Duncans in McDonough Co. IL Church and Cemetery Records


Duncan research files of
Mary Ann (Duncan) Dobson
the Genealogy Bug

Last revised March 30, 2002



Bedford Church records, in possession of Dean Melvin of Blandinsville, IL 61420; looked at in his home (by courtesy of his wife, Mrs. Beverly Melvin), 21 Oct. 1979. Several books, only looked at earliest and one other book. Only copied familiar names. Church is still active.
      Bedford Church of Christ, organized April 7, 1850; Members included
            Elizabeth Shelly (sic)
            David Shelley "gone to Oregon without letters"
            Peter Shelley "withdrew by letter March AD 1852"
                  "joined by letter"
            Margaret Cyrus "Dismissed by letter"
            James Cyrus "March the 20th 1853"
            Elizabeth Duncan
            James Woodside
      Jan. 3, C. M. Duncan
      Jan. 3, Nancy Duncan
      Julia Woodside by recommendation June the 12th 1853
      Oct. 16, 1853, Jane Woodside by confession
      May 21st 1854, Martha Duncan by confession
      March 10th 1855, Catharine Duncan by confession
      Nov. 18th 1855, James Duncan by confession
      Nov. (blank), Hugh Woodside by confession
      Members, Jan. 1, 1857: Causby Duncan, Maria Woodside, Martha Duncan, Mary E. Woodside, Catherine Duncan, James Duncan, Hugh Woodsides "died February /62", Jane Duncan
      July 19, 1857, Priscilla Haris by confession & baptism "Removed"
      March 6, 1859, William Melvin by Emersion
      March 7, 1859, William Atwater by Emersion
      March 12, 1859, Caroline Duncan by Emersion
      March 13, 1859, Mary Scott by letter
      June 17th (1860), John Duncan by Immersion
      June 17th ", Mary Ann Harris by recommendation
      June 30, 1861, John T. Duncan by immersion
      Members, March 12, 1864: Elizabeth Duncan; Causby Duncan, Nancy Duncan; Wm. Woodside, Mary J. Woodside; Jane Woodside; Wm. Melvin, Elizabeth Melvin; James Woodside, Maria Woodside "Deceased March the 8th 1866"; Martha Duncan "Removed within - letter"; John T. Duncan "Dismissed by letter Apr. 16, 1865", "Received again June 4th, 1866", Arietna Duncan "Dismissed by letter Apr. 16th 1865", "received June /66", Mary Crenshaw "Duncan" (added), Katharine Duncan; James Duncan "Dismissed by letter Jone ? 7th, 1866"; Melinda Duncan "removed without letter"; John Duncan "Dismissed by letter July 12, 1868"; Wm. Atwater "dismissed by letter", Lucretia Atwater "No", Caroline Duncan "Curry" (added); John Duncan "dismist by letter"; Mary Ann Harris "removed without letter"
      May 3, 1864, Causby Duncan "reclaimed" "Rem'd without letter"
      June 7th, 1864, Wm. R. Harris "reclaimed" "Removed in disorder"; Mary Duncan by application; Russel Duncan "immersion"
      March, 1865, Sister Duncan by immersion "Deceased Feb, 1866"
      Sept. 11, 1866, Jane Duncan, Sardina Duncan
      June 2 (1867?), Wm. Duncan "dismissed by letter Luty? 19, 186-"
      Members, Jan. 1, 1870: Elizabeth Duncan; Causby Duncan, Nancy Duncan; Wm. Woodside, Mary J. Woodside; Jane Woodside; Wm. Melvin, Elizabeth Melvin; James Woodside; John J. Duncan, Arietna Duncan; Katharine Duncan; Jane Duncan, Sardina Duncan.
      Another church book, containing "increase" and "decrease" pages (skimmed only)
      Pg. 2, Increase Mary J. Woodside "letter" Mar. 12, 1852, C
      Pg. 3, Increase Wm. L. Woodside "letter" Jan. 12, 1853, B
      Pg. 8, Increase, Catherine Duncan "B" Mar. 10, 1855
      C column was commendation; B was baptism; R was recommendation
      Register B, decrease:
            Catherine Duncan, Apr, 1891 "Death"
      Bedford Church is very old building, still in use (some ladies were doing annual painting, etc., when I was there 10/8/1979) in Sec. 5, Blandinsville Twp, McDonough Co., IL, across county road from Henderson Co., and only one mile from Hancock County line.

