Duncan research files of |
1790 Robeson Co. NC Census Pg. 48 Duncan, James 315xx 1800 Robeson Co. NC Census Pg.375 Duncan, James 10111 - 11101 (MAD: see Anson Co. NC) 378 Duncan, John 30010 - 00011 1810 Robeson Co. NC Census Pg.220 Jacob Duncan 20010 - 10010 (MAD: Jacob Duncan mar. Mary McLachlin 10/9/1806) 221 Jno. Duncan 31010 - 00010 232 Jno. Goins 30100 - 00201 239 Jno. Goins Jnr 31010 - 10010 Jno. Goins Sr. 00001 - 00001 (MAD: John Goin mar. Nancy Duncan, 1/27/1810; no Goin in 1820 Robeson Co.) 1820 Robeson Co. NC Census Pg.301 Duncan, Jacob 210010 - 21010 1830 Robeson Co. NC Census Pg.246 Jacob Duncan 0211,0001 - 0021,01 1840 Robeson Co. NC Census Pg.200 Jacob Duncan 0001,3000,1 - 0000,3000,1
1850 Robeson Co. NC Census
Pg.318, #80, Jacob DUNCAN 73 NC farmer $500
Mary 70 NC
Anny 41, John 40 idiot, Peter 36 NC
Lovedy (f) 34, Nicholas 32 NC
A.E.D. (f) 18 NC
Noah 29 NC
(MAD: Hugh McLochlan's will dated 3/11/1808, proved in Cumberland Co. NC in 1809, named his sister Mary Duncan and also named Jacob Duncan; Nicholas James Duncan in 1860 Bladen Co. NC census; see "TN, Records of Lauderdale Co.; Bible, Family and Tombstone Records" by WPA, 1938, on FHL film 24,528 item 2, for more on the McLachlan or McLochlan family)
1860 Robeson Co. NC Census
Pg.929, #6, Noah DUNCAN 38 NC farmer $800-$2000
Annie 36 NC
Mary A. 7, Margaret J. 5 NC
Nancy M.L. 3, Jacob 2 NC
John SINCLAIR 75 NC laborer
Pg.1006, #578, Jacob DUNCAN 73 NC farmer $382-$340
Ann 52 NC
John 50 NC insane
Peter 48 NC farm laborer
Lovedy (f) 46 NC
1870 Robeson Co. NC Census
Alfordsville Twp.
Pg.13, #160-160, DUNCAN, Peter 56 NC farmer $206-$100
Loveday (f) 46 NC keeping house
Pg.13, #161-161, DUNCAN, Noah 47 NC farmer $800-$300
Anna 47 NC keeping house
Mary 17, Margarett 15 NC at home
Nancy 13, Jacob 11 NC at home
Kate 9, Neal (m) 6 NC at home
Shoe Heel Twp.
Pg.119, #2-2, DUNCAN, Nicholas 52 NC farmer $550-$180
Ann C. 36 NC keeping house
James 9 NC at home
Mary 1 NC
Robeson Co. NC Wills (index on FHL film 554,618)
2-211, 4 Nov. 1862, will of Jacob (X) Duncan, frail body; to beloved son Peter Duncan all my lands lying below a tract line running direct from Sarah B. Lutches corner post above a ? to my ? line in the Back Swamp upon which are my dwelling and outhouses; to my said son Peter Duncan all my stock, household & kitchen furniture, all my farming utensils and that my son John and my daughters Anna? and Livedy Duncan have the privilege of living and staying on said tract of land during their natural lives and to get their support from the proceeds of said tract of land; to my son Peter Duncan one buggy with harness also the cotton, corn, peas, ...? and the present crop; to my son Nicholas Duncan $40; to my son Noah Duncan $40; remainder to my son Peter Duncan. Appoint Daniel McCormic and son Peter Duncan execs. Wit. A.D. Wilkeson, Neill B. Waters?. Proved Nov. 1864. (FHL film 554,609)
Robeson Co. NC probate records
Robeson Co. NC Wills 1787-1865 (FHL film 19,703)
Vol.1, 1787-1847 - no Duncan but poor index
Vol.2, 1847-1865 - Pg.211, Jacob Duncan, have; no other Duncan
Robeson Co. NC Wills & Estate Papers 1663-1978, in Dept. of Archives, Brown to McBryde - only Jacob Duncan, not copied (FHL film 1,578,532)
Wills, cross index 1787-1939 - only Jacob Duncan, not copied (FHL film 554,618)
Wills, 1787-1851, in Superior Court, alphabetic, Vol.1, A-Moo - only Jacob Duncan, not copied (FHL film 19,685)
