Duncans in the Civil War - IL - James Coleman Duncan


Duncan research files of
Mary Ann (Duncan) Dobson
the Genealogy Bug

Last revised November 18, 2004

Duncans in the Civil War - Illinois - James Coleman Duncan; Part 2

Civil War Records, James Coleman Duncan (Researched and transcribed by Garland D. Vinyard, posted with his permission, his comments)
      Pension Application Results: "Increase INVALID PENSION. Claimant, Coleman Duncan. P.O., Golconda. County, Pope. State, Ill. Rank, Pri. Company, F. Regiment, 29 Ill. Vol. RATE, $_ per month, commencing Fee $ none. Disabled by Disease of left leg & Chr. Diarrhea & piles resulting. Submitted Dec 9, 1885, by W.M. Bridge, Examiner. J.E.C. Aproved for REJECTED. DEC 17, 1885 Approved for no increase. John Caufield, Med. Referee. Reviewer. Dec. 12th, 1885 Ken E. Conroy, Med. Rev. Discharged Sept. 1864. Original application filed Aug 28, 1882. Increase application filed Mar. 11, 1885. Certificate surrendered No. Last paid a $8. Pensioned June 30, 1884; from Aug 28, 1882; at $8 per month for dis. as afore. Claims Same."
      Application for increase in Pension: "For an Increase of Invalid Pension. STATE OF Illinois COUNTY OF Pope} SS: On this 21st day of March A.D. 1890, personally appeared before me a Notary Public within and for the County and State aforesaid Coleman Duncan aged 60 years, a resident of the County of Pope State of Illinois who being duly sworn, according to law, deposes as follows, to wit. I am a pensioner of the United States, duly enrolled at the Chicago pension agency, at the rate of $8 dollars per month, by reason of disability incurred in the military service of the United States, while a member of Company "F" of the 29th Regiment of Ills. Infty. Volunteers, and my present physical condition is such that I believe I am entitled to receive an increase of pension. I am pensioned for Disease of left leg, chronic diarrhea and resulting piles. I hereby appoint J.B. Cralle and Co. my lawful attorneys to prosecute and complete my claim for increase of pension, based on scurvy amd jaundice. IT IS WITH FULL POWER OF SUBSTITUTION THAT I HEREBY APPOINT J.B. CRALLE & CO. OF WASHINGTON, D.C., my true and lawful Attorneys to prosecute my claim. My Postoffice address is Golconda County of Pope State of Illinois and the number of my certificate is 240,997. Coleman Duncan [Claimant's Signature.] Also personally appeared AM Coots & James H. Martin residing at Golconda, Ill persons whom I certify to be respectable and entitled to credit, and who being duly sworn say that they were present and saw Coleman Duncan the claimant sign his name (or make his mark) to the foregoing declaration, and that they have every reason to believe from the appearance of the claimant, and from their acquaintance with him, that he is the identical person he represents himself to be, and they have no interest, direct or indirect, in the prosecution of this claim. Signature of Witnesses {A.M. Coots, James H. Martin. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 21st day of March A.D. 1890, and I hereby certify that the contents of the above declaration, etc., were fully made known and explained to the applicant and witnesses before swearing, and that I have no interest, direct or indirect, in the prosecution of this claim. James B. Floyd, Notary Public (Official Character)."
      Increase in Pension: "(3-145.) 270997 Chicago. Increase INVALID PENSION. Claimant, Coleman Duncan, P.O., Golcond. County, Pope. State, Illinois. Rank, Private. Company, F. Regiment 29 Ill. Vol. Inf. Rate, $12 per month, commencing July 23, 1890 & res. piles & res. dis. of rectum Disabled by Dis. of left leg & chr. Diarrhea. RECOGNIZED ATTORNEY: Name: J.B. Cralle & Co. P.O. City. Fee $10.00. APPROVALS: Submitted for Inc. Dec. 9, 1891. Approved for Disease of left leg and Chronic diarrhea and resulting piles. Ruling 97. Dec. 23, 1891 Pratt, Legal Reviewer. Approved for Disease of left leg & chronic diarrhea & resulting piles & resulting disease of rectum 12/18 from July 23, 1890. Richardson, Houston. Dec. 28, 1891. Thos. D. Ingram, Medical Referee. Discharged September 1, 1864. Last paid to $8.00. Pensioned from August 28, 1882, at $8.00, for disease of left leg, chronic diarrhea & resulting piles. Original declaration filed August 28, 1882; alleged disease of left leg, diarrhea & results. Inc. rejected Dec. 17, 1885. PRESENT CLAIM. Declaration filed March 24, 1890. Increase. & Declaration filed March 24, 1890 increase & scurvey - no rate.
