Duncan research files of |
1840 Monroe Co. IN Census Pg.76 Wm. Duncan 2000,1 - 0000,1 (MAD: William W. Duncan, 1850 Brown Co. IN census) 98 Jacob Duncan 2111,01 - 0111,01
1850 Monroe Co. IN Census
Pg.256, #490, Jacob DUNCAN 49 NC farmer $800
Sarah 47 NC
Wesley 22 NC (m/in/year)
Mary 17 KY (m/in/year)
Mary 17 NC
Abner 13, John 10, Asbury 8, Catherine 6 IN
(MAD: ?? Jacob Sr. m. Sarah Payne, dau. of Abner Payne d. 1843 Caldwell Co. NC ??; Jacob W(esley) mar. Mary Ann Jones 2/12/1850, 1860 Morgan Co. IN census; Abner Duncan in 1860 Owen Co. IN census)
Pg.257, #494, William DUNCAN 27 NC farmer
Elizabeth 24 IN
John L. 5, Deborah 4, Wiseman 2 IN
(MAD: William R. Duncan mar. Elizabeth Catharine McHolland 10/3/1843; 1860 Greene Co. IN census; 1880 Arkansas Co. AR census)
Clear Creek
Pg.326, #436, James G. DUNCAN 38 NC wagonmaker $1000
Mary 28 NC
Martin 12, Elizabeth 9 IN
Marian (f) 6, Zebulon 3 IN
(MAD: ? 1840 Lawrence Co. IN census; 1860 Greene Co. IN census; ?? Martin in 1900 Washington Co. AR census)
1860 Monroe Co. IN Census
Perry Twp, P.O. Bloomington
Pg.572, #939-923, Wm. DUNCAN 49 SC farmer $3000-$600
Minerva 44 KY
Wm. 20, Henry 18 IN
Lewis 16, Margaret 14 IN
Granville 12, Joseph 10 IN
Jacob 8, Lemuel 5, Thomas 2 IN
(MAD: William Duncan mar. Minerva Myres 12/15/1834; 1850 Brown Co. IN census; William Washington Duncan had brothers James Elbert Duncan b.1824 mar. Susan C. Carpenter 5/11/1859 Cass Co. GA, and Marches M. Duncan b.1830, of Polk Co. TN 1850, per Genevieve Iwerks)
Pg.572, #940-924, John DUNCAN 24 IN farmer $0-$100
Eveline 27 IN
Martha 2 IN
Pg.577, #978-964, John DUNCAN 20 IN farmer $0-$300
Eveline 24 IN
Martha 2 IN
Beanblossom Twp., P.O. Stenville?
Pg.641, #172-172, Jacob DUNCIN 59 NC farmer $700-$800
Sarah S. 58 NC
John 21, David 19 NC
Catharine 16 NC
Mary Ann SHARP 28 NC
Wm. 7 IN
(MAD: this may be second wife Sarah; Mary Ann Duncan mar. George J. Sharp 4/22/1852; 1870 Greene Co. IN census)
Bloomington Twp., P.O. Bloomington
Pg.739, #477-471, Edward DUNCAN 23 VA laborer $0-$20
Mary Ann 19 IN
Elizabeth Jane 1 IN
1870 Monroe Co. IN Census
Clear Creek Twp.
Pg.347, #7-5, DUNCAN, Jas. G. 58 NC millwright $700-$2000
Mary L. 55 NC keeping house
Miram (f) 25 IN at home
Zebulon J. (m) 23 IN miller $1000-$350
Mary E. 20 IN keeping house
Ezekiel 14 IN farm laborer
Caroline H. 10 IN at home
Eugene 11/12 IN at home, b.July
(MAD: 1860 Greene Co. IN census)
Pg.347, #13-11, TAYLOR, Benjamin 65 GA miller $0-$0
Mary 58 GA keeping house
Mary A. 25 GA domestic servant
Narcissa 20 GA at home
DUNCAN, Emily L. 9 GA at home
James 7 GA at home
Thomas 3 IN at home
Pg.351, #63-61, DUNCAN, Martch (m) 38 TN (white) farmer $0-$400 (alone)
(MAD: 1850 Polk Co. TN census; 1880 census includes sister Martha Satterfield)
Pg.361, #193-193, CARTER, Wilford 47 IN farmer $6225-$4500
Martha J. 15 IN keeping house
Toby W. (m) 10 IN at home
Josie (f) 4 IN at home
YOUNG, Elizabeth 19 IN domestic servant
DUNCAN, Marion L. (m) 25 IN farm laborer $0-$500
Perry Twp.