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Huff Cemetery, Sec. 35, 1.9 miles east of Blandinsville on north side of Route 9, E. of road 450E, McDonough Co. IL (copied by MAD 10/1979)
      Lieuhana, wife of Preston Anderson, born 1807, died May 2, 1877, aged 70 yrs & 17 ds. (stone very plain)
      Preston Anderson, born Feb. 6, 1806, died May 19, 1874 (stone between Lieuhana & Rebecca stones)
      Rebecca, wife of P. Anderson (stone buried), ? died ? 13? 1864
      Huff stones, no Elizabeth
      Many younger Andersons buried here, not copied

Hillsborough Cemetery, Sec. 18, Blandinsville Twp, McDonough Co. IL, north of Blandinsville at junction of roads 100E and 2165N (copied by MAD 10/1979)
      Ignatius Howard, died May 13, 1871, aged 74 ys, 5 ms, 10 ds (back of stone blank)
      Infant son of D. & M.A. Howard, died May 14, 1870

Liberty Cemetery, Sec. 21, Blandinsville Twp, McDonough Co. IL, north of Blandinsville on Road 2000N east of Road 200E) (copied by MAD 10/1979)
      DUNCAN Catharine Duncan, died Apr. 8, 1891 Aged 75 y, 22 d.
            John T. died June 19, 1882 aged 41 ys, 4 mos, 21 d.
            Infant son of J.T. & E.E. Duncan born & died July 18, 1881
      Reuben Harris, died (illeg) aged 81 yrs, 2 mos, 2 days
      Allie Harris, died (illeg - stone buried & too heavy to raise)
            Charles C., son of R. & J. Harris, died Jan. 30, 1886, aged 2 yrs, 2 mos, 6 days
            Jemima A. Melvin, born April 3, 1830, died July 6, 1862
            Thomas Melvin, born Nov. 22, 1817, died Aug. 5, 1876
      Wm. Melvin, died May (too faint to read), aged 67 yrs
      Sarah Melvin, died May 21, 1879, aged 80 ys, 1 mo & 10 ds
      Jos. Melvin, died June 18, 1864, aged 76 ys, 4 mos & 9 ds
      John Duncan, born Apr. 10, 1802, died Mar. 4, 1873, aged 70 ys, 10 ms, 24ds
      Margaret, wife of John Duncan (stone buried)
      Joel Duncan, son of J. & M. Duncan, died June 20, 1857, aged 21 y, 8 mos, 14 ds
      Children of J. & M.A. Duncan
            Mary E., died Jan. 1, 1864, aged 7 yrs & 24 ds
            Charles A., died Jan. 3?, 1864, aged ? & 1 mo
      Cosby Bowman, died Dec. 13, 1849, aged 61 ys, 8 mos, 20 ds
      William Melvin, Oct. 1, 1823 - May 8, 1900
            his wife Caroline, Oct. 17, 1832 - Jan. 16, 1859
      Caroline, wife of Wm. Melvin & dau. of Jonathan & Elizabeth Wassam, born Oct. 17, 1832, died Jan. 16, 1859
      Stephen Dill, died May 4, 1854, aged 84 yrs
            and his wife Catherin (sic), died Nov. 26, 1870, aged 78 yrs.
      Tillie Harris, born Mar 18, 1864, died Feb. 14, 1882
      John L. Harris, died Nov. 23, 1865, aged 24 yrs & 20? days
      Martheny, wife of I. Harris (blank)
      Isaac Harris, born Feb. 12, 1822, died Apr. 14, 1900, aged 78 ys, 2 ms, 2 ds
      Solomon C. Dill, Father, died Sept. 18, 1881, aged 59 ys, 5 ds
            (blank), Mother
      Elijah Duncan ("Vet" marker), Co. I, 11th Ill Cav.
      Elizabeth Duncan, born Jan. 20, 1800, died Oct. 25, 1874
      Joel Duncan, died Sep. 20, 1851, aged 72 yrs, 2 mos, 20 days
      S. Melvin, died Jan. 26, 1851, aged 28 ys
      Eliza, wife of M. Melvin, died Nov. 23, 1854 (blank/buried)
      Mary Danel, died Dec. 19, 1855, aged 22 ys.
      Elizabeth Melvin, Dec. 23, 1823, Nov. 24, 1855
      Joseph Duncan, born April 28, 1814, died Dec. 25, 1843
      James H., son of R. & E. Duncan, died Aug. 17, 1843, aged 15 yrs, 11 mos, 17 days
      Russel Duncan (veteran marker next to grave), died Mar. 28, 1840, aged 36 yrs, 4 mos, 8 days (very plain)
      (illeg.), son of R. & E. Duncan (buried flat & faded), died No- 7, 1838, aged 2 yrs, 2 ds
      C. Melvin, died Nov. 1, 1840, aged 19 yrs
      Milton Melvin, May 30, 1827 - Feb. 6, 1853
      Mary E., dau. of J. & M. Cyrus, died May 2, 1850, aged (illeg.)
      Joel, son of J. & M. Cyrus, died Oct. ?4, 1838, aged (illeg.)
      Martha, dau. of J. & M. Cyrus, died Oct. ? 1838 (buried & illeg.)
            John S., Aug. 14, 1830 - Apr. 9, 1921
            Minervia (sic), Sept. 4, 1833 - May 12, 1864
      stones for two Cook babies, not copied
      Bagby stones, not copied
            Sacred to the memory of
            John Woodside, born Feb. 13th A.D. 1791, deceased Feb. 11th A.D. 1847
      John Harris, born Sep. 30, (blank), died July 11th D. 1834, aged 5 yrs, 10 mos, 11 days
      Reuben Harris, born March 22th A.D. 1771, deceased May 29th 1845, aged -- years (stone broken)
      Mound beside Ruben Harris with only broken base of stone, blank (Chuck Bennett comment 1/2002: In Oct. 2001, some of the broken-off part was lying flat and overgrown by grass, in about five pieces, with the inscription: "The Memory of [Sa?]rah Harris born March 20, 1769 and departed this life November [..] 1837". The stone for Ruben Harris is spelled "Ruben")
      (in front of these stones) John Harris, was born July 25, 1836, departed this life August 16, 1838
      4-sided stone
            (1 side) G/C? Melvin, died Nov. 1, 1840, aged 19 ys
                   M. Melvin, died Feb. 6, 1853, aged 24 ys
            (1 side) R. Melvin, died Dec. 17, 1849, aged 3?8 ys
                   S. Melvin, died Jan. 26, 1851, aged 28 ys
            Mary, wife of Wm. Melvin, died Aug. 16, 1873, aged 83? yrs, 3? mos, 26ds
            William Melvin, died May 13, 1851, aged 67 ys
      James Melvin, died May 31, 1892, aged 83 yrs, 3 mos, 14 days
      John C? Woodside, died Mar. 18, 1853, aged 54 yrs, 4 ms, 3 das
      Jane, wife of John G. Woodside, died Sept. 23, 1873, aged 72 yrs & 5 ms
      James Woodside, died July 22, 1836, aged 72 years
      Mary C., wife of J. Woodside, died Aug. 10, 1842, aged 77 years
      Hugh Connor, died May 26, 1878, aged 69y 2m 18d
      Mary, wife of Hugh Connor, died Aug. 6, 1895, aged 76 y, 9 m, 6 d

