Duncan research files of |
1790-1820 Luzerne Co. PA Census No Duncan indexed 1830 Luzerne Co. PA Census Wilkes-Barre Pg.494 Isaac Duncan Free colored 1840 Luzerne Co. PA Census Wilkes-Barre Pg.124 James Duncam Free colored
1850 Luzerne Co. PA Census
Pg.18, #826, Henry DUNCAN 30 ENG labourer
Margarette 28 ENG
Joseph F. 6, Robert 2 ENG
Pg.49, #673, David DUNKAM 64 NJ (blank) $0
Elizabeth 60 NJ
Pg.142, #2562, John ROACH 32 IRE laborer
Mary 30 IRE
Hugh 2 PA
Anthony FOGUE 30, Catharine 24 IRE
Pg.153, #2721, Richard B. DUNCAN 27 ENG laborer
Rachel A. 27 PA
Jane C. FALLS 8 PA
John A. 7 NJ
Margaret B. 5 PA
Rachel S. DUNCAN 1 PA
Lucy YERBY 22 PA & others
Pg.178, #3103, Richard DUNCAN 55 ENG engineer
Margaret 55 ENG
John 23 ENG
Elizabeth 23, Margaret 17 PA
Eliza 16, James 14 PA
Pg.294, #438, John DUNKIN 30 IRE peddler
Catharine 20 IRE
Pg.375, #981, Peter DUNCAN 30 IRE miner
Catharine 26 IRE
Pg.390, #164, Andrew BEAUMONT & family
1860 Luzerne Co. PA Census
Pg.977, #698-712, James ALLEN 40 IRE miner $0-$100
Ellen 38 IRE
Julia 5, Eliza 3 PA
John 1 PA
Chas. DUNCAN 33 IRE miner $0-$0
Pg.987, #784-794, Patrick DUNCAN 40 IRE puddler $0-$0
Celia 32 IRE
John 9, Mary 7 PA
Anna 3, James 1 PA
Pg.993, #835-843, Pat DUNCAN 30 IRE puddler $0-$0
Ann 23 IRE
Edward 5, Ann 3 PA
Ann McGOWAN (f) 60 PA laborer
Pg.1012, #986-992, John DUNCAN 35 IRE laborer $0-$25
Catharine 30 IRE
(no children, not m/in/year)
& 3 laborers
Pg.1041-2, #1231-1224, Patrick DUNCAN 40 IRE laborer $0-$0
Bridget 38 IRE
Mary 15 IRE
Anna 8, Catharin 7 PA
Thomas 5, James 3 PA
Martin 7/12 PA
Pg.1090-1, #1556-1570, Frederica DUNCAN (f) 42 GERMany (blank) $0-0
Chas. B. DUNCAN 17 Mecklinburg laborer
Ann SLUG? 17 (f) Wasaw house keeper
Chas. COOK 28 PA BLACK porter
John ANRIEL 17 MD ("Maryld.") MULATTO laborer
Silas HENDERSON 30 PA BLACK waiter
1870 Luzerne Co. PA Census
Plains Twp.
Pg.432, #259-263, HASELOP, Robert 28 SCT miner $0-$100, parents of foreign birth
Jennet 24 SCT keeping house, parents of foreign birth
William 4, Robert 2 SCT, parents of foreign birth
DUNCAN, James 22 SCT miner, parents of foreign birth
DOEN, James 25 SCT engineer, parents of foreign birth
Salem Twp.
Pg.579, #3-4, GILLASPIE, Daniel 45 IRE rail road employee $400-$50, parents of foreign birth
& family & others
DUNKIN?, John 50 IRE rail road employee, parents of foreign birth
Scranton, Ward 2
Pg.26, #100-100, DUNKIN, Frank 40 PA (blank) $0-$0
Mary 29 PA
James 2 PA
Scranton, Ward 8
Pg.302, #446-561, Charles Hotel, including
DUNCAN, F.H. (m) 35 NJ telegraph operator
Wilkes Barre Twp.
Pg.521, #355-355, McCABE, Neal 52 IRE miner $4,000-$300, parents of foreign birth
Mary 36 IRE, parents of foreign birth
James 21 PA laborer, parents of foreign birth
Michael 18 PA appr. machinist, parents of foreign birth
Mary 16 PA, parents of foreign birth
Charles 14 PA, parents of foreign birth
Francis (m) 12 PA, parents of foreign birth
Daniel 10 PA, parents of foreign birth
Margaret 8 PA, parents of foreign birth
Joseph 6 PA, parents of foreign birth
Neal 2 PA, parents of foreign birth
DUNCAN, McDonald (m) 40 L.Canada miner, parents of foreign birth
and more miners and laborers
Luzerne Co. PA Deed Indexes 1780-1907 (SLC 7/25/2014)
Grantors, Duncan pg.226 (FHL film 959,167)
3-423: Duncan, Arrabella & Joseph to John Campbell, 13 July 1795, 28 July 1795, Wilkes Barre Twp
4-49: Duncan, Joseph to William Graham, 17 Dec. 1793, 21 Jan. 1796, ----
4-55: Duncan, Abner to William Graham, 17 Dec. 1793, 21 Jan. 1796, ----
5-362: Duncan, Arabella admx & James adm. of Joseph's Est. to Walter Baldwin et al, 18 June 1798, 26 June 1798
5-361: Duncan, Arabella to William Asem, 16 June 1798, 26 June 1798, Wilkes Barre
5-391: Duncan, Arrabella & Joseph to Thomas Wright, 29 Mar. 1797, 5 July 1798, Wilkes Barre
5-416: Duncan et al & James to Clark Beebe, 17 July 1798, 17 July 1798, Wilkes Barre Twp
7-239: Duncan, Maria and William to Arabella Duncan, 20 May 1799, 20 Apr. 1801, (blank)
8-101: Duncan, Thomas to Caleb Wright, 6 May 1802, 7 May 1802, Huntingdon Twp
8-137: Duncan, Thomas to Zebulow Lee, 6 May 1802, 2 June 1802, (blank)
16-310: Duncan, Martha & Thomas to Nathan Bloch, 9 Sept. 1813, 13 Sept. 1815, (blank)
17-446: Duncan, Martha & Thomas to Conrad Line, 18 Dec. 1816, 7 Jan. 1817, (blank)
27-713: Duncan, Maria & Joseph M. to William M. Duncan, 8 Jan. 1831, 5 May 1831, agreement
34-195: Duncan, Anna C. & James J. to Thomas Wilson, 20 Aug. 1838, 5 Sept. 1838, Wilkes Barre
43-140: Duncan, et al, Anne C. & Anna L.C. & James J. to Algermon S. Roberts et al, 25 July 1846, 15 Aug. 1846, Hanover Twp
57-569: Duncan, et al, A.L.C. to Wm. Deal et al, 27 Dec. 1853, 27 Mar. 1854, Denison Twp.
