Duncan research files of |
1820-1840 Grayson Co. KY Census
No Duncan indexed
1850 Grayson Co. KY Census
Pg.60, #808, Samuel DUNCAN 38 KY farmer
Lydia 38 KY
William 17, James 16, Hetty A. 13 KY
Elbridge 10, George 8, Samuel 7 KY
John 4, Elizabeth 2, Nancy 1 KY
Kitty (f) 74 VA
(MAD: Heathy Amons, widow of James Sr. of Breckinridge Co.; Samuel Duncan mar. Lydia Snellin 9/8/1832 Breckinridge Co. KY)
1860 Grayson Co. KY Census
Pg.347-8, #8, Harvy WILLIS 40 KY farmer $5000-$5000
Artemitia 31 KY housewife
Robert O. 10, Isaac H. 8, Mary L. 5 KY
John D. 21 KY
Mary THOMAS 66 KY none $2500-$1500
Gemima DUNCAN (f) 18 KY
Joseph 14 KY
John O. WILLIS 27 KY farm laborer
Pg.349, #15, Even ROGERS 47 KY saddler $4500-$10,000
Elizabeth 44 KY
John J. 22 KY journeyman saddler
Joshua 19 KY saddler
Sarah T. 16 KY serving
Mary M. 14, Elizabeth H. 9, Charles 3 KY
Richard DUNCAN 17 KY app. saddler
George W. GOSNELL 14 KY
(MAD: 1850 Hardin Co. KY census)
Falls of Rough
Pg.354, #42, Samuel DUNCAN 52 KY farmer $400-$500
Lydia 53 KY
Elridge 20, George 18 KY farm laborers
Samuel 16, John 15 KY farm laborers
Elizabeth 14, Nancy 11, Isaac 9 KY
Lydia 6, Susan 4 KY
Short Creek
Pg.456, #719, James DUNCAN 25 KY farmer $0-$200
Letitia 17 KY
George A. 6/12 KY
Pg.456, #722, William DUNCAN 31 KY farmer $0-$100
Amanda 32 KY
Edny (f) 6, Samuel 4 KY
Bennett (m) 8/12 KY
Tabitha MILLER 8 KY
(MAD: William G. Duncan mar. Amanda Miller 7/1/1854)
Pg.501, #1041, William DUNCAN 43 KY farmer $800-$3000
Lydia 38 KY
Martha 20, Ezsa (m) 18, Simeon 16 KY
James 12, Benjamin 11, John D. 9 KY
Rachel 6, William C. 4 KY
Eli E. 2, Sarah E. 8/12 KY
(MAD: 1850 Breckinridge Co. KY census)
1870 Grayson Co. KY Census (pg.296 #187 also from Kathy Cawley 2/2002)
Haynes Precinct, P.O. Short Creek
Pg.283, #1-1, DUNCAN, William 52 KY (white) farmer $1200-$1500
Lydia 48 KY keeping house
R.A. (f) 16 KY at home
William C. 14 KY f.laborer
E.V. (m) 12, S.E. (f) 10 KY
CROW, M.J. (f) 30 KY (white) house keeping
L.A.F. (f) 5 KY
Pg.283, #2-2, DUNCAN, Ezra (m) 28 KY (white) farmer $0-$500, mar. in Dec.
Mary A. 23 KY keeping house, mar. in Dec.
Pg.288, #82-82, DUNCAN, Samuel 26 KY (white) farmer $300-$315
Letitia 26 KY keeping house
Colonel? (Colond?) (m) 5, Mary E. 1 KY
(MAD: Colonel? 5 was Huston 14 in 1880)
Pg.288, #83-83, DUNCAN, Samuel 60 KY (white) farmer $500-$400
Lydia 61 KY keeping house
George W. 28 KY F.laborer $0-$100
Isaac 17 KY f.laborer
Lyda (f) 17 KY (ages as given)
Susanna 13 KY
Lydia L. 5 KY
Pg.288-289, #85-85, DUNCAN, James 36 KY (white) farmer $200-$300
Lettitia 27 KY keeping house
George A. 10 KY
Farloe (m) 9 KY
Franklin 5 KY
Alva (m) 3 KY
Pg.295, #176-176, GREEN, Susanna 73 KY (white) (blank) $600-$300
MILLER, Tillitha (f) 17 KY (white) house keeping
DUNCAN, Bennett (m) 10 KY (white) f.laborer
Pg.296, #183-183, DUNCAN, John E. 26 KY farmer (white) $0-$200
Rena E. (f) 22 KY keeping house
George S. 2 KY b.March
Sarah F. 2/12 KY b.March
Pg.296, #187-187, DUNCAN, William 39 KY (white) farm laborer $220-$0
Philadelphia (f) 41 KY keeps house
Edna J. 13 KY at home
Samuel 11 KY
John K. 9, Elbridge (m) 4 KY
Susanna 3 KY
Pg.300, #238-238, LITSEY, Henry 68 KY (white) farmer $2200-$1800
Catherine 66 VA keeping house
Casandra 30 KY (blank) $0-$150
DUNCAN, Benjamin 22 KY (white) f.laborer $0-$150?