Robeson Co. NC Deed indexes 1787-1939 (Grantor Du-, pg.17-18 on FHL film 554,558; Grantee Du-, pg.2-3 on FHL film 554,569)
I-120: 1800, NC Grant to John Duncan, 200a head Back Swp
M-129: 1802, NC Grant to John Duncan, 100a W. Drowning Creek
M-205: 1802, John Duncan to Matthew Watson, 200a S. Drowning Creek
M-269: 1803, John Duncan to Matthew Watson, 100a Back Swp
N-17: 1804, Washington Cade to John Duncan, 175a, NE Mill Swp
P-116: 1809, Washington Cade to John Duncan, 34a
S-183: 1819, James Stewart to Jacob Duncan, 100a S. Back Swp
T-130: 1822, Gilbert Sellers to Jacob Duncan, 50a NW Back Swp
T-282: 1824, Angus Gilchrist to Jacob Duncan, 94a W. Back Swp
X-182: 1839, John Gilchrist et al to Jacob Duncan, 168a W. Back Swp
Z-355: 1846, John Gilchrist to Jacob Duncan, 18-1/2a W. Back Swp
AA-483: 1849, Thomas J. Curtis to Nicholas James & Noah Duncan, 350a
CC-262: 1854, Jacob Duncan to Noah Duncan, 160a Back Swp
CC-263: 1854, Noah Duncan to Jacob Duncan, 111a W.Back Swp
DD-617: 1859, Jacob Duncan to Noah Duncan, 25a
GG-263: 1868, Peter Duncan to Jesse Biggs, 84a W. Back Swp
GG-771: 1869, Noah Duncan from Peter Duncan, Back Swp
QQ-187: 1875, Peter & Sarah B. Duncan to Jesse Briggs, 84-1/2a W. Back Swp
CCC-470: 1883, Peter Duncan to Sarah B. Duncan, 100a W. Back Swp
DDD-468: 1884, Ann Eliza Duncan and James S. Duncan to Walter H. Neal, mortgage, 350a Shoe Heel Twp.
DDD-570: 1884, Peter & Sarah B. Duncan to A.&W. McQueen, 106a A'ville Twp
DDD-638: 1884, Noah & Annie Duncan to Jacob Duncan, 140a Back Swp
DDD-640: 1884, Noah & Anna Duncan to Nancy McL. Jackson, 250a
Robeson Co. NC Deeds from indexes (1787-1939 grantor index on FHL film 554,558; grantee on FHL film 554,569; & general index A-S, T-FF, on FHL film 19,690)
C-8/10: 14 Jan. 1791, Daniel McDuffie of Robeson Co. NC to Donald (also called Daniel) Johnston of Cumberland Co., œ25, 100 acres on south side Rock Fish Creek about 1/2 mile above David Duncan's old place; wit. Neill Smith, Patrick Killy. (FHL film 549,472)
I-120: 20 Oct. 1798, NC Grant #2163 to John Duncan, 10 lbs for 100 acres, 200 acres in Bladen Co. South of Drowning Creek on head of Back Swamp, entered 9 Aug. 1786. (FHL film 19,693)
M-129: 5 Dec. 1801, NC Grant #2474 to John Duncan, 10 lbs for 100 acres, 100 acres in Bladen Co. SW of Drowning Creek, Back Swamp, corner 200 acre entry bought of A. Strickland, entered 4 Aug. (tight binding). (FHL film 19,694)
M-205: 17 Jan. 1800, John (+) Duncan to Matthew Watson, both Robeson Co. NC, 80 lbs specie, 200 acres S. of Drowning Creek on the head of the Back Swamp, a grant to said John Duncan 20 Oct. 1798. Wit. John Watson, Archibald Sellers. Proved Oct. 1802. (FHL film 19,694)
M-269: 23 April 1802, John (X) Duncan to Matthew Watson, both Robeson Co. NC, 25 lbs, 100 acres on SW of Drowning Creek on the Back Swamp, beg. corner of his 200 acre entry. Wit. W. McNiell, Merl? McNeill. (FHL film 19,694)
N-17: 29 Dec. 1799, Washington Cade to John Duncan, both Robeson Co. NC, 40 lbs, 175 acres, part or half a survey entered by John Cade decd for 350 acres on NE side of the Mill Swamp adj. Simon Ransom, William Philips. Wit. Thomas Townsend, John (+) Darby. (FHL film 19,694)
P-116: 5 Nov. 1805, Washington Cade (/s/ Washn. Cade) to John Duncan, both Robeson Co. NC, 50 lbs, 34-1/2 acres, part of grant to John Cade by patent 23 Oct. 1782 which 100 acres was willed by said John Cade to his son Robert Cade, then deeded to Washington Cade, adj. Duncan's line. Wit. Andw. Fishmore, Joel Cooper. (FHL film 19,695)