Pg.389, #84-79, BLAKELY, William 56 KY farmer $25210-$2650
Elizabeth 42 KY keeping house
William O. 15 IN farm laborer
Horace (m) 12, Martha 17 IN at home
Florence 7, Thomas 4 IN at home
Estelle (f) 2 IN at home
DUNCAN, Joseph 20 IN farm laborer
(MAD: ages as given)
Pg.390, #94-89, DUNCAN, John 36 IN farmer $0-$0
Eveline 37 IN keeping house
Martha 12, William 9 IN
Margaret 6, Elizabeth 5, Edgar 3 IN
Meritan (m) 3/12 IN b.May
Pg.397, #198-186, ARNOLD, Jackson 57 VA laborer $0-$0
Sarah 29? NC keeping house
(MAD: first digit of age written over)
James 17 IN laborer
Ella 14? (17? written over) IN at home
Anna 11 IN at home
DUNCAN, Lizzie (f) 11 IN at home
Etta 8 IN at home
CRUM, Mary 75 VA at home
1880 CENSUS, CLEAR CREEK TWP., MONROE COUNTY, INDIANA (partial; from Kathy Cawley 2/2006)
S.D.# 4, E.D.# 290, PAGE 165C, IMAGE 23 OF 24
1900 CENSUS, CLEAR CREEK TWP., MONROE COUNTY, INDIANA (partial; from Kathy Cawley 2/2006)
S.D.# 2, E.D.# 96, PAGE 207A, IMAGE 9 OF 33
JOSEPH A., HEAD, W/M, MAR 1850, AGE 50, M'd 8 YRS., IN./VA./TN., FARMER
JOHN H., SON, W/M, JUNE 1893, AGE 6, IN./IN./IN.
GILBERT F., SON, W/M, MAR 1898, AGE 2, IN./IN./IN.
CLARA E., DAUGHTER, W/F, MAY 1900, AGE 2/12, IN./IN./IN.
Monroe Co. IN Probate Order Books (SLC 2/2009)
A-B p.153 1818-1835 (FHL film 1,295,693)
No index; quit
Monroe Co. IN Wills v.1-4 1818-1875 (FHL film 1,295,708; SLC 2/2009)
Vol.1, 1818-1841 - no Duncan
Vol.2, 1836-1851 - no Duncan
Vol.3, 1851-1873 - no Duncan
Monroe Co. IN Deeds (index at front of each) (SLC 2/2009)
Vol.A, 1817-1825 - no Duncan (FHL film 1,301,507)
Vol.B, 1825-1859 - no Duncan (FHL film 1,301,507)
Vol.C, 1829-1831 - no Duncan (FHL film 1,301,507)
C-41: Dawden, Zephaniah to Roseberry, William - not Duncan, not copied
Vol.D, 1832-1835 - no Duncan (FHL film 1,301,508)
Vol.E, 1835-1837 - no Duncan (FHL film 1,301,508)
Vol.F, 1836-1838 - no Duncan (FHL film 1,302,170)
Vol.G, 1838-1839 - no Duncan (FHL film 1,302,170)
Vol.H, 1839-1841 (FHL film 1,302,170 and 1,302,171)
H-652: 9 July 1840, William Duncan and wife Minervey (X) of Monroe Co. IN to Benjamin Rogers of same, $560, NE 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec.4 T8N R1E and SE 1/4 NE 1/4 and SE 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec.4 T8N R(blank)E, containing in all 120 acres. Wit. A. Rogers, Nancy F. Buskirk. Ack. 9 July 1840. (FHL film 1,302,171)
Vol.I, 1841-1844 (FHL film 1,302,171 and 1,302,172)
I-478: 2 March 1844, Jacob Duncan of Monroe Co. IN owes Moses Fox $90.10 due 25 Dec. 1846, 6% interest, mortgage NW 1/4 NE 1/4 Sec.26 T10N R2W and NE 1/4 NW 1/4 Sec.26 T10N R2W, containing in all 80 acres. /s/ Jacob Duncan; Wit: W.F. Browning. In margin: satisfied Jan. 29, 1848. (FHL film 1,302,172)
Vol.J, 1844-1847 - no Duncan (FHL film 1,302,172)
Vol.K, 1845-1849 (FHL film 1,302,172 and 1,302,173)
K-604: 29 Jan. 1848, William Rufus Duncan and his wife Elizabeth Catharine of Monroe Co. IN to Jacob Duncan of Monroe Co. IN, for $50, NW 1/4 NW 1/4 Sec.26 T10N R2W containing 40 acres. Ack. 29 Jan. 1848. Gideon Walker, JP. (FHL film 1,302,173; rechecked SLC 8/31/2010 and 5/30/2011; year plainly 1848)
