Duncan research files of |
1840 Henderson Co. NC Census
No Duncan indexed
1850 Henderson Co. NC Census
Pg.216, #54, Hyram DUNKIN 60 GA cabinet maker
Oliva 55 NC
Catherine 30, Elizabeth 22 NC
Hyram 19, Oliva 17, W.A. (m) 14 NC
Alfred 11, Alvina 7 NC
(MAD: 1840 Rutherford Co. NC census)
1860 Henderson Co. NC Census
(page number in parentheses is stamped page number)
P.O. Bockstood
Pg.710 (355), #64-64, Westley DUNCAN 34 NC (blank occupation)
Winey 34 NC
Elizabeth W. 8, Louza (f) 6 NC
Thomas 4 NC
Winiee V?. (f) 2, Rebecca 2/12 NC
(MAD: Wesley C. Duncan mar. Winney Allison 3/15/1851 McDowell Co. NC; Wesley Christenberry Duncan born Transylvania Co., died 9/26/1864 in Civil War; per "NC (Confederate) Troops 1861-1865, A Roster" by Louis H. Manarin, Vol.2 pg.471; FHL book 975.6 M23nc)
P.O. Blue Ridge
Pg.791 (396), #612-614, James JONES 33 NC farmer $0-$0
Rachel 32 NY
Robert 12, Hiram 10, Elizabeth 9 NC
James 8, Caterine 6 NC
(MAD: not found 1850 census; James Jones 1826-1907 mar. Rachel Duncan 1828-1864 per biography #251, 1985 "Heritage of Henderson Co. NC" Vol.1 by Henderson Co. Gen. & Historical Society; FHL book 975.692 H2g)
Pg.791 (396), #613-615, James BROCK 30 NC day laborer $0-$0
Malinda 28 NC
William 10, Charles 8, Rachel 3, James (f) 1 NC
(MAD: James Brock mar. Malinda A. Duncan 7/4/1851; see also pg.829 #886)
Pg.791 (396), #614-616, Hiram DUNCAN 61 NC carpenter
Olive 60 NC
Catherine 30 NC weaver
Alfred 20 NC day laborer
Evalene 15 NC
Pg.791 (396), #615-617, Charles DUNCAN 40 NC carpenter
Sarah 39 NC
Mary 22 NC
Harison (m) 19 NC day laborer
Elen (f) 19, Sarah H. 15, Ephraim 13 NC
Nancy 11, John 10, Charles 8 NC
Thomas 4, Tobias 5, Catherine 3 NC
(MAD: see pg.838, #954 below)
P.O. Tryon
Pg.804 (402), #705-705, John GILBERT 38 NC farmer $1000-300
Susan 36 NC
Joseph H. 15, Jno. B. 13 NC
Cathrine E. 9, Elen 3 NC
(MAD: not found 1850 census; John Gilbert mar. Susannah Duncan per biography #438, 1985 "Heritage of Henderson Co. NC" Vol.1 by Henderson Co. Gen. & Historical Society; FHL book 975.692 H2g)
P.O. Flat Rock
Pg.829 (415), #886-886, James BROCK 29 NC day laborer $0-$0
Malinda 26 NC
Monroe 8, Charles 5, Rebecca 3, James (m) 2 NC
(MAD: James Brock mar. Malinda A. Duncan 7/4/1851; see also pg.791 #613)
P.O. Green River
Pg.833 (417), #917-917, Lafayette HART 25 NC (occup?) $300
Matilda 22 NC, children & others
John G. DUNCAN 45 NC stage driver
P.O. Flat Rock
Pg.838 (419), #954-954, Charles DUNCAN 42 NC carpenter $11000-$100
Sarah 42 NC
Harrison 20, Ellen 18, Sarah 16, Ephraim 14 NC
John 12, Nancy 10, Charles 8, Thomas 5 NC
(MAD: see pg.791, #617 above)
P.O. Hendersonville
Pg.917 (459), #1502-1502, Abraham JONES 35 NC farm lab. $0-$0
Zylpha 38 NC
Elizabeth 16, Malinda 14, Elmira 12, Sarah 10 NC
Robt. 8, Catharine 3, Martha 2, Zilpha 10/12 NC
(MAD: not found 1850 census; Abraham Jones b.1825 mar. Zilpha Duncan per biography #28, 1985 "Heritage of Henderson Co. NC" Vol.1 by Henderson Co. Gen. & Historical Society; FHL book 975.692 H2g)
1870 Henderson Co. NC Census
Blue Ridge Twp.