Liberty Cemetery, Blandinsville, McDonough Co. IL (Information from Mrs. Janet Lentfer, 9/1991)
      Marthena (Marthiny) Atwater Harris, died 6 Feb. 1866
      Isaac Harris, born Feb. 12, 1822, Blandinsville, d. 14 April 1900.
            Alexander C. d. June 2, 1848, aged 3y 7m 6d
            Ruben T. d. Sept. 6, 185-, aged 2y -m 20d (could not make out digits)
            Martha E., d. Oct. 25, 1852, aged 9m 27d

Glade City (Blandinsville) Cemetery, Blandinsville, McDonough Co. IL (copied by MAD 10/1979)
      Isaac Bennett, died Feb. 8, 1873, aged 64 yrs, 8 mos, 14 ds
      Mary, wife of Isaac Bennett, died Mr. 25, 1876, aged 61? ys, 5? mos, ? dys
      Bennett children, not copied, on nearby stones
            Emma C., dau. of T.D. & P. Bennett, died Aug. 29, 1863, aged 10 mos & 16 dys
            Infant son of T.D. & P. Bennett
            Martha?, dau. of T.D. & P. Bennett
            (& others)
      MELVIN (4-sided stone, 3 sides blank)
            Mary A. Melvin, born Jan. 11, 1839, died Aug. 20, 1890
            Crosby M. Duncan, Oct. 6, 1824, Oct. 30, 1906
            Nancy A., his wife, Mar. 23, 1828, July 16, 1907
      George W., son of C.M. & N.A. Duncan, died Oct. 4, 1894, aged 30y, 10m, 26d
            Mabel E., 1870-1930
            Thomas E., 1871-1936
            William J., March 10, 1853, May 26, 1914
            Millard F., 1858-1917
            Nathaniel, 1850-1923
Letter from Cyril Markham, Sexton, Blandinsville City Cemetery, 30 Nov. 1976:
      I found the following Duncans.
Crosby Duncan 1824-1906
Royce Duncan 1875-1964
Marion Duncan 1868-1952
Benjamin Duncan 1841-1918
Nathaniel Duncan 1850-1923
William J. Duncan 1853-1914.

