Duncans in the Civil War - IL - James Coleman Duncan


Duncan research files of
Mary Ann (Duncan) Dobson
the Genealogy Bug

Last revised November 18, 2004

Duncans in the Civil War - Illinois - James Coleman Duncan; Part 3

Civil War Records, James Coleman Duncan (Researched and transcribed by Garland D. Vinyard, posted with his permission, his comments)
      Medical Exam: "3-155. SURGEON'S CERTIFICATE. Increase Pension Claim No. 270997, Coleman Duncan, Company F 29 Reg't Ill Inf. Claimant's post-office address Golconda, Ill. Address of Board { Golconda P.O. Illinois State. May 2, 1906 (Date of Examination). Disease of left leg and chronic diarrhea and resulting piles and resulting in disease of rectum. He receives a pension of 12 dollars per month. He makes the following statement in regard to the origin of his disabilities and date when first discovered by him Injury to left leg - 1861 at Camp Butler, Ill. Chronic diarrhea at Cairo 1861. Piles and disease of rectum 1863 at Vicksburg. Birthplace Gallatin Co., Ill.; age 76 years; height, 5 -8, weight, 136 pounds; complexion, fair; color of eyes, blue; color of hair D. Brown and grey; occupation, Farmer; permanent marks and scars other than those described below scar on inside of right arm in front of obennon process. We hereby certify that upon examination we find the following objective conditions: Pulse rate, 72 - 75 - 84 [Sitting, standing, after exercise]; respiration, 18 - 24 - 24 [Sitting, standing, after exercise]; temperature, 98 1/5. Disease of left leg, Scar on front of tibia beginning at middle and extending and inworked to internal malfeolus, about 1 1/2 in. wide, dark and glistening adherent to crest of tibia, slightly sensative. Vericose veins are seen from inside of foot and ankle up leg to about middle of leg. Tongue broad and angrimic slightly coated, unindented by teeth. Stomach, swollen, hard and tender. No dyspepeia. Liver area of dullness begins 2 1/2 in below nipple and extends 2 in below rife and within plain of mediain line. Not sensative. Spleen normal. Abdomin swollen tempantic not sensative Rectum. Anus relaxed exconated sphynctn relaxed, on external tumor 1/4 x 1/2 in. No internal tumors, but membrane very much inflamed and ulcerated. Heart apex best 3 in. below and on nipple line both seen and felt. 1st sound prolonged and a slight murmur & I sound feeble, otherwise normal. Ordema of feet. Kidney's, urine acid, straw color, shg. 102, no albumin or sugar or pus. Lungs, Healthy, nothing abnormal found. No vicious habits. No other disability found. Rate: Injury to left leg 17/18. Chr. Diarrhea & resulting piles and disease of rectum 17/18. David Lawrence, Pres. H.W. McCery, Sec'y. E.S. Barger, Treas. (This certificate to be filled in and signed by the secretary when the full board is present.) "I hereby certify that Dr. Lawrence, Dr. McCery, and Dr. Barger, were personally present and actually participated in the examination of Coleman Duncan, the claimant in this case, on 2nd day of May, 1906. (Signature.) H.W. McCery. . (stamped, PENSION US OFFICE MAY 5, 1906) SURGEON'S CERTIFICATE IN THE CASE OF Coleman Duncan Co. F 29 Reg't Ill. Inf. APPLICANT FOR INCREASE No. 270997. DATE OF EXAMINATION, May 2, 1906. David Lawrence, Pres. H.W. McCery, Sec'y. E.H. Barger, Treas.,} BOARD Post office, Golconda County, Pope State, Ill."
      Increase in Pension: "Special 270997 Chicago, 3-355. Certificate No. 275,997. Increase INVALID PENSION. Claimant, Coleman Duncan. P.O. Golconda County, Pope State, Illinois Rank, Private Company, F Regiment, 29 Illinois Vol. Inf. Rate $17 per month, commencing May 2, 1906. Pensioned for Disease of left leg, chronic diarrhea and resulting piles and resulting disease of rectum. RECOGNIZED ATTORNEY _ APPROVALS Submitted for Adm. Aug. 7, 1906. Approved for Disease of left leg, chronic diarrhea and resulting piles and resulting disease of rectum See decision of Hon. Asst. Secretary July 31, 1906 and Med. Referee June 20, 1906. Aug. 7, 1906 Nef. Hurner, West. Legal Reviewer. James P. Matthews, Examiner. Approved for disease of left leg, chronic diarrhea and resulting piles and resulting disease of rectum. 17/18 from May 2, 1906. Wilson, Medical Examiner. Randall, Medical Reviewer. Aug. 8, 1906 Mason, Medical Referee. Mason. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1861 Discharged Aug. 27, 1864 Last paid to _ Pensioned at $12 per month for disease of left leg, chronic diarrhea and resulting piles and resulting disease of rectum. PRESENT CLAIM. Declaration filed March 14, 1906 Alleges increase of prensioned disability. Claimant does write. P.J. Chapman, M.C. De. Div. M.F.H."
      Affidavit of Dr. John B. Young: "GENERAL AFFIDAVIT. STATE OF Illinois COUNTY OF Pope SS. IN THE CLAIM OF Coleman Duncan No. 270,997 late of Co. F 29th Regt - Ill. Infty Vol War of 1861-5. On this 24 day of October A.D. 1906 before me, a Notary Public in and for the aforesaid County, duly authorized to administer oaths, personally appeared John B. Young M.D. aged _ years, a resident of Golconda, in the County of Pope and State of Illinois whose Post Office address is Golconda Ill well known to me to be respectable and entitled to credit, and who being duly sworn, declare in relation of aforesaid case as follows: That he is a regular practicing Physician of 30 years Standing. That he is personally and intimatelly acquainted with Coleman Duncan for the last 20 years and have done Practice for above and I have this day examined the said, Coleman Duncan and find he has diease of left leg commencing 3 in. below knee to ankle whole leg atrophied and weakened hard. Pressure causes great pain. Knee joint week caused from various vains. Skin shallow cold and lifeless. Abdom swolen very sensative has the piles. They and very sensative to present has chronic diarrhea alternating with consumpion. Sphyncter relaxed. Fissured Hemorehoidal vessels enlarged. Membrain thickened. This man is unable to do manual labor and I have no interest directly or otherwise in this case. John B. Young, MD. (stamped, PENSION US OFFICE OCT 26, 1906). Sworn and subscribed to before me, this 24 day of October A.D. 1906. I certify that said affiant is a credible person and that he wrote the foregoing affidavit swearing thereto, including the words _ erased and the words _ added, and that I have no interest, direct or indirect, in the prosecution of said claim. Wm. F. Ross (Official Signature) Notary Public (Official Character) Golconda, Ill. Application No. OS Certificate No. 270997. CLAIM OF Coleman Duncan late Prvt, Co. F, 29th Reg't. Old Infty. Vols. War of 1861-5, Affidavit of Dr. John B. Young, P.O. Golconda, Ill. Relative to Increase of Pension under act of July 14 1862. Filed by Claimant, Golconda, Ill. (stamped, RECEIVED WEST DIV. OCT 27, 1906)."