Pg.233, #106-106, DUNCAN, Roling (m) 80 VA (white) farmer $100-$0
Juda 75 VA keeping house
Celia R. 30 NC domestic
Mary 3 NC
(MAD: 1860 McDowell Co. NC census)
Pg.238, #170-170, DUNCAN, W.A. (m) 33 NC farmer $30-$100
Harriet 26 SC keeping house
Allice 5 NC
Pg.238, #171-171, DUNCAN, Alfred 30 NC (white) farmer $500-$155
Caroline 20 SC keeping house
Hiram 2 NC
Allice 4/12 NC b.Feb.
Olive (f) 70 NC
Pg.238, #172-172, DUNCAN, Catharine (f) 51 NC (white) keeping house $0-$0
Evaline 25 NC at home
Alfred P. 8 NC
(MAD: Catharine indexed age 37)
Hendersonville Twp.
Pg.276, #5-5, DUNCAN, J.G. (m) 55 NC (white) ret. liquor dealer $25-$200
Julia 35 NC keeping house
Sarah E. 6, Clarea E. (f) 2 NC
Pg.282, #84-83, WILLIAMS?, Taylor 23 NC BLACK works on farm $0-$0
Hanrietta? (f) 18?? NC BLACK keeping house
DUNKINS, James 24 NC BLACK works on farm
(MAD: indexed James DANKINE)
Pg.288, #182-182, DUNCAN, J.F. (m) 30 NC farmer $350-$148
Elva A. (f) 24 NC keeping house
Fannie A. 2, Dailas E.C. (m) 3/12 b.Mar. NC
Pg.289, #196-196, DUNCAN, A.A. (m) 47 NC (white) farmer $100-$235
Susan 26 SC keeping house
Loretta 3 NC
Babe (f) 3/12 NC b.Apr.
Mills River Twp.
Pg.309, #34-34, DUNCAN, Winney (f) 40 NC (white) keeping house $200-$150
C.W. (m) 18 NC works on farm
L.E. (f) 16 NC at home
T.R. (m) 14 NC works on farm
W.V. (f) 12 NC at home
M.C. (f) 8 NC at home
Henderson Co. NC Original Wills in NC Archives (FHL film 1,571,818 item 2)
No Duncan
Henderson Co. NC Will Index (FHL film 589,497)
No Duncan until 1953.
Land records, North Carolina and Tennessee; indexes, 1600-1959; by NC Secretary of State, Land Grant Office (Placerville FHC on loan 1/4-5/2012)
Land warrants are documents issued at local land offices to purchasers of public lands. When these warrants are surrendered, the buyers are issued conveyances (deeds). The land warrants (and other miscellaneous records) are organized by file numbers in alphabetical sequences of counties. Some of the counties are now Tennessee counties. These records are in packets. On each packet cover are spaces for the following information: file number, county, purchaser's name(s), number of acres, grant number, date issued, entry number, date entered, book number, page number & location. ... The key to finding the related packets are the file numbers.