70-53: Duncan, et al & Anne C. & James J. to G. Talbot Olyphant, 9 Apr. 1856, 6 Nov. 1856, (blank)
73-394: Duncan, John by Treas. to Charles L. Wurts, 9 June 1856, 12 June 1858, Providence Twp
Grantees, Duncan pg.174 (FHL film 959,560)
2-141: Duncan, Joseph from Daniel Stiles, 9 Nov. 1792, 13 Nov. 1792, Wilkes Barre
2-183: Duncan, Joseph from Jonathan Hancock, 19 Jan. 1793, 25 Jan. 1793, Wilkes Barre
2-236: Duncan, Joseph from William Prigmore et al, 3 Apr. 1793, 11 Apr. 1793, Plymouth
2-276: Duncan, Joseph from David Young et al, 9 May 1793, 17 May 1793, Wilkes Barre
3-108: Duncan, Joseph from William Stewart, 13 Mar. 1794, 29 July 1794, Hanover Twp
3-379: Duncan, Joseph from Jonathan Stevens, 21 Nov. 1794, 16 May 1795, Wilkes Barre
4-518: Duncan, Joseph from Obadiah Seeley, 9 Dec. 1796, 31 Jan. 1797, (blank)
6-246: Duncan et al & Robert from Edmund Physick, 4 May 1799, 1 July 1799, (blank)
7-239: Duncan, Arabella from William Duncan et al, 20 May 1799, 20 Apr. 1801, (blank)
14-460: Duncan, Thomas from John Penn et al, 19 Dec. 1799, 15 Sept. 1813, (blank)
27-711: Duncan et al & Joseph M. & William M. from Robert Earp et al, 17 Apr. 1830, 5 May 1831, Sugar Loaf Twp
27-713: Duncan, William M. from Joseph M. Duncan et al, 8 Jan. 1831, 5 May 1831, Assignment
28-635: Duncan, James J. from George C. Drake et al, 15 Oct. 1832, 30 Oct. 1832, Wilkes Barre
43-139: Duncan, James J. from Jonas Green et al, 10 July 1846, 15 Aug. 1846, Sugarloaf Twp
Luzerne Co. PA Deeds (SLC 7/26/2014 and 6/4/2015; have jpg images)
Deeds, v.1-2, 1787-1794 (FHL film 964,832; pages blotted from ink on reverse side)
2-141/142: Daniel Stiles of Wilksbarre, Luzerne Co. PA, yeoman, to Joseph Duncan of county and state afsd, merchant, for 50 pounds lawful money of PA paid by Joseph Duncan, sell to said Joseph Duncan a tract or parcel of land, one sound? dwelling house thereon lying, in town of Wilksbarre, and is part of lot No.---, on NE corner of Solomon Johnson's lot, then SW 4 rods along the lines of said lot, 10 rods, then northeasterly 4 rods, then southeasterly along said Johnson's line to the bound first mentioned, containing 1/4 of an acre, and warrant title. 9 Nov. 1792. /s/ Daniel Stiles. Wit. Daniel Shepard, Benjn. Dorrance. Ack. before John P. Schott, J.P., on same date. Recorded 13 Nov. 1792. (FHL film 964,832)
2-183/184: Jonathan Hancock of Wilksbarre Twp, Luzerne Co. PA, yeoman, for 36 pounds money paid by Joseph Duncan of Twp. of Wilksbarre afsd, merchant, convey to said Joseph Duncan all the interest, title, claim and demand I, Jonathan, have to a piece of land in Wilksbarre Twp. in the town platt, part of Lot No.21 extending 18 feet in front and 15 feet deep with a small mansion house thereon, lately built by William Roberts and now occupied by Joseph Town, bounded southerly on the Commons, westerly on lands of Martha Stuart, northerly and easterly on land now owned by Thomas Duane, the premises with all appurtenances, warrant title. 19 Jan. 1793, /s/ Jonathan Hancock. Wit. Roswell? Wells, Arnold Colt. Ack. 24 Jan. 1793 before Arnold Colt, Justice for Luzerne Co. Recorded Jan. 25, 1793. (FHL film 964,832)
2-236/237: William Prigmore of Plymouth Twp., Luzerne Co. PA, yeoman, for 6? pounds 3 shillings 9 pence paid by Joseph Duncan of Wilkesbarre Twp, county & state afsd, sell tract of land? in Upper Plymouth in County afsd containing by estimation about 50 acres more or less, being a lot of land of which Han?? White?? died seized and the ?? equal sixth part of which lot I, William Prigmore, purchased of Ephraim? White & William White, two of the heirs of said William White decd, see their deeds on record for a more particular description, of which it is known by ?? numbers 45 or?? (blots) otherwise? called first division ?? in said Plymouth Twp., reference to the draught of said Twp. being had, to hold the three? equal and undivided sixth parts of above lot and house lot? number 11 in sd. Plymouth (sd. house lot I purchased of William and Ephraim White as may appear by their deed on record) to said Joseph Duncan with all appurtenances, warrant title. 3 April 1793. /s/ Wm. Prigmore, Mary (X) Prigmore. Wit. Abner Duncan, Morgan? Edwards. Ack. by William Prigmore 3 April 1793 before John P. Schott, one of Justices for Luzerne Co. Ack. by Mary Prigmore 6 April 1793 before John P. Schott. Recorded Apr. 11, 1793. (FHL film 964,832)
2-276/278: David Young of Wilksbarre Twp, Luzerne Co. PA, for 75 pounds received of Joseph Duncan of Town, county & state afsd, sell to said Joseph Duncan a piece or parcel of land in the town platt of Wilksbarre, part of house lot number (blank), bounded beg. at SE corner of house lot belonging to heirs of Asa Stevens decd and on the cross road that runs from the river Susquehannah to the Courthouse, then SE with said highway 3 and a half perches and extending NE the full breadth of 3 and a half perches and on the said Stevens line so far back from said? road as to include 1/4 of an acre, together with a dwelling house standing thereon, and is the same land that David Young purchased of Lawrence Myers Administrator on the estate of John Guernsey decd which will appear by his deed on record, warrant title. 9 May 1793. /s/ David Young. Wit. Clerk Beebe?, Arnold Colt. Polly Young, wife to within David Young, for 5 shillings paid, relinquish right of dower, 9 May 1793. /s/ Polly Young. Ack. by David Young and Polly Young before Clark? Bisher? and Arnold Colt, J.P., 17 May 1793. Recorded May 17, 1793. (FHL film 964,832)
Deeds, v.3-4, 1793-1797 (FHL film 964,833; pages very dark and blotted)
3-108/109: William Stewart of Hanover Twp, Dauphin Co. PA, for ? and 15 shillings paid by Joseph Duncan of town of WilkesBarre, ?? county, sell to said Joseph Duncan a lot of land in town of Nantisoke in Hanover Twp, Luzerne Co., being lot No.96 fronting east on Pine Street adj. south on Lots No.97 and North Lot No.89 containing 88 perches as by draft of said town will more fully appear, with appurtenances thereon, free and clear from me or my heirs or any person claiming by or under me. 13 March 1794. /s/ William Stewart. Wit. Rosewell Wells, James Morgan, Alex Brown. Ack. 13 March 1794 before Rosewell Wells, one of assistant judges of Court of Common Pleas of county afsd. Recorded July 29, 1794. (FHL film 964,833)
3-379/380: Jonathan Stevens of Brantrim, Luzerne Co. PA, for $20 by me received of Joseph Duncan, Merchant in Wilkes Barre, County & State afsd, ... sell to said Joseph Duncan a certain piece of land on the SE end of Lot No.7 in the town plat of sd Wilkesbarre, adj. NE end of a piece of land belonging to Abraham Bradley, Esq., and NW side of land belonging to sd Duncan and is 5 rods and 4/10 of a rod square with a piece extending from SW corner of said land to the road which is 8 rods in length and 4/10 of a rod in breadth and is adjoined on NE by land belonging to Asa Stevens & SE side of land belonging to sd Bradley, making in the whole 32 rods and 36/100 as may appear by the records of the Orphan Court in Wilkesbarre, all the above bargained premises I forever quit to said Joseph Duncan, with appurtenances, furthermore warrant said premises against all claims whatever under the Connecticut title. 21 Nov. 1794. /s/ Jonathan Stevens. Wit. Asa Stevens, Reubin Downing. Ack. 21 Nov. 1794 before John P. Schott, J.P. for Luzerne. Recorded May 16, 1795. (FHL film 964,833)