      Increase in Pension: "3-355. Certificate No. 270,997. Increase INVALID PENSION. Claimant, Coleman Duncan. P.O. Golconda County, Pope State, Illinois Rank, Private Company, F Regiment, 29 Illinois Vol. Inf. No RECOGNIZED ATTORNEY. West. Div. APPROVALS. The evidence does not warrant a medical examination as it fails to show that the pensioned causes alone exist in such a degree as to warrant the next higher rate. Shirley, Medical Examiner. Camp, Medical Reviewer. Nov. 2, 1906, Sam Houston, Medical Referee."
      Affidavit of Dr. John B. Young: "GENERAL AFFIDAVIT, STATE OF Illinois, COUNTY OF Pope SS. IN THE CLAIM OF Coleman Duncan No 270997 late of Co. F 29 Regt. Ill Infty Vol War of 1861- 5. On this 14 day of December 1906, before me, a Notary Public in and for the aforesaid County, duly authorized to administer oaths; personally appeared Dr. John B. Young aged 60 years, a resident of Golconda, in the County of Pope and State of Illinois whose Post Office address is Golconda Ill well known to me to be respectable and entitled to credit, who being duly sworn, declares in relation to aforesaid case as follows: I adetrim to my former affidavit. That he is a regular practicing physician of 30 years standing. That he is personally and intamity (sic) acquainted with Coleman Duncan and that he has injury or disease of left leg 3 in. below the knee to the ankle the limb is atrophyed weakened. Hard pressure causes great pain. Abdoman swolen very senscitive has the Piles very secitive to pressure has chronic diarrhea alternating with constapation. The above diseases is equivelant to the loss of a hand or foot rendering him unable to do any manual labor. I have no interest directly or indirectly or otherwise in the prosecuting of this case. John B. Young, M.D. (stamped, CONGRESSIONAL U.S. BUREAU OF PENSIONS DEC 18, 1906)."
      Letter of Commissioner to P.T. Chapman, Representative: "KE December 22, 1906. Hon. P.T. Chapman, House of Representatives. My dear Mr. Chapman: In response to your communication of the 17th instant, received the 18th, enclosing affidavit of Dr. J.B. Young, relative to the claim for increase of pension, ctf. No. 270,997, of Coleman Duncan, late of Co. F, 29th Ill., I have the honor to inform you that, in compliance with your request, an order has been issued this day for claimant's medical examination by the Board of Surgeons at Metropolis, Ill. Very respectfully, Commissioner."
      Medical Exam: "3-155M. W. SURGEON'S CERTIFICATE. Increase Pension Claim No. 270997 Coleman Duncan, Pvt. Company F 29th Ill. Inf. P.O. Golconda, Ill. Address of Board { Metropolis, P.O. Ill. State, Feb. 6, 1907 (Date of examination). Disease of left leg, chronic diarrhea, piles, disease of rectum. He receives a pension $17.00 dollars per month. Discovered by him Disease of left leg, 1861, Camp Butler, Ill., chronic diarrhea, 1861, Cairo, Ill., Piles 1863, Vicksburg, Miss., disease of rectum, same time and place. Birthplace, Galliton (sic) Co., Ill.; age, 77 years; height, 5 8 1/2; weight, 135 pounds; complexion, fair; color of eyes, blue; color of hair, gray; occupation, farmer; permanent marks and scars other than those described below, none. We hereby certify that upon examination we find the following objective conditions: Pulse rate, 85-90-100 (Sitting, standing, after exercise); respiration 20-22-26 (Sitting, standing, after exercise); temperature, 98; DISEASE OF LEFT LEG: Dark blue discolored scar lower 2/3 of leg, firmly adhereat along anterior and inner side of tibia, number of shallow excavated scars on posterior surface, complains of pain when foot and ankle is flexed or extended, veins of foot are swollen and edema of foot, limps when walking. Rate 12/18. CHRONIC DIARRHEA: Tongue red and thick, mucous memranes of mouth and pharnx pale, capillary circulation sluggish, body poorly nourished, muscles soft and relaxed, skin pale and cold, epigastrium retracted and tender, hepatic dullness increased to 1/2 inch below costal border, tender on palpation, splenic dullness extends to level of lower costal border, soft and tender on palpation, venous engorgement over surface of entire adbomen, lower abdomen relaxed and pendulous, marked muscular weakness and tremor. Rate 12/18. PILES: Four external tumors 1/4 to 1/2 in. in diameter, raw and ulcerated surfaces, and tissues moist and raw. Rate 8/18. DISEASE OF RECTUM: Lower rectual tissues red, inflamed and relaxed, two raw granular ulcers discharging sero-bloody secretions incontinence of fluid faces and gases, clothing soiled. Rate 12/18. HEART: Apex 6th space mammary line, action irregular, impulse weak and diffuse, no evidence of valvular disease. CHEST: Expiration 33, inspiration 35. Chest well formed, respiratory sounds normal and no evidence of disease of lungs. KIDNEYS: Position normal. Urinalysis: Color light amber, sp. Gr. 1018. Acid reaction, no pathological deposits. No other disabilities found to exist, and above described disabilities are not result of vicious habits or intemperance, and this claimant is so disabled from disease of left leg, chronic diarrhea, piles, and disease of rectum as to be incapacitated in a degree equivalent to loss of hand or foot in the performance of manual labor, and is entitled to 3rd grade rating, $24.00 per month. Jesse A. Orr, Pres. A.E. Miller, Sec'y. J.T. Thllis, Treas. (This certificate to be filled in and signed by the secretary when the full board is present.) "I hereby certify that Dr. Jesse W. Orr, Dr. A.E. Miller, and Dr. J.T. Thllis, were personally present and actually participated in the examination of Coleman Duncan, the claimant in this case, on 6th day of Febr., 1907." (Signature) A.E. Wleen. . (stamped, PENSION US OFFICE FEB 14, 1907) SURGEON'S CERTIFICATE IN CASE OF Coleman Duncan Co. F, 29th Reg't Ill. Inft. APPLICANT FOR Increase No. 270997 DATE OF EXAMINATION: Feb. 6th, 1907. Jesse A. Orr, Pres., A.W. Miller, Sec'y, J.T. Thllis, Treas.,} BOARD. Post office, Metropolis. County, Massac. State, Ill."
      Increase in Pension: "270997 Chicago, 3-355. Certificate No. 275,997. Increase INVALID PENSION. Claimant, Coleman Duncan. P.O. Golconda County, Pope State, Illinois Rank, Private Company, F Regiment, 29 Illinois Vol. Inf. Rate $24 per month, commencing February 6, 1907. Pensioned for Disease of left leg, chronic diarrhea and resulting piles and res. dis. of rectum. RECOGNIZED ATTORNEY None APPROVALS Submitted for Adm. Mch. 13, 1907. Approved for Disease of left leg, chronic diarrhea and resulting piles and resulting disease of rectum (old) Increase pending. March 14, 1907 E.S. Welrich, Legal Reviewer. F.W. McElroy, Examiner. Approved for disease of left leg, chronic diarrhea and resulting piles and resulting disease of rectum. 3nd Grade from February 6, 1907. Woodom, Medical Examiner. Randall, Medical Reviewer. Mch. 16, 1907 Sam Houston, Medical Referee. Mason. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1861 Discharged Aug. 27, 1864 Last paid to _ Pensioned at $17 per month for disease of left leg, chronic diarrhea and resulting piles and resulting disease of rectum. PRESENT CLAIM. Declaration filed Aug. 13, 1906 Lincnoba.. Claimant does write. Hon. P.J. Chapman, M.C. M.F.D."
