Duncan research files of |
1790 Currituck Co. NC Census Pg. 20 Dunkin, Thomas 10014 1800 Currituck Co. NC Census Pg.168 Thos. Dunkin 00000 - 00000 1810-1830 Currituck Co. NC Census No Duncan indexed 1840 Currituck Co. NC Census (no Duncan indexed) Pg.127 Abner Cooper 0000,0001 - 1000,1 (MAD: Abner Cooper was neighbor to David Duncan & wife Nancy in Camden Co. NC deeds ca 1815)
1850 Currituck Co. NC Census
Pg.184, #349, Saml. FEREBIE 55 NC clergyman $5400
Polly 39 NC
Elizabeth MORRIS 20 NC
Mary A. DUNKIN 12 NC
Indian Ridge
Pg.190, #440, Fanny DUNKIN (f) 35 NC
Lucinda BARNARD 12, Elizabeth 7, Ann 4 NC
(MAD: indexed "Dankin")
1860 Currituck Co. NC Census (see Camden Co. NC)
P.O. Indian Town, Indian Ridge Dist.
Pg.535/267, #40, Samuel FEREBEE 65 NC farmer $8000-$20,000
Mary 45 NC
Amelia LUREY 25 NC
Penelope BELL 60 NC (blank) $4500-$10,000
Mary A. DUNCAN 19 NC
M. Ellen DOZIER 16 NC (blank) $2000-$5000
Love (f) 13 NC (blank) $2000-$5500
Amelia 11 NC (blank) $2000-$6000
Tullyann 8 NC (blank) $2000-$6600
Pg.537/268, #51, Alec DUNCAN 24 NC farmer $0-$0
Meddie (f) 35 NC
Chlotilda 10, G.E. (f) 5, Joseph 2 NC
Charles WILLIAMS (blank age) NC (blank) $0-$500
Pg.539/269, #67, Dempy DUNCAN (m) 45 NC farmer $0-$150
Eliza 40 NC
Caroline 15, Ann 13, Margaret 8 NC
Pg.539/269, #70, Wm. DUNCAN 35 NC farmer $0-$500
Neaby (f) 35 NC
Jane RODY 35
Elizabeth 15, William 12 NC
1870 Currituck Co. NC Census
Crawford Twp.
Pg.108, #104-107, GREGORY, John 41 NC farming $500-$300
Penelope 35 NC housekn
John 25 NC (blank occupation)
Mary 21 NC
Thomas 8, Spenci (m) 6 NC
DUNCAN, Wiler (f) 18 NC BLACK domestic
SMITH, Willis (m) 28 NC (white) farm labor
Pg.108, #114-117, LINDSEY, Morris (m) 40 NC farmer $500-$300
Julia 35 NC housekn
DUNCAN, Nancy 25 NC (white) domestic
Alfred 10, James 6 NC
(Cumberland Co. NC census bound inbetween, to pg.231; pg.232 "see page 102 for first part")
Crawford Twp.
Pg.232, #181-185, DUNCAN, Demps. (m) 53 NC farmer $500-$250
Nancy 35 NC housekn
John 5, Zebelon (m) 1 NC
Rose (f) 10 NC (white)
(MAD: Demps. indexed as age 33, but first digit looks more like "5" than "3")
Pg.232, #184-188, DUNCAN, Wilis? (Wilm?) (m) 45 NC (white) farm labr. $0-$500
Nebby (f) 50 NC housekpr
Willis (m) 25 NC (blank occupation)
Mary 20, James 18, Sarah 16 NC
Poplar Branch Twp.