3-423/424: Joseph Duncan of Wilkes Barre Twp, Luzerne Co. PA, merchant, for 40 pounds money of state afsd paid by Robert Scott and John Campbell of Wilkes Barre Twp, merchant, sell Scott and Campbell all the interest, title, claim and demand that I the said Joseph have to a certain piece of land and frame house in Twp. of Wilkes Barre afsd in the town plot, being part of Lot No.21, extending 18 feet in front and 15 feet deep with a small mansion house thereon standing lately built by a certain William Roberts and now occupied by Joseph Duncan, bounding southerly on Commons, westerly on lands of Matthew Stewarts, northerly and easterly on lands now owned by Thomas Duane, warrant title. 13 July 1795. /s/ Joseph Duncan, Arabella Duncan. Wit. Stephen Tuttle Junior., John P. Schott. Ack. by Joseph Duncan and Arabella his wife on 17 July 1795 before John P. Schott, J.P. Recorded 28 July 1795. (FHL film 964,833)
4-49/50: That whereas application has been made by Joseph Duncan of Luzerne Co. to the land office of PA for a grant of a tract of land adj. or near to land granted to Thomas Duane in Luzerne Co. in pursuance whereof a warrant or order has been or is to be issued for surveying for my use, now, the said Joseph Duncan for 5 shillings paid by William Graham Esq. of Delaware Co., sell to said William Graham Esq. the above tract of land with appurtenances, 17 Dec. 1793. /s/ Joseph Duncan. Wit. Jonathan Butler, David Young. 17 Dec. 1793 before Arnold Cole, Esq., Justice, Luzerne Co. statement by Jonathan Butler who witnessed the signing. Recorded Jan. 21, 1796. (FHL film 964,833)
4-55/56: That whereas application has been made by Abner Duncan of Luzerne Co. to the land office of PA for a grant of a tract of land adj. or near to land granted to Charles Butler in Luzerne Co. in pursuance whereof a warrant or order has been or is to be issued for surveying for my use, now, the said Abner Duncan for 5 shillings paid by William Graham Esq. of Delaware Co. and other considerations, sell to said William Graham Esq. the above tract of land with appurtenances, 17 Dec. 1793. /s/ Abner Duncan. Wit. Jacob Hart, Robert Robison. 17 Dec. 1793 before Arnold Cole, Esq., Justice, Luzerne Co. statement by Jacob Hart who witnessed the signing and also saw Robert Robison subscribe his name. Recorded Jan. 21, 1796. (FHL film 964,833)
4-518/520: 9 Dec. 1796, Obadiah Seeley of Stockbridge called West Stockbridge, Berkshire Co. MA, gentleman, to Joseph Duncan of town of Wilksbarre, Luzerne Co. PA, merchant, for $250 paid, sell a certain lot in Luzerne Co. with all the buildings thereon standing, lying and being between Providence Twp. and Pittstown, and is a part of tract or pitch of land originally laid out and surveyed to Francis Phillips on the south and east side of the Lackawanna River between the line of Pittstown afsd and a tract of land which said Francis Phillips conveyed to Daniel Scott and contains all the land lying between the line of Pittstown afsd and the sd Daniel Scotts land except 12 acres of land out of said tract ?? bounded particularly which was conveyed by Boice? McKinley to Francis?? Robinson and the herein conveyed tract is the same land conveyed by deed from Caleb Bates, Seth Cary and Daniel Scott to Brice McKinley and from said McKinley to Jonathan Hancock and from said Jonathan Hancock to party of first part as may be on the records reference thereunto ... containing 214 acres, warrant title. /s/ Obadiah Seeley. Wit. Rosewell Wells, (dark) ? Ball?. Statement by Benajah Hall before Arnold Colt, J.P., Luzerne Co., that he saw Obadiah Seely sign the foregoing, and that Rosewell Welles & himself signed as witnesses, 27 Dec. 1796. Recorded Jan. 31, 1797. (FHL film 964,833)
Deeds, v.5-6, 1797-1800 (FHL film 964,834)
5-361/362: Arabella Duncan and James Duncan, Administrators on the estate of Joseph Duncan late of Wilksbarre in Luzerne Co. PA, decd, whereas the administrators have been authorized by an order of the Orphans Court of said county held at Wilksbarre on 5 June instant to sell the whole real estate of said deceased for payment of his debts and the charges of administration and due notice having been given ... of time and place of sale of the lands ... and William Askem of Wilksbarre being the highest bidder, now the said Arabella Duncan and James Duncan administrators afsd for $100 paid by William Askem, sell to him a parcel of land on the town plott of Wilksbarre with a small house thereon being part of lot number (blank), beg. at SE corner of Solomon Johnsons lot, then SW along the front of said lot 4 rods, then NW parallel with the front line of said lot 4 rods, then along said Johnson's line 8 rods to the beginning, containing 1/4 acre of land with appurtenances and with all buildings, improvements, ... the said "decendent" purchased by deed of Daniel Stiles who purchased of Jacob Gallup who purchased of Moses Plant as by record will more fully appear, ... to the said William Askem ... so he shall have the same estate therein as the said Joseph Duncan had at his decease, set our hands 16 June 1798. /s/ Arabella Duncan, James Duncan. Wit. Jehoiada P. Johnson, Thomas Wright. Ack. 21 June 1798 before Jesse Fell, one of Associate Judges for Luzerne Co. Recorded June 26, 1798. (FHL film 964,834)
5-362/363: Arabella Duncan and James Duncan, Administrators on estate of Joseph Duncan late of Wilksbarre, Luzerne Co. PA, they have been authorized by order of Orphans Court of said county held at Wilksbarre on 5 June 1798 to sell the whole real estate of said decd. for payment of his debts and charges of administration, due notice having been given of time and place of sale, ... at public vendue, and Waterman Baldwin, Robert Faulkner and Nathaniel Giddings of Pittstown in said county being highest bidders, now we the said Arabella Duncan and James Duncan admins. afsd for 70 pounds paid by Waterman Baldwin, Robert Faulkner and Nathaniel Giddings, sell to them the said Waterman, Robert and Nathaniel, tenants in common, a tract or piece of land in Co. afsd between the township of Pittstorn and Providence, being part of a tract or pitch of land originally laid out and surveyed to Francis Phillips on SE side of Lackawanna River between the line of Pittstown afsd and a tract of land which said Francis Phillips conveyed to Daniel Scott, and contains all the land lying between the said Pittstown line and the said Daniel Scott's land except 12 acres of land which was conveyed by Brice McKinley to Briant Robinson by deed, ... which herein granted premises is the same conveyed by deed from Caleb Bates, Seth Cary and Daniel Scott to Brice McKinley who conveyed the same by deed to Jonathan Hancock who conveyed the same by deed to Obadiah Seeley who conveyed the same by deed to said decedent, ... containing by estimation 214 acres more or less with the appurtenances, so they shall have the same estate and interest as said Joseph Duncan had at his decease. 18 Jun 1798. /s/ Arabella Duncan, James Duncan, Administrators. Wit. Thomas Wright, Josiah Wright. Ack. 21 June 1798 before Jesse Fell, one of Associate Judges for Luzerne Co. Recorded June 26, 1798. (FHL film 964,834)