      Invalid Claim Increase: "INVALID CLAIM FOR PENSION Completion of Original an INCREASE, scurrvy. Coleman Duncan, Applicant. Pr. Co. F 29th Reg't. Ill. Inft. Volunteers. Certificate No. 270997. FILLED BY J.B. Cralle & Co., Claimant's Attorneys, Cralle Building, 108 C Street, Northwest, WASHINGTON, D.C. (stamped, PENSION US OFFICE MAR 24, 1890) RESULTING DISABILITIES. CHRONIC DIARRHEA may result in disease of kidneys, rheumatism, disease of heart, disease of liver, piles, fistula in ano, general debility, nervous debility, paralysis, consumption, disease of spleen, dyspepeia, disease of stomach, disease of rectum, disease of abdominal viscera, dropsy, asthma, nervous derangement, spinal irritation, disease of lungs, ulceration of bowels and vertigo. RHEUMATISM may result in desease of the heart, paralysis, disease of legs, disease of eye and varicose veins. SUNSTROKE, may result in debility, nervous prostration, mental derangement, vertigo, disease of brain, insanity, disease of spine, deafness, disease of heart, paralysis, disease of eyes and epilepsy. MEASLES may result in disease of lungs, disease of heart, disease of eyes, atrophy of testicles, asthma, bronchitis and chronic otorrhoea. MALARIAL POISIONING may result in disease of liver, disease of spleen, debility, indigestion, disease of heart, disease of kidneys, dropsy, neuralgia, disease of abnomial viscera and derangement of stomach and bowels. ASTHMA may result in disease of lungs, loss of voice, emphysema, dilation of right side of heart and dropsy. TYPHOID FEVER may result in disease of lungs, disease of kidneys, disease of heart, disease of legs, enlargement of legs, debility, neurvous debility, varicose veins, diarhea and derangement of nervous system. GUN-SHOT WOUNDS may result in various disabilities, the character of which depends upon the location of the wound, etc. INJURY OF ABDOMEN may result in spinal irration, disease of stomach, disease of liver, peritonitis and adhesions. INTERMITTENT FEVER may result in disease of lungs, rheumatism, debility and heart disease. DISEASE OF HEART may result in disease of lungs, broncitis, anasarca, paralysis and brain softening. TYPHOID-MALARIAL FEVER may result in affection of head, affection of stomach and debility. FEVER may result in debility, chronic diarrhea, rheumatism, ulcers of leg and deftness. DEAFNESS may result in disease of brain and spinal irritation. SMALL-POX may result in disease of leg and disease of eyes, suppurative otitis, deafness - partial or complete. CATARRH may result in bronchitis, disease of stomach, disease of middle ear, deafness and cerebal abscess. TYPHUS FEVER may result in indigestion, debility, nervous prostration and chronic dysentery. INJURY OF SPINE may result in paralysis, locomotor ataxia, debility, neuralgia, epilepsy, curvature, hip-joint trouble and femoral abscess. VACCINATION may result in loss of use of arm and blood poisoning. DIPHTHERIA may result in paralysis and disease of throat, N.B. - the paralysis of diphtheria is usually transient. VARICOSE VEINS may result in ulcers. SCURVY may result in varicose veins and ulcers. SCIATICA may result in injury to the back or hip. DISEASE OF ABDOMINAL VISCERA may result in disease of rectum. GUN- SHOT WOUND OF HEAD may result in insanity, paralysis, disease of brain, disease of eyes, neuralgia and epilepsy. GUN-SHOT WOUND OF LEG may result in varicose veins, rheumatism and paralysis. INJURY OF HEAD may result in deafness, epilepsy, paralysis and insanity. DISEASE OF LIVER may result in rheumatism, jaudice; often results in pleurisy of right lung. JAUNDICE may result in debility, disease of liver and dropsy. FEVER AND AGUE may result in disease. of spleen. BRAIN FEVER may result in epilepsy. CONCUSSION may result in deafness, disease of brain and spinal irritation. TYPHOID PNEUMONIA may result in disease of lungs and disease of heart. ABSCESS may result in varicose veins. INJURY TO BACK may result in curvature of spine, paralysis. and disease of kidneys. INJURY TO CHEST may result in disease of lungs. PLEURISY may result in pleuritic adhesions, displacement of heart and phthisis. MALARIA may result in intermittent fever. LOSS OF ONE EYE may result in affection of the other. DISEASE OF LUNGS may result in disease of heart."
      Medical Examination: "(3-111.) Attention is invited to the outlines of the human skeleton and figure upon the back of this certificate, and should be used whenever it is possible to indicate precisely the location of a disease or injury, the entrance and exit of a missle, an amputation, &c. The absence of a member from a session of a board and the reason therefor, if known, and the name of the absentee, must be indorsed upon each certificate. (State above whether for original, increase, or restoration) Increase Pension Claim No. 270997. Name and rank of claimant. C. Duncan, Rank, Pri. Company F. 29 Reg't Ills Vol. Claimant's post office address Golconda Ills. [Post-office address of the Board] Golconda Ills State, [Date of Examination] July 23, 1890. We hereby certify that in complaince with the requirements of the law we have carefully examined this applicant, who states that he is suffering from the following disability, incurred in the service, viz: Disease of left leg & chronic diarrhea & resulting piles and the he receives a pension of Eight (8) dollars per month. He makes the following statement upon which he bases his claim for Increase that his rating is not in accordance with his disability. Upon the examination we find the following objective conditions: Pulse rate, 80 respiration, 20; temperature, 99; height, 5 feet 8 inches; weight, 148 pounds; age, 61 years. Here give a full description of the disabilities, in accordance with par. 5, 6, 51, 52 &c. of Book of Instructions for 1889. Tongue broad, brown coat finy edges papella elevated skin sallow lefcleps, Stomach swoolen out showing a great Ridge Above abdomen. Very very sensative to pressure. Abdomen retracted hard tympanitic very sensentive in left ingenial region. Has 2 Int. piles both size 1/2 x 1 Ecconiated & Instable. Sphymetic relaxed & fissured. Hemonhaidar vessels enlarged membrian thickened/ Potches of eshqmond spots on autesim surface. Mussles of whole body soft. Atropshed and decconditimic. Has cecatrix convining whole front of left leg from 3 inches below knew to arch. Evidently caused by leg ulcer. The whole limb from knee to ankle from 1 to 1 1/2 inches length in measurement that the right whole surface of leg hard and indurated painful to prepare. He is, in our opinion, entitled to a 12/18 rating for the disability caused by Ch. Diarrhea resulting, piles 4/18 for that caused by Disease leg and _ for that caused by _. J.B. Young, Pres. H.W. McCeary, Sec'y. M.M. Glass, Treas. SURGEON'S CERTIFICATE IN CASE OF C. Duncan, Prv. Co. F, 29 Reg't Ill Vol. Applicant for Increase No. 270997 DATE OF EXAMINATION: July 23, 1890. J.B. Young, Pres. H.W. McCeary, Sec'y, W.M. Glass, Treas.,} BOARD. Post office, Golecoda County, Pope State, Illinois. (stamped, PENSION U.S. OFFICE, JUL 28, 1890)."
