Duncan research files of |
1850 Page Co. IA Census
Pg.3, #254-254, Elizabeth DUNCAN 56 PA (blank) $0
Ann 29 KY
Daniel 21, William 14 MO
(MAD: John Duncan mar. Elizabeth Wayne 6/24/1813 or 7/5/1813 Bourbon Co. KY; then to Callaway MO, d.1847 Nodaway Co. MO per Mimi Stang; Daniel Duncan mar. Margaret Dillin 11/16/1851 Nodaway Co. MO)
Pg.3, #255-255, John DUNCAN 25 MO farmer $0
Margaret 22 KY
Henry 5, Thomas 4 MO
Mary 1, Jaeh (m) 15/365 IA
(MAD: John W. Duncan mar. Peggy Miller 2/3/1844 or 2/13/1844 Buchanan Co. MO)
Pg.5, #294-294, Alex DUNCAN 24 MO farmer $0
Jane 19 MO
Debby (f) 10 MO (MAD: age not 10/12)
(MAD: Alexander Duncan mar. Mary Jane Dillin 1849 Nodaway Co. MO; 1860 Taylor Co. IA)
1860 Page Co. IA Census
Parker Twp.
Pg.977, #501-501, Robert M. DUNCAN 31 OH farmer $1000-$600
Mary A. 36 PA
Jane E. 3, John W. 1 IA
(MAD: ? 1850 Carroll or Guernsey Co. OH census ?)
Buchanan Twp.
Pg.1015, #777-777, Elizabeth DUNCAN 65 KY widow & farmer $1200-$500
Anna 40 VA
William 25 MO farmer
Pg.1015, #778-778, Danl. DUNCAN 32 MO farmer $1300-$600
Margarett E. 25 MO
John T. 7, Nancy E. 5 IA
Wm? e?. (m) 3, Wilburn P. (m) 3 IA
Washington 9/12 IA
Pg.1015, #780-780, John W. DUNCAN 35 MO farmer $800-$600
Margarett 33 KY
Henry M. 15, Thos. W. 14, Mary E. 11 IA
Alvin BISBEE? (m) 16 ME
Jacob M. DUNCAN 10 IA
James G. 8, Osena A. (f) 4 IA
Margarett J. 3? IA
(MAD: Henry in 1870 Taylor Co. IA census)
1870 Page Co. IA Census
Buchanan Twp.
Pg.395, #754-754, NASH, James 33 NY farmer $8000-$1500
Martha? J. 35 NY keeping house
Eva P. (f) 11 MO
Alice R. 8, Frank B. 4, Floyd A. 1 IA
CLAYTON, Vincent (m) 17 OH farm hand
DUNCAN, Dan 17 IA farm hand
MURPHY, William 17 IN farm hand
HENRY, William 18 MI farm hand
McWRIGHT, Agnes 20 WI domestic servant
Pg.395, also indexed David? Duncan this page, none found
Pg.397, #732-732, DUNCAN, John 46 MO farmer $2160-1500
Margret 45 KY keeping house
Thomas 24, Jacob 20 IA farm hands
Anriner A. (f) 15, Margret J. 12 IA
Martha G. 5, Sidiner (f) 3 IA
Elisabeth 76 PA retired housekeeper
Ann 50 KY retired
Pg.397, #733-733, DUNCAN, Daniel 42 MO farmer $2100-$1500
John L. 16, Nancy E. 15 IA
Wilber P. 12, William 12, Washington 10 IA
?Charles? (faint) (m) 6 IA
Ader (f) 4 IA
(Kathy Cawley: see George W. Duncan in 1900 Atchison Co. MO, 1910 Taylor Co. IA census)
Nodaway Twp. (faint page)
Pg.464, #95-94, DUNCAN, J.T. (m) 68 PA stonemason ?$1300-?$100
M.A. (f) 43 OH keeping house
J.E. (f) 12, J.W. (m) 10 IA
P?.A. (m) 8 IA (faint)
Washington Twp.