Vol.L, 1848-1849 - no Duncan (FHL film 1,302,173)
Vol.M, 1849-1851 (FHL film 1,302,173 and 1,302,174)
M-108: 16 July 1849, for $200 paid by Jonas Miller, I grant him in fee simple, lot 13 in town of New Vane? (Jane?) commonly called Harrodsburg, in Monroe Co. IN. /s/ James G. Duncan, Mary (X) Duncan. Ack. Monroe Co. IN 16 July 1849. (FHL film 1,302,174)
M-149: 16 July 1849, Jonas Miller and wife Polly (X) of Monroe Co. IN to James G. Duncan of (blank) Co. of IN, $1,000.00, part of NE 1/4 and part of SE 1/4 Sec.19 T7N R1W (meets and bounds not copied), cross Clear Creek. Ack. 16 July 1849. (FHL film 1,302,174)
M-150: 29 Aug. 1848, in consideration of $80 paid by James G. Duncan, sell him lot 13 in town of New Jane commonly called Harrodsburg, in Monroe Co. IN. /s/ Alexr. Sutherland, Patsey (X) Sutherland, P.T. Vestal, Mary E. Vestal. Ack. 29 Aug. 1848. (FHL film 1,302,174)
Vol.N, 1850-1852 (FHL film 1,302,174)
N-63: 6 Feb. 1846, William W. Duncan promises to pay Jesse Davar $100 in 5 years; recd. $66.52 on 6 Feb. 1851. Second note, due 6 years. N-64, another note due 7 years.
N-374: 11 Sept. 1850, James G. Duncan and wife Mary (X) for $1000 paid by Jonas Miller, tract, part of NE 1/4 and part of SE 1/4 Sec.19 T7N R1W, cross Clear Creek. Ack. Monroe Co. IN 11 Sept. 1850. No wit.
N-475/476: Promissory notes by William W. Duncan to Jesse Devar, March 26, 1852, due Jan. 1, $100, due yearly 1853 to 1862.
N-479: 26 March 1852, Jesse Devar and wife Martha (X) to William Duncan, for $1,025, SE 1/4 of NW 1/4 Sec.26 and E 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec.26 T8N R1W in Seminary Twp., except 35 poles (more not copied). Ack. Monroe Co. IN 26 March 1852.
Pension Index Card File, alphabetical; of the Veterans Administrative Contact and Administration Services, Admin. Operations Services, 1861-1934; Duff to A-J Duncan (negative FHL film 540,888, some cards very faint); Joseph Duncan to Dunn (positive FHL film 540,889, some cards very dark)
Cataloged under Civil War, 1861-1865, pensions, indexes; does not say if Confederate or Federal, but probably Federal. Negative film, some cards much too faint or dark to read, some cards blurred or faded, particularly the service unit and the dates of application. Most of the very faint or dark cards were in a slightly different format, with space for years enlisted and discharged which were sometimes filled in. Many of these were for service in later years, although one or two were for service ca 1866.
Name of soldier, alias, name of dependent widow or minor, service (military unit or units), date of filing, class (invalid or widow or minor or other), Application #, Certificate #, state from which filed (sometimes blank), attorney (sometimes blank, MAD: did not usually copy), remarks. Sometimes the "Invalid" or "Widow" class had an "s" added to it before the application #; occasionally the area for the service information included a circled "S". The minor's name was frequently that of the guardian rather than the minor.