Pg.279, #99-99, HAMPTON, Wm. 26 NC farmer $500-$150
Mary 27 NC (blank occupation)
George 3 NC
DUNCAN, Margart (f) 18 NC (white) domestic
1910 "Abstract of North Carolina Wills [1690-1760] compiled from original and recorded wills in the office of the Secretary of State" by J. Bryan Grimes (Sacramento FHC book 975.6 P2gr, FHL fiche 6,046,876)
Currituck County
James Nickolls. July 13, 1742. October Court, 1743. Sons: James ("ye manard plantation"), Caleb (plantation), Willis (plantation over the River called Dunkins). Daughters: Sarah and Frankey Nickolls. Executor: John Etheridge. Witnesses: James Butt, Darckes Thomas, William Etheridge. Clerk of the Court: John Lurry. (pg.266)
Currituck Co. NC wills (Cross-index v.1 1761-1928, FHL film 18,751)
MAD: Will of James Nickolls 7/13/1742 prob. 10/1743, from Grimes "Abstracts", is not indexed in Will Books, nor in orig. wills in NC archives (FHL film 1,548,672)
2-13 to 14: Currituck Co., Oct. 20, 1792, last will and testament of Thomas Betchams Decd. exhibited. I, Thomas Betchams of Currituck Co. NC, very sick and weak; to my lawful son John Betchams my hmand? land and to Zebulon and Thomas Betcham my tu ?? and their? feather beds to be divided between my youngest children Zebulon and Arnold? and Thomas Betcham Annas Kitsim?? and the two whales (?) and Zebulon the Cryon Thomas chist and all the execution to be divided between my Zebulon & Arnold? and Thomas Betcham all but one cow to John Betcham my lawfull son, the chirs and dishes to be divided between Zabulon & Annis and Thomas Betcham and the creetures to be kept together as long as they live together and live upon them and do disalow and disannull all and ... former testament & wills. 20 Oct? 1792. /s/ Thomas Betcham and seal. Wit. Thomas (X) Best jurat, Jacob Paddrick. And be it known to all men that Jordon David Dunkin and Mary Kampfa to exitar this will and to law. 29 Oct. 1792. /s/ Thomas Betcham and seal. Wit. Thomas (+) Best jurat, Jacob Paddrick. Recorded and examined 22 March 1793. 10/20/1792, prob. 3/22/1793 (FHL film 18,752; partially blurred and very difficult to read, as well as poor spelling.)
2-197: Will of Thomas Dunkin of Cape Hatteras Bank, pilot, very sick and weak in body, 22 Sept. 1801; to Mary Styren? who is now living with me all the land from William Quidley's line to Reuben Buner's line with all the houses and household furniture and my negro boy Jack, likewise I give Chane her freedom at my death, likewise I give Mary Stysin one mare called Spring with two cows and calves. To my sister Sarah Dunkin one cow and calf and the rest of my property to be sold to pay my debts, all my land and other property that is not named in my will, and if anything then left after my just debts is all payed, I leave it to my sister Sarah, likewise I make and ordain Reuben Burrus sole executor, revoking all and every other will. /s/ Thomas (+++) Dunkin. Wit. John Burrus, Desney? Quidley jurat. Recorded & examined 22 Dec. 1801. (FHL film 18,752)
Currituck Co. NC Deed Index, Book 1-31 (FHL film 18,756; from Louis Boone 5/1987)
2-31: Thomas Duncan to Francis Jackson
2-32: Thomas Duncan from Francis Jackson
3-205: Thomas Dunkin to Wm. Quidly?
3-53: David Duncan from James Nichols
6-85: Thomas Duncan from John Burroughs
6-24: Thomas Duncan to John Burson?
7-81: Thomas Duncan to John Brockham
20-398: John Duncan to Joseph B. Daniels?
30-17: Dempsey Duncan to Jerome Simmons
Camden Co. NC Deed (FHL film 18,376)
AA-9: (blank) May 1854, Caleb Britt & wife Nancy (X) of Norfolk Co. VA to Ezekiel Duncan of Currituck Co. NC, $900, (1) 75 acres at the bridge running up the branch to Delen Carter's land, Wm. Lyndsey's lead ditch, Hester Bell's land, North Ever swamp, being formerly owned by Wilson Parr now decd; (2) 12-1/2 acres being the Forbes tract adj. above tract, and adj. Delen Carter; wit. Edwin Feribee, W.D. Williams.
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