      Request for increase in Pension: "Declaration for the Increase of an Invalid Pension. State of Illinois, County of Pope, SS: ON THIS 17 day of September A.D. one thousand nine hundred and eight personally appeared before me, the undersigned, duly authorized to administer oaths within and for the County and State aforesaid, Coleman Duncan age 79 years, who, being duly sworn according to law, declares that he is a pensioner of the United States, duly enrolled at the Chicago agency at the rate of $24 dollars per month, under Pension Certificate No. 270,997 by reason of disability resulting from disease of left leg chronic diarrhea and piles resulting disease of rectum incurred in the military service of the United States, while serving as a Prvt in Company F of the 29 Regiment of Ill. Infty Volunteers, war of 1861-5. That he believes himself entitled to an increase of pension on account of said Disabilities growing worse and is totally unable to earn his support by manual labor. See act of March 3rd 1883. (stamped, PENSION US OFFICE SEPT 19, 1908) That he hereby appoints none, with the full power of substitution and revocation his true and lawful attorney, to prosecute his said claim. His Post Office address is Golconda County of Pope State of Illinois. Coleman Duncan. Also personally appeared V.W. Densch residing at Golconda, Ill, and James Hammous residing at Golconda Ill., persons whom I certify to be respectable and entitled to credit, who, being by me duly sworn, say that they were present and saw Coleman Duncan, the claimant, sign his name to the foregoing declaration; that they have every reason to believe from the appearance of said claimant and their acquaintance with him that he is the identical person he represents himself to be; and that they have no interest in the prosecution of this claim direct or indirect. Jas. Hammous, A.V. Densch. Sworn to and subscribed before me, on this 17 day of September 1908 and I hereby certify that the contents of the above declaration, etc., were fully made know and explained to the applicant and witnesses before swearing, including the words _, erased, and the words added; and that I have no interest, direct or indirect, in the prosecution of this claim. [L.S.] W.F. Ross, Notary Public, Golconda, Ill. (stamped, Validity accepted, S.A. Cuddy, Chief, Law Division, per JTH 9-23-08) Certificate No. 270997 0 INVALID APPLICATION FOR Increase of Pension, Coleman Duncan Co. F, 29 Reg't Ill Infty. Vols. War 1861-4, P.O. Address Golconda, Pope Co., Ill. (stamped, LAW DIVISION RECEIVED SEP 19, 1908) FILED BY Claimant, Golconda, Ill."
      Affidavit of Dr. Thomas H. Clark: "GENERAL AFFIDAVIT STATE OF Illinois, COUNTY OF Pope SS. IN THE CLAIM OF Coleman Duncan No. 270997 as of Co. F 29 Regt Ill Infty. Vol. War of 1861-5. On this 7 day of October A.D. 1908, before me, a Notary Public in and for the aforesaid County, duly authorized to administer oaths, personally appeared Thos. H. Clark M.D. aged 36 years, a resident of Golconda in the County of Pope and State of Illinois whose Post Office address is Golconda, Ill. well known to me to be respectable and entitled to credit, and who being duly sworn, declares in relation to aforesaid case as follows: I have this day examined the above named soldier and have treated him a time or two previous to this examination. He shows a scar caused from an ulcer on the left leg. Complains of leg causing pain and cramping at night especially if he has walked very much. Says rheumatism affects this leg and at time causing impeded gait. He also has a chronic diarrhea, proceded by an obstinate constipation. Bowels hardly ever moves without taking some form of propgation. He has protuding piles, which bleed when his bowels move and emcyne or swollen and painful. This is also evidence of slight proipous of ? I consider him wholly unable to perform manual labor. I have no interest in the prosecution of this claim. Thos. Clark, M.D. Sworn and subscribed to before me, this 7 day of Oct. A.D. 1908. I certify that said affiant is a credible person, and that he wrote this before swearing thereto, including the words _ erased, and the words _ added. And that I have no interest, direct or indirect, in the prosecution of said claim. Wm. F. Koss (Official Signature), Notary Public (Official Character) Golconda Ill. (L.S.) Certificate 270997 CLAIM OF Coleman Duncan O.S. Co. F 29 Reg't. Ill Infty. Vols. Affidavit of Dr. Thos. H. Clark, P.O. Golconda, Ill. Relative to Increase of Pension, Filed by Claimant, Golconda Ill."
      Affidavit of Coleman Duncan: "GENERAL AFFIDAVIT. STATE OF Illinois COUNTY OF Pope SS. IN THE CLAIM OF Coleman Duncan No. 270997 as of Co. F 29th Regt - Ill Infty Vol War of 1861- 5. On this 30th day of October A.D. 1908, before me a Notary Public in and for the aforesaid County, duly authorized to administer oaths, personally appeared Coleman Duncan aged 80 years, a resident of Golconda in the County of Pope and State of Ill. whose Post Office address is Golconda Ill. well known to me to be respectable and entitled to credit, and who being duly sworn, declares in relation to aforesaid case as follows: That he very Respectfully Returns the Enclosed Order For Medical Examination by the Board of Examining Surgeons Dr. Willingham of ElizabethTown, Hardin Co. Ill for the following Reasons. That he has himself been a Life Long Republican and the above named Board of Examining Surgeons is a Prejudice spiteful Democrat and Does not Favor Old Union soldiers in the least if he can keep himself and that he preys for an order to appear before the Board of Examining Surgeons at Golconda, Pope Co. Ill. Coleman Duncan. [stamped, PENSION US OFFICE NOV 2, 1908]. Sworn and subscribed to before me, this 30 day of October A.D. 1908. I certify that said affiant is a credible person, and that I read the foregoing affidavit to him before swearing thereto, including the words _ erased, and the words _ added, and that I have no interest, direct or indirect, in the prosecution of said claim. Wm. F. Ross (Official Signature) Notary Public (Official Character). Golconda Ill. Certificate No. 270997. CLAIM OF Coleman Duncan Co. F 29 Reg't Ill Infty Vols. Affidavit of Claimant P.O. Golconda, Ill."