The military unit was frequently the Company Letter, the Regiment Number, sometimes US Vet Vol Inf. (US Veteran Volunteer Infantry), L.A. (Light Artillery), H.A. (Heavy Artillery), US C Inf (US Colored? Infantry), Cav. (Cavalry), Mil. Guards, V.R.C. (?Volunteer Reserve Corps?), etc. Sometimes there were several service units given.
Cards appear to be arranged by the last name, first name, middle initial if any, and state (including "US") of service.
Duncan, Abner A., widow Duncan, Evaline; B 97th IND Inf., H 14 V.R.C.; filed 1869 Jan. 29, Invalid Appl. #139217, Cert. #353541; filed 1905 June 28, Widow Appl. #830677, Cert. #605110, IND. (MAD: ? 1850 Monroe Co. IN census)
Duncan, Edward, widow Duncan, Mary A., minor Turner, W., Gdn.; K 14th Ind. Inf.; 1862 March 3, Widow Appl. #1598, Cert. #1362; 1865 March 6, Minor Appl. #85291, Cert. #51210. (MAD: mar. 1862 Monroe Co. IN)
Duncan, Henry C., widow Duncan, Sarah C.; E & H 136 Ind. Inf.; 1888 May 2, Invalid Appl. #653246, Cert. #1018576, Ind.; 1911 Feb. 15, Widow Appl. #958461, Cert. #71798, Ind. (MAD: mar. 1872 Monroe Co. IN)
Duncan, Martin V., widow Duncan, Hattie A.; Band & I 22 Ind. Inf., K 1 Ind. H.A.; 1890 July 22, Invalid Appl. #848541, Cert. #605638, ARK; 1913 May 3, Widow Appl. #1007008, Cert. #760634, Ark. (MAD: 1850 Monroe Co. IN census; 1900 Washington Co. AR census)
1921 "Gold star honor roll : a record of Indiana men and women who died in the service of the United States and the allied nations in the World War, 1914-1918" by Indiana Historical Commission (Indianapolis); Microfilm of original published: Indianapolis : Indiana Historical Commission, (FHL film 1,673,274 item 3; IN State Library book 940.3772 I385w, from C.T. Duncan 12/2007)
Contains a photograph and brief biographical sketch of each person, giving name of parents, birthplace, occupation, and service record.
Pg.448: Monroe County. Duncan, Ernest Finley. Sergeant. Son of David Finley and Minnie E. Jackson Duncan; born November 28, 1895, Bloomington, Ind. Painter. Served in U.S. Regular Army 1912-1915, Lafayette, Ind. Re-enlisted June 22, 1915. Trained at San Antonio, Tex., and Syracuse, N.Y. Overseas in September, 1917. Assigned to Company A, Machine Gun Company, 9th Infantry, 2nd Division. Killed in the battle of Belleau Woods, June 10, 1918. Cited for distinguished service, and decorated with Croix-de-Guerre, with silver star.
1884 "Counties of Morgan, Monroe, and Brown, Indiana : historical and biographical" ed. by Charles Blanchard, pub. by F.A. Battey (FHL book 977.2 H2b)
Pg.557, Bloomington Twp. & City, Monroe Co.: H.C. Duncan was born Jan. 16, 1845 in Lawrence Co. IN. His parents, William and Mary (Malott) Duncan, were natives of Jefferson Co. KY where they married in 1824 and two years later moved to Lawrence Co. IN where father died March 1, 1875; mother still resides in Lawrence Co. Subject of this sketch is youngest of 8 children, reared in native county ... 136th IN Volunteers; college; law. In Dec. 1872 he married Sadie Cummings, dau. of Dr. Cummings of Bloomington. They had three children, two of whom are living, Frank and Mary A. Republican, Mason, Christian Church.
