Duncan research files of |
John Calvin Duncan and Sinthy E. Carroll Family Bible (copy of pages from Gail Duncan Karcher 3/2004 and P.J. Kremer) (MAD note: John Calvin Duncan married Martha Johnson in 1841 in Monroe Co. MO, per county marriage records; MAD and Gail Karcher and P.J. Kremer comments: John Calvin Duncan's mother was not Martha Booth; 2nd handwriting was perhaps by Frances Walther Duncan) (MAD: some late entries omitted here)
MAD: 2nd handwriting in [brackets], 2nd handwriting in darker ink in {braces}
Catharine J. Duncan was born May the 20th 1842 [Catherine Jane]
Cambis A. Duncan was born January 17th 1844 [Cambis Ann]
Mary E. Duncan was born September the 28 1846 [Mary Elizabeth]
[Married Thomas Dry Apr 9 1868. Mary E. Duncan Dry died Nov 26 1933 at her home in Mulberry Kans.]
Willis Holman Duncan was born October the 7th 1848 [died in infancy]
Sarah M. Duncan was born October the 9th 1849 [Sarah Martha Duncan married Joseph Foster]
BIRTHS. 2nd column
[John Calvin Duncan married Cambis Ann Johnson {(first wife)} married 1841]
[Cambis Ann Duncan died 1851 on plains, enroute with wagon train to California. Buried on plains.]
[John Calvin Duncan & daughters returned to Monroe Co. {Mo.} & his sister Minerva Dry who helped raise the children.]
[John Calvin Duncan married Cynthia E. Carroll {second wife} Dec. 12 1858. {died Oct. 14 1868} {{1875}}] (MAD: 1875 faint)
[John Calvin Duncan married Mrs. Annie Morehead 1871 approximately. no children. Died Feb. 1875, buried at Midway - 12 mi. from Union, Monroe Co. near Halliday & Paris Mo.]
[cousin living at Halliday Ertie & Jim Foster. Daughter & son of Sarah Duncan & Joe Foster.]
[John Calvin Duncan mother's name Martha Booth.]
J.C. Duncan and Sinthy E. Carroll was married december the twelfth eighteen hundred fifty eight [Dec. 12 1858]
Thomas C. Dry and Elizabeth Duncan was married the 8th of April eighteen hundred sixty eight.
William Peak and Cam A. Duncan ****** (MAD: word illegible, entry crossed out)
William Peak and Cam A. Duncan was maried September 29, 1864.
MARRIAGES. 2nd column
Howard Peak and Kate Duncan was Married March the 26th 1862
[Sarah Duncan married Artie* Foster, Holliday Mo. Monroe Co. near Paris.] (*MAD: Artie crossed out, Joe written above)
[James Foster, Leah, Cleveland]
[Cambis Ann Duncan married Willie Peak.]
[Son Willie Peak, near Mexico MO.]
[daughter Gertie Champlin, Centralia, Mo.]
[" Minnie Frye, Sacramento, Calif.]
[Catherine J. Duncan married Peak]
[daughter - Mattie Hale, Saletius, Calif.]
[Kirk Peak, Los Angeles, Avery Peak.]
[Mary Elizabeth Duncan married Thomas Dry April 9, 1868.]
[Lulu Dry, married Rube Riley.]
*[Marie Riley married McKinley Shelton.]
*[Carrie Riley married Vaughn]
*[Tom Riley - Laura Belle]
*MAD: these three names were joined with a brace {
[Lona Dry - married Edward Smyth. no children]
[Hallie Dry, married Newt Marion]
[Melba Marion married Harold McKay]
[Mavis Marion married Joe Pepin]
[Edward Marion]
Cintha E. Duncan died October the 14th AD 1868
Tomey died November the 18 1873 (MAD: different ink, same handwriting)
J.C. Duncan died February the 15 1875 (MAD: same ink & handwriting as Tomey)
John William Duncan was born August the 17th AD 1860 [Died Feb 1936 Denver Colo.]
James Thomas Duncan was born the 3rd of May AD 1863 [died infancy]
Willis And Wesly Harvey Duncan was born June the 8th A.D. 1864.
[Willis died in infancy]
[John William Duncan Died Feb. 1936, at Denver Colo.]
[Wesley Harvey Duncan died Feb. 1, 1941 at his home in Sheldon, Mo.]