      Medical Exam: "3-155. SURGEON'S CERTIFICATE. Increase Pension Claim No. 270997 Coleman Duncan, Pvt. Company F 29th Ill. Inf. P.O. Golconda, Ill. Address of Board {Golconda, P.O. Illinois State, Dec. 9, 1908 (Date of examination). Disease of left leg, chronic diarrhea, piles, disease of rectum. He receives a pension 24 dollars per month. He makes the following statement in regard to the origin and of his disabilities and date when first discovered by him Disease of left leg Camp Butler, Ill. about August 1861 chronic diarrhea piles & Dis. of rectum St. Louis MO June or July 1863. Birthplace, Gallatin Co., Ill.; age, 79 years; height, 5 8; weight, 140 pounds; complexion, Dark; color of eyes, light gray; color of hair, gray; occupation, Has been farmer; permanent marks and scars other than those described below, Disloocation of left wrist 2nd Posalalauge Middle finger left hand bound by descar. We hereby certify that upon examination we find the following objective conditions: Pulse rate, 72-90-102 (Sitting, standing, after exercise); respiration 24-28-30 (Sitting, standing, after exercise); temperature, 97 3/5; Injury to left leg. There has been record fiber left leg firm lowerer portion upper 1/3 of tibia to and including instep cisatrim hard glistening. Adherant though out its length. Measurement left around largest part of calf of leg 13 inches at lower part calf 9. Ankle 8 Right leg. 1/4 -12 8 _ The skin adherent as though also dutely fluid to tibia. Ch. Diarrhea Piles & relative disease. Skin Dry harsh scaley. Tongue glazed fissued & amenia. Stomach swollen sensative dyspeptic. Liver area swollen sensative. Sysphrptic liver area dullness 2 inches below nipple 1 1/2 inches below ribs edges hard and sensative and to 1 inch to left of linea alba. Spleen normal. Abdomen greatly swollen. Tympautic all over walls very tenoc. Anus exconiated sphyiclin relaxed. Slight Protahaus a maas of piles over protuding one inch through sphmater _ inch in diameter ulcerated & bleeding. Two other internal piles showing through syhmater they showing ulcerated & bleeding surface. He says two readily bassia a mass frequency external to sphymater 3 or 4 inches long 2 or 3 inches thick. He does not stoop over to raise any thing as the piles will always be expelled 2 1/2 mentally & physically. Shows no senility. Lungs healthy. Heart apex beat 2 1/2 below and 1 1/2 to right nipple line. Sound feeble distant slight increased. Inlluep item is hypertsophy. Kidneys Healthy urine acid sp? 1020 No sugar albumin or abnormal conditions. This man shows by his hands and we know he has done no sort of labor for years. No vicious habits or other disability. Rate Discan Left Leg Total 3rd Grade. Ch Diarrhea & resultings total 2nd grade. This claimant is so disabled form Ch. Diarrhea & results & Injury & disease left leg as to be in a pacitated foregoing any manual labor and is entitled to $30 a month. Daniel Lawrence, Pres. H.W. McClery, Sec'y. Absent Treas. (This certificate to be filled in by the member of the board acting as secretary, and signed by the applicant, when a full board is not present.) "I, Colman Duncan, the applicant for (increase or original) pension referred to in this medical certificate, hereby consent to be examed by Dr. Lawrence and Dr. McClery, the examining surgeons here present (waiving examination by full board), on this 9 day of Dec., 1908. Witness to mark{ HW McClery. (Signature of Applicant) (Signature of Applicant) Coleman Duncan (stamped, PENSION US OFFICE DEC 12, 1908) SURGEON'S CERTIFICATE IN CASE OF Coleman Duncan, Pvt. Co. F, 29 Reg't Ill Vol Inf APPLICANT FOR Increase. No. 270997. DATE OF EXAMINATION: DEC 9th, 1908. Daniel Lawrence, Pres., H.W. McClery, Sec'y, Absent, Treas.,} BOARD. Post office, Golconda. County, Pope. State, Illinois. (stamped, REVIEWED WEST DIV. DEC 19, 1908.)"
      Increase in Pension: "270997 Chicago, 3-355. Certificate No. 275,997. Increase INVALID PENSION. Claimant, Coleman Duncan. P.O. Golconda County, Pope State, Illinois Rank, Private Company, F Regiment, 29 Illinois Vol. Inf. Rate $30 per month, commencing December 9, 1908. Pensioned for Disease of left leg, chronic diarrhea and resulting piles and resulting disease of rectum. RECOGNIZED ATTORNEY _ APPROVALS Submitted for Ad. Jun. 7, 1904. Approved for Disease of left leg, chronic diarrhea and resulting piles and resulting disease of rectum. Jany. 8, 1909 B.W. Lesson, Legal Reviewer. E. Dalrympile, Examiner. Approved for disease of left leg, chronic diarrhea and resulting piles and resulting disease of rectum. 2nd Grade from December 9, 1908. Byran Tan, Medical Examiner. Taylor, Medical Reviewer. Jany. 8, 1909 E.F. Whitney, Medical Referee. Mason. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1861 Discharged Aug. 27, 1864 Last paid to _ Pensioned at $24 per month for disease of left leg, chronic diarrhea and resulting piles and resulting disease of rectum. PRESENT CLAIM. Declaration filed Sept. 19, 1908 Alleges pensioned cause. Claimant does write. P.J. Chapman, M.C. Men."
      Questionaire: "3-389. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF PENSIONS. SIR: Please answer, at your earliest convenience, the questions enumerated below. The information is requested for future use, and it may be of great value to your widow or children. Use the inclosed envelope, which requires no stamp. Very respectfully, G.M. Salzgaber, Commissioner. (stamped, PENSION US OFFICE MAR 26, 1915), COLEMAN DUNCAN, GOLCONDA, ILL. 270997 CIV. WAR. No. 1. Date and place of birth? Answer October 1, 1829, Near Harrisburg, Gallatin Co., Illinois. The name of organizations in which you served? Answer. Co. F, 29th Illinois Infantry. No. 2. What was your post office at enlistment? Answer, Golconda, Illinois. No. 3. State your wife's full name and her maiden name. Answer. Amy Ann Duncan, Amy Ann Conley. No. 4. When, where, and by whom were you married? Answer. In August, 1858. Near Harrisburg, Saline Co. Ill. By Justice of the peace. No. 5. Is there any official or church record of your marriage? Yes. If so, where? Answer. Harrisburg Illinois. No. 6. Were you previously married? If so, state the name of your former wife, the date of the marriage, and the date and place of her death or divorce. If there was more than one previous marriage, let your answer include all former wives. Answer No. No. 7. If your present wife was married before her marriage to you, state the name of his former husband, the date of such marriage, and the date and place of his death or divorce, and state whether he ever rendered any military or naval service, and if so, give name of the organization in which he served. If she was married more than once before her marriage to you, let you answer include all former husbands. Answer, No. 8. Are you now living with your wife, or has there been a separation? Answer. Wife is dead. No. 9. State the names and dates of birth of all your children, living or dead. Answer. There were eight children, five are dead and three living. Names of living. Sarah J. Duncan, Elizabeth A. Duncan, Frances Duncan. Date March 14, 1915. (Signature) Coleman Duncan."