1914 "History of Lawrence and Monroe counties, Indiana : their people, industries and institutions" pub. by B.F. Bowen (FHL film 934,913 items 1 and 2)
Pg.496-8: Judge Henry Clay Duncan. ... the late Judge Henry Clay Duncan ... was born in Lawrence Co. IN on Jan. 16, 1845, and died at his home in Bloomington [Monroe Co.] on Jan. 30, 1911. He was the son of William and Nancy (Malott) Duncan, both of whom were natives of Jefferson Co. KY. They were married there in 1824 and two years later moved to Lawrence Co. IN, where they spent their remaining years, the father's death occurring on March 1, 1875. They were the parents of eight children, all of whom are now deceased. Henry Clay Duncan ... educated Lawrence Co., later in Northwestern University (now Butler College) and on Jan. 1, 1864, student in Indiana University but relinquished his text books and enlisted in 136th Reg. IN Volunteer Inf., mustered out Oct. 1, 1864, resumed studies, 1868 Bachelor of Arts Degree. ... Republican. Judge Duncan married Dec. 11, 1872, to Sadie Cummings, daughter of Dr. Adam F. and Melissa (Edwards) Cummings, both natives of OH to Jefferson Co. IN in childhood with their respective parents (4 children n/c here); Mrs. Cummings is still living at advanced age of 87 and making her home with her daughter Mrs. Duncan. Judge and Mrs. Duncan had four children: Frank of Bedford [Lawrence Co.]; Antoinette became wife of Burton E. Hansen of Bedford; Newland a farmer in this county; Sallie the wife of Phillip B. Hill of Bloomington.
1916 "Courts and Lawyers of Indiana" by Leander J. Monks, pub. by Federal Pub. Co. (IN State Library book 347.09 M745c V.3; from C.T. Duncan 12/2007)
Vol.3, pg.1135: Duncan, Henry Clay, born in Lawrence county, Indiana January 6, 1845; died at Bloomington [Monroe Co.], Indiana, January 30, 1911; served as prosecuting attorney, legislator and Circuit court Judge.
1895 "Encyclopedia of Biography of Indiana" by George Irving Read, ed., pub. Century Pub. & Eng. (IN State Library book 920.R324; from C.T. Duncan 12/2007)
(Indexed as Vol.2) Pg.203-204: HENRY C. DUNCAN. Hon. Henry Clay Duncan, of Bloomington [Monroe Co. IN], was born in Lawrence county, Indiana, January 16, 1845. His parents were Kentuckians, born in Jefferson county of that State, his father, William, being a descendant of Scottish Duncans, while his mother, Mary Malott, was of French and Dutch extraction. In December, 1826, they removed to Indiana, locating upon a farm near Bedford in Lawrence county. Both were members of the Christian church, and in politics William Duncan was first Whig and then Republican. He died in 1875, his wife surviving him by twelve years. The boyhood of Henry Clay Duncan, ... was passed upon his father's farm, in the fields of which he toiled in summer, attending school during the winter terms. The Duncan farm was a fine one, and its management prosperous; and at the age of nineteen our subject was able to enter the State University at Bloomington. This was in 1864, when our Civil War was waging hotly, and at the end of his first term ... he left the university and enlisted in the army, doing service as a private soldier until his discharge from military duty, when he returned to Bloomington and resumed his college work. He graduated in 1868, read law for a year with Moses F. Dunn, at Bedford, then entered the Law Department of Indiana University, where he received the degree of Bachelor of Laws in 1870. For the next five years he was engaged in the practice of law at Bedford, then in 1875, located at Bloomington, which has since been his place of residence and the center of his professional labors. ... For twenty years Judge Duncan has been one of the directors of the First National Bank of Bloomington; and he has been city attorney, prosecuting attorney and Judge of the Circuit Court. In 1888 he was nominated by the Republicans for Congress, but met defeat with the rest of his party. In 1894, however, he was elected State Senator, and served during the sessions of 1895 and 1897 ... Like his parents, Judge Duncan is a member of the Christian church; and he belongs to the F.A.M. and the G.A.R. In 1872 he was married to Miss Sarah Cummins, whose father, Dr. A.F. Cummins, now deceased, was one of the leading physicians of Bloomington. Five children have been born to them, of whom the four now living are: Frank, Antoinette, Newland and Sallie. ...