S-183: 20 Oct. 1818, James Stuart, merchant of Richmond Co. NC, to Jacob Duncan of Robeson Co. NC, planter, $125, 100 acres on South side of Back Swamp, near public path between Archibald Sellers 2 surveys; patent to Samuel Smith 31 Dec. 1792. Wit. Jno. McLean, A. Anderson. (FHL film 19,696)
T-130: 1 May 1821, Gilbert Sellers to Jacob Duncan, both Robeson Co. NC, $75, 50 acres on SW side of Drowning Creek & Back Swamp called the Hurricane. Wit. Matthew Watson, John Duncan. (FHL film 19,696)
T-282: 11 Aug. 1823, Angus Gilchrist of Richmond Co. NC to Jacob Duncan of Robeson Co. NC, $8 "I am fully satisfied therewith", 94 acres on SW side Lumber River and W of the Back Swamp beg. his own SW corner, adj. Sellers line, Gilchrist's line. Wit. Duncan McIntyre, J. Stewart. (FHL film 19,696)
X-182: 30 Sept. 1838, Eliza, James and John Gilchrist of Richmond Co. NC to Jacob Duncan of Robeson Co. NC, $80, 168 acres W. side of Back Swamp adj. his own line, Lutches & Jno. McLeans, Hector Lackwar?'s corner, Munroe's corner; all signed. Wit. Duncan Leach, Daniel Johnson. (FHL film 19,698)
Z-355: 14 Nov. 1846, John Gilchrist of Richmond Co. NC to Jacob Duncan of Robeson Co. NC, $9, 18-1/4 acres on W side Back Swamp. Wit. J.H. McLean, Edd. (sic) Wilkison. (FHL film 19,698)
AA-483: 26 Nov. 1849, Thomas J. Curtis of town of Fayetteville [Cumberland Co.], NC, to Nicholas James Duncan and Noah Duncan of Robeson Co. NC, $175, land bounded as follows: beg. at a stake among three pines, Doctor McNair's corner in the line of a 5,000 acre survey granted to A. Gilchrist, and running with McNair's line North 82 East 52 chains & 50 links to Sellers line, then with his line South 21 East 11 chains to a white oak stump Sellars beginning of his 25 acre tract, then with the line of that survey South 63? West 15 chains to a stake, then South 28 East 311 chains to a stake, then North 63 East 15 chains to a stake, then with Sellars line of his 660 acre tract South 50 East 50 chains to a stake in the Back Swamp, then South 30 East 38 chains to Alexander Watson's upper line, then with his line South 40 West 30 chains to Gilchrist line, then with his line North 44 West 145 chains to the beginning, running round and including about 85 acres of Jacob Duncan's old patent land not intended to be included as any part of the 350 acres above described and hereby conveyed. Wit. Peter Duncan (2nd witness name at bottom of page illeg.). (FHL film 549,480)
CC-262: 25 Nov. 1854, Jacob Duncan to Noah Duncan, both Robeson Co. NC, in consideration of a tract of land 111? acres more or less now belonging to said Noah Duncan, receipt acknowledged, Jacob Duncan bargained, swapped, given and confirmed to Noah Duncan, a tract of 110 acres, and for $87 paid by Noa Duncan (sic), Jacob Duncan sells Noa Duncan tract containing 50 acres adj. the 110 acre tract, both in Robeson Co. NC on West side of Back Swamp, McLains line, Sellars line (meets & bounds not copied), containing 109 acres more or less; defends the 150 acres to Noah Duncan. Wit. Jno. W. Allford, John G. McLean; proved on oath of John W. Alford, Nov. 1854. (FHL film 549,482)
CC-263: 25 Nov. 1854, Noah Duncan to Jacob Duncan, in consideration of a tract of land swapped and transfered to me, do bargain and exchange to said Jacob Duncan a tract in Robeson Co. on west side of the Back Swamp beg. at a stake in Sellars line in a small branch near the said Noa Duncans house, ... to Watsons line, containing 110 acres more or less. Wit. Jno. W. Alford, John G. McLean; proved on oath of John W. Alford, Nov. 1854. (FHL film 549,482)