Land grant index cards, 1693-1959, George Dail (Burke) - Robert Deveney (Rutherford) (FHL Film 1,942,615)
Duncan, J.G. & Nelson, E.K., File No.723, Henderson Co., 59 acres, Grant No.3623 issued 17 Nov. 1869, Entry No.2274 entered 3 Dec. 1867, Book No.166, page no.16, Location: Beg. on a small white oak
Henderson Co. NC Deed Indexes 1838-1923 (grantor A-M on FHL film 589,488; grantee on FHL film 985,604)
3-167: 1838, James T. Duncan to John Hill, 100a
3-375: 1838, James T. Duncan to Bird Laughter, 100a
5-335: 1838, James T. Duncan agent to Gabrel Jackson Jr. et al, 220a
7-564: 1859, Charles Dunkin to William Whiteside, 5a
7-566: 1858, Thomas J. Lawson to Charles Duncan
8-601: 1866, Wm. Gilbert to J.F. Duncan, 50a Green River
8-603: 1869, M. Tutor to J.F. Duncan, 200a
8-646: 1869, David Taton? et al to John F. Duncan, 2 tracts Green River (not found in deed book)
8-714: 1868, Jonathan Tabor et al to John F. Duncan, 157a (not copied)
8-757: 1869, NC Grant to E.R. Nelson and J.G. Duncan, 59a Crab Creek
8-799: 1869, James Jones to Hiram W. Duncan, 38a Blue Ridge
9-351: 1871, Winnie Duncan et al to Jesse Flowers et ux, 30a Mills River
9-353: 1871, Winnie Duncan et al to W.B. Allison, 26a Mills River
9-354: 1871, Winnie Duncan et al to Richard Allison et al, 85a Mills River
9-356: 1871, Winnie Duncan et al to Richard Allison et al, 36a Mills River
9-357: 1871, Winnie Duncan et al to Polly Allison, 55a Mills River
9-359: 1871, Jesse Flowers et al to Winnie Duncan, 45a Mills River
10-292: 1873, ?.E. Gibreath to Julia Anne Duncan, 10a Crab Creek
11-504: 1875, Andy Miller et al to Julia Anne Duncan et al, 46a
12-119: 1876, William Duckworth et al to A.A. Duncan, 30a
12-121: 1877, Spartanburg-Asheville RR bond to D.R. Duncan commissioner et al
12-185: 1877, Wesley M. Justice to Celia R. Duncan, 50a
12-301: 1877, J.L. Burswell? mortgage to Julia Anne Duncan
13-117: 1873, W. Taylor Terrel sheriff to Celia R. Duncan, 42a
13-57: 1869, J.J. Suborn? assignee to John G. Duncan, 30a H'ville.
21-556: 1886, Winona Duncan et al to G.M. Roberts et al, 45a H'ville
23-53: 1871, Minnie Dunkin (sic) et al to Polly Allison, lot, H'ville
35-239: 1877, Celia R. Duncan to Westley M. Justus, 26a
Henderson Co. NC Deeds
3-167: 10 Oct. 1838, James T. Duncan of Floyd Co. IN agent for heirs of Lewis Musick decd. to John Hill of Rutherford Co. NC, for $405 paid Duncan, deed to Hill 100 acres on the NW side of Reedy Fork on a ridge; wit. Asa Edney, Thomas Maury Jurat; proven by Thomas Maury; reg. 1843. (FHL film 19,145)
3-375: 25 Oct. 1838, James T. Duncan of Floid Co. IN agent for heirs of Lewis Musick decd to Bird Laughter, $100, 100 acres on N.side Lewis Creek on both sides of path that leads to the ready patch; wit. Asa Edney, L.J. Reese Jurat; reg. on oath of L.J. Reese. (FHL film 19,145)
5-335: 24 Oct. 1838, James T. Duncan of Floid Co. IN to Gabrel Jackson Jr. and John Case of Buncombe Co. NC, $400, 221 acres on Crared? and Green Rivers; /s/ as agent for the heirs of T. Musick; wit. James Blackwell, Wm. Thompson Jurat; reg. on oath of Thompson Dec. 1853. (FHL film 19,146)
7-564: 15 Jan. 1859, Charles Dunkin of Henderson Co. NC to William Whiteside of same?, $100, 5 acres adj. Jones and Justices corner, line of the camp ground, the spring branch, John Hill's line. No wife. Wit. H. Head, W.H.H. Dunkin. Reg. 1861. (FHL film 19,147)
7-566: 24 Dec. 1858, Thomas J. Dawson to Charles Dunkin, both Henderson Co. NC, $100, (blank acres) adj. John Hills and John Justices corner, corner of the camp ground, spring branch. No wife; wit. John Jordy?, Isiah Pain jurat; reg. 1861. (FHL film 19,147)
8-601: 11 Dec. 1866, Wm. Gilbert to J.F. Duncan, both Henderson Co. NC, $175, 50 acres on Dodgue Creek of Green River adj. Wm. Justice, P?. Gilreath & others. Wit. W.T. Justus. (FHL film 19,147)
8-603: 7 Jan. 1869, Mariane (X) Tabor, feme sole, to J.F. Duncan, $30, my interest from my father Jonathan Tabor in two tracts on Green River adj. W.D. Justus, Johnny? Tabor and estate of M. King, first purchased from Land Speculation Company, and second purchased from Robert Jones by the late father of said Jonathan Tabor, 200 acres. Wit. Henry T. Farmer. (FHL film 19,147)
8-757: 17 Nov. 1869, NC Grant #3623 to E.R. Nelson and J.G. Duncan, 59 acres Crab Creek entered 3 Dec. 1867. (FHL film 19,147)
8-799: 5 April 1869, James Jones to Hiram W. Duncan, $190, 38 acres Blue Ridge adj. Lewis Hill (FHL film 19,147; not copied further)