1856 "Atlas of Monroe Co. IN"
Salt Creek Township: Wilson Duncan, Sec. 29 (from map: 40a, NW 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec. 29; neighbors Ira Deaver, Robert Clark)
Washington Township: N.R. Duncan, Sec. 2 (from map: 40a, NE 1/4 NE 1/4 Sec. 2; other 3/4 of NE 1/4 owned by Saml. Peters)
1884 "History of Lawrence, Orange and Washington Counties IN" by Goodspeed (did not copy minor references)
Pg.352, Lawrence Co.: WINEPARK JUDAH, M.D., Marshall Twp., was born in Bloomington, Monroe Co., IN, March 5, 1842. ... After his discharge (Civil War) in 1864 he acted in the capacity of Recruiting Officer and Assistant Provost Marshall for Monroe County. June 9, 1865, he was married to Minerva A. Duncan, and nine children have been born to them, seven of whom are living: Lena M., William B., Mary A., Walter C., Winepark J., Stilson and Nellie. Mr. Judah keeps the only hotel in the village of Guthrie, and keeps a good house. ...
1886 "Biographical & Historical Record of Clarke Co. IA" by Lewis Publ. (FHL book 977.7856 D3b; see Morgan Co. IN)
Pg.392-3: CAPTAIN WILLIAM M. DUNCAN, deceased, was a gallant and faithful soldier during the war of the Rebellion. He enlisted in the defense of his country July 26, 1862, and was unanimously elected Captain of Company C. ... He served his country 3 years .... The subject of this sketch was a native of Kent Co. KY, born August 14, 1828, a son of James and Margaret Duncan. When six years of age he was taken by his parents to Monroe Co. IN, where he was reared to manhood, his youth being spent on a farm. His education was received in the common schools, and after leaving school he taught several terms in Indiana. He was united in marriage to Mary J. Morgan, of Morgan Co. IN, April 10, 1851, and in 1855 he removed with his wife and two children to Iowa, locating in Warren County, where he was engaged in teaching school for 18 months. In 1857 he came to Clarke Co. IA, where he followed the teacher's profession and worked at the carpenter's trade alternately. He was an earnest and consistent Christian, being a member of the Missionary Baptist Church till his death, which occurred May 3, 1879. He left a wife and two children to mourn the loss of a kind husband and affectionate father. His widow still resides with her family in Knox Township. (MAD: See 1830 Gallatin Co. KY census; 1840 Lawrence Co. IN census; 1850 Morgan Co. IN census)
Greene Co. IN Deeds
O-573: 13 June 1857, Samuel C. Owen and Nephi Owen and Eliza his wife and John O. Owen and John M. Harrick, Mary his wife of Greene Co. IN convey and warrant to William R. Duncan of Monroe Co. IN for $650, real estate in Greene Co. IN, W 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec.8 Twp.7 Range 6W containing 80 acres, also SW 1/4 NW 1/4 Sec.9 Twp.7 Range 6W containing 40 acres. In witness whereof, said Samuel C. Owen, Nephi Owen and Eliza his wife, John O. Owen, John M. Harrick and I his wife, heirs of Sarah Owens, have set their hand... /s/ Samuel C. Owen, Nephi Owen, Eliza (X) Owen, John O. Owen. Wit. Tho. Mason, David Middleton. 13 June 1857, Samuel C. Owen, Nephi Owens and Eliza his wife and John O. Owens appeared before Thomas Mason, J.P. Filed Oct. 15, 1857. [MAD: names as given] (FHL film 1,317,985)
R-485: 26 Dec. 1860, Henry Wampler and wife Margaret C. Wampler of Monroe Co. IN, convey and warrant to Jacob Duncan of Monroe Co. IN, for $730, real estate in Greene Co. IN, W 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec.8 Twp.7N Range 6W containing 80 acres more or less. /s/ Henry (X) Wampler, Margaret C. (X) Wampler. They appeared 26 Dec. 1860 before Geo. P. Hinds, J.P., Monroe Co. IN. Certification 14 Jan. 1861 by Davy Carson, Clerk of Circuit Court, Monroe Co. IN, for George P. Hinds, Esq. Filed Feb. 20, 1861. (FHL film 1,317,986)
Perquimans Co. NC Deed (FHL film 370,607)
