Duncan research files of |
1820 Jackson Co. OH Census Franklin Twp. Pg.148 John Duncan 010010 - 30001 1830 Jackson Co. OH Census Hamilton Twp. Pg.105 William Dinkins 0000,0000,01 - 0000,1000,01 Franklin Twp. Pg.127 John Duncan 0100,001 - 0121,01 1840 Jackson Co. OH Census Franklin Twp. Pg. 7 John Farney 0011,1000,1 - 0011,0001 (MAD: David Farney mar. Malinda Duncan 1833, not found 1840 or 1850 OH census index) Milton Twp. Pg. 12 Sarah Dankins 212 - 0200,01 Lick Twp. Pg. 54 Frederick C. Conner 1000,01 - 0110,01 (MAD: Frederick Conner mar. Rebecca Duncan 1840) Pg. 56 William Stockum 1100,001 - 1100,1 (MAD: William Stockham mar. Elizabeth Duncan 1831) Pg. 58 John Duncan 0011,0001 - 0100,0001
1850 Jackson Co. OH Census
(handwritten page numbers, not stamped)
Jackson Twp.
Pg.367, #284-292, Wm. STOCKMAN 67 NJ farmer $1000
Eliza "Mulvany - 3d wife" 40 OH
John M. "Mulvany" 12 OH
Samuel "Mulvany" 10 OH
Emily M. 7, Hannah 4 OH
(MAD: Quoted material was added to census in another handwriting before it was microfilmed)
Lick Twp.
Pg.561, #741-742, Frederick CONNER 45 PA laborer
Rebecca 38 TN
Louisa 15, Jefferson 13 OH
John 10, Samuel 8 OH
William 6, Charles 4 OH
Wesley 1 OH
John DUNCAN 63 NC none
Mary 64 NC
Hamilton Twp.
Pg.678, #1531, John DUNCON (sic) Jr. 28 OH teamster
Tabitha 24 VA
Sophia Ann 7, Eunice 5 OH
James T. 2 OH
John DUNCAN 64 VA none
1860 Jackson Co. OH Census
Franklin Twp.
Pg.153, #649-639, Joseph H. WILSON 25 PA farmer $4800-$300
Martha J. 26 OH
Robert 4, Eugene C. ("f") 2 OH
Eliza 8/12 OH
1870 Jackson Co. OH Census
Bloomfield Twp.
Pg.23, #325-315, DUNCAN, Tazwell (m) 22 VA Digs Iron Oar $0-$100, mar. in Apr.
Sarah 21 VA keeping house, mar. in Apr.
(MAD: 1860 Patrick Co. VA census)
Jackson Co. OH Will Book A, 1819-1871 (FHL film 301,050)
No Duncan will indexed
Jackson Co. OH Deeds (index on FHL film 301,009)
B-283: 28 Oct. 1833, John Duncan, Sheriff of Jackson Co. OH, deed on behalf of court to Leander Weeks ... (FHL film 301,012)
C-215 (to John Darky) and E-38 (to A.J. Gillaspie): Duncan, sheriff, not copied
K-511: 2 April 1850, Alex Grossman and wife Catherine mortgage to Joseph Duncan of Beaver Co. PA, 80 acres and 40 acres in Liberty Twp; Grossman owes Duncan $850. Wit. Joseph Adken?, John S. Calhoun. (FHL film 301,017)
M-123: 11 Sept. 1851, John Duncan and wife Mary (X) of Jackson Co. OH to Martin Owens of same, $50, SE 1/4 NE 1/4 Sec. 15, Twp. 7, Range 19, Liberty Twp. Wit. T.R. Stanley, F. Wells Stanley. (FHL film 301,017)
No others through Book O
Hardeman Co. TN Deed (FHL film 989,301)
C-337: 2 Jan. 1832, to William Crane of Hardeman Co. TN from Thos. L. Duncan and Wm. Duncan and John Little and James Little and Joseph Brotherton of Hardeman Co. TN and Lemuel Landers (signature looks like Sanders) of McNairy Co. TN and John O. Clarke and Wm. Wilkerson and David Lackmore of Lincoln Co. NC and John Duncan of Jackson Co. OH, all legal heirs of John Duncan decd; that the said heirs for $280, sell to Wm. Crane 65 acres in Hardeman Co. TN on waters of Little Hatchee, bounded .. beg. at a stake in a pond 416 poles east of the one mile stake north of the south corner of said section, thence east 100 poles to a black oak, thence north 4 poles crossing said creek in all north 104 poles to a stake ... /s/ Thomas L. Duncan, Wm. Duncan, John Little, James Little, Jos. Brotherton, Lemuel Sanders, and by Wm L. Duncan attorney for John O. Clark, John Duncan and David Lackmore.