      Affidavit of Coleman Duncan: "ACT OF MAY 11, 1912. DECLARATION FOR PENSION. THE PENSION CERTIFICATE SHOULD NOT BE FORWARDED WITH THE APPLICATION. State of Illinois, County of Pope} SS. On this 12th day of April A.D. one thousand nine hundred and nineteen personally appeared before me, a Notary Public within and for the county and State aforesaid, Coleman Duncan, who being duly sworn according to law, declares that he is 89 years of age, and a resident of Golconda county of Pope, State of Illinois; and that he is the identical person who was ENROLLED at Golconda Illinois under the name of Coleman Duncan, on the 14th day of August, 1861 as a Private, in Company "F" 29th Regiment Illinois Infantry Volunteers in the service of the United States, in the Civil war, and was HONORABLY DISCHARGED at Natchez Miss, on the 27th day of August, 1864. That he also served no other. That he was not employed in the military or naval service of the United States otherwise than as stated above. That his personal description at enlistment was a follows: Height 5 feet 8 1/2 inches; complexion Dark; color of eyes, Blue; color of hair, Light; that his occupation was farming; that he was born October 1st, 1829. That his several places of residence since leaving the service have been as follows: About two years in Saline County Illinois. About one year in Hardin County Illinois. Thert (?) time after discharge ever since at Golconda Illinois. That he is a pensioner under certificate No. 270997. That he has applied for pension under original No. . That he makes this declaration for the purpose of being on the pension roll of the United States under the provisions of the act of May 11, 1912. That his post-office address is Golconda, county of Pope, State of Illinois. Coleman his X mark Duncan (claimant's signature in full.) Attest: (1) Chas. Gullettt, Golconda Illinois. (2) N.L. Melburn, Golconda Illinois. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 12th day of April, A.D., 1919, and I hereby certify that the contents of the above declaration, etc., were fully made known and explained to the applicant before swearing, including the words _, ereased, and the words _, added, and that I have no interest, direct or indirect, in the prosecution of this claim. H.V. Hessleman (Signature.) Notary Public (Official character). (stamped, PENSION US OFFICE, L APR 14, 1919) ACT OF MAY 11, 1912. CLAIM FOR PENSION. Certificate No. 270.997. AN ACT GRANTING PENSIONS TO CERTAIN ENLISTED MEN, SOLDIERS, AND OFFICERS WHO SERVED IN THE CIVIL WAR AND THE WAR WITH MEXICO. Be in enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled; That any person who served ninety days or more in the military or naval service of the United States during the late Civil War, who has been honorably discharged therefrom, and who has reached the age of sixty-two years or over, shall upon making proof of such facts, according to such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Interior may provide, be placed upon the pension roll and entitled to receive a pension as follows: In case such person has reached the age of sixty-two years and served ninety days, thirteen dollars per month, six months, fourteen dollars and fifteen cents per month; two years, fifteen dollars per month; two and a half years, fifteen dollars and fifty cents per month; three years or over, sixteen dollars per month. In case such person has reached the age of sixty-six years and served ninety days, fifteen dollars per month; six months, fifteen dollars and fifty cents per month; two years, seventeen dollars per month; two and a half years, eighteen dollars per month; three years or over, nineteen dollars per month; In case such person has reached the age of seventy years and served ninety days, eighteen dollars per month, six months, nineteen dollars per month; one year, twenty dollars per month; one and a half years, twenty-one dollars and fifty cents per month, two years twenty three dollars; two and one half years, twenty four dollars per month; three years or over, twenty five dollars per month. In case such person has reached the age of seventy-five years and served ninety days, twenty one dollars per month; six months, twenty two dollars and fifty cents per month; one year twenty four dollars per month; one and a half years, twenty-seven dollars per month, two years or over, thirty dollars per month. That any person who served in the military or naval service of the United States during the civil war and received an honorable discharge, and who was wounded in battle or line of duty is now unfit for manual labor by reason thereof, or who from disease or other causes incurred in the line of duty resulting in his disability is now unable to perform manual labor, shall be paid the maximum under this act, to wit, thirty dollars per month, without regard to length of service or age. That any person who served sixty days or more in the military or naval service of the United States in the War with Mexico and has been honorably discharged therefrom, shall, upon making like proof of such service, be entitled to receive a pension of thirty dollars per month. All of the aforesaid pensions shall commence from the date of filing of the applications in the Bureau of Pensions after the passage and approval of this act: Provided, That pensioners who are sixty-two years of age or over, and who are now receiving pensions under existing laws, or whose claims are pending in the Bureau of Pensions, may, be application to the Commissioner of Pensions, in such form as he may prescribe, receive the benefits of this act; and nothing herein contained shall prevent any pensioner or person entitled to a pension from prosecuting his claim and receiving a pension under any other general or special act: Provided, That no person shall receive a pension under any other law at the same time or for the same period that he is receiving a pension under the provisions of this act. Providing further, That no person who is now receiving or shall hereafter receive a greater pension under any other general or special law that would be entitled to receive under the provisions herein shall be pensionable under this act. Sec. 2. That rank in the service shall not be considered in applications filed hereunder. Sec. 3. That no pension attorney, claim agent, or other person shall be entitled to receive any compensation for services rendered in presenting any claim to the Bureau of Pensions, or securing any pension, under this act, except in applications for original pension by persons who have heretofore received a pension. Sec. 4. That the benefits of this act shall include any person who served during the late Civil War, or in the War with Mexico, and who is now or may hereafter become entitled to pension under the acts of June twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and ninety; February fifteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-five, and the joint resolutions of July first, nineteen hundred and two, and June twenty-eighth, nineteen hundred and six, and ninety-one and February seventeenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven. Sec. 5. That it shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Pensions, as each application for pension under this act is adjudicated, to cause to be kept a record showing the name and length of service of each claimant, the monthly rate of payment granted to or received by him, and the county and State of his residence; and shall at the end of the fiscal year nineteen hundred and fourteen tabulate the record so obtained by States and counties, and shall furnish certified copies thereof upon demand and the payment of such fee therefor as provided by law for certified copies of records in the executive departments. APPROVED, May 11, 1912. (stamped, Declaration accepted as a claim under the act of May 11, 1912, Law Division.)"
      More records: "3-730. INVALID EFL Cert. No. 270997. Name, Coleman Duncan Rank, Pvt.; Service, Co. F 29 Ill. Vol. Inf. Agency:{ Original Roll: Chicago to Yr. 1. 3 Issue. Class Inc. Fee, $ Atty. None. Issued Aug 13, 1906 Mailed Aug 15, 1906 Rate and period, $17, from May 2, 1906. Disability: Disease of left leg; chr. Diarrhea & resulting piles: & resulting disease of rectum. 4 Issue. Class Inc. Issued Mch. 20, 1907. Mailed Mch 21, 1907. Rate and period $24, from Feb. 6, 1907. 5 Issue, Class Inc. Issued Jan 12, 1909 Mailed Jan 13, 1909 Rate and period $30.00 from Dec. 9, 1908. 6 Issue, Class Rers. Issued May 24, 1919 Rate and period $40 from April 14, 1919. Disability: ACT OF MAY 11, 1912. INDORSEMENTS. April 18, 1919 at Returned."
      Cover Sheet: "ACT OF MAY 11, 1912, CIVIL WAR. 3-419. West DIVISION. Perham A.S., Examiner. Inv. Cert. No. 270997. Soldier, Coleman Duncan. Co. F, 29 Reg't Ill Inf. Submitted for Adm. April 26, 1919. Willey, Reviewer. . Cert. Div. May 23-19."
