Duncan research files of |
1830 Newton Co. GA Census Pg.12 John Campbell, George A. Blerson, Isaac Bentley, John H. Dunkin 1000,001 - 0100,101 William "Churell", John Churchell, Simeon Churchell, Jefferson Harris (MAD: ?? see John H. Dunkin witnessed 1833 Lumpkin Co. GA deed; see John & wife Hetty in 1850 Walker Co. AL census) 40 Samuel Duncan 0011,101 - 0021,001 1840 Newton Co. GA Census 147th District Pg.22 Samuel Duncan 1000,0101 - 0000,2000,1 Willis Duncan 0000,1 - 0001 (next to each other) 476th District Pg.49 Milton Waldron J?, Drusay West, James Plunkett, John L. Christian, Hannah Duncan 0001 - 0000,101 (MAD: mother of Phillip Duncan who mar. Emily Demarius Marbut 12/12/1843; 1850 DeKalb Co. GA census) William Plunkett, William Worsen, Cader Hambleton, Elijah L. Ellisson, Littleton Manning, Rebecca Franklin
1850 Newton Co. GA Census
Pg.433, #130, Berry GAY 30 (sic) GA farmer $600
Nancy 26 SC
Elias 17, Levi 16, Susan 14 GA
Jane 12, John 9, Martha 7 GA
(MAD: one Berry Gay mar. Anna Sevil Duncan 2/24/1842 Troup Co. GA; Berry Gay mar. Nancy Duncan 8/30/1849; Nancy perhaps Nancy S. Weldon who mar. Willis Duncan 1/9/1840, dau. of James Weldon per Madison Co. AL probate court record 10-356, 3 May 1843)
Pg.456, #438, Samuel DUNCAN 64 NC farmer $1200
Larenda (f) 34 SC
John 9, George W. 7 GA
Pattience E. SANDERS (f) 30 SC
(MAD: Elizabeth P. Duncan mar. William E. Landers 10/24/1839; written "Sanders", Patience Elizabeth Landers; John and George W. Duncan were children of Willis Duncan)
Pg.457, #440?, Simeon DUNCAN 36 SC none $0
Elizabeth 28 SC
Jefferson 13 SC
(MAD: Simeon Duncan mar. Elizabeth A. Simpson 2/13/1849; Simeon died 1860 Cherokee Co. AL, widow Elizabeth A.)
65th District
Pg.462, #519, Humphries WILLINGHAM 38 GA farmer $0
Hannah 33 SC
Jane 13, Eliza 11, William 9 GA
John 6, Elizabeth 4 GA
(MAD: one Humphries Willingham mar. Jane Duncan 11/10/1831 Jackson Co. GA)
Pg.484, #835, William R. DUNCAN 25 GA farmer $0
Sarah 23 SC
William 2/12 SC
(MAD: William R. Duncan mar. Sarah Ann Ford 11/23/1848 Elbert Co. GA; 1860 Henry Co. GA census, ditto marks for William's birthstate, next household all ditto marks; she & ch. in 1870 Clarke Co. GA)
1860 Newton Co. GA Census
Pg.423-4, #221-218, John COWAN 45 SC farmer $3000-$1040
Jennett 40 SC
William 21, Robert 16, James 14, Nancy J. 5 GA
Mary C. 2, not named (f) 2/12 GA
Geo. DUNCAN 16 GA farmer
E. GOFF (f) 30 GA
Pg.498, #757-718, Samuel DUNCAN 74 NC (blank) $0-$180
Lucinda 48 SC
Pg.557, #1188-1140, Mary DUNCAN 45 GA (blank) $0-$200
Henry M. 21 GA farmer $0-$250
Jeptha O? (D/H?) (m) 13 GA (written over initial)
(MAD: 1870 Clarke Co. GA census, children ? 1850 Elbert Co. GA census; perhaps Mary Nelhomes or Nelms, widow of Nathaniel Duncan of ? 1840 Elbert Co. GA census, children said to include William R. Duncan of 1850 Newton Co. GA census, one J.W. Duncan b. 5/10/1824, Sarah Ramindy or R. Amindy Duncan b.12/19/1827, Jessie A. Duncan of 1860 Randolph Co. GA census, Mary E. Duncan b.3/16/1833, Henry M. Duncan b. 9/11/1836, and Jephthy C. Duncan b. 6/10/1844)
Pg.581-2, #52-52, Boyce EIDSON 69 SC farmer $600-$248
Tabathsa (f) 47 SC
Enoch 18, Elder (m) 16, Edney (f) 12, Sarah 10 GA
Rouland 8, Emaly 6 GA