Pg.509, #1344-1344, BRATLON, Andrew 37 OH farmer $4000-$1500
Mary 36 OH keeping house
BRAY, Thomas 25 IL farmer $0-$600
DUNCAN, Bell (f) 32 PA milliner $0-$0
1920 Census, Grant Township, Shenandoah City, Page County, Iowa (from Kathy Cawley 7/2005)
S.D.# 8, E.D.# 106, Page # 102B, Image 14 of 24
116 East Summit? Avenue
DUNCAN, George W., Head, Owns/mortgaged, m/w, age 59, IA./MO./MO. Commercial Trade/mov?I??T
Adna J., Wife, f/w, age 57, IA./OH./MO.
Herman L., m/w, age 19, Single, MO./IA./IA., Solicitor/World Printing Co.
Elmer L., Son, m/w, age 13, Attends School, IA./IA./IA.
Nancy E., Sister, f/w, age 64, Single, IA./MO./MO.
(Kathy Cawley: 1850-1870 Page Co. IA, 1900 Atchison Co. MO, 1910 Taylor Co. IA)
Pension Index Card File, alphabetical; of the Veterans Administrative Contact and Administration Services, Admin. Operations Services, 1861-1934; Duff to A-J Duncan (negative FHL film 540,888, some cards very faint); Joseph Duncan to Dunn (positive FHL film 540,889, some cards very dark)
Cataloged under Civil War, 1861-1865, pensions, indexes; does not say if Confederate or Federal, but probably Federal. Negative film, some cards much too faint or dark to read, some cards blurred or faded, particularly the service unit and the dates of application. Most of the very faint or dark cards were in a slightly different format, with space for years enlisted and discharged which were sometimes filled in. Many of these were for service in later years, although one or two were for service ca 1866.
Name of soldier, alias, name of dependent widow or minor, service (military unit or units), date of filing, class (invalid or widow or minor or other), Application #, Certificate #, state from which filed (sometimes blank), attorney (sometimes blank, MAD: did not usually copy), remarks. Sometimes the "Invalid" or "Widow" class had an "s" added to it before the application #; occasionally the area for the service information included a circled "S". The minor's name was frequently that of the guardian rather than the minor.
The military unit was frequently the Company Letter, the Regiment Number, sometimes US Vet Vol Inf. (US Veteran Volunteer Infantry), L.A. (Light Artillery), H.A. (Heavy Artillery), US C Inf (US Colored? Infantry), Cav. (Cavalry), Mil. Guards, V.R.C. (?Volunteer Reserve Corps?), etc. Sometimes there were several service units given.
Cards appear to be arranged by the last name, first name, middle initial if any, and state (including "US") of service.
Duncan, Alexander; F 29 Iowa Inf.; filed 1880 June 28, Invalid Appl. #388673, Cert. #244160. (MAD: enlisted 09 August 1862, Private, age 36, Union; Resided in Hawleyville, Page Co. IA)
Duncan, Henry M.; H 46 Ia. Inf.; 1888 Dec. 7, Invalid Appl. #681008, Cert. #444403, Iowa. (MAD: 1860 Page Co. IA census)
Duncan, John W., widow Duncan, Margarette; F 29 Iowa Inf.; 1876 Dec. 13, Invalid Appl. #228677, Cert. #157173; 1891 Nov. 18, Widow Appl. #532639, Cert. #354589, Kans. (MAD: enlisted 03 November 1862, Private, age 38, Union; Resided in Hawleyville; 1860 Page Co. IA)
Duncan, Omar; M 51 Iowa Inf.; 1900 June 23, Invalid(S) Appl. #1250496, Cert. #1291502, Iowa; remarks C3x9667? (blotted). (MAD: Page Co. IA census)
Duncan, Robert M., widow Duncan, Mary A., minor Duncan, Mary A., Gdn.; K 4 Iowa Inf.; 1863 July 7, Widow Appl. #26835, Cert. #9639; 1870 Jan. 21, Minor #183796, Cert. #141209. (MAD: enlisted 27 August 1862, Private, age 35, Union; Resided in Tarklo; 1860 Page Co. IA)
Duncan, Thomas, widow Duncan, Frances; M 11 MO Cav.; 1890 Sept. 15, Invalid Appl. #914088, Cert. #704855, Kans.; 1919 Jan. 11, Widow Appl. #1134058, Cert. #882630, Iowa; remarks XC2700811. (MAD: 1870 Page Co. IA; 1880 Phillips Co. KS; 1900 Jewell Co. KS; 1910 Page Co. IA)
1880 "History of Page County, Iowa : containing a history of the county, its cities, etc.; a biographical directory, war record, history of Iowa" pub. by Western Historical Co. (Los Angeles Public Library book R977.71 P13Hi)
Pg.360: Early Settlers ... 1845, followed by ... John Duncan, east of Braddyville ....