Pg.306, #323-323, DUNCAN, Simeon 26 KY (white) farmer $0-$300
Lucretia 25 KY keeping house
George H. 5, William I?. 4, Nancy R. 1 KY
Litchfield Precinct, P.O. Litchfield
Pg.352-253, #619-619, CANNELL, Daniel 33 IRE (white) R.R. laborer $0-$0, parents of foreign birth
DUNCAN, M.A. (f) 49 KY (white) keeping house $0-$3500
J.H. (m) 23 KY farmer $0-$440
M.L. (f) 18 KY (blank)
C.J. (f) 15 MO (blank)
B.C. (f) 12 KY (blank)
OWIN, William L. 18 KY BLACK f.laborer
BISHOP, F.C. (m) 11 KY MULATTO F.laborer
Pg.374, #47-47, WILLIS, H.J. (m) 50 KY (white) merchant ret. $4000-$6000
Artimitia (f) 41 KY keeping house
R.O. (m) 20 KY clerk in store
O?.Q?. (m) 18 KY f.laborer
M.L. (f) 15, H.H. (m) 9, B.J. (f) 5, A.G. (f) 3 KY
DUNCAN, Jane 28 KY (white) seamstress $0-$500
HAGOLON?, Neal? (m) 20 KY BLACK laborer
WILLIS, Susan 57 KY BLACK domestic servant
BLACKBURND?, Jersed? C?? (m) 35 OH (white), hotel keeper $1500-$300
L.A. (f) 26 KY keeping house
J.T. (m) 4 KY
Grayson Co. KY Marriage Records (from Oren R. White 1/1995 with permission to share)
Sept. 1, 1897, Linard C. Duncan, 20, to Annie Bryant, 21.
April 13, 1899, Stroff Geary, 31, to Sarah Duncan, 17.
Jan. 21, 1900, J.C. Duncan, 21, to Sallie Hayes, 19.
Oct. 25, 1900, Andy Duncan, 20, to Jennie Johnson, 16.
Aug. 1, 1901, John Duncan, son of Isaac Duncan, to Ada B. Oller.
Feb. 25, 1902, Garfield Oller, 20, to Cora Duncan, 18, dau. of Samuel Duncan.
March 16, 1902, Emmett Neal, 24, to Rebecca Duncan, 18, dau. of George Duncan.
Feb. 28, 1904, John H. Duncan to Osceona Shain
May 21, 1904, Thomas Duncan, son of M.H. Duncan, to Maud V. Dehart.
Aug. 14, 1904, Sam C. Duncan, 20, son of Isaac Duncan, to Ollie Storms, 19.
Aug. 6, 1905, Richard Duncan, 27, son of Ezra Duncan, to Josie Shain, 28.
Grayson Co. KY Birth Records (from Oren R. White 1/1995 with permission to share)
3/19/1853, Thomas Duncan, son of Samuel Duncan and Lydia Snellin.
6/4/1853, Harrison Wortham, son of Stephen B. Wortham and Nancy Duncan. (MAD: Stephen B. Wartham mar. Nancy Duncan, dau. of Mary, 11/24/1842 Hardin Co. KY)
4/8/1855, Katherine T. Worthman (MAD: sic), dau. of Stephen B. Wortham and Nancy Duncan.
7/13/1855, Wm. C. Duncan, son of William B. Duncan and Lydia Heiret? (MAD: Henet?; William G. Duncan mar. Lydia Harned 1/25/1838, see Breckinridge Co. KY).
9/12/1856, Lydia Peyton, dau. of Simeon Peyton and Hattie Duncan.