Elander DUNCAN (f) 84 SC pauper
(MAD: Seleatha Duncan mar. Boyce Edison 4/4/1844; 1850 Walton Co. GA census)
Snapping Sho
Pg.589, #21-21, William W. HARVEY 30 SC farmer $685-375
Louisa E. 27 GA
John Q. 5, Robert G. 4, Grizzdy J. (f) 3 GA
James D. 6/12 GA
John DUNCAN 19 GA farming
1870 Newton Co. GA Census
Subdivision 96, P.O. Covington
Pg.42, #944-66, JARBOE, Margaret 59 GA keeping house $700-$850
Charles S. 18 GA farming
DUNCAN, Lucinda 57 GA at home
LANDERS, Elizabeth 29 GA at home
Sarah 1/12 GA b.May
(MAD: 1860 Walton Co. GA census)
Subdivision 163, P.O. Conyers
Pg.126, #347-347, DUNCAN, John 28 GA farm work $0-$100
Margaret A. 26 GA keeping house
Willis (m) 11/12 GA b.July
CHESNUT, Martha 55 SC at home
James 21 GA farm work $0-$200
Subdivision 96, P.O. Sheffield
Pg.171, #1838-961, EIDSON, Tabatisey (f) 53 GA keeping house $0-$0
Elder C. (m) 26 GA farmer
Roland (m) 20 GA farm work
Sarah 17, Emily 15 GA farm work
DUNCAN, Margaret 28 GA farm work
Newton Co. GA Will Books (FHL film 325,733)
Book 1, 1823-1851, pg.176: 19 Dec. 1846, John A. Duncan; all my settlement of lands in Newton Co. to Simeon Duncan, Margarett Duncan, Patience E. Landers; also one lot of land in Randolph Co. and two lots in Cherokee and all my stock; on condition they maintain Lucinda Duncan during her natural life; and $170 or $180 to my father Samuel Duncan, the money that I loaned to him this day. All the money that I have due me except what I give to my father, to be collected by Simeon Duncan as my exec. and be equally (divided) between him Simeon Duncan, Margaret Duncan & Patience E. Landers. Wit. John J. Rabb, W.W. Holder, Reuben Woodruff; prob. 28 Dec. 1846 on oath of Reuben Woodruff and W.W. Holden.
Book 2, 1851-1871 - no Duncan
Newton Co. GA Ordinary Court Minutes 1838-1851 (FHL film 325,735)
MAD: no index, looked 1844 to page 113 at start of 1845
Pg.103: May 6, 1844, Simeon Duncan appt. admin. of estate of Willis Duncan decd, bond of $1,000, securities Samuel Duncan and Harry Camp; appraisers to be Samuel Thompson, B.O.W. Whatley, James Glass, John P. Austin and David Thompson.
Pg.107, Sept. 2, 1844, inventory and sale bill on estate of Willis Duncan decd retd. by Simeon Duncan, to be recorded.
Pg.108: Sept. 2, 1844, Samuel Duncan appointed guardian of John A. Duncan and George W. Duncan, minor orphans of Willis Duncan decd, bond $800, surety Isaac P. Henderson.
Newton Co. GA Ordinary Court, Annual Returns
Book 1, 1822-1827 - no index (FHL film 325,749)
Book 2, 1827-1837 - no Duncan (FHL film 325,749)
Book 3, 1837-1845 (FHL film 325,750)
3-620: Inventory of property of Willis Duncan decd, 10 May 1844, includes cow, horse, bed & furniture, etc.; accounts due the estate Aug. 1843 include James Glass, Jos. Maddox, Elisha H. Smith, John H. Austin, Matthew Moseby, David Smith, John Dabney, Harry Camp, Joseph Smith, Samuel Gillispey, John Cowen, B.O.W. Whatley, 9/3/1842 James Y. Thompson, 1843 and 1842 Samuel Duncan, and many others; appraisers B.O.W. Whatley, John P. Austin, Samuel and David Thompson.
3-622: Sale of estate of Willis Duncan decd, July 12, 1844; purchasers include Samuel Duncan, David Thompson, John Cowen (furniture and Bible) and others; submitted by Simeon Duncan, admin.