5-391/392: Joseph Duncan of Wilksbarre Twp, Luzerne Co. PA, merchant, and Arabella his wife for 500 pounds received of Thomas Wright of Pittstown, county & state afsd, late merchant, sell our lots or parcels of land lying and adj. and in the town platt of Wilksbarre afsd, one of these lots being conveyed by David Young to said Joseph Duncan by his deed 4 May 1790 and [17]93 recorded in Book 2 pg.176, beg. at SE corner of house lot belonging to heirs of Asa Stevens decd, and on the cross road that runs from the River Susquehannah to the court house, then SE with said highway 3-1/2 perches and extending NE the full breadth of 3-1/2 perches and on the said Stephens line so far back from the said road as to include 1/4 acre, together with all buildings thereon, and is the same land said David Young purchased of Lawrence Miers Admin. estate of John Garnsey decd per his deed of record, the other lot purchased by said Joseph Duncan from Jonathan Stephens by deed 21 Nov. 1794 on SE end of afsd lot of land No.7 in the Town Platt adj. NE end of a lot belonging to Abraham Bradly Esq. and NW side of lot purchased by said Joseph Duncan of said David Young and is 5-4/10 rod square with a piece extending from SW corner to the road which is 8 rods in length and 4/10 of a rod in bredth and is to join on NW by land belonging to Asa Stephens and SE side by land belonging to said Bradly, making in the whole 32 rods and 36/100, as may appear by records of Orphans Court, warrant title. 29 March 1797. /s/ Joseph Duncan, Arrabella Duncan. Wit. Nathan Palmer, John Horton. 5 July 1798, before Jesse Fell, Associate Judge, appeared Nathan Palmer Esq. who saw Joseph Duncan & Arrabella his wife sign the same and saw John Horton the other witness put his name thereunto. Recorded July 5, 1798. (FHL film 964,834)
5-416/417: James Duncan of York Co. PA, merchant, for $400 paid by Clark Beebe of Wilksbarre, Luzerne Co. PA, sell house and piece of land whereon it now stands in Wilksbarre Twp afsd in the town platt, being part of Lot No.21, extending 18 feet in front and 15 feet deep, the same house originally built by William Roberts who conveyed to Joseph Duncan which Joseph Duncan by deed 13 July 1795 conveyed to the firm of Scott and Campbell who by instrument of writing 9 June 1796 conveyed to Thomas Wright which said Thomas Wright and Mary his wife by deed 6 April 1797 conveyed to Joseph Duncan and which Arabella Duncan and James Duncan afsd, admin. of estate of Joseph Duncan decd, by deed 16 June 1798 conveyed to Thomas Wright which Thomas Wright conveyed by deed 20 June 1798 to me, the said James Duncan, together with 1/2 acre of land which Josiah Stewart by deed 1 May 1796 conveyed to Thomas Wright which Thomas Wright and Mary his wife by deed 6 April 1797 conveyed to Joseph Duncan and which Arabella Duncan and James Duncan, admin. of estate of Joseph Duncan decd, by deed 16 June last past conveyed to Thomas Wright who by deed 20 June last past conveyed the same to me, the said James Duncan, situate in town of Wilksbarre, beginning at a stake in Thomas Duanes line, then 55 deg. 22-1/2 min. west 20 rods and 2/10 by the sd. Duanes line to Middle Street to another stake, then by Middle Street ... by land conveyed by said Josiah Stewart to Sylvester McKay to another stake ... by land of Stephen Tuttle, to the place of begining, containing 1/2 acre of land more or less, with appurtenances, to Clark Beebe, and said James Duncan [warrant title]. 17 July 1798. /s/ James Duncan by his atty in fact Putnam Catlen. Wit. Arnold Colt, Timothy Beebe. Putnam Catlin appeared above date before Arnold Colt Esq., J.P. for county afsd, and produced a proper power of attorney. Recorded 17 July 1798. (FHL film 964,834)
6-246: Edmund Physick, Powr. Attorney to John R. Carter & Robert Duncan. Know all men by these presents that I, Edmund Physick of City of Philadelphia, Esq., by virtue of ?? granted me by John Penn and Richard Penn Esqrs. do appoint Stepn?. John R. Carter of City of Philadelphia and Robert Duncan of Borough of Carlisle attorneys of the said John Penn and Richard Penn Esqrs. ... to make entry into and take possession of all? lots, lands & tenements of said John Penn & Richard Penn in Counties of York, Franklin, Dauphin, Cumberland, Bedford, Westmoreland, Allegheny, Huntington, Mifflin, Lycoming, Northumberland and Luzerne, and to grand copes?? for the whole or any part ... not including town of ??, by Entrees? of a warrant of C. Attorney?? dated 14 March 1796, thereby giving and granting to said John R. Coats and John Duncan all power and authority ... and confirming all acts done by them in pursuance of this power of attorney, 4 May 1799. /s/ Edmund Physick. Wit. Thos. Duncan, Thos. Fostor?. Appeared Edmund Physick Esq. before Hon. Thomas McKean Esq. Lostor?? of ??, Chief Justice of State of PA, and ack. the above power of attorney, on the date interlined above. Recorded July 1, 1799. (FHL film 964,834)
Deeds, v.7-8, 1800-1803 (FHL film 964,835)
7-239/240: 20 May 1799, William Duncan of City of Philadelphia, broker, and Maria his wife, to Arabella Duncan of Franklin Co. PA, widow, for $100 paid, sold one equal and undivided moiety or half part, the whole into two equal parts to be divided, of a certain tract or parcel of land on the NE branch of the Susquehanna, in Luzerne Co. PA, beg. at a post, then by surveyed land N half a degree west 275 perches to a post, south 89 deg. and a half west 242 perches to post, south half a deg. east 320 perches to a post, then by land of Jacob Meyer north 89 deg. and a half east 152 perches to a stone heap, then by land of Dight Miller north ... to the beg., containing 432 acres 115 perches and allowance of 6 percent for roads &c and called "Richlands" which said tract or parcel of land the commonwealth of PA afsd by patent 6 July 1796 granted to said William Duncan, together with appurtenances, ... to hold the said moity or half part ... the whole into two equal parts to be divided, to the said Arabella Duncan; the said William Duncan warrant the one full equal and undivided moiety or half part of described tract hereby granted with appurtenances ... /s/ Wm. Duncan, Maria Duncan. Wit. Hannah Nicholson, Hannah Digel. Received of Arabella Duncan the full consideration money, /s/ Wm. Duncan. 6 June 1800, ack. by William & Maria Duncan before Reynold Keen, Associate Judge of Court of Common Pleas. Recorded April 20, 1801. (FHL film 964,835)
8-101/102: 6 May 1802, Thomas Duncan of Carlisle, Cumberland Co. PA, Esq., to Caleb Wright of Huntingdon Twp, Luzerne Co. PA, for $70 paid, sell one island on the NorthEast branch of Susquehana in Twp. or district of Huntingdon afsd a little above the mouth of Shickshenny Creek and opposite the plantation of said Caleb Wright containing 6 acres of land more or less, which said island was surveyed by virtue of a warrant dated 29 Nov. 1768 on 12 Dec. in the same year to the late proprietors of PA who by attorney Edmond Physick conveyed to said Thomas Duncan in fee, together with buildings, ... and appurtenances and ... all the interest of said Thomas Duncan to the same ... /s/ Thomas Duncan. Wit. Danl. Smith, Thomas Wright. Received the date of the indenture of the above Caleb Wright the sum of $70, /s/ Thos. Duncan. Wit. Thomas Wright. Ack. by Thomas Duncan 6 May 1802 before Jesse Bell?, Associate Judge of Court of Common Pleas, Luzerne Co. Recorded May 7, 1802. (FHL film 964,835)
8-137/138: 6 May 1802, Thomas Duncan of Carlisle, Cumberland Co. PA, Esq., attorney at law, to Zebulon Lee of Nescopeck Twp, Luzerne Co., state afsd, for 100 pounds paid, sell one certain island on the North East branch of the Susquehanna River at the lower ends of the Narrows near the mouth of Hickshiny creek, being one of the number of islands called the "Bald Eagle Islands" containing 20 acres of land, more or less, which said island was surveyed 10 Dec. 1768 by virtue of a warrant dated 29 Nov. in the same year ... to the Hon. late proprietors of said PA who by their attorney Edmund Physick has since conveyed "(among other things)" to said Thomas Duncan in fee, together with improvements, ... and appurtenances (warrant title). /s/ Thos. Duncan. Wit. Danl. Smith, Josiah Wright. Receipt on above date from Zebulon Lee the sum of 100 pounds, /s/ Thos. Duncan. Ack. 6 May 1802 before Jesse Fell, one of judges of Court of Common Pleas. Recorded June 2, 1802. (FHL film 964,835)