7/5/1857, Eli V. Duncan, son of Lydia Horred and W. G. Duncan
9/19/1859, Geo. A. Duncan, son of James Duncan and Lutitia Fentress.
Pension Index Card File, alphabetical; of the Veterans Administrative Contact and Administration Services, Admin. Operations Services, 1861-1934; Duff to A-J Duncan (negative FHL film 540,888, some cards very faint); Joseph Duncan to Dunn (positive FHL film 540,889, some cards very dark)
Cataloged under Civil War, 1861-1865, pensions, indexes; does not say if Confederate or Federal, but probably Federal. Negative film, some cards much too faint or dark to read, some cards blurred or faded, particularly the service unit and the dates of application. Most of the very faint or dark cards were in a slightly different format, with space for years enlisted and discharged which were sometimes filled in. Many of these were for service in later years, although one or two were for service ca 1866.
Name of soldier, alias, name of dependent widow or minor, service (military unit or units), date of filing, class (invalid or widow or minor or other), Application #, Certificate #, state from which filed (sometimes blank), attorney (sometimes blank, MAD: did not usually copy), remarks. Sometimes the "Invalid" or "Widow" class had an "s" added to it before the application #; occasionally the area for the service information included a circled "S". The minor's name was frequently that of the guardian rather than the minor.
The military unit was frequently the Company Letter, the Regiment Number, sometimes US Vet Vol Inf. (US Veteran Volunteer Infantry), L.A. (Light Artillery), H.A. (Heavy Artillery), US C Inf (US Colored? Infantry), Cav. (Cavalry), Mil. Guards, V.R.C. (?Volunteer Reserve Corps?), etc. Sometimes there were several service units given.
Cards appear to be arranged by the last name, first name, middle initial if any, and state (including "US") of service.
Duncan, Elbridge, mother Duncan, Lydia; G 12 KY Cav.; 1880 Feb. 14, Mother Appl. #260113, no cert. (MAD: 1850 Grayson Co. KY; mustered in at Owensboro, Daviess Co. KY)
Dunkin, George W.; G 12 KY Cav., F 17 KY Inf.; 1869 Oct. 9, Invalid Appl. #148900, no cert., KY. (MAD: ? 1850 Grayson Co. KY, bro. of Elbridge Duncan in same company; see Geo. Dunkin, in 12th KY Vol. Infantry, organized at Camp Clio, Pulaski Co. KY, some mustered in at Owensboro, Daviess Co. KY, others at Munfordsville, Hart Co. KY)
Duncan, John P.; Major 13 KY Inf., F 13 KY Inf.; 1897 July 24, Invalid Appl. #1195248, no cert., Ark. (MAD: orig. mustered in at Camp Hobson, KY, near Greensburg [Green Co.], KY; Men were recruited from Casey, Green, Taylor, Hart, Nelson, Hardin, Grayson, Breckinridge and Meade Cos.)
Duncan, Samuel; G 12 KY Inf.; 1869 Oct. 15, Invalid Appl. #148957, Cert. #131884? (#151884?) (MAD: ?1850 Grayson Co. KY; mustered in at Owensboro, Daviess Co. KY)
Boyle Co. KY Deed (FHL film 191,799)
1-106: 7 Feb. 1828, John Duncan of Grayson Co. KY to James S. Hopkins of Lincoln Co., $81, one undivided 10th of 110 acres in Lincoln Co. which my father in his lifetime purchased of John Smith & Willis Green, and on which my father died and on which my mother Agnes Duncan now lives; John one of heirs of Howson Duncan. Wit. Joseph Duncan, William Duncan. Rec. Boyle Co. KY 30 March 1843 on oath of William Duncan.
1886-1887 "KY, a History of the State" 3rd Edition (Volume), by Perrin, Battle & Kniffin (FHL book 976.9 D3wt; and from Denzil R. Mauldin 3/1984)
Pg.123 (pg.1054), Breckinridge Co. JAMES H. CUNNINGHAM, born Dec. 22, 1818, in Grayson Co., when about 12 years old came with parents to Breckinridge Co. His father Matthew Cunningham born Fauquier Co. VA 1787, son of James Cunningham a native of IRE, to VA when young, to KY about 1802 to Washington Co., then after a few years to Breckinridge Co., had been soldier in Rev. War. Matthew Cunningham was twice married, first about 1809 to Miss Elizabeth, dau. of Little Berry Davis of Fauquier Co. VA, children: Little Berry D., Nancy B. (Vertrees), Sarah W. (Cox), James H. and Joel D. His second marriage took place in 1830 to Mrs. Margaret Hartly, dau. of James Duncan. May 31, 1840, James H. Cunningham married Miss Melissa A., dau. of George and Nancy (Beauchamp) Barr ...