      Medical Examination: "(3-111.) Attention is invited to the outlines of the human skeleton and figure upon the back of this certificate, and should be used whenever it is possible to indicate precisely the location of a disease or injury, the entrance and exit of a missle, an amputation, &c. The absence of a member from a session of a board and the reason therefor, if known, and the name of the absentee, must be indorsed upon each certificate. (State above whether for original, increase, or restoration) Increase Pension Claim No. 270997. Name and rank of claimant. Coleman Duncan, Rank, Priv. Company F. 29 Reg't Ills Vol. Claimant's post office address Golconda Ills. [Post-office address of the Board] Golconda Ills State, [Date of Examination] March 4th, 1891. We hereby certify that in complaince with the requirements of the law we have carefully examined this applicant, who states that he is suffering from the following disability, incurred in the service, viz: Disease of left leg chronic diarrhea resulting piles and scurvy and the he receives a pension of Eight (8) dollars per month. He makes the following statement upon which he bases his claim for Increase that his disability has increased and that his rating has been unduly low. Upon the examination we find the following objective conditions: Pulse rate, 80 respiration, 24; temperature, 98 1/2; height, 5 feet 8 1/2 inches; weight, 140 pounds; age, 61 years. Here give a full description of the disabilities, in accordance with par. 5, 6, 51, 52 &c. of Book of Instructions for 1889. Has large cecarix covering anterior part left leg from 3 inches below knee to ankle. Whole leg a trophead & weakeaked. Hard & Indurdted prefoure causes great pain. Knee joint weak. The above results vasicosis. Tongue fairly ulcerated appearance. Skin shallow cold lefilef cohyrnosis over body under clothing. Stomach greatly distended showing edge like acrop the abdomen very tender to prefoure abdomen. Swolen very sensative in Illiac region, tympauistic right side adbomin. Has 2 Internal piles both _ x 1 inch in size excodid irritable. Has Hemorhodal ulcer size 10 ct. size coin very irritable. Syphmeter relaxed fissured Hemorhodal vessels enlarged & enjoined. Heart sounds distant feeble area dulimp increased. Mild bellows murmer at base dortic insufficiency action irritable & irregular. The above result of Ch. Diarrhea. He is, in our opinion, entitled to a 12/18 rating for the disability caused by Ch. Diarrhea resulting, piles 6/18 for that caused by Disease leg and 4/18 for that caused by heart disease. J.B. Young, Pres. H.W. McCeary, Sec'y. M.M. Glass, Treas. SURGEON'S CERTIFICATE IN CASE OF Coleman Duncan, Prv. Co. F, 29 Reg't Ill Vol. Applicant for Increase No. 270997 DATE OF EXAMINATION: March 4th, 1891. J.B. Young, Pres. H.W. McCeary, Sec'y, W.M. Glass, Treas.} BOARD. Post Office, Golconda. County, Pope. State, Illinois. (stamped, PENSION U.S. OFFICE MAR 9, 1891.)"
      Affidavit of George Shoop: "STATE OF ILLINOIS, POPE COUNTY.} SS. On this day personally appeared before me a Notary Public within and for the County and State aforesaid, George Shoop aged 46 years, whose Post Office address is Golconda Illinois whom I know to be respectable and entitled to credit, and being fully sworn, upon oath declares as follows: That he formed a personal acquaintance with Coleman Duncan on or about the fall of the year 1880, and at that time found him to be suffering with scurvy together with other disabilities; and the affiant further says that he has been personally acquainted with the claimant since which time to the present and knows that he has been a constant sufferer with scurvy ever since, his first acquaintance, which in the opinion of the affiant has disqualified him for the performance of manual labor as much as one fourth his time annually during the above period of time. And that his means of knowing these facts are obtained by being a neighbor all of said time and a part of which time he was a fellow workman and knows the claimants condition and sufferings with said disability and that he has no interest in the prosecution of this claim direct or indirect. George Shoop. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 27th day of March A.D. 1891, and I certify the contents were fully made known to the affiant before he executed the same; and that I have no interest, direct or indirect, in the prosecution of this claim. James B. Floyd, Notary Public. (stamped, PENSION US OFFICE, MAR 31, 1891)."
      Reply of Coleman Duncan to request for medical affidavits: "STATE OF ILLINOIS, POPE COUNTY} SS. On this day personally appeared before me, a Notary Public within and for the County and State aforesaid, Coleman Duncan aged 62 years, who Post Office address is Golconda Illinois whom I know to be respectable and entitled to credit, and being duly sworn, upon oath declares as follows: That he is the claimant in Claim No. 270,997. "F" 29th Ill. Inft. Vol. Inc. and that it is impossible for him to furnish the testimony of any physicians who have treated him for scurvy since date of discharge to the present, on account the death of Dr. Wm. Parsley late of Mitchellsville, Ill. and the death of Dr. S.C. Golden late of Mitchellsville, Ill. and the death of Dr. Sherrod late of Harrisburg Ill. who treated him for said disability from date of discharge to on or about the year 1877. At different and divers times, since which time he has treated himself with such remedies as he might find suited to his condition. And that for that reason he is forced to furnish that of neighbors and fellow workmen as the best obtainable evidence as to his condition and sufferings with said diability during said period of time. Coleman Duncan. SWORN to and subscribed before me, this 28th day of March A.D. 1891, and I certify the contents were fully made known to the affiant before _ he _ executed the same; and that I have no interest, direct or indirect, in the prosecution of this claim. James B. Floyd, Notary Public. GENERAL AFFIDAVIT Client (stamped, PENSION US OFFICE MAR 31, 1891)."
      Affidavit of Lewis C. Conley: "STATE OF ILLINOIS, POPE COUNTY} SS. On this day personally appeared before me a Notary Public within and for the County and State aforesaid Lewis C. Conley aged 49 years, whose Post Office address is Golconda, Illinois who I know to be respectable and entitled to credit, and being duly sworn, upon oath declares as follows: That he has been personally acquainted with Coleman Duncan since on or about the year 1855. And knows that since his discharge from the service of the U.S. to the present time he has been a constant suffer with scurvy which at times were worse than others and at some times he requires medical aid for same, which has disqualified him for performance of manual labor as much as one forth his time annually during the whole period of time above mentioned and that his means of knowing the facts as above set forth had being a neighbor and intimately acquainted with him and frequently seeing him and knowing his condition and sufferings with scurvy. And that he has no interest in the prosecution of this claim direct or indirect. Lewis C. Conley. SWORN to and subscribed before me, this 28th day of March A.D. 1891, and I certify the contents were fully made known to the affiant before he executed the same; and that I have no interest, direct or indirect, in the prosecution of this claim. James B. Floyd, Notary Public. (stamped, PENSION US OFFICE MAR 18, 1891)."