Deeds, v.13-14, 1811-1813 (FHL film 964,838)
14-460/464: 19 Dec. 1799, the Hon. John Penn of Stoke Pages? in Bucks Co. in Kingdom of Great Britain, Esq., one of the late proprietors of PA and of the three counties of New Castle, Kent and Sussex now the Delaware State, and the Hon. Richard Penn of Queen Ann St. West in Parish of St. Mary Le Bone in Middlesex Co. in Kingdom of Great Britain, afsd, Esq., brother of the late John Penn who was the other of the late proprietors of PA and of the three lower counties now State of Delaware, afsd, by Edmund Physick of Philadelphia Co., Esq., their attorney by letters of attorney 14 March 1796, recorded at Philadelphia in Letter of Attorney Book No.5 page 332 &c, to Thomas Duncan Esq. of Borough of Carlisle, Cumberland Co. PA, counselor at law; that John Penn and Richard Penn by their said attorney for 315 pounds 10 shillings current money of PA to the said Edmund Physick ... by the said Thomas Duncan, have sold to said Thomas Duncan the following islands in the River Susquehanna in PA, one of them No.12 called "McKees Caw" lying one mile above W? (Mr?) Keeys containing 15-1/2 acres and allowance surveyed 19 Nov. 1760; another of them No.7 lying below Benjs ..?all's sight of them and near the west side of the river containing 21-1/2 acres surveyed 15 Nov. 1760; another of them No.6 lying a little way above No.5 in sight of it and is called Armstrong's, containing 25 acres and allowance surveyed 15 Nov. 1760; another of them lying opposite to land of John Chambers on W side of said River and land of Captain Thomas McKee on east, containing 11 acres and allowance surveyed 23 Oct. 1760 "(the four described islands were surveyed in pursuance of a warrant dated 13 Oct. 1760)"; another of them called "Sugar Island" opposite Blyth's containing 22-1/2 acres surveyed 9 Jan. 1769 per warrant 29 Nov. 1768; another of them situate opposite land of John Carson and Rudy Flair? on east side of said River containing 8 acres and allowance surveyed 22 Oct. 1760 per warrant 13 Oct. 1760; another of them No.2 on the conflux of said River and the Juniatta River containing 22 acres and allowance surveyed 10 and 11 Dec. 1764, returned 7 April 1768; another of them called No.2 lying opposite Island No.3 called "Baskins Island" containing 5-1/2 acres surveyed 13 Nov. 1760; the other of them situate opposite Coxborough, one of them containing 14 acres and the other 8-1/2 acres surveyed 8 Jan. 1769 per warrant 29 Nov. 1768; another of them lying a little above the end of Mackonoy Hill containing 53 acres surveyed on 9 Jan. 1769; also following islands in the North East branch of Susquehanna River in PA, two of them lying about 40 perches below the Sugar Island containing 11 acres and allowance surveyed 14 Dec. 1768; another of them lying about half a mile below the mouth of Fishing Creek containing 14 acres and allowance surveyed on 13 Dec. 1768; another of them lying 3 miles below the Falls of Wioming containing 4 acres and allowance surveyed 10 Dec. 1768; two other of them, one lying opposite Shicks? and containing 4 acres and allowance and the other lying a little above Shickskinning and containing 60 acres and allowance, surveyed 12 Nov. 1768; those other of them called the "Bald Eagle Islands" situate at the lower end of the narrows, one of them containing six acres and allowance, another 20 acres and the other 28 acres and allowance, surveyed 10 Dec. 1768; another of them situate 2 miles below the little falls containing 2-1/2 acres surveyed 15 Dec. 1768; and two other of them situate about 1-1/2 mile above Nescopial? containing 6 acres and allowance and 7-1/2 acres and allowance surveyed 11 Dec. 1768, the said last 11 described islands surveyed on a warrant dated 29 Nov. 1768; together with all ... appurtenances, and all the interest of said John Penn and Richard Penn respectively in law to the same; to the said Thomas Duncan forever, warrant title. /s/ John Penn, Richard Penn, by their attorney Edmund Physick. Wit. William Alexander, Fredk. Beates. Recd. the above date of Thomas Duncan the sum of 315 pounds 10 shillings, /s/ for the Honorable John Penn and Richard Penn Esqrs, Edmund Physick; wit. William Alexander, Fredk. Beates. Ack. (blank day and month) 1799 by Edmund Physick in the name of his constituants John Penn and Richard Penn before (blank), one of associate judges of Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland Co. William Alexander, Esq., one of the subscribing witnesses, says he was present at the execution of said indenture and saw Edmund Physick Esq. sign the same, /s/ William Alexander, 21 Feb. 1800 before John Montgomery. Recorded Sept. 15, 1813. (FHL film 964,838)
Deeds, v.15-16, 1813-1816 (FHL film 964,839)
16-310/312: 9 Sept. 1813, Thomas Duncan Esq. of Borough of Carlisle, Cumberland Co. PA, and Martha his wife, to Nathan Beach of Salem Twp, Luzerne Co., state afsd, the proprietors on 19 Dec. 1799 granted to Thomas Duncan two islands in the Northeast branch of the River Susquehanna, one of them opposite Shickshinning and the other a little above Shickshinning in the new purchase, one of them containing 5 acres and allowance, the other six acres and allowance, NOW Thomas Duncan and Martha his wife for $40 paid, sell to Nathan Beach all that Island in the River Susquehanna situate opposite Shickshinning and contining 4 acres of land and allowance, it being one of the first above described islands granted and conveyed to Thomas Duncan, together with ... appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Thos. Duncan, Martha Duncan. Wit. Edward Jas. Stiles, Robt. E. Duncan. Recd. from Nathan Beach $40, /s/ Thos. Duncan. Ack. 9 Sept. 1813 by Thomas Duncan and Martha his wife before Eph? Steel, one of judges of Court of Common Pleas for Cumberland Co. Recorded Sept. 13, 1815. (FHL film 964,839)
Deeds, v.17-18, 1816-1818 (FHL film 964,840)
17-446/447: 18 Dec. 1816, Thomas Duncan Esq. of Borough of Carlisle, Cumberland Co. PA, and Martha his wife, to Conrad Line of Nescopeck? Twp, Luzerne Co. state afsd, for $83 paid, sell to said Conrad Line the Island in the NorthEast branch of Susquehanna River about 1 mile below the mouth of Shickshinny Creek in Luzerne Co. containing 60 acres, being one of the islands called the Bald Eagle Islands, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Thomas Duncan, Martha Duncan. Wit. Jno. D. Mahon, Mordecai McKinney Junr. Receipt the sum of $83 in full, /s/ Thos. Duncan. Ack. 18 Dec. 1816 before James Armstrong, one of the judges of Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland Co. Recorded Jan. 7, 1817. (FHL film 964,840)
Deeds, v.27, 1830-1831 (FHL film 964,845)