1884 "History of Randolph and Macon Counties, Missouri, Together with a condensed history of Missouri; a reliable and detailed history of Randolph and Macon counties; their pioneer record, resources, biographical sketches of prominent citizens; general and local statistics of great value; incidents and reminiscences" by National Historical (Los Angeles Public Library book 977.81 R19Hi)
Pg.672-3, Randolph Co.: RICHARD G. DUNCAN (of R.G. Duncan & Bro., Dealers in General Merchandise, P.O. Yates). Richard G. Duncan, postmaster at Yates, ... is a native of Kentucky, born in Grayson county, May 26, 1843. When he was nine years of age he came with his parents, William S. and M.E. (Thomas) Duncan to Marion Co. MO, where they settled in 1852, near Middle Grove. The father died there in 1856, and they returned to Kentucky (the mother and her family, including Richard G.) immediately after the father's death. There the mother subsequently married Rev. Ezra Ward, a prominent Presbyterian minister. But he also died in 1863. Richard G. in the meantime had learned the saddler's trade, and he came to Missouri the year following his stepfather's death. He located at Paris, in Monroe county, and worked there for two years ... He came to this county in 1870, and secured a farm near Yates, ... In the meantime, in 1870, his mother came from Kentucky and made her home with him. ... His brother, Thomas J., ... On the 29th of May, 1866, Mr. Duncan was married to Miss Laura E. Penn, a daughter of W.N. Penn, a prominent citizen of Monroe county. She died February 3, 1868. No children survive their marriage. .... (MAD: See Hardin Co. KY)
William Galloway Duncan Bible (transcript from Larry Grimes 3/2002; his comments; MAD: modified format slightly; see also Breckinridge Co. KY; an image of the Bible has been posted on the webpage of Dee Lott at http://www.thornhedgefarm.com/bible.htm)
This transcript of the Family Record pages of the William Galloway Duncan Bible is intended to preserve every detail, as much as possible. Abbreviations and misspellings are not changed intentionally. Where lowercase script is used, the transcript continues the tradition. Even the placement of the written record on each page has been recorded as accurately as this typist is able. Preserving the original punctuation is most difficult because we are working from photographs. What seems like a comma or period is subject to interpretation due to the age of the original pages and imperfection of the photos.
The handwriting is thought to be that of William Galloway Duncan himself in the earlier entries. Obviously he did not write his own date of death nor that of his wife, Lydia, who died some years later. That the styles are similar may be attributable to the education standards of the era. Some pencil notation was probably added later; i.e. James Poke Duncan.
We are indebted to Reva Duncan Hart, Elizabethtown, Kentucky, for her permission to publish this transcript. She is a great-granddaughter of William Galloway Duncan and a granddaughter of his son, William Clifton.
/s/ Lawrence B. Grimes, Great-grandson of William Clifton Duncan, April 13, 2002
BIRTHS. (first column)
James (Poke) [1] Duncan was born Oct the 6 1846
Ben (Franklin) [1] Duncan was born in July the 22, 1848
Christiann Ellen Duncan was born in febuary the 7 day 1850
John David Duncan was born in october the 19, 1851
Rachael Eldorah Duncan was born november the 1 1853
BIRTHS. (second column)
William G. Duncan was born in march the 6, 1818
Lydia Harned was born in august the 29, 1821
William Clifton Duncan was born July the 13 1855
Eli Virgil Duncan was born July the 5 day 1857
Sarah Evaline Duncan was born January the 15 1860
G. S. D. [2] BIRTHS. G. S. D. (first column)
Helen Ann Duncan was born march the 3 1857
James Decalb Duncan was born February the 5, 1859
Robert Dale owen [4] Duncan was born February 18. 1861
Mary Essa Duncan was born may the 2th 1867
George Smith Duncan was born August the 24 1868
Florence Croow [5] was born September the 11th 1864
BIRTHS. (second column)
Lydia Fentress [3] was born January the 17 1860
Ezra Fentress was born february the 17 1861