      Affidavit of George B. Harner: "STATE OF ILLINOIS, POPE COUNTY.} SS. . On this day personally appeared before me a Notary Public within and for the County and State aforesaid George B. Harner aged 45 years, whose Post Office address is Lusk, Illinois who I know to be respectable and entitled to credit, and being duly sworn, upon oath declares as follows: That he has been personally acquainted with Coleman Duncan ever since boyhood and knows that since his discharge from the service of the U.S. to the present time he has been a constant sufferer with scurvy at times worse than others which disqualifies him for the performance of manual labor compared with that of an able bodied man aa much as one fourth his time annually from date of his discharge to the present time; and that his means of knowing these facts are by being a near neighbor, and a fellow workman a great portion of said time, and frequently seeing him and knowing his sufferings with said disability; and that he has no interest in this claim and is not in any way concerned in the prosecution of the same whatever. George B. Harner, Dead. SWORN to and subscribed before me, this 25th day of March A.D. 1891, and I certify the contents were fully made known to the affiant before he executed the same; and that I have no interest, direct or indirect, in the prosecution of this claim. James B. Floyd, Notary Public. (stamped, PENSION US OFFICE MAR 18, 1891)."
      Questionaire sent to George Shoop: "W Div. 3-056. W.W.C. Ex'r. hD Ctf. No. 270.994. Coleman Duncan, Co. F, 29 Reg't Ill. Inf. (stamped, PENSION US OFFICE, DEC. 23, 1894) Department of the Interior, BUREAU OF PENSIONS, Washington, D.C., Nov. 27, 1894. SIR: To further aid this Bureau in determining the merits of the above-entitled claim for pension, be kind enough to answer in your own handwriting the following questions, giving more complete details than your affidavit affords. Very respectfully, W. Lochren, Commissioner. Mr. George Shoop, Golconda, Ill. When did you first see claimant after he returned from the Army, and how do you fix the date? Answer: Some time during the year 1880 the precise date not now remembered. Of what disability did he complain, and how was he affected? Answer: Scurvey and complaining of his head. How frequently have you seen him since your first acquaintance? Answer: frequently some times two or three times. If he continued to suffer with such disability, please describe the symptoms which were apparent to you, and state to what extent he has been disabled therefrom for manual labor during each year. Answer: so in my affidavit he is fataly disabled for manual labor. My means of knowing the facts of the case are these? By living a near neighbor to him and frequently seeing him and hearing him complain and seeing him sufferings. Very respectfully, George Shoop. COMMISSIONER OF PENSIONS, Washington, D.C."
      Questionaire sent to George B. Harner: "W Div. 3-056. W.W.C. Ex'r. hD Ctf. No. 270.994. Coleman Duncan, Co. F, 29 Reg't Ill. Inf. (stamped, PENSION US OFFICE, DEC. 22, 1894) Department of the Interior, BUREAU OF PENSIONS, Washington, D.C., Nov. 27, 1894. SIR: To further aid this Bureau in determining the merits of the above-entitled claim for pension, be kind enough to answer in your own handwriting the following questions, giving more complete details than your affidavit affords. Very respectfully, W. Lochren, Commissioner. Mr. George B. Harner, Lusk, Ill. Blanchard Ill. 12/19/94 G.B. Harner Died Nov 12th 1891, done by request of his widow, W.D.S. Piett." [returned blank].
      Pension Record: "(3-217.) INCREASE. Claim to Mc & Re- Rating. Ctf. No. 270-997. Coleman Duncan. P.O. Golconda. County, Pope. State, Ills. Application filed, Mar 25, 1890. State Service: Co F, 29th Ills. Inf. Exordered Golconda Bd. June 27/90 Pope Co. to Attys. Tely 13/91. Atty. Ex. Golconda, Ill. & 11 & 12 Cont. Scurvy & Hon. Geo W. Smith Stat. Dec 9/91. Bd. Rev. for dec. & attys X. Golconda Ills on Scurvy shz 3/98. Md. Res. & Hon. Geo. W. Smith status. Disability, Orig & Adal. Attorney, J.B. Cralle & Co. P.O., Washington County, D.C., State (over) Jany 26/97 Client lay coutin of rheu. Nov 27/94 Client X Golconda, Ill. & (2) when, where. Shooh & Harner & P.M. their credit May 9/96 Attys. C. Ex. Golconda, Ill. Client (1&2) continue of then."
      Request for Examination: "3-536. Board of Rev. Division. Department of the Interior, BUREAU OF PENSIONS. Washington, April 5, 1898 Ctf. No. 270997 Claimant, _ Soldier, Coleman Duncan Co. F, 29 Reg't Ills. Vol. Inf. Respectfully referred to the MEDICAL REFEREE, with the request that he state - whether claimant has been ratably disabled under the general law by reason of rheumatism and scurvy independent of the rate given for disease of left leg. Special Examination contemplated. J.H. Bell, Rev."
      Reccommendation of J.H. Bell on pension update: "3-428. Medical Division, BURREAU OF PENSIONS, Washington, D.C. April 8, 1898. No. Claim 270997. Claimant, Coleman Duncan. Soldier _ Co. F, 29 Reg't. Vol. Ill. Inft. Respectfully returned to Chf. Bd. Rev. mth. The opinion in reply to his slips made date April 5, 1898, that rheumatism has not been shown in a ratable degree since date of filling claim, and a mth. the additional opinion that scurvy is not shown in defendant of the rate allowed for disease of left leg. W.S. Bell, Acting, Medical Examiner. Approved: HU. F.J. Raub, Medical Referee."
