Duncan research files of |
Clay Co. MO Deeds (SLC 7/19/2014; have JPG images)
Deed records v. K-L, 1846-1850 (FHL film 955,267)
K-158/159: 26 Nov. 1840, William Oldacre and Frances his wife of Clay Co. MO to David T. Dunkin of afsd, for $100 paid, sell tract or parcel of land in Clay Co. MO, the land lying on east side of John T. Turnham's mill dam, being a part of SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 Sec.23 Twp.53N Range 31 containing 35 acres more or less, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ William Oldacre, Frances Oldacre (X). Ack. 26 Nov. 1840 by William Oldacre and Frances his wife before Peyton Y.G. Kartee, J.P. Filed for record 20 April 1847. (FHL film 955,267)
K-168/169: 29 April 1847, David T. Duncan and Sarah C. Duncan his wife of Clay Co. MO, to Greenup Bird of Clay Co. MO, for $100 paid, sell tract or parcel of land in Clay Co. MO, a part of SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 Sec.23 Twp.53 Range 31, all that part of said land lying on east side of John C. Hawkins mill dam formerly John T. Turnham's, which is supposed to contain about 35 acres and was intended to be conveyed by deed dated 12 Sept. 1845 but in said deed is described as being SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of same section, twp & range as above and which last named land I had no title to and this deed is in lieu of the former as far as the land hereby conveyed, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ D.T. Dunkin, Sarah C. Dunkin. Ack. 29 April 1847 by David T. Duncan and Sarah C. Duncan before Samuel Tillery, Clerk of Clay Co. Circuit court. Filed for record 1 May 1847. (FHL film 955,267)
K-176: 10 April 1847, Mary Fortune of Clay Co. MO to James Duncan of Clay Co. MO, for $50 paid, sell tract or parcel of land in Clay Co. MO, the 1/9 part of E 1/2 of NW 1/4 Sec.24 Twp.53 and also 1/9 part of NW 1/4 of SE 1/4 Sec.24 Twp.53 Range 33 containing 40 acres, and also SW 1/4 of SE 1/4 of Sec.24 Twp.53 Range 33 containing 40 acres, with appurtenances, warrant title. Ack. 10 April 1847 by Mary Fortune before Robert H. Brooks, J.P., Clay Co. MO. Filed for record 12 May 1847. (FHL film 955,267)
K-202/203: 23 Nov. 1844, David T. Duncan of Clay Co. MO to Arthur & Miller of Clay Co. MO, for $50 paid, sell tract or parcel of land in Town of Liberty, Clay Co. MO, Lot No.15 in Bird's Block addition to town of Liberty, 50 feet front running back 104 feet, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ D.T. Dunkin, Sarah C. Dunkin. Wit. Wm. Thos? Duvall. Ack. 21 June 1847 by David T. Dunkin and Sarah C. Duncan before Samuel Tillery, Clerk of Clay Co. MO Circuit Court. Filed for record 23 June 1847. (FHL film 955,267)
K-261/262: 9 Oct. 1847, Greenup Bird and Catharine J. Bird his wife of Clay Co. MO to David T. Dunkin of afsd, for $50 paid, sell lot or parcel of land in Liberty, Clay Co. MO, Lot No.9 in Bird's addition to the town of Liberty, fronting on "Kanzas" Street 63 feet and running back north 104 feet on Missouri Street, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Greenup Bird, Catharine J. Bird. Ack. 9 Oct. 1847 by Greenup Bird and Catharine J. Bird before Samuel Tillery, Clerk of Clay Co. Circuit Court. Filed for record 1 Nov. 1847. (FHL film 955,267)
K-274/275: 10 Nov. 1847, Greenup Bird and Catharine J. Bird his wife of Clay Co. MO to David T. Duncan of afsd, for $10 paid, sell lot or parcel of land in town of Liberty, Clay Co. MO, Lot numbered on plat of Greenup Bird's subdivision of property, No.15, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Greenup Bird, Catharine J. Bird. Ack. 11 Nov. 1847 before Merit Tilley, J.P. Clay Co., by Greenup Bird and Catharine J. Bird his wife. Filed for record 11 Nov. 1847. (FHL film 955,267)
L-194/195: 14 March 1849, Matthew Duncan and Susan E. Duncan to Jehoidah D(blot, but indexed as Duncan), for $1,000 paid, sell pieces or parcels of land in Clay Co. MO, the W 1/2 of NW 1/4 Sec.5 Twp.53 Range 32 containing 85 and 30/100 acres, also E 1/2 of NW 1/4 Sec.5 Twp.53 Range 32 containing 85 acres and 3/100 of an acre, containing in all 170 acres and 60/100 of an acre more or less, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Matthew Duncan, Susan E. Duncan. Ack. by Matthew Duncan and Susan E. Duncan his wife before Isaac Wood, J.P. Clay Co. MO, 14 March 1849. Filed for record April 22, 1849. (FHL film 955,267)
L-196/198: 23 April 1849, George B. Duncan and Eliza Jane Duncan his wife of Clinton Co. MO, to John Duncan of Clay Co. MO, for $700 paid, sell one undivided half part of following tracts or parcels of land in Clay Co. MO, the E 1/2 of SE 1/4 Sec.19 Twp.53 Range 32, also W 1/2 of SE 1/4 of same section, twp. & range, also W 1/2 of NE 1/4 of same sec., twp. & range, also a tract of land beg. at a stake 23-3/10 poles west of the corner of Sec.19, 20, 29 and 30 of Twp.53 Range 32, then west 56-4/10 poles, then south 56-4/10 poles, then east 56-4/10 poles, then north 56-4/10 poles to the beginning containing 19 acres 3 roods and 4/10 poles saving 8 acres off south end, also land beg. at half mile corner on the line between Sec.19 and 20 and running south 32-7/10 poles to south branch of the creek, then 80 poles to a stake corner to James Winn, then north 32-7/10 poles to the section line between 19 and 20, then with said line 80 poles to the beginning containing 16 acres and 1/4, making 260 acres more or less, saving 1/2 acre of ground which has been reserved as a family burying ground among the heirs and legal representatives of Matthew Duncan decd, and also a part of W 1/2 of NE 1/4 Sec.30 Twp.53 Range 32 beg. at a stone corner to Caleb W. Baker and John & George B. Duncan, then with said Baker's line south 54-6/10 poles to a stone N 56 W 26 links to an elm 6 inches and S 72 E 18 links to a cherry 8 inches, then W 71-7/10 poles to a stone N 48 E 30 links to a black oak 5 inches and S 10 E 9 links to a hickory 7 inches, then N 44-6/10 poles to a stone corner to John & George B. Duncan, then with their line east 71-7/10 poles to the beginning containing 20 acres, and making in all 280 acres more or less, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ George B. Duncan, Eliza Jane (X) Duncan. Ack. 23 April 1849 by George B. Duncan and Eliza Jane Duncan his wife before Winslow Turner, Clerk of Clinton Co. MO. Filed 15 May 1849. (FHL film 955,267)
L-199: 15 Nov. 1848, Matthew Duncan of Clay Co. MO to Samuel S. Legan of Clay Co. MO, for $300 paid, sell tract or parcel of land in Clay Co. MO, containing 40 acres, being SE 1/4 of NW 1/4 Sec.36 Twp.54 Range 33, more or less, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Matthew Duncan. Ack. 15 Nov. 1848 by Matthew Duncan before Robt. H. Brooks, J.P. of Clay Co. MO. Filed for record 15 May 1849. (FHL film 955,267)
L-381/382: 14 March 1849, Jehoreda M. Duncan and Eliza Duncan to Mathew Duncan, for $2,000 paid, sell "peaces" or parcels of land in Clay Co. MO, the NW fractional 1/4 Sec.34 Twp.54 Range 33 containing 84 acres and 61/100 according to the general survey, the W 1/2 of NE 1/4 Sec.34 Twp.54 Range 33 "containing acres" also NW 1/4 Sec.35 Twp.54 Range 33 containing 160 acres, in all containing 324 acres and 61/100 more or less, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Jehorada M. Duncan, Eliza Duncan. Ack. by Jehoiada M. Duncan and Eliza Duncan his wife on 14 March 1849 before Isaac Wood, J.P. Filed for record 29 March 1850. (indexed as filed 29 March 1849) (FHL film 955,267)
L-382/383: 12 Feb. 1849, Thomas Fry and Elizabeth his wife of Clay Co. MO to Mathew Duncan of Clay Co. MO, for $400 paid, sell tract or parcel of land in Clinton Co. MO, the E 1/2 of SE 1/4 Sec.28 Twp.54 Range 32 containing 80 acres more or less, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Thomas Fry, Elizabeth Fry. Ack. 15 Feb. 1849 before Wm. McCulloch, J.P. of Clinton Co. MO, by Thomas Fry and Elizabeth Fry. Filed for record 29 March 1850. (indexed as filed 29 March 1849) (FHL film 955,267)
L-606: 26 Oct. 1849, Alexander B. Duncan and Helen Mary Duncan his wife to Martin Aker, for $200 paid, sell SE 1/4 of SE 1/4 Sec.2 Range 33 Twp.53 containing 40 acres, in Clay Co. MO, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Alexander B. Duncan, Helen Mary Duncan. Ack. 26 Oct. 1849 by Alexander B. Duncan and Helen M. Duncan before Isaac Wood, J.P., Clay Co. MO. (FHL film 955,267)