Bedford Cemetery, Sec. 6, Blandinsville Twp, McDonough Co. IL (probably on road 2380N, or similar, between Road 0E and Road 1E), in corner next to Hancock Co. & Henderson Co. (copied by MAD 10/1979)
            James Atwater, Apr. 16, 1830 - Apr. 3, 1866
            Ann, his wife, Apr. 30, 1830 - Mar. 26, 1904
      Bra-ley? D., son of J. & A. Atwater, died --- 186- aged --- (illeg) (child's stone)
      Another child
      Zelotes, son of James & Ann Atwater, died Sept. 26, 1877, aged 20 yrs, 3 ms, 16 ds
      Wassom, Huston, Melvin, Berry, Campbell, Givens, Peny stones
      Leonard, son of J.A. & H. Woodside, died Aug. 29, 1877, Aged 4 mos, 21 ds
      Nancy Maria, wife of James A. Woodside, died Mar. 9, 1866, aged 35 yrs, 11 ms
      Hugh Woodside - laying flat in ground, broken just below name
      Rachel Etna, dau. of W.E. & L.P. Atwater, died Sept. 27, 1863, aged 11 ms & 3 dys
            John Star, son of W.E. & L.P. Atwater (on back), died July 16, 1865, aged 10 ms, 22 ds
      Hattie A., dau. of W.E. & L.P. Atwater, died June 6?, 1873, aged 2/3? mos, 21 dys

Cemetery south of Scioto and south of Hiway 9, Scioto or Emmet Twp, on road 1750N, between roads 810E and 750E, very weedy & overgrown (copied by MAD 10/1979)
      Infant son of B & S B Hainline, died Apr. 15, 1876
      Joseph H. Hainline, Dec. 2, 1837 - Jan. 12, 1882
            His wife Virginia A. Griffith, Sept. 5, 1843 - Feb. 22, 1941
      John Hainline, died June 26, 1861, aged 65 yrs, 3 ms, & 11 ds
      Mary, wife of John Hainline, died Nov. 6, 1871, aged 68 yrs, 2 mos, 23 ds
      Francis M. Duncan, Nov. 20, 1870, AE 28 y, 1 mo
      S. Duncan, died Sept. 20, 1865, aged 56 yrs ----
            Peter C., 1846-1921
      Napolen (sic) H., son of S & R Duncan, died Feb. 6, 1861, aged 1 year, 3 mo & 11 dys
            John D. Hainline, 1816 - 1901
            his wife Margaret A. Douthitt, 1818 - 1869
      A. J. Hainline, died Jan. 28, 1888, aged 68 yrs, 3 ms, 13 ds
            Julia, wife of A.J. Hainline, died May 13, 1896, aged 68 yrs, 5 mos, 28 dys

Good Hope town cemetery, Good Hope, Walnut Grove or Scioto Township, McDonough Co. IL (copied by MAD 10/1979)
            Elmer I. Harris, Apr. 17, 1838 - Oct. 5, 1907
            Emma J. Tipton, his wife, Dec. 15, 1847 - Dec. 19, 1932
      John Bowman, born Feb. 10, 1827, died Oct. 14, 1895
            Sarah E. his wife, born Mar. 3, 1835, died Mar. 10, 1888
      Angelina J. Bowman, 1845 - 1935 (smaller stone)
            William H. Duncan, 1843 - 1931 (marker: Co. I, 124 Ill. Inf)
            his wife Emma Overton, 1850 - 1910

Vance Cemetery, near Littleton, Littleton Twp, Schuyler Co. IL, but in McDonough Co. IL per "Rural Cemeteries" booklet pub. by McDonough Co. IL Gen. Society (copied by MAD 10/1979)
      My wife, Julia Ann Duncan, ----, died ---- (stone partially buried)
      Jonathan, son of Dr. B.A. & Julia S. Duncan, killed Sept. 29, 1867, aged 14 yrs, 7 mos & 29 dys
      Dr. B. A. Duncan, died Mar. 31, 1877, aged 51 y, 11 mo, 25 d
            (small stone: Basil A. Duncan, Co. A, 138th Ill Inf.)
      Matilda, wife of C. Bennett, died Feb. 3, 1860, aged 34 yrs, 8 mo, 24d.
      George Bennett (4-sided stone); killed Nov. 13, 1885, aged 66 yrs, 4 mos, & 28 days
            Our mother Maria, wife of George Bennett, died June 20, 1887, aged 60 yrs, 1 mo & 28 ds
            (Children on other sides, too faded to read)
      John Riley Bennett, 1845-1915 (next to Columbia Anna Bennett stone)
      Columbia Anna Bennett, 1848-1927 (next to John Riley Bennett stone)

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