      Reissue of Pension: "(3-146.) INVALID PENSION. REISSUE TO ALLOW ADDITIONAL DISABILITY. Pensioner, Coleman Duncan Ctf. 270997 W. Div. P.O. Golconda. County, Pope. State, Illinois. Rank, Pt. Company, F. Regiment, 29 Ill. Vol. Inf. RECOGNIZED ATTORNEY. Name, J.B. Cralle & Co. P.O. City. Fee $_; Agent REJECTED May 3, 1898 to pay. Articles filed _, 18_. APPROVALS. Approved for as pensioned and for rheumatism and scurvy. Submitted April 2, 1898; Cheshire Examiner. Approved for disease of left leg. Chronic diarrhea and resulting piles and resulting disease of rectum. (old No. increase pending - Reject rheumatism, no disability since filing and scurvy no disability and defendant of rate aledged for his left leg, both subject to approval of me or Ref. Former rejection of jaundice adhered to. April 14, 1898, J.H. Bill, Reviewer. Approved for disease of left leg. Chronic diarrhea and resulting piles and resulting disease of rectum 12/10. No increase claim pending. Reject rheumatism. No disability since filing & scurvy no disability independent of inj. for disease of left leg. Clemood, Med. Ex'r, Lams, Med. Reviewer. Apr. 22nd, 1898, R.J. Raub, Med Referee. HISTORY OF CLAIMS AND FORMER ACTION. Enlisted Aug 14, 1861. Discharged Sept. 1st to date Aug 27, 1864. Last paid to _, at $12.00. Pensioned from August 28, 1887, at $8.00, for desease of left leg, chronic diarrhea & resulting piles. Inc. to $12.00 from July 23, 1890. Inc. rejected Dec. 17, 1885. Jaundice rejected June 26, 1884. Original declaration filed August 28, 1882; alleged injury left leg, janudice and chronic diarrhea and rheumatism. Declaration filed March 11, 1885; alleged Increase. PRESENT CLAIM. Declaration filed Mch. 24, 1890. Alleged Inc. jaundice and scurvy. Declaration filed Aug. 28, 1882 alleged rheumatism. Urite. M.C. Hon. Geo. W. Smith."
      Medical Examination: "(3-111.) Attention is invited to the outlines of the human skeleton and figure upon the back of this certificate, and should be used whenever it is possible to indicate precisely the location of a disease or injury, the entrance and exit of a missle, an amputation, &c. The absence of a member from a session of a board and the reason therefor, if known, and the name of the absentee, must be indorsed upon each certificate. (State above whether for original, increase, or restoration) Inc. Pension Claim No. 270997. Name and rank of claimant. Coleman Duncan, Rank, Private Company F. 29 Reg't Ills Inft. Claimant's post office address Golconda Ill. [Post-office address of the Board] Golconda Ills State, [Date of Examination] Dec. 19th, 1894. We hereby certify that in complaince with the requirements of the law we have carefully examined this applicant, who states that he is suffering from the following disability, incurred in the service, viz: Disease of left leg chronic diarrhea piles and disease of rectum, scurvy & jaundice and that he receives a pension of $12.00 dollars per month. He makes the following statement upon which he bases his claim for Inc. Results of scurvy. Upon the examination we find the following objective conditions: Pulse rate, 72 respiration, 19; temperature, 98; height, 5 feet 7 1/2 inches; weight, 150 pounds; age, 65 years. No Emanciation some debilete skin shallow, rather jaundiced tongue. Soft flabby stomach slight tenderness on pressure. Loin slightly enlarged spleen slightly enlarged. Rectum arc small pile 1/4 x 1/4. Extensive ulceration bleeds very easily and very tender. Hemoroidal muscles not enlarged. Scaron left leg extending middle of upper third of leg to ? 2 inches of nuckle joint and about 2 inches wide in ? also one scar on upper third of calf of leg _ in x _ in. adherent some loss of tissue. Some conveness superficial veins varicazed some probable cause first injury thus various vicus progressing. Varicous vein is a branch of internal sapenins vien extended, down side of tibia size 1/4 in diameter, no tendency to rupture or uleceration. No evidence of jaundice except the slight discoloration of skin. Since scurvy averred lower incision teeth. No vicious habits. He is, in our opinion, entitled to a rating for the disability caused by _ except as above stated all organs made. Jim Ready, Pres. John R. Smith, Sec'y. Dr. J. Hart, Treas. (stamped, PENSION US OFFICE DEC. 24, 1894), SURGEON'S CERTIFICATE IN CASE OF Coleman Duncan Co. F, 29 Reg't, Ill. Inft. Applicant for Inc. No. 270997 DATE OF EXAMINATION: December 19th, 1894. Jas. Ready, cty., Pres., John R. Smith, Sec'y, Dr. J. Hart, Treas.} BOARD. Post office, Golconda. County, Pope. State, Illinois."
      Medical Examination: "(3-111.) Attention is invited to the outlines of the human skeleton and figure upon the back of this certificate, and should be used whenever it is possible to indicate precisely the location of a disease or injury, the entrance and exit of a missle, an amputation, &c. The absence of a member from a session of a board and the reason therefor, if known, and the name of the absentee, must be indorsed upon each certificate. (State above whether for original, increase, or restoration) Increase. Pension Claim No. 270997. Name and rank of claimant. Coleman Duncan, Rank, Private Company F. 29 Reg't Ills Inft. Claimant's post office address Golconda Ill. [Post-office address of the Board] Golconda Ills State, [Date of Examination] May 27th, 1896. We hereby certify that in complaince with the requirements of the law we have carefully examined this applicant, who states that he is suffering from the following disability, incurred in the service, viz: Disease of left leg Chronic diarrhea piles and disease of rectum, scurvy & jaundice and that he receives a pension of $12.00 dollars per month. He makes the following statement upon which he bases his claim for Inc. Results of scurvy and jaundice. Upon the examination we find the following objective conditions: Pulse rate, 72, 84, 96; respiration, 20; temperature, 98 1/2; height, 5 feet 7 1/2 inches; weight, 156 pounds: age, 66, years. Scar in left leg, wxtending from upper third of leg to ankle about 2 or 3 inches wide in front. Also one scar on upper third of leg _ in. diameter - adherent. Some loss of tissue, some lameness. Some of superficial veins varicesed size 1/4 in largest. ? injury - no tendancy to ulceration or rupture. Rheumatism in shoulder joints some verybuess in both joints. Muscles tendous normal. Heart very feeble action no valvular lesions. Jaundice slight cause can disease of liver. Scurvy no evidence except bad teeth. Chronic diarrhea no emaciation some debility. Skin jaundiced. Tongue pale and flaby. Stomach normal. Liver enlarged. Spleen normal. Rectum 1 extended pile 1/4 x 1/2 in. not conjested. Some 5 or 6 ulcers, nothing deep very sensative. Applicant states that at times he has considerable flow of blood from piles in ulcers. No vicious habits. Except as stated all organs normal. Rating 7/18 Also Diarrhea resulting piles & ulcerated rectum 5/12. Dis. Leg 2/18. Scurvy 1/18 Jaundice 3/8 Rheumatism. James Ready, Pres. John B. Smith, Sec'y. W.J. Hart, Treas. (stamped, PENSION US OFFICE JUN 1, 1896) SURGEON'S CERTIFICATE IN CASE OF Coleman Duncan, Co. F, 29 Reg't Ill. Vol. Inft. Applicant for Inc. No. 270997. DATE OF EXAMINATION: May 27th, 1896 James Ready, Pres., John B. Smith, Sec'y, W.J. Hart, Treas.,} BOARD. Post office, Golconda. County, Pope. State, Ill."