Fanny Fentress was born may the 12 day 1862
Catharine Fentress was born June 13th 1864
[blank space] Fentress was born oct the 23. 1866
Hester Fentress was born June the 21st 1865
Vitula and Artella [6] Fentress was born June the 14th 1870
DEATHS. (first column)
Mary Katharine Duncan deceased July the 6 1846 age 17 months
Christiann Elen Duncan Deceased Aprile the 11 day 1856 age 6 years 2 months and 5 days
George S. Duncan Deceased January the 3th, 1868
Wm. G. Duncan deceased June 13, 1886
Lydia Duncan Died June the 17th, 1897
DEATHS. (second column)
Helen Duncan Deceased december the 19, 1836 age 18 years
Anna Duncan Deceased february the 4, 1849 age 74 years 9 months 17 [7] days
James Duncan Deceased Aprile the 4 day, 1857 age 79 - and 11 months and 8 days
Nathaniel Harned Deceased Aprile the 23 1855 age 78 years 8 months and 8 days
[-blank-] Fentress Deceased november the 1st 1866
Elizabeth ann Duncan Deceased August the 23 1875
MARRIAGES. (two columns, first items spanned both columns)
Wm. G Duncan & Helen Smith was Married 29 Oct 1835
Geo. Smith Duncan was born 16 Nov. 1836
Wm. G Duncan & Lidia Harned was Married 25 of Janu" 1838
Malinda Duncan Was born 8 febr. 1839
Martha Jane Duncan Was born 7 febr. 1840
Ezra Duncan was Born 21 Aprile 1842
Simeon Duncan was Born 21 Sept. 1843
Mary Catherine Duncan [8] Was born 23 feb. 1845
MARRIAGES. (first column)
George S. Duncan and Sarah E Preston was married febuary the 14, 1856
Malinda Duncan and Henry E. Fentress was married February the 16th 1859
MARRIAGES. (second column)
Martha J Duncan [9] and Hiram A. Crow was married October the 25 1863
Simeou Duncan and Lucretia Wood was married february the 1 1864
Ezra Duncan and Margaret A. Robertson [10] was maried Decenber the 2 1869
(Last 'Family Record' Page from William Galloway Duncan Bible. A sheet of commercial lined paper was pasted into the Bible to the right of a printed page for "Deaths. This transcript endeavors to show the page as accurately as possible, including line breaks, spelling, punctuation, etc.) (MAD: format modified slightly)
Benjamin F. Duncan and Josafine Fentress was married october the 2th 1870
James P. Duncan and Elmina C. Pate was mried aprile the 20th 1873
John D. Duncan and Roxanna Peyton was married December the 24th 1874
Eli Vergil Duncan and Sarah Jane Nevitt was maried March the 4th 1876
Footnotes by Lawrence Grimes:
[1] Apparently added later in pencil. Cannot distinguish difference in handwriting. 'Poke' (generally interpreted as 'Polk' is quite clear.
[2] Script initials in ink, added two places.
[3] First of two 's' looks like an 'f'; typical.
[4] Reasonably interpreted from the written record as "Robert Daleowen Duncan". Generally, individuals in this family had two given names; not three.
[5] Entry delineated top and bottom with hand-drawn double lines. "Croow" is clear in original.
[6] Given name, Artella, and month subject to interpretation of poor quality photograph.
[7] Difficult to decipher.
[8] Entries on this line and above ignored the printed vertical line and flowed across the width of the page. Entries below this line were confined to the left or right column. Horizontal lines were added to distinguish each entry.
[9] The remainder of this column is very faint and subject to interpretation.
[10] (sic.)
"Kentucky Family Records" Vol.3 and Vol.4, ed. by Mrs. Edgar L. Cox, West Cent. KY Family Research Assn (from Evelyn Sigler 1982 and Dorothy Franks 1990)
These volumes contain cemetery and marriage records of Grayson Co. KY
"Bible and Family Records of Grayson Co. KY" by Lorenza D. Carby, 1985, (FHL book 976.9842 D2c, from Roy Hall 2/1993)
Pgs.18-19 of this volume contain the Duncan-Harned Bible, for William Galloway Duncan, b. 3/6/1818, mar. 1st Helen Smith 10/29/1835 Breckinridge Co. KY, she d. 12/19/1836, had son George Smith Duncan (MAD: died 1868 McLean Co. KY); William G. Duncan mar. 2nd Lydia Harned 1/25/1838 Breckinridge Co. KY; and gives the children. The record also includes the death of Anna Pomeroy Duncan who died 2/4/1849 aged 74y 9m 17d.
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