      Reissue of Pension: "3-364. Reissue. ACT OF MAY 11, 1912. Cert. No. 270997 Claimant, Coleman Duncan. P.O. Golconda. County, Pope. State, Illinois. Rank, Private. Service, Company "F" 29 Illi. Vols. Infanty. Rate, $40 per month, commencing April 14, 1919. ATTORNEY OR STATE REPRESENTATIVE. (Order April 25, 1907.) Name, None . APPROVAL. USP 4-26-19. Submitted for Adm. April 26, 1919, A.S. Perham, Examiner. Approved for Admission Rate $40 per month; age Over 72 years. Reissue from the General Law. Length of pensionable service: 2 years, 0 months, 24 days. Deductions in service for any cause: _ years, 11 months, 20 days, on account of absence without leave and serving sentences. May 1, 1919, F.R. Willey. May 22, 191_, Wm Mehn, Re-Reviewer. Enlisted August 14, 1861; honorably discharged August 27, 1864. Length of pensionable service: 2 years, 0 months, 24 days. Pensioned at $30 per month, under the general law. PRESENT CLAIM, ACT OF MAY 11, 1912. Declaration filed April 14, 1919. Age shown by evidence over 72 years; date of birth October 1, 1829. Claimant does not write. No, M.C. ASD 4-18-19."
      Inquiry of Commissioner and reply from Adjutant General: "A.S.P. Sec. D Civil War 3-094. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. BUREAU OF PENSIONS. Washington, D.C. April 18, 1919. Respectfully referred to The Adjutant General, War Department, requesting a report of any additional military and medical history of the soldier, such as the records may now afford, including all absences without authority, arrests and confinements, with dates of beginning and ending of each; if court-martialed, the findings, sentence and date of promulgation, and when restored to duty, personal description and all ages not shown in reports herewith returned. If soldier had other service, the same information relative thereto is desired. KW Certificate No. 270997. Name Coleman Duncan. Service F 29 Illinois Inf. F.M. Seltzgaber, Commissioner, 3 Enclosures. April 22, 1919. WAR DEPARTMENT, THE ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, April 24, 1919. Respectfully returned to the Commissioner of Pensions, with the information that in the case of Coleman Duncan, Co. F, 29 Reg't Ill. Inf. in addition to the statement herewith returned, the military records show the following: Age 32, height 5 feet, 8 1/2 inches, complexion dark. Eyes blue, hair light, place of birth Gallatin Ill. occupation farmer. No other age found. No record of trial or other action on charge of absence without leave from Jany. 15 to March 27, 1863, or confinement 1863 & 1864 found. G.O. No. 4 Hd. Qrs. (U.S. Forces, Natchez, Miss. June 20, 1864, shows that he was tried by a Gen. C.M. on the charge of absenting himself from his Co. and Regt. without permission from the proper authority, from on, or about the 26th day of September 1863, until the 7th day of April 1864, when he rejoined his company and Regt. at Natchez, Miss., and was found Guilty, and sentenced "to forfeit all pay and allowances for six months, with confinement on bread and water for fourteen (14) days." Date of restoration to duty not found. Prisioner of War Records show that he was captured & paroled at Holly Springs Dec. 20, 1862. Reported at B Bks. Mo. Jan 17, 1863. Absent without leave Feb 28/63, Mch. 31/63 & April 30/63 & May 31/63. No record of arrest. No record of other unauthorized absence. No medical record found additional to that furnished in statement dated Mar. 1, 1884 herewith. P.C. Harris, The Adjutant General. Per L. F.C. Form No. 75-1-A.G.O. Ed. Jan 25-19-4,000. L.C.B."
      Report of Board of Review: "3-202. BOARD OF REVIEW. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, BUREAU OF PENSIONS, Washington, D.C. May 1, 1919. No. Claim _ , Cert. No. 270,997. Claimant, _ Soldier, Coleman Duncan. Co. F, 29 Reg't. Ill. Inf. Respectfully, returned to Mr. Albright, Mr. Willey Rev. suggesting that a call be made on the auditor for the War Dept. for report as to pay deducted, covering period of and cause therefor. Let call be made from the Board. Chief, Board of Review, Wm. Melin, R.R. 6-720."
      Letter of Commissioner of Pensions: "Board of Review, Inv. Cert. 270,997, Coleman Duncan, Co. F, 29th Ill. Inf. LBW. May 2, 1919. To the Auditor of the War Department, Treasury Department. Sir: For use in the above entitled claim it is respectfully requested that a statement be furnished to show periods for which deductions of pay were made in this case, and cause of same. Soldier enlisted August 14, 1861, and was discharged August 27, 1864. Very respectfully, G.M. Selzgaber, Commissioner."
      Reply of Auditor: "RPyl 423 Form 3145. CLAIMS AND RECORDS DIVISION. Ed. June 4-17-3,000. INDORSEMENT SLIP. Treasury Department, OFFICE OF THE AUDITOR FOR THE WAR DEPARTMENT. Washington, D.C. May 17, 1919. RESPECTFULLY RETURNED TO THE HON. COMMISSIONER OF PENSIONS. In the case of Coleman Duncan, Co. F, 29th Regiment Illinois Volunteers, pay for 2 months and 13 days was stopped on roll to June 30, 1863, on account of absence without leave from Jan'y 15 to Mch 27, 1863 from which he returned voluntarily. Pay and clothing for six months were also stopped on the muster out roll for reason as follows: "To forfeit all pay and allowances for six months by sentence of Genl. Court Martial approved by Col. B.J. Garrar Comd'g U.S. Forces at Natchez Miss in Genl orders No. 4 Jan. 20, 1864" Same. The records do not show any further loss of pay. J.L. BAITTY, Auditor. By W. 139-484. 7-1636, C. 4.399727. Pension Claim No. 270997 2-2691. (stamps, OFFICE OF AUDITOR For War Department DATE RECEIVED MAY 2, 1919 and MISC. SEC. BD. OF REV. CHIEF DESK MAY 20, 1919.)"