      Affidavit of Lewis Conley: "GENERAL AFFIDAVIT. State of Illinois. County of Pope SS. In the matter of Coleman Duncan Pr. "F" 29th Ill. Inft. Vol. Cr. 270,997 Increase Pension. Personally came before me, a Notary Public in and for aforesaid County and State Lewis C. Conley aged 54 years, whose Post Office address is Golconda citizen of the County of Pope and State of Illinois well known to me to be reputable and entitled to credit, and who being duly sworn, declares in relation to said case, as follows, to wit: That he had been personally acquainted with the claimant since the war and before the war, and personally knows that since his discharge from the service he has been a constant sufferer with Rheumatism at times worse than others, which at times has been so servere as to disqualify him for the performance of any manual labor and which was so severe as to confine him to his bed and room and that his means of knowing these facts are by living as a neighbor to the claimant and being with him frequently ever since discharge from the service to the present. And heard his complaints and seen him suffering with the aforesaid Rheumatism together with other disabilities. And that he was present in person and dictated the substance of this affidavit to the Notary as by him written down at Golconda Illinois this day and that he was not aided by the help of any prewritten or printed memorandum in making the same. And he further declares that he has not interest in said case, and is not concerned in its prosecution. Lewis C. Conley, Signature of Affiant. Subscribed and sworn to before me this day by the above affiant, and I certify that I read said affidavit to said affiant, and acquainted him with its contents before he executed the same. I further certify that I am in no wise interested in said case, nor am I concerned in its prosecution. Witness my hand and official seal, this 13th day of February 1897. (Signature) James B. Floyd. (Official Character) Notary Public. AFFIDAVIT OF Lewis B. Conley P.O. Golenda, Ill. In the Claim of Coleman Duncan No. _, Co. F, 29 Reg't Ills. Vols. War of _ (stamped, PENSION US OFFICE MAR 12, 1897) FILED BY J.B. Cralle & Co. CLAIM AGENT, Washington, DC."
      Request for increase in Pension: "Declaration for the Increase of an Invalid Pension. State of Illinois, County of Pope, SS: ON THIS 7 day of March A.D. one thousand nine hundred and six personally appeared before me, the undersigned, duly authorized to administer oaths within and for the County and State aforesaid, Coleman Duncan age 76 years, who, being duly sworn according to law, declares that he is a pensioner of the United States, duly enrolled at the Chicago agency at the rate of $12 dollars per month, under Pension Certificate No. 270,997 by reason of disability resulting from disease of left leg chronic diarrhea and piles resulting disease of rectum incurred in the military service of the United States, while serving as a Prvt in Company F of the 29 Regiment of Illinois Infty Volunteers, war of 1861-5. That he believes himself entitled to an increase of pension on account of said disability constantly growing worse and is totally disabled for manual labor and that he preys in order for medical examination. (stamped, PENSION US OFFICE MAR 14, 1906) That he hereby appoints none, with the full power of substitution and revocation his true and lawful attorney, to prosecute his said claim. His Post Office address is Golconda County of Pope State of Illinois. Coleman Duncan. Also appeared Frank D. Thomas residing at Golconda, Ill., and John F. Hambirg residing at Golconda, Ill, persons whom I certify to be respectable and entitled to credit, who, being by me duly sworn, say that they were present and saw Coleman Duncan, the claimant, sign his name to the foregoing declaration: that they have every reason to believe from the appearance of said claimant and their acquaintance with him that he is the identical person he represents himself to be; and that they have no interest in the prosecution of this claim direct or indirect. Frank D. Thomas, John F. Hambirg. Sworn to and subscribed before me, on this 7 day of March, 1906 and I hereby certify that the contents of the above declaration, &c. were fully made known and explained to the applicant and witnesses before swearing, including the words _ erased, and the words _ added; and that I have no interest, direct or indirect in the prosecution of this claim. [L.S.] Wm. F. Ross, Notary Public Golconda Ill. (stamped, Validy accepted S.A. Cuddy, Chief, Law Division per HFW 3-15. I CF Certificate No. 270,997. INVALID, APPLICATION FOR INCREASE OF PENSION, Coleman Duncan Co. F, 29 Reg't, Illinois Infty. Vols. War of 1861-5. P.O. Address Golconda, Pope Co., Ill. FILED BY Claimant, Golconda, Ill. (stamped, RECORD DIVISION MAR 15, 1906 and LAW DIV ON RECEIVED MAR 14, 1906)."
      Rejection for Increase: "3-427. Western Division. M.M.J., Ex'r. JBG Certificate No. 270997 Coleman Duncan F Rg. Illinois Inf. Department of the Interior, BUREAU OF PENSIONS, Washington, D.C., May 22, 1906. Sir: You are informed that the above-entitled claim for increase of pension under the general law is rejected on the ground that the evidence on file shows that a rate of pension in excess of $12 per month is not warranted by the degree of diability from pension causes disease of left leg, chronic diarrhea and resulting piles and resulting disease of rectum. Very respectfully V. Warner, Commissioner. Coleman Duncan, Golconda, Illinois."