27-711/713: 17 April 1830, Robert Earp and Mary Ann his wife of City of Philadelphia and Thomas Reeves Jr. and Hannah S. his wife of same place, to William M. Duncan, Jonas Green and Joseph M. Duncan of same place, for $1668 paid, sell tract or piece of land in Sugar Loaf Twp, Luzerne Co. PA, bounded by lands of Margaret Shrader, Henry Shade (now George Rodebush), Nathanial Scale (now "United Breathern") and vacant land, beg. at a post corner of Shrader's land, then ... by land of "United Breathern", then by vacant land, then by land of George Rodebush, ... to the beginning, containing 433-1/2 acres, surveyed to Michael Shrader on 3 June 1787 by virtue of a warrant dated 13 May 1786 and also all that tract or piece of ground in Shugar Loaf Twp. Luzerne Co. PA bounded by lands of Andrew Kennedy, James Hepburn?, Thomas Paschall, Nathan Beach and Mary Heberton, beg. at a corner of Kennedy and Heberton's lands, then ... by Hepburn's land ... by Paschell's and Beaches" land, by Silberton?'s land, containing 401-1/10 acres surveyed to Robert Kitgainer?? on 6 Sept. 1792 by virtue of a warrant 13 June 1793, which two described tracts of land were sold for taxes as follows: the first tract in the name of Michael Sheader? was sold by Anderson Dana, treasurer of Luzerne Co. and conveyed to Hezekiah Parsons, Luthr? Butler and Elisha L. Potter, commissioners, ... and the second tract in the name of Robert Hety? was sold by George M. Hollenback, treasurer, and conveyed to Cyrus? May? Jacob Rosson? and Samuel Yost, commissioners, ... successors in office ... on 13 Jan. 1830 conveyed above tracts to Robert Casp? and Thomas Reaves? Jr. in fee, together with appurtenances, and the said Robert Earp and Mary Ann his wife and Thomas Reeves Jr. and Hannah his wife. Sell to William M. Duncan, Jonas Green and Joseph M. Duncan, warrant title. /s/ Robt. Earp, Mary Ann Earp, Th. Reeves Jr., Hannah S. Reeves. Wit. Andrew Goyer, Thomas Earp. Recd on the above date of William M. Duncan, Jonas Green and Joseph M. Duncan, $1668. /s/ Robert Earp, Th. Reeves Jr. Wit. Andrew Geyor?, Thomas Earp. Ack. 19 April 1830 by Robert Earp and Mary Ann his wife and Thomas Reeves and Hanah S. his wife before Andrew Geyer (Goyer?), Alderman of City of Phildelphis. Recorded May 5, 1831. (FHL film 964,845)
27-713/714: 8 Jan. 1831, Joseph M. Duncan of Schuylkill Co. PA, one of the grantees within named and Maria his wife to William M. Duncan of City of Philadelphia, merchant, for $800 paid, sell an undivided 1/3 part of two within tracts of land in the Warrantee name of Michael Schraeder and Robert Heiltzimer?, with all rights etc., warrant said undivided third. /s/ Joseph M. Duncan, Maria Duncan. Wit. A. Pettite?, John H. Durant. Received the above date of William M. Duncan, the sum of $800, /s/ Joseph M. Duncan, wit. A. Pettet, John H?. Durant. Ack. 12 Feb. 1831 by Joseph M. Duncan and Maria Duncan before A. Pettit, one of Alderman of City of Philadelphia. Recorded May 5, 1831. (FHL film 964,845)
Deeds, v.28, 1831-1832 (FHL film 964,846)
28-635/636: 15 Oct. 1832, George C. Drake of Borough of Wilkes Barre, Luzerne Co. PA, attorney at law, and Abigail H. his wife, to James J. Duncan of City of Philadelphia, merchant, for $600 paid, sell all that lot or piece of ground and the messuage thereon in the Borough of Wilkes Barre, bounded on NE by Pennsylvania Canal, on SE by land belonging late to the estate of Ebenezer Bauman? Esq. decd, on the SW by Canal Street and on NW by land of Harris Colt containing 40 perches more or less, being the same lot of land which Asher Cumer and Mary his wife by deed 10 Jan. 1829 conveyed to said George C. Drake, recorded in Luzerne Co. Deed Book 26 pgs.27 &c, togther with houses and buildings, etc., warrant title. /s/ George C. Drake, Abigail H. Drake. Wit. Wm. S. Ross, Harriet Bauman. Ack. 15 Oct. 1832 before Wm. S. Ross, Associate Judge, Luzerne Co., by George C. Drake and Abigail H. his wife. Recorded Oct. 30, 1832. (FHL film 964,846)
Deeds, v.34, 1838-1839 (FHL film 964,851)
34-195/196: 20 Aug. 1838, James J. Duncan, merchant, and Ann C. Duncan his wife of City of Philadelphia, to Tho. Wilson, merchant, of the City of Baltimore, State of MD, for $500 paid, sell all that tract or lot of land in Borough of Wilkes Barre, Luzerne Co. PA, bounded on NE by North branch of Pennsylvania Canal, on SE by land of Sylvester Dana, on SW by Canal otherwise called Union Street in said Borough, and on NW by land of Harris Colt now in occupance of Henry Colt, containing 40 perches more or less, being the same lot of land which Asher Miner and Mary his wife by deed 9 Jan. 1829 conveyed to George C. Drake and which the said Drake with his wife conveyed to said Duncan by deed recorded in Luzerne Deed Book No.78 pg.695, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ James J. Duncan, Ann C. Duncan. Wit. J.A. Phillips, John R. Vogdis. Recd on above date the $500 in full consideration, /s/ James J. Duncan, wit. John A. Vogdis, J.A. Phillips. Ack. 20 Aug. 1838 by James Duncan and Ann C. Duncan before John A. Vogdus, Alderman of City of Philadelphia. Recorded Sept. 5, 1838. (FHL film 964,851)
Deeds, v.43-44, 1846-1847 (FHL film 964,859)
43-139/140: 10 July 1846, Jonas Green of City of Washington, District of Columbia, and Mary C. his wife to James J. Duncan of City of Philadelphia, PA, Merchant, for $400 paid, sell all of his the said "James" Green's one full equal and undivided third part the whole into 3 equal parts to be divided, to all that piece of land in Sugar Loaf Twp, Luzerne Co. PA, bounded by land of Andrew Kennedy, James Hepburn, Thomas ? Lanhall, Nathan Beach and Mary Heberton, beg. at a corner of Kennedy and Heberton's lands, then ... by Pascholl's and Beaches land, then by Heberton's land, to the beginning, containing 401-1/10 acres surveyed to Robert Hittzinca? on 6 Sept. 1793 by virtue of a warrant 13 June 1793, said tract being the last described of two tracts or pieces of land which Robert Earp and Mary his wife and others by deed 17 April 1830 recorded at Wilkes Barre in Luzerne Co. in Deed Book 27 page 711 &c granted and conveyed to William M. Duncan, Joseph M. Duncan and said Jonas Green in fee, together with improvements, ... and appurtenances, to hold all his the said James Green's one full equal and undivided third part, the whole, into 3 equal parts to be divided ... to the said James J. Duncan, warrant title. /s/ Jonas Green, (bottom line too dark.) Wit. George D. Abbott. City of Washington, District of Columbia: 10 July 1846, ack. before James M. Carlisle, Commissioner for state of PA by Jonas Green and Mary B. his wife. /s/ J.M. Carlisle. Recorded Aug. 15, 1846. (FHL film 964,859)
43-140/142: Indenture expartite made 25 July 1846, between Anna Lousa Crxin? Duncan of City of Philadelphia, widow and relict of William M. Duncan late of said City, Merchant, decd, and John L. Busby also of said city, merchant, and Mary Louisa D. his wife (late Mary Louisa Duncan, only child and heir at law of said William M. Duncan decd), all parties of first part, James J. Duncan also of said city, merchant, and Anna C. his wife parties of second part, and Algernon S. Roberts and Edward Roberts of City of Philadelphia, merchants, and T. Mason Mitchell of City and County of Philadelphia, conveyancer, all parties of the third part; that parties of first and second parts for $3,000 paid by parties of third part, have sold to said Algernon S. Roberts, Edward Roberts and T. Mason Mitchell in equal third parts as tenants in common, all that tract of land called Nut Grove in formerly Sugar Loaf Twp now Hanover Twp in Luzerne Co. PA, bounded by lands of Andrew Kennedy, James Hepburn, Thomas Paschall, Nathan Beach and Mary Heberton, ... containing 401 acres 1/10 and allowances of 6% for roads &c surveyed to Robert Hitzemer on 6 Sept. 1793 by virtue of a warrant 13 June 1793, being the last described of two tracts or pieces of land which Robert Earp and Mary his wife and Thomas Rives Jr. and Hannah S. his wife by indenture 17 April 1830 recorded at Wilkes Barre in Luzerne Co. in Deed Book 27 pg.711 &c granted and conveyed to said William M. Duncan, Joseph M. Duncan and Jonas Green in fee, and said Joseph M. Duncan and Maria his wife by indenture 8 Jan. 1831 endorsed on said last recited deed and recorded therewith granted and conveyed their one undivided third part of and interalia? the said tract of land to the said William M. Duncan, and the said William M. Duncan being possessed in his demesne as of fee of and in two undivided third parts of interalia the said tract of land, departed this life about the month of March 1842 intestate, leaving to survive him