FF #256: 14 July 1858, James G. Duncan and wife Mary (X) of Monroe Co. IN to Joseph G. Granbery of Perquimans Co. NC, $600, land in Perquimans Co. adj. lands of Richard Fellon, John S. (L?) Riddick (formerly Joshua Newley (Vewley?) in right of his wife), and said Joseph G. Granbery (formerly Jos. W. Bander?) & others, being the lands descended to said Mary from Benj. W. Smith and wife Rosanna, described in plat of division of lands of Benj. W. Smith decd on record in Reg. Office, containing by estimation 74 acres; wit. Peter Koh? (Kop?), H.J. Nichols. They appeared in Monroe Co. IN on 14 July 1858; reg. Perquimans Co. NC 17 April 1860. (MAD: 1840 Lawrence Co. IN; per Perquimans Plat 1#132, 1825, Mary Jordan was dau. & sole heir of Benj. Jordan who was half heir of Benjamin Smith with Joshua Newby & wife Margaret)
"IN Magazine of History" Vol.7#2, June 1911 (FHL film 873,892 item 5)
Pg.31: Judge H.C. Duncan. The papers of the State announced the sudden death of Judge H.C. Duncan at his home in Bloomington, on Jan. 30 (1911). Judge Duncan was one of the most widely known and respected citizens of Monroe Co. and probably engaged longer in the practice of law there than any one else in the county. He has long been active in all public interests. He served in the army during the Civil War and has been at the head of the local interests of the Grand Army of the Republic. In historical circles, Judge Duncan is known as one of the leaders in the Monroe Co. Historical Society. He contributed an article upon Austin Seward to the Sept. 1908 number (Vol.IV #3) of this magazine, and a year later an article of his upon Judge James Hughes (Vol.V #3) was published. In both of these papers Judge Duncan showed a knowledge of the local history of the State ... His death leaves us the poorer in the ability to recall and to describe the earlier life of our country.
Pg.77-81: Henry Clay Duncan, by James Albert Woodburn. [A paper read before the Monroe Co. Historical Society at its February meeting, 1911.]
... Henry Clay Duncan was born on a Lawrence Co. IN farm five miles east of Bedford, Jan. 16, 1845. He died suddenly, without warning to family or friends, on January 30, 1911, having just entered upon his 67th year. He was the son of pioneer parents, of sturdy, substantial stock.
His father, Judge William Duncan, of Lawrence Co., of Scotch-Irish stock, was born in Jefferson Co. KY, Feb. 16, 1803. He came to IN in 1826 while the country was new, ... public positions in Lawrence Co., being probate judge for 25 years, county surveyor and county assessor. Judge Henry Clay Duncan's mother was Mary Haws Malott, also born in Jefferson Co. KY in 1807, about 12 miles east of Louisville. She was of mixed French Huguenot and German descent, French on the side of her father, Hiram Malott, and German on the side of her mother, Mary Haws, who was educated wholly in the German language and followed her Bible reading and worship in that tongue alone. William Duncan and Mary Haws Malott were married on Sept. 24, 1824. They emigrated to IN and settled on their Lawrence Co. farm in 1826. Their oldest son, Bolivar Duncan, was born in KY in 1825. The other seven children were born on the Lawrence Co. homestead about a mile from the old Leatherwood Christian Church. The father died in 1872, the mother in 1887. ...
Henry Clay Duncan was the youngest of the eight children. He was educated in the country schools, and for one term attended the old Northwestern University, now Butler College, and in Jan. 1864, at the age of 19, he entered Indiana University. While he was a young student in the university, he enlisted among the "boys in blue" in the army of the Union, for the 100 day's service. His regiment was the 136th IN Volunteers, in command of Col. John W. Foster. After serving the 100 days for which he had enlisted, young Duncan re-entered the university and graduated with the class of 1868 and later from the law class of 1870. ... In 1874 he came to Bloomington and formed a partnership with John W. Buskirk. After the death of Buskirk, Duncan formed a partnership in 1888 with Ira C. Batman ... continued until the death of Judge Duncan a few weeks ago, a period of 23 years. Judge Duncan was married on Dec. 11, 1872, to Sadie Cummings, a dau. of Dr. A.F. Cummings, one of Bloomington's leading physicians, ... five children, four of whom survive. The son, Frank C. Duncan, was the efficient secretary of this society for a number of years. ... In 1894 Judge Duncan was elected as State Senator to represent the counties of Monroe, Brown and Bartholomew ...