9-351: 11 Jan. 1871, Polly Allison (/s/ Mary Allison), W.B. Allison and wife M.A.C. Allison, Richard Allison and wife M.C. Allison (/s/ M.M.C. Allison), and Winnie Duncan to Jesse Flowers and wife Jemima Flowers, all of Henderson Co. NC, for $175, our undivided right in that tract of land on Balston? Creek adj. SE corner of the old tract of which this is a part, to a stake at the creek, then up the creek, ... to a stake in the publick road, to a stake in the old line, crossing the creek; containing 30 acres more or less and also all the roads, water courses, and minerals, except only our undivided interest in a certain lime quarry part of a small branch at Woodfins line. March 20, 1871, all grantors ack. in court, the wives examined separately. (indexed 30a Mills River) (FHL film 589,485)
9-353: 11 Jan. 1871, Jessie Flowers and wife Jemima, Polly Allison (/s/ Mary Allison), Richard Allison and wife M.C.C. Allison, and Winnie Dunkin, to W.B. Allison, all Henderson Co. NC, for $236, our undivided right to a tract of land on the North side of Bailston's Creek, beg. corner known as the Litton tract, corner Polly & Elizabeth Allison, Richard Allison's corner, containing 28 acres, together with the rights of a certain spring now running to his dwelling house. March 20, 1871, all grantors ack. in court, the wives examined separately. (FHL film 589,485)
9-354: 11 Jan. 1871, Jessie Flowers and wife Jemima, Polly Allison (/s/ Mary Allison), and Winney Dunkin (/s/ Winna Dunkin), to Richard Allison and W.B. Allison, all Henderson Co. NC, for $80, our undivided right to a tract of land on the North side of Bailston's Creek, beg. at a stone Winna Dunkin's corner, to Painter's NE corner of the old? ?? of which this is a part, then ... to a stake, W. Dunkin's NW corner, to beg. containing 85 acres more or less, and also all the waters. March 20, 1871, all grantors ack. in court, the wives examined separately. (FHL film 589,485)
9-356: 11 Jan. 1871, Jessa Flowers and wife Jemima, Polly Allison (/s/ Mary Allison), W.B. Allison and wife M.A.C. Allison, and Winna Dunkin, to Richard Allison, all Henderson Co. NC, for $280, our undivided right to a tract of land on Bailston's Creek, beg. at a stake in the bank of said? creek? ditch J. Flowers corner, then to a stake in the public road, then ... stake J. Flowers corner, down the creek to the beg., containing 36 acres more or less, and also all the roads, ways, waters. March 20, 1871, all grantors ack. in court, the wives examined separately. (FHL film 589,485)
9-357: 11 Jan. 1871, Jessa Flowers and wife Jemima, W.B. Allison and wife M.A.C. Allison, Richard Allison and wife M.C. Allison, and Winna Dunkin, to Polly Allison, all Henderson Co. NC, for $268, our undivided right to a tract of land on Bailston's Creek, beg. at the beginning corner of the Mcuit? ??uixter? tract of which this was a part, to Flowers corner, to W.B. Allisons corner, to a stake near the bank of a branch, line of Litton tract, to the old line and corner of the Litton tract, containing 55 acres, also all roads wayes waters and water courses, excepting the right to W.B. Allison of way and privilege to a certain spring now conveyed by going to his dwelling. March 20, 1871, all grantors ack. in court, the wives examined separately. (FHL film 589,485)
9-359: 11 Jan. 1871, Jessie Flowers and wife Jemima, Polly Allison (/s/ Mary Allison), Richard Allison and wife M.C. Allison, and W.B. Allison and wife M.A.C. Allison, to Winna Dunkin, all Henderson Co. NC, for $175, our undivided right to a tract of land on Bailston's Creek, beg. at a post oak the beg. corner of W.B. Allison's tract and also a corner of what is known as the Litton lands, then to a stake on the old line W.B. Allisons corner, then to a stake in the old line, then to a corner of the sitton tract, then with the sitton line to the beg., containing 45 acres more or less, and also all the woods, wayes, waters. March 20, 1871, all grantors ack. in court, the wives examined separately. (FHL film 589,485)
9-360: 11 Jan. 1871, W.B. Allison and wife M.A.C. Allison of Henderson Co. NC to Jessa Flowers of same, $50, land on Bailston Creek turning of Jessee Flowers (one word too dark) banning aries, beg. Woodfinds corner, Bailston Creek, Barrings line, containing 5 acres more or less, together with all wayes, woods, waters, mines, etc. /s/ W.B. Allison, M.A.C. Allison. Ack. in court 8 March 1881. (FHL film 589,485)
Index to War of 1812 Pension Applications and Bounty Land Warrant Applications; National Archives Film (FHL film 840,459)
Dunkin, Hiram, widow Olive; WO 1244, WC 1552; BL 28241-80-50, 25480-80-55; Private Capt. Frost's Co. NC Mil. 2/1/1814 to 8/8/1814; Residence of soldier 1851, 1855 Henderson Co. NC; residence of widow 1869, 1871, Henderson Co. NC, P.O. Hendersonville; Maiden name of widow Olive Hill, m. Jan. 6, 1814, Mountain Creek NC [Rutherford? Co.]; soldier d. July 14, 1867, Henderson Co. NC; Remarks: orig. ctf. of disch. in brief.