Deed records v. M-N, 1850-1855 (FHL film 955,268; Book N is typed)
M-505/506: 8 April 1851, Permelia Duncan of Clay Co. MO to Samuel S. Ligon of Clay Co. MO, for $800 paid, sell tract or parcel of land in Clay Co. MO, NE 1/4 Sec.36 Twp.54 Range 33 containing 160 acres more or less, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Permelia Duncan. Ack. 15 April 1851 by Permelia Duncan before Robt. H. Brooks, J.P. of Clay Co. Filed for record 18 Oct. 1851. (FHL film 955,268)
N-96/97: Quit claim deed, 18 May 1852, between James Wilson and Lucy Wilson of Clay Co. MO to Thomas Duncan of afsd, for $100 paid, quit claim the tract of land in Clay Co. MO, being the dower of Lucy Wilson formerly Lucy Strode, said dower being the said Lucy Strode's dower at that time her dower in a tract of land in Clay Co., Platte Twp., State of MO, having been owned by Steven Strode her husband at that time which is fully described in a patent to Steven Strode the then husband of said Lucy Wilson the then Lucy Strode. /s/ James Wilson, Lucy Wilson. Ack. 18 May 1852 by James Wilson and Lucy Wilson his wife before Isaac Wood, J.P. of Clay Co. MO. Filed Sept. 6, 1852. (FHL film 955,268)
N-97/98: 15 June 1852, Mary Duncan of Clay Co. MO to Thomas Duncan of afsd, for $75 paid, sell tract or parcel of land in Clay Co. MO, the NW 1/4 of NE 1/4 Sec.24 Twp.53 Range 33 containing (blank) acres, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Mary (X) Duncan. Wit. Robt. H. Brooks. Ack. 15 June 1852 by Mary Duncan before Robt. H. Brooks, J.P. of Clay Co. MO. Filed Sept. 6, 1852. (FHL film 955,268)
N-105: 28 Oct. 1840, James Duncan and Nancy Duncan his wife of Clay Co. MO to Pemelia Duncan wife of James Duncan Jur. of afsd, for love and affection the said James and Nancy Duncan have for their daughter Pemelia Duncan wife of James Duncan Jur., have given and granted to said Pemelia Duncan wife of James Duncan Jur. the following tracts or parcels of land, in Clay Co. MO, being NE 1/4 of Sec.36 Twp.54 Range 33 containing according to surveyors report 160 acres, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ James Duncan, Nancy Duncan. Ack. 28 Oct. 1840 by James Duncan and Nancy Duncan before William Duncan, J.P. of Clay Co. MO. Filed Aug. 20, 1851. (FHL film 955,268)
N-207/208: Whereas Thadeus G.S. Duncan on 21 Jan. 1845 delivered to Merit Tillery a deed of trust conveying to him as trustee for the benefit of Martha Duncan, wife of said Thadeus C.S. Duncan late Martha McDaniel, the property described in the deed of trust, all the right and interest said Duncan had acquired or has in right of his wife Martha to a tract of land in Clay Co. which James McDaniel died possessed of, also all said Duncan's right to two judgements obtained by Benjamin Gragg against David McDaniel in Clay Circuit Court, and right of said Duncan to all the real estate of said David McDaniel purchased by said Gragg at Sheriff's sale under 2 executions issued from Circuit Clerk's office on the judgement afsd, with all claim that said Gragg may have acquired by purchase at a sheriff's sale made on execution from Clerk of Circuit Court in favor(dark) Bird and McCarty and against David McDaniel which real estate has since been sold by said Gragg to Robert Barber, Clayton Tillery and Thadeus C.S. Duncan before mentioned, together with all remaining interests in said two judgments obtained by said Benjamin Gragg against David McDaniel, and whereas upon petition of all the heirs of James McDaniel deceased presented to Circuit Court of Clay Co. MO for partition between them of real estate which was owned by said James McDaniel at the time of his decease, the Court after hearing the petition appointed Samuel Hadley, Timothy R. Dale and E.C. Tilman as commisioners to make partition of the real estate of James McDaniel decd, did on 20 Aug. 1849 returned to court their report, and the commissioners set off one share to Merit Tillery in trust for the benefit of Martha Duncan wife of Thadeus C.S. Duncan which is described as 60 acres off south end of West half of NE 1/4 Sec.1 Twp.51 Range 33, beg. at SW corner of W 1/2 of NE 1/4 Sec.1 Twp.51 Range 33, then east 80 poles to a stake S 68 deg. W 10 links to a hickory 6 inches in diameter and N 23 deg. E 12 links to a stake, then W 80 poles to a stake, then south 120 poles to a hickory 10 inches in diameter, then N 120 poles to the beginning, containing 60 acres, and the said Martha Duncan and Thadeus C.S. Duncan desiring to sell the said 60 acres set off to Merit Tillery as trustee, and at the special request of said Martha Duncan, the said Merit Tillery trustee has sold the tract of land to Silas O. Jesse, Therefore ... the said Merit Tillery as trustee for $150 paid, sell to said Silas O. Jesse the above tract of land containing 60 acres, with appurtenances, warrant title as trustee for said Martha Duncan. 28 July 1852. /s/ Merit Tillery. Ack. 28 July 1852 by Merit Tillery before Saml. Tillery, Clerk of Clay Co. MO Circuit Court. Filed 26 Oct. 1852. (FHL film 955,268)
N-208/209: 28 July 1852, Thadeus C.S. Duncan and Martha Duncan his wife of Clay Co. MO to Silas O. Jesse of same, for $1350 paid, sell tracts or parcels of land in Clay Co. MO, the E 1/2 of SE 1/4 Sec.36 Twp.52 Range 33, also a strip of land 2 poles wide containing 1 acre off north end of E 1/2 of NE 1/4 Sec.1 Twp.51 Range 33, also 19-4/10 acres off north end of W 1/2 of NE 1/4 Sec.1 Twp.51 Range 33 containing 100-4/10 acre, also 25 acres of west? side of W 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec.31 Twp.52 Range 32, being the same 25 acres conveyed by Clayton Tillery and his wife Ann M. Tillery to Martha Duncan, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Thadeus C.S. Duncan, Martha Duncan. Ack. 28 July 1852 by Thadeus C.S. Duncan and Martha Duncan his wife before Samuel Tillery, Clerk of Clay Co. MO Circuit Court. Filed 26 Oct. 1852. (FHL film 955,268)
N-441/442: 4 Sept. 1854, Thomas J. Young Admin. of estate of Mathew Duncan decd. of Clay Co. MO to Alexander Breckenridge of same, for $3,000 paid, sell 3 parcels of land in Clay Co. MO, the NW frac. 1/4 Sec.34 Twp.54 Range 33 containing 80? acres and 61/100, also W 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.34 Twp.54 Range 33 containing 80 acres, also ?/W 1/4 Sec.35 Twp.54 Range 33 containing 160 acres, the whole containing 324 acres and 61?/100. Warrant title. /s/ Thomas J. Young. Sept. 4, 1854, Clay County Court, among the records is the following, to wit, this day comes Thomas J. Young, adm. of estate of Mathew Duncan decd, ack. in open court a deed to Alexander Breckenridge for real estate in Clay Co. MO, the NW frac. 1/4 of Sec.34 Twp.54 Range 33 containing 84-60/100 acres, also W 1/2 of NE 1/4 Sec.34 Twp.54 Range 33 containing 80 acres, also NW 1/4 Sec.35 Twp.54 Range 33 containing 160 acres, containing in the aggregate 324-60/100 acres, and clerk is ordered to certify the same. Thomas McCarty, Clerk of said Court, certified the foregoing is truly copied from the records of said Court. Sept. 11, 1854, /s/ Thomas McCarty, Clerk. Filed for record 11 Sept. 1854. (FHL film 955,268)
N-442/443: 4 Sept. 1854, Susan E. Duncan of Clay Co. MO to Alexander Breckenridge of same, for $1 paid, sell her interest to 3 tracts or parcels of land in Clay Co. MO, the NW frac. 1/4 Sec.34 Twp.54 Range 33 containing 84-61/100 acres, also W 1/2 of NE 1/4 Sec.34 Twp.54 Range 33 containing 80 acres, also NW 1/4 Sec.35 Twp.54 Range 33 containing 160 acres, the whole containing 324-60/100 acres, the further consideration for which this conveyance is made is that the party of 2nd part [MAD: Alexander Breckenridge] has this day satisfied and paid off to the admin. of the estate of Mathew Duncan decd. the late husband of party of first part, the full sum of $3,000, the amount which said party of second part obligated himself to pay for the lands herein described, to Mathew Duncan in his lifetime. With appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Susan E. Duncan. Ack. 4 Sept. 1854 by Susan E. Duncan before Alexander J. Calhoun, Clerk of Clay Co. Circuit Court. Filed for record 4 Sept. 1854. (FHL film 955,268)