      Notice of Appeal: "Notice of Appealing. State of Illinois County of Pope, Golconda Ill. May 30, 1906. Hon. Assistant Secretary by the Rates of Practice before the Pension Bureau Article (2) in the Pension Claim of Coleman Duncan. No 270,797 late Prvt. Of Co. F 29th Regt. Ill. Infty Vol. War of 1861-5 in Pension at $12 per month on account of disease of left leg, chronic diarrhea, piles and disease of rectum. The injury to the left leg is very marked with cycatrictses viracose veins causing constant soarness and pain, as to chronic diarrhea he is disabilitated by keeping his blood thin. Breaks him of Rest at Night then it will conteract them costiveness is severe. Requires Medical aid to regulate it - Piles or Prolapsis and is severe at times they drop out to the extreme is compelled to press them back. As to disease of Rectum press and Hermerose is a frequent occurance. Claimant further states that he filed declaration for increase of pension some time ago was examined on or about May 20, 1906 and received notice dated May 22nd 1906 that his pension claim for increase of pension was rejected by the Hon. Commissioner of Pensions and that he appeals to the Hon. Assistant Secretary of the Interior at Washington, D.C. for a more favorable decission in his claim for increase of pension preying on early decission and that his Post Office Address is Golcond Ill. Coleman Duncan. Copy of Rejection here with Enclosed}. Coleman Duncan (stamped, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR RECEIVED JUN 1, 1906, Board of Pension Appeals.)"
      Decision: "May 22/06 by Clmt. Notified NumJ. (stamped, JUN 22, 1906 To the Secretary, DECISION TO APPELLANT, AUG 4 1906. (3-230.) LID, (Series_) Cert. No. 270,997 Name, Coleman Duncan. Rank, Pvt.; Service Co. "F" 29 Ill. Vols. Inf. Agency.{ Original Roll: Chicago. Transf'd . 1 Issue. Class Inc. 1 Issue Class Original. Entered Feb 810. Issued June 30, 1884 Mailed July 14, 1884. Rate and Period, $8, from Aug. 28, 1884. Deductions:_ Disability: Disease of left leg and chr. Diarrhea and resulting piles. Issued Jan 5, 1892 Mailed 12, 1892. Rate and Period, $12, from July 23, 1890. Deductions: _ Disability: Disc. Of left leg & chr. Diarrhea & res. piles & res. dis of rectum. INDORSEMENTS. Dec. 28/85 Inery: Cls. V. May 3, 1898 - Reissue to allow additional disability (rheumatism) rejected on ground of no permissable disability since August 28, 1892, date of filing claim. Alleged scurvy rejected on ground of no disability independent of rate allowed for disease of left leg. Former rejection of jauntice (June 26, 1894) is added to. Claims made for Joseph W. Smith and attorneys, J.B. Cralle."
      Rejected Increase in Pension: "Chicago, 3-355. Certificate No. 275,997. Increase INVALID PENSION. Claimant, Coleman Duncan. P.O. Golconda County, Pope State, Illinois Rank, Private Company, F Regiment, 29 Illinois Vol. Inf. Rate _ Western. Pensioned for Disease of left leg, chronic diarrhea and resulting piles and resulting disease of rectum. RECOGNIZED ATTORNEY None, Fee $2; Agent to pay REJECTED May 22/06 NeMJ APPROVALS Submitted for May 21, 1906. Approved for Disease of left leg, chronic diarrhea and resulting piles and resulting disease of rectum May 15, 1906 Nef. Hurter, Asst. Legal Reviewer. M.M. Johnson, Examiner. Approved for disease of left leg, chronic diarrhea and resulting piles and resulting disease of rectum. 12/18 no increase. Gilchrist, Medical Examiner. J.F. Collins, Medical Reviewer. May 17, 1906 Sam Houston, Medical Referee. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1861 Discharged Aug. 27, 1864 Last paid to _ Pensioned at $12 per month for disease of left leg, chronic diarrhea and resulting piles and resulting disease of rectum. PRESENT CLAIM. Declaration filed March 14, 1906 Alleges increase of prensioned causes. Claimant does write. No, M.C."
      Letter of Department of the Interior to the Commissioner of Pensions: "Letter of Department of the Interior to the Commissioner of Pensions: "E.R.G. COM EWW J.M.B. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, WASHINGTON. JUL 31, 1906. Certificate No. 270,997, Coleman Duncan, Co. F, 29th Ill. Inf.} Docket No. 109,051, Appeal Dismissed. INCREASE - GENERAL LAW. The Commissioner of Pensions, Sir:-- Coleman Duncan, the claimant in the above entitled case, is now a pensioner under the general law at $12 per month, on account of disease of left leg, chronic diarrhoea and resulting piles and resulting disease of rectum. March 14, 1906, he applied for increase and his claim was rejected May 22nd following. From that action he appealed June 1, 1906. In your report on the appeal, June 22, 1906, you state that the action appealed from is not adhered to and invite attention to an opinion by the medical referee in which it is stated that if the claim be resubmitted increase will be allowed to $17 per month. The Department concedes that your proposition to allow increase to $17 per month fairly meets the requirements of the evidence and is a high a rate as the claimant is now entitled to. Therefore, nothing further remains to be considered. For this reason the appeal is dismissed and the papers are returned herewith. Very respectfully, Jesse E. Wilson, Assistant Secretary. A.J. PM DISMISSED (stamped, Board of Review AUG 8, 1906), D SPECIAL."
      Brief for re-opening pension increase request: "Western DIVISION. 3-368. Cert. No. 270,997 BRIEF FOR REOPENING. Claimant, Coleman Duncan. P.O. Golconda County, Pope State, Illinois Rank, Private Company, F Regiment, 29 Illinois Vol. Inf. Attorney _ P.O. _, Claim under act of July 14, 1862 filed Mar. 14, 1906 rejected May 22, 1906 on the ground that of no increase of disability from pensioned cause. Evidence indicated below, filed since above rejection is deemed sufficient to warrant reopening of claim. The letter of Medical Referee dated June 20, 1906, and decision of Hon. Asst. Secretary of Interior, dated July 31, 1906 attached to brief. Aug. 7, 1906, James Mathews, Examiner. Aug. 7, 1906 F.A. Manfield, Chief of Division."
