Duncan research files of |
Revolutionary War Pensions, Bounty Land Warrant Application Files; National Archives Microfilm Publication, Microcopy 804, Roll 863 and 864 and 867
Duncan, Alexander to Duncan, Jesse (FHL film 970,863; National Archives Roll 863)
Duncan, John to Dungan, Thomas (FHL film 970,864; National Archives Roll 864)
Dunikin to Dunlap (FHL film 970,867; National Archives Roll 867)
Did not copy envelopes or most requests for copies of documents.
FRANCIS DUNCAN, S-34773, MA (FHL film 970,863; National Archives Roll 863)
Francis Duncan, Private in MA Line, pension roll 27 April 1818 ...
Berkshire Co., MA; 27 April 1818, appeared Francis Duncan, aged 78, resident of Stockbridge town, Berkshire Co. MA; he enlisted in Stockbridge MA in company commanded by Capt. Chadwick of Regiment commanded by Col. Brewer, Brigade of Gen. Patenford? in May, 1777, for the term ...; discharged at West Point, NY, 1783; his discharge was sent by Col. ??? in 1784; he was in battles of Saratoga and Monmouth; in reduced circumstances ... /s/ Frank Duncan.
Statements 27 April and 23 Oct. 1818 by Agrippa Hall of Stockbridge, Berkshire Co., who has been acquainted with Frank Dunkin for more than 40 years past; he served with Frank Dunkin; that he never deserted.
Statement 10 Sept. 1818 by Joshua Danforth who was paymaster in 1783, that it appeares by the books & documents in my possession that Frank Dunkin was a soldier ...
Statement 13 Oct. 1818 by Jonathan Rawson of West Stockbridge, Berkshire Co.; acquainted with Frank Duncan for 45 years; lived as near neighbor to him; in 1781 he enlisted for three years at the same time as Frank Duncan; he did not desert; (apparently Frank Duncan was recorded as a deserter at some time but it was in error).
3 July 1820, statement in Berkshire Co. Court of Common Pleas by Francis Duncan, aged 79, resident of Gt. Barrington; that he enlisted in company commanded by Captain John Chadwick, regiment commanded by Col. Samuel Brewer, in MA State line; original declaration dated 27 April 1818; pension certificate numbered 4,482. ... I have no property except my necessary clothing. That I am a pauper, that I have been for a long time unable to do anything on account of the loss of my sight, that I have no family. /s/ Francis (+) Duncan.
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