3-675: Account by Simeon Duncan, admin. of estate of Willis Duncan, incl. payments to various people; rec. May 16, 1845.
Book 4, 1845-1850 (FHL film 325,750)
4-51: Simeon Duncan admin. of estate of Willis Duncan decd, returned list of insolvent accounts and notes, incl. "Samuel Duncan act out of date."; amounts paid out incl. Saml. Duncan ga. [guardian] of minors May 10, 1846 & May 27, 1845; paid May 15, 1846 Nancy S. Duncan (widow) and May 17, 1845 same; and other payments; rec. Aug. 1846.
4-105: Samuel Duncan gdn. of Willis Duncans orphans; account shows amounts recd. of Simeon Duncan May 27, 1845, May 10, 1846, and Feb. 25, 1847 "(as insolvent paupers)"; recorded March 16, 1847.
4-180: Account of estate of Willis Duncan decd by Simeon Duncan, admin, incl. payments to Nancy T. Duncan Aug. 22, 1846; A.W. Evans DCCD Feb. 28, 1847; Wm. D. Sucker fees & adv. Jan. 14, 1847; Nancy Duncan in notes and accts due Feb. 19, 1847; Samuel Duncan gdn. in fi fas, notes & accts due estate and considered doubtful Feb. 25, 1847; recorded Aug. 1847.
4-200: Appraisal of estate of John A. Duncan decd, incl. horse & saddle etc., "fancy" bedstead, bed & furniture, large looking glass, cash $50, tract 215 acres on Yellow River, 202-1/2 acres in Randolph Co. lot #75 in 7th Dist., Walker Co. lot #69 in 12th Dist. 160 acres, Lumpkin Co. 40 acres in 15th Dist., note on Samuel Duncan, interest of undernamed articles the one half of which belongs to Simeon Duncan (farm animals and gear); /s/ David Thompson, John R. Austin, Joseph Maddux, James Y. Thompson, appraisers, dated 5 March 1847.
4-228: Account by Samuel Duncan, guardian, of minor orphans of Willis Duncan decd, incl. board and clothing of John A. Duncan to 25 Dec. 1847; rec. 13 March 1848.
4-491: Account by Samuel Duncan, guardian of orphans of Willis Duncan, incl. tuition of John A. Duncan 1848, taxes and board and clothing for John A. Duncan 1848, etc.; rec. March 1849.
4-587: Estate of John A. Duncan decd, Simeon Duncan exec; payments to various people, not copied; incl. receipt of note by Willis Duncan to S. Duncan; rec. Jan. 1850.
4-603: Orphans of Willis Duncan, Samuel Duncan guardian, payment of 1849 taxes and tuition of John Duncan; rec. March 1850.
Book 5, 1849-1854 (FHL film 325,751)
5-67: Estate of John A. Duncan by Simeon Duncan, incl. travel to Randolph Co. to sell land, Dade Co. and examining land of estate, Lumpkin Co. to sell land, and Randolph Co. for a claim on Thomas Davis' estate; received $280 from Thomas Davis estate, rec. July 1851; and received from sale of land in Randolph Co. Dec. 3, 1850, and Lumpkin Co. 3 March 1850; rec. July 1851. (MAD: Dade Co. formed 1837 from Walker Co.)
Book 6, 1854-1856 - no Duncan (FHL film 325,751)
Book 7, 1857-1857 - no Duncan (FHL film 325,752)
Book 8, 1857-1860 (FHL film 325,752)
8-627: George W. Duncan minor, account of John Cowin guardian, amount Jan. 1859 paid for ordinary fees, other amounts incl. Geo. W. Coxwell; returned April 4, 1861; includes bill from Dr. Geo. W. Coxwell headed Randolph Co. GA on Geo. W. Duncan who lives out of the county, for medicine and "Pres", Sept. 22 to Sept. 27.
8-628: Inventory and appraisal of estate of Philip Duncan decd, incl. negro man Burt valued at $1150; appraisers John W. Tuggle, Joel Aycock, E.T. Chapman, S. Mayfield, dated 6 March 1861.
Newton Co. GA Administrators Bonds, 1852-1876 (FHL film 325,746 part 2)
Pg.213: 4 March 1861, Admin. bond for $2500 of John P. Marbut, as admin. of Phillip Duncan, securities Bur. J. Marbut and Jacob Chupp.