N-446: 25 May 1854, Thomas Duncan and Mary E. Duncan his wife of Clay Co. MO to Alexander Breckenridge of afsd, for $500 paid, sell parcel of land in Clay Co. MO, W 1/2 of SW 1/4 Sec.24 Twp.53 Range 33, also W 1/2 of E 1/2 of same quarter, sec., twp. & range, the line running through the same north and south, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Thomas Duncan, Mary E. Duncan. Ack. 25 May 1854 by Thomas Duncan and Mary E. Duncan his wife before Isaac Wood, J.P. of Clay Co. MO. Filed for record 4 Sept. 1854. (FHL film 955,268)
N-493/494: 6 Oct. 1854, Thomas Duncan and Mary E. Duncan his wife of Clay Co. MO to James Duncan of afsd, for $30 paid, sell the undivided interest of Thomas B? (E?) Strode in the dower of Lucy Wilson formerly Lucy Strode widow of Stephen Strode decd, in land in afsd county & state, and said undivided interest being the interest of said Thomas E. Strode to said dower, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Thomas Duncan, Mary E. Duncan. Ack. 6 Oct. 1854 by Thomas Duncan and Mary E. his wife before Wiley C. Snail, J.P., Clay Co. MO. Filed 15 Nov. 1854. (FHL film 955,268)
N-496/498: 30 May 1854, John Duncan and Nancy Frances Duncan his wife of Clay Co. MO to Thomas D. Ashurst of Clay Co. MO, for $2500 paid, sell tract of land in Clay Co. MO, the E 1/2 of SE 1/4 Sec.15 Twp.53 Range 32, also W 1/2 of SE 1/4 of same sec., twp. and range, also W 1/2 of NE 1/4 of same sec., twp. & range, also a tract of land beg. at a stake 23-?/10 poles west of corner of Sec.19, 20, 29 and 30 of Twp.53 Range 32, then ... to the beginning, containing 19 acres 3 roods and 4/10 poles, saving ? acres off south and thereof also the following land, beg. at 1/2 mile corner on the line between 19 and 20 and running south 32-1/10 poles to south bank of the creek, then east 80 poles to a stake corner to ... then north 32-7/10 poles to the section line between 19 and 20, then with said line 8 poles to the beginning, containing 16 acres and 1/4, making 260 acres more or less, saving 1/2 acre of land which has been reserved as a family buring ground among the heirs and legal representatives of Matthew Duncan decd, and also a part of W 1/2 of NE 1/4 Sec.30 Twp.53 Range 32 beg. at a stone corner to Caleb W. Baker and John Duncan, then with Baker's line south 6?4-6/10 poles to a stone, N 56 deg. W 26 links to an elm 6 inches and south 72 deg. E 18 ?? to a cherry 8 inches, then west 71-7/10 poles to a stone, N 48 deg. E 30 links to a black oak 5 inches, and S 10 deg. E 9 links to a hickory 7 inches, then N 44-6/10 poles to a stone corner to John Duncan, then with their line east 71-7/10 poles to the beginning containing 20 acres and making in all 280 acres more or less, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ John Duncan, Nancy Frances Duncan. Ack. 1 June 1854 by John Duncan and Nancy Frances Duncan his wife before Isaac Wood, J.P. Clay Co. MO. Filed 28 Oct. 1854. (FHL film 955,268)
N-563/564: 26 Oct. 1849, Alexander B. Duncan and Helan Mary Duncan his wife to William Ross, for $100 paid, sell SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 Sec.2 Range 33 Twp.53 containing 40 acres according to survey, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Alexander B. Duncan, Helen Mary Duncan. Ack. 26 Oct. 1849 by Alexander B. Duncan and Helen M. Duncan his wife before Isaac Wood, J.P., Clay Co. MO. Filed 5 Feb. 1855. (FHL film 955,268)
Deed records v. O-P, 1852-1856 (FHL film 955,269)
O-55/56: 1 April 1851, Clayton Tillery and Ann M. Tillery his wife of Clay Co. MO to Martha Duncan of Clay Co. MO, for $45 paid, sell tract or parcel of land in Clay Co. MO, 25 acres off west side of W 1/2 of SW 1/4 Sec.31 Twp.52 Range 32, the same to be taken off the west side of said half quarter section and to extend the whole length of said half quarter section and to be of an equal width at each end, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Clayton Tillery and Ann M. Tillery. Ack. by Clayton Tillery and Ann M. Tillery his wife on 20 March 1852 before George S. Good, J.P. of Clay Co. MO. Filed for record 28 July 1852. (FHL film 955,269)
O-282/283: 22 April 1854, Juliet Jane Duncan and Joseph Duncan her husband of Clay Co. MO to William L. Sparks of Clay Co. MO, for $1,795 paid, sell tracts or parcels of land in Clay Co. MO, W 1/2 of SE 1/4 Sec.18 Twp.53 Range 32 containing 80 acres, also NW 1/4 of Sec.19 Twp.53 Range 32 containing 138 acres and 70/100 of an acre, also SW fract. 1/4 Sec.18 Twp.53 Range 32 containing 140 acres and 36/100 of an acre, containing in all 359 acres and 7/100 of an acre more or less, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Juliet Jane Duncan, Joseph Duncan. Ack. 22 April 1854 by Juliet Jane Duncan and Joseph Duncan her husband before Alexander J. Calhoun?, Clerk of Circuit Court. Filed for record 22 April 1854. (FHL film 955,269)
O-283/284: 22 April 1854, William L. Sparks of Clay Co. MO to Joseph Duncan of Clinton Co. MO, for $1 paid and further consideration hereinafter named, sell tracts of land, the W 1/2 of SE 1/4 Sec.18 Twp.53 Range 32, also NW 1/4 of Sec.19 Twp.53 Range 32, also SW fractional 1/4 Sec.18 Twp.53 Range 32 containing 359 acres and 7/100 of an acre, in Clay Co. MO, subject to the condition, the party of first part on 25 Dec. 1853 executed his promissory note for $5.95 payable 2 years after date, now if he pays party of second part said note when it becomes due, then this indenture shall be void, but if default in payment of said promissory note, then the Sheriff of Clay Co. may without any suit on this mortgage proceed to sell the above land or any part thereof to satisfy the principal and interest of said note and make an absolute conveyance thereof in fee to the purchaser. /s/ William L. Sparks. Ack. 22 April 1854 by William L. Sparks before Alexander J. Calhoun, Clark of Clay Co. Circuit Court. Filed for record 22 April 1854. (Side note at beginning of deed: See Book 47 page 60 for release. This mortgage is satisfied in full the said Wm. Spark having paid said note. This ?? by order of Joseph Duncan was dated June 18, 1855. /s/ Joseph Duncan. 25 Sept. 1855, Alexander J. Colhoun, Clerk.) (Side note at end of deed: June 18, 55, Clerk of Liberty Cort, please erase? the note that I hold on W.L. Sparks. /s/ Joseph Duncan) (FHL film 955,269)
O-297/298: I, Samuel Hudley, late Sheriff of Clay Co. MO, that by virtue of an order of Circuit Court of Clay Co. MO, James Duncan, Stephen Duncan, Belvidere Stout formerly Hall intermarried with Daniel Stout, Mary Elenor Hall and Sarah E. Hall, Adelia Hall, Elisha Hall, George W. Hall, Jeremiah Hall and Adelia Hall by their next friend John D. Hall, plaintiffs, against John William Duncan, Nancy Duncan, Jeremiah Thomas Duncan, Jehoida M. Duncan, Mathew M. Duncan, Elizabeth Holtzclaw formerly Duncan intermarried with Peter Holzclaw, Elenor Ligon formerly Duncan intermarried with Samuel Ligon, Mary Wood formerly Duncan intermarried with Lewis J. Wood, Permelia Duncan, Julia Jane Duncan intermarried with Joseph Duncan, George Winn, Nancy Winn, Mildred Winn, William Winn, Letitia Ecton formerly Winn intermarried with Abijah Ecton, defendants. Now came the plaintiffs by their attornies and presented their petition to the court for partition of the following real estate in Clay Co. MO, the SW 1/4 Sec.24 Twp.53 Range 33 containing 160 acres, also W 1/2 of NW 1/4 of same section, twp. & range containing 80 acres, also NW 1/4 of SW 1/4 Sec.28 Twp.53 Range 32 containing 40 acres, and the Court being satisfied that the defendants Nancy Duncan, Jehoida M. Duncan, Mathew Duncan, Elizabeth Holtzclaw and Peter Holtzclaw her husband, Elenor Ligon and Samuel Ligon her husband, Permilia Duncan and Julia Duncan and Joseph Duncan her husband, George Winn, Nancy Winn, Mildred Winn and Letitia Ecton and Abijah Ecton her husband, after service of the petition and having failed to appear, demur or answer the said petition within the first 6 days of this term of court, it was therefore ordered by the Court that the petition be taken as confessed against said defendants, and being further satisfied that John William Duncan, Jeremiah Thomas Duncan, William