Pg.623: Duncan, John, farmer and stone-mason, section 14, 90 acres of land, P.O. College Springs; born in Indiana Co. PA, March 4, 1807. In April, 1867, he came to Page county with his family. Volunteered June 27, 1863, ... PA Volunteers .... He was married to Miss Lettie Reid, of Alleghany Co. PA, in February, 1832, by whom he has eight children, of whom only two are living: Belle and John R. His wife died February 20, 1867. He married Miss Mary A. Duncan, of Clarinda, September 14, 1869; this wife died on February 27, 1879. For fifty-three years of his life Mr. Duncan has been a member of the U.P. church. ...
Pg.631: Duncan, Daniel, farmer, section 13, P.O. Siam, Taylor Co.; born October 10, 1828, in Missouri. Came to Page county in the spring of 1845. Was married in November, 1853, to Miss Margaret Dillon, of Page county. By this union they became the parents of seven children: John T., Nancy E., Wilburn P., William A., Washington, Charles H. and Ada E. This wife died in January, 1868. He was married in October, 1870, by which marriage he has two children: Orie E. and Omer. He is an early settler and was subjected to all the privations to which the pioneer ofttimes becomes a victim. A further account of his services to the country is given in the early history of the county. (no other mention found in scan of "early history") (MAD: married Nodaway Co. MO)
"Biographical history of Page County, Iowa : containing portraits of all the presidents of the United States from Washington to Harrison, with accompanying biographies of each, a condensed history of Iowa, with portraits and biographies of the governors of the state, engravings of prominent citizens in Page County, with personal histories of many of the early settlers and leading families, and a concise history of the county, the cities, and the townships." (anonymous); pub. Chicago: Lewis & Dunbar, 1890, 898 pgs. (LH11539, HeritageQuest images 4/2007; FHL book 977.783 D3b and film 934,958 item 1 and 528,770)
Pg.245: 1845 - During this year came quite a number, ... Daniel and John Duncan.
Pg.313: 4th IA Cavalry, Co.K -- Privates, R.W. Duncan, killed.
Pg.314: 29th Iowa Infantry, Co.F, Privates: John W. Duncan, Alex. Duncan
Pg.753 (pg.752-753): ... Mr. and Mrs. George Berry have had three children: Andrew A., Anna R. and John W. Mr. Berry resided in Urbana, Ohio, until 1867, when he removed to Iowa and purchased eighty acres of land. ... Anna R. Berry married John Duncan in 1882, who is the subject of a sketch in this work. They have three children: Walter Roy and Agnes. They have a fine farm near College Springs.