Newton Co. GA Court of Ordinary Bonds
Administrators & guardian bonds 1822-1851 - no index (FHL film 325,744)
Administrators Bonds 1830-1840; no book 1840-1852 (FHL film 325,746)
1830-1840 - no index
1852-1876 - not looked at
Newton Co. GA Inferior Court Records
Court records 1822-1829 (FHL film 325,736)
Pg.231: Petition by Robert B. Duncan, Perry E. Duncan and Alexander Sloan, merchants trading under name of Robert B. Duncan & Co., that Jonathan Walker of Newton Co. owes them $400; summons issued 15 June 1826; more not copied. (MAD: see Greenville Co. SC)
Pg.334: Petition by Robert B. Duncan, Perry E. Duncan and Alexander Sloan, merchants trading under name of Robert B. Duncan & Co., that Pendleton F. Bedell owes them $400; summons issued 9 May 1827.
Court records 1829-1839 - no Duncan plaintiff or defendant (FHL film 325,736)
Vol.B, 1838-1846 & notes recd in 1866; Minutes v.3 1852-1863 - not looked at (FHL film 325,737)
GA Land Lotteries; Newton Co. GA
Name, lottery year, militia district & county of residence, draw
Duncan, John, 1821, of Duncans Dist., Franklin Co.), drew lot #296 in Sec.16, Henry Co. (MAD: later DeKalb and Newton Co.)
Duncan, John A., 1832, of Nesbit's Militia Dist., Newton Co., drew land lot in Dist.12 Sec.4, Walker Co.
Duncan, Samuel A. / John A., 1832, of Nesbits Militia Dist., Newton Co., drew gold lot #448 in Dist.19, Sec.2, Cherokee Purchase (MAD: later Cobb Co.)
Duncan, Samuel, 1832, of Nesbits Militia Dist., Newton Co., drew gold lot #454 in Dist.15, Sec.1, Cherokee Purchase (MAD: later Lumpkin Co.)
Duncan, Samuel, 1832, of Nesbits Militia Dist., Newton Co., drew gold lot #219 in Dist.15, Sec.2, Cherokee Purchase (MAD: later Lumpkin Co.)
Duncan, Willy (or Willis), 1832, of Nesbits Militia Dist., Newton Co., drew gold lot #1041 in Dist.15, Sec.2, Cherokee Purchase (MAD: later Lumpkin Co.)
Newton Co. GA Deeds (index on FHL film 325,768)
A-441: 14 July 1824, John (JB) Brooks of Newton Co. GA to Samuel Duncan of Twiggs Co. GA, $800, lot 31 in 10th Dist. Henry Co. now Newton Co. Wit. Robert Rabb, John Harbeson JP. (FHL film 325,771)
K-530: 17 Nov. 1854, Simeon Duncan of Newton Co. GA to John W. Spear of same, $500, 80 acres, part of lot 32 in Henry Co. now Newton Co. whereon Simeon Duncan now resides. Wit. B.O.W. Whatley, Lucious A. Whatley, Reuben Woodruff JP. (FHL film 325,776)
L-550: 19 Nov. 1858, Samuel Duncan to John S. Weaver, both Newton Co. GA, $800, lot #31 on waters of Yellow River whereon Samuel Duncan now lives, 202-1/2 acres. Wit. R.F. Woodruff, Reuben Woodruff; rec. on oath of Reuben Woodruff 31 March 1860. (FHL film 325,776)
Cherokee Co. GA Deeds
B-86: 5 April 1834, Samuel Duncan of Newton Co. GA to Simeon Duncan of same, $500, 40 acres in Cherokee Co., lot 219, 15th Dist., 2nd Sec. Wit. Willis Duncan, Bow? Whatley JP. No wife. (FHL film 325,883)
C-183: Newton Co., 18 Jan. 1836, Azariah B. Middlebrooks of Newton Co. to John P. Winn of Cherokee Co., $300, LL #1215 in 15th Dist., 2nd Sec., 40 acres more or less, originally drawn by and granted Azariah B. Middlebrooks; wit. Simeon Duncan, John N. Williamson; rec. 24 June 1837. (pg.65, Vol.3, "Cherokee Co. GA Land Records" by Wyndell O. Taylor; FHL book 975.8253 R28t)
IJ-44: 23 Feb. 1838, Willis Duncan of Newton Co. GA to David Rusk Sr. of Cherokee Co., $100, lot 1041, 40 acres. Wit. Patrick Byrns, Reuben Woodruff. (FHL film 325,887)
K-23: 1 April 1848, Simeon Duncan of Newton Co. GA to Felix Moss of Cherokee Co., $25, lot 219, 15th Dist. 2nd Sec. Wit. John H. Williamson, Columbus D. Pace JP. (FHL film 325,887)
Henry Co. GA Deeds (FHL film 175,362)
J-363: Newton Co., 4 April 1840, Jesse Oslin of afsd. Co. to James D. Roseberry of Henry Co., $5, "all that land cleared and under fence" including the fence, belonging to #81 in 8th District Henry Co., 2 acres, being the part I cleared on said #81; wit. Willis Duncan, James Read JP; rec. 27 Nov. 1840.
