and Montgomery Co. PA); (anonymous); pub. unknown: unknown, 1922, 784 pgs. (LH 411, HeritageQuest images 4/2007)
Pg.35: 1844, Matriculate Catalog. HESTON, George Thomas. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1852.) Entered Sophomore Class 1842; left during junior year, 1843. Studied medicine, University of Pennsylvania, 1849-52. Physician, Norristown, Pa., 1852-92. b. Pennsylvania, February 17, 1826. d. August 18, 1904. s. Jesse Stackhouse Heston and Martha Thomas. m. Mary Amanda Duncan. (MAD: Norristown, Montgomery Co. PA)
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