DD-617: 6 April 1859, Jacob Duncan to Noah Duncan, both Robeson Co. NC, in consideration of a tract of 25 acres more or less now belonging to said Noah Duncan, receipt acknowledged, Jacob Duncan bargains, gives, conveys, and confirms to Noah Duncan a tract of land containing 25 acres in consideration of $62.30 paid by Noah Duncan, the land beg. in a field at a stake by three pines, ... McLean's line, containing 25 acres. Wit: N.Z. Baker, N.J. Duncan. (FHL film 549,483 and from Roy Hall) (MAD: no nearby deed Noah Duncan to Jacob Duncan for 25a in 1859; not in grantor-grantee index)
GG-771: 19 Feb. 1868, Peter Duncan of Robeson Co. NC to Noah Duncan of same, $40, land (no acres) on west side of Back Swamp, beg. at two maples and a black gum in Sellers line, being the corner of Peter Duncan and Noah Duncans lands, running with Sellers line & Peter Duncan's line for three acres, then a parallel line with the dividing line between Noah Duncan and Peter Duncan to Sarah Bell Lutch's line, then with Sarah Bell Leitch's line the distance of three acres to Noah Duncans corner in the fish pond, then with the dividing line between Noah Duncan and Peter Duncan to the beg. Wit. D.M. McCormick, W.J. Sellers. Ack. in court 24 Feb. 1869 by Peter Duncan. (FHL film 549,484 and from Roy Hall)
quit on Grantee index
QQ-187: 27 Nov. 1874, Peter Duncan of Robeson Co. NC to Jesse Biggs of same, that we Peter Duncan and Sarah Bel for $84, sell land on W.side of Back Swamp beg. at a pine Leaches line, along a ditch, to Watsons line, ... containing 84-1/4 acres; /s/ Peter Duncan, Sarah B. Duncan; wit. H. Biggs, H.L. Watson; produced in court a deed from Peter Duncan and Sarah B. Duncan his wife, proved on oath of H. Biggs in court 24 Nov. 1878, that Sarah B. Duncan wife should be examined to give consent; done 8 Dec. 1878; ordered recorded. (FHL film 549,490 and from Roy Hall)
CCC-470: 12 June 1883, Peter Duncan of Robeson Co. NC to Sarah B. Duncan of same, in consideration that Sarah B. Duncan agrees to take care and provide for Peter Duncan in health and sickness of his and her? means the remainder of his life, Peter Duncan gives to her Sarah B. Duncan and her heirs forever a tract of 100 acres more or less in Robeson Co. on W.side of Back Swamp adj. on the north by lands of Noah Duncan, on east by Back Swamp, on south by lands of Neill Watson and Jesse Bigge, west by lands of Sarah B. Duncan, it being a tract willed to Peter Duncan by his father Jacob Duncan, containing 100 acres more or less, with the consideration that if I, Peter Duncan, live longer than Sarah B. Duncan, I must have a decent support? from the property of the said Sarah B. Duncan during my life and decently buried. /s/ Peter Duncan, wit. S.F. Willard. Justice Court June 12, 1883, proved by Peter Duncan. Recorded 2 Sep 1883. (FHL film 554,412 and from Roy Hall)