J-363 (2nd): 25 Nov. 1840, James D. Roseberry to Alexander Lemon, $10, 2 acres of #81, land cleared and under fence; wit. Edward F. Knott, James Knott; rec. 27 Nov. 1840.
Houston Co. GA Deeds (FHL film 295,961)
F-605: 28 Jan. 1835, Simeon Duncan of Newnan (sic) Co. GA to William Barker Jr. of Houston Co. GA, $100, lot 17 in Dist. 9, which was drawn by Simeon Duncan of this county. Wit. B.O.W. Whatley, JP. (MAD: does not say "drawn by said Simeon Duncan"; believe this should have read "drawn by Samuel Duncan".)
F-606: 20 Sept. 1834, Samuel Duncan of Newton Co. GA to Simeon Duncan, of same, $100, 202-1/2 acres, being lot 17 in Dist. 9, drawn by said Samuel Duncan. Wit. M.J. Whately, B.O.W. Whatley JP.
Lumpkin Co. GA Deeds
B-11: 15 April 1834, Samuel Duncan of Newton Co. GA to John A. Duncan of same, $200, lot #454 in 15th Dist. 1st Sec., 40 acres, in Cherokee Co. when surveyed. Wit. Willis Duncan, B. Owwhatly? JP. (FHL film 281,680)
K-446: 6 May 1851, Inferior Court of Newton Co. GA, in 1850, on application of Simeon Duncan, exec. of will of John A. Duncan late of Newton Co. GA, decd; Simon Duncan to sell at public sale; sold 6 May 1851 to Enos Barnes, the highest bidder, for $8.50, lot #454, 40 acres, in 15th Dist. 1st Sec. orig. Cherokee Co. Wit. W. Boyd, A.J. Taylor. (FHL film 281,686)
Randolph Co. GA Deeds
CD-509: 12 Aug. 1839, Henry P. Thomas of Guinett Co. GA to John A. Duncan of Newton Co. GA, $150, Lot 75 in Dist. 7, 202 acres, grant to Moses Beard of Frosts Dist., Clarke Co.; wit. Thos. H. Moore, Jno. P. Hutchins JIC. (FHL film 271,216)
H-748: 3 Dec. 1850, Whereas Newton Co. GA Inferior Court of Ordinary on the 1st Monday in September, 1850, on application of Simeon Duncan, exec. of John A. Duncan decd, passed an order to sell real estate ... to highest bidder ... sold 3 Dec. 1850 to Leroy Jenkins of Randolph Co. GA for $280, lot 75 in Dist. 7. Wit. Thomas L. Geares, Lewis A. Goneke NP. (FHL film 271,219)
"Roster of Confederate Soldiers of GA 1861-1865" by Lillian Henderson, Director of the State Division of Confederate Pensions and Records for the state of Georgia, 6 vols. (FHL book 975.8 M22h)
3:857: 35th Regiment GA Volunteer Infantry, Army of Northern VA; Co.B, Bartow Avengers, Newton Co. GA: Robert S. Duncan, Private, Sept. 21, 1861; detailed in Ordnance Dept. June 1864; surrendered at Appomattox, VA, April 9, 1865. (Born in GA.)
5:546: 53rd Regiment GA Infantry, Army of Northern VA; Co.B, South River Farmers, Newton Co. GA: John A. Duncan, Private, May 1, 1862; captured at Knoxville, TN, Dec. 4, 1863; released at Rock Island, IL, June 18, 1865.
6:409: 63rd Regiment GA Volunteer Infantry; Co.C, Misc. counties, GA: H.M. Duncan, Private, Jan. 26, 1863; died while on sick furlough, Dec. 22, 1863. (MAD: ?? see Henry M. Duncan in 1860 Newton Co. GA)
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