[Wesley Harvey Duncan & Nettie Carly Purdy was married Dec 23, 1888 at Iantha, Mo.]
[Clara Verne Duncan was born Feb 11 1893 - married George Thomas Tyree Oct 18, 1917.]
BIRTHS. 2nd column
[John William Duncan married Mary Isabel West. to this union was born]
[Leon C. Duncan,]
[Marcus Duncan]
[Willie Duncan, died in infancy]
[Lily Duncan.]
[Leon married Maud - in Denver Colo. Sons Leon & Howard]
[Marcus married Frances. 3 sons, Marcus, Joseph, Paul.]
[Lily married John Cutworth. One daughter, Betty.]
[Marcus Duncan married - one daughter - one son]
[Joe Duncan married]
HANDWRITTEN PAGES kept in Bible, all in pencil in 2nd handwriting, parentheses as given
John Calvin Duncan married Died Feb 18, 1875
Cambis Ann Johnson (first wife) 1841, Died 1851.
To this union was born
Catherine Jane Duncan born May 20th 1842
Cambis Ann Duncan born Jan 17, 1844
Mary Elizabeth Duncan born Sept. 28, 1846.
Sarah M. Duncan born Oct 9, 1848
Cambis Ann (Johnson) Duncan (first wife) died 1851 on plains, enroute with wagon train to California. Buried on plains. J.C. Duncan went on to Calif. later returning with the 4 daughters to Monroe Co. Mo. to his sister Minerva J. Dry, who helped raise the children
Catherine (Kate) Jane Duncan married Howrd Peak - March 26 - 1862
Cambis Ann Duncan married William Peak - Sept. 29 1864
Mary Elizabeth Duncan married Thomas Dry April 9 - 1868
Sarah M. Duncan married Joe Foster -
----------- (double line across page)
John Calvin Duncan second marriage
married Cinthy E. Carroll Dec 12, 1858.
Died Oct. 14, 1868.
John William Duncan born Aug 17 - 1860 died Feb. 1936 Denver Colo.
James Thomas Duncan born May 1863, died infancy
Willis & Wesley Harvey Duncan born June 8, 1864, Willis died infancy, Wesley Harvey Duncan died Feb. 1 1941, Sheldon, Mo.
Reverse side of HANDWRITTEN PAGE, same handwriting
John Calvin Duncan married Mrs. Annie Morehead 1871 approximately. No children.
John Calvin Duncan died Feb. 1875, buried Midway - 12 mi from Union Monroe Co. near Halliday Mo. near Paris.
John Calvin Duncans mothers name Martha Booth.
SECOND HANDWRITTEN PAGE, same handwriting (from P.J. Kremer: perhaps notes of Frances Walther Duncan; she perhaps added the notes (MAD: in {braces}) after visiting relatives in MO ca 1960)
[Cambis Ann Johnston died in 49 on Santa Fe Trail to Calif. buried.]
[4 girls]
[Cynthia Carroll]
[4 boys - 2 died -]
[ - Morehead]
{John Calvin Duncan married first wife}
{Cambis Ann Johnson 1841. died 1851.}
{4 daughters - Sarah - Cambis Ann - Catherine J. - Mary Elizabeth}
{John Calvin Duncan married Cynthia E. Carroll - 1858. Died Oct 14, 1868.}
[4 sons - John William - James Thomas - Willis & Wesley (Twins).}
{John Calvin Duncan married Ann Morehead approximately 1871. Died Feb. 1875. no children.}
NEWSPAPER CLIPPINGS, no date or newspaper name
We learn that Mrs. Duncan, wife of Mr. J.C. Duncan, of this county, died on the 14th instant, after a long protracted illness. We are informed that she was a very worthy christian lady, highly esteemed by her neighbors and acquaintances, and leaves a devoted husband and a large family of children and numerous relatives, to mourn her loss. (MAD: reverse of clipping has two items with dates of Paris, Oct. 10, 1867, and Shelbina, Nov. 12, 1867.)
(MAD: Another undated clipping, Advice to Young People, no Duncan mentioned, reverse of clipping mentions live stock shipped from ... pens at Paris, Ky., from November to December, and mentions the loss by the Warrensburg fire and Gen. Grant lately gave orders for the removal of all the military around Rich... to some other point; no Duncan mentioned.)
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