a widow the said Anna Louisa Crean Duncan and only issue a daughter the said Mary Louisa Duncan since intermarried with said John L. Busby, to and in whom the said premises described and vested in his sole and only heirs at law subject to the dower or thirds for life therein of her said mother according to the intestate laws of PA and said Jonas Green and Mary his wife by indenture 10 July instant (A.D. 1846) intended to be forthwith recorded conveyed the remaining one undivided third part to the said James J. Duncan, together with the improvements, ... and appurtenances belonging and the reversions and remainder rents, issues and profits thereof, and also all the estate, right, title in trust property claim etc. which was of him the said William M. Duncan at and immediately before the time of his decease or is now of them or either of them the said parties of the first and second parts hereto ... to the said tract of land, to have and hold the said tract above described to the said Algernon S. Roberts, Edward Roberts and T. Mason Mitchell, in equal third parts as Tenants in common and not as joint tenants, and said John L. Bushby for himself and for the said Mary Louisa D. his wife and her respective heirs, ... and the said James J. Duncan for himself ... do hereby severally and not jointly grant that they, the said John D. Busby and James J. Duncan and their heirs, the said tract or piece of land with appurtenances to the said Algernon S. Roberts, Edward Roberts and T. Mason Mitchell in equal third parts as tenants in common afsd, and the said John L. Busby and Mary Louisa D. his wife and said James Duncan and their heirs against all other persons ... will warrant title. /s/ Anna Louisa Crean Duncan, John L. Buzby, Mary Louisa D. Buzby, James J. Duncan, Anne C. Duncan. Wit. J. Mitchell, Jas. C. Walker. Received the date above written, the sum of $3,000, being the full consideration money above mentioned, /s/ Anna Louisa Cram (Crano?) Duncan, John L. Buzby, Jas. J. Duncan. Wit. ?? Mitchell, Jas. Walker. City of Philadelphia, PA, on 25 July 1846, ack. before J. Mitchell, Alderman, the above Anna Louisa Crean Duncan, John L. Buzby and Mary Louisa his wife and James J. Duncan and Anna C. his wife. The said Mary Louisa, wife of John L. Buzby and Anna C., wife of James Duncan, being of full age ... Recorded Aug. 15, 1846. (FHL film 964,859)
Deeds v.57-58, 1853-1854 (FHL film 964,866; SLC 6/4/2015)
57-569/570: 27 Dec. 1853, Lawrence Holland of City of Philadelphia and Sarah his wife, and John Busby of said city and Mary Luisa D. his wife late Mary Louisa Duncan and Anna Louisa Duncan, the said Mary being the only child and the said Anna the widow of William M. Duncan late of said city deceased, to Sarah Deal and William Deal, both of Luzerne Co. PA, for $927.41 paid, sell parcel of land in Denison Twp., Luzerne Co. PA, beg. at post corner on county line, then ... by land surveyed to George Rodabush, then ... to land surveyed to John Finas, ... by land surveyed to Margaret Shrader, then ... by county line of Luzerne Co. to the beginning, containing 123 acres and 126 perches, being part of a larger tract surveyed in the warrantee name of Michael Shrader and the same conveyed by Robert Earp and Thomas Reeves to William M. Duncan, Jonas Green and Joseph H?. Duncan by their deed 17 April 1830 and recorded in Luzerne Co. Deed Book 27 pg.711, and the said Joseph M. Duncan conveyed the undivided 1/3 thereof to the said William M. Duncan by deed 18 Jan. 1831 recorded Book 27 page 713 and said Jonas Green and wife conveyed 1/3 part to said Lawrence Holland by deed 27 Dec. 1851 and intended to be recorded, together with improvements, ways, water courses, ... belonging, and all title ... to the said Sarah Deal and William Deal their heirs & assigns forever, and said Lawrence Holland and John Busby agree ... with appurtenances. Warrant title. /s/ L. Holland, Sarah Holland, John L. Buzby, Mary Luisa Duncan Buzby, A.L.C. Duncan. Wit. Saml. Craft, P. Mitchell. Ack. 20 Jan. 1854 by Lawrence Holland and Sarah his wife, John Busby and Mary Louisa D. his wife, and Mary Luisa Duncan, the grantors, before J. Mitchell, Alderman. Recorded 27 March 1854. (FHL film 964,866)
Deeds v.69-70, 1856-1857 (FHL film 964,872; SLC 6/4/2015)
70-53/58: Alfred Gilmore et al to G. Talbot Olyphant. 9 April 1856, Alfred Gilmore and Louisa L. his wife, James J. Duncan and Anna C. his wife, William H?. Roberts and Anne Jane his wife, all of city of Philadelphia, William Woodman and Mary Jane his wife and William A. Shepherd, all of city of New York, and Samuel M. Lane and Nancy J.? (H?) his wife of Butler Twp, PA, to G. Talbert Olyphant of city of New York; that parties of first part are the equitable owners of certain undivided interest in lands purchased or contracted to be purchased by William Woodman afsd which lands are situated partly in Susquehanna and Luzerne Co. in PA, that is to say all those lots or pieces of land in a certain agreement for the purchase and sale thereof made by Michael Meylut? (Meybit?) attorney and exec. dated at Scranton Oct. 30, 1855, namely, William and Henry Gray, lots No.21, 22, 23, 24, 24 (sic), 45 & 46, Maylerts Allotment 500 acres 41 perches, Peter Roker and Henry Gray lots No.2 and 3, Jackson's allotments 164 acres 108 perches unsold land between unsold land between No.3 Jacksons Alotment and No.23 & 46 Mayluts? allotment, being part of Henry and William Gray and Peter Roker? containing about 230 acres, Samuel Meredith No.2, 223 acres and 80 perches, Henry Roker Jr. and parts of Geor? and Peter Roker 469 acres and 113 perches that part of Philip Beach unsold lying east of the turnpike containing about 50 acres, and also all those lots or pieces of land described in a certain agreement for the purchase and sale thereof made and executed by and between the said William Wordman and Henry Dunker attorney in fact for George & Robert Smith and others dated Oct. 23, 1855, as follows ... (many more parcels etc.); and whereas William Woodman has heretofore granted and conveyed the premises as aforesaid ... by his declaration in writing that he holds the same in trust as well for himself as the parties of the first part and others interested in the following proportions? of ownership, namely the said Samuel M. Lane, --- Gilmore, James J. Duncan and William Asheppard? each undivided 12th part ..., now parties of first part for $1,000 to each of them paid by the said G. Talbert Olyphant ... sell to said G. Tabot Olyphant each of their interest to the afsd parcels of land except ... (more not copied). /s/ (two columns)
in presence of: Alfred Gilmore (seal)
Jos. C. Turnpenny as to Louisa L. Gilmore (seal)
Anne C. Duncan James J. Duncan (seal)
as to W? J. Roberts Anne C. Duncan (seal)
M.E. Reed Wm. F. Roberts (seal)
Chas. E. Herring as to H. Jane Roberts (seal)
Mrs. Nancy H. Lane & William Woodman (seal)
Louisa J?. Gilmore Mary Jane? L. Woodman (seal)
M. Tripp Hilnese? as to all William A. Shephard (seal)
Wm. Turness? as to wife of Saml. M. Lane (seal)
William Woodman & Mary Jane T. his wife Nancy H. Lane (seal)
Elbert Burnese?
City of Philadelphia, on 9 April 1836 in City of Philadelphia, Alderman, appeared above named Alfred Gilmore & Louisa P. Gilmore, James J. Duncan and Anne C. Duncan, William F. Roberts & H?. Jane Roberts, William Woodman, William A. Shepard, Samuel M. Lane & Nancy H. Lane and ack. the foregoing ... and Louisa C., Anne C., H. Jane and Nancy H. of their own free will ..., /s/ M. Tripp.
State of New York, City of New York, 10 April 1856, before William Furniss, Commissioner, appeared Mary Jane S. wife of William Wordman released her dower.