"Commemorative biographical record of the counties of Sandusky and Ottawa, Ohio : containing biographical sketches of prominent and representative citizens, and of many of the early settled families." (anonymous); pub. Chicago: J.H. Beers & Co., 1896, 943 pgs. (LH9742, HeritageQuest images 4/2007; FHL book 977.12 D3co and film 908,711 item 1 and 1,000,339 item 4)
Pg.827-828: JAMES S. DUNCAN, proprietor of a flourishing general store at Limestone, and also extensively engaged in the lime business, is a native of Ohio, born July 9, 1858, in Jackson, Jackson County. His parents, James and Amy (Verner) Duncan, were both born in Armstrong county, Penn., the father in 1827, the mother in 1835. They were married in 1851, and are now living at Powellsville, Scioto Co., Ohio, where the father is a contractor and builder. To them were born eight children, five of whom are now living, three sons and two daughters; the sons are all married, but the daughters are still with their parents. James S. Duncan spent his boyhood days at Powellsville, Scioto Co., Ohio, there attending the public schools, from which he graduated in 1877. At the age of nineteen, immediately after graduating, he and his brother (MAD: unnamed) formed a supply company for forwarding lime to Means, Kyle & Co., in which business they continued for about five years, when it was suddenly brought to a close by the death of his brother, he being accidentally killed while handling limestone. Mr. Duncan then went to Marion, Ohio, as superintendent of the lime works for John D. Owens & Son, with whom he remained four years, thence coming to Limestone, Benton township, Ottawa county, where for two years he had the superintendency of a similar business for Swayne & Lawrence. ... In 1889 Mr. Duncan opened a general store at Limestone, of which branch of his business his wife had charge for a time, but finally it was put into the hands of a clerk, Mr. Duncan of course having the general management and oversight of the business. ... In 1892 Mr. Duncan went into partnership with L.W. Buzzard, ... On June 15, 1881, Mr. Duncan was married to Miss Alice M. Worthington, of Ironton, Ohio, and three children have blessed their union, all of whom are living: Royer E., born June 15, 1882; Cleveland, born December 13, 1886, and Clara E., born December 14, 1888. Mrs. Duncan was born in Kentucky September 5 1856, and when a small girl removed with her father's people to Powellsville, Ohio, where she attended school, graduating in 1864. ... Her father, Findley Worthington, was killed in the war of the Rebellion, and her mother died some seventeen years ago.
1916 "A Standard history of the Hanging Rock iron region of Ohio : an authentic narrative of the past, with an extended survey of the industrial and commercial development" 2 vols., ed. by Eugene B. Willard, pub. by Lewis Publ. (FHL book 977.1 H2sh and fiche 6,049,269 and 6,049,270)
Includes Scioto, Lawrence, Jackson & Vinton Cos. OH
Duncan on pg.385; John Duncan on pg.384, 387, 430; reference to John Duncan as early sheriff Jackson Co. OH, but no family information given, not copied.
1880 "History of Macon County, Illinois : and biographical sketches of some of its prominent men and pioneers" pub. by Brink, McDonough & Co. (FHL book 977.358 H2h and film 897,417 item 2; from Pat Johnson 3/1989)
Pg.217: John N. Demsey was born in Fayette Co. OH in the year of 1813. About the year 1832 he was married at Chillicothe [Ross Co.], OH, to Tabitha Duncan, a native of Jackson Co. OH, and a daughter of General John Duncan. General John Duncan was born in TN and was connected with a family of that name who settled in middle [Hardeman Co.] TN, where a considerable number of the descendants still reside. During the Indian troubles, connected with the War of 1812, he raised a regiment in TN with which to fight the Indians, and after having served in OH, he settled at Salt Springs in Jackson Co. of that state, where he lived for many years."
Some early Duncans in Jackson Co. OH:
Elizabeth Duncan, 6 Oct. 1831, mar. William Stockham, A-117 (MAD: not 1850 Scioto Co. OH pg.177, Bloom Twp, #270, Wm. Stockham 22 OH, Elizabeth 20 OH, Eliza 1 OH)
Malinda Duncan, 28 Feb. 1833, mar. David Farney (MAD: not found 1840 or 1850 OH census index)
Mary Jane Duncan, 21 Nov. 1833, mar. Benjamin Spriggs (MAD: not 1850 Guernsey Co. OH pg.377, Seneca Twp, Benjamin Spriggs age 22; not found 1840 OH index)
Rebecca Duncan, 1 Jan. 1840, mar. Frederick Conner
John Duncan Jr., 1 Sept. 1842, mar. Tabitha Hunt, B-146
Matilda Duncan, 1 Jan. 1848, mar. John McCann, C-60 (MAD: none indexed Jackson Co. OH 1850 census)
Alice Duncan, 24 July 1851, mar. Benjamin Branscom Jr., C-119
David D. Dunkin, 13 Nov. 1860, mar. Mary Ann Hale
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