      Request for Pension under Act of May 1, 1920: "DECLARATION FOR PENSION, ACT OF MAY 1, 1920 The Pension Certificate Should Not by Forwarded With the Application. State of Illinois, County of Pope, SS: On this 18th day of September 1920 personally appeared before me, a Notary Public within and for the county and State aforesaid Coleman Duncan, who, being duly sworn according to law, declares that he is 91 years of age, and a resident of near Golconda, county of Pope, State of Illinois; and that he is the identical person who was ENROLLED at Golconda, Illinois, under the name of Coleman Duncan, on the 14th day of August 1861 as a Private, in Co., "F", 29 Regiment of Illinois Infantry in the service of the United States, in the Civil War, and was HONORABLY DISCHARGED at Natchez, Miss., on the 27, day of August 1864. That he also served in none other than what is stated. That his personal description at enlistment was a follows: Height five feet 8 1/2 inches; complexion Dark, color of eyes Blue; color of hair Light; that his occupation was Farmer, that he was born October 1st, 1829 at near Harrisburg, then Gallatin County, Ill. That he requires the regular personal aid and attendance of another person on account of the following disabilities: For increased disability of disease of left leg, chronic diarrhea and resulting piles and resulting disease of rectum, loss of hearing and eye sight to such an extent that it is necessary for a regular personal aid and attendant at all times. Yes I had grand children in the world war, but am not receiving any relief. That since leaving the service he has resided at or near Golconda, Pope County, Ill and his occupation has been that of a farmer. That he has never applied for pension under original No. 270997. That he is pensioner under Certificate No. 270.997. That he makes this declaration for the purpose of being placed on the pension roll of the United States under the provision of the Act of May 1, 1920. (Two attesting and Identifying witnesses{ (1.) Sam Clark (Signature of Witness) Golconda, Ill. (Address of first witness.) (2.) A.H. Floyd (Signature of Witness) Golconda, Ill. (Address of first witness.) Coleman his X mark Duncan (Claimant's signature in full) Golconda, Pope Co., Illinois (Claimant's address in full.) (stamped, PENSION US OFFICE C SEP 21, 1920) Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th day of September A.D. 1820, and I hereby certify that the contents of the above declaration were fully made known and explained to the applicant before swearing, including the words none erased, and the words none, added; and that I have no interest, direct or indirect, in the prosecution of this claim. Larry R. Kerr (Signature) Notary Public (Official character). Golconda, Ill. (Post Office address of officer.) (stamped, Declaration accepted as a claim under Sec. 2, act of May 1, 1920. Chief, Law Div. Per C.J. ACT APPROVED MAY 1, 1920 DECLARATION FOR PENSION. Number 270.997 Claimant COLEMAN DUNCAN Service CIVIL WAR. (stamped, LAW DIVISION RECEIVED SEP 21 1920)."
      Application filed under Act of May 11, 1920: "ACT OF MAY 1, 1920, 3-1647. Act of May 11, 1912. Cert. 270,997. Name, Coleman Duncan. Application filed Sept. 21, 1920. Service, F 29 Ills. Inf. (stamped, AWG FILES RECEIVED OCT 2 1920)."
      Request to Dr. Daniel Lawrence to perform Examination: "MF 47 Inv. Ctf. 270997 Act of May 1, 1920. Medical Division. Name Coleman Duncan Service F 29 Ill. Inf. P.O. Golconda, Illinois. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF PENSIONS WASHINGTON J&DH A.F.H. Board may meet every Wednesday, if necessary. Dr. Daniel Lawrence Golconda Pope Co. Illinois. (stamped, MEDICAL DIVISION NOV 28 1920 SECTION) Sir: The above named applicant has been directed to report to you for examination. He claims pension under Section 2 of the Act of May 1, 1920, which provides: That every person who served ninety days or more in the Army, Navy, or Marine Corps of the United States during the Civil War, and who has been honorably discharged therefrom, or who, having so served less than ninety days, was discharged for a disability incurred in the service and in the line of duty, or is now upon the pension rolls as a Civil War veteran, and every person who served sixty days or more in the War with Mexico, or on the coasts or frontier thereof, or enroute thereto, during the war with that nation, and was honorably discharged discharged therefrom, and who is now or hereafter may become, by reason of age and physical or mental disabilities, helpless or blind, or so nearly helpless or blind as to require the regular personal aid and attendance of another person, shall be entitled to and shall be paid a pension at the rate of $72 per month. He alleges that he requires the regular personal aid and atttendance of another person by reason of impaired vision and senility. Please record the acuity of vision in each eye, after correction with proper glasses. You should examine him for these alleged disabiling causes and for any other physical or mental disabilities, and describe fully conditions found, so that it may be determined from your description whether the regular personal aid and attendance of another person is required by this applicant. Very respectfully, F.D. Byington, Acting Commissioner."
      Request to report for Examination: "Ctf. No. 270997 CLAIMANT'S ORDER 3-338. MEDICAL DIVISION O.V. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, BUREAU OF PENSIONS, WASHINGTON, D.C. Nov. 8, 1920. Mr. Coleman Duncan, Golconda Pope Co. Illinois. (stamped, PENSION US OFFICE NOV 26, 1920) SIR: You are hereby directed to report in person for a medical examination to the Board of Examining Surgeons at Golconda, State, Ill., within three months from date hereof. The board meets at 10 a.m., on Wednesday, at Dr. Lawrence's office; Dr. Daniel Lawrence is the secretary. Notify the board on which of the designated days you will appear for examination, using the inclosed card, which requires no postage. Do not overlook this. It is important. The full board consists of three surgeons; if only two be present when you appear, you may refuse to be examined; but if you consent to be examined by two surgeons, you should sign a certificate on the examination sheet, waiving your right to examination by full board. The secretary will assist you with this certificate. After the examination is made, the secretary or other member of the board, will fill out and sign the statement below, and you should return this slip to this Bureau at once. Respectfully, F.D. BYINGTON, Acting Commissioner. Examination made by Dr. Dixon, Dr. Lawrence and Dr. Absent, members of the board, Nov. 17,1920. Daniel Lawrence, Secretary of Board."
      Increase in Pension: "Increase 3-370. Cert. No. 270997. ACT OF MAY 11, 1912. Claimant, Coleman Duncan P.O. Golconda County, Pope State, Illinois Rank, Private Service, Co. F, 29 Ill. Inf. Rate $72 per month, commencing November 17, 1920. STATE REPRESENTATIVE _ . APPROVAL. Submitted to Med. Div. For Action, Dec. 21, 1920, F.S. Way, Examiner. C.O.M. INVALID DIVISION Approved for INCREASE, SECTION 2, ACT OF MAY 1, 1920. Dec. 21, 1920 G.L. . Approved for $72.00 from November 17, 1920 R.M. Weedin, Medical Examiner J.S.H. Medical Reviewer Dec. 24, 1920. John F. Kewan, Medical Referee. . Pensioned at $50.00 per month, under _. PRESENT CLAIM, ACT OF MAY 11, 1912. Declaration filed Sept. 21, 1920.. Claimant does not wirte. No, M.C."
      Request for Reimbursement Application: "GOLCONDA, ILLINOIS, June 5, 1922. COMMISSIONER OF PENSIONS, Washington, D.C. (stamped, FINANCE DIVISION BUREAU OF PENSIONS JUN 8, 1922) SIR: Will you be kind enough to send me the necessary papers and instructions to file a claim for Reimbursement in the case of COLEMAN DUNCAN, Private Co. F, 29th Ill. Inf. Vol. Civil War, who was pensioned under Certificate No. 270,997, and who died June 2, 1922. Awaiting your early reply, I am Sir Yours Very Respectfully, Mrs. Elizabeth Gullett. Address as above. (stamped, PENSION US OFFICE JUN 7, 1922)."