Pg.834-835: JOHN W. DUNCAN is descended from a family of Scotch-Irish ancestry. His grandfather, Adam W. Duncan, was a farmer in Guernsey County, Ohio. John and Andrew, his sons who still survive, are residents of Guernsey County. Robert M. Duncan, the father of John W., was born in Londonderry, Guernsey County, Ohio, and was a blacksmith by trade; he was also interested in agricultural pursuits. He married Mary A. Alexander, a daughter of John Alexander, and they were the parents of four children: Jennie, Elizabeth, John W., and Robert Alexander, the youngest son. Mr. Duncan came to Iowa a few years after his marriage, and in 1858 he settled in Page County and began farming in Tarkio Township. He was a soldier in the civil war, and was killed at Vicksburg by the bursting of a shell before the siege began. His widow survived until February 27, 1879. They were both members of the United Presbyterian Church, and were honorable, industrious people.
John W. Duncan, the subject of this brief biography, was born in Page County, Iowa August 6, 1860, and was but two and a half years old at the time of his father's death. ... In 1869 his mother was married a second time to John T. Duncan, a native of Indiana County, Pennsylvania. (MAD: originally spelled "Pennsyvania.") He was also a soldier in the civil war, and was a member of the company that captured John Morgan in Ohio. ... member of United Presbyterian Church. He died in 1885, at the age of seventy-eight years.
In 1882 John W. Duncan was united in marriage to Miss Annie Berry, a daughter of George Berry of Amity Township (see sketch), and they have had born to them three children: George W., was born October 7, 1883; Robert L. was born August 12, 1885, and Agnes J. was born January 10, 1890. The parents are members of the United Presbyterian Church ...
1909 "History of Page County, Iowa : also biographical sketches of some prominent citizens of the county" Vol.2, by W.L. Kershaw, pub. by S.J. Clarke Pub. Co. (FHL book 977.778 H2k and FHL film 934,958 items 2-3)
Pg.347-8: OMAR DUNCAN, a mail carrier of Clarinda, is numbered among the worthy native sons of Page county, his birth having occurred here on the 15th of July, 1874. His father, Daniel Duncan, followed farming throughout his active business career and passed away on the 25th of October, 1908. The mother, who bore the maiden name of Nancy N. McFerrin, still survives, being a well known and esteemed resident of Clarinda. Omar Duncan ... 13th of June 1898 enlisted for service in the Spanish-American war, ...
Notarized Statement 16 Aug. 1940 before Yamhill Co. OR Notary Public (from Byron Merrill 10/1987, permission to post on web 1/2001)
We, Samuel Steen Duncan, born near Bellefontaine, Logan Co. OH, on 11 Sept. 1861, parents Andrew Duncan and Nancy Taylor (Steen) Duncan; and Ann Jane Duncan, b. near Williamsport, Lycoming Co. PA, on 2 May 1862, parents James McNerney and Mary (Cunningham) McNerney; residents of city of McMinnville, married at Council Bluffs, IA, on 12 Sept. 1883, have had 8 children:
Margaret Grace McCoy, dau. now deceased, b. near Clarinda, Page Co. IA, 22 Oct. 1884.
James Arnet Duncan, son b. near Osborne, Osborne Co. KS, 12 Oct. 1886, now resides McMinnville.
Mary Doris Bentley, dau. b. near Osborne, Osborne Co. KS, 7 Oct. 1888, now resides Seattle, WA.
Wilma Elizabeth Evans, dau. b. Carlton, Yamhill Co. OR, 22 April 1891, now resides West Salem, OR.
Theo Steen Murray, dau. b. Dayton, Yamhill Co. OR, 29 May 1896, now resides Portland, OR.
Charles Kenneth Duncan, son b. Dayton, Yamhill Co. OR, 3 Jan. 1899, now resides near Buell, Polk Co. OR.
Milton Verne Duncan, son b. McMinnville, Yamhill Co. OR, 14 Dec. 1901, now resides Lompoc, CA.
Leland Stuart Duncan, son b. Amity, Yamhill Co. OR, 17 March 1904, now resides McMinnville, OR.
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