"The Genealogy of the Cleveland and Cleaveland Families" by Edmund James Cleveland and Horace Gillette Cleveland, 1896 (FHL films 1,015,854 and 1,015,855, 3 vols.)
Pg.727: #5222, Mary Cleveland (dau. of Ebenezer Cleveland #1679 who d. Lawrence Co. IN Oct. 27, 1853, age 71) b. June 30, 1808, Wythe Co. VA, d. Clay Co. IL, m. James Duncan, he d. Clay Co.; dwelt Clay Co. Ch.: Sarah Duncan, d. unm, killed by falling tree; Marshal M. Duncan; Martha Duncan. (MAD: James Dunkin mar. Mary Cleavland 12/22/1824 Orange Co. IN; Marshall M. Duncan in Monroe Co. IN per CFI)
"The Families of Lewis Marion Duncan, 1845 to 1931" booklet by Genevieve E. Iwerks, February 1995 (from Gen Iwerks 3/1995, with permission to share; MAD's extracts of some early info only; see 1850 Brown Co. IN census, 1860 Monroe Co. IN census)
Pg.1. Family stories ... William W. Duncan was born while his father was off fighting the War of 1812, and his father was born while his father was fighting in the Revolution. ... William W. Duncan was certainly born in 1812, census and family records agree. Where he was born is not that simple. Some of the family listed NC and some said SC. His father's name was given as John on his death certificate, Nov. 5, 1893, Monroe Co. IN. His brother March M. gave John J. as the father's name on an application for marriage license, 27 March 1905. Their brother James Elbert's death certificate, 15 July 1908, gave father's name as John. So that name is established. The mother's name was given on William W.'s death certificate as James. James Elbert gave Martha Ann Jeans as mother's name, and March spelled it as Martha Ann Geans. Martha Ann was born in SC.
These brothers, March and James Elbert, came to IN to visit the William Duncan families in 1892 or 1893, a visit remembered by Maude (mother of Gen. Iwerks) when she was six to eight years old.
There are some clues that John or John J. was the son of John and Jane Duncan of Buncombe Co. NC. This John was the second son of John of Aberdeen of Scotland and SC. Proof eludes us.
William was only two when he moved with his family to TN. The time lapse between William and the next child favors the possibility that Martha Ann was not his mother. No marriage record has yet been found. Martha Ann's known children were: Martha Ann, born in March 1821 in "E. TE"; James Elbert born April 10, 1824; Nancy born 1825; and March M. born 1830 in Polk Co., as birth place on census etc. although Polk Co. was not established until 1839. (MAD: Marches M. Duncan in 1850 Polk Co. TN census)
When William W. was 14 years old he ran away from home, swam the Tennessee River, and settled in IN, ... per three of Lewis Marion Duncan's children. The only reason for his leaving home so early comes from ... family of Dottie Payne: he felt that there were too many little ones at home. Martha Ann would have been 5, James 2, and Nancy less than 1 year.
This places William in IN by 1827. Nothing is known about his location or activities from then until 14 Feb. 1835 when he married Minerva C. Myers in Monroe Co. ...
Pg.3. ... The family of son Lemuel had in their records that (the middle initial of William Duncan) stood for "Washington."
Pg.22. Newspaper clipping, undated, name not given: Minerva C. Duncan Dead. Minerva C. Duncan died at the residence of her daughter Mrs. A. Thrasher, Wednesday, December 4th, 1907, aged 90 years, 6 months and 17 days. She was born in Cumberland county, Kentucky, and at the age of thirteen, with her widowed mother, two brothers and one sister, moved to Indiana. At the age of sixteen was married to William Duncan, to this union eleven children, ten sons and one daughter, were born; four of the sons and her husband have preceeded her to the better world. She had three sons in the civil war, one died while in service, the other two are living. ...
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