      Request for increase in Pension: "Declaration for the Increase of an Invalid Pension. State of Illinois, County of Pope, SS: ON THIS 11 day of August A.D. one thousand nine hundred and six personally appeared before me, the undersigned, duly authorized to administer oaths within and for the County and State aforesaid, Coleman Duncan age 76 years, who, being duly sworn according to law, declares that he is a pensioner of the United States, duly enrolled at the Chicago agency at the rate of $12 dollars per month, under Pension Certificate No. 270,997 by reason of disability resulting from disease of left leg chronic diarrhea and piles resulting disease of rectum incurred in the military service of the United States, while serving as a Prvt in Company F of the 29 Regiment of Ill. Infty Volunteers, war of 1861-5. That he believes himself entitled to an increase of pension on account of that a third Grade on account of said disabiliting resulting in total disability to perform manual labor and that his occupation is that of a Farmer. That he believes himself justly entitled to a Third Grade Pension on increase of said Disabilities (stamped, PENSION US OFFICE AUG 13, 1906) That he hereby appoints none, with the full power of substitution and revocation his true and lawful attorney, to prosecute his said claim. His Post Office address is Golconda County of Pope State of Illinois. Coleman Duncan. Also personally appeared Garrett Crank residing at Golconda, Ill, and O.G. Harmon residing at Golconda Ill., persons whom I certify to be respectable and entitled to credit, who, being by me duly sworn, say that they were present and saw Coleman Duncan, the claimant, sign his name to the foregoing declaration; that they have every reason to believe from the appearance of said claimant and their acquaintance with him that he is the identical person he represents himself to be; and that they have no interest in the prosecution of this claim direct or indirect. Garrett Crank, O.G. Harmon. Sworn to and subscribed before me, on this 11 day of August 1906 and I hereby certify that the contents of the above declaration, etc., were fully made know and explained to the applicant and witnesses before swearing, including the words _, erased, and the words added; and that I have no interest, direct or indirect, in the prosecution of this claim. [L.S.] W.F. Ross, Notary Public, Golconda, Ill. (stamped, Validity accepted, S.A. Cuddy, Chief, Law Division, per G.A.W. 8-15) Certificate No. 270997 0 INVALID APPLICATION FOR Increase of Pension, Coleman Duncan Co. F, 29 Reg't Ill Infty. Vols. War 1861-4, P.O. Address Golconda, Pope Co., Ill. (stamped, LAW DIVISION RECEIVED AUG 15, 1906 and RECORD DIVISION AUG 16, 1906) FILED BY Claimant, Golconda, Ill."
      Medical Exam: "3-155. SURGEON'S CERTIFICATE. Increase Pension Claim No. 270997, Coleman Duncan, Company F 29 Reg't Ill Inf. Claimant's post-office address Golconda, Ill. Address of Board { Golconda P.O. Illinois State. May 2, 1906 (Date of Examination). Disease of left leg and chronic diarrhea and resulting piles and resulting in disease of rectum. He receives a pension of 12 dollars per month. He makes the following statement in regard to the origin of his disabilities and date when first discovered by him Injury to left leg - 1861 at Camp Butler, Ill. Chronic diarrhea at Cairo 1861. Piles and disease of rectum 1863 at Vicksburg. Birthplace Gallatin Co., Ill.; age 76 years; height, 5 -8, weight, 136 pounds; complexion, fair; color of eyes, blue; color of hair D. Brown and grey; occupation, Farmer; permanent marks and scars other than those described below scar on inside of right arm in front of obennon process. We hereby certify that upon examination we find the following objective conditions: Pulse rate, 72 - 75 - 84 [Sitting, standing, after exercise]; respiration, 18 - 24 - 24 [Sitting, standing, after exercise]; temperature, 98 1/5. Disease of left leg, Scar on front of tibia beginning at middle and extending and inworked to internal malfeolus, about 1 1/2 in. wide, dark and glistening adherent to crest of tibia, slightly sensative. Vericose veins are seen from inside of foot and ankle up leg to about middle of leg. Tongue broad and angrimic slightly coated, unindented by teeth. Stomach, swollen, hard and tender. No dyspepeia. Liver area of dullness begins 2 1/2 in below nipple and extends 2 in below rife and within plain of mediain line. Not sensative. Spleen normal. Abdomin swollen tempantic not sensative Rectum. Anus relaxed exconated sphynctn relaxed, on external tumor 1/4 x 1/2 in. No internal tumors, but membrane very much inflamed and ulcerated. Heart apex best 3 in. below and on nipple line both seen and felt. 1st sound prolonged and a slight murmur & I sound feeble, otherwise normal. Ordema of feet. Kidney's, urine acid, straw color, shg. 102, no albumin or sugar or pus. Lungs, Healthy, nothing abnormal found. No vicious habits. No other disability found. Rate: Injury to left leg 17/18. Chr. Diarrhea & resulting piles and disease of rectum 17/18. David Lawrence, Pres. H.W. McCery, Sec'y. E.S. Barger, Treas. (This certificate to be filled in and signed by the secretary when the full board is present.) "I hereby certify that Dr. Lawrence, Dr. McCery, and Dr. Barger, were personally present and actually participated in the examination of Coleman Duncan, the claimant in this case, on 2nd day of May, 1906. (Signature.) H.W. McCery. . (stamped, PENSION US OFFICE MAY 5, 1906) SURGEON'S CERTIFICATE IN THE CASE OF Coleman Duncan Co. F 29 Reg't Ill. Inf. APPLICANT FOR INCREASE No. 270997. DATE OF EXAMINATION, May 2, 1906. David Lawrence, Pres. H.W. McCery, Sec'y. E.H. Barger, Treas.,} BOARD Post office, Golconda County, Pope State, Ill."

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