Recorded 6 Nov. 1856. (FHL film 964,872; see Susquehanna Co. PA Deed 24-661/664)
Deeds v.73-74, 1857-1859 (FHL film 965,868; SLC 6/4/2015)
73-394: Lot Search Tres. to Charles S. Wurts. Lot Search, Treasurer of Luzerne Co. PA, send greeting. Whereas a tract of unseated land containing 457 acres in township of Providence, Luzerne Co., surveyed to John Duncan, has been rated and assessed with divers taxes, to wit, state tax $5.50, county tax $4.58, road tax -- dollars -- cents, school tax -- dollars -- cents which remain due and unpaid for one year before the second Monday of June 1856, and whereas I the said treasurer per acts of Assembly ... after having given due and timely notice of the time and place of sale, exposed the tract of land to sale by public vendue, on 9 June 1856 sold the same to Charles S. Wurts for $13.70, he being the highest and best bidder, and the best price being a sufficient sum to pay the aforesaid taxes and all costs necessarily accrued, now I the said treasurer for $13.70 paid by Charles Wurts before this, have sold to said Charles S. Wurts the tract of unseated land, together with all rights ... subject to the redemption allowed by law. 9 June 1856. /s/ Lot Search, Treasurer of Luzerne Co. Wit. J. Gorben. Lot Search ack. deed in Court of Common Pleas held at Wilkes Barre for Luzerne Co. on 4 Aug. 1856. Recorded June 12, 1857. (FHL film 965,868)
Pension Index Card File, alphabetical; of the Veterans Administrative Contact and Administration Services, Admin. Operations Services, 1861-1934; Duff to A-J Duncan (negative FHL film 540,888, some cards very faint); Joseph Duncan to Dunn (positive FHL film 540,889, some cards very dark)
Cataloged under Civil War, 1861-1865, pensions, indexes; does not say if Confederate or Federal, but probably Federal. Negative film, some cards much too faint or dark to read, some cards blurred or faded, particularly the service unit and the dates of application. Most of the very faint or dark cards were in a slightly different format, with space for years enlisted and discharged which were sometimes filled in. Many of these were for service in later years, although one or two were for service ca 1866.
Name of soldier, alias, name of dependent widow or minor, service (military unit or units), date of filing, class (invalid or widow or minor or other), Application #, Certificate #, state from which filed (sometimes blank), attorney (sometimes blank, MAD: did not usually copy), remarks. Sometimes the "Invalid" or "Widow" class had an "s" added to it before the application #; occasionally the area for the service information included a circled "S". The minor's name was frequently that of the guardian rather than the minor.
The military unit was frequently the Company Letter, the Regiment Number, sometimes US Vet Vol Inf. (US Veteran Volunteer Infantry), L.A. (Light Artillery), H.A. (Heavy Artillery), US C Inf (US Colored? Infantry), Cav. (Cavalry), Mil. Guards, V.R.C. (?Volunteer Reserve Corps?), etc. Sometimes there were several service units given.
Cards appear to be arranged by the last name, first name, middle initial if any, and state (including "US") of service.
Duncan, Charles B.; D 121 & C & E 203 PA Inf.; 1865 Sept. 15, Invalid Appl. #88877, Cert. #56724. (MAD: ? 1860 Luzerne Co. PA census)
Philadelphia Co. PA Will (FHL film 21,731)
1-26 to 34, #110: 5 Dec. 1801, will of Margaret Duncan of City of Phila., widow, (lots of religious terms). .... (See Philadelphia Co. for more) ... To my grandson David Telfair Duncan, son of my son Matthew Duncan, land in Luzerne Co. I purchased from John Disk about one mile below the mouth of Teagu?, 253 acres not yet patented. ... Appoint son Matthew Duncan and son in law William Bailey as executors. Wit. Peter Lohra, Silas E. Writ?, Jas. Humphreys Jr. Rec. Dec. 1, 1820.
Susquehanna Co. PA Deeds (SLC 6/5/2015; have jpg images)
24-661/664: Alfred Gilmore et al to G. Talbot Oliphant. 9 April 1856, Alfred Gilmore and Louise S. his wife, James J. Duncan and Anne C. his wife, William F. Roberts and Anna Jane his wife all of city of Philadephia, William Woodman and Mary Jane S. his wife and William A. Sheppard, all of city of New York, and Samuel M. Lane and Nancy H. of Butler Pennsylvania, to G. Talbot Olyphant of city of New York; that parties of first part are owners of certain undivided interests in certain lands purchased or contracted to be purchased by William Woodman afsd, which lands are situated partly in Wayne, Susquehanna and Luzerne Co. PA, that is to say all those lots or pieces of land described in a certain agreement for the purchase and sale thereof made by Michael Meylest, Attorney and executor, dated Scranton October 30, 1855, as follows: namely, "William Gray and Henry Gray lots No.21,22,23,24,45 & 46, Meylests allotment 505 acres and 41 perches. Peter Roker and Henry Gray lots No.2 and 3 Jackson's allotments 164 acres 108 perches unsold land between No.3 Jackson's allotment and Nos.23 & 46 Meytest's allotments, being parts of Henry and William Gray and Peter Roker containing about 230 acres. Samuel Meredith No.2, 223 acres and 80 perches. Henry Roker for and parts of Geo. and Peter Roker 469 acres and 113 perches. That part of Philip Beach unsold lying east of the Turnpike containing about 50 acres. And also all those lots or pieces of land described in a certain assignment? (agsciment?) for the purchase and sale thereof made by and between said William Woodman and Henry Drinker attorney in fact for George Roberts Smith and others and dated Oct. 23, 1855, as follows, situated in Clinton Twp, Wayne Co., being Lots No.3,4,5,6,7,10,11 & 12 .... (and many more parcels not copied here) (pg.663) And whereas the said William Woodman has heretofore granted and conveyed the premises so as aforesaid granted to him and assigned the before mentioned contracts to the said Samuel H? Lane and the said Samuel McLane has by his declaration in writing declared that he holds the same in trust as well for himself as the parties of the first part and others interested in the following proportions of ownership, namely, the said Samuel M. Lane, Alfred Gilmore, James J. Duncan and William A. Sheppard, each one undivided twelfth part thereof and the said William Woodman and William F. Roberts each one undivided sixth part thereof, and the said parties of the second part have sold all their said interest in the said premises except the said William F. Roberts who has sold 1/2 of his interest only to the said party of the second part; now this indenture ... said parties of first part for $1,000 to each of them paid by said G. Talbot Olyphant have sold all their interest to the parcels of land ... except William F. Roberts the 1/2 part of his interest ... /s/ Alfred Gilmore, Louisa L. Gilmore, Jas. J. Duncan, Anne C. Duncan, Wm. F. Roberts, H. Jane Roberts, William Woodman, Mary Jane Woodman, Wm. A. Sheppard, Saml. M. Lane, Nancy H. Lane. Wit. Helen C. Twonpenny?, Anne C. Duncan as to H. Jane Roberts, M.E. Reed, Chas. S. Herring?? as to Mrs. Nancy H. Lane & Louisa L. Getmore, M. Swift as to all. Wit. Wm. Turniss as to wife of William Woodman Mary Jane his wife, Elbert Belloman? .... City of Philadelphia, 9 April 1856, before one of the Alderman for City of Philadelphia, appeared the above named Alfred Gilmore and Louisa L. Gilmore, Jas. J. Duncan & Anne C. Duncan, William F. Roberts & H. Jane Roberts, William Woodman, William A. Shepard, Samuel M. Lane & Nancy H. Lane and ack. the above indenture, and said Louise Ca.. H. Jane and Nancy H., examened apart, released their interest. /s/ M. Swift. State of New York, City and County of New York, on 10 April 1856 before William Furness, a Commissioner Resident in City of New York, appeared Mary Jane wife of William Woodman who ack. the deed ... /s/ William Furness, Commissioner. Recorded Oct. 10, 1856. (FHL film 1,928,001; have jpg image of pages; see Luzerne Co. PA Deed 70-53/58)
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