Duncan research files of |
1850 Union Co. NC Census
Pg.94, #1383, Wm. DUNCAN 31 NC farmer $600
Sarah 29 NC
Elizabeth 1 NC
(MAD: See 1850 Anson Co. census w/James; 1860 Chesterfield Co. SC census)
1860 Union Co. NC Census
(page number in parentheses is stamped page number)
Lanes Boro P.O.
Pg.789 (395), #729-706, Andrew J. DUNCAN 28 NC farmer $700-$395
Martha 25 NC seamstress
James 6, Elizabeth 4 NC
Thomas 3, Mary 4/12 NC
(MAD: Andrew J. Duncan mar. Martha Ross 3/9/1853; 1850 Anson Co. NC with James R. Duncan)
Pg.789 (395), #730-707, William W. DUNCAN 25 NC farmer $800-$468
Sarah E. 20 NC domestic
Theadore T. (m) 3, Isaac R. 1 NC
(MAD: Wm. W. Duncan mar. Sarah E. Ross 10/24/1855; 1850 Anson Co. NC with James R. Duncan)
1870 Union Co. NC Census
Jackson Twp.
Pg.553, #171-171, DUNCAN, Ellen 25 SC BLACK keeps house $0-$0
Peter 7, Susan 5 SC BLACKS at home
Samuel 3 SC BLACK
Hannah 3/12 NC b.Mar. BLACK
New Salem Twp.
Pg.609, #24-24, DUNCAN, William W. 35 NC farmer $600-$150
Sarah J. 31 NC keeping house
Theodore T. 13, Isaac R. 11 NC works on farm
John T. 9 NC works on farm
Sarah J. 1 NC
MANERS, Martha 16 NC BLACK domestic servant
Pg.609, #28-28, DUNCAN, Martha 35 NC keeping house $400-$0
James 17 NC works on farm
Maria 14 NC at home
Thomas M. 12 NC works on farm
Ann L. 10, Martha H. 8 NC at home
1900 Union Co. NC Census (HeritageQuest image 7/4/2010)
Marshvill Twp., SD 7, ED 137, Sheet 3
Pg.137B, #56-56, DUNCAN, Martain P., head, w/m, May 1835, 65, wid, NC NC NC (alone) (indexed DANCAN)
(MAD: 1870-1880 Anson Co. NC census)
Land records, North Carolina and Tennessee; indexes, 1600-1959; by NC Secretary of State, Land Grant Office (SLC 5/30/2011 copied by CVD)
Land warrants are documents issued at local land offices to purchasers of public lands. When these warrants are surrendered, the buyers are issued conveyances (deeds). The land warrants (and other miscellaneous records) are organized by file numbers in alphabetical sequences of counties. Some of the counties are now Tennessee counties. These records are in packets. On each packet cover are spaces for the following information: file number, county, purchaser's name(s), number of acres, grant number, date issued, entry number, date entered, book number, page number & location. ... The key to finding the related packets are the file numbers.
Duncan, James B., File No.206, Union Co., 24 acres, Grant No.208 issued 29 Nov. 1852, Entry No.151 entered 15 Nov. 1852, Book No.156, page no.284, Location: Adjoining his own land.
Union Co. NC Deeds (1842-1968 indexes, grantor on FHL film 590,462; grantee on FHL film 590,468)
2-15: 11 Oct. 1847, James (x) Duncan Senr., being old and feeble and unable to see to my business, appoint my son William B. Duncan, my attorney to collect debts, sell property, etc.; he to take care and to support me and his mother (unnamed) as long as we live, and for so doing, at my death, I give him and for love all my land whereon I now live adj. James R. Duncan, Churchill Lathrop and others, 240 acres and all remaining stock, etc. I now give him possession of my house to live with me .... Wit. William Allen, John R. Duncan. Rec. Union Co. NC Jan. 1848. (FHL film 590,453)
2-37: 3 May 1844, James R. Duncan of Anson Co. NC to James Duncan of Union Co. NC, $154, 55 acres in Union Co. adj. Hosea Little's line, Horne's line, Tredgill's line, William's line. Wit. Levi Dreslar, Wm. B. Duncan. (FHL film 590,453)
2-611: 13 Nov. 1852, Hugh (M) Ross of Union Co. NC to James R. Duncan of same, $750, 408 acres adj. Aaron Stegall's line, Caudel's corner, Hasty's corner, Wide Mouth branch, William Allen's line, S.side of Charlotte Road. Wit. Jefferson Caudel, A.R. Steagall. (FHL film 590,453)
5-762: 19 Dec. 1859, Hugh (X) Ross of Henderson Co. TN to James R. Duncan of Anson Co. NC, $1, 9 acres on Lanes Creek adj. lands of James R. Duncan and others, being part of 400 acre grant to Charles Traylor by patent 2486 dated 25 Dec. 1817, beg. E.side of 3 Notch Road, the beg. corner of the old Trylor grant, running James R. Duncan's line. Wit. Wm. L. Stegall, Hose Preston, M.G. Stegall. (FHL film 590,455)
Next grantor deed 1870, not copied; next grantee deed 1873, not copied
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