The pension file has been transcribed, along with the Bible record of Hiram Duncan and wife Olive Hill, and is posted on the website of K. Summers, under Henderson Co. Genealogy - Pensions.
This website has more information from Henderson Co. NC records.
AL Confederate Pension Applications, in AL State Archives, Duke - Dunn (FHL film 1,502,781)
MAD: Did not extract all pension applications for the same person if they gave no other genealogy information. Documents were extracted in order on film. Did not usually copy reason for pension request, which was frequently old age or rheumatism or feebleness; did not always copy witnesses names, which sometimes only said they knew the applicant was of good character and in need of the pension. "Cavalry" was frequently abbreviated "Calv" and spelled "Calvary." Did not usually copy the schedule of property unless it listed land. The complete pension papers should be rechecked individually, following is very brief extract of contents.
DUNCAN, Henry H., widow Marcella C. Duncan, Jefferson Co. AL, Private Co. G, 25 NC. Application 11 June 1901 by Mrs. Marcella C. Duncan (/s/ M.C. Duncan) of Jefferson Co., widow of Henry H. Duncan, private, Co.G, 25th NC Vols.; her husband died 6 Aug. 1880. Application 14 April 1915 by Mrs. M.C. Duncan, Jefferson Co. AL, widow of H.H. Duncan, private in Co.G, 25th Regt. NC Vols., she born Flat Rock, Henderson Co. NC, 19 Sept. 1838, now 76 years of age, now on pension rolls #34912; H.H. Duncan was familiarly called Jack Duncan by his comrads and friends.
NC Cemeteries Index, Pre-1914 cemetery inscription card index, by Historical Records Survey, WPA; Card index, surnames D-Jern (FHL film 882,949)
Index cards alphabetic by name; copied oldest only
Refuge Cemetery, Dana, Henderson Co. NC
Olive Duncan, b. 1/16/1797, d. 12/18/1879
"Henderson Co. (NC) Genealogical & Historical Society Journal" Vol.5#4 Nov. 1990 (FHL book 975.692 B2h)
Pg.85 includes the family Bible of W.C. Duncan, born 6/15/1823, married Winnie Allison 3/13/1851; the Bible gives more on their family and their children. Pg.86 includes the family Bible of Fredric A. and Laura E. Duncan Allen.
The Dunkin Bible Record of Charles Hilles, b. 7/17/1771, contains the record of Hiram Dunkin, b. 10/23/1790, and his wife Olive b. 1/16/1797 and their children; the Bible is owned by Clara J. Mann in 1998; information from Janet King Bower 8/1999.
1985 "Heritage of Henderson Co. NC" Vol.I, 1985, and Vol.II, 1988, by Henderson Co. Gen. & Historical Society (FHL book 975.692 H2g)
These books contain many biographies which mention the early Duncan families of Henderson Co. NC.
"Biographical Directory of the SC Senate, 1776-1985" Vol.I, Abbott-Hill, by Bailey, Morgan & Taylor (FHL book 975.7 D3ba)
This book contains a biography of Hiram W. Duncan, died 1872, who lived in Union Co. SC in 1860; he may be a nephew or son of Hiram Duncan, carpenter, of 1850 Henderson Co. NC
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