DDD-468: 29 May 1884, mortgage, Ann Eliza Duncan and James S. Duncan to Walter H. Neal, our interest in lands of Nicholas James Duncan decd for $100.00 due Walter H. Neal by bond of even date bearing 8% interest payable 1 Nov. 1884, in order to secure the bond, sell to Neal all their interest in a tract of land in Robeson Co. in Show Heal Twp. beg. at a stake among three pines, D.M. Nair's corner in the line of a 5000 acre survey granted to A. Gilchrist, running with McNair's line to a second line, then to ... beg. of his 25 acre tract, then with the line of that survey to ... Sellers line of his 660 acre tract, then to a stake in the back swamp, to Alexr. Watson's upper line, with his line to Gilchrist's, then to the beginning, running round and including about 85 acres of Jacob Duncan's old patent land not intended to be included as any part of the 350 acres above described and hereby conveyed; the same being the interest we have in the lands of Nicholas James Duncan decd, reference to deed from Thos. J. Caston to Nicholas James and Noah Duncan registered in Robeson Co. Book AA, pages 483; mortgage. Wit. James C. McLean. /s/ Ann Eliza Duncan (X), James S. Duncan. Proved by oath of James C. McLean 5 June 1884. (FHL film 554,412 and from Roy Hall)
DDD-570: 12 July 1884, Peter Duncan and wife Sarah B. Duncan of Robeson Co. NC to A. McQueen and W. McQueen, merchants and partners under the firm name of A. & W. McQueen of same, for $400, land in Alfordsville Twp beg. at a stake & pines & runs North 53 W 38 to a stake & stump, North 14 E 17 to a stake & pines, then ?? to E 9 3 S to a stake & pines, thence S 81 E 15 30 to a stake 4 pines, then ... containing 106 acres, the above land being Lot #1 in the division of the lands of Neill Leitch decd, refer to the report of the Commissioners in said division recorded in the Book of Commissioner Reports & Executions at pages 256, the said book running from 1850 to 1857 and the description of said lot shown is referred to and made a part hereof. Wit. D.N. Oliver. Rec. 12 July 1884, Peter and Sarah B. Duncan personally appeared. (FHL film 554,412 and from Roy Hall)
DDD-638: 17 July 1884, Noah Duncan and wife Annie Duncan of Robeson Co. NC, to their son Jacob Duncan, for love and $5, tract of 140 acres adj. lands of Sarah McLauchlin, estate lands of Gilbert Sellers? decd, Peter Duncan, Sarah Bell Leach, E. McLean, and others, beg. at a stake in a ditch at the mouth of another ditch, Sarah McLauchlin's corner, runs as Sellers line, ... to a pine East of the road in West edge of Back Swamp, a dividing corner between Peter & Noah Duncan, then as said dividing line ... to Sarah Bell Leach's corner, then ... to a stake in McLeans line, then ... to beg., containing 140 acres. /s/ Noah Duncan, Anna Duncan; wit. W.L. Byrus JP; both appeared in court 17 July 1884. (FHL film 554,412 and from Roy Hall)
DDD-640: 17 July 1884, Noah Duncan and wife Annie Duncan of Robeson Co. NC, to Nancy McL. Jackson of same, for $500, all their interest and estate in land adj. the lands of J.C. McLean, Sarah McLauchlin, Gilbert Sellers estate and Jacob Duncan and others, bounded on north by Nicholas Duncan est. of, on the east by Sarah McLauchlin & est. of Gilbert Sellers decd, on the south & S.W. by the lands of Jacob Duncan and on the west by lands of Jas. C. McLean, being all the lands which I am possessed of, including the houses in which I live, and is more fully shown by a deed from Jacob Duncan to Noah Duncan reg. in Book DD page 617, also another deed from Jacob Duncan to Noah Duncan reg. in Book CC page 262, also another deed from Thos. J. Curtis to Nicholas James Duncan and Noah Duncan reg. in Book AA page 483, in Robeson Co. NC, including 250 acres more or less; that they are seized in fee simple and have the right to convey the land. Wit. W.L. Byrus, JP; reg. 17 July 1884. (FHL film 554,412 and from Roy Hall)
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