      Medical Examination: "3-155. CERTIFICATE OF MEDICAL EXAMINATION. Increase Pension Claim No. 270997 Coleman Duncan Company F Reg't 29 Inf. Golconda Pope Co. Ill. Address of Board.{ Golconda P.O. Pope Co. Ill. State. Nov 17, 1920 (Date of examination.) He receives a pension of 50 dollars per month. He makes the following statement in regard to the origin of his disabilities and date when first discovered by him: Impared vision about 20 years ago. Senility has been coming on for several years. Birthplace, Gallatin Co. Ill; age, 92 years; height 5-5. Weight, 120 pounds, complexion, fair; eyes, Blue; color of hair, white; occupation, None; permanent marks and scars other than those described below, a linear scar on insept of right elbow. We hereby certify that upon examination we find the following objective conditions: Pulse rate 80, 84, 88 (Sitting, standing, after exercise); respiration 26, 28, 32 (Sitting, standing, after exercise); temperature 98 1/2. Impaired vision. Total blindness of left eye caused by cataract. Right eye vision is 3-80. Sinality is very marked, his advance age being the cause no vicious habits. This claimant is so totally abd permanently helpless on account of his advanced age and blindness that he requires the regular personal aid and attendance of another person and is entitled to $72 a month. J.W. Dixon, Pres. David Lawrence, Sec'y. Absent, Treas. (SECRETARY'S CERTIFICATION. To be filed and signed when the examination is made by the full board. "I hereby certify that Dr. Dixons, Dr. Lawrence and Dr. Absent, were personally present and actually participated in the examination of Coleman Duncan, the claimant in this case, on the 17 day of November 1920." (Signature) David Lawrence. (CLAIMANT'S WAIVER, to be filled by the member acting as secretary, and signed by the applicant, when the examination is made by two members of the board.) "I, Coleman Duncan, the applicant for (increase) pension referred to in this medical certificate, hereby consent to be examined by Dr. Dixon and Dr. Lawrence, the examining surgeons have present (waiving examination by full board), on this 17 day of November, 1920. Witness to mark{ James Ready Scott, Bromfield, Ill. (Signature of Applicant.) Coleman his X mark Duncan. CERTIFICATE OF MEDICAL EXAMINATION IN CASE OF Coleman Duncan Co. F, Reg't 29 Ill Infty. APPLICANT FOR Increase No. 270997 DATE OF EXAMINATION: Nov. 17, 1920 J.W. Dixon, Pres., Daniel Lawrence, Sec'y, _,Treas.,} BOARD. Post office, Golconda. County, Pope. State, Illinois. (stamped, MEDICAL DIVISION CERTIFICATE SECTION NOV 23, 1920 and PENSION FILES RECEIVED DEC 17 1920)."
      Affidavit of Elizabeth Gullet: "GENERAL AFFIDAVIT, STATE OF Illinois COUNTY OF Pope SS. IN THE CLAIM OF Increase of pension of Coleman Duncan #270.997 On this 18th, day of September A.D. 1920, before me, Notary Public in and for the aforesaid County, duly authorized to administer oaths, personally appeared Bettie A. Gullett aged 50 years, a resident of or near Golconda, in the County of Pope and State of Illinois whose Post Office address is Golconda, Ill. who is well known to me to be respectable and entitled to credit, and who being duly sworn, declare in relation to aforesaid case as follows: I am a daughter of the applicant for pension and have him in our home, and have to conduct him through the house, dress him, carry his slop jar, and attend him at all times. His eye sight is very bad, one eye is entirely gone and the other is very much effected, so much so that he has to be lead. Also his hearing is so much effected that it is with difficult that we get him to understand what is being said to him. It would be very unsafe to leave him to himself at any time, due to the increased disability and loss of eye sight and hearing. Bettie A. Gullett. (stamped, PENSION US OFFICE SEP 21, 1920). Sworn and subscribed to before me, this 18th, day of September A.D. 1920. I certify that said affiants are credible persons, and that I read the foregoing affidavit to them before swearing thereto, including the words for the second witness _ erased, and the words and nothing added. Added, and that I have no interest, direct or indirect, in the prosecution of said claim. Tony R. Kerr (Official Signature) Notary Public (Official Character). Application No. _ Certificate No. 270.997. COLEMAN DUNCAN, GOLCONDA, ILLINOIS. Co. "F", 29 Regt., Ill. Inft., Reg't. _ Vols. BETTIE A. GULLET Relative to INCREASE OF PENSION."
      Affidavit of Dr. Thomas H. Clark: "GENERAL AFFIDAVIT STATE OF Illinois, COUNTY OF Pope SS. IN THE CLAIM OF Increase of Pension of Coleman Duncan #270.997. On this 18 day of Sept. A.D. 1920 before me, a Notary Public in and for the aforesaid County, duly authorized to administer oaths, personally appeared Thomas H. Clark aged 47 years, a resident of Golconda, in the County of Pope and State of Illinois whose Post Office address is Golconda Ill. and _ Who is well known to me to be respectable and entitled to credit, and who being duly sworn, declare in relation to aforesaid case as follows: I have this day examined the above named soldier and find that he is very old and feeble. He states his age at 91 years old. His eye sight is practically gone one eye totally blind the other very poor - Very hard of hearing. Just simply an old senile soldier unable to care for himself and needs constant care and attention of another persons. I have no interest direct or indirect in the prosecution of this claim. Thos. H. Clark, M.D. (stamped, PENSION US OFFICE SEPT 21, 1920) Sworn and subscribed to before me, this 18th day of Sept A.D. 1920. I certify that said affiants are credible persons, and that I read the foregoing affidavit to them before swearing thereto, including the words for the 2nd witnesses erased, and the words no added, and that I have no interest, direct or indirect, in the prosecution of said claim. Tony R. Kerr (Official Signature) Notary Public (Official Character). Application No. _, Certificate No. 270,997. CLAIM OF Coleman Duncan Co. "F", 29 Regt. Sec. Infty Reg't. _ Vols. Affidavit of Dr. Thos. H. Clark (stamped, LAW DIVISION RECEIVED SEP 21 1920) Relative to Increase of Pension."
      Ending Record: "INVALID. Cert. No. 270.997 Name, Coleman Duncan Rank, Priv. Service, Co. F 29th Ill. Inf. DEAD. Agency or Group No.} Roll: Group 1. Issued Dec. 30, 1920. Rate, $72, from Nov. 17 1920. Deductions _ ACT OF MAY 1, 1920. Disability: MJD (stamped, DROPPED JUN 13 1922 Act March 2 1895 Reimbursement due to Mrs. Elizabeth Gullett. McC, Finance Division.)"
      Reimbursement Record: "COLEMAN DUNCAN Pope GOLCONDA ILL. 3- 1081. McB DROP REPORT - PENSIONER DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF PENSIONS. DEAD Inv. Cert. No. 270.997. Soldier Coleman Duncan Service F 29 Ill Inf. Class ACT OF MAY 1 1912 Groyp 1 LAW DIVISION _ DISBURSING DIVISION JUN 23 1922 Check No. 4145632 $216 dated JUL 4 1922 E.E. MILLER Disbursing Clerk. FINANCE DIVISION JUN 13 1922. The name of the above-described pensioner who was last paid at the rate of $72 per month to APR 4 1922 has this day been dropped from the roll because of death June 2, 1922. O.J. Randall, Finance Division. 4563V."

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