Winn and Mary Winn are minors, the court thereupon appoints Samuel H. Moss guardian ad litem of said minors, and said Guardian files his answer, and the court after hearing the petition and answer of the guardian and being satisfied the above defendants and plaintiffs are the only persons who have any interest in the above real estate, the court determines the interest of the parties plaintiff and defendant to be as follows, that Nancy Duncan, James Duncan, Stephen Duncan, John M. Duncan, Jeremiah F. Duncan, Jehoida M. Duncan, Mathew Duncan, Elizabeth Holtzclaw, Elenor Ligen, Mary Wood, Permelia Duncan, Julia Jane Duncan, are severally entitled each to one undivided 14th part of said real estate in fee simple forever in right of their deceased mother Nancy Hall formerly Duncan, and that George Winn, Nancy Winn, Mildred Winn, Letitia Ecton, William Winn and Mary Winn are each entitled to one undivided 6th part of one undivided 14th part of said real estate in fee simple in right of their deceased mother Sarah Winn formerly Duncan. It is ordered by the court that partition of the above real estate be made according to the following judgment of the court, and the court being fully satisfied from the nature and quantity of the real estate sought to be divided and the number of the parties interested that partition cannot be made thereof with great prejudice to the owners, it is therefore ordered that the Sheriff of Clay Co. proceed to sell said real estate at public auction, in the city of Liberty, 5% of the purchase money to be cash in hand and the balance on a credit of 12 months, the purchaser giving bond for the balance, ... Sheriff on 25 April 1853 sold at auction to highest bidder, the SW 1/4 Sec.24 Twp.53 Range 33 containing 160 acres and Thomas Duncan was highest biddesr for $430, paid 5% of said sum and executed his bond with security for the residue on 12 months, and since then the said Thomas Duncan has paid off said bond in full; now for $430 paid, Samuel Hadley, late Sheriff as afsd, conveys to said Thomas Duncan such interest in the premises in relation to each other as the law would vest in them respectively, I have sold said SW 1/4 Sec.24 Twp.53 Range 33 containing 160 acres to said Thomas Duncan with appurtenances. 29 April 1854. /s/ Saml. Hadley, late Sheriff Clay Co. In Circuit Court, 29 April 1854, Samuel Hadley, late Sheriff of Clay Co. MO, appeared and ack. deed as Sheriff from himself to Thomas Duncan for SW 1/4 Sec.24 Twp.53 Range 33 containing 160 acres in Clay Co. MO. Certified by Alexander J. Cathrun, Clerk of Circuit Court, 6 May 1854. (FHL film 955,269)
O-324/325: 10 May 1853, Mathew Duncan and Susan E. Duncan his wife of Clay Co. MO to Benjamin Young of afsd, for $450 paid, sell piece or parcel of land in Clay Co. MO, two lots assigned to Susan E. Duncan formerly Susan E. Young by the commissioners appointed to make the different allotments to the heirs of William Young decd, No.6, one of said lots, a part of SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 Sec.19 Twp.53 Range 31, beg. at a stake the NE corner of above tract, then west 80 poles to a stake, then south 54 poles to a stake corner to Lot No.5, then with said lot east 80 poles to a stake corner of said lot, then north 54 poles to the beginning, and the other lot being part of west 1/2 of SW 1/4 Sec.29 and part of E 1/2 of SE 1/4 Sec.29 and part of E 1/2 of SE 1/4 Sec.30, all Twp.53 Range 31, beg. at a stake the SE corner of Lot No.7, then with said lot west 89-1/10 to a stake corner of said lot, west then south 40-1/10 poles to a stake corner to Lot No.5, then east 89-1/10 poles to a stake corner to Lot No.5, then south 40-1/10 poles to the beginning, the two containing 49 and 9/10 acres, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Mathew Duncan, Susan E. Duncan. Ack. 10 May 1853 by Mathew Duncan and Susan E. Duncan his wife before Isaac Wood, J.P. Clay Co. MO. Filed for record 25 April 1854. (FHL film 955,269)
O-327/328: 9 May 1854, Susan E. Duncan of Clay Co. MO to Benjamin Young of Clay Co. MO, for $450 paid, sell certain tracts or parcels of land in Clay Co. MO, two lots assigned by the commissioners appointed to make the different allotments to the heirs of William Young decd, No.6 one of said lots a part of SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 Sec.19 Twp.53 Range 31, beg. at a stake the NE corner of above tract, then west 80 poles to a stake, then south 54 poles to a stake corner to Lot No.5, then with said lot east 80 poles corner to said lot, then north 54 poles to the beginning, and the other lot being a part of W 1/2 of SW 1/4 Sec.29 and a part of E 1/2 of SE 1/4 Sec.29 and a part of E 1/2 of SE 1/4 Sec.30, all Twp.53 Range 31, beg. at stake the SE corner of Lot No.7, then with said lot W 89-1/10 poles to a stake corner to said lot, west then south 40-1/10 poles to a stake corner to Lot No.5, then 89-1/10 poles to a stake corner to Lot No.5, then north 40-1/10 poles to the beginning, the two containing 49 acres and 9/10 of an acre, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Susan E. Duncan. Ack. 9 May 1854 by Susan E. Duncan before Alexander J. Catheren? Clerk of Clay Co. Circuit Court. Filed for record 9 May 1854. (FHL film 955,269)
P-174/175: (blank day and month) 1855, Elizabeth Duncan widow and relict of Matthew Duncan decd. of Clay Co. MO, to Joseph L. Pryor of Clay Co. MO, for $1 paid, sell all my interest of every description including dower right to the following real estate, a lot of ground on south side of Main St. in town of Smithville in Clay Co. MO, situated east of and adjoining the lot on which the store house belonging to Warfield and Sebree? now stands, said lot being owned formerly by Lewis J. Wood and Matthew Duncan decd, containing 60 by 120 feet, with appurtenances, said Elizabeth Duncan has set my hand and seal. /s/ Susan E. Duncan. Ack. 5 July 1855 before John R. Peters, J.P. of Clay Co. MO, by Susan E. Duncan. Filed for record Aug. 4, 1855. (FHL film 955,269)
P-451/452: 6 Sept. 1855, Joel Estes and Elizabeth his wife to David T. Duncan, all of Clay Co. MO, for $550 paid, sell 3 pieces or parcels of land in Clay Co. MO, the SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 Sec.26 Twp.53 Range 31 containing 40 acres more or less, also 25 acres off SE end of SE 1/4 of same section, also SE 1/4 of SE 1/4 of Sec.27 Twp.53 Range 31 containing 40 acres more or less, warrant title. /s/ Joel (X) Estes, Elizabeth (X) Estes. Ack. 6 Sept. 1855 by Joel Estes and Elizabeth Estes his wife before Benj. Soper, J.P. Clay Co. MO. Filed for record 10 April 1856. (FHL film 955,269)
P-452/453: 24 Jan. 1855, Joel R. Estes and Deadern? Estes his (blank) to David T. Duncan, all of Clay Co. MO, for $350 paid, sell that tract or parcel of land in Clay Co. MO, the NW 1/4 of NE 1/4 Sec.26 Twp.53 Range 31, also same 12 acres more or less off SE side of SW 1/4 of NW 1/4 Sec.26 in Twp.53 Range 31 commencing at SW corner of above 40 and running west to the old road, then with said to the clear fork, then down the stream to the southern line, then to the corner of said quarter and then with said line to the beginning, containing in all 52 acres more or less, warrant title. /s/ Joel F. Estes, Deadern Estes. Ack. 24 Jan. 1855 by Joel R. Estes and Dradern Estes his wife before J.P. Clay Co. MO. Dradern Estes ack. apart from her husband and relinquished her right of dower. /s/ Benjamen Soper, J.P. for Clay Co. Filed for record 10 April 1856. (FHL film 955,269)
P-457: 22 Aug. 1855, John W. Strode and Judith Ann Strode his wife of Clay Co. MO to James Duncan of Clay Co. MO, for $35 paid, sell tract or parcel of land in Clay Co. MO, our undivided interest in the dower of Lucina Wilson late Lucinda Strode widow of Stephen Strode decd, said tract of land being the dower of said Lucinda Wilson as widow of said Stephen Strode decd, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ John N. Strode, Judith Ann Strode. Ack. 22 Aug. 1855 by John N. Strode and Judith Ann Strode his wife before Wiley Snail, J.P., Clay Co. MO. Filed for record 21 April 1856. (FHL film 955,269)
P-510/511: 1 March 1856, James Duncan and Mary Ann Duncan his wife of Clay Co. MO to Ephriam Smith of afsd, for $800 paid, sell tract or parcel of land in Clay Co. MO, the W 1/2 of SE 1/4 Sec.29 Twp.53 Range 32 containing 80 acres, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ James Duncan, Mary A. Duncan. Ack. 17 March 1856 by James Duncan and Mary Ann Duncan his wife before Wiley C. Snail, J.P., Clay Co. MO. Filed 17 Sept. 1856. (FHL film 955,269)
Deed records v. Q-R, 1856-1860 (FHL film 955,270; Book Q is typed book)
Q-8/9: 19 Nov. 1855, Garrett Groomer of Clay Co. MO to David T. Dunkin of Clay Co. MO, for $400 paid, sell tract or parcel of land in Clay Co. MO, the E 1/2 of NE 1/4 Sec.26 Twp.53 Range 31 containing 80 acres, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Garret Gromer. Ack. 19 Nov. 1855 by Garrett Gromer before Ellis Williams, J.P. of Clay Co. MO. Filed for record April 10, 1856. (FHL film 955,270)
Q-9/10: 6 Sept. 1855, Sally Jackson to David T. Dunkin, for $300 paid, sell piece or parcel of land in Clay Co. MO, 25 acres off south end of SW 1/4 Sec.26 Twp.53 Range 31, warrant title. /s/ Sally (X) Jackson. Ack. 6 Sept. 1855 by Sally Jackson before Bejn. Soper, J.P. of Clay Co. MO. Filed for record April 10, 1856. (FHL film 955,270)
Q-21/22: 5 April 1856, William Davenport and Rachel Davenport his wife of Clay Co. MO to James Duncan of afsd, for $750 paid, sell tract or parcel of land in Clay Co. MO, the W 1/2 of NW 1/4 Sec.28 Twp.53 Range 32 containing 80 acres more or less, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Wm. Davenport, Rachel Davenport. Ack. 5 April 1856 by William Davenport and Rachel Davenport his wife before Alexander J. Calhoun, Clerk of Circuit Court of Clay Co. MO. Filed 5 April 1856. (FHL film 955,270)
Q-77: In Circuit Court, Clay Co., April term 1856, among the records of said court is the following: Be in remembered that on 3 May 1856, Trigg T. Allen, Sheriff of Clay Co. MO, appeared in open court and produced a deed from himself as Sheriff to Lewis J. Wood for following real estate in Clay Co. MO, a portion off west side of NW frac. 1/4 Sec.24 Twp.53 Range 33 containing 111 acres and town lots known on plat of Town of Smithville as Lots No.2 in Block No.2, being 60 feet by 117, and also NW 1/4 of NE 1/4 Sec.27 Twp.53 Range 33 and NW 1/4 of NW 1/4 Sec.26 Twp.53 Range 33 and part of SW 1/4 of Sec.23 Twp.53 Range 33 containing about 104 acres except a portion of above property consisting of 3 town lots in town of Smithville which was sold by said decd. in his lifetime and Lewis J. Wood as partners to William J. Oliphant, Michael Imhoff and Joseph L. Pryor, known as lots No.4 Block 6 and lot east of and adj. the store house occupied by Warfield & Sebree and containing 60 by 120 feet and the lot south of the lot owned by T.W.R. Brassfield and east of first street sold by decree of this court for purpose of partition among heirs and legal representatives of Matthew Duncan decd, and said Sheriff ack. said deed, ordered same be certified. Alexander J. Calhoun, Clerk of Clay Co. Circuit Court, certify the above, 28 July 1856. Filed 28 July 1856. (FHL film 955,270)
Q-77/78: John Reed as principal and James T.V. Thompson as security are held and bound to William Duncan for $4,000, for which we bind ourselves for payment, 27 Aug. 1850. The consideration of the above obligation is that said John Reed has this day agreed upon valuable consideration to pay all costs of a suit pending in Clay Circuit Court in which Sarah Duncan has by her next friend the said John Reed is plaintiff and said William Duncan is defendant, and also all costs remaining unpaid which have accrued in other and former suits between said Sarah Duncan & William Duncan in said court, and also to pay Gurnner & Shafer James M. Hughes and William Wood such fees as said William Duncan owes them for professional services rendered in said suit and in former suits between said Duncan & wife and also said John Reed has agreed at his own expense to provide for support and maintain Sarah Duncan (now living separate from her husband the said William Duncan) in a style and manner suitable to his and her condition in life, and said John Reed has further agreed to indemnify said William Duncan against all claims in the part of said Sarah Duncan against the said William Duncan on his property or estate in life or after his death for support, maintenance and alimony and for dower and any and all other rights ... growing out of the said relation of marriage between the said Sarah and William Duncan. Now if said John Reed shall perform his agreements afsd, then this obligation to be void. /s/ John Reed, J.T.V. Thompson. Filed Aug. 7, 1856. (FHL film 955,270)
Q-100/101: 7 April 1852, Abijah Duncan and Mary Jane Duncan of Holt Co. MO to Robert Wallace Fleming of Clay Co. MO, for $250 paid, sell tract or parcel of land in Clay Co. MO, the SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 Sec.25 Twp.53 Range 33 containing 40 acres, also SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 Sec.25 Twp.53 Range 33 containing 40 acres, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Abijah Duncan, Mary Jane Duncan. Ack. 7 April by Abijah Duncan and Mary Jane Duncan his wife before Jno. Collins, Clerk of Holt Co. MO County Court. Filed 9 Aug. 1856. (FHL film 955,270)
Q-139/140: 24 July 1856, Nathaniel Vincent and Ann Vincent his wife of Clay Co. MO to James Duncan of afsd, for $50 paid, sell tract or parcel of land in Clay Co. MO, the undivided 7th of north 1/2 of NE 1/4 Sec.25 and SE 1/4 Sec.24, all Twp.53 Range 33, containing in the aggregate 120 3/10 acres more or less, the real estate having been allotted and assigned to Lucinda G. Wilson late Lucinda G. Strode widow of Stephen Strode decd. as her dower in the real estate of said decd. and the undivided 7th being the interest of Ambrose D. Strode in said dower subject to life estate of said Lucinda G. Wilson. With appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Nathaniel Vincent, Ann Vincent. Ack. 24 July 1856 by Nathaniel Vincent and Ann Vincent his wife before Wiley C. Snail, J.P., Clay Co. MO. Filed 2 Dec. 1856. (FHL film 955,270)
Q-168: 6 Sept. 1852, James Duncan and Sarah Duncan of Clay Co. MO to Thomas Duncan of afsd, for $100 paid, sell tracts or parcels of land in Platt Twp., Clay Co. MO, the party of first part sells his entire [interest] in and to his mothers dower that is Mary Fortunes dower formerly Mary Duncan the widow of Joseph Duncan, also 40 acres of land the SW 1/4 of NW 1/4 of SE 1/4 Sec.24 Twp.53 Range 33, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ James Duncan, Sarah Duncan. Ack. 6 Sept. 1852 by James Duncan and Sarah Duncan his wife before Isaac Wood, J.P. of Clay Co. MO. Filed 1 Jan. 1857. (FHL film 955,270)
Q-171/172: 3 Jan. 1857, John William Duncan of Clay Co. MO to Benjamin J. Taul of Clay Co. MO, for $5,250 paid, sell certain tracts or parcels of land in Clay Co. MO, the west 1/2 of SE 1/4 and 70 acres off E side of E 1/2 of SW 1/4 Sec.21 and W 1/2 of NE 1/4 of same sec. last afsd, and SE 1/4 of Sec.16, all in Twp.53 Range 32 and bounded, beg. at a stone in Peter Holtclaw line corner to Lot No.2, then with line of said lot No.2 west 150 poles to a stake corner to lot No.3, then with said lot north 160 poles to a stake South 60 deg. east 11 links to a hickory 5 inches in diameter and north 30 deg. west 9 links to a hickory 6 inches in diameter corner to lot No.3, then with said lot east 70 poles to a stake; south 68 deg. east 16 links to an elm tree 24? inches in diameter and north 15 deg. east 5 links to a hickory tree 4 inches in diameter corner to Lot No.3, then with said lot north 320 poles to a stake in the centre of Sec.16 then east 160 poles to half mile corner on east side of Sec.16 then south 160 poles to SE corner of Sec.16 then west 80 poles to a stake and then south 320 poles to the place of beginning containing in the aggregate 390 acres more or less, being the same land which fell to the said John William Duncan in the division of the real estate of James Duncan decd. late of Clay Co. per report of commissioners now on file Clay Co. Circuit Court ... with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ John William Duncan. Ack. 3 Jan. 1857 by John William Duncan before Alexander J. Calhoun, Clerk of Circuit Court of Clay Co. MO. Filed 3 Jan. 1857. (FHL film 955,270)
Q-172/174: 3 Jan. 1857, Benjamin G.(Q?) Taul of Clay Co. MO to John William Duncan of afsd, for $1 paid, and to secure payment of 3 promissory notes of even tenor and date, has sold certain tracts or parcels of land in Clay Co. MO, the W 1/2 of SE 1/4 and 70 acres off E side of E 1/2 of SW 1/4 Sec.21 and W 1/2 of NE 1/4 of same section last afsd, and SE 1/4 Sec.16, all Twp.53 Range 32 containing by commissioners report 390 acres more or less, being the same land conveyed to said Benjamin J. Taul by said John William Duncan by deed, with appurtenances, provided this is upon the express condition that whereas Benjamin J. Taul has this day executed to said John William Duncan his 3 promissory notes: Jany. 3, 1857, $2,000, 2 months after date I promise to pay John William Duncan $2,000 without discount, /s/ Benjamin J. Taul; Jan. 3, 1857, $1625, 14 months after date I promise to pay John William Duncan $1625.00 with discount, /s/ Benjamin J. Taul; Jan. 3, 1857, $1625, 26 months after date I promise to pay John William Duncan $1620 without discount, /s/ Benjamin J. Taul; now if Benjamin J. Taul shall pay the sums, with interest, then this indenture shall be void, otherwise remain in full force, /s/ Benjamin J. Taul. Ack. 3 Jan. 1857 by Benjamin J. Taul before Alexr J. Calhoun, Clerk of Clay Co. Circuit Court. Filed 3 Jan. 1857. (Side note towards end of document: I hereby relinquish all my ... interest to this mortgage, having received full satisfaction for the same, 27 June 1859, /s/ John W. Duncan) (FHL film 955,270)
Q-321: 13 April 1857, David T. Dunkin and Elizabeth Dunkin his wife of Clay Co. MO to Alfred Pile of Warren Co. IA, for $1500 paid, sell SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 Sec.26, also SE 1/4 of SE 1/4 Sec.27, also NE 1/4 of NW 1/4 Sec.36, all Twp.53 Range 31, also lots No.1 and 2 in Block No.2 in Town of Centerville, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ D.T. Dunkin, Elizabeth C. Dunkin. Ack. 13 April 1857 by David T. Dunkin and Elizabeth Dunkin his wife before Benjn. Soper, J.P., Clay Co. MO. Filed 21 April 1857. (FHL film 955,270)
Q-457/460: I, Trigg T. Allen late Sheriff of Clay Co. MO, ordered by Clay Circuit Court, Oct. term 1855, in the matter of petition of Thomas Brooks, Stephen M. Duncan and Amelia J. Duncan his wife late Emelia J. Brooks, William J. Wilkerson and Phoebe Ann Wilkerson his wife late Pheobe Ann Brooks, John S. Brooks a minor and Nancy S. Brooks a minor by their guardian Anthony Harsel, the commissioners who were appointed made their report ... to make partition of the real estate amongst the parties therein set forth according to judgment of the Court, proceeded to examine the real estate, report that partition of said premises cannot be made between the parties whom the Court has found the same to belong according to their respective interests and right without great prejudice to the owners of the same, 25 Oct. 1855, /s/ Alexander Judy, Abner Baker, W. Judy. The report having been seen and heard by the Court and there being no objections to the same, is hereby approved and confirmed by the Court, it is therefore ordered and decreed by the court that the Sheriff of Clay Co. proceed to sell the lands, the NW 1/4 of Sec.4 Twp.52 Range 32 containing 156 acres, NW 1/4 of SW 1/4 of same section, Twp. and Range containing 40 acres, the NE 1/4 of same section, Twp, containing 162-20/100 acres, the E 1/2 of SE 1/2 of Sec.6 same twp. and range containing 80 acres, part of E 1/2 of SW 1/4 Sec.4 of same Twp. & range containing 40 acres, except the dower of Clemency Brooks widow and relict of Van W. Brooks decd. heretofore assigned to her, as follows, part of SE 1/4 Sec.5, the NW 1/4 of SW 1/4 Sec.4, and 46-1/2 acres off south end of W 1/2 of NW 1/4 Sec.4 and 46-1/2 acres off south end of E 1/2 of NE 1/4 Sec.4, all Twp.52 Range 32, beg. at a stake 14 poles due north of SE corner of Sec.5, then north 76 poles to a stake corner to T.C. Gordon, then with his line east 80 poles to a stake ... to the beginning, also NE 1/4 of SE 1/4 Sec.6 same Twp. & Range containing in all 253 acres as her dower in the lands in the petition, and that Sheriff sell the same to the highest bidder, 5% of the purchase money to be in cash in hand and the balance upon credit of 12 months, the purchaser or purchasers giving bond and approved personal security, to be sold as lands under execution, the Sheriff to report his proceedings to the next term of this Court. /s/ A.J. Calhoun, Clerk. Having previously to the date of sale given at least 20 days notice of time and place of sale and what real estate was to be sold and where situated, by virtue of said order, I would sell on 28 April 1856 ... at auction to highest bidder, ... the notice was signed by me and published in the Weekly Tribune, a public newspaper published in Clay Co., by virtue of said order and notice, on 28 April 1856 exposed to sale at auction to highest bidder, and Stephen M. Duncan bid the sum of $401 for S 1/2 of E 1/2 of SE 1/4 Sec.6 Twp.52 Range 32, being part of the real estate ordered to be sold and the highest and best bid offered, the same was sold to him for $401, and Stephen M. Duncan paid 5% of the purchase money and executed his bond for the remainder, and said Stephen M. Duncan having since that time paid off said bond to me, now for $401 paid by said Stephen M. Duncan, I Trigg T Allen late Sheriff to convey to said Stephen M. Duncan all the estate and property of said parties as shown by the above and foregoing order to the described real estate, S 1/2 of E 1/2 of SES 1/4 Sec.6 Twp.52 Range 32, to said Stephen M. Duncan with appurtenances. 30 April 1857. /s/ Trigg T. Allen, Late Sheriff of Clay Co. MO. April term 1857 of Circuit Court, Clay Co. MO, on 2 May 1857, Trigg T. Allen late Sheriff of Clay Co. MO appeared in court and produced the deed and ack. said deed. Filed 17 June 1857. (FHL film 955,270)
Q-514/515: 25 April 1857, Stephen Duncan and Nancy S. Duncan of Clinton Co. MO to George S. Collins of Clay Co. MO, for $4800 paid, sell parcels of land in Clay Co. MO, the NW fractional 1/4 Sec.15 Twp.52 Range 33 containing 116-27/100 acres more or less, also W 1/2 of NE 1/4 Sec.15 Twp.52 Range 33 containing 80 acres more or less, also lands in Platte Co. MO the NW frac. 1/4 Sec.15 Twp.52 Range 33W of the old boundary line containing 29-78/100 acres more or less and also 74 acres off east side of E 1/2 of NE 1/4 Sec.16 Twp.52 Range 33 excepting 5/100 of an acre in the garden on said premises which has been used as burying grounds, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Stephen Duncan, Nancy L. Duncan. Ack. 25 April 1857 by Stephen Duncan and Nancy L. Duncan his wife before Winslow Turner, Clerk of Clay Co. Circuit Court. Filed Sept. 8, 1857. (FHL film 955,270)
Q-641/642: 2 Sept. 1857, Sarah Duncan of Clinton Co. MO to John Reed of afsd, for $1450 paid, sell to said John Reed all her dower and right to dower in estate of her decd. husband William Duncan, whether the same consists in real or personal property, absolutely divesting herself of all claim or interest therein and vesting the same in said John Reed, and the said Sarah Duncan agrees with John Reed that she will release and acquit the heirs, legal reps. and distributors of said William Duncan decd. and does hereby release and acquit the said John Reed from all claim or demand on her part for dower thirds, maintenance, alimony support or any other claim whether accruing in the lifetime of said William Duncan or his widow since his decease, and Sarah Duncan further agrees with the said John Reed and the heirs and legal reps. of said William Duncan decd. that neither the said John Reed nor the estate of said William Duncan decd. shall be liable for any unpaid claim or demand for or on account of the alimony maintenance, support or expenses of any character by said Sarah Duncan at any period prior to the date hereof, or that in the event such liability accruing, she the said Sarah Duncan will pay and discharge the same. /s/ Sarah (X) Duncan. Wit. M. Shoemaker. Ack. 2 Sept. 1857 by Sarah Duncan before Moses Shoemaker, Clerk of Clinton Co. Circuit Court.
I, John Reed of Clinton Co. MO for $1 paid, and the surrender to me of a bond executed and sealed by me as principal and James T.V. Thompson as security to William Duncan in his lifetime, the receipt whereof is acknowledged, do transfer and convey to Theodore Duncan, Mary Ann Ford intermarried with James H. Ford, Louisa Wood intermarried with Isaac Wood, William Duncan, Sarah Duncan, Mary E. Duncan and Jerima Duncan, heirs and legal reps. of said William Duncan decd, whatever interest or estate I have acquired by virtue of the within and annexed deed of conveyance from Sarah Duncan, widow of said William Duncan decd, to the dower or thirds of said Sarah Duncan as widow afsd in said estate, divesting myself of said dower interest and vesting same in parties of second part, and neither I myself nor my heirs, execs. or admin. shall set up any claim or title to the dower interest hereby conveyed. Signed (blank day and month), 1857. (no signature shown) Filed 27 Oct. 1857. (FHL film 955,270)
R-3/4: S. Ellen Tracy of Clay Co. MO for $20 paid by Thomas Duncan of afsd, quit claim to said Thomas Duncan my entire right, title and interest as heir of Joseph Duncan decd. to the NE 1/4 of NW 1/4 Sec.24 Twp.53 Range 33 containing in all 40 acres, in county and state afsd, being the part allotted to Mary Duncan widow of said Joseph Duncan decd. as her dower in the estate of said deceased. 16 Jan. 1857. /s/ S. Ellen (X) Tracy. Ack. 16 Jan. 1857 by S. Ellen Tracy before Wiley C. Snail, J.P., Clay Co. MO. Filed for record 6 June 1857. (FHL film 955,270)
R-4: Joseph Duncan and Amanda Duncan his wife of Clay Co. MO for $20 paid by Thomas Duncan of afsd, quit claim to said Thomas Duncan our entire interest as heirs of Joseph Duncan decd. to the NE 1/4 of NW 1/4 Sec.24 Twp.53 Range 33 containing in all 40 acres, in county & state afsd, being the part allotted to Mary Duncan widow of said Joseph Duncan decd. as her dower in the estate of said decd. 16 Jan. 1857. /s/ Joseph Duncan, Amanda (X) M. Duncan. Ack. 16 Jan. 1857 by Joseph Duncan and Amanda M. Duncan his wife before Wiley C. Snail, J.P., Clay Co. MO. Filed for record 6 June 1857. (FHL film 955,270)
R-53/54: 6 Sept. 1852, John N. Shode and Judieth Ann Shode his wife to Thomas Duncan, both of Clay Co. MO, for $100 paid, quit claim our entire interest we have to the tract of land which was entered by Joseph Duncan decd, the said parties of first part being part of the heirs of said decd, the said land being in Platte Twp, Clay Co. MO, containing in all forty (written above) eighty acres, the parties of first part having an interest in the same as heirs of said decd, and having sold their entire interest to party of second part, the said land described as laying in E 1/2 of NW 1/4 Sec.24 Twp.53? Range 33. /s/ John N. Strode, Judith Ann Strode. Ack. before Isaac Word, J.P., and Judith Ann Strode relinquished her dower, 28 Sept. 1852. (FHL film 955,270; spelling of Shode and Strode as given)
Not found: R-256: ? 18, 1859, Dunkin, David F?. & wife to Latty Galet?, Deed, ?? 1859
R-108: 19 March 1859, Madison W. Strode and Martha Strode his wife to James Duncan, for $50 paid, sell real estate in Clay Co. MO, the undivided 7th of N 1/2 of NE 1/4 Sec.25 and SE 1/4 of SE 1/4 Sec.24, all Twp.53 Range 33, containing in the whole 120 acres, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Madison W. Strode, Martha Strode (X). Wit. Saml. B. Greenfield. Ack. 19 March 1859 by Madison W. Strode and Martha Strode before George C. Bronough, Clerk of Hopkins Co. KY Circuit Court. Filed for record 17 May 1859. (FHL film 955,270)
R-124: Certificate No.241. Whereas William Duncan of Clay Co. has deposited in the General Land Office a certificate of the register of the Land Office at Lexington, MO, whereby it appears that full payment has been made per act of 24 April 1820 for NE frac. 1/4 Sec.3 Twp.52 Range 33 in Western District of MO containing 158 acres and 12/100 of an acre according to plat, which said tract has been purchased by said William Duncan, now the US has granted to said William Duncan the said tract. 1 May 1826. "Recorded Vol.1 pg.241" (FHL film 955,270)
R-124/125: Certificate No.1835. Whereas William Duncan of Clay Co. has deposited in the General Land Office a certificate of the register of the Land Office at Lexington, whereby it appears that full payment has been made per act of 24 April 1820 for NW frac. 1/4 Sec.2 Twp.52 Range 33 in Western District of MO containing 156 acres and 60/100 of an acre according to plat, which said tract has been purchased by said William Duncan, now the US has granted to said William Duncan the said tract. 5 Dec. 1833. "Recorded Vol.6 pg.410" (FHL film 955,270)
R-138: 13 April 1857, David F. Duncan and Elizabeth Duncan his wife of Clay Co. MO to Francis Marion, Commr. of Clay Co. MO, for $50 paid, sell parcel of land in Clay Co. MO, one lot in the (blank) of Centerville in Block No.1 and Lot No.2 runing 50 feet on Washington St. and back 100 feet, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ David F. Dunkin, Elizabeth C. Dunkin. Ack. 13 April 1857 by David F. Dunkin and Elizabeth C. Dunkin before Benj. Soper, J.P., Clay Co. MO. Recorded April 11, 1859. (FHL film 955,270)
R-178/182: 6 Oct. 1859, William H. Kerr of Clay Co. MO to James Duncan of afsd, for $1 paid, and further consideration hereinafter mentioned, sell personal property now held and enjoyed in Clay Co. MO as property of William H. Kerr, to wit, 4 bay horses, one about 10 years old, the second 5 years old, 3rd 4 years old, and 4th 7 years old, one sorrel horse, five years old, one gray horse about 15 years old, (more horses, colts, and mares) 8 milch cows and young cattle ..., and 20 head of sheep ... about 75 or 80 head of stock hogs, also farming utensils, wagons, ploughs, &c and one Rockaway and harness, about $100 worth of silver ware of various kinds ... and household and kitchen furniture of all kinds, consisting of about 4 or 5 beds and bedding, one cooking stove, ... also 60 acres of corn growing in the field, 9 stacks of hay, 2 stacks of oats, 79 bushels of wheat and one negro girl named Alice about 10 years old, the property being a part of the sum heretofore conveyed by mortgage to one Archibald Holtzclaw and subject to the same, to hold the said property with all advantages thereto accruing, subject to the restriction aforesaid, to the said James Duncan, forever. The further condition and consideration is that whereas said James Duncan stands security to said party of first part, the said William H. Kerr, in the sum of a promissory or obligation in writing, to wit, $149.87/100, Liberty MO, April 6, 1859, 6 months after date we or either of us promise to pay David Roberts $149.87 for value received, interest at 2% per month from due until paid, /s/ William H. Kerr, James Duncan. And whereas James Duncan stands security to said William H. Kerr for another promissory note, $150.00, Liberty, MO, April 6, 1859, 6 months after date we promise to pay David Roberts $150 for value received, ... interest at 2% per month from due until paid, /s/ William H. Kerr, James Duncan. And whereas James Duncan stands security to said William H. Kerr for other promissory note for $150, April 6, 1859, 6 months after date (same), and $150, April 6, 1859, 6 months after date, and $878, Sept. 28, 1859, 4 months after date, charge to account of Wm. H. Kerr, /s/ Henry C. Kerr, due Jan. 28/31 1860, endorsed "James Duncan" (and more notes, and credits endorsed 1854, to 1859,) (some notes endorsed W.H. Kerr, James Duncan, and John Ecton Jr.), if William H. Kerr shall pay off and satisfy said demands and all interest and costs thereon, this obligation to be null and void, otherwise remain in full force, and this obligation shall be released at the expense of said James Duncan and said James Duncan may proceed to sell the property hereinbefore described ... 6 October 1859, /s/ William H. Kerr. Ack. 7 Oct. 1859 by William H. Kerr before Thomas Sublett, Notary Public for Missouri. Filed Oct. 6, 1859. (FHL film 955,270)
R-256/257: 13 April 1857, David T. Dunkin and Elizabeth Dunkin his wife of Clay Co. MO to Caleb Latly of Clay Co. MO, for $30 paid, sell parcel of land in Clay Co. MO, beg. at SW corner of Sec.26 Twp.53 Range 31, running north 50 rods, then east 37 rods to a stake at the beginning, then south 8 rods then east 20 rods then north 8 rods then west 20 rods to the beginning containing one acre, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ David T. Dunkin, Elizabeth C. Dunkin. Ack. 13 April 1857 before Benj. Soper, J.P., Clay Co. MO, and Elizabeth Dunkin released her dower. Recorded 12 Sept. 1859. (FHL film 955,270)
R-320: 14 Dec. 1858, David T. Duncan and Elizabeth Duncan his wife of Clay Co. MO to John Gilbo of Clay Co. MO, for $25 paid, sell parcel of land in Clay Co. MO, a part of Lot No.9 in Block No.1 twenty three feet on Washington Street running 100 back to an alley, being east part of said lot, in Town of Centreville in Clay Co., with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ David T. Dunkin, Elizabeth Dunkin. Ack. 14 Dec. 1858 by David T. Duncan and Elizabeth Duncan his wife before David Willis, J.P. of Clay Co. MO. Filed Sept. 12, 1859. (FHL film 955,270)
R-326/327: 23 (blank month) 1858, David T. Dunkin and Elizabeth Dunkin his wife of Clay Co. MO to Joseph Courtney of Clay Co. MO, for $100 paid, sell tract or parcel of land in Clay Co. MO, two lots in the new addition of Centerville, Lots No.3 and No.4 in Block No.7, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ David T. Dunkin, Elizabeth Dunkin. Ack. 23 Dec. 1858 by David T. Dunkin and Elizabeth Dunkin before David Willis, J.P. of Clay Co. MO. Filed Dec. 5, 1859. (FHL film 955,270)
R-338: 20 Jan. 1858, David T. Dunkin and Elizabeth Dunkin his wife of Clay Co. MO to John Waid of Clay Co. MO, for $1300 paid, sell parcel of land in Clay Co. MO, one lot in town of Centerville known as Lot No.10 on the town plot, in Block No.1, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ D.T. Dunkin, Elizabeth Dunkin. Ack. 9 Dec. 1858 by David T. Dunkin and Elizabeth Dunkin his wife before David Willis, J.P. of Clay Co. MO. Filed Dec. 12, 1859. (FHL film 955,270)
R-339: 1 Aug. 1859, David T. Dunkin and Elizabeth Dunkin his wife of Clay Co. MO to John Waid of Clay Co. MO, for $100 paid, sell parcels of land in Clay Co. MO, 3 lots in town of Centerville known on the plott filed in the recorders office at Liberty as Lotts No.8 in Block No.1, also Lots No.3 and 4 in Block No.2, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ D.T. Dunkin, Elizabeth Dunkin. Ack. 9 Aug. 1859 by David T. Dunkin and Elizabeth Dunkin before Benjn. Soper, J.P., Clay Co. MO Filed for record 12 Dec. 1859. (FHL film 955,270)
R-403/404: 28 Jan. 1860, Thomas B. Ecton of Clay Co. MO to John W. Duncan of afsd, for $4,000 paid, sell his undivided interest in tracts or pieces of land in Clay Co. MO, the SE 1/4 of Sec.23 Twp.53 Range 33 containing 160 acres more or less, also all that part of NE 1/4 Sec.26 in same Twp. & Range which lies on the north side of the old road from Smithville to Wilkerson's old mill known as the Rileys Mill Road, containing 40 acres more or less, also NW 1/4 of NE 1/4 Sec.27, also NW 1/4 of NW 1/4 Sec.26, and also part of SW 1/4 Sec.23 containing about 104 acres excepting such lots and parcels of land in the last tract as have been sold prior to the date hereof, all Twp.53 Range 33, containing in the aggregate 384 acres more or less, and said undivided interest being 192 acres more or less, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Thomas B. Ecton. Ack. 28 Jan. 1860 by Thomas B. Ecton before Wiley C. Snail, Notary Public of Clay Co. MO. Filed Jan. 30, 1860. (FHL film 955,270)
R-452: 25 Feb. 1860, Alexander B. Duncan and Helen Mary his wife of Clay Co. MO to Peter A. Lizear of Clay Co. MO, for $900 paid, sell parcel of land in Clay Co. MO, W 1/2 of NW 1/4 Sec.13 Twp.53 Range 33 containing 80 acres more or less, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Alexander B. Duncan, Helen Mary Duncan. Ack. 25 Feb. 1860 by Alexander B. Duncan and Helen Mary his wife before Wiley C. Snail, J.P. of Clay Co. MO. Filed March 10, 1860. (FHL film 955,270)
R-580/582: David T. Dunkin of Clay Co. MO in consideration of certain promises made to me by Louisa Farnsworth and Joseph Mooney and Rachel E. Mooney his wife (late Farwensworth) in their bond of even date considered by me as being in value the sum of $1500, do hereby bind myself to make unto Louisa Farwensworth, Granville M. Farwensworth, Louisa J. Farwensworth, Julia A. Farwensworth, James Farwensworth and Emeline Farwensworth, widow and children of Isaac Farwinsworth decd, and to Rachel E. Mooney wife of Joseph Mooney (late Farwensworth), a deed of general warranty to real estate in Clay Co. MO, the E 1/2 of NE 1/4 Sec.26, Twp.53 Range 31 containing 80 acres, also a part of SW 1/4 of Sec.26 Twp.53 Range 31 being the SE corner of said SW 1/4 of Sec.26, being 60 roods east and west and 50 roods north and south and containing 20 acres, being part of the land deeded to (no pg. numbered 581; this is pg.582) me by Joel Estes, six Soon and whenever the said Louisa Farwensworth and Joseph Mooney and Rachel E. Mooney his wife shall have a deed of the proper court of Upher co. Virginia conveying to me either in fee simple or the proceeds of the sale thereof, a tract of land containing 300 acres lying and being in said county of Upsher and belonging to the heirs of Isaac Farwensworth decd, and I am further bound to Lousa Farwensworth to pay her $200 in money in addition to my deed to be made to the land herein described, as a consideration for the title or proceeds of the sale of said land in Upsher Co. Virginia. 29 June 1857, D.T. Dunkin. Wit. E.M. Samuel. Ack. by David T. Dunkin 26 June 1860 before A.J. Calhoun, Clerk of Clay Co. MO, by Geo. W. Morris, D.C. (end of deed from D.T. Dunkin 29 June 1857 to Louisa Farnsworth & others.; no filed date shown; previous deed filed for record April 11